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Now a days flat screen TV’s

White board and green board
As a future educator, I can contribute to a face-to-face and Projectors are used to
were used to discuss lessons.
learning environment by providing students with a safe, honest, discuss lessons.
and conducive classroom environment in which everyone is free Manila paper were used as
Now we use flat screen TV’s
to ask questions and participate in class. I will encourage learning material for reporting,
and Projectors to present our
topics of the lesson are
students to share their ideas, interact with them, and provide Power Point Presentation of our
handwritten and posted on the
constructive feedback on their output and performance. reporting topics.
green board.
Furthermore, because we are following a new curriculum, I Activities were given after each
believe I will be able to use a variety of teaching strategies that Now activities are posted,
discussion and are submitted
submitted, and announced
will greatly benefit and assist in a face-to-face learning either handwritten in notebooks
online in Google Classroom or
environment. I believe I can use technology to engage my or bond paper, personally to the
any e-Learning platforms.
students in class while also encouraging them to reflect on and teacher.
Now we have Zoom and
investigate their learning. Moreover, I will allow students to Classes were done in
Google Meet were virtual
work both independently and in groups to create and develop classrooms all the time.
classes take place.
their social, creative, and analytical thinking skills to get a better Gathering information requires
result from their task output. Now we have gadgets and
you to go to library to browse
internet to browse easily.
I believe that changes in the face-to-face learning
The most significant changes I believe I can make are to the
environment are primarily due to technology, which brings
overall layout of the classroom; I intend to use available
together tools to promote development, use, and information
technologies to make my classroom more creative and conducive.
exchange, with the primary goal of making tasks easier and
I believe that I should concentrate on things that reduce
solving many problems of mankind, because of the
distractions in the classroom environment and help student
incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides
effective learning environments.
Yes, I believe that if the classroom is conducive,
distractions within the classroom are reduced, students
The noisy environment, as well as the overcrowding of
will continuously absorb the knowledge and learning we partake
students in and out of the classroom and the fact that there are only
to them, and thus may effectively and efficiently learn how to
a few classrooms to use or facilities available for students to learn.
reflect and explore on their own way the new knowledge they
By establishing and enforcing rules and policies that student
How to help minimize overcrowding of Students? need to follow and be mindful of in order to achieve an orderly,
positive and relaxing classroom environment.
Yes Because no one likes to learn in a disorganized
classroom, this will not only enable me to enhance my teaching
Developing ways to make sure that my students internalized
but will also allow me to be more focused on my discussion and
the rules and policies of my class, for example reminding and
provide a better learning experience to my students. Not only am
spontaneously asking them what our rules and policies are, so that
I focused by my students as well, with a peaceful and well-
they will effectively remember them.
organized environment they will also be able to focus inside the
The space in the classroom were more than enough for the
learners to move about and for the instructor to roam around and Yes, since rules and procedures are needed for an orderly
assist them. The room arrangement is that the teacher table is on classroom. These are observable in the classroom since the
the right side corner, there is four rows of tables and chairs lined instructor in the classroom that we observed is approachable and
up on the right side, while on the left side are two rows of is willing to understand and assist her students; the classroom
computer sets used for CAD activities, a flat screen TV is atmosphere is based on trust, cooperation and empathy, since
mounted in front of the class and the right side of the room have the instructor is oozing of positivity she herself is a model which
jalousie windows which gives adequate light and ventilates the shows students positive attitude, respectful behavior and
room, shelves and unusable and usable chairs are at the back of constructive actions, I believe that what educators show to
the classroom. The visual displays were mostly art works of students will adapt and also show to them as a way of respect,
students and pictures of previous activities of the classroom and the students also avoid ridicule, sarcasm, superiority in the
the school, which gives the students an insight of what industrial classroom since they are all learning in the same way and in the
students do. The classroom premises is safe and free from same phase, the instructor is very open and approachable with
hazard since all hazardous objects are collected and stored students ideas and expressing their thoughts are highly
elsewhere. Learners are comfortable and the room is well lit and encouraged.

There is a positive interaction within the classroom since

the instructor is approachable and open with ideas, the students
are comfortable to ask question and express themselves. There is
no outdoor activities but inside activities highly fosters
friendship, camaraderie and cooperation within the class. There
individual needs and differences are considered by their
instructor putting first their well-being and situations.
I have observed and identified that the easy things to
implement in the virtual class is that , virtual class will be
recorded, raising of hand (a function in virtual class application)
is necessary when students want to ask or have concerns to be
expressed, taking of screenshot as documentation for online class
and requiring students to turn on their cameras during the
screenshot/documentation is a must, and turning off/mute their
speakers so that the class will be focused in the discussion and
will not be noisy.
 It was critical to define online security for students so they
know what to avoid and report when doing online classwork.
This understanding provides students with the knowledge and
They followed every instruction and showed their
skills they will need in the future to develop secure online habits.
respect towards the rules and policies that the teacher
It also instructs. Students will learn how to use the internet
painstakingly implemented.
responsibly and ethically, which will help them stay safe even
when they are not doing schoolwork. This, in my opinion, is
Teaching in a virtual learning environment will be
exciting and interesting for me because I will be able to present
my lessons using a variety of software apps and online tools.
Adaptability Struggle, Technical Issues, Computer
However, I believe virtual teaching is difficult because I only
Literacy, Time Management and Self-Motivation.
have a basic understanding of how to use digital learning
platforms. As a result, in order to learn how to use those apps,
I'll have to attend webinars or seminars.
The most important thing, according to experts, is to stay in
touch with students and keep them up to date on what’s going on
the students too need to keep the teacher up to date of their
situation, problems and concerns in terms of learning online, so
Students with a "traditional" mindset find it difficult to
the the teachers can understand and accommodate them
adapt; however, they must accept the new learning
for  recording course sessions as a way so that students who
circumstances with an open mind and heart. Understanding the
couldn’t attend the virtual class because of technical issues can
benefits of eLearning and even discussing them with peers may
still be up to date with the discussion. Encouraging students to do
help to change this mindset and better prepare students for
their best and avoiding distractions; reminding students to avoid
online classes. In addition, a strong innovation integration
anything that might interfere with their learning. There are
strategy should be implemented.
several aspects in which you can engage and communicate with
students. To make sure students don’t miss live lectures or
sessions, make sure to plan and stick to class schedule and make
announcements 1 day before the class is scheduled.


Facilitation of students during a group activity and Keeping track of time as well as tallying their scores.

A massive online teacher resource bank A web-based assessment tool that allows A simple quiz app that allows teachers to
contains thousands of lesson plans teachers to provide immediate or real- monitor and evaluate student learning
organized by subject, learning objective, time feedback to students on Google while saving time. Socrative allows you
grade level, and theme. These documents, PDFs, or other uploaded to create multiple-choice, true/false, and
Kindergarten to 12th grade lesson plans is
work. Teachers can also upload their own
ideal for any teacher looking for
rubrics or other resources to make the short-answer questions, as well as provide
developed, clear, and well-organized
assessment more interactive and results and student experience reports. It's
lesson plans. Because it contains over 500
discussion based. Feedback is ideal for 6- ideal for any 6-12 teacher who wants to
different fiction and literature resources,
12 teachers looking to develop deeper improve their assessments.
this website will be especially useful for
relationships with their students.
English teachers!
This website is a great resource for K-8
A free website with a variety of features teachers because it contains videos and
The classic interactive and fun quiz style
and platforms for monitoring, managing, content that are perfect for quick brain
game is a student favorite. Kahoot allows
and improving student behavior and breaks and mini-lessons. The videos
you to create your own assessment,
learning. It includes messaging apps that emphasize physical activity and total
design your own questions, and receive
can be linked to both students and student engagement while remaining
immediate feedback. This is, without a
families, as well as incentivized learning educational and content driven.
doubt, a teacher classic. It's great for in-
opportunities. This tool is ideal for 6-12 GoNoodle is a great way for younger
person and online learning, but it's
teachers who want to improve classroom students to relax while staying focused on
especially enjoyable in the classroom.
management and engagement. their studies. Their YouTube channel is
also rich in content.
A video focused platform that allows
teachers to upload or select their own
YouTube video and then have students Hundreds of reading passages, exercises,
respond to it. Teachers can create quizzes and worksheets designed to keep students
or tests using the video and receive Large database of no-nonsense, engaged while also helping them develop
immediate feedback. Edpuzzle also uncomplicated lesson plans for grades K- critical reading skills and comprehension.
promotes student accountability by 12, with a special emphasis on Math due It is simple to use and adaptable, making
allowing teachers to see whether students to its massive collection of lesson plans it appropriate for both in-person and
are watching the videos, how many times ranging from primary to high school distance learning. Because it has
they've watched each section, and math. Ideal for both new and experienced materials for students in grades K-12, we
whether the content is understood. This teachers looking for fundamental lessons! recommend ReadTheory to any teacher
product is ideal for distance learning or looking to improve their students' reading
teachers in grades 6-12 who want to skills.
incorporate more visual media into their
Classic flashcard and quiz-based website
that is useful for individual or class-wide
test reviews, informal assessments, or
quick checks for understanding. Make
your own quizlet or choose one from the
extensive library of pre-existing reviews.
Quizlet is ideal for 6-12 educators
looking for more online resources to help
students understand difficult concepts and
build academic vocabulary.

 The problems I encountered are that students are easily distracted.

 Some use their phones to browse at their social media while listening.

I was relieved because, despite the fact that is was my first time the student cooperated with little problems
encountered ion my part and in went smoothly.

They followed and listened to my instructions.

She said that we did well, although we still need a lot of exposure, improvement, and practice.

My Resource Teacher's feedback on the classroom routines is to improve and maintain more of them. Aside
from that, she was pleased that I had completed the assignment.

The implementation of classroom routines has resulted in a change in the classroom environment; the class
flow was somewhat smoother.

My Resource Teacher's feedback on the classroom routines is to improve and maintain more of them. Aside
from that, she was pleased that I had completed the assignment.

The student’s easy distracted demeanor was the factor.

Classroom management has improved noticeably, and as the class progresses, everything becomes more
organized, and the students become more participative and active.

Yes, because of the learners' cooperation, order, and participation, the teaching-learning process has

First of all, I gained my Resource Teacher's feedback on classroom routines provided me with the
insights I needed during this learning episode. It is to continue improving more classroom routines because
it will be beneficial in the future. It also gives me a general idea of how to interact with my students while
implementing the developed routines and procedures. In addition, I learned some techniques for attracting
the attention of students both in person and online.

The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines were easy to deal with,
especially since I have the help of my resource instructor and the students who participated, everything
went smoothly.

I hope to address these problems and challenges by strengthening and bringing out the best ideas of the
students while also practicing communication skills, organizational skills, and professionalism.

Some strategies/methods I can use to improve my classroom routines include incorporating fun and
engaging activities that will activate the fun and excitement of the students as we progress through our
class, allowing students to absorb more knowledge through memorable activities.

“Development of Engaging and Communicative Classroom Routines for Learners to Enable Knowledge
Acquisition and Internalization Through Fun Activities”

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I intend to create a learning environment that is safe, enjoyable, and cooperative. Discipline
will be implemented as soon as possible and as required. Every student in my class will have a
fresh start every day, energized and motivated. Each student will receive a one-on-one attention
or assistance for them to learn properly and be success in doing their activities. Also, to be always
open for ideas and express them though after each discussion.

To ensure the discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as:

 To show respect when you see a teacher by greeting them.

 Raise your hand if you want to speak or answer.
 To pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
 Keep quite when the teacher is speaking.
 Always maintain a clean classroom.
 Be considerate of your classmates.
 Be participative and cooperative.
 Stick to the seating arrangement.
 Be punctual and time conscious.
 Be alert and prepared for class.
 Finish your activities on time.
 Take part in the discussions.
 Obey all school regulations.
 Honesty is the best policy.
 Avoid using bad words.
 Use positive language.
 No fighting.

I will treat my students fairly and with respect to maintain positive relationships with them.
I'll teach them morality and how to respect others. When interacting, I find that using positive
words is more effective. I'll teach them how to speak as well as listen. I'll remind them that I'm
their teacher and they're my students, so they must keep me updated on any changes.

In terms of time and scheduling, I will organize my class schedule based on the agreement
my co-teachers and I reached. I should always consider the perspectives of my coworkers and
students. To keep my students' attention on the task at hand, I will make every part of my lesson
interesting and interactive. I should always draw all of my students' attention, even those in the
back. I should also consider their emotions and circumstances.
To create a conducive learning environment in my classroom, I will provide materials that
will aid in the growth and development of my students. I'll also include some of the technology
that we'll be using in class on a daily basis. Furthermore, in my classroom, I will eliminate all
sources of distraction and stress.

To ensure my students' safety and security, I will provide a medicine or first aid kit in case
someone is hurt and is not feeling well. Aside from that, I will get rid of any potentially hazardous
items. The classroom should have two doors and a fire extinguisher for security reasons.

I intend to impose class rules and procedures that me and my students agree with and that
they are accountable for their actions, for those who follow, and do well rewards are as due as
well as punishments for those who are not following. For rewards additional points and for
punishment is cleaning duty and assistantship of teacher so that I can have a time alone with the
stubborn student and so that I can better understand his/her personality.

Utilization of student’s information is needed it is, because having a variety of possible options for what policies and
procedures are better for students will enable me as a teacher to have a successful classroom management strategy for students
of different backgrounds.

The most significant lesson I've learned from implementing my plan is that organization and management of the classroom
depend on planning. The classroom management plan helps students concentrate on what they are learning and comprehend
what is expected of them. The provision of a safe and effective learning environment while minimizing distractions within our
school is one of the main objectives of this plan.

No, and I think that to be a  good teacher, I should focus on the materials that they will actually use rather than items that
will be displayed in the classroom for aesthetic purposes.

The cleanliness of the classroom and the students' moral character were mostly followed; respecting teachers and students,
using positive language, and so on.

Being punctual was the hardest part of my strategy to carry out because some students have multiple home choirs and that
they live far.

I recognize the value of having a management plan for the classroom. It serves to help students develop their minds so they
can have good moral character, in addition to reminding them of their academic obligations. Students will be able to concentrate
better on their studies because there are no outside distractions.

The problems/challenges I encountered while writing my classroom management plan are diverse; some of them have
household roles that may have an impact on the Classroom Management Plan and the fact that some lived far away and take
hours to travel.

By proposing an action research project on the subject, I hope to address these issues and challenges. I believe it will also
help if I consult with other teachers about my plan and solicit their feedback and suggestions.

Some strategies/solutions/means that I can use to improve these situations/problems include soliciting feedback on these
issues from other teachers and conducting action research on how to resolve this issue. Furthermore, I will question my students
on the subject and invite them to share their thoughts and opinions. If necessary, I will try to readjust and revise my strategy.

Based on my responses to questions 1-3, the potential title of my action research for this episode is "Developing an Efficient
Classroom Management Strategy for Students with Different Circumstances."

Planning Classroom
Management: A Five-Step
Process to Creating a Positive
Learning Environment
By: Karen Bosch

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;

 define what is drafting;
 determine and value the use of drafting; and
 apply the basic skills in the field of drafting

 Lesson 1: Introduction to Drafting

- Drafting Career
- Introduction to Drafting
- Get to know more about Drafting
- Importance of Drafting
- Major Kinds of Drafting
- Who uses Drafting?
- Basic Drafting Skills and Practice
 Learning Activity: will consist of 10 item multiple choices and 10 item of true or false. Which all answers are
discussed during the discussion of the topic.
 Collaborative Activity: students will be grouped in order to discuss and brainstorm the different careers for

 Flat Screen TV/Projector

 Laptop
 AD112: DRAFTING Fundamentals and Theory of Design (Google Site)/Power Point Presentation
 Internet

To start off:
 First, I will say my greeting to my class,
 Ask someone or choose someone to lead the prayer and,
 Then check their attendance.

I will then start my lecture by:

 Introducing the Lesson 1 which is INTRODUCTION TO DRAFTING

After my lecture on the topic INTRODUCTION TO DRAFTING, at the end there will be a,
 Learning Activity and
 Collaborative Activity.

This activity I will use to assess and determine if my students has learned and understood my lecture.

The relevant topics that I need to discuss to make sure

How and what topic I should choose how to
that the students will absorb relevant and significant
organize and create a smooth flow lesson plan.
knowledge that they can use.
For me the best part of my lesson plan are the
Due to a lack of time and a hectic schedule, my
activities I came up with not only will it test what they
resource teacher was unable to review my draft lesson plan.
learn but also it will enable them to socialize with their
But she's overjoyed that I passed the semi-intensive lesson.
classmates through collaborating or cooperating in
I'm also confident that I can improve my learning strategy.
group activities.
I placed examples such as picture and videos and I
For me the best part of my lesson plan are the activities
also made clear definition of the topics as well as
I came up with not only will it test what they learn but also it
simplifies it for better understanding of the students
will enable them to socialize with their classmates through
and for an easy understanding, flow, and absorption of
collaborating or cooperating in group activities.
Yes, I used the English and Bisaya language for me to Since the topic is about Drafting there was no
better explain and convey the lesson. In addition, I will not opportunity for me to respond to diverse types of
use language that is biased against any of the students. students, I only catered their questions and concerns
during the procedure.
AD112: DRAFTING Fundamentals and Theory of Design Yes, since all information are found on the
(Google Site) presentation and the only way for the students to answer the activity is if they read through or listen
fundamentals-a/home throughout the discussion.
Lower-order and higher-order thinking skills I will employ the following instructional strategies to
questions are the types and levels of questions I formulate. In deliver this lesson via remote learning or face-to-face:
my lesson, here are some examples of higher order thinking  Video presentations - because they help
skills questions: students learn all subjects, but particularly
 It is used for the study of all texts that teach drafting those that are complex and/or highly visual,
such as step-by-step procedures, problem-
techniques, in which the trainee is required to
solving, and math formulas.
 Collaborative activities - can be an effective
way of motivating students, encouraging active
prepare drawings or architectural plates. learning, and developing critical-thinking,
communication, and decision-making skills.
 What is the different Career for Drafters?  Written assessment - enables students to
demonstrate their abilities and knowledge
while also indicating their progress toward
meeting educational goals and standards.
It's probably between 6 and 8. I believe that my learning I created this lesson, which can be used in both
plan will still needs to be improved, and that I have a lot to face-to-face and online classes. In an online class, I will
learn, especially about how I will present my lessons and set up a breakout room where each group can
create activities that cater to the learners' individual learning collaborate and devise strategies for completing the
needs. learning activities task.
Lesson planning is an essential component of the instructional cycle because it allows teachers to plan ahead of
time what they want their students to learn, what teaching and learning activities they will use, and how they will assess
understanding. It also enables teachers to concentrate on what they require for their lesson, what they want to teach,
and it establishes a time frame for what must be completed.
The difficulties in writing my learning lesson plans arose as I considered how I would present the lesson and which
learning resources I would use. Because the class will be held online, I was having difficulty coming up with instructional
strategies and learning resources that would not bore or disengage the students. It was difficult to incorporate
appropriate learning resources that would meet the individual needs of the students.
By interviewing some teachers about the instructional strategies and learning resources they used in their online
classes, I hope to address these issues and challenges. In addition, I intend to attend webinars on various instructional
strategies and learning resources that I can implement in my classroom. This will give me knowledge of additional
strategies or techniques that will improve my class's learning experience.
I intend to use the strategies I've included in my lesson plan, especially the use of video presentations, when
discussing my lesson as some strategies/solutions/means that I can use to improve these situations/problems.

AD112: DRAFTING Fundamentals and Theory of Design (Google Site)

As teachers incorporate a variety of strategies to engage

students, evaluate progress, and support learning and
understanding, all while thinking about the students on the
receiving end, creating a plan is a process that is both creative and
critical. It's a time when teachers picture every component of the
puzzle and consider how it will come together to create a
successful learning experience.

Planning lessons in advance allows teachers to arrive at class

each day prepared to introduce new ideas and facilitate engaging
discussions rather than improvising as they go. Without a lesson
plan, students may lose interest quickly, and teachers may find
themselves unsure of what to do next.

Warm up activities PowerPoint presentation Learning scope PowerPoint presentation

Review of the previous From easy to more

PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
lesson complex

Examples and guided Sample pictures and theory Skills practices/ Group Presentation and
practices from textbook Performance Task collaboration

Automatic grading, Pre-Test and Oral

Class Attendance Learning Activity Sheet
recitations Recitation

Learning Activities/
Google Classroom

Students reacted differently to various activities and instructions. Some

students asked questions and actively participated by sharing their ideas and
insights. Of course, some students were shy and preferred group and pair

Yes, students were all paying attention because I had somehow piqued their
interest at the start of the lesson. 

New learnings can be applied and related to what they already know. Students
can concentrate on the relevance of new knowledge to prior knowledge.
Learners can then generalize, reflect on, and self-explain the concepts and ideas
they have learned and know. They can also identify the gaps between their
prior knowledge and the new knowledge.

Yes, there were students who needed help, which is why I used pair and group
activities. Students who were shy and unconfident about asking questions and
sharing ideas during discussions can now do so during peer teaching and group
As a student teacher, I was able to provide opportunities for students to
collaborate and learn from one another, allowing them to apply concepts
learned in real life, such as collaboration and multidisciplinary teamwork. I was
also able to create activities that link deeper relationships and similar idea
Students responded positively to my feedback; they accepted my opinions and
suggestions on how to improve their outputs based on my constructive
criticisms wholeheartedly.

I was able to know that students had retention of learning because they were
able to answer the activities given to them.

The problem/challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons were that I was

nervous, and I thought that students won’t listen to me also that they might not
learn anything from the lesson and activities I presented.

I hope to address these issues and challenges by consulting with my Resource

Teacher for advice and tips on how to engage my students effectively.
Some strategies/solutions/means that I can use to improve these
situations/problems include watching YouTube tutorials and reading various

Pg. 102

Materials are specifically made

and designed to present
discussion of the subject and
its topics, it is also evaluated by
A visual aid that I will be using 15 experts to be efficient and
to visually and auditorily appropriate learning material.
present my lessons content, it As it ha accurate and
AD112: Drafting is packed with the learning meaningful content, elicits
Fundamentals and lesson and activities, is students interest and
Theory of Design provided with video engagement, is inclusive and
(Google Site)/Power presentation, sample pictures free from cultural bias, is
Point Presentation and short demonstration also developmentally appropriate,
Learning activities and
fosters critical
collaborative activities for
student assessment.
appreciation, allows
collaboration among learners,
flexible for group or self-study
and is time and cost efficient.

This are the mediums used to

project the learning resources
such as the AD112: Drafting
Is specifically used to project
Flat Screen Fundamentals and Theory of
and enlarge images and text, it
TV/Projector Design (Google Site)/Power
is time and cost efficient.
Point Presentation in a more
clear and bigger view in which
all students will be able to see.

This is where the information Is a compact gadget that assist

Laptop are initially stored. and is time and cost efficient.

Page 120
I prepared this activity by informing my resource teacher of the lesson to be discussed and
informing my resource teacher of my availability to attend the class.

I was able to effectively use instructional materials such as visual aids.

I was nervous thinking that it may be lacking and inadequate in some way.

They were very attentive and participative when using instructional materials. They also
responded to the class actively and participatively.

The students were very engaged in the class, and the discussion was well-organized. The
learners' interest and engagement were achieved.

I believe the teacher's fluency in discussing the topic by modulating his or her voice so that
students can clearly hear what he or she is explaining to the class. It is also critical for the
teacher to be energetic at all times in order for the students to be attentive.

The energy of the voice, and the incorporation of humor, so that the next time class
discussion would be more lively and not stuffy.

It should be linked to the learning outcomes when selecting instructional materials to be

used in class. It should be clear and understandable to the students.

To be honest, I'm not completely prepared, but I know how to select the appropriate
instructional material for a class discussion since I have gone through it already. I'm still
working on improving myself to learn more by attending various seminars that I can use in
the near future.

I believe it is the teacher's categories and criteria, as well as his or her ability to meet the
needs of the students. Prior to selection, the teacher should review the materials that are
defined in the learning outcomes/objectives.

The first thing I’ll do is gather teaching materials to help with the teaching. The use of
instructional materials such as a laptop would assist learners in easily understanding the
topic. This instructional tool would connect in the modern world of teaching in 21st century
education to make students interactive and participatory in class.

The difficult situation/challenges I discovered were how to use appropriate instructional

materials for my diverse students when delivering the lesson and that I need the mastery to
not be nervous and get my words mixed up.

The Importance of Instructional Instructional materials about K-12 content

Materials ( play a significant role in helping the child
learn and develop mentally. 

Organizing Instructional Materials to Instruction is a critical component of any

Maximize Student Engagement - Center educational endeavor. Your learning
for Teaching and Learning | Wiley objectives guide what students will do,
Education Services
and your assessments measure their
progress along the way, but it’s your
instruction that shapes the journey. It’s
the material students engage with to
better themselves, meet their goals, and
ultimately succeed in your course. 

5 Interactive Presentations Ideas Interactive presentations should always be an

that will Engage Students - educator’s goal. Dry, teacher-centered lectures
ViewSonic Library lose students’ interest, while interactive
presentations grab and hold attention. Getting
students involved improves retention,
understanding, and enjoyment. And it’s
remarkably easy to involve the audience with
just a few easy principles (especially with the
right technology at your disposal)
I hope to address the challenge of selecting appropriate and proper instructional materials
through a variety of strategies and skills that I want to improve. There are numerous
distractions that prevent students from studying their lessons. As a result, we as teachers
must provide engaging and visually appealing lessons.

I believe that the best way to improve the situation is to assess the learners' ability to learn
from the teacher's instructional materials and identify why they are ineffective. We can then
determine what we need to do to improve it.

‘Approaches for Choosing and Using Instructional Materials Confidently’

Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Instructional Materials


Canva makes it simple to design high-quality creative content for any format. I can use Canva to create presentations that will catch
students’ attention.

I will use Google Classroom to create a space in which my students
can submit and post their outputs in due time.

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun. I can use this as icebreaker or a fun
Microsoft I will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create visually appealing
Power Point slideshow presentations.

YouTube can provide me video presentation of my topic which will
catch students’ attention.

Canva With this platform I This tool will help I can use this tool
will create a me present my to deliver and
Microsoft Power
presentation to topics for present questions
present the lesson discussion to the to students. It can
concept. By utilizing students. also make the
Kahoot! this platform, I will class more
be able to present interactive by
the lesson in an allowing students
informative and to play lesson-
organized manner. related games.
This episode made me realize that we should be cautious when choosing and incorporating apps in our
classroom. Some tools are helpful, but they are not free, however there is still a lot of app that we can use for
free. Teachers must also be adept at selecting apps as well as fully capable of using and explaining how it works
to the students. We must consider five criteria in selecting applications and online platforms: developmental
appropriateness, engagement, instructional design, motivation, and accessibility.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, the teacher was able to demonstrate her presentation, presenting clear text of
definition and providing pictures as examples.

I recommend that the teacher use animation or gifs to keep the students' attention during the discussion.
However, I think his presentation is creative.

For a change, I'll add animation to the presentation. I believe the students will be more engaged if the images are

This episode made me realize that we should be cautious when choosing and incorporating apps in our
classroom. Some tools are helpful, but they are not free, however there is still a lot of app that we can use for
free. Teachers must also be adept at selecting apps as well as fully capable of using and explaining how it works
to the students. We must consider five criteria in selecting applications and online platforms: developmental
appropriateness, engagement, instructional design, motivation, and accessibility.

If I were to evaluate myself, I believe I already know how to organize and use apps in the teacher-learning
process. I do, however, need to learn more about it. I'll watch how my resource teacher organizes and uses apps
and try to adapt them.

To effectively use apps in teaching, I should develop a keen eye in choosing or selecting apps to use.

I should continue to explore and discover new educational apps and never be afraid to try them because they will
benefit both me and my students.

Although the benefits of using apps in education are well-known, there are numerous drawbacks. An
increasing number of developers, parents, and educators have expressed concern about the addictive
and isolative nature of mobile devices used in education. Here are some top disadvantages of using
apps in education: technology is good, but it is also distractive, Students' emotional development is just
as important as their academic performance. A non-human device cannot instill self-control or order in
a classroom, and students may learn a topic but not how to interact with their peers.

Children’s Social Development There’s no doubt that mandated stay- I hope to solve the problem that is being addressed for a better
While Learning Online at-home orders have had a massive
learning for students, so that they may learn more in an efficient and
impact on children’s education. And the damage isn’t limited to academic effective way.
social-development-while- achievement, children’s social
learning-online/ development and well-being have also I believe that schools should prioritize teachers' knowledge of various
been affected. apps. Because if they do not master these apps, they will be unable
Bradley, V. M. (2020). Learning The article provides the data from an to use and organize them during the teaching-learning process.
Management System (LMS) Use opinion study about the problems of
with Online Instruction. using LMS Moodle conducted among ‘ Difficulties in Using Online Apps in Teaching-Learning’
International Journal of university professors and students.
Technology in Education. The complications of using LMS Moodle that arose prior to COVID-19
6 pandemic are analyzed and some
suggestions for improving the platform
are offered in the article

The effect of online learning on Impact of Online Classes on Children:

your child: You need to know Loss of motivation and a sense of self-
this discipline needed to study online are
The effect of online learning on some of the major struggles that
your child: You need to know children face. A school classroom
this - The Economic Times provides a structure and an
environment of effective learning
which learning at home lacks. This
ensures a cycle for students struggling
to finish their assignments, leading to
a lack of motivation and lower goals
for themselves.

Dr. Ruben Puentedura is the creator of the SAMR Model.

The SAMR model was created to assist teachers in
incorporating technology, such as the usage of apps, into
their lessons

Google Classroom None so far we only observed and kept track of

It is a blended learning platform that aims to: how many activities are posted.
 Create assignments and materials
 Distribute assignments and materials
 Grade assignments or tasked
 Share files of any format


The LMS that the teacher is using is well-organized. The students quickly grasp how to use it. Each
component is clearly organized because the students have no difficulty submitting their activities, taking
their quizzes and exams, and reading the teacher's instructions.

As far as I can tell, the teacher's presentation of lesson was well-organized. She starts her class by
recalling the previous topics they discussed the day before. Then she will explain the learning objectives
they must achieve by the end of the session and begin the discussion. Before the end of the class, she
made a point of asking the students if they understood the lesson and if they needed any clarification.
She then concludes the class with an assessment and activities.

I enjoyed observing how Ma’am Rica teaches her students, how she checks on each of them and answer
or assist them in any concern and questions they have. Every day, I learn new ways to deliver my lesson.
This is extremely beneficial to me, particularly in developing a strategy for teaching my lesson.

The best feature if the LMS used by the teacher would be the fact that it notifies student that the teacher
has posted new learning materials and that they are also reminded of they activities if the deadline is
coming close. The LMS also has a private comment and public comment where students can choose how
they may comment on their works and others.

Teachers usually post videos of their orientation before officially starting the first class as well as the class
policies and online etiquette for students to look back to or watch if they were not present at the

The TPACK framework assists in focusing on how technology, pedagogy, and content interact. When
considering how to incorporate the use of an LMS into teaching and the classroom, this paradigm can
help in linking what may appear to be independent and distinct aspects of teaching practice into a
synergistic vision of integration.

We only had problems using this LSM when it was being under maintenance. Students are unable to
access some of its features, causing a disruption in class.

I still need to master a few LMS components. At the moment, I need to look into it further.

A teacher must understand and master technology so as to confidently plan and utilize it in the
classroom, even when it is not required.

This is the body of information and methods for teaching and learning that a teacher can employ, such as
planning, assessment, and management of the classroom.

This knowledge includes established procedures, methods for acquiring such knowledge, and concepts,
theories, ideas, frameworks, evidence, and proof related to the subject at hand.

How to fully utilize or use the LMS to its optimum capability, for an effective and efficient learning for

The fact that some students have poor internet connectivity that them to access the LMS.
What to do when technology fails: an educator’s
Online teaching allows educators to reach
survival guide for online classrooms students all across the globe, but the
Dealing with poor internet connection in technology that enables this flexibility cannot
online classes ( be taken for granted. All of it can and will fail
at some point, and the onus is on teachers to
possess the technological know-how to
resolve these issues at short notice. 
Barriers to Participation in Learning This study was designed to identify various
Management Systems in Saudi Arabian barriers that have hindered the adoption of LMSs
Universities in Saudi Arabian universities. Learning
management systems (LMSs) have been adopted
Barriers to Participation in Learning in many learning institutions because of their
Management Systems in Saudi Arabian functionalities and applications to improve
Universities ( pedagogy. Universities have been encouraged to
use LMSs to enhance the collaborative working
environment among students and between the
students and their instructors. This study was
done by administering 150 questionnaires to
students in three universities in Saudi Arabia.
Findings from the study revealed that the main
barriers to the use of LMSs were inadequate
technical support by the universities, negative
attitude toward technology, and inadequate
training on the LMS platforms. Minor barriers
identified include poor Internet access and
networking, limited infrastructure to support the
LMS, lack of hardware and software to run the
LMS, and challenges in English language

Internet Connection and Learning Device On the other side of the coin, since everyone is
Availability of College Students: Basis for affected, even the educational system was
Institutionalizing Flexible Learning in the New temporarily put to a halt due to lockdown. This
Normal made face-to-face learning impossible which
hampered the educational pursuit of students. All
ED613639.pdf over the world, millions of students are affected
and some already gave up their status of being a
student. And one of the biggest challenges to
address the problem regarding learning is the
availability of technological gadgets and internet
SAMR Model, it is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. SAMR is a model designed
to help educators infuse technology such as the use of apps into teaching and learning.

Instructors should balance active learning with the use of LMS technological resources and
the use of guidelines from the qualified curriculum. An LMS enables instructors to facilitate
and model discussions, plan online activities, set learning expectations, provide learners with
options, and aid in problem-solving with decision-making processes. An instructor’s presence
within an LMS creates an engaging learning environment. With the use of an LMS, students
can maintain their autonomy, enthusiasm, and motivation.

Consult with other educators in the teaching profession and from other fields to get their
thoughts, confirmations, suggestions, and solutions. In order to help students, learn
academic subjects, educational community stakeholders must find scientific studies to back
up their contributions to LMS platforms, according to Bradley (2020).

Learning Management System: Promoting Academic Progress through an Inclusive Learning

Pg. 137

Being understanding that not all students have better internet connections and that some students may
disconnect occasionally, teachers must remain adaptable and prepare for the unexpected. However, at some
point, teachers must have built a strong presence that is unaffected by that. If the student couldn’t stay
connected for the duration of the meeting, the instructor provided a soft copy of the previous lesson for them to

2. pg.138

Teacher should be aware of students' activities and how they behave during class.

Aside from web conferences, teachers used messenger to inquire about students who were having problems or

By following your student on social media to learn more about him/her, because some students in this
generation spend a lot of time on social media. By adding them, you can gather information about them and
properly guide them, motivate them, ask what his/her problem is because being a teacher is not only teaching
your subject but also helping your students to be more productive, motivating them in whatever way is

Poor internet connection was the biggest problem. Because communication or relaying of information was

As a beginner in the field of teaching I have little confidence in myself therefore I believe that I am still not ready
and is still in need of more practice.

Clear and organize delivery of knowledge.

Constant communication with students through oral recitation.

Giving activities that can be related or used in real life and is relevant.

Determining the possible advantages and disadvantages of synchronous class and how to better utilize it for in
depth learning.

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