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Guerrero Alwina D.
Alcantara Genna S
Babasa Joshua M.
Figuerra Jeremy
Del Mundo Paul Adrian
Nedia Joenel

Submitted by: Mrs, Jessica Repia Magdato

Submitted on: January 08, 2023
Fries is easily to cook and/or process. The banana fries is
fitly into old and young people and also this is affordable to our
respondense that’s why we conduct this Business plan.
Banana is abundant in barangay malbog and cabibihan,
there are plantations for these we students of tvl are creating a
process product like banana fries with some seasoning of dried
sweet potato leaves that became a powder together with chili
cheese powder.
The importance of our research is to have more knoledge
in creating a processed product like the banana frie with drie
sweet potato leaves powder and chili cheese powder
The beneficial of banana is have plenty of vitamins that
can help the body more productive life: vitamin a ,iron and
potassium that’s protect your eyes and prevent high blood
pressure, prevent low potassium for the ladies due to menstual
period to our respondense
The main purpose of our research is to enhance
knowledge not only the researcher but also sharing knowledge
to other students in cabibihan national high school when we
finish senior high school ,we pursue in entrepreneurship for
business purposes.

First of all we would like to dedicate this business plan to our Almighty
God who gave his strengths and knowledge to us.
To our Family who inspired us to become strong despite of many
obstacle, then and also for the support in terms of financial.
To our Teacher who always there as a second parent, to teach, support
and guide us to finish this business plan.
To our Friends who make us to laugh when we are tired of doing this
then, who also there to give their idea to give their idea to improve this
business plan.
its not about ideas, its about making ideas happen.
“Scott belsky”



1.We know our products better than anyone.

2. We know our customers
3. We have burning desire to succeed.

We dream it so, we can do it.

 To gain Profits.
 To attract investors.
 To have regular customers.
 Customer will patronize our product.
 To sell or spread our products.
 To create different Fries Product
 To be a good Entrepreneurship.

What is Banana fries?

Banana- is a good source of fiber (MUSA PARADISCA)
Banana is one of the most important fruit crop plants qnd
belongs to genous musa. After harvesting the fruit the plant
is cut down and throw away, mostly as waste. The Banana
Plant is largely divided to three parts pseudostem, penducle,
and leaf. The pseudo stem portion of the plant fiber is
suitable for making ropes and twines(saika et al.,2015)

In 135 countries and territories across and tropic and sub-

tropic , Banana are being produced. The majority producer
are farmers who grow the crops for either home
consumption or of the local market. Banana is the second
most produce fruit after citrus. It has 16% contribution in
the world total Fruit production. It has also stated that India
is the most or the largest producer of banana in the world
estimating up to 27% of banana production.

The major step in the preparation of banana fries Firstly the

banana has been sliced and dried into sunlight for 1hour-
Next the banana will dipped into the hot oil for 40 seconds
then the moisture content on the slice banana was
determined before and after frying. Sliced banana were
dipped fried pan using palm oil the temperature 180C and
fried for 40seconds until the banana fries turn brown.



 Kills certain bacteria and slow down growth of others

 Prevent fats from developing a rancid taste
 Prevents mold
 Extend shelf life of the product
 Improve the taste and flavor
 Changing the color; fried banana shine.

 Eating too much some oily-foods/junk-foods can lead to U.T.I
 Junk-foods can lead to increased pollution levels, can cause
respiratory problems in anyone.


Every business must have a strong business plan should

discuss all the possible threats of the business that you are
going to build such as the competitors not accepted by
consumers, and bankruptcy.
It can sell anywhere. Weaknesses including the place which
is far in the town market in case you want to sell it in the
town proper, banana can easily grow in a cold places, in
terms of cooking banana fries are good in aroma and color,
Banana fries may acceptable as a good fries, So we should
sell in a proper way.
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time
more intelligently”.(Henry Ford) in this case, some failure in
our business will serve as our inspiration to cope up those
failure we encountered, and become more definite to grow
up our business. We can also grab all the opportunity
especially those investors who wants to invest in our

“BANANA FRIES” our brand name is came from the

natural quality of our product. All of those are have their
own deliciousness, juiciness and good quality. Our
businesses can be found at Cabibihan national high school
tagkawayan quezon. Surely our customer wants a cheap and
quality product so, that we offer a product that surely fits
for their needs, our customers don t` need to go to other
places just to buy banana fries and they can be sure that our
product is fresh when delivered.
We can describe “BANANA FRIES ENTERPRISE” as
fresh, and has a good taste, aroma, flavor and appearance.
The price of our products will be equal to their income
and we offer discounts and free for our regular and also if
they bought a lot of Banana fries.
We can conduct door to door selling, free taste and also
we will sell our products in every occasion that celebrate
near in CNHS.
Banana fries products are delicious as well all know, but
extra special, juicy and delicious fries product that our
customer can patronize. We can offer a best quality fries
product that will be suit of fits with its cost WEAKNESSES
Business owner will make the business plan and to
execute the business plan our team which ate the customers
service officer, merchandizer, call center agent and others,
they will help to execute or implement the business plan.
Our enterprise will provide a visual such as fliers that
contains specification of our product including ingredients,
address, logo, manufacturer and contact number that will
help our customers to see important information about tour
We as the owners also will lead our business with the help of
our family, friends, relatives, business partners, staffs,
investors, and of course from the other business man. They
will makes up the man power that construct the facility
managing for financial issues.
The Banana fries will be offering a products for all, in terms
of projected sales and profit, we are sure that the customer
will patronize it.
Because its all for their needs when its come from profit, it
will return according to our hardship and determination to
build our business unit sales is equally proportion by the

 Banana fries

 Banana Chips
This business will success through our teamwork, and
helping T each other to do our work task, giving
motivations, influence, courage and support from all. Proper
treatment to customers and staff, being positive in all times,
and to have all the characteristics of an entrepreneur.
Also, we have here discount for customers especially for
regular customer



“We as the owners will take cautious step to ensure that all our
product reach our customers in the outmost best and fresh
Delivered straight to you foster a healthy, wholesome, nourishing
and flourishing lifestyle. Absolutely affordable to all to generate the
optimum value”
All Customer always want a well quality products for their
satisfaction and loyalty.
The diagnostic session we will had with our prospective customers in
our business are their negative feedback or comment when it comes
to our products or our customers may not patronize it.

Our fries making can Inspired other to make products like this,
then, it can be served as snack food in every occasion such as,
birthday, christening, New year etc.

Our business Start from our own capital, if investors are not yet
present. We can make some of the products and study its market.


To delight and nourish our customers with healthy, quality and

delicious product and excellent service at a reasonable price.
To understand our customer’s changing needs and constantly
improve our customer experience.
To generate a sustainable profit growth for our business products.
To enhance our business mind and to know more about business
To have more customers in town.

We can deliver/ sell our products in different sari-sari store in Barangay Del Rosario,
Malbog, and Cabibihan, we also do a door to door selling in some place.

Brgy. Del Rosario Brgy. Malbog Brgy. Cabibihan

Sari-Sari Store Sari-Sari Store Sari-Sari Store
Household Household Household

We will position our business in Cabibihan National High School were we are

We offer:

 Banana Fries
 Banana chips

Will the price is depends on the price per kilo of raw materials and other overhead

Our marketing decision will introduce our products and resulting to have more
customers and investments.

Our competitors will serve as motivation to improve our products, adding more
twist to meet or exceed on the customers wants, so that they will patronize rather than our

We can assure that we can do a door t door selling and giving flyers as achievements
then also we can deliver their orders when they need it.

After five months we can deliver our products not only in barangay Del Rosario, Malbog
and Cabibihan but we can deliver it in near places.

For all marketing activities:

For purchasing and selecting, including the transportation

We will set 500 pesos per week

For Packaging and labelling:

We set 50 pesos for packaging and labelling materials.

For delivering

We will set 60 pesos for the gasoline

We sell this product through promoting it by giving a flyers, and socializing with
friends, family and satisfied customers.

For Contact Details:

They can contact us in the following contact number:


We as the owner will have task to do,

For purchasing and selecting: Alwina Guerrero and Genna Alcantara will be in charged

For processing: all members will be in charged

For packing: all members will be in charged

For labelling: Joenel Nedia and Jeremy Figuerra will be in charged

For selling; Joshua Babasa and Paul Adrian Del Mundo will be in charged.

We as the owner our target goals are:

 To gain more profits- we can gain more profits if we sell our products if we have a lot of customers
 To introduce our present our product in our target customers buy giving them a flyers and also
giving a brief explanation about our products through door to door selling.
 To have investors that can help as to make our business successful we can have investors through
presenting our business plan to the

We as the owner of Banana fries enterprises we have this:



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