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    C. A. No. 1632 (N) of 1966
    Decided On, 12 February 1968
    At, Supreme Court of India


    M. K. Nambiar; K. Velayudhan Nair; T. K. M.
Unnithan; For Appellant S. V. Gupta; T. P. Poulose;
Annamma Alexander; For Respondent

Judgment Text
1. This is an appeal by certificate from the judgment of the High
Gouri of Kerala, December 23, 1965, reversing the decree of the
Sub-Court, Mavelikara. By the judgment and decree under appeal
the suit of the first respondent, Rev. Father K. C. Alexander
(shortly the plaintiff) was decreed in respect of the suit lands of
which he had sought possession from the appellant, Nair Service
Society Ltd. (shortly the Society or the first defendant) and some
others who are shown as respondents 2 to 6. The facts in this 
appeal are as follows:
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2. The plaintiff filed a suit in forma pauperis on October 13, 1942
against the Society, its Kariasthan (Manager) and four others for
possession of 131.23 acres of land from Survey Nos. 780/1 and
780/2 of Ranni pakuthy in the former State of Travancore and for
mesne profits past and future with compensation for waste. The
suit lands are shown as L (1) on a map Ex. L prepared by
Commissioners in CMA. 205 of 1110 ME. and proved by pw.10,
The two Survey Nos. are admittedly Government Poramboke
lands. The plaintiff claimed to be in possession of these lands for
over 70 years. In the year 1100 M. E. a Poramboke case for
evicting him from an area shown as L (2) measuring 173.38 acres,
but described in the present suit variously as 160,161 and 165
acres, was started under the Travancore Land Conservancy
Regulation IV of 1094 M. E. (L. C. case No. 112/1100 M. E.) by
Pathanamthitta Taluk Ctitchery. This land is conveniently
described as 160 acres and has been so referred to by the High
Court and the Sub-Court. The plaintiff was fined under the
Regulations and was evicted from the 160 acres. The society
applied for Kuthakapattam lease of this area on August 11, 1938.
The lease was granted but has not been produced in the case. It
was for 165 acres and the Society was admittedly put in
possession of it on July 24, 1939, or thereabouts. The lease was
for 12 years. Plaintiff's case was that on 13/16 October, 1939 a
number of persons acting on behalf of the Society trespassed
upon and took possession of the suit lands (131.23 acres) in
addition to the 160 acres. The plaintiff therefore, claimed
possession of the excess land from the Society its Manager and
defendants 3 to 6, who were acting on behalf of the Society. The
plaintiff also claimed mesne profits and compensation for, waste.

3. The Society contended that the plaint lands were Government

Reserve and that the plaintiff was dispossessed by Government
from these lands when he was dispossessed of the 160 acres. The
suit land is in two parts. Ex. L shows these two parts as L(1)(a) and
L(1)(b) The Society had applied for another Kuthakapattam lease
in respect of L(1)(b) and obtained it during the pendency of the
suit on March 10, 1948. In this Kuthakapattom, which is Ex. 1, the 
land is shown as 256.13 acres and the lease is made without limit
of time. Simultaneously a demand was made from the Society for 
arrears of Pattom at the same rate as for the Kuthakapattom in
respect of the whole land after setting off the amount already
paid by the Society. The Society in its written statement did not
aver that it was not in possession of L(1) (a) and resisted the suit
in regard to the entire suit lands. Subsequently it attempted by
argument to limit its defence to L(1)(b) which was additionally
granted to it in the Kuthakapattom Ex. 1. Although the suit
pended for 17 years in the Sub-Court no application for
amendment was made. The Society asked for amendments
several times, the last being on October 15, 1958. However, on
the last day of hearing of; the appeal in the High Court (December
14,1965) the Society applied for an amendment of the written
statement limiting its defence to portion L(1)(b) disclaiming all
interest in portion L(1)(a) and attempted to plead the grant of the
second Kuthakapattom in its favour on March 10, 1948. The High
Court rejected this application by its judgment under appeal and
awarded possession against the Society of the entire suit land.
The Society in its case denied the right of the plaintiff to bring a
suit for ejectment or its liability for compensation as claimed by
the plaintiff. In the alternative,the Society Claimed the value of
improvements effected by it, in case the claim of the plaintiff was
decreed against it. The other defendants remained exparte, in
the suit and did not appeal. They have now been shown as
proforma respondents by the Society.

4. The suit went to trial on 13 issues. The main issues were (a)
whether the plaintiff was in possession of Lands L(1) for over 70
years and bad, improved these lands; (b) whether the first
defendant was entitled to possession of any area in excess of the
first Kuthakapattom for 12 years; and (c) whether the trespass
was on 13/16 October, 1939 or whether the plaintiff was evicted
on July 24,1939 by the Government from the suit land in addition
to the 160 acres in respect of which action was taken in the Land
Conservancy case. Other issues arose from the rival claims for
mesne profits and compensation to which reference has already
been made. The suit was dismissed by the trial judge against the
Society but was decreed against defendants 3 to 6 in respect of 
land L(1)(a) with mesne profits and compensation for waste. The
trial judge held that the possession of the plaintiff dated back 
only to 1920-21 and that he was evicted from portion L(1)(b) as
per plan AZ and that the Society was in possession from the time
it entered into, possession of 160 acres. The trial judge held that
as the land was Poramboke and the plaintiff has been ousted by
Government he could not claim possession. The subsequent
grant of Kuthakapattom (Ex. 1) was not considered relevant and
the suit was decided, on the basis of the facts existing on the date
of the commencement of the suit. The trial judge, however, held
that if the plaintiff was entitled to recover possession he would
also be entitled to mense profits at the rate of Rs. 3392/- from
October 16,1939. The defendants' improvements were estimated
at Rs. 53,085/-. Possession of L(1) (a) was decreed with costs,
mesne profits past and future, and compensation for waste
against defendants 3 to 6

5. The plaintiff filed an appeal in forma pauperis. The High Court

reversed the decree of the trial judge and decreed it against the
Society audits Manager ordering possession of the entire suit
lands with mesne profits past and future, and compensation for
any waste. The High Court held that the Society had admitted its
possession in respect of the entire suit land and that the grant of
Kuthakapat-tom in respect of L(1) (a) to defendants 3 to 6 by the
Government was immaterial. The High Court held that the
evidence clearly established that the plaintiff was in possession of

the plaint lands at least from 1924 to 1925 and that it made no
difference whether the plaintiff was dispossessed on October
16,1939 as stated in the plaint or July 24,1939 as alleged by the 
Society. The main controversy, which was decided by the High
Court, was whether the plaintiff could maintain a suit for,
possession (apart from a possessory suit under the Travancore
laws analogous to S.9 of the Indian Specific Relief Act) without
proof of title basing himself mainly on his prior possession and
whether the Society could defend itself pleading the title of the
Government. On both these points the decision of the High Court
was in favour of the plaintiff.

6. In this appeal the first contention of the Society is that it did

not dis-posses the plaintiff on October 16, 1939 but on July
24,1939 when he was evicted from the 160 acres in respect of
which Poramboke case was started against him. According to the
Society, if the plaintiff's possession was terminated by the rightful
owner and the Society got its possession from the rightful owner
the suit for ejectment could not lie. It may be stated here that the
plaintiff had applied for an amendment to implead Government
but the amendment was disallowed by the trial Judge. In 1928 the
plaintiff had filed O. S 156/1103 against the Government for
declaration of possession and injunction in respect of the 160
acres of land and L(1)(b), but the suit was dismissed in default
and a revision application against the order of dismissal was also
dismissed by the High Court of Kerala. The suit had delayed the
Poramboke case as a temporary injunction has been issued
against Government On the dismissal of that suit the first
Kuthakapattom lease was granted to the Society. The next
contention of the Society is that a suit in ejectment cannot lie
without title and a prior .trespasser cannot maintain the suit
generally against the latter trespasser and more particularly in
this ease in respect of lands belonging to Government specially
when the latter trespasser (even if it was one) had the authority
of the true owner either given originally or subsequently but
relating back to the date of the trespass. The Society also submits
that as trespass on Government land was prohibited by law the
plaintiff could not get the assistance of the court. The Society also
contends more specifically that there is no true principle of law
that possession confers a good title except against the owner or 
that possession is a conclusive title against all but the true owner.
In its submission, if a possessory suit analogous to S.9 of the 
Indian Specific Relief Act was not filed the plaintiff's only remedy
was to file a suit for ejectment pleading and proving his title to
the suit land. A mere possessory suit after the expiry of 6 months
was not possible. There are other branches of these main
arguments to which reference need not be made here. They will
appear when these arguments will be considered.

7. The first question to settle is when dispossession took place.

According to the plaintiff he was dispossessed on October 16,
1939 and according to the Society plaintiff was dispossessed on
July 24, 1939 when he was evicted from 160 acres. The trial judge
accepted the case of the Society and the High Court that of the
plaintiff. The High Court, however, remarked that it did not
matter when the plaintiff was first dispossessed. The difference in
dates is insisted upon by the Society because if it can show that
the plaintiff was dispossessed by the true owner, namely, the
State, it can resist the suit pleading that it was in possession
under the authority of the owner and that the possession of the
plaintiff was already disturbed and a suit in ejectment did not lie
against it There are, however, several circumstances which
indicate that the plaintiff's case that dispossession took place in
October 1939 is true.

8. To begin with we are concerned with three areas. The land
Conservancy case concerned L(2) or 160 acres. The other two
areas are L(1)(a) 55.47 acreas and L(1)(b) 75.76 acres. These total 
to 291.23 acres. The suit was filed to obtain possession of 131.23
acres, that is to say, 291.23 acres minus the 160 acres. The
Society attempted to disclaim all interest in L (1) (a) and even
attempted to deny that defendants 3-6 were in possession of it.
This was not allowed for very good reasons. In the written
statement no distinction was made between L(1)(a) and L(1)(b).
Although amendments were allowed no amendment of the
written statement to withdraw L(1)(a) from dispute was asked for.
The attempt consisted of oral arguments which the Court did not
entertain. Even in the High Court the written statement was
sought to be amended as late as December 14,1965, the last day
of the arguments. The application had two prayers, About the
second of the two prayers we shall say something later but the
amendment we are dealing with was not only belated but also an
afterthought The High Court rightly pointed out that a defendant,
who after trial of the suit for 16 years orally asks for the
withdrawal of an admission in the written statement, cannot be
allowed to do so. Therefore, the dispute covered the entire
131.23 acres and the Society was claiming to be in possession.
The plaint had asserted that defendants 2-6 were in possession
and that defendant 2 was acting for the Society. In reply the
Society claimed to be in possession: It, however, led evidence on
its own behalf that L(1)(a) was not it its possession. That could not
be considered in view of the admission in the pleadings. The
contrary admission of the plaintiff that defendants 3-6 were in
possession was cited before us as it was before the High Court.
But the High Court has already given an adequate answer when it
observed that the plaintiff only said he had heard this. Therefore,
we are of opinion that the issue was joined between the plaintiff
and the Society with respect to the entire suit land.

9. The alternative contention of the Society is that the plaintiff

was dispossessed by the rightful owner, that is, the State. This
contention was accepted by the trial judge but rejected by the
High Court. We shall now consider it. It is an admitted fact that
eviction in the Land Conservancy case took place on 8-12-1114 M.
E. corresponding to July 24, 1939. Since the order was to evict the 
plaintiff from 160 acres, it is fair to assume that he would be
evicted from that area only. 

The Mahazar Ex. AG, proved by the Village Munsiff who was
personally present, establishes that eviction was from 160 acres.
The High Court judgment mentions the names of several other
witnesses who have also deposed in the same way. The High
Court also points out that the rubber quotas from the rubber
trees continued to be in the name of the plaintiff except in 160
acres in which the quotas were transferred to the name of
Government. All this was very clear evidence. Further even if
some more area was taken over from the plaintiff, it would be
small and not as much as 131.23 acres or even 75.76 acres. It is to
be noticed that the Society applied on August 11, 1939 for grant
of a Kuthakapattom only in respect of 165 acres and this was on
the basis of possession. If the Society was in possession of 291.23
acres, it would not have omitted on August 11, 1939 to apply for
the additional area as well. Another application was made for a
second Kuthakapattom in respect of the additional land on the
basis of possession but only after certain events happened. On
September 29, a complaint (Ex. AO) was made by Phillippose
Abraham (P. W. 8), the Manager of the plaintiff, that the land was
trespassed upon by the Society's men who had harvested the
paddy. On October 2,1939 the second defendant made a counter
complaint Ex. AS. This made a mention of 'land from which the
1st accused (plaintiff) was evicted'. It is, however, to be seen that
in the Mahazar (Exs. AT, AT-1 and AT-2) the encroached area is
shown as 160 acres. On October 13,1939 one Krishnan Nair made
a complaint (Ex. AH) against plaintiff's men of beating and
dacoity. On October 16, the servants of the plaintiff were
arrested. Bail was delayed and was only granted on October
20,1939. On October 24,1939 the plaintiff complained of
dispossession. The case of dacoity was virtually withdrawn and
the accused were discharged. The High Court accepted the plea
that the false charge of dacoity and the arrest were a prelude to
dispossession and a ruse to get the servants of the plaintiff out of
the way. On looking into the evidence we cannot say that this
inference is wrong.

10. The Society, however, draws attention to several 
circumstances from which it seeks to infer the contrary. We do
not think that they are cogent enough to displace the other
evidence. We may, however, refer to them. The Society first refers
to plaintiff's application (Ex. 16) on July 28, 1939 that he was
dispossessed of suit buildings and requesting that 160 acres be
correctly demarcated. In other documents also the plaintiff
complained of eviction from land in excess of 160 acres and
dispossession from buildings. The Society submits that the
evidence showed that there were no buildings in 160 acres and
that only bamboo huts were to be found. The map Ex. L shows
some buildings in L(2). It is more likely that as these buildings
were close to the western boundary between L(2) and L(1), the
plaintiff hoped that he would be able to save them as on
admeasurement they would be found outside 160 acres. It may
be mentioned that in addition to 160 acres, land 20 acres in
extent was further encroached upon. This land is shown in plan
Ex. BB and represents little extensions all round the 160 acres. If
this area was taken into account and 160 acres admeasured then,
there was a possibility of the buildings being saved. This is a more
rational explanation than the contention that as many as 131.23
acres were additionally taken in possession when the plaintiff
was dispossessed from 160 acres. We have therefore, not
departed from the finding of the High Court which we find to be

11. Failing on the facts, the Society takes legal objections to the
suit. According to the learned counsel for the Society the suit in
ejectment, based on Possession in the character of a trespasser
was not maintainable. His contention is that a trespasser's only
remedy is to file a suit under S.32 of the Travancore Limitation
Regulation (VI of 1100) as amended by Regulations IX of 1100 and
1 of 1101, but within 6 months. This section corresponds to S.9 of
the Indian Specific Relief Act. Now if dispossession was by
Government the suit could not be filed because there was a bar
to such a suit. If dispossession was by the Society a suit under
S.32 was competent. The question is whether after the expiry of 6
months a regular suit based on prior possession without proof of 
title was maintainable. This is the main contention on merits
although it has many branches. We now proceed to consider it. 

12. This aspect of the case was argued by Mr. Nambiar with great
elaboration for a number of days. The argument had many facets
and it is convenient to deal with some facets separately because
they have no inter connection with others and some others
together. The main argument is that a suit by a trespasser does
not lie for ejectment of another trespasser after the period of 6
months prescribed by S.32 of the Travancore Limitation Act (VI of
1100). The provisions of the Travancore Specific Relief Act (XIII of
1115) are in pari materia and also ipsissima verba with the Indian
Specific Relief Act and are set out below.

Act XIII of 1115. "S.7. Recovery of specific immovable property. A

person entitled to the possession of specific immovable property
may recover it in the manner prescribed by the Code of Civil

"S. 8. Suit by person dispossessed of immovable property. If any

person is dispossessed without his consent of immovable
property otherwise than in due course of law, he or any person
claiming through him may by suit recover possession thereof,
notwithstanding any other title, that may be set up in such suit.

Nothing in this Section shall bar any person from suing to

establish his title to such property and to recover possession

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No suit under this section shall be brought against Our


No appeal shall lie from any order or decree passed in any suit
instituted under this section, nor shall any review of any such
order or decree be allowed".

Act VI of 1100. "S.32. Right to sue for recovery of unlawfully

dispossessed property - by person so dispossessed or his
representative. If any person is dispossessed without his consent
of any house, building or land otherwise than in due course of
law, he or any person claiming through him may by suit instituted
within the period prescribed in Art.2 of the First Schedule
appended to this Regulation, recover possession thereof,
notwithstanding any other title that may be set up in such suit.

Exception. Nothing in this section shall bar any person from suing
to establish his title to such property and to recover possession

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Bar to suit against Government under this section. No suit under

this section shall be brought against our Government."

It is convenient to refer to the Indian Act. According to Mr.

Nambiar a contrast exists between S.8 and 9 of the Specific Relief
Act. These sections are reproduced below.

Indian Specific Relief Act.

"S.8. Recovery of Specific immovable property, A person entitled

to the possession of specific immovable property may recover it
in the manner prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure."

"S.9. Suit by person dispossessed of immovable property. If any

person is dispossessed without his consent of immovable
property otherwise than in due course of law, he or any person
claiming through him may, by suit, recover possession thereof,
notwithstanding any other title that may be set up in such suit.

Nothing in this section shall bar any person from suing to

establish his title to such property and to recover possession
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No suit under this section shall be brought against the Central
Government, or any State Government. No appeal shall lie from
any order or decree passed in any suit instituted under this
section, nor shall any review of any such order or decree be

Mr. Nambiar submits that S.8 refers to suits for possession other
than those under S.9, and while question of title is immaterial in
suits under S.9, under S.8 a suit for ejectment must be on the
basis of title. In other words in a suit under S.8 title must be
proved by a plaintiff but under S.9 he need not. Once the period
of six months has been lost a suit brought within 12 years for
obtaining possession by ejectment must be based on title and
not bare prior possession alone.

13. In support of this argument Mr. Nambiar refers to Roman Law

of Interdicts and urges that the same distinction also existed
there and has been borrowed by us through the English practice,
We may first clear this misconception. Possession in Roman Law
was secured to a possessor by two forms of-Intetdicts-
Utipossidetis for immovables and utrubi for moveables. But we
are not concerned with these, but with actions to recover
possession which were compendiously called recuperandae
possessionisa caus. There were two interdicts known as
deprecario and de vi. Of the latter two of the branches were the
Interdict de vi cotidiana by which possession was ordered 'to be
restored on an application made within the year where one had
been ejected from land by force, provided there had not been vi
clam out precario from the ejector." The other de vi armata for
ejection by armed force, was without restriction of time. Mr.
Nambiar says that the same distinction exists between suits
under S.9 and 8 of the Specific Relief Act. This is an ingenious way
of explaining his point of view but it does not appear that these
principles of Roman Law at all influenced law making. These
principles were in vogue in early Roman Law. In the time of 
Justinian the two Interdicts de vi were fused and there was only
one action repre-esenting both. Even the clause about vi clam out 
precario disappeared and the restriction to a year applied to
both. The appeal to Roman Law does not, therefore, assist us.

14. We may now consider whether S.8 and 9 are to be

distinguished on the lines suggested. In Mulla's Indian Contract
and Specific Relief Acts there is a commentary which explains the
words'in the manner prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure by

"that is to say by a suit for ejectment on the basis of title:

Lachman v. Shambu Narain (1911) 33 All 174."

The question in that case in the words of the Full Bench was

"The sole question raised in this appeal is whether a plaintiff who

sues for possession and for ejectment of the defendant on the
basis of title and fails to prove his title is still entitled to a decree
for possession under S.9 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877, if he can
prove possession within six months anterior to the date of his

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In the course of decision the Full Bench dissented from the earlier
view in Ram Harakh Rai v. Sheodihal Joti (1893) 15 All. 384 and

"With great respect we are unable to agree with this view. S.8 of
the Act provides that a person entitled to the possession of
specific immovable property may recover it in the manner
prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure, that is to say, by a suit
for ejectment on the basis of title. S.9 gives a summary remedy to
a person who has without his consent been dispossessed of
immovable property, otherwise than in due course of law, for
recovery of possession without establishing title, provided that
his suit is brought within six months of the date of dispossession.
The second paragraph of the section provides that the person
against whom a decree may be passed under the first paragraph
may, notwithstanding such decree, sue to establish his title and
to recover possession. The two sections give alternative remedies
and are in our opinion mutually, exclusive. If a suit is brought
under S.9 for recovery of possession, no question of title can be
raised or determined. The object of the section is clearly to
discourage forcible dispossession and to enable the person
dispossessed to recover possession by merely proving title, but
that is not his only remedy. He may, if he so chooses, bring a suit
for possession on the basis of his title. But we do not think that
he can combine both remedies in the same suit and that he can
get a decree for possession even if he fails to Drove title. Such a
combination would, to say the least of it, result in anomaly and
inconvenience. In a suit under S.9 no question of title is to be
determined, but that question may be tried in another suit
instituted after the decree in that suit. If a claim for establishment
of title can be combined with a claim under S.9, the court will
have to grant a decree for possession dispossession being
proved, in spite of its finding that the plaintiff had no title and
that title was in the defendant."

15. We agree as to a part of the reasoning but with respect we
cannot subscribe to the view that after the period of 6 months is 
over a suit based on prior possession alone, is not possible. S.8 of
the Specific Relief Act does not limit the kinds of suit but only lays
down that the procedure laid down by the Code of Civil
Procedure must be followed. This is very different from saying
that a suit based on possession alone is incompetent after the
expiry of 6 months. Under S.9 of the Code of Civil Procedure itself
all suits of a civil nature are triable excepting suits of which their
cognizance is either expressly or impliedly barred. No prohibition
expressly barring a suit based on possession alone has been
brought to our notice, hence the added attempt to show an
implied prohibition by reason of S.8 (S. 7 of the Travancore Act) of
the Specific Relief Act. There is, however, good authority for the
contrary proposition. In Mustapha Sahib v. Santha Pillai,. ILR. 23
Mad. 179 at 182 Subramonia Ayyar J observes:

"that a party ousted by a person who has no better right is, with
reference to the person so ousting, entitled to recover by virtue
of the possession he had held before the ouster even though that
possession was without any title."

"The rule in question is so firmly established as to render a

lengthened discussion about it quite superfluous. Asher v.
Whitlock (L. R.1 Q. B.1) and the rulings of the Judicial Committee
in Musammat Sundar v. Mussammat Parbati 16 I. A. 186) and
Ismail Ariff v. Mahomed Ghouse. (20 I. A. 99; not to mention
numerous other decisions here and in England to the same
effect, are clear authorities in support of the view stated above S.
9 of the Specific Relief Act cannot possibly be held to take away
any remedy available with reference to the well-recognised
doctrine expressed in Pollock and Wright on possession thus:
Possession in law is a substantive right or interest which exists
and has legal incidents and advantages apart from the true
owner's title (p.19".)

In the same case O'Farell J. points out that 

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"all the dictum of the Privy Council in Wise v. Ameerunissa
Khatoon (7 I. A. 73) appears to amount to is this, that where a
plaintiff in possession without any title seeks to recover
possession of which he has been forcibly deprived by a
defendant having good title, he can only do so under the
provisions of S.9 of the Specific Relief Act and not otherwise."

It is not necessary to refer to the other authorities some of which

are already referred to in the judgment under appeal and in the
judgment of the same court reported in Kuttan Narayanan v.
Thomman Mathai 1966 KLT 1. The last cited ease gives all the
extracts from the leading judgments to which we would have
liked to refer. We entirely agree with the statement of the law in
the Madras case from which we have extracted the observations
of the learned Judges. The other eases on the subject are
collected by Sarkar on Evidence under S.110.

16. The Limitation Act, before its recent amendment provided a

period of twelve years as limitation to recover possession of
immovable property when the plaintiff, while in possession of the
property was dispossessed or had discontinued possession and
the period was calculated from the date of dispossession for
discontinuance. Mr. Nambiar argues that there cannot be two
periods of limitation, namely, 6 months and 12 years for suits
based on possession alone and that the longer period of
limitation requires proof of title by the plaintiff. We do not agree.
No doubt there are a few old cases in which this view was
expressed but they have since been either overruled or dissented
from. The uniform view of the courts is that if S.9 of the Specific
Relief Act is utilised the plaintiff need not prove title and the title
of the defendant does not avail him. When, however, the period
of 6 months, has passed questions of title can be raised by the
defendant and if he does so the plaintiff must establish a better
title or fail. In other words, the right is only restricted to
possession only in a suit under S.9 of the Specific Relief Act but
that does not bar a suit on prior possession within 12 years and 
title need not be proved unless the defendant can prove one. The
present amended Art.64 and 65 bring out this difference. Art.64 
enables a suit within 12 years from dispossession, for possession
of immovable property based on possession and not on title,
when the plaintiff while in possession of the property has been
dispossessed. Art.65 is for possession of immovable property or
any interest therein based on title. The amendment is not
remedial but declaratory of the law. In our judgment the suit was

17. Mr. Nambiar also relies in this connection upon S.110 of the
Indian Evidence Act and claims that in the case of the Society
there is a presumption of title. In other words, he relies upon the
principle that possession follows title, and that after the expiry of
6 months, the plaintiff must prove title. That possession may
prima facie raise a presumption of title no one can deny but this
presumption can hardly arise when the facts are known. When
the facts disclose no title in either party, possession alone
decides. In this case S.110 of the Evidence Act is immaterial
because neither party had title. It is for this reason that Mr.
Nambiar places a greater emphasis on the plea that a suit on
bare possession cannot be maintained after the expiry of 6
months and that the Society has a right to plead jus tertii. The
first must be held to be unsubstantial and the second is equally

18. The proposition of law on the subject has been summed up

by Salmond on Torts (13th Edn.) at page 172 in the following

"The mere de facto and wrongful possession of land is a valid title

of right against all persons who cannot show a, better title in
themselves, and is therefore sufficient to support an action of
trespass against such persons. Just as a legal title to land without
the possession of it is insufficient for this purpose, so conversely
the possession of it without legal tills is enough. In other words,
no defendant in an action of trespass can plead the jus tertii the 
right of possession outstanding in some third person as against
the fact of possession in the plaintiff". 

The maxim of law is Adversus extraneous vitiosa possessio

prodesse solet Prior possession is a good title of ownership
against all who cannot show a better. and if the plaintiff is in
possession the jus tertii does not afford a defence. Salmond,
however, goes on to say:

"But usually the plaintiff in an action of ejectment is not in

possession: he relies upon his right to possession,
unaccompanied by actual possession. In such a case he must
recover by the strength of his own title, without any regard to the
weakness of the defendant's. The result, therefore, is that in
action of ejectment the jus tertii is in practice a good defence.
This is sometimes spoken of as the doctrine of Doe v. Barnard
(1849) 13 QB. 945."

Salmond, however, makes two exceptions to this statement and

the second he states thus:

"Probably, if the defendant's possession is wrongful as against

the plaintiff, the plaintiff may succeed though he cannot show a
good title: Doe d. Hughes v. Dyball (1829) 3 C & P 610; Davison v.
Gent (1857) 1 H & N 744. But possession is prima facie evidence is
not displaced by proof of title. If such prima facia evidence is not
displaced by proof of title in a third person the plaintiff with prior
possession will recover. So in Asher v. Whitlock [(1865) LR.1 QB.1)]
where a man inclosed waste land and died without having had 20
years' possession, the heir of his devisee was held entitled to
recover it against a person who entered upon it without any title.
This decision, although long, doubtful, may now be regarded as
authoritative in consequence of its express recognition of the
Judicial Committee in Perry v. Glissokl (1907) AC. 73".

Mr. Nambiar strongly relies upon the above exposition of the law
and upon institutional comments by Wiren "The Plea of Jus tertii 
in ejectment" (1925) 41 LQR. 139, Hargreaves "Terminology and
Title in Ejectment (1940) 56 LQR. 376 and Holdsworth's article in
56 LQR. 479.

19. In our judgment this involves an incorrect approach to our

problem. To express our meaning we may begin by reading Perry
v. Clissold to discover if the principle that possession is good
against all but the true owner has in any way been departed
from. Perry v. Clissold reaffirmed the principle by stating quite

"It cannot be disputed that a person in possession of land in the

assumed character of owner and exercising peaceably the
ordinary rights of ownership has a perfectly good title against all
the world but the rightful owner. And if the rightful owner does
not come forward and assert his title by the process of law within
the period prescribed by the provisions of the statute of
Limitation applicable to the case, his right is for ever
extinguished, and the possessory owner acquires an absolute

Therefore, the plaintiff who was peaceably in possession was

entitled to remain in possession and only the State could evict
him. The action of the Society was a violent invasion of his
possession and in the law as it stands in India the plaintiff could
maintain a possessory suit under the provisions of the Specific
Relief Act 'in which title would be immaterial or a suit for
possession within 12 years in which the question of title could be
raised. As this was a suit of latter kind title could be examined.
But whose title? Admittedly neither side could establish title. The
plaintiff at least pleaded the statute of Limitation and asserted
that he had perfected his title by adverse possession. But as he
did not join the State in this suit to get a declaration, he may be
said to have not rested his case on an acquired title His suit was
thus limited to recovering possession from one who had 
trespassed against him. The enquiry thus narrows to this: did the
Society have any title in itself, was it acting under authority 
express or implied of the true owner or was it just pleading a title
in a third party? To the first two questions we find no difficulty in
furnishing an answer. It is clearly in the negative. So the only
question is whether the defendant could plead that the title was
in the State? Since in every such case between trespassers the
title must be outstanding in a third party a defendant will be
placed in a position of dominance. He has only to evict the prior
trespasser and sit pretty pleading that the title is in someone
else. As Erle, J put it in Hurling v.. Read (11 Q. B. 904) parties might
imagine that they acquired some right by merely intruding upon
land in the night, running up a but and occupying it before,
morning", This will be subversive of the fundamental doctrine
which was accepted always and was reaffirmed in perry v.
Clissold, The law does not therefore countenance the doctrine of
findings keepings'.

20. Indeed Asher v. Whitlock (1885) 1 Q. B.1 goes much further. It

laid down as the head-note correctly summarizes: A person in
possession of land without other title has a devisable interest,
and the heir of his devisee Can maintain ejectment against a
person who had entered upon the land and cannot show title or
possession in any one prior to the testator. No doubt as stated by
Lord Macnaghten in Perry v. Clissold, Doe v. Barnard (supra) lays
down the proposition that "if a person having only a possessor,
title to land be supplanted in the possession by another who has
himself no better title, and afterwards brings an action to recover
the land he must fail in case he shows in the course of the
proceedings that the title on which he seeks to recover was
merely possessory;" Lord Macnaghten observes further that it is
difficult, if not impossible to reconcile Asher v. Whitlock with Doe
v. Barnard and then concludes:

"The judgment of Cockburn C. J. is clear on the point. The rest of

the Court concurred and it may be observed that one of the
members of the court in Asher. v. Whitlock (Lush J) had been
counsel for the successful party in Doe v. Barnard. The conclusion 
at which the court arrived in Doe v. Barnard is hardly consistent
with the views of such eminent authorities on real property law 
as Mr. Preston and Mr. Joshua Williams, It is opposed to the
opinions of modern text-writers of such weight and authority as
Professor Maitland and Holmes J of the Supreme Court of the
United States (see articles by Professor Maitland in the Law
Quarterly Review Vols. 1, 2 and 4; Holmes, Common Law p. 244;
Professor J. B. Ames in 3 Harv. Law. Rev. 324 n)".

The difference in the two cases and which made Asher v. Whitlock
prevail was indicated in that case by Mellor J thus:

"In Doe v. Barnard the plaintiff did not rely on her own
possession merely, but showed a prior possession in her
husband, with whom she was unconnected in point of title. Here
the first possessor is connected in title with the plaintiff; for there
can be no doubt that the testator's interest was devisable."

The effect of the two cases is that between two claimants, neither
of whom has title in himself, the plaintiff if dispossessed is
entitled to recover possession subject of course to the law of
limitation. If he proves that he was dispossessed within 12 years
be can maintain his action.

21. It is because of this that Mr. Nambiar claimed entitled to

plead jus tertii. His contention is that in action of ejectment (as
opposed to an action of trespass) jus tertii is capable of being
pleaded. The old action of ejectment was used to try freehold
titles but. it was abolished, on 1873. It was also used "for recovery
of land by one who claimed not the right to seisin but the right to
possession by virtue of some chattel interest such as a term of
years." In such cases "the defence of jus tertii admits that the
plaintiff had such a right of entry as would generally entitle him to
succeed, but seeks to rebut that conclusion by setting up a better
right in some third person" or that the plaintiff had no right of 
entry at all.
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22. To summarise, the difference between Asher v. Whitlock and
Doe v. Barnard is this. In Doe v. Barnard the principle settled was
that it is quite open to the defendant to rebut the presumption
that the prior possessor has title, 1. e. seisin. This he can do by
showing that the title is in himself; if he cannot do this he can
show that the title is in some third person. Asher v. Whitlock lays
down that a person in possession of land has a good title against
all the world except the teue-owner and it is wrong in principle
for any one without title or authority of the true owner to
disposses him and relying on his position as defendant in
ejectment to remain in possession As Loft in his Maxim No. 265
puts it possessio contra omnes valet praeter eur cui ius sit
possessions (he that hath possession hath right against all but
him that hath the very right): See Smith v. Oxenden 1 Ch. Ca 25. A
defendant in such a case must show in himself or his predecessor
a valid legal title, or probably a possession prior to the plaintiff's
and thus be able to raise a presumption prior in time. It is to be
noticed that Ames (Harvard Law Review Vol. IIIp. 313at 37);
Carson (Real Property Statutes 2nd Ed. p. 180); Halsbury (Laws of
England, Vol. 24, 3rd Ed. p. 255 f. n. (o); Leake (Property in Land,
2nd Ed. p. 4,40); Lightwood (Time Limit on Actions pp. 120-133);
Maitland (supra), Newell (Action in Ejectment, American Ed. pp.
433-434); Pollock (Law of Torts, 15th Ed. p. 279); Salmond (Law of
Torts (supra); and Williams and Yates (Law of Ejectment 2nd Ed.
pp. 218, 250) hold that Doe v. Barnard does not represent true
law. Winer (to whom I am indebted for much of the information)
gives a list of other writers who adhere still to the view that jus
tertii can be pleaded.

23. Mr. Nambiar pressed upon us the view that we should not
accept Perry v. Clissold. It must be remembered that that case
was argued twice before the Privy Council and on the second
occasion Earl of Halsbury, L. C. Lords Macnaghten, Davey,
Robertson, Atkinson, Sir Ford North and Sir Arthur Wilson beard
the case. Lord Macnaghten's judgment is brief but quite clear. Mr.
Nambiar relies upon two other cases of the Privy Council and a 
reference to them is necessary. In Dharani Kanta Lahiri v. Garbar
Ali Khan 25 MLJ. 95 PC. a suit in ejectment was filed. The plaintiffs 
failed to prove that the lands of which they complained
dispossession were ever in their possession within 12 years
before suit and that the lands were not the lands covered by a
sanad which was produced by the defendants. The case is
distinguishable. It is to be noticed that Lord Macnaghten was the
President of the Board and the judgment of the Board, December
5, 1912, did not base the case on Doe v. Barnard or even refer to
it. The second is Mahabir Prasad v. Jamuna Singh 92 I. C. 31 P. C.
In this case the Board observed as follows:

"Counsel for the appellant (defendant) admits that in the face of

the ruling by the Board he could not impugn the reversionary
right of the plaintiff's vendors, but he contends that the
defendant is in possession and in order to eject him the plaintiff
must show that there is no other reversionary heir in the same
degree or hearer than his assignors whose title he (the
defendant) can urge against the plaintiff's claim for ejectment. In
other words, the action being one of ejectment the defendant is
entitled to plead in defence the right of someone else equally
entitled with the plaintiff's vendors."

After observing this the Board held that the defendant had failed
to prove his point. The observation does not lead to the
conclusion that a defendant can prove title in another
unconnected with his own estate. The case is not an authority for
the wider proposition.

24. The cases of the Judicial Committee are not binding onus but
we approve of the dictum in Perry v. Clissold, No subsequent case
has been brought to our notice departing from that view. No
doubt a great controversy exists over the two cases of Doe v.
Barnard and Asher v. Whitlock but it must be taken to be finally
resolved by Perry v. Clissold. A similar view has been consistently
taken in India and the amendment of the Indian Limitation Act
has given approval to the proposition accepted in Perry v. Clissold 
and may be taken to be declaratory of the law in India. We hold
that the suit was maintainable. 

25. It is next submitted that the High Court should not have given
its assistance to the plaintiff whose possession was unlawful to
begin with especially when, by granting the decree, an illegality
would be condoned and perpetuated. In support of this case the
Society relies on the provisions of Regulation IV of 1091 and other
connected Regulations and rales. It points out that under
Regulation IV of 1091, it was unlawful for anyone to occupy
Government land and a * punishment of fine in addition to
eviction was prescribed, and all crops and other products were
liable to confiscation. If eviction was resisted the Dewan could
order the arrest and detention in jail of the offender. S.18 barred
Civil Courts from taking any action in respect of orders passed
under the said Regulation except only when it was established
that the land was not government land. The civil court, it is
submitted, could not grant a decree for possession nor set up the
possession of a person who was an offender under the

26. In our opinion these submissions are not well founded. The
Regulations were intended to regulate the relation of
Government and persons but had no bearing upon the relations
between persons claiming to be in possession. Further the
penalty was a fine for wrongful occupation and in no sense a
punishment for crime. The illegality of the possession was thus
not a criminal act and the regaining of lost possession cannot be
described as an action to take advantage of one's own illegal
action. In fact the plaintiff was not required to rely upon any
illegality which is the consideration which makes courts deny
their assistance to a party. The Society relied upon the oft-quoted
observations of Lord Mansfiled C. J. in Hillman v.

Johnson (1775) 1 Cowper 341:

"the objection that a contract is immoral or illegal as between 

plaintiff and defendant sounds at all times very ill in the mouth of
the defendant. It is not for his sake, however, that the objection is 
ever allowed; but it is founded in general principles of policy
which the defendant has the advantage of, contrary to the real
justice, as between him and the plaintiff, by accident, if I may say
so. The

principle of public policy is this: ex dolo malo non oritur actio. No

court will lend its aid to a man who founds his cause of action
upon an immoral or an illegal act. If, from the plaintiff's own
stating or otherwise the cause of action appears to arise ex
turpicausa or the transgression of a positive law of this country,
there the court says he has no right to be assisted. It is upon that
ground the Court goes; not for the sake of the defendant, but
because they will not lend their aid to such a plaintiff."

There are general observations applicable to a case of illegality on

which a party must rely to succeed. In a case in which a plaintiff
must rely upon his own ille-gality the court may refuse him
assistance. But there is the other proposition that if a plaintiff
does not have to rely upon any such illegality, then although the
pos-session had begun in trespass a suit can be maintained for
restitution of possession. Otherwise the opposite party can make
unjust enrichment although its own posses-sion is wrongful
against the claimant. It is to be noticed that the law regards
possession with such favour that even against the rightful owner
a suit by a trespasser is. well-founded if he brings the suit within
6 months of dispossession. We have also shown that there is
ample authority for the proposition that even after the expiry of
these 6 months a suit can be maintained within 12 years to
recover possession of which a person is deprived by one who is
riot an owner or has no authority from him.

27. The Society next argues that Since it has got a second
Kuthakapattom we must relate it back to the original
dispossession and treat it as a statutory order under the Saws of
Travancore. It refers us to the Travancore Survey and"
Boundaries Regulation of May 1942 (R.9), the Land Conservancy 
Regulation (as amended from time to time), the Puduval Rules
and the Land Assignment kegu-Iat.ipris and some other rules to 
show that the forest lands were property of Government and the
plaintiff could not be said so be holding land under a grant from
Government but the Society is. We think that this argument is of
the same character as the argument about jus tertii. The case is
between two persons neither of whom had any right to the suit
lands and were trespassers one after the other. No question of
implementing a statutory order arises. The grant of the second
Kuthakapattom is not related back to the grant of the original
grant and can only be considered if and when it is pleaded. It is
therefore not necessary to consider this point at the moment
when we are not in possession of the case of the plaintiff which
he may setup in answer to this case.

This brings us to the question whether the High Court should

have allowed the amendment sought in 1965. The suit was filed
in 1942 and the second Kuthakapattom was granted in 1948. The
last amendment was asked for in 1958. Before this the plaintiff
had pointedly drawn attention to the fact that arguments based
on the new Kuthukapattom were likely to be pressed. The trial
judge had ruled that arguments could not be shut out in advance.
These circumstances have to be borne in mind in approaching
the problem.

28. It is, however, plain that after the grant of (Cuthakapattom in

1948 the possession of the Society became not only de facto but
also de jure unless there was a flaw in the grant. It is equally plain
that the Society could only resist the present suit by proving its
title or the authority of the true owner, namely, the State. The
former was not open to the Society before 1948 but the latter
was after the grant. The Society contends that even if the facts
were not pleaded the documents were before the Court, and the
parties knew of them and indeed the plaintiff had himself caused
some of them to be produced. It was the duty of the court to take
note of them and suo mote to frame an issue. This point has
hardly any force. The Society could take advantage of such
evidence as was provided by the plaintiff but it had to put it in 
support of a plea. Issue No. 2. on which great reliance is placed
was not concerned with an abstract proposition but what flowed 
from the pleas. Nor could the court frame an issue from
documents which not the Society but the plaintiff had caused to
be brought on file. The cases reported in Ganbo & Anr v. Shri Dev
Sidashwar & Others 26 Bom. 360, Shamu Patter v. Abdul Kadir
Ravuthan and Others 35 Mad. 607 PC. and Kunju Kesavan V.M.M.
Philip, ICS and Others (1964) 3 SCR. 634 do not help the Society. If
the plea had been raised by the Society it would undoubtedly
have been countered and one does not know what use the
plaintiff would have made of the documents he bad got marked.
Therefore it cannot be said that the trial lodge was in error in not
considering the documents.

29. This brings us to the general proposition whether the High

Court should have allowed the amendment late as it was. The
plaintiff is right that the application was made literally on the eve
of the judgment. This argument is really based on delay and
laches. The application has not been made for the first time in
this Court when other considerations might have applied. It was
made in the High Court after the argument based on the
documents on record was urged. This argument was also urged
in the court of trial. The contention of the Society was thus
present on both the occasions and it would have been better if
the Society was directed to amend the pleadings before the
argument was heard. The omission. However, remained.

30. Now it is a fixed principle of law that a suit must be tried on

the original cause of action and this principle governs not only
the trial of suits but also appeals. Indeed the appeal being a
continuation of the suit new pleas are not considered. If
circumstances change they can form the subject of some other
proceedings but need not ordinarily be considered in the appeal.
To this proposition there are a few exceptions. Sometimes it
happens that the original relief claimed becomes inappropriate,
or the law changes affecting the rights of the parties. In such
cases courts may allow an amendment pleading the changed
circumstances. Sometimes also the changed circumstances 
shorten litigation and then to avoid circuity of action the courts
allow an amendment. The practice of the courts is very 
adequately summarized in Ram Raten Sahu v. Mohant Sahu
(1907) 6 CLJ. 74. Mookerjee and Holmwood, JJ. have given the kind
of changed circumstances which the courts usually take notice,
with illustrations from decided cases. The judgment in that case
has been consistently followed in India. In Raicharan Mandal v.
Biswanath Mandal AIR. 1915 Cal. 103 other cases are to be found
in which subsequent events were noticed. The same view was
taken by the Federal Court in Lachmeshwar Prasad Shukul v.
Keshwar Lal Chaudhuri (1940) FCR. 84 at 87 following the dictum
of Hughes C. J. in Patterson v. State of Albama (1934) 294 US.; 600
at 607. In Surinder Kumar & Others v. Gian Chand & Others
(1958) SCR. 548 this Court also took subsequent events into
account and approved of the case of the Federal Court. In view of
these decisions it is hardly necessary to cite further authorities.

31. Mr. Gupta on behalf of the plaintiff has strenuously opposed

the request for amendment. His objection is mainly based on the
ground of delay and laches. He relies on Gajadhar Mahlon v.
Ambika Prasad Tiwtiri, AIR. 1925 PC 169,170, R. Skanmugu
Rajeshwara Sethupatnia v. Chiddihbaram Chettiar 1938 PC 123
and Kanda v. Maghu LR. 77 IA. 15 in which the Judicial Committee
declined amendment before it. These cases Were different. In the
first case the Judicial Committee held that it was within its
discretion to allow amendment but did not feel compelled to
exercise the discretion. In the second case the amendment was
no doubt refused because it was asked for at the last moment
but the real reason was that under it a relief of a wide and
exceptional nature was granted. The point was so intricate that it
required careful and timely pleading and a careful trial. In the last
case the Judicial Commute relying on the leading case of Ma Shwe
Mya v. Maung Mo Huaung 1921 LR. 48 IA. 214, 217 held that it
was not open to allow an amendment of the plaint to cover a new
issue which

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involved setting up a new case. 32. As against these cases, this
Court in L. J. Leach & Co, v. Jardine Skinner and Co. 1957 SCR. 438, 
Pungonda Hongonda Patil v. Kalgonda Shid-gonda Patil 1957 SCR.
595 and A. K. Gupta and Sons v. Damodar Valley Corpn (1966) 1 
SCR. 796 allowed amendments when a fresh claim would have
been time-barred. The cases of this Court cannot be said to be
directly in point. They do furnish a guide that amendment is a
discretionary matter and although amendment at a late stage is
not to be granted as a matter of course, the court must lean in
favour of doing full and complete justice in the case where the
party against whom amendment is to be allowed can be
compensated by costs or otherwise. Also the amendment must
be one which does not open the case or take the opposite party
by surprise. 33. In the present case the amendment sought was
not outside the suit. In fact issue No. 2 could have easily covered
it if a proper plea had been raised. The Society was perhaps
under an impression that the fresh Kuthakapattom would be
considered and the trial judge had also said that the argument
could not be shut out. Although it is not possible to say that
parties went to trial in regard to the fresh Kuthakapattom, it
cannot be gainsaid that the plaintiff had himself caused all the
documents necessary for the plea to be brought on the record of
the case. No doubt plaintiff tried to implead Government with a
view to obtaining an injunction but as no notice under S.80 of the
Code of Civil Procedure was given this was an exercise in futility.
But the Society was under no disability except its own inaction. If
it had made a timely request it would have been granted. 34.
Thus it is a question of the delay and laches on the part of the
society. In so far as the court was concerned the amendment
would not have unduly prolonged litigation; on the other hand, it
would have cat ie short. Without the amendment another suit
based on the second Kuthakapattom is inevitable.. As we have
shown above there is good authority in support of the
proposition that subsequent events may be taken note of if they
tend to reduce litigation. This is not one of those cases in which
there is a likelihood of prolonged litigation after remand or in
which a new case will begin. The amendment will prima facie
allow the Society to show to the court that in addition to
possession it has also title. This will enable the court to do
complete justice, if the plea is found good, without the parties
having to go to another trial. 35. We are, therefore, of the opinion
that we should allow the amendment. Of course, the plaintiff will 
be at liberty to controvert the new plea but he will not be allowed
to raise new pleas of his own having no relation to the grant of 
the second Kuthakapattom. As this amendment is being allowed
we do not consider it advisable to state at this stage what the
implications of the new grant will be under the law applicable in
1948. We are, however, clear for reasons, already given, that the
second Kuthakapattom cannot be regarded as retrospective from
the date of the grant of the first Kuthakapattom. We wish to add
that the document Ext.1 does not mention that it was to be
retrospective. Now a formal document which has no ambiguity
cannot be varied by reference to other documents not intended
to vary it. The only other documents are Ext. 6, the order
conferring the second Kuthakapattom and Ext. 7 a demand by
the Tahsildar of the Pattom calculated at the same rate from the
date of the first Kathakapattom. This follows from the Rules. Any
person in unlawful possession may be compelled under the Rules
to pay pattom and this is what appears to have been ordered.
There is also nothing to show that this was not the Tahsildars
own interpretation of the facts and the documents. We are,
therefore, quite clear that the second Kuthakapattom must be
read prospectively from the date of its grant, if it be held that it is
valid. 36. There are only two other matters to consider. They are
the question of mesne profits and improvements. The rate of
mesne profits has already been decided and no argument was
addressed to us about it. We say no more about it except that the
rate will be applicable to the new state of facts in the case after
the amendment. It is also not necessary to go into the question of
improvements now because in answer to the plea? to be raised
hereafter the question of improvements will have to be gone into
de novo in the light of the findings reached. The argument of the
parties that the Rules do not contemplate payment for
improvements is neither here nor there. That applies between
Government and a private party and not between two private
parties. These matters will be left for determination in the
proceedings hereafter to be taken. 37. In the result we dismiss
the appeal as to portion L(1) (a) both in regard to possession and
mesne profits and improvements. As regards L(1)(b) the
amendment based on the second Kuthakapattom will be allowed
and parties will go to trial on that amendment. The plaintiff will
be entitled to raise his defence in reference to the second 
Kuthakapattom. The question of mesne profits and
improvements in relation to L(1)(b) will be reconsidered in the 
light of the finding regarding the second Kuthakapattom but the
rate of mesne profits as already determined shall not be altered.
The plaintiff will, of course, be entitled to mesne profits till the
date of the grant of the second Kuthakapattom. 38. There is no
doubt that the Society was wrongly advised and allowed the
question of amendment to be delayed. At the same time by not
allowing the amendment the plaintiff forces the issue regarding
possession of L(1)(b). In our judgment the Society must pay the
costs thrown away, that is to say, that it must bear the costs
incurred in the High Court and the court of first instance by the
plaintiff in addition to costs on its own account. In so far as the
costs of this Court are concerned parties will bear the costs as the
case is being sent to the trial court for further trial.
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