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Nana y` lengua Lesson Outline

1.Chavacano history

1.1 Zamboanga background

2.Chavacano alphabet

3.Letters Word Examples


5.Days and the weeks

6.Helpful Words and Phrases

7.Greetings and Introductions

1.Chavacano History

Foundation of Zamboanga City and its Chavacano language.

Fort pilar is the foundation of Zamboanga Ctiy and its Chavacano language. The entire Zamboanga
Peninsula was under the name of Zamboanga and was even once the Republic of Zamboanga for a brief
period of time. Zamboanga City was known simply as Zamboanga before it became a chartered city in
1936. Now it is known as “Zamboanga hermosa, urgollo de Mindanao”, the “city of flowers”, and as
“Asia’s latin City”.

People who live in Zamboanga City are called Zamboangueños. The majority of the people who live in
Zamboanga City speak the chavacano language. Of course several other languages are spoken in
Zamboanga City but the local residents are really proud of their language and the name that they have
coined it, “chavacano”.

Chavacano is the language of the Zamboangueños. Some refer to the language of the Zamboangueños
as chabacano, which the Zamboangueños do not mind, as some of them refer to chavacano as
chabacano. However, it is commonly accepted that if you are officially referring to the language of the
Zamboangueños, then you might as well call it chavacano.

• The Official Language of Zamboanga City is Chavacano.

• The other major languages spoken in Zamboanga are:Filipino, English, Cebuano, Bisaya, Tausug,
Subanon, Samal, Tagalog, Spanish, Chinese
• English is still the language used in all the school system to educate the public. Filipino or
Tagalog is the second language used for education.
2.Chavacano alphabet

Abecedario De Chavacano Zamboangueno

Aa Bb Cc CH Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii

/a/ /be/ /se/ /che/ /de/ /e/ /efe/ /he/ /ache/ /i/

Jj Kk Ll LL ll Mm Nn Nn Oo Pp Qq

/jota/ /ka/ /ele/ /elye/ /eme/ /ene/ /enye/ /o/ /pe/ /ku/

Rr RR rr Ss Ty Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

/ere/ erre /ese/ /te/ /u/ /ve/ /doble U/ /equis/ /ye/ /zeta/


Cabeza de Bau
3.Letters Word Examples

Chavacano Tagalog English

A = Aeroplano Eroplano Airplane

B = Baston Tungkod Walking stick

C= Cabug Paniki Bat

D= Dalaguita Dalaga Teenage girl

E= Educacion Edukasyon Education

F= Fuego Apoy Fire

G= Gato Pusa Cat

H= Hamborjer Hamburger hamburger

I= Iglesia Simbahan Church

J= Jolen Marbel Marbel

K= Kema Paso Burn

L= Lapis Lapis Pencil

M= Maestro Guro Teacher

N= Naris Ilong Nose

O= Ojos Mata Eyes

P= Pato Itik Duck

Q= Que Ano What

R= Ropa Damit Cloth

S= Siembra Halaman Plant

T= Tarde Hapon Afternoon

U= Uñas Kuko Nails

V= Vinagre Suka Vinegar

W= Weste Kanluran West

X= X

Y= Yerba Damo Herb

Z= Zapatos Sapatos Shoes


0 Zero Cero 30 Thirty Treinta

1 One Uno 40 Forty Cuarenta

2 Two Dos 50 Fifty Cincuenta

3 Three Tres 60 Sixty Saiscenta

4 Four Cuatro 70 Seventy Sietenta

5 Five Cinco 80 Eighty Ochenta

6 Six Seis 90 Ninety Noventa

7 Seven Siete 100 One Hundred Siento

8 Eight Ocho 1,000 One Thousand Mil

9 Nine Nueve 10,000 Ten Thousand Diez Mil

10 Ten Diez 100,000 Hundred Thousand Siento Mil

11 Eleven Once 1,000,000 Million Un Million

12 Twelve Doce

13 Thirteen Trece

14 Fourteen Catorce

15 Fifteen Quince

16 Sixteen Dieciseis

17 Seventeen Diecisiete

18 Eighteen Dieceocho

19 Nineteen Doecenueve

20 Twenty Veinte

5. Days and the weeks

Sunday = Domingo

Monday= Lunes

Tuesday= Martes

Wednesday= Mercules

Thursday= Huweves

Friday= Biernes

Saturday= Sabado

Yesterday= Ayer

Today= Este dia

Tomorrow= Mannana

Day= Dia

Night= Noche

Week= Semana

Month= Mes

Year= Anno

Second= Segundo

Minute= Minuto

Hour= Hora

Morning= Dia

Evening= Noche

Noon= Medio dia

Afternoon= Tarde

Midnight= Medio noche

Now = Ahora

Later= Lluego

6.Helpful Words and Phrases

Please = Por pabor

Thankyou = Gracias

Can someone help us? = Tiene ba quen puede ayuda canatun?

Excuse me. / I’m sorry. = Despensa / Pasensia

Yes = Si

Maybe = Siguro

Right = Lleveras

Wrong = Hindi amo

Here = Aqui

There = Alya

Danger = Peligro

We are here to help you. = Taqui came para ayuda contigo

Who? = Quen?

What? = Que?

When? = Cuando?

Where? = Donde?

Why? = Por que?

How? = Como?
7.Greetings and Introductions

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