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Squad Leader Player Aid #1 version 2.1 by Jack Wingard.

Infantry Units
Quick reference data card showing infantry only. Squad (German) Leader (Russian)

One game turn consists of two player turns.

Each player’s turn consists of the following eight phases:

1. Rally Phase (Both players, active player first)

Each leader may now attempt to restore broken units in his hex. To rally, a Firepower Range Morale Leadership (−1)
broken squad must roll its morale or less with two dice (leadership modifier
applies). Broken leaders must “self-rally” before attempting to rally others. Firepower (FP): The basic strength a unit can attack with in combat.
Desperation Morale (DM) adds 4 to the roll, to reflect the unlikeliness of a Range: The distance (in hexes) a unit can attack with normal firepower.
unit to rally immediately after being fired upon. A unit that rolls an unadjusted Morale: A unit’s ability to remain disciplined without “breaking.”
“12” is eliminated (if a leader, this triggers an immediate Morale Check for all
Leadership: The rating of a leader’s ability to get the best out of his men.
units in his hex). After this phase remove all DM markers.
Usually a negative number (not a dash), leadership may be added to the
combat, morale check, and rally dice rolls of other units in the same hex.
2. Prep Fire Phase (Active player)
The active player’s unbroken units may now fire. If they do, they may not
move in the next Movement phase. Place a Prep Fire marker on each firing Fire Combat Procedure
unit to indicate this. Any number of units in any number of adjacent hexes may form a fire group.
For each fire group attack, repeat the following seven steps:
3. Movement Phase (Active player) 1. Declare the units firing as a fire group, and their target hex.
The active player’s unbroken units which did not Prep Fire this turn may now 2. Check that the Line of Sight (LOS), measured with a straight edge from
move, spending up to their Movement Factor (MF) allotment. MF are a firing hex center to target hex center, is unobstructed by woods, hedge,
measure of the difficulty to move into a hex, based on its terrain. Units may wall, or building symbols in intervening hexes.
not end this phase exceeding the stacking limit of 4 units (3 squads) per hex. 3. Multiply the Firepower (FP) of each firing unit by the following cumulative
The other player may place Track markers for the next Defensive Fire phase. modifiers that apply. Add up the total FP to determine the appropriate
MF allotments column on the table below, rounding down.
• Squad 4 MF • Moving firer ×½ (Advancing Fire Phase only)
• Leader (or squads with leader) 6 MF • Long range ×½ (up to double its printed range)
MF costs • Point-blank range ×2 (adjacent hex)
• Along road ½ MF 4. Roll two dice, adding the following cumulative modifiers based on target.
• Into open ground, wheat, shellhole, or road 1 MF • Moving in open ground −2 (Defensive Fire Phase only)
• Into woods or building 2 MF • In woods or shellhole +1
• Over wall or hedge hexside +1 MF • Behind hedge +1
• Behind stone wall +2
4. Defensive Fire Phase (Other player) • In wooden building +2
The other player’s unbroken units may now fire at units that moved through, • In stone building +3
or are currently in, their LOS. After this phase remove all Track markers. • Leadership of one unbroken firing leader (single-hex fire group only)
5. Cross reference FP and dice roll on the table below to determine the
5. Advancing Fire Phase (Active player) attack’s effectiveness against its target.
The active player’s unbroken units that moved this turn may now fire (at half • If “K,” eliminate all units in target hex.
FP). Units that have not moved or fired this turn may fire at full FP. After this • If blank, the attack has no effect.
phase remove all Prep Fire markers. • If a number, all units in target hex must make a Morale Check (MC).
An MC is a test to determine if a unit remains disciplined or “breaks”
6. Rout Phase (Both players, active player first) under pressure.
Running for cover of woods or a building (routing) during this phase is the 6. For each MC (leaders first) roll two dice, adding the following cumulative
only action possible for a broken unit. If a broken unit is adjacent to to an modifiers. (Russians rolling an unmodified “2” become Berserk.)
enemy unit, or is not in cover, it must rout using the shortest path (in MF, up • MC number from table
to its MF allotment) and must stop once it reaches such cover, provided the • Leadership of one unbroken leader in target hex
following conditions are met:
7. If the result is greater than the unit’s Morale, it breaks.
• It may never decrease range (in hexes) to known enemies (enemy units in
• If a unit breaks, flip the unit marker and place a DM marker on it.
its LOS during rout).
• If a leader breaks, all other stacked units must take another MC.
• It may not cross open ground (unless behind a wall or hedge) in both the
• If a broken unit breaks again, it is eliminated.
LOS and normal range of any unbroken enemy unit.
If either of these conditions aren’t met, the unit is eliminated.
14 0
7. Advance Phase (Active player)
The active player’s unbroken units may now move into an adjacent hex, 13 0 1
regardless of terrain or their prior action. This is the only time a unit may 12 0 1 1
move into a hex occupied by an enemy unit. 11 0 1 1 2
10 0 1 1 2 2
8. Close Combat (Both players, active player first) 9 0 1 1 2 2 3
Close Combat is an alternate type of fighting possible only when opposing
8 0 1 1 2 2 3 4
units occupy the same hex. In this phase, each player predesignates which Dice
of their units attack which enemy units. For each attack, determine the odds roll 7 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 K
ratio on the table below by comparing the FP of attacking and defending 6 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 K K
units. Roll two dice. If the roll is ≤ the kill number, defending units are 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 K K K
eliminated (though they still carry out their predesignated attack). 4 0 1 1 2 2 3 K K K K K
Odds ratio: 1:5+ 1:4 1:2 1:1 3:2 2:1 3:1 4:1 6:1 8+:1 3 1 1 2 K K K K K K K K
Kill number: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
 2 1 K K K K K K K K K K
1 K K K K K K K K K K K
1 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 24 30 36
Firepower (FP)

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