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3D & AR
Intro - Why are companies implementing 3D, AR and
Virtual Photography

Basic Definitions
Reasons to adopt 3D/AR

Top 8 stats about 3D/AR/Virtual Photography in

Killer 3D features in eCommerce
3D viewer and its key features
AR: Place in space and on the face
Virtual Photography

How is 3D made?

Case Studies

Parts& Whole / Furniture

S&A Living / Furniture
Aritco / Elevators
Broni&Bo / Accesories
pn 1

3D & Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Photography are increasing their
presence in eCommerce. The main driver is that consumers love more engaging
and realistic product pictures online. These enriched customer experiences lead
to more informed buying decisions, leading to more satisfied customers and less
need for returns. The Covid-19 pandemic, and massive investments and
initiatives led by tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Facebook, are further
accelerating the growth and consumer adoption of these visual technologies. In
the not-so-distant future - consumers will demand this!

On the next page, we will share the basic definitions of 3D, AR, VTO, and
Virtual Photography.
pn 2



A three-dimensional individual model, that It is displaying your 3D model through your
is a part or whole product that is configured. phone, tablet, or computer camera in real


A tool that allows you to create the highest A type of AR when placing a 3D model
quality render photos from any model on through your phone, tablet or computer's
the Sayduck platform. camera on your body.
pn 3


To get the most from these visual technologies, it is vital to know how you could utilize
them to benefit your business needs.

MSI Artymis Monitor


Place in space or virtually try-on products – AR allows customers to place

furniture in their own homes or even eyewear and style fashion on themselves
without setting foot inside a store. This helps to build confidence that purchasing
decisions are correct, which boosts conversion.
Increased user engagement – eCommerce can be very boring. Adding a 3D
viewer, a configurator, and AR to the mix, makes websites more interactive,
engaging, and enjoyable. Consumers will stay longer and in the end buy more
products, and return less of them.
Catering for mobile shoppers – 3D works brilliantly with Mobile Commerce
(MCommerce). Shoppers browsing on mobile devices appreciate being able to
explore every aspect of a product’s features in a format that’s fast and easy to use -
exactly what a 3D viewer provides. And, AR is just one click/tap away.
Small companies can be pioneers and gain competitive advantage – Many of our
clients at Sayduck are SMEs. They can dive into the world of 3D and AR at
affordable prices.
Save money with Virtual Photography – This is something that 3D provides but
few are aware of. With virtual photography, you can take photos of your 3D models
and have them automatically rendered and look like real photos. And voilá, you
have the photos you need to be able to showcase your product online in 2D. This
type of service is easy to use and it saves a lot of money. 3D is in essence solving
a product imagery problem that is causing many e-tailers a lot of headaches.
pn 4

8 AR/3D
Do AR and 3D really work? That’s a question that can clearly be answered today.
Although we are still in the early stages of 3D adoption in enterprises, the data
speak for itself. We’ve listed some key stats and proofings below:


As well as 41% of Furniture Today surveyed And a poll conducted by Purch
retailers are already incorporating revealed that 10% of marketers from
augmented reality. SMEs utilise AR and 72% plan to within
a year.


One of the key growth drivers being growing
when shoppers interact with products that demand for AR in retail and e-commerce
offer AR experienced. sectors, especially due to Covid-19 and rising
investments in AR.


According to Shopify's analysis, AR when shoppers interact with products that
significantly increases shoppers confidence. offer AR experienced.


And it is projected to reach 88.4 billion by
2026. And 72% said they have purchased an
item they didn't plan due to AR.
pn 5


A 3D Viewer is a place where your 3D

models are displayed and can be
interacted with. Embedding Sayduck's 3D
viewer onto your site is as simple as adding a
Youtube video to your website.

The 3D Viewer and Configurator allow you

have a feel for the product
rotate it
zoom in and out
check measurements
snap a photo of the product Umage: Treasures Cabinet Configurator
and get the feeling that you are checking
out a physical product.

With the configurator you can also specifications and view it from any angle in
change: real-time, creating a special shopping
colors experience.
sizes 3D configurators can also provide dynamic
and learn more about the product through pricing for chosen configurations and, when
annotations. integrated with Shopify or other eCommerce
platforms, check if a certain product
The 3D viewer can also be enriched with configuration is currently in stock.
animations and lots of other features that can 3D configurators are truly supercharging
be easily customized to fit in with any website, eCommerce.
brand, and target audience.
3D Viewers and Configurators are typically
The Visual Configurator is a transformative supported by most browsers on mobile and
feature for eCommerce - it allows your desktop and come with responsive design - so
customers to personalize a product to their no need to worry about that.
pn 6

AR (WebAR)
WebAR is rapidly moving from a nice-to-have feature to a must for online businesses. By
2025 it is expected that nearly 75% of the global population (ages 13-69) will be frequent
AR users. The consumers of tomorrow want an interactive shopping experience, in which
they can explore, validate and make informed buying decisions, without leaving their


AR is bridging the shoppers' “imagination 3. Interior company reported

gap”, letting them make informed their return rate has decreased by 22% from
purchasing decisions and as such, AR-guide purchases
significantly reducing returns.
4. The day eyewear company Warby
Various companies have been successfully Parker released their AR feature, their app
utilizing AR to gain a competitive advantage had historical record downloads, with a 4.9
in the past years: rating on the App Store.

1. After implementing in-store VR furniture In the end, it is all about trying out products
visualization, Macy's reduced their return in real-time just as you would in a store. But
rate to only 2% and had a 45% increase in with a smartphone or computer and placing
purchase sizes. the product in a context, which sometimes
might not be possible in a physical store.
2. IKEA Place is the second-most popular
free app built on Apple’s ARKit.
pn 7


Visualize a product in your room. Does this been especially benefiting from this
sofa look nice together with my current technology.
interior? Does it really fit? With one tap, that
sofa can appear in your room, letting you Returns are a $550 billion problem, and the
see for yourself. larger the product, the higher the cost of
returns becomes. AR is one cost-efficient
With the help of 3D and AR, shoppers can way to reduce this problem. Shopify has
try every possible material, size, and color recorded a 40% decrease in returns from
in order to find the ideal match. Large, as retailers using 3D visualization.
well as highly customizable product
manufacturers and retailers have

MSI: MAG CH130 I REPELTEK FABRIC Chair Part&Whole: Total Sofa

Works by Friends: Untitled #1 Art Print By Shane Audionord: Geneva Speaker

pn 8


This is what many define as a VTO (virtual However, when it comes to clothing VTOs,
try-on). VTO allows you to try various the current state of technology isn't quite
products out on your face or body with your there yet. While already achievable, the
camera. Currently, VTOs are best utilized results for clothing try-ons are usually not
for eyewear, headphones, helmets, realistic enough. They require a lot of
footwear, makeup, and other similar manual input from consumers, or use
products. Basically, anything that you would computer-generated preset models, on
try on your head, face, and feet. which you can see the flow of the garment,
on various body proportions, but not on self.
The technology in this area has developed
rapidly. Nowadays, VTOs based on faces Yet, with companies such as Facebook,
can achieve results that are almost trying to create VTOs possible even from
indistinguishable from real life. Footwear ads and Snapchat acquiring online clothing
virtual-try-ons have made huge leaps fitting company Fit Analytics, we could
forward in the past years, with players such expect to have the fashion industry moving
as Adidas, Nike and JD stepping in. to VTOs within the next few years.

OGI Glasses VTO Headphones VTO

pn 9

Virtual photography, otherwise known as photorealistic renders, uses 3D models,
instead of a traditional photo studio and a photographer, to create stunning product
visuals, that can be used on websites, social media, and other digital or printed mediums.

Sayduck Photo Studio

Tempur One lifestyle scene photorealistic render Whitespace photorealistic render

With the surge of online shopping, the value Based on your 3D models, you can use
of high-quality digital content in marketing virtual photography to snap whitespace
and sales has significantly increased. Yet render from any angle, and in seconds have
the problem remains - the larger the a perfect image of your product in any size
product, or higher the customization it or color that is available.
offers, the harder it becomes to photograph
the product. The problem can often be Professional 3D modelers can also relatively
solved by using 3D models. On average, it cheaply create lifestyle scenes, and place
is estimated that 3D models can be up to your product in any desired destination, to fit
six times cheaper than traditional your brand and lifestyle.
photography, with guaranteed results.
pn 10

The 3D creation process might seem complicated at first sight if you are not tech-savvy.
However, the process has become easier and cheaper every year, while the quality has
improved significantly.

A 3D model is that one piece that allows

you to showcase your product in 3D on
the web using our software, trying it out in
AR, playing with VTOs, and creating
promotional materials in our Virtual
Photography studio.

To display a product in 3D or AR you need to

create a 3D model of it. There are two ways
to do this.
3D model is the key piece for interactive
shopping experience
Photogrammetry: take several photos of
your product, that are analyzed through
photogrammetry software, and it generates a
3D model.

When done correctly, it produces high-quality

models, though they are often very large
files, which limits their uses.

Currently, photogrammetry is most useful for

organic products, such as food.

Building a 3D model from scratch: use a

3D modeler to create a model based on
reference materials (a physical product,
product images, dimensions, or CAD files).
Measurements, CAD files, photos, real
product all can help in creating accurate 3D Currently, 9 times out of 10 this is the best
model choice for most companies as it provides
models that are almost indistinguishable from
reality. They are light in file sizes and ready
to be used on any website through the
Sayduck platform.

For more information about how to create your 3D

model and more about reference materials, please
have a click here or reach out to us. We want to help!
pn 11



Showcase the high customizability of “Our new product range is a modular
modular furniture and give shoppers higher system, and one of the biggest problems
control of their design and shopping we’ve always had is having customers see
experience. how things are going to look at home."


3D Configurator and WebAR WebAR and Virtual Try-On solutions for the
implementation for Aritco, a manufacturer of accessories retailer Broni&Bo.
premium lifts.
pn 12

Part & Whole has partnered with Sayduck to better showcase the high customizability of
their furniture through one of the fastest in-the-market product configurators, and give
their buyers higher control of their design and shopping experience.

“Our debut product Total

is actually an open
ended system, utilizing
shared components that
can be built in an endless
variety of configurations.
We needed to be able to
communicate this
flexibility in a simple and
impactful way, without
overwhelming first time
customers with too much
-Part & Whole, Partner,
Guy Ferguson
Part&Whole: Total Chair

About Part & Whole

A contemporary furniture company from pandemic, Part & Whole has shifted its focus
Victoria, Canada, creating modern, highly to eCommerce. However, with it came the
customizable, and functional furniture to last issue of increased returns, because
through time. Part & Whole wanted to ease shoppers were unable to visualize how the
the customization process for their furniture would fit into their space.
shoppers, allowing them to add or remove
seats and arms, and be able to see how For this reason Part & Whole brought their
each option would fit in their homes. furniture customization into 3D, straight onto
their website, allowing buyers to fit the
Adapting to the internet era of shopping, furniture in their homes and offices through
and hastened with the emerging Augmented Reality.
pn 13

“Selling large, physical products primarily through an eCommerce platform

presents many challenges. We have tried to create an immersive and
dynamic digital experience for our customers to break down as many of
those barriers as possible. Tools like the configurator and AR help us
provide an alternative to the traditional showroom model of selling furniture.
In some cases we believe these assets actually improve upon the shopping
experience by providing a new level of detail and personalization.”
-Part & Whole, Partner, Guy Ferguson

• Producing 3 configurable sofas and customers, we made sure to create 3D
armchairs with variations in size, armrest, furniture models that would mimic the live
and fabric sofas and armchairs to the nail. We have
• Needed a custom configurator that could also, through custom API integration,
seamlessly integrate into their eCommerce created a custom picker for configuring Part
website and fit the brand look & Whole furniture to fit the website layout.

Part & Whole needed a configurator that Their development team worked on creating
would effortlessly integrate into their a specific style of UI in order to adapt it to
eCommerce website. One that would create their brand look and feel.
a flowing shopping experience, with their
3D models replicating the real products to Our modelers made sure to provide Part &
the smallest detail, and give the real and Whole with the models to meet their exact
immersive AR experience when testing out needs. Then, our product team assisted with
the furniture at home. embedding the code into the website and
gave further coaching on our platform editing
The result capabilities, which allowed Part & Whole to
In order to create an exceptional furniture add new fabrics to their sofas and armchair.
shopping experience for Part & Whole


pn 14

Talking 3D and Configurable products with S&A Living

S&A Living: George entertainment system (left) and Isabella bookshelf (right)

“You guys are excellent to work with; intelligent, proactive, thoughtful, fast.”
– S&A Living, Nicholas Acquroff

About S&A Living

Based in Australia, S&A Living has made Giving a perfect understanding of a product,
home decoration products for almost a especially in online retail, has always been a
century. During this time, S&A Living has challenge. However, nowadays 3D and
become synonymous with consistency, Augmented Reality (AR) can change the
quality, and style. whole game in eCommerce by making it
easy and simple to visualize complex
As times change and visualization products that come in multiple variations and
technology evolves, new ways to present configurations.
products emerge. It has been exciting for us
to help S&A Living take the first step in
utilizing 3D and Augmented Reality.
pn 15

“Our new product range for S&A Living is a modular system, and one of the
biggest problems we’ve always had is having customers see how things are
going to look at home. Sayduck is helping us change our industry – because
we’re able to show people pre-modeled products that we’ve put together into
ranges. In the past, it’s always been custom from the ground up”
– S&A Living, Nicholas Acquroff

about things, you provide solutions to our

“In a retail environment, it’s a brilliant
problems, you’ve helped us model
solution. We like to sell our products with
everything, and you’ve gone outside of your
real and tangible imagery. The Sayduck
normal scope when we’ve needed it.”
Platform is an incredible customization tool
that allows people to visualize what they are
What has the effect of 3D and AR been in
getting. We hope that this means they’ll
your business?
follow through with their selections, choose
“Our customers find it fascinating and
a higher value and more sophisticated
simple. We’ve integrated the Sayduck 3D
products”, Nicholas continues.
Configurator with our own pricing module on
the front end and implemented a screen
Having the option to showcase a precise
reader plugin that reads the value on the
product configuration is a clear advantage
components and then adds that value to the
and sharing this common vision is a strong
price. It’s a great live pricing tool.”
validation point for us at Sayduck and
confirms why we strongly believe in what
We are proud to help S&A Living take its first
we do.
steps into showcasing its products in 3D and
Augmented Reality and look forward to
How has it been working with Sayduck?
sharing more similar stories with you in the
“Your customer service is exceptional. You
guys are intelligent in the way you think


pn 16

3D Configurator and WebAR implementation for a premium lifts manufacturer

The recent global situation has permanently changed both B2C and B2B business
strategies. Customers have learned the value of understanding products without being
able to see or touch them, and now expect brands to create online shopping experiences
that are both informative, engaging, and personally relevant. Although it might sound like
a tough task to do, it is actually easy to achieve with product visualization in 3D and

Aritco stands for

engineering, quality, and
design excellence. All of
this demands great tools
and premium visualization
in digital channels, which is
exactly what the Aritco
Liftguide configuration
– Niklas Slotte, CEO of

Aritco Homelift 3D configurator on desktop and WebAR on a mobile device

About Aritco The Case & Solution

Aritco is an award-winning manufacturer of A great example that reflects our passion for
platform lifts and home lifts. The company a better online shopping experience, is our
supplies lifts to public and private markets collaboration with Aritco. To keep up with the
all over the world. Today, almost 4,000 lifts pace of inevitable digitalization, Aritco
are produced per year and sold in 40 decided to go with interactive product
different countries through more than 170 visualization in 3D and AR. The main task
distributors. was to visualize Aritco’s
pn 17

We looked forward to developing this 3D and AR solution in collaboration

with Vobling & Sayduck. It gives our customers and partners around the
world the opportunity to tailor and visualize our lifts in their intended
environment. By broadening our range of digital services, we continue to be
one of the leading players in our industry.
– Klas Dybeck, CIO/CDO at Aritco Lift AB.

three main lifts in 3D with the ability to This dynamic 3D and AR implementation
configure each of them and view the final makes it easier to engage with the product
chosen product in AR. almost as in-store, while still staying safely at
home or in the product's natural
Now Aritco’s customers are able to choose environment.
the type of lift, the number of floors, height,
location of doors/windows, choice of The implementation of 3D and WebAR not
material, lighting, and more, according to only drives more sustainable purchases, as it
their wishes. Once the customer is happy reduces the possibility of returns, but also a
with the customized lift that is visually 3D configurator technology is proven to
presented to them, the WebAR function drive at least a 10 percent increase in
comes next. With only one click on a mobile sales/conversions over traditional
device, the customer can try the lift in their methods. Additionally, it has also provided a
own environment, have a look at the details, competitive advantage over similar brands
move it around and see if it actually fits. for Aritco.


pn 18

WebAR and Virtual Try-On solutions for the accessories retailer Broni&Bo

We all testify how the world is currently changing in every sphere, including eCommerce.
Businesses are facing many challenges and have to look for solutions to adapt and
survive during this time. One of them is to find ways how to provide a better customer
journey, as customers are shopping online without leaving their homes.

Helping to reduce the

impact of shipping
and returns helps us
play a small part in
reducing the impact
on the environment.
– Matthew Boulding,
the owner of

Broni&Bo knitted ties in webAR

About Broni&Bo

We have always been all about finding the Broni&Bo is an accessories label
best solutions for each and every one of our specializing in knitted ties and knitted bow
customers according to their product, main ties. Since 2011, this brand has worked on
problem, and vision. Broni&Bo was the first a range of carefully selected ties and bow
customer for whom we built the unique ties in a variety of styles and materials for
possibility to experience bow ties in any occasion.
Augmented Reality and also with the Virtual
Try-On feature. This allows the customers In 2020 Broni&Bo was the first company to
to virtually fit the products while staying at launch bow ties using the latest in facial
home and using only a phone. recognition technology. With the Virtual-Try-
On implementation, Broni&Bo now offers
We’ve talked with Matthew Boulding, the their customers a unique opportunity to try
owner of Broni&Bo about the WebAR and their products from home, or wherever they
Virtual-Try-On integration to their company. may be.
pn 19

The true benefit of augmented reality is the potential to provide an immersive

shopping experience that empowers customers to remotely explore every
inch, every part, and every angle of a product, without having to purchase it
– Matthew Boulding, the owner of Broni&Bo

1. How did you first come up with the 2. What were the reasons you decided to
idea to add 3D and Augmented Reality add a virtual-try-on feature to some of
features to your products? your knitted bow ties?

We work in a very saturated market and The true benefit of augmented reality is the
there is no way to get away from that in potential to provide an immersive shopping
regards to our products. There are so many experience that empowers customers to
businesses out there offering similar remotely explore every inch, every part, and
products to ours which means competition every angle of a product, without having to
is tough. Our aim has always been to purchase it first. At Broni&Bo we launched
differentiate ourselves from the competition augmented reality to do just that, and offer
by becoming a specialist in our area and our customers a closer look at our knitted
delivering a higher level of service, from ties and bow ties, which is impossible to do
customer support to our bespoke color- from traditional product photography.
matching service. Initially, we saw
immersive technology as a great way to One of our key goals in implementing virtual-
enhance our service to customers that went try-on was to help make buying our products
beyond our current proposition. It also easier, specifically for the wedding market.
allows us to share this service with our retail We know that choosing a color scheme for a
clients who can easily add these to their wedding is one of the first and biggest
websites. decisions that is made by a couple and helps
set the tone and vibe for the big day.

We have worked with a lot of happy couples

but we noticed that they would buy 3-4
different colors, try them on and then return
the colors they didn’t want and then order
the rest.

We saw virtual try on’s as an opportunity to

meet the needs of the groom and his
pn 20

groomsmen. They could virtually try on our 3. Have you worried about anything
extensive range of colors without the need before deciding to go with 3D & AR?
to actually buy a range of our bow ties to try
on and then need to return. It also provides I know that 3D and AR isn’t universal
the ability to virtually try the products on in across all devices and platforms so there
the comfort of their own home, where ever was and is a worry that usability isn’t going
in the world they may be or, more to be as high as it could be. Shopify, our
particularly, in stores that sell suits but not eCommerce platform of choice has always
necessarily the wide range of the products been forward thinking when it comes to
they need. integrating new technology in to it’s platform
but at the moment there isn’t anything in
Another key factor was overseas regards to reality files that can be easily
customers. Whilst we have sold our added to the site as they have done with
accessories in over 36 countries, we felt USDZ files so we have found a work around
that the potential overseas customer may for now.
be less willing to buy from us because of As a very small business owner and limited
the cost of shipping and return just to test in-house technology (ie. What I know) we
the color. If the color or style isn’t right, will be limited to what Shopify can offer in
using AR can help avoid regards to integration. Hopefully it’s on their
agenda soon.

Whilst we have sold our accessories in over 36 countries, we felt that that
the potential overseas customer may be less willing to buy from us because
of the cost of shipping and return just to test the colour.
– Matthew Boulding, the owner of Broni&Bo

the hassle of purchasing, trying, and 4. Have you noticed any improvements in
returning or exchanging. Shipping and your business after implementing 3D &
returns were and still are creating AR on your website?
unnecessary costs both for us and the
We didn’t do a large launch with this service
customer, something we want to try and
simply because of the times that we are in.
minimize with virtual-try-on. Helping to
Whilst this would be a perfect time to launch
reduce the impact of shipping and in regards to people not being able to visit
returns helps us play a small part in stores we know that our key demographic
reducing the impact on the environment. isn’t purchasing at the moment and business
has been tough.
We had no other real issues as of yet but
UX will always play a key factor in
adoption and usage.
pn 21

We hope that as things start to pick up with From a fashion point of view, we are lucky
the wedding industry we will start to see the that our products can easily be tried on
impact of this new experience and a way of using your phone in your hand. This isn’t as
shopping driving our business forward. easy to, say, our ties because of the varying
length of people and our ties. There will
5. How do you see the future of 3D & AR need to be a shift in the technology that we
in the eCommerce industry? use that will allow other businesses to adopt
this. Who knows, we may see a new IKEA
I think that people and businesses will be mirror that links directly to a website and
reticent to adopt AR in the coming year but you can try on various brands and order at
as customer adoption starts to become the the touch of a button.
norm we will start to see a huge shift in
demand for AR.

You can learn more about Broni&Bo virtual try-on case study as well as other case
studies by visiting our website or subscribing to our newsletter!

Start providing
interactive shopping
experiences with
Sayduck Platform


For inquiries about Sayduck contact:

Donatas Padvelskis
Head of Operations, Sayduck
[email protected]

Or book a meeting with us HERE.
[email protected]

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