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Ontario GRADE 6
Physical Education &
Report Card Comments


*N* enthusiastically *N* enthusiastically participates in *N* participates in activities *N* infrequently participates in
participates in activities that most activities that that maintain/improve activities that
maintain/improve physical maintain/improve physical fitness. physical fitness with periodic maintain/improve physical
fitness. *4* performs the *4* performs the movements and enthusiasm. *4* performs the fitness *4* performs the
movements and combinations that are required in movements and combinations movements and combinations
combinations that are volleyball, dodgeball and that are required in volleyball, that are required in volleyball,
required in volleyball, Borden bordenball, with reasonable agility borden ball and dodgeball, borden ball and dodgeball,
ball and dodgeball, with and accuracy. with some agility and with limited agility and
agility and accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.

*4* is able to skillfully send *4* is often able to send and *4* is sometimes able to send *4* is seldom able to send and
and receive a variety of receive a variety of objects, while and receive objects, while receive objects, while applying
objects, adjusting for speed applying principles of movement applying basic principles of basic principles of movement
and distance, while applying and travelling in different movement and travelling in and travelling in different
principles of movement and pathways in relation to others. different pathways in relation pathways in relation to others.
travelling in different to others.
pathways in relation to

*N* consistently interacts *N* usually interacts positively *N* occasionally interacts *N* rarely interacts positively
positively with others, follows with others, follows rules and positively with others, follows with others, follows rules and
rules and shows respect for shows respect for the decisions rules and shows respect for shows respect for the
the decisions and calls of and calls of teammates. *4* the decisions and calls of decisions and calls of
teammates. *4* maintains maintains healthy relationships teammates. *4* applies some teammates. *4* applies few of
healthy relationships and and applies many of the social of the social skills necessary to the social skills necessary to
applies the social skills skills necessary to be an effective be an effective team member be an effective team member
necessary to be an effective team member. and maintain healthy and maintain healthy
team member. relationships. relationships.

I have left spaces here, so that the different components of each comment are clear. It is also how I
have them inputted in our report card system. . *N*=name *4*=He/She *2*=his/her *7*=him/her


*N* performs almost all of the *N* performs most of the required *N* performs some of the N* performs few of the
required movement skills movement skills when required movement skills when required movement skills when
when participating in participating in badminton, participating in badminton, participating in badminton,
badminton, basketball and basketball and the various basketball and the various basketball and the various
the various running, throwing, running, throwing and jumping running, throwing and jumping running, throwing and jumping
and jumping track and field track and field events. track and field events. track and field events.

*4* puts forth a consistent *4* usually puts forth a consistent *4* occasionally puts forth *4* infrequently puts forth
effort and displays a positive effort and displays a positive effort and displays a positive effort in physical fitness. *4*
attitude toward physical attitude toward physical fitness. *4* attitude toward physical demonstrates little
fitness. *4* always often demonstrates responsibility fitness. *4* generally responsibility for *2* own safety
demonstrates responsibility for *2* own safety and the safety demonstrates responsibility for and the safety of others when
for *2* own safety and the of others when participating in *2* own safety and the safety participating in physical
safety of others when physical activity. of others when participating in activity.
participating in physical physical activity.

OPTIONAL ADD-ONS for any term

*4* has really improved *2* ability to accept defeat or perceived "unfairness" during team games.
*4* sometimes needs prompting to "take it easy" during team games, but is usually quick to adjust *2* physicality.
*4* carries out a variety of tactical solutions to increase chances of success in games.
Next steps for any term:
*N* is encouraged to become a more active participant and to approach gym class with a growth mindset.
*N* is encouraged to tone down *2* physicality when using equipment, to ensure the safety of others.
Keep up the excellent sportsmanship and determination, *N*! You set a very strong example for your peers and they really
respect you.
*N* is encouraged to continue setting and reaching personal fitness goals. Great improvements this term, *N*!
Your participation is really starting to improve, *N*! Keep taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone next term.
*N* is encouraged to continue working on strategies that help *7* deal with frustration (e.g., go get a drink, take deep
breaths, take a break in the changeroom).
We have very limited space for subject comments on our progress reports. Here are 2 versions:

Progressing VERY WEll Progressing WELL Progressing WITH DIFFICULTY

*N* demonstrates excellent physical *N* demonstrates physical endurance *N* demonstrates moderate physical
endurance during running activities, during most running activities, football endurance during running activities,
football and various cooperative and various cooperative games. *4* is football and various cooperative
games. *4* is consistently able to often able to perform a combination of games. *4* is able to perform some
perform a combination of locomotion locomotion and travelling skills when locomotion and travelling skills when
and travelling skills when using using equipment. *4* follows the rules of using equipment. *4* generally follows
equipment. *4* follows the rules of fair fair play in most activities and is usually the rules of fair play in games and
play in every activity and is always a a keen participant. activities, but *2* participation is limited.
keen participant.


*N*'s excellent physical endurance *N*'s physical endurance allows *7* to *N* infrequently engages in running
allows *7* to actively engage in all engage in most running activities and activities and cooperative games. *4* is
running activities and cooperative cooperative games. *4* is able to able to perform some combinations of
games. *4* is able to perform several perform combinations of locomotion locomotion and travelling skills when
combinations of locomotion and and travelling skills when using using equipment.
travelling skills when using equipment. equipment.

*N*=name *4*=He/She *2*=his/her *7*=him/her *5*=His/Her



*N* recognizes a variety of medical, *N* recognizes most of the medical, *N* recognizes some of the medical,
emotional, practical and societal emotional, practical and societal emotional, practical and societal
factors that influence eating habits factors that influence eating habits and factors that influence eating habits and
and food choices (e.g., media, cost, food choices (e.g., media, cost, family food choices (e.g., media, cost, family
family and friends, culture). *4* and friends, culture). *4* demonstrates and friends, culture). *4* sometimes
demonstrates a thorough an understanding of the benefits of demonstrates an understanding of the
understanding of the benefits of healthy eating for active living. *4* is benefits of healthy eating for active
healthy eating for active living. *4* is able to describe many of the short and living. *4* is able to describe a few of
able to describe the short and long-term effects of cannabis. *N* can the short and long-term effects of
long-term effects of cannabis. *N* can determine influences on the abuse of cannabis. *N* can generally determine
determine several influences on the alcohol and drugs, and consider them influences on the abuse of alcohol and
abuse of alcohol and drugs, and as part of a decision-making process drugs, and consider them as part of a
consider them as part of a to make healthy choices. decision-making process to make
decision-making process to make healthy choices.
healthy choices.

*N* demonstrates a thorough *N* demonstrates a good *N* demonstrates some understanding
understanding of the factors that understanding of most of the factors of the factors that influence food
influence food choices, body image that influence food choices, body choices, body image and self-esteem,
and self-esteem, as well as the image and self-esteem, as well the as well as the benefits of healthy
benefits of healthy eating for active benefits of healthy eating for active eating for active living.
living. living.

*N* demonstrates a thorough *N* demonstrates an understanding of *N* demonstrates some understanding
understanding of several factors that many factors that influence food of a few factors that influence food
influence food choices and the choices and the benefits of healthy choices and the benefits of healthy
benefits of healthy eating for active eating for active living. eating for active living.


*N* thoroughly understands the *N* understands many of the physical, *N* understands some of the physical,
physical, social and emotional social and emotional changes that social and emotional changes that occur
changes that occur to males and occur to males and females during to males and females during
females during adolescence. *4* adolescence. *4* usually demonstrates adolescence. *4* intermittently
continuously demonstrates the ability the ability to apply health knowledge demonstrates the ability to apply health
to apply health knowledge and living and living skills to make reasoned knowledge and living skills to make
skills to make reasoned decisions and decisions and take appropriate actions reasoned decisions and take appropriate
take appropriate actions relating to *2* relating to *2* personal health and actions relating to *2* personal health
personal health and well-being. well-being. and well-being.

*N* can identify the location and *N* can identify the location and *N* can identify the location and function
function of the major parts of the function of most of the major parts of of some of the major parts of the
reproductive system and relate them the reproductive system and relate reproductive system and relate them to
to puberty. *4* clearly understands the them to puberty. *4* understands the puberty. *4* partially understands the
importance of maintaining healthy importance of maintaining healthy importance of maintaining healthy
relationships with peers and family relationships with peers and family and relationships with peers and family and
and using personal strategies to deal using personal strategies to deal with using personal strategies to deal with
with stress. stress. stress.

*N’s* summative presentation, group *N’s* summative presentation, group *N’s* summative presentation, group
skits and personal responses skits and personal responses displayed skits and personal responses displayed
displayed *2* ability to proficiently *2* ability to frequently transfer *2* ability to adequately transfer some
transfer knowledge and make knowledge and make connections knowledge and make connections
connections between contexts. between contexts. between contexts.

*N*=name *4*=He/She *1*=he/she *2*=his/her *7*=him/her *5*=His/Her

Next Steps for any term:

*N* is encouraged to consult anchor charts and success criteria to stay on track during working periods and before
submitting/presenting assignments.
*N* is encouraged to keep taking risks and trust in the validity of *2* own thoughts by sharing *2* opinions more often in
discussions and written responses.
*N* is encouraged to continue applying personal relaxation techniques when *1* is experiencing stress/anxiety at school.

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