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ISO 9001 Impact on Operational Performance

Conference Paper · October 2016


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Adalia Martin
Oman College of Management And Technology


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International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research

Vol. 04, Issue 03, pp.2407-2415, March, 2017

*Dr. Adalia Martin
Head of Quality Assurance Centre, Oman College of Management and Technology


Article History: This paper summarizes the research on ISO 9001 certification impact on operational performance
Received 14 December, 2016 done in year 2000 up to the present year and will group the results based on variables affecting it.
Received in revised form Sources from case studies, statistical reports and empirical studies have been analyzed to see if ISO
25th January, 2017 9001 has an effect in organization’s operational performance. An analysis on the most cited ISO 9001
Accepted 24th February, 2017 sources was performed. Hypotheses are extracted and the outcome of it was used to define variables
Published online 31st March, 2017 affecting operational performance of ISO certified companies. After implementing the ISO 9001
standard companies have more satisfied customers, better process and improved decision making
Keywords: which resulted in higher profit. For many of those companies, higher profit was the main goal. The
targeted goal for implementing the standard plays a key role in the outcome of the certification.
ISO 9001,
According to the resultsemployee involvement and customer satisfaction affects ISO 9001
Operational Performance,
TQM, implementation and operational performance. Testing other researches analysis brings some
ISO 9001 Hypothesis, limitations. The methods, data and approach taken differ from one research to another. The sample
ISO 9001 Processvariables. data is from different business area, region, period and years. These aspect variations may result in
statistical error. On the other hand this study used limited number of research papers, which does not
grasp all possible findings in the area. The paper identified the most common variables affecting
operational performance. It summarized findings from year 2000 up to the presentyear to provide a
nice overview of the current state of the art in respect to ISO 9001.

INTRODUCTION For this reason, a number of authors (Sampaio et al., 2009;

According to ISO survey, there were 1138155 ISO 9001 Heras, 2011; Bell and Omachonu, 2011; Singh et al., 2011;
certified companies around the world (ISO, 2014).The Sampaio et al., 2011) suggest further research be conducted in
changesin the competitive landscape at an ever quickening the field of quality management systems assessing the value of
pace and the flow of the business process is the result of the ISO 9001 and its relation to company performance. In
globalization. This has been proven the importance of addition, many researchers (Zaramdini, 2007; Jang and Lin,
standardization for business companies worldwide. And 2008; Magd, 2008; Feng et al., 2008; Sroufe and Curkovic,
through TQM implementation such as ISO 9001 in all 2008) suggest a wide variety of factors that might have an
companies is a way to achieve it.The introduction of the ISO adverse impact on the implementation of ISO 9001. So, there is
9001 in a companydoes not always produce the desired results; a need to determine the level of influence of critical factors on
in practice, this is usually due to ineffective implementation the effective implementation of ISO 9001. Companies have
(Psomas et al. 2010). Thus, the effectiveness of the ISO 9001 sought to understand how the implementation of the ISO 9001
implementation and its real value in enhancing a firm’s assists organizations to intrinsically improve their internal
performance has been a highly controversial subject. Singh et organizational processes. Singh (2008) points out that there is a
al. (2011) point out that many studies have shown no paucity of researchthat has focused on how ISO 9001 related
conclusive evidence of the standard’s effectiveness. In fact, management practices impact upon firms’ performance. ISO
some authors (Naveh and Marcus, 2005; Singh et al., 2011) 9001 is an international standard of quality management
have claimed that the success of ISO 9001 does not depend on system (ISO, 2008). The standard describes the requirements
the standard itself, its content and requirements, but rather, on of a quality management system that needs to be implemented
how this standard is implemented by various organizations. consistently so that the companies can produce the products
Thus, the success or failure of the ISO 9001 standard to according to customers' requirements, achieve customer
improve firms’ performance may be attributed to their effective satisfaction, and achieve continual improvement on the
or ineffective implementation, and not to inherent deficiencies effectiveness of their quality management system (Van den
of the standard. Heuvel et al. 2005). Furthermore, ISO 9001 requirements
represent quality management system best practices (Psomas,
*Corresponding author: Dr. Adalia Martin, et al 2013).ISO 9001 is not intended as a detailed prescription
Head of Quality Assurance Centre, Oman College of Management for how quality is to be achieved, but rather as what needs to
and Technology. be done in a generic sense.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2408

In other words, gaining ISO certification does not guarantee and the perceived product performance (Kotler, 1991). As far
quality of products and services, but rather it provides an as continuous improvement is concerned, it is a systematic
assurance to customers that the organization has conformed to approach for measuring, analyzing and improving operational
an international standard (Brunssonet al., 2000). This paper and business procedures (Terziovski and Sohal, 2000). Non-
will attempt to review the most acknowledged studies done in conformance is defined as the deviation in the level of a
the area and to summarize their findings. product quality characteristic from the desired pre-established
level (Besterfield et al., 2003). Non-conformance is also any
Related Research process mistake that is transferred into a product or service and
is observable by the customer, either directly or indirectly.
Many researchers around the world studies about the impact of
ISO 9001 on operational performance and the results are still Chris et al. (2007) preformed an event study and found that the
not the same. This paper reviews the studies done by different time-based efficiency started to improve right after the
researchers. The methodologies used in the studies vary from implementation of the ISO 9000. They also found a better
one researcher to another. From certified and non-certified performance for ISO certified companies after they obtained
companies having the same business nature and measuring certification. Al Turki and Faris (2010) found a positive impact
certain parameters. Another is measuring the same company in Malaysian companies that have ISO 9001 certification to
parameters before and after certification. Or doing empirical gain customer confidence in their products. Some studies in
analysis based on public data of companies.Operational this field were found a negative impact or a positive weak
performance management is the alignment of all business units effect from the ISO 9001 certification. Abraham et al. (2000)
within an organization to ensure that they are working together found that no guarantee of ISO 9000 certification on supplier
to achieve core business goals.Firm's performance is measured products or services quality that meet customer requirements.
against standard or prescribed indicators of effectiveness, Hesan et al. (2002) found that ISO 9000 registration in
efficiency, and environmental responsibility such as, cycle Singapore did not have any impact on quality management
time, productivity, waste reduction, and regulatory practices and quality results of Singapore firms. Zeng et al
compliance.The papers examined base their findings on (2004) found from 100 certified companies’ survey answers
companies from the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia, that 50% of the respondents indicated that ISO 9000
Europe and North America. certification has no obvious effect on quality improvement. A
survey in Australia and New Zealand based on manufactures
Since the 2000 version of the standard, ISO 9001 integrated the and Services Companies has been carried out by Mei et al
Total Quality Management principles intothe standard and (2006). The study demonstrated a positive weak effect on
more focuses on the process and performance rather than business performance. Moreover the study concluded that ISO
documentation (Hoyle, et al, 2009). In addition, ISO 9001 also 9000 itself does not lead to improvement in business
adopted the methodology of PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) (ISO, performance. Smite and Brede (2006) concluded in their study
2008). More specifically, ISO 9001 is based on eight quality that even though a company might be certified in accordance
management principles, namely customer focus, involvement with ISO standard; it doesn’t prove successful implementation
of people, process approach, system approach to management, and usage of the company’s quality system. Kumar and
continual improvement, factual approach to decision making, Balakrishnan (2011) found few negative impacts in many areas
and mutually beneficial supplier relationship (Lewis, et al of 100 contractors from UAE responders, more than half of it,
2006). The eight quality management principles were deployed found the same level of customer satisfaction before and after
into five main requirements of ISO 9001 (Hoyle, et al 2009). ISO certified, as well as documents volume was increased after
According to (ISO, 2008), the first requirement, quality ISO certified.In the context of ISO 9001 implementation in
management system, relates to the obligation of organization to food manufacturing industry, the effectiveness of ISO
manage quality management system processes and 9001implementation still becomes a fundamental issue. This is
documentations. The second requirement, management because there is no measurement instrument of ISO 9001
responsibility, refers to the responsibilities of top management implementation effectiveness in food manufacturing companies
on quality management system. The third requirement, that is widely accepted (Oztas, et al 2007). In fact, researchers
resource management, requires organization to manage who propose the measurement instrument of the effectiveness
resource needed by quality management system. The fourth of ISO 9001 implementation in food manufacturing companies
requirement, product realization, relates to the obligation of the are still very limited (Psomas et al. 2013).
organization’s core process. The fifth requirement,
Overall, firm performance is defined in relation to the quality
measurement, analysis, and improvement, refers to the
of the organization’s results (Lakhal et al., 2006). It is the
obligation of organization to measure, analyze, and improve
measurement of a firm’s success and achievements (Yeung et
quality management system. O’Donnell and Duffy (2002) and
al., 2003). Consistent withprior research (Sousa and Voss,
Oztas et al. (2007) describe“effectiveness” as the degree to
2002; Naseret al., 2004; Lakhal et al., 2006; Kumar et al.,
which results (output) meet prescribed goals. So, in order to
2009) the presentstudy relies on multiple measures of
determine the effectiveness of the ISO 9001, its objectives
restaurants’ performance to attain robustness of results. So,
should be clearly identified. According to Luningand Marcelis,
threeperformance related dimensions have been chosen:
(2006), Heras et al. (2006), Gotzamani et al. (2007) and ISO
product quality, operational performance and
(2008), the ISO 9001 standard aims at achieving customer
businessperformance. Product or service quality is the degree
satisfaction by meeting customer requirements, continuous
to which it satisfies customer requirements (Gill, 2009).The
improvement and preventing non conformities in products and
five items of Garvin’s quality dimensions (performance,
services. Customer satisfaction is the customer responsiveness
reliability, durability, perceived quality,conformance to
in assessing the perceived difference between its expectations
specifications) and food safety are used for measuring product
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2409

quality. Operational performanceis usually measured as a Thus, a computer search of the international journal databases
composite of several performance dimensions and reflects the was conducted. In the field of ISO 9001, a search was made for
performance of theinternal operation of a company in terms of works that related the expressions “ISO 9000”, or “ISO 9001”
product/process quality and inventory performance (Naseret and “performance” or “profitability” in the title or the abstract
al., 2004; Salaheldin, 2009). Prajogo (2010) further reports that of the paper.
certification of ISO 9001 has had a positive impact on the
operational performance of organization’s and improved RESULTS
quality performance. The summary of the findings is presented in the table below.
Research Methodology
ISO 9001 factors influencing operational performance
The sources for this study on ISO 9000 impact on business are
coming from case studies, statistical reports and empirical data ISO Certification
analysis. The study performs a literature review in order to According to Almeida et al. (2009) the sample of 45 certified
identify empirical studies related to ISO 9001. firms had superior performance to the 85 non-certified.
The table below presented hypothesis from 20 papers examined in a literature review. They are marked as either yellow or blue.
The yellow correspond to true and blue to false.
No Author/s and Year Publish Hypothesis
1 Abbas Al-Refaie, H1a: ISO 9001 certification/KAAE positively influences firm's quality outcomes.
Ola Ghnaimat, H1b: ISO 9001 certification/KAAE positively effects on business performance.
Ming-Hsien Li, H1c: ISO 9001 certification/KAAE enhances customer satisfaction.
2012 H1d: ISO 9001 certification/KAAE has a positive effect on firm’s innovation.
Abu BakarIlyas (2014),
2 Dr. Muhammad Fiaz, H1: QMS Implementation significantly affects Operational Performance.
Dr. Muhammad Shoaib
Owino A. Okwiri H1 Success in ISO 9001 certification audit indicates ability to
3 2013 achieve greater operational performance
H2 Success in ISO 9001 certification audit indicates greater customer focus has been achieved
4 H1a: There is a relationship between ISO 9001 and data quality.
Dr. Iqbal S. Alsaleh, Heba M. Ahmed 2015 H1b: There is a relationship between ISO 9001 and procedures integration.
H1c: There is a relationship between ISO 9001 and reduced process time.
H1d: There is a relationship between ISO 9001 and the satisfaction of internal users.
5 Mei Feng, Mile´ Terziovski, Danny Samson
2007 H1: There is a significant and positive relationship between implementing procedures of ISO
9000 certification and operational performance.
H2: There is a significant and positive relationship between implementing
procedures of ISO 9000 certification and business performance.
H3: There is a significant and positive relationship between organizational
commitment to implementing ISO 9000 certification and operational performance.
H4: There is a significant and positive relationship between organizational
commitment to implementing ISO 9000 and business performance.
H5: There is a significant and positive relationship between planning for ISO 9000
certification and operational performance.
H6:There is a significant and positive relationship between planning for ISO 9000
certification and business performance.
H7:The relationship between implementation of ISO 9000 and organizational
performance strengthens when covaried for company size.
6 MarijaDragicevic, KsenijaZarkovic 2012 H1: International Standard ISO 9001 is not widely implemented in Croatian hotel industry
H2: Implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001 improves marketing performances
in Croatian hotel industry
H3: Implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001 improves operational
performances in Croatian hotel industry;
7 BaşakManders 2015 H4: Implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001 improves human resource
management performances in Croatian hotel industry.
H1. ISO 9001 certification leads to higher financial performance.
H2. ISO 9001 certification leads to lower costs.
8 Salah Alolayan 2014 H3. ISO 9001 certification leads to higher revenues.
H4. ISO 9001 certification leads to higher stock market value.
H1: There are no significant differences between the government and private sectors with respect
to motives in seeking the ISO 9001 certification.
H2: There are no significant differences between the business sectors with respect to motives in
seeking the ISO 9001 certification.
H3: Percentage of organizations that noticed the benefits of the ISO certifications, are
significantly higher than ones which did not.
9 SikSumaedi, MediYarmen 2014 H4: The QMS functions remain the same for all business and operations sectors.
H5:Significant QMS awareness level differences exist between quality and non-qualityrelated
10 LassaadLakhal 2014 H1: Usefulness of ISO 9001 implementation for food manufacturing companies
H2:Measurement of ISO 9001 implementation effectiveness achieved ISO objectives
H1: ISO 9000 certification efforts have a direct positive effect on TQM practices.

H2: TQM practices have a direct positive effect on performance.

H3: ISO 9000 certification efforts have a direct positive effect on organizational
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2410

11 UnnikrishnanKartha N. R 2010 H1:Top Management Commitment is higher in ISO 9001:2000-certified organizations,

compared to that in those not certified by this standard.

H2: 1SO 9001:2000 certified organizations display a higher level of Employee Involvement in
comparison with that seen In organizations which are not qualified by this standard.

H3: Better Team Working exists in ISO 9001:2000-certified organizations, compared to that in
organizations not certified by this standard.
H4: ISO 9001:2000 certified organizations practice Continual Improvement more meticulously
in comparison to those which are not certified by this standard.
H5: 1SO 9001 :2000 certified organizations put higher thrust on Internal Communication
compared to those which are not certified by this standard.
H6: Customer Satisfaction is higher In ISO 9001:2000 certified organizations in comparison to
what is practiced by organizations which do not have this certification.

12 Luis Miguel Fonseca, Hypothesis 1: Supplier Orientation is positively dependent on Organizational Strategy;
Vanda Marlene Lima Hypothesis 2: Supplier Orientation is positively dependent on External Environment;
2015 Hypotheses 3: Stakeholders satisfaction is positively dependent on Supplier Orientation;
Hypotheses 4: Organizational Performance is positively dependent on Stakeholders
13 Dimitrios P. Kafetzopoulos, H1a Internal business motives have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the
ISO 9001 and HACCP systems
Katerina D. Gotzamani
2013 H1b Employees’ attributes have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO
9001 and HACCP systems.
H1c Organizations’ attributes have a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO
9001 and HACCP systems.
H1d The external environment has a positive significant impact on the effectiveness of the ISO
9001 and HACCP systems.
H1e Systems’ requirements have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of the ISO
9001 and HACCP systems.
H2 The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact on
product quality.
H3 The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact on
operational performance.
H4 The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 and HACCP systems has a significant positive impact on
financial performance.

14 EitanNaveh and Alfred Marcus H1:Use of ISO 9000 (in daily practice and as a catalyst for change) is positively related to
2005 operating performance.
H2: Installation of ISO 9000 (external coordination and internal integration) is positively
related to use of ISO 9000 (in daily practice and as a catalyst for change).

H3: Use of ISO 9000 (in daily practice and as a catalyst for change) is positively related to
business performance.
H4: Operating performance is positively related to business performance.

15 EvangelosPsomas&Jiju Antony H1: The ISO 9001 QMS’s effectiveness is well described for manufacturing companies by the
standard’s objectives (prevention of non-conformities, continuous improvement and customer
2014 satisfaction focus).
H2: Internal motivation has a significant impact on the ISO 9001 QMS’s effectiveness in
manufacturing companies.
H3: External environment pressure has a significant impact on the ISO 9001 QMS’s
effectiveness in manufacturing companies.
H4: Employee attributes have a significant impact on the ISO 9001 QMS’s effectiveness in
manufacturing companies

H5: Company attributes have a significant impact on the ISO 9001 QMS’s effectiveness in
manufacturing companies.
H6: Quality system attributes have a significant impact on the ISO 9001 QMS’s effectiveness
in manufacturing companies.

16 H1: Achievement of the ISO 9001 standard objectives

H2: Critical factors for effective implementation
Spyridon Mamalis
H3: Performance using a sample of Greek certified restaurants

International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2411

17 ErlantzAllur, H1. Early adopters who mainly cite internal motives for adopting ISO 9001
experience a higher level of internalization of the standard.
Marti Casadesus H2. Early adopters who mainly cite internal motives for adopting ISO 9001
experience greater benefits from the adoption of the standard.
H3. Higher level of internalization among early adopters lead to greater benefits
from the adoption of ISO 9001.

18 Daniel I. Prajogo H1: Do TQM practices – that have been successfully proven as significantly and positively
related to quality performance – have a similar predictive power against innovation
Amrik S. Sohal performance?
2002 H2: Is there any significant relationship between quality performance and innovation
performance? If yes, what is the nature of this relationship?
19 Jacob van den Heuvel H1: Do the ISO 9000 standards provide a useful tool to implement a quality management
system in a hospital?
2007 H2: Does the implementation of Six Sigma in a hospital provide a quality improvement system
equally powerful as in industry?

H3: Does quality management, by using ISO 9000 and Six Sigma, contribute to the strategy of
a hospital?
H4: Can Lean principles, when combined with Six Sigma, provide an additional positive effect
on the quality improvement system?
20 Sisnuhadi and Jamal Abdul Nasir H1a Infrastructure practices significantly affects core practices in Indonesia’s ISO 9000
registered companies
H1b Infrastructure practices significantly affects core practices in Malaysia’s ISO 9000
registered companies

H2a Infrastructure practices significantly affect organizational learning in Indonesia’s ISO

9000 registered companies
H2b Infrastructure practices significantly affect organizational learning in Malaysia’s ISO 9000
registered companies
H3a Core practices significantly affects organizational learning in Indonesia’s ISO 9000
registered companies
H3b Core practices significantly affects organizational learning in Malaysia’s ISO 9000
registered companies
H3c Core practices significantly mediates the relationship between infrastructure practices and
organizational learning in Indonesia’s ISO 9000 registered companies
H3d Core practices significantly mediates the relationship between infrastructure practices and
organizational learning in Malaysia’s ISO 9000 registered companies

Paper ISO QMS Business Employee Customer Environment Organizational Continual

No. certification Implementation Performance Involvement Satisfaction Commitment Improvement
1 √ √ √
2 √
3 √ √
4 √
5 √ √ √
6 √
7 √
8 √
9 √ √
10 √ √

Paper ISO QMS Business Employee Customer Environment Organizational Continual

No. Certification Implementation Performance Involvement Satisfaction Commitment Improvement
11 √ √ √ √
12 √
13 √ √ √
14 √ √
15 √ √ √ √ √ √
16 √ √ √
17 √
19 √
20 √
Total 16 3 5 3 6 2 2 2

Therefore, it was verified that the ISO 9001:2000 certification, Mamalis et al. (2012) agreed that marketers and managers need
as a quality management system can indeed provide better to fully understand the role of ISO9001 certification and the
Management Practices and better Results for the organizations. advantages that this certification offers to the companies.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2412

So, they can use it as a marketing tool for differentiating their Organizational Commitment
products and gain a competitive advantage in the market place. Gotzamani et al. (2014) defines in their study that
The result shows that certifiedcompanies which adopts the ISO organizational commitment which is one element in an
standards boosts their business performance thus improving the “organization’s attributes” which also means commitment of
operational performance. Galin (2011) studies shows that ISO managers.The ISO 9000 series standard refers specifically to
9000 certified companies pursuinga cost leadership strategy the need for commitment from allorganizational members at all
results in profit increase, while pursuing a market stages of the process (ISO, 2000). According to Masula (2010)
differentiation strategy results in sales increase. study, conversion to an ISO 9001:2008 quality management
QMS Implementation system environment results in significant changes in
organizational commitment in the employees. Another study
Singh et al (2006) who found out that adoption of ISO supports that the top management commitment, employees’
9001:2008 QMS led to improvements in product/service training and empowerment, supplier development and
quality and operational performance.Zarcovic (2013) proves coordination between departments are found to be the major
that the implementation of Quality Managing System ISO 9001 driving factors for implementing TQM, whereas process
influences betterintroducing of new technologies in the hotel management, product/service design, product quality and
business practice in Croatia which shows that also show that customer satisfaction are observed as dependent variables.The
there is a correlationbetween the implementation of ISO 9001 result shows that ISO 9000 certification has a positive and
and better business process control and more precisejob significant effect on operational performance proven by
descriptions. The result strongly shows that QMS Samson et al (2007) study.
Implementation has a significant effect on the operational
performance suggesting that if ISO 9001 is implemented in an Continual Improvement
organization by keeping in view all the relevant process areas,
operational harmony can be created. Any organization that According to Okwiri (2013) study, the aims of ISO 9001:2008
want to extract best out of its operations must, implement QMS standard as stated in the publication is to “enhance customer
in its true sense. satisfaction through the effective application of the system,
including processes for continual improvement of the system
Employee Involvement and assurance of conformity to customer and applicable
regulatory requirements” [15- p. 1].Another study, by Psomas
As defined by Yarmen et al (2014) in their study that employee et l (2014) supports the view that as far as the manufacturing
involvement means involvement of people, the clear and sector is concerned, the main dimensions of ISO 9001 QMS
accepted job description, the competence of personnel, the effectiveness, reflecting the standard’s objectives, are indeed
consistent & effectivesystem of training, the consistent & those that are described by the standard itself as well as by
effective system of recruitment, employee satisfaction. While numerous authors, namely continuous improvement, customer
Gotzamani (2013) define the term also as employee attributes satisfaction focus and prevention of non-conformities. And
which specifically describes the know-how of employees, from Karsha’s (2010) thesis defined continual improvement as
involvement of employees, commitment of employees and improvement which is everlasting. The result shows that
availability of human resources. The result shows that continual improvement of the processes enhances the
employee involvement affects the operational performance of effectiveness and efficiency which are the attributes of
the company. This was supported by Antony et al (2014) study operational performance.
that it is the critical areas concerning the internal business Customer Satisfaction
environment (company internal motivation, company attributes
and employee attributes) that have a significant impact on the Al-Refaei et al. (2012) study identifies criteria for customer
degree to which the ISO 9001 objectives are achieved. And if satisfaction includes consistency in documentation, customer
the ISO 9001 is not implemented effectively due to failure in service and perceived product quality by customers and results
employee involvement and its attributes then firm’s operational showed that ISO 9001 certification has significant effect on
performance will suffer since employee performs the quality outcomes, business performance, and customer
operations and operations makes the business function. satisfaction. Okwiri (2013) study shows that performance data
and customer satisfaction score together constituted one form
Environment of operational performance data.Karsha’s thesis proves that
there is no difference between organizations which arecertified
Based on Yarmen (2014) study, the result shows thatthe major by ISO 9001: 2000 and those which are not certified by it, in
reason for ISO 9001 certificationrelates to the internal business respect of customer satisfaction.From the study result shows,
environment. Another study by Kafetzopoulos et al (2012) like Mamalis et al. (2012) study that the Greek restaurants are
shows that as far the dimensions of restaurants’ continuously improving their QMS and successfully preventing
performanceare concerned the results show that the ISO 9001 nonconformities. As a consequence, these companies enhance
certified restaurants achieve high performance level regarding customer satisfactionadequately. Ilyas et al. (2013) study
their product quality and the internal business environment connects the QMS to operational performance and it has a
(operational performance). This means that product quality is higher significant effect.
increased to the certified restaurants and that enhance their
competitive performance. In addition, the internal processes are Business Performance
improved while a restaurant operates effectively. It seems that
the process approach of the ISO 9001 standard makes Ming-Hsien Li et al. (2012) study shows that ISO 9001
restaurants process oriented and consequently to improves their certification is considered an important tool for improving the
operational performance. efficiency and effectiveness of quality management systems as
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2413

reflected by improving quality outcomes, customer Ali Hamza, Mohammed and OkapAlenazi, Mefleh H. 2013.
satisfaction, and business performance.This result was also The Impact of ISO 9001 Certification Audit on Oil and Gas
reached by previous studies conducted in literature such as Organizations’ Performance in Qatar. Engineering
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the HongKong electronics industry concluded that supplier 7318.
strategic management is positively associated with time- Allur, Erlantz, Heras-Saizarbitoria, In˜aki and Casadesus,
basedand cost-related operational efficiency leading to Marti 2014. Internalization of ISO 9001: a longitudinal
customer satisfaction and superior business performance. surveyIndustrial Management & DataSystems. Vol. 114
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concludes that the QMS (ISO 9001) certified organizations Almeida, Marcelo Hoss, Ten Caten, Carla Schwengber and
show much improvement on the performance in terms of Gutterres, Mariliz 2009. Evaluating ISO 9001:2000
quality as well as the quantity of product. From the result Certified and Non-Certified Organizations in Brazilian
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enduring success of ISO 9001 certified organizations bringing 51-73.
awareness and understanding of Supply Chain Management Alolayan, Salah 2014. An assessment of quality management
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2015). Manufacturing Engineering Dublin City University. PhD
Conclusion Al-Refaie, Abbas Ghnaimat, Ola and Li, Ming-Hsien 2012.
Effects of ISO 9001 Certification and KAAE on
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