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2/2/23, 11:00 AM Historical Collections | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.


Historical Collections
An important part of CIA's ongoing effort to be more open and to provide for more publ
recognition of the importance of declassifying historically significant Agency documents
up the Agency's historical record began in the 1980s when then Director of Central Inte
Casey authorized the declassification and transfer of nine million pages of OSS record
and established the Historical Review Program. A more formal Historical Review Progr

by DCI Robert Gates in 1992. Reaffirming the principle that the US government's recor
public, the program called for significant historical information to be made available unl
cause damage to the national security interests of the United States. Subsequent DCIs
John Deutch, and current Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet have supported
declassification program. CIA's Historical Review Program, with the exception of severa

requirements, is a voluntary declassification program that focuses on records of histori

managers rely on the advice and guidance of the Agency's History Staff, the DCI's Hist
the general public in selecting topics for review. Under guidelines laid out for the progra
released except in instances where disclosure would damage national security-that is,
reveal sensitive foreign government information or identify intelligence sources and me
use and that are subject to denial and/or deception. The Historical Review Program co
documents with CIA components and other US Government entities before final declas
and the documents are transferred to the National Archives. Our Historical Collections  

visit our Collections archive.   Aquiline (July 30, 2020) Aerial intelligence collection platfor

role in US national security from the earliest beginnings of aviation. CIA's 1960s OXCA
U-2s are examples of collection innovations that have kept US leaders informed about
and intentions. Despite their success, however, use of these platforms carried significa
including detection and even pilot loss, such as the downing of the U-2 flown by Franci
Ever-evolving research by the CIA led to the development concept of unmanned aerial veh
platforms. An innovative Agency program in the 1960s codenamed Aquiline was the ve
Based initially on the study of flight characteristics of birds, Aquiline was envisioned as
could safely and stealthily provide a window into denied areas such as the Soviet Unio
other capabilities, and would even support in-place agent operations. While it never be
concept proved invaluable as a forerunner to today's multi-capability UAVs.   Lunik on Loan: A

2019) The Cold War and the emerging space race were in full swing in the late 1950s.

Eisenhower regularly apprised on the progress of the Soviet space program, which bec
attention following the successful 1957 launch of Sputnik—the first artificial satellite 1/1 an

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