Module 4

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Contemporary Arts from the

Module 4
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
Module 4
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Noemi F. Pilarca

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Delia P. Hufalar, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of MAPEH
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Contemporary Philippine
Arts from the Region
Module 4

Contemporary art differs from modern and traditional art, thus it is relevant
to ask if different methods should be used for teaching.
For example, which should be the guiding methodological principles? Which
methods are effective and coherent for teaching and learning different practices of
contemporary art?
In your previous lessons, you have already learned about materials and
techniques integrated in different contemporary art forms and made careful
judgements on their applications.
This module will provide you with information and activities that will give you
a better view on how materials and techniques are incorporated in Philippine
contemporary art form.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explicate the use of materials and the application of techniques

Before going on, check how much you know about this topic. Answer the
pretest on the next page


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: My Origin

Directions: Below are pictures of different contemporary arts created within the
locality. Identify what raw materials were used in making them. Choose
your answer from the box then write it on the blank provided for.

______________1. ______________5.

______________2. ______________6.

________________3. ______________7.

________________4. ______________8.

______________9. ____________11.

______________10. ______________12.

narra abel cloth palm leaves rattan coconut shell

bamboo metal plastic clay abaca

tiger grass stone glass cement

Activity 2: Define Me!

Directions: Supply the diagram below with the meaning that you know about the
word in the center. Write your answer on the empty circles.



Material is what the artwork is made of. It can also be a combination of

objects used in art.

These days, contemporary artists do not rely solely to raw materials, rather
they have improved their skills by experimenting on the materials they use with the
help of technology and shared knowledge from
other countries

Some artists utilize materials that they

can still use and transform it to another creative
artwork. It is already common today to see more
than one material being combined to form a new
one. An example is metal and wood used to make
music. There are some who use items that are
abundant everywhere like plastic cover for food,
paper for sculpture, mirror or yarn. Some may use
their personal things like clothes or accessories.

In outdoor sculpture, there is a

lot of use of brass welded together and
mounted on concrete. Wood and glass
combination are used for indoor
sculpture. Found objects are combined
and are covered with resin.

Painting has also changed over time.

We used to see canvass hung on the
wall before but with the creativity of
artists, painting can also already be
found on ceilings and floors. Some are
done outdoors. Many local artists lead the community or students in painting murals
on walls to make a more pleasant environment and raise consciousness towards
environmental protection.

In architecture, there is an intensive use of glass and steel. Color

combination is either complimentary or strong contrasting, such as orange and blue,
red and white.

These changes are also evident in other
forms of arts such as drama, and literature.

Technology has also redefined arts in

many ways. Because of the usefulness of new
materials to art-making, artists have to advanced
their skills and learn the use of computer programs
and its applications.

The availability and variety of materials

and possibilities offered by technology expand the
choices of artist. This is essential to the
development of contemporary art.

Local Materials in the Country

Materials Products

Abaca belongs to Banana family. Its fiber has a slippers, ropes, twine,
natural luster with colors ranging from pure white to hammock, frame, display
ivory and dark brown. jar, jars, Chelsea chair

Bakbak is the outermost covering or leaf sheath of the mat, bangkuay bin, boxes,
abaca stalk. It is a flat thick durable sheath as twine bin, display, jar, Cecilia
or braided. The strong brown fiber used to make dining table, and arm
furniture. chair

indoor or outdoor fiber

Coir is the fibrous material surrounding the fruit of carpets, wall covering,
the coconut tree. doormat, trellises, and geo

Pandan is a tropical plant. It is processed and

baskets, hats, picture
transformed into splints that are being used as raw
frames and bags

baskets, picture frames,

Rattan belongs to the palm family. There are different furniture and other
types of rattan palms, such as high or low climbers, novelty items, Zoya lounge
single stemmed or clustered rattan species. chair, Valencia queen size

Bamboo is used a raw material in creating many kubing, bungkaka,

products. It is used in construction, textile, musical tongatong, angklung,
instruments, weapons, and many more pateteg, gabbang,
bags, shoes,desk
accessories like pen
Buntal is a cylindrically shaped fibers. The supple
holder, picture frames, file
ivory white strands are quite durable, pliable, and
trays, wallets, place mats,
have good dyeing qualities.
braide, lampshades,
window blinds

Now, study the pictures below and analyze how raw materials were applied
and transformed to produce contemporary art works.

Figure 1

“Sabel” by Ben Cabrera

What is seen in the painting is a portrayal
of a woman that is wrapped in a fabric-like
material that is almost abstract Using oil
and acrylic paint,with the combination of
grays, which is often seen as color of
detachment and humility, is accented by
yellows, blues and orange that indicate the
wild assortment of emotions felt by the
subject. The background is a scarlet red
that conveys violence and brutality.

The material that wraps Sabel is contoured

by rough and sharp organic curves with
intense brush strokes.

Figure 2
“ Cloud Canyons No.3” by David Medalla

This work is a kinetic sculpture consisting

of wooden boxes arranged in a circle on the
floor with a tall plastic tube placed at the
center. At the bottom is a soapy liquid that
is formed into foams which results the foam
being projected upward and out of the
tubes forming a jet of bubbles.

The foam was allowed to follow its own

path, emerging and forming accordieng to
its own energy interacting with gravity, air
current and atmospheric pressure, thus
shows the transformation of matter into

Figure 3

“Chime Halo” by Imply Pilapil

A giant wind chime made up of

bamboo stalks. The pliant material
takes on forms derived from nature
like the complex mangrove root
structre, forests and man made
mazes.A maze of hanging bamboo
sections changes perception- people
lose themselves in the maze while
enveloped by the sound of bamboo
tubes chiming with the wind.


Mixed media is a term used to describe artworks composed from a combination of

different media or materials. A work on canvas that combines paint, ink,
and collage could properly be called a "mixed media" work.

New media art is a 21st Century catchall term used to define all that is related to the
internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound.

Improvisation in theater is the playing of dramatic scenes without written dialogue

& with minimal or no predetermined dramatic activity.

Collage is a technique of art creation, primarily used in the visual arts, but in music
too, by which art results from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a

A term lifted from the French word for 'unstick', it is most commonly applied
to artworks where an original image is cut, torn, or removed from its original

Land art or earth art is art that is made directly in the landscape, sculpting
the land itself into earthworks or making structures in the landscape using natural
materials such as rocks or twigs.

Printmaking is an artistic process based on the principle of transferring images from

a matrix onto another surface, most often paper or fabric.
Traditional printmaking techniques include woodcut, etching, engraving, and
lithography, while modern artists have expanded available techniques to include


Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson

Enrichment Activity 1: Exploring your place!

Directions: Identify the most abundant raw material in your town and how
it is used. Write it in the box below MATERIALS. On the other side, tell what would
be the product and justify the technique applied

Materials Products

Enrichment Activity 2: MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE.

Direction: Tell whether the statements below are true or not. Write TU
(Thumbs Up) if it is true and TD (Thumbs Down) if it is false.
__________1. Rattan is only used in making baskets.
__________2. In contemporary arts, artist do not combine one or more materials in
their artworks.
__________3. Collage and decollage are the same.
__________4. Engraving our name o stones is an example of printmaking.
__________5. We can usmaterials other than paper in making collage.
__________6. “ Chime Halo” is a masterpiece of BenCab.
__________7. Ben Cab used different colors in “Sabel” to portray different emothins.
__________8. One of the materials used in “Cloud Canyon No 3” is wooden box.
__________9. Internet plays a significant role in land art.
__________10. Buri, Pandan and rattan can be used in making baskets.

Activity 3: Identification

Directions: Identify what technique is applied in the pictures. Choose your answer
from the techniques mentioned in this module.







At this point, design a contemporary art and justify the materials and
techniques to be applied.

What you need

Pencil, coloring materials
What you have to do
1. Select any materials on the basket
2. Carefully think of a contemporary artwork that will be made of the items you
have chosen

3. Make a sketch/ drawing of the art work you have in mind on the space
provided. Then, answer the questions that follow.



1. What materials did you choose? Give your reason/s.

2. What contemporary product did you plan to create? Why?
3. Explain how each of the local materials will be used in your artwork and what
will be the meaning for each.
4. Which technique will you apply to achieve the desired outcome of your plan?
Justify your answer.

Activity 2: The Artist in Me

Directions: Make a collage of how you feel about the pandemic we are facing. Post
your artwork on the space provided then answer the questions that follow.

What you need

 Magazine/ any paper cut-outs

 Glue
 Pair of scissors

What you need to do

1. Look for magazines or newspapers at home

2. Make a collage of how you feel about the pandemic we are facing
3. Post your artwork on the space provided then answer the questions that follow

The Artist in Me

1. What is your artwork all about? Explain
2. In what way did the technique help you express the theme?
3. What other techniques can be used to show the theme? Explain

Rubrics for Scoring

Excellent Good Poor

(5) (3) (1)
The content of the The content of the The content of the
Relevance of output is very output is output is not
Content relevant to the somewhat relevant relevant to the
topic. to the topic. topic.
The output is
The output is The output has
plagiarized from
unique. No signs of signs of copied
Originality the internet or
plagiarize concept concept from other
from others
from other output. output.
Shows excellent Shows good sense Shows somewhat
sense of art and of art and sense of art and
creativity. creativity. creativity.
Creativity The output shows The output shows The output shows
clear somewhat little
representation of representation of representation of
their effort. their effort. their effort.
The output shows The output is
The output is
organization of organized and
disorganized and
Neatness input and very somewhat neat.
very dirty. Has too
neat. No signs of Has sorts of
many erasures.
dirtiness. erasures.

Total points 20/20


Directions: Analyze the questions below then choose your answer by encircling the
letter of your choice
1. Which of the following greatly contributes to the changes in the use of
materials and application of techniques in contemporary art?
A. Climate B. Preference of Society C. Technology

2. What do Philippine artists do to turn raw materials into contemporary art?

A. by going abroad and bringing home foreigners arts
B. by browsing the internet on the origin of the material and how it is
C. by combining more than one material and experiments on
combinations through techniques

3. What technique is needed if you want to transform your plain small

garden into a contemporary creation?
A. Collage B. Landscape C. Mixed Media Art

4. Why did BenCab use different colors in his artwork “Sabel”?

A. to portray the different emotions of the subject
B. to make the art more colorful and appealing to teenagers
C. to show that his contemporary paintings have also adhered to changes
in arts

5. In what way do local contemporary artists promote the resources from

their region?
A. by passing through words of mouth about the benefits of those
B. by transforming available resources into artistic products
C. by selling the raw materials to foreigners

Rubric for Scoring the Structured Essay

Outstanding Good Poor

(5) (3) (1)
Answer is Answer is appropriate Content is unrelated
Content/ appropriate to the to the to question.
Accuracy question. Content question. Content
is factually may have one or two
correct. factual errors.
Develops each Each point supported Statements are
point with many with some details and unsupported by any
Development specific evidence. All detail or
/ Transition details. Answers important points are explanation. Repeti
of Ideas question included. tious, incoherent,
completely. illogical

Total Score 10/10

Congratulations! You have finished the activity! Keep up the good work!



Key answers:


Activity 1

1. stone Activity 3
2. metal
1. landart
3. clay
2. decollage
4. cement
3. mixed media
5. bamboo
4. collage
6. abaca fiber
5. improvisation
7. palm leaves
8. coconut shell
9. narra
10. tiger grass
11. rattan
12. abel fabric


Activity 2

1. TD Gauge
2. TD
3. TD
4. TU 1. c
5. TU 2. c
6. TD 3. b
7. TU 4. a
8. TU 5. b
9. TD
10. TU


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