C1-1 Paper1

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Wanchai Teparaksa1, Duong Trung Ngo2, Hiroyuki Tanaka3
1, 2
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Received: October 24, 2012

The prediction behavior of improved soft soil using vacuum preloading method should be
concerned significantly not only in the laboratory but also in the field. It aims at avoiding the risks
of instability of the embankment surcharging during construction. The simulation vacuum
preloading method using tri-axial apparatus is proposed to predict the behavior of soft soil
improvement in the laboratory and the increasing of undrained shear strength of soil specimen at
any degree of consolidation. The simulation has been carried out at Hokkaido University, while the
undrained shear strengths, at 40%, 70% and 100% of vacuum consolidation are at 43.2kPa, 53.8kPa
and 62.49kPa, respectively by tri-axial apparatus. This modeling is the effective method to
determine the increasing rate of strength of the ground corresponding to loading rate during
consolidation process, and to restrict using field test during construction, the cause of damage of
airtight sheet membrane, and lossing of vacuum pressure. A case study of vacuum consolidation on
very soft clay at Nakhorn Sri Thammarat Airport project is presented.
Keywords: Ground Improvement, Soft Soil, Tri-Axial Test, Vacuum Consolidation

The vacuum preloading consolidation method furthermore has been become the popular
effective method to improve soft soil introduced by Kjellman (1952) [1] in early 1952 and
enhanced in recent years with the merging of new materials and technologies. The
prediction behavior of improved soft soil by vacuum preloading method should be
concerned significantly in the laboratory and the field to predict and avoid the risks of
instability of the embankment during construction.
The modeling vacuum method to improve soft soil in the laboratory has been
performed by Indaratna 2008 [2] using the large-scale apparatus and follows one-
dimensional consolidation theory (Tezaghi). The results obtained from this modeling get
somewhat evaluated the behavior of soft soil reinforced by vacuum preloading method in
the laboratory. However using the large specimen 45cm x 90 in diameter and height
respectively in the large-scale apparatus, the tested time was more than one month. In
addition, the horizontal deformation (r) during tested time, which is the typical
deformation of soft soil improvement by vacuum, and the increasing of shear strength of
soil specimen, could not be measured. So far, the controlling surcharge processing during
vacuum construction has not been discussed sufficiently.
The new method is proposed using tri-axial apparatus to simulate the comprehensive
behavior of soft soil improved by vacuum preloading method in the laboratory and to
support the engineering task quickly and make this method become familiar in the future.
Stability of embankment during construction should be concerned to ensure that the project
can perform well with safety.

Solution for Axisymmetric Unit Cell under Vacuum Pressure
The axisymmetric cell soil has been used for long time to analyze the behavior of soft soil
improvement by vacuum preloading. For this solution, the assumptions were used as
follow as:
 Soil mass subjected vacuum pressure follows axisymmetric consolidation.
 The vacuum pressure distributed along to the specimen is uniform.
 Under vacuum pressure only, soil mass is subjected isotropic stress state, then the
coefficient of horizontal earth pressure (K) equals to one; meanwhile under the
surcharge only the value can calculate from Eq (1).

– is the friction angle of soil
Hansbo’s solution (1981) [3] with assumes as: equal strains (), variation of the
permeability (k), decreasing of void ratio (e) and volume compressibility (mv) during soft
soil consolidation. This solution based on assumptions as follow:
 Soil is homogeneous and fully saturated; the Darcy’s law is adopted.
 The permeability of soil is assumed constant during consolidation
 Soil strain is uniform at the boundary of the cell. The small strain theory is valid.
Therefore, Hooke’s law should be applied for calculation.
 For the soil mass, the vacuum pressure distribution along to the drain boundary is
uniform during application.
According to Barron (1948) [5], the degree of consolidation U for “equal-strain”
consolidation is given in Eq (2).

 8T 
U  1  exp    (2)
  

 n2  3n 2  1
   2  ln n 
 n 1  4n 2
dw (4)
de and dw are diameters of unit cell and equivalent of vertical drain respectively.
Hansbo (1981) introduced a circular smear zone (of diameter ds) in the solution, which
resulted in a modified expression for 
 n  k ho 3 ds
  ln   ln m  m
 m  k hs 4 ; dw

C h .t
T 
De2 ( 5)

Ch – horizontal coefficient of consolidation.
The coefficient of consolidation Ch in the horizontal direction for axisymmetric plane strain
deformation is showed as:

Ch 
1  'E ' k h 
1  '1  2 '  w mv  w (6)
kh – horizontal hydraulic conductivity
w - unit weight of water
Dummy research, the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) varies during
consolidation and mv value can be calculated by expression:

 v
mv 
 a' (7)
v - volumetric strain of specimen
’a - is the axial effective stress at time reached to degree of consolidation.

Simulation Vacuum Preloading in Laboratory Test

Tri-axial apparatus can clearly evaluate the failure mechanism as well as the capacity of
increasing shear strength of soil in the laboratory. Under vacuum pressure condition alone,
the soil mass at any depth is subjected the isotropic stress status (K=1). With flexible
functions of the tri-axial machine, the isotropic condition of the soil mass can generate the
same vacuum condition by controlling the lateral earth pressure (K). During vacuum
condition, the surcharge loading can be generating as axial force by the loading rod at top
of the machine. Only radial drainage is induced during consolidation by the filter paper
which covers around the boundary of specimen and overlaps the porous discs at both ends
of specimen acted as the drainage layer. For the large-scale oedometer apparatus, the
drainage is established at the center of specimen. The Finite Element Method (FEM) has
been used to define the different between the drainage path conditions of specimen, and
defines the correction factor for this simulation. This relationship has been reported by
Duong T.N et.al (2011) [6]. The boundary conditions were illustrated in the Figure 1.

De De

a) Drainage at center b) Drainage at outer boundary

Figure 1. The modeling of axisymmetric cell in FEM

Soil Specimen
The specimens of clay 75mm x 150mm in diameter and height respectively were used for
this research. The specimens is suitable to control consolidation time under vacuum
condition by tri-axial apparatus.
The serial tests were performed by tri-axial apparatus in the laboratory at Hokkaido
University to simulate the behavior and control the instability of Akasaoka clay improved
by vacuum preloading method.
The specimens were pre-consolidated under a pressure of 100kPa and OCR=1.25. The
effective stresses in vertical and horizontal directions were 80kPa and 40kPa, respectively.
Under pre-consolidated condition, the coefficient of horizontal earth pressure at rest is K0 =
0.5. The physical properties of soil are listed in the Table 1.

Table 1. Akasaoka clay’s properties

Soil properties Values

Unit weight (kN/m3) 17.5
Water content, w (%) 46.5
Liquid limit, WL (%) 62
Plastic limit, WP (%) 27.5
Plasticity index, PI (%) 34.5
Specific gravity, Gs 2.67
Initial void ratio eo 1.17

The permeability coefficient (k) and compression index (Cc) obtained from the
standard odometer test result were shown in Figure 2.



Void ratio (e)




10 100 1000
logp' (kN/m2)
Figure 2 . Void ratio ~log(p') graph

The conventional tri-axial tests were also conducted to verify the failure line (Kf) and
the relationship between the coefficient of the horizontal earth pressure (K) and the ratio
su/’v. as shown in Figure 3. The shear strength of soil can be predicted based on this





Compression test
Extension test
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
The lateral earth ratio (K)
Figure 3. Relationship shear strength, effective stress and earth ratio

Test Procedure to Control the Instability of Soil Specimen Under Vacuum Preloading
It is very important to define the increasing of soil capacity gradually under vacuum
preloading method in the laboratory to avoid any risk in cases applied surcharge over the
field soil capacity.
Simulation behavior of soft soil improvement by vacuum and surcharge loading can be
carried into five stages as: loading step to saturate soil specimen, generating the vacuum
pressure condition, applying vacuum, applying surcharge loading and undrained shearing
The loading and recompression step, the specimen is saturated fully with B value more
than 0.98 to reach to the initial pre-compression stress. The effective vertical and
horizontal stresses in soil specimen gradually reach to 80kPa and 40kPa, respectively after
saturation 24 hours.
The soil specimen is subjected under vacuum condition same as the studied period. The
behavior of soil mass under surcharge loading and vacuum pressure loading is shown in
Figure 4. The generating vacuum pressure condition stage is simulated by applying the
effective stress target with the lateral earth pressure ratio equal to one (K=1).

Figure 4. Behavior of soil mass under vacuum and surcharge preloading

During the stage of generating vacuum pressure condition, the drainage vale is closed

and then excess pore water pressure (PWP) has been increasing up to the desired vacuum
pressure. In this research, vacuum pressures are designed at 50kPa and 100kPa to
correspond to the depths of specimens. The PWPs was raised up to 250kPa and 300kPa,
respectively as shown in Figure 5. The vacuum pressure supplying step occurred in the
first stage for 155minutes.
The vacuum pressure is applied by opening the valve as shown in the second stage,
PWP has been reduced while the effective stress is gradually increased until the PWP
completely dissipated. Finally, the vertical effective stress target at 130kPa and 180kPa
were generated.

Vacuum supplying

PWP (kPa)

Vacuum -50kPa
250 Vacuum -100kPa


0 200 400 600
Time (min)

Figure 5. Excess pore water pressure in vacuum condition

The coefficient of horizontal earth pressure (K) is the ratio of the effective horizontal earth
pressure due to the confinement from the surrounding soil mass to the vertical effective

From Figure 6, The coefficient of horizontal earth pressure K can be estimated as



75mm '1 '1+'va

'3 = '1

'3 +'va

Pre-consolidated, Vacuum condition,

OCR=1.25, k0=0.5 'va (kPa), K
Figure 6. Soil specimen under Vacuum condition

During drained progress stage, the consolidation has been occurred due to the
dissipation of excess pore water pressure. The effective stress of soil as well as the shear
strength has been increasing, and this behavior matches to the vacuum mechanism
(Indraratna 2005)[7]. When the effective stress increases to the target and the excess pore
water dissipates completely the soil is fully consolidated. However, data from laboratory
test and FEM showed that the end of primary consolidation (EOP) was gained when the
excess pore water pressure was dissipates about 95%. The parameter in vacuum proceed by
tri-axial apparatus is shown in Table 2 and Table 3.

Table 2. Parameter in Vacuum Proceed by Tri-Axial Apparatus (U=10%)

Step loading 220 200 200 20 20 1
Recompression 240 200 200 80 40 0.50
Vacuum supplying
290 200 250 80 40 0.50
(50kPa) (Undrain)
Vacuum applied 290 200 200 130 90 0.692
Vacuum supplying
340 200 300 80 40 0.50
Vacuum applied 340 200 200 180 140 0.778

CP - Cell pressure
BP- Back pressure
PWP- Pore water pressure
- Vertical effective stress target
- Horizontal effective stress target
K – Coefficient of horizontal earth pressure

Table 3. Parameter Analysis in Vacuum Proceed by Tri-Axial Apparatus (U=100%,

70%, 40% and 20%)
Recompression Vacuum Target effective stress
U% Prediction
su=22.4kPa pressure (Vacuum loading)
  K va '1 '3 Kva Su/'v Su
180 140 0.78 0.42 100 60.80
143 103 0.72 0.40 70 46.09
80 40 0.5 100
116 76 0.66 0.39 40 35.94
98 58 0.59 0.37 20 29.17
130 90 0.692 0.40 100 41.20
112 72 0.64 0.38 70 34.24
80 40 0.5 50
98 58 0.59 0.37 40 29.17
89 49 0.55 0.36 20 25.78
Note: All units in kPa
The shearing steps were carried out to define the undrained shear strength of improved
soft soil. Depend on the goals; this step could be performed at the time after vacuum
loading completely or at the degree of consolidation (DOC) gradually increasing to 40%,
70%, 100% combined with surcharge. The data was analyzed to verify the capacity of
improved soil and to control the preloading surcharge at the site to avoid the soil failure or

instability of over surcharge to its capacity.
The capacity of soil can be predicted by empirical method proposed by Tanaka:

su/’v – can be determined from Figure 2
p - the loading (vacuum pressure or surcharge loading)

Test Results and Analysis

The simulation result was shown in the Table 4. The surcharges were applied at degree of
consolidation of 100%, 70%, and 40% loading.

Table 4. The Data of Vacuum Procedure Simulation to Control Instability of Soil

Vacuum Target effective stress
U% Prediction Test
pressure (Apply loading)
va '1 '3 Kva Su/'v Su Su
121.6 261.6 140 0.535 0.358 100 89.08 89.66
100 92.176 232.2 140 0.603 0.375 70 82.65 79.36
71.872 211.9 140 0.661 0.389 40 78.21 75.57
82.4 172.4 90 0.522 0.355 100 58.19 62.49
50 68.488 158.5 90 0.568 0.366 70 55.15 53.8
58.336 148.3 90 0.607 0.376 40 45.93 43.2
Note: All units in kPa
The tested undrained shear strength was found to agree well to the predicted Su as shown
in the Figure 7. The maximum different of shear strength was about 6% and 4% for
vacuum pressure at 50kPa and 100kPa, respectively. However, the specimen still stable
during surcharge was applied.

Increasing undrain shear strength



Su (kPa)

40 Su Test- Vacuum 50kPa

Predicted Su-Vacuum 50kPa
20 Predicted Su-Vacuum 100kPa
Su Test- Vacuum 100kPa
0 20 40 60 80 100
U (%)

Figure 7. Increasing un-drain shear strength

The final deformation of specimen was nearly same as at end of vacuum stage and vacuum
combined surcharge as shown in Figure 8. The largest different in volumetric strain 0.3%

occurred at 350min as DOC at 95%. The volumetric strain of 4.92% and 7.12% were
found in both cases FEM and laboratory test. The strain ratio (r/v) illustrated the inward
lateral deformation of specimen subjected isotropic stress. This ratio was nearly one during
only applied vacuum pressure and was reduced if surcharge was established. These results
agree with behavior of soil improvement by vacuum preloading theory.


Volume strain(1) v - strain ratio(2)

4 (1)-FEM-50kPa
(1)-Lab test-50kPa
3 (2)-FEM-50kPa
(2)-Lab test-50kPa
0 500 1000 1500
Time (min)

Figure 8. Vacuum combine surchage; Va=50kPa, U=100%

The stress path was shown in the Figure 9. There were three stages during vacuum
preloading simulated in the laboratory as: pre-consolidation stage (AB), vacuum
application stage (BC) and surcharge loading combination stage (CDEF).



Figure 9. Stress path of soil under vacuum preloading simulation

Under vacuum condition, the stress path of soil moved from B to C, which was far
from the failure line. Applying surcharge at point B may lead the stress point to the failure
line and cause failure the embankment. At point C when the consolidation at 100% under
vacuum pressure surcharge can be applied safety without any risk of embankment.
However, the time of construction is longer than apply surcharge at some degree of
consolidation. When surcharge is applied on CD line, the stress path has been changed
from D to E and closed to the failure line, then moves to point F.

The increasing of undrained shear strength of soil specimen before improvement and
after applied vacuum preloading at some degree of consolidation of 40%, 70%, and 100%
were shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Increasing undrained shear strength

This stage was carried out at end of each test, the failure test were conducted to define
the shear strength in undrained condition. The undrained shear strengths defined at 40%,
70% and 100% for vacuum consolidation of 43.2kPa, 53.8kPa and 62.49kPa, respectively.
These results agree the approach proposed by Tanaka. The surcharge of each time applied
about 10kPa was used for this analysis compare to 0.5m height of embankment.

Case Study of Vacuum Consolidation at Nakhorn Sri Thammarat

The taxiway and apron area of the Nakhorn Sri Thammarat airport at south of Thailand
was constructed on 5.0 meter thick of very soft dark gray clay in the swamp area. The
project was separated into 8 zones of soft treatment area as shown in Figure 11. The area
of each zone is between 3000-4000m2 which is matched to the capacity of the vacuum
pumping unit and to remain the vacuum pressure more than 70kPa under airtight sheet
during construction. The filled sand has been placed on the swamp area of about 1.00m-
1.50m thick as a working platform.

20 25 31 31 63 63 62 66

zone 2 =3640 m2
zone 1=3100 m2

zone 3=3567m2

zone 4=3567m2

BH-9 BH-12 BH-13

Air plane way

Taxi way

Figure 11. The layout of project for soft soil treatment

The purpose of this separated part is to assess the performance of vacuum consolidation
method for very soft soil treatment of 30,000m2 of Apron and Taxiway from field
instrumentation work. Using field monitoring data for monitoring of accelerating the rate
of consolidation and increasing of over consolidation ratio (OCR) could reduce the long
term settlement during service period. The construction area was located on the low land
and marshy areas. The high embankment (4.00-4.50m) was designed over this low land
and marshy areas by preloading method.

Site and Soil Conditions

The soil investigations were carried out at beginning of the project. The field investigation
for soft soil comprised boring, sampling and in-situ testing. The boring consists of
augering, wash boring with in-situ test included Standard Penetration test (SPT), Vane
shear test and cone penetration test (CPTu).
From the soil profile as shown in Figure 12, the soft soil layer is distributed to 5.5m
depth from the surface with high content of silt and clay (more than 80% of fine particle).
Hence, the depth for soft soil treatment shall be 5.50m from platform. Moreover, the
possibility of leakage of vacuum pressure at the tip of the band drain is also low.

Figure 12. Soil profile of the project

According to the laboratory test, the soil properties at depth 2.00-3.00m from bore
hole elevation (depth 3.00-4.00m from platform elevation), are eo = 2.492, Cc=0.946, CR =
0.271, and at depth 4.00-5.00m from bore hole elevation (depth 5.00-6.00 from the
platform elevation) are eo=0.788, Cc=0.248, CR=0.139.
The low compressibility parameter of the medium to stiff clay is encountered at depth
4.00-5.00m. Therefore the settlement at this layer is less significant compare to the soft
clay between 0.00-4.00m depth. However the deep settlement gauges was installed to
check the settlement. At depth 3.75m to 4.25m, the sand lens is encountered with the sand
particle content more than 50%.
It would be good to install the standpipe piezometer at the edge of treatment area in the
sand lens and can compare the rate of decrease of water pressure with the other depth.

Field Monitoring Works

The field monitoring work has been beneficial in evaluating soil behavior under real field
conditions, as well as assessing the performance of new materials and the methods used in
the design and construction of geotechnical tasks. The stage of construction (embankment
filling) was applied for this project. The embankment was constructed on the soft soil with
the rate of filling be governed by the increase in soil strength due to consolidation process
and requires close monitoring and communication between design engineer, constructor
and supervising engineers. Geotechnical instrument scheme for ground improvement work
was designed to ensure safe and economical construction of embankment.
The instrumentations were installed gradually with the vacuum construction technique.
The settlement plates and displacement stakes were installed at designed locations for the
monitoring purpose before doing any activities. Placing and spreading the embankment
(1.00-1.50m thick) on the original very soft ground surface were carried out to provide a
suitable working platform.

There were six types of instruments including surface settlement points, sub surface
settlement gauges, electric type piezometer, inclinometer, PVC Automatic Acquisition Unit
and water discharge record-meters. The types and arrangement of instrumentation are
shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Arrangement of instrumentations

The ARPAS drain KD-100 has been used for the band drain material. The band drain
was installed up to 4.50-6.00m depth below working platform to medium clay layer. The
band drain installed in square pattern with 1.00m spacing. The vacuum pumps was capable
of generating -100kPa pressure.

Data and Analysis

The preloading consists three steps as shown in Figure 14. The first stage only vacuum
pressure was applied for two weeks to check leakage of airtight sheets and create the first
consolidation degree of soft ground. The second stage was conducted after very soft soil
gained some degree of consolidation. The sand fill were applied 3.2m height with eight
layers for 55 days, with the thickness of each layer about 35cm. The last stage of loading
took place during 65 days. Under this stage the soil was subjected the combination of
vacuum pressure and embankment loading.
The vacuum is maintained at high pressure of 80kPa during whole construction
procedure, the stability of embankment is controlled well, the lateral movement is not
presented at the field observation.

5 100

4 80

Embankment Height: m

Vacuum Pressure: kPa

3 60

2 40

1 Embankment Height 20

Average Vacuum Pressure

0 0

-1 -20

Figure 14. Preloading procedure

The construction procedure is completed when the recorded final settlement reached
the required value by Asaoka’s method (1978) as shown in Figure 15 to control the
settlement of improved embankment. The ultimate settlements were 0.55m, 0.35m and
0.10m at the ground surface, 1.5m depth and 3.5m depth, respectively.
According to the field instrumentation records, the evaluation criteria for stop vacuum
operation was assessed by considering the degree of consolidation and rate of settlement.
The settlements at certain time intervals were described by Eq. (10):

Sn = βo + β1. Sn-1 (10)

Where S1, S2, …, Sn are settlement observations. Sn denotes the settlement at time tn. The
time interval Δt = (tn - tn-1) is constant. The first order approximation should represent a
straight line on a (Sn vs Sn-1)-co-ordinate.

The values of β0 and β1 are given by the intercept of the fitted straight line with the S n -
axis and the slope. The ultimate primary settlement can be calculated by equation
expression in Eq (11):

Slut = βo/(1-β1) (11)

-0.6 -0.40
45 degree line DS-2
SP1-4 -0.35
-0.55 SP1-5 DS-1
-0.30 45 degree line

-0.5 -0.25


-0.10 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40
-0.4 -0.45 -0.5 -0.55 -0.6

Figure 15. The settlement-Zone GI-1 by Asaoka’s method

These settlements are presented in Figure 16, which compared well to finite element
method (FEM). The FEM prediction was followed the proposed method for tri-axial test.
The different settlement just occurred in the first two weeks, after that they were almost
same value, and the final settlement of 0.56m agreed with Asaoka’s method and FEM



Settlement: m




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Field data FEM-DS-1 (3.50m) Time: Day
FEM-DS-2 (1.50m) FEM-SP-1

Figure 16. The final settlement-Zone GI-1

The average of final settlement was found about 0.57m after 135 days with the degree
of consolidation more than 90% and the rate of settlement almost less than 1mm per day.

This research proposed a method to control the risk of very soft soil improvement by
vacuum preloading method by tri-axial apparatus. The result can be applied at the site to
support earth works to avoid any instability of embankment.
The modeling by Tri-axial apparatus is the mean to determine the rate increasing

strength of the treated ground corresponding to loading rate during consolidation process.
The increasing undrained shear strength of soil specimen can be defined at any degree of
consolidation. The undrained shear strengths defined at 40%, 70% and 100% of vacuum
consolidation are 43.2kPa, 53.8kPa and 62.49kPa respectively.
Case study of vacuum consolditaion at Nakorn Sri Thammarat eirport is performed
well to controll the unstable of the loading embankment. The primary consolidation
settlement is gained of about 0.57m, with the degree of consolidation more than 90% after
only 135days vacuum operation. The period construction accelarated sigfinicantly compare
to the conventional method. The 1mm/day rate of settlement was measured at last 12 days
before stop vacuum operation. The vacuum pressure of 70 to 85kPa of vacuum pressure
were generated the overconsolidated state of soil. The improved embankment is safety
during construction with carefully proposed procedure.

We are greatly appreciated the support for this research from JICA (Japan International
Cooperation Agency) throught AUN/SEED-Net Project (ASEAN University
Network/South east Asia Enginering Education Development Network Project).

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[5] R. A. Barron, “Consolidation of fine-grained soils by drain wells.” Trans. ASCE, 113,
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[6] N. Trung Duong, Wanchai Teparaksa, Hiroyuki Tanaka, “Simulation vacuum
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[7] B. Indraratna, C. Rujikiatkamjorn, A.S. Balasubramaniam, and V. Wijeyakulasuriya,
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