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Articles 23-30: Implementing the Convention 3.

Guarantee of basic human

CEDAW has 30 articles. These articles rights and freedoms
explain what girls’ and women’s rights are Governments must take actions
and what governments should do to end in all fields – political, social, economic,
discrimination against them. and cultural – to ensure girls and
women can enjoy basic human rights
Articles 1-16 of CEDAW and freedoms.
outline the different things 4. Special measures
governments must do to end Governments should take
discrimination against girls and special measures or special
women. It also lists specific actions to end discrimination against
areas where discrimination girls and women. The special actions that favour girls
against girls and women and women are not
must end, like laws, marriage, a way of discriminating against boys
education, health care, and and men. They are meant to speed up
employment. equality between girls and women and
boys and men. These specific measures
Articles 17-22 of CEDAW should last until equality between girls
set up a committee of international and women and boys and men
experts called is achieved.
the CEDAW Committee
(or the Committee on the 5. Roles based on stereotypes
Elimination of Discrimination Governments must work to
against Women). The CEDAW change stereotypes about
Committee monitors whether girls and women and boys and men,
governments that ratified especially if these roles are based on
CEDAW are doing enough to boys and men being considered better
end discrimination against girls than women and girls.
and women.
6. Trafficking and prostitution
Governments must take action,
Articles 23-30 of CEDAW including making new laws, to
mention how the United end trafficking and prostitution of girls
Nations and governments and women.
should work together to make
7. Political and public life
sure the rights of all girls and
Women have the same right
women are protected.
to vote and be elected to
government positions. Girls and
women have the right to take part in
1. Definition of discrimination
the decisions a government makes
against girls and women
and the way it carries them
Discrimination against girls
out. They have the right to
and women means directly or indirectly
participate in non-governmental
treating girls and women differently
organizations (NGOs).
from boys and men in a way
which prevents them from enjoying 8. Participation at theinternational level
their rights. Girls and women have the right to represent
2. Policy measures their country at the international level and to
Governments must not allow participate in the work of international organizations
discrimination against girls and [such as the United Nations, the European
women. There must be laws and policies Union, and the International Committee of the
to protect them from any discrimination. Red Cross, among many others].
All national laws and policies must be
based on equality of girls and women 9. Nationality
and boys and men. There should be Girls and women have the right to have a
punishment for not following the law. nationality, and to change it if they want.
A woman’s nationality must not be changed getting family benefits, getting bank
automatically just because she got married, loans and taking part in sports and
or because her husband changed his cultural life.
nationality. Women can pass on their nationality
to their children, the same as men. 14. Rural girls and women
Governments must do
10. Education something about the problems
Governments must end of girls and women who live in rural
discrimination against girls and areas and help them look after and
women in education. Girls and women contribute to their families and
have a right to education, just as boys communities. Girls and women in rural
and men do. Girls and women should areas must be supported to take part
have access to career guidance and in and benefit from rural development,
professional training at all levels; to health care, loans, education and
studies and schools; to examinations, proper living conditions, just like boys
teaching staff, school buildings, and and men do. Rural girls and women
equipment; and opportunities to get have a right to set up their own groups
scholarships and grants, the same as and associations.
boys and men. Girls and women have
the right to take part in sports and 15. Law
physical education, and to get specific Girls and women and boys and
information to ensure the health and men are equal before the law,
well-being of families. Governments including laws about freedom to go
should make sure girls do not drop out where they choose, choosing where to
of school. They should also help girls live, signing contracts and buying and
and women who have left school early to selling properties. Women have the
return and complete their education. same ‘legal capacity’ as men.

11. Employment 16. Marriage and family life

Women have a right to work Women have the same rights
just like men. They should be as men to choose whom they
able to join a profession of their choice. marry, the number of children they
Women must have the same chances want to have and to care for them
to find work, get equal pay, promotions when they are born. Women also have
and training and have access to healthy the equal right to the property that
and safe working conditions. Women they get with their husband while they
should not be discriminated against are married. To end child marriage,
because they are married, pregnant, just governments must set a lowest age
had a child or are looking after children. for marriage and make sure this
Women should get the same assistance is followed.
from the government for retirement,
17-22. These articles set up the Committee on
unemployment, sickness and old age.
the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
12. Health (the CEDAW Committee) to review what progress
Governments must make sure has been made by countries. These articles say how
that girls and women are not the Committee works.
discriminated against in health care.
Girls and women must get health care 23-30. These articles deal with the
on the same terms as boys and men. Administration (or management) of the
In particular, women have the right to Convention. The articles say how the United Nations
services related to family planning and governments should work together to make sure
and pregnancy. rights of girls and women are protected. The articles
also say how disagreements between
13. Economic and social life governments about girls’ and
Girls and women have the same women’s rights can be settled.
rights as boys and men in all
areas of economic and social life, like

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