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Shri Bhartiya Sanskriti Shiksha Sansthan


CLASS-XII SUBJECT- Political Science
TIME – 3 HOUR M.M. -80
All the questions are compulsory.
(i)Section to 12 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
(ii)Section B- to 18 are very short questions of two marks each.
(iii)Section C - to 23 are short answer type questions of four marks each.
(iv)Section D - to 26 are passage, picture and map based questions of four marks. Answer
(v) Section E- to 30 are long answer type question of six marks each.

Multiple choice question.

In which year Russian Parliament declared its independence from Soviet Union?

(a)June 1990 (b)June 1992

(c)May 1990 (d)May 1992

2. Who was the founder of Mizo National Front?

(a)Laldonga (b)Aasu

(c)Rajeev Gandhi (d)All of the above

3. The effects of globalisation are :

(a)The same (b)Unequal

(c)Shrink (d)All of the above

4. Who was the Prime Minister at the time of emergency?

(a)Ch. Charan Singh (b)Rajeev Gandhi

(c)Indira Gandhi (d)Morarjee Desai

5. How Japan import goods?

(a)Raw material (b)Industry Manufactured Material

(c)Military Material (d) None of the above

6. ‘Non Alignment’ means :

(a)Neutral (b)Neutrality

(c)Isolation (d)Not Align with any power

7. Arrange these in chronological order:

(i)Formation of Chattisgarh and Uttarakhand.

(ii)Formation of Gujrat and Maharashtra.

(iii)Formation of Manipur and Tripura.

(iv)Formation of Telangana.

(a)(ii),(iii),(iv),(i) (b)(ii),(i),(iv),(iii)

(c)(ii),(iii),(i),(iv) (d)(iii),(ii),(i),(iv)

8. Correct and rewrite the sentence:

(i)Militants launched Operation Blue Star in Haryana’s Golden Temple.

(ii)Bangladesh was a part of India from 1947 to 1965.

9. In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason

is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation
for assertion.

(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
explanation for assertion.

(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

(d)Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

(i)Assertion: Operation Desert storm is also known as Gulf War.

Reason: In this War, a combined huge army of 70 countries are involved in the War
against Iraq.

(ii)Assertion: Pakistan has always been claiming that the Kashmir Valley should be
a part of Pakistan.

Reason: India claimed that Pakistan’s occupation of this area is illegal.

10. What does ‘Coalition’ mean?

(a)To be together in a group (b)People’s group

(c) States and parties group (d)All of the above

11. Which political party dominated the first three general elections?
(a)Communist Party (b)Samajwadi Party

(c)Congress party (d)None of these

12. In which of the following countries was the issue related to migration of Rohingya

(a)Nepal (b)Bhutan

(c)Myanmar (d)China

13. (Section-B) 2

Very Short Answer type questions.

How many countries are included in BRICS?

14. Write a reason for the formation of European Union? 2

15. What is the objective of UN? Mention any one objective of UN. 2

16. What is ‘Press Censorship’? 2

17. Define Globalisation. 2

18. What is Global Commons? 2

19. (Section-C) 4

Short Answer type Questions.

What was Operation Desert Storm?

20. What do you mean by South Asia? 4

21. What is World Social forum? What are its Objectives? 4

22. What was the effect of Partition on the people? 4

23. How can Indo-US relationship be understood? 4

24. (Section-D) 4

Case Based Question:

Study the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The 21st Century witnessed emergence of new developments for democracies and
democratization in West Asian countries, one such event is characterize as Arab
Spring that began in 2009. Located in Tunisia, the Arab Spring took its roots where
the struggle against corruption, unemployment and poverty was started by the public
which turned into a political movement because the people considered the existing
problems as outcome of autocratic dictatorship. The demand for democracy that
started in Tunisia spread throughout the Muslim – dominated Arab countries in West

(i) When did the emergence of new development for democratic systems and
democratization in West Asian countries?
(ii) What is the Arab Revolution known as?
(iii) Where did the Arab revolution take its roots?
(iv) How did the struggle against corruption, unemployment and poverty by
the people of Tunisia turn?

25. Four places as (A),(B),(C)and (D) have been marked in the given world map. On the 4
basis of given information, identify them and write correct names, serial no., and
related alphabet.

(i)2/3 of people of this country are victim of HIV Aids.

(ii)Country which had to suffer huge loss due to ‘Mad Cow’ epidemic.

(iii) Country which attacked India in 1962.

(iv)Country that conducted nuclear test in 1974.

26. In the political map of India mark the location of the following Princely States. 4

(Any 4)

(a)Junagarh (b) Manipur (c) Mysore (d)Gwalior (e) Jammu & Kashmir

27. (Section –E) 6

Long answer type Question

Why was UN established? Describe the main principles of the UN.

Identify and elaborate any four sources of security threats.

28. Explain any three environmental concerns in global politics. 6


Describe any four criteria that have been proposed in recent years for new permanent
and non-permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.

29. Describe any four issues of tension between India and Bangladesh. 6


“A government that looks unstable, litigious and divisive has been severely
punished”. From 1975 -1977 explain by giving an example.

30. ‘Emergency is one of the most controversial episodes in Indian Politics’. Analyze 6
three reasons and three consequences of it.


Discus the importance of NITI Ayog.

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