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Hart House Investment Club

Sumedh Wargantiwar

Comparable Company Analysis

July 2015
Intrinsic valuation: finds a company’s ‘true’ value based on fundamentals

Relative valuation: compares the company in question to other similar companies

Intrinsic valuation hinges on stable historic financial data

You can value a company based on how similar companies trade in the public

The first step is to pick the comp universe (size depends on relevance)
Market Multiples and Market Transactions
Method 1
Market Multiples compare common ratios between firms.

1. Enterprise Value to Sales (EV/S)

2. Enterprise Multiple
3. Price to Earnings (P/E)
4. Price to Book (P/B)
5. Price to Free Cash Flow (P/FCF)

Method 2
Market Transactions.

1. Acquisitions from rivals, private equity firms, or other

investor classes.
Comparable Public Companies
The goal is to find companies of similar:

Business Models
Geography (International vs. Domestic)

Sources include:

Equity research reports

“Competitors” section from 10-K
SIC codes
Senior bankers
What is Comparable Analysis
A relative company valuation method that
compares financial metrics.

Can compare similar sized companies in the

same industry.
Valuation multiples are ratios (e.g. )
How to Use Comparable Analysis
1. Find a Comps set
Locate necessary financials (e.g. EPS, stock
price, EV and EBITDA)

2. Calculate valuation multiples from data (i.e.

𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐸𝑉
, )
𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝐸𝐵𝐼𝑇𝐷𝐴

3. Average the data across the companies in

the Comps set

4. Determine valuation of your company

Example: Teck Resources
Company: Teck Resources Ltd. (TSE:TCK.B)

Industry: Mining

Teck is Canada’s largest diversified resource company

Teck will be shutting down 6 Canadian coal mines

Teck Resources Ltd. Dividend History

Any visible growth trend before 2015 is

now invalid

Projections will be difficult given future

Example: Teck Resources II
Find a Comps Set and Locate Financials

Price Shares (M) EPS (M) Market Cap (B) EV(M)
First Quantum Minerals (FM.TO) 16.08 600.51 1.04 1140 9.66 15670
Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW.TO) 23.75 404.1 0.47 404.45 7.71 8370
Lundin Mining Corporation
(LUN.TO) 5.63 718.45 0.27 485.89 4.04 4750
Nevsun Resources (NSU.TO) 5.16 199.66 0.45 315.05 1.03 589.58
Teck Resources Ltd (TCK-B.TO) 566.86 0.63 1910

Same exchange No set will be perfect

Example: Teck Resources III
Calculate Valuation Multiples

Price EPS P/E (M) EV(M) DA
First Quantum Minerals
(FM.TO) 16.08 1.04 15.46 1140 15670 13.75

Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW.TO) 23.75 0.47 50.53 404.45 8370 20.69
Lundin Mining Corporation
(LUN.TO) 5.63 0.27 20.85 485.89 4750 9.78
Nevsun Resources (NSU.TO) 5.16 0.45 11.47 315.05 589.58 1.87
Example: Teck Resources IV
Average the Data

Price EPS P/E (M) EV(M) A

First Quantum Minerals (FM.TO) 16.08 1.04 15.46 1140 15670 13.75

Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW.TO) 23.75 0.47 50.53 404.45 8370 20.69
Lundin Mining Corporation
(LUN.TO) 5.63 0.27 20.85 485.89 4750 9.78
Nevsun Resources (NSU.TO) 5.16 0.45 11.47 315.05 589.58 1.87

Comps Set 24.58x 11.52x

Example: Teck Resources V
Determine Valuation

Market Cap
Price Shares (M) EPS EBITDA (M) (B) EV(M)
Teck Resources Ltd (TCK-B.TO) 566.86 0.63 1910

From P/E: From EV/EBITDA:

Given EBITDA = 1920M, EV/EBITDA = 11.5

Given: EPS = 0.63, P/E = 24.58x
Net Debt = 13990M, Shares = 566.86M
P = 0.63*24.58 = 16.12
EV = 1920*11.52 = 22118.4

Market Cap = 22118.4 – 13990 = 8128.4M

P = 8128.4/566.86 = 14.34

Teck Resources Ltd. Valuation: $14.34 - $16.12

Factors to Consider
Consider the financial and economic theory
behind the numbers.

Companies don’t operate in a vacuum.

Valuation is as much an art as it is science.

Subjectivity will always exist; justify your


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