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TridiumTalk – Tagging in Niagara

Tips, Tricks and Best Practices

What’s New in Niagara 4.10??
Niagara Framework: Always Evolving – 4.10
Niagara 4.10 brings exciting new features that continue to evolve Niagara’s key tenets of visualization, rapid
deployment, security, Edge, connectivity, certification and IT compliance.

Visualization Deployment Security Certification &


System DB Support for Tag ACE for Critical Support/Enhancements MQTT – Google Auth Long Term Supported Release
Based PX Portable Niagara Edge Licensing Scheme
UI Performance Edge Tools Updates
Enhancements Bulk Certificate Signing Tool
Video Surveillance Viewer
HTML5 Tag Manager

Why Should I Use Tags in my Niagara
Energy Manager/Facility Engineer

Saves Valuable Time and Resources

Enables a rapid analysis of large quantities of

B S disparate data

N Improves Processes and Operations

Provides essential insight into your building systems
and equipment operation
System Integrator/Engineering Technician

Win More Project Bids and Customers

Tags and metadata are the Future of Building

B S Management - Conform to Division 25 and

ASHRAE Standard 223P

N Saves Valuable Time and Resources

Eliminates the inherent issues associated with
bespoke point naming schemas
Tagging Features in Niagara
Niagara 4 Features Timeline
Niagara 4.0
2015 • Niagara Entity Query
Niagara 4.3 • Hierarchies
• Tag rule index 2017 • Smart Tag Dictionary

Niagara 4.4
• Haystack dictionary
Niagara 4.6 3.02
• Bulk Tagging 2018 • Niagara Analytics 2.0
• SystemDB
• equipRef, siteRef
2020 Niagara 4.9
Niagara 4.10 • Tag Based
• HTML5 Tag Manager 2021
• n:hasPxView
Tagging in Niagara
Tips, Tricks and Best Practices
Tag Dictionary
• Tag definitions
• Tag group definitions
• Relation definitions
Direct Tag Groups
• n:tagGroup relation: component → tag group definition
• Tag group’s tags are implied (red)
• Tag group ID marker tag also implied (green)
• Caution: Deleting the tag group definition or its
dictionary deletes the relation
• Tag group’s tags will no longer be implied
• Recommendation: Make dictionary changes
Smart Tag Dictionary
• Tag rules – imply tags, tag groups, and/or relations
• Save heap memory
• Easier to maintain and update
• Drop into an existing station
• Trade-off: computation at runtime
• Scoped tag rules – applies to descendants of a specified component
Tag Rule Conditions
• And, Or (short-circuiting)
• Always
• IsType
• BooleanFilter- uses a NEQL query
• HasAncestor- the component itself or one of its ancestors satisfies the
• HasRelation- the component itself or a component reached by a
relation satisfies the query
Tag Rule Conditions
• Recommendations
• Because they’re quick, put IsType conditions first
• Use the n:type tag for an exact match
• Use “(?i)” to ignore case: “n:name like ‘(?i)roomCO2’”
Tag Rule Example
Simple Implied Tags
• Implied value is fixed
• Marker
• Value defined in the rule
• Examples: hs:phase = “BC”, hs:stage = 1.00
Smart Implied Tags
• Implied value is derived
• n:name, n:displayName, n:type, n:ordInSession, n:station
• hs:id, hs:kind, hs:tz
• May/may not be implied
• n:input, n:output
• n:hasPxView
• Combination
• n:history
• hs:enum, hs:maxVal, hs:minVal, hs:unit
• Scoped tag
Scoped Tag
• Simple use-case
• Tag is implied if an ancestor has a tag with the same ID
• Implied tag value matches ancestor’s tag value
• Advanced options
• Search for a different tag ID
• Out-of-scope tag- tag is not implied if intermediate ancestor has a tag
with this ID
• Copy the value of a different tag on the ancestor
Scoped Tag - Simple
Before After
• Ancestor • Ancestor + my:scoped
• Folder1 • Folder1 (my:scoped)
• PointA • PointA (my:scoped)
• PointB • PointB (my:scoped)
• PointC • PointC (my:scoped)
• Folder2 • Folder2 (my:scoped)
• PointD • PointD (my:scoped)
• PointE • PointE (my:scoped)
• PointF • PointF (my:scoped)
Scoped Tag - Advanced
• Ancestor + my:other
• Folder1 + my:outOfScope
• PointA
• PointB
• PointC
• Folder2 (my:scoped = “Ancestor”)
• PointD (my:scoped = “Ancestor”)
• PointE (my:scoped = “Ancestor”)
• PointF (my:scoped = “Ancestor”)
Scoped Tag - System Index
• By default, components with systemIndex:excluded tag are not indexed
Smart Implied Relations
• Niagara
• n:child, n:parent
• n:childDevice, n:parentNetwork
• n:childPoint, n:childNullProxyPoint, n:parentDevice
• Haystack
• hs:equipRef- from non-null proxy points to an ancestor with hs:equip
• hs:siteRef- from non-null proxy points to their equip’s site
Tag-Based PX Graphics
• Bindings use NEQL queries
• Bound components must have the expected tags and relations but not the
same name or location in the component tree
• Traverse queries can bind to anywhere in the station using relations
• Graphics can be more reusable
System Database
• Periodically update tag and relation info for selected entities from each
station in the NiagaraNetwork (System Index)
• Default: all networks, devices, points, schedules, point/device folders,
and components with a PX view
• Single-tier Support
• Enhances features that use NEQL queries such as search and hierarchies
• New in 4.10: virtual tag-based PX graphics (requires SystemDb)
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