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Living a Healthy Lifestyle

By: Ian Lorenzo P. Sierra

STEM 11 – Maunawain

Topic: Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Question: Why is it Healthy Lifestyle important?

Thesis Statement:

Healthy Lifestyle is important because it enables us to perform optimally both physically and
mentally with a balanced lifestyle that protects from diseases.

A healthy lifestyle is essential to keep a person live happily without being worried about getting
sickness or infected by disease. Health is an important issue and the right lifestyle is a resourceful way to
reduce the possibility of developing health problems and enable you to cope effectively with the
challenges in life. This goes a long way towards improving the overall quality of your life. Like a saying
that says, Health is Wealth so keep a healthy lifestyle to be happy kicking and alive. Several health
problems are preventable and can be kept at bay by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition,
exercise and stress management are among the healthy practices that can help to address numerous health

Living healthy should enable you to take care of your personal wellbeing and balance the demands
of daily life. The main aspects of life tend to be linked and have an effect on each other. If you are not
content with the different parts of your life, fulfilment will be difficult to achieve. The solution is to
ensure that healthier lifestyle habits become an integral part of your daily life. Consuming a healthy and
balanced diet, exercising on a regular basis and effectively handling stress will be highly beneficial for
your mind and body. These are the habits that you need to adopt for a healthy life. It will be necessary to
adjust the habits that you currently have in order for you to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will
improve your wellbeing.


A healthy lifestyle allows you to accomplish the health goals that you set. You can look forward to
experiencing major changes that will make you stronger and happier. The lifestyle habits that you need to
adopt include healthy eating, staying active and coping with stress.
For your body to work properly, it needs a balanced diet, exercise and enough sleep. It’s important
to eat a varied and balanced diet to stay healthy. You need to drink plenty of water and eat at least five
portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Exercising regularly keep your heart, lungs and muscles strong
and healthy. It’s also important to get plenty of sleep to make sure your body has time to recover and
recharge. Furthermore, positively outlook in life, faith to our Almighty God and healthy living practice
will keep us on the right tract of life.

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