9300-L Operation Guide

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9300- L Series

Operation and Service Manual
Table of Contents

Section 1: General Information

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
For Your Records ................................................................................................................ 3
After Unpacking ................................................................................................................. 3
Model Explanations ............................................................................................................ 3
Features .............................................................................................................................. 3
Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 4

Section 2: Installation
Installing the Changer ......................................................................................................... 4
Optional Switch Settings .................................................................................................... 5
Section 3: Operation
Coin Recognition ................................................................................................................ 6
Coin Separation ................................................................................................................... 6
Rejected Coin ...................................................................................................................... 6
Accepted Coin .................................................................................................................... 7
Credit & Accumulation ....................................................................................................... 8
Vend .................................................................................................................................... 8
Change Storage ................................................................................................................... 8
Correct Change Operation .................................................................................................. 9
Coin Payout ........................................................................................................................ 9
Escrow Return ..................................................................................................................... 9
Interface Between 9300-L /9302-L/9302-LF ......................................................................... 9

Section 4: Maintenance
Routine Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 11
Removing/Replacing Individual Module Assemblies ........................................................11
Cleaning .............................................................................................................................11
Disassembling Payout Base For Cleaning .........................................................................12
Clearing Coin Jams ............................................................................................................. 12

Section 5: Troubleshooting
Introduction .......................................................................................................................13
Troubleshooting Guide ......................................................................................................13
9300-L/9302-L Interconnect ................................................................................................16
9302-LF Interconnect ......................................................................................................... 17

Section 6: Modular Views

Modular View ..................................................................................................................... 18
Changer Housing ............................................................................................................... 19
Payout Assembly ............................................................................................................... 20
Logic Board Cover Assembly ............................................................................................21
Inventory Tube Assembly .................................................................................................21
Acceptor Front View ..........................................................................................................22
Acceptor Back View ...........................................................................................................23

Page 2
Section 1: General Information

INTRODUCTION electronic controller board. They pay out nickels,

This manual contains information on installing, dimes and quarters from self-loading, high capacity
operating and maintaining Coinco’s 9300-L series coin tubes and accept U.S. nickels, dimes, quarters
coin changers which included: and dollar coins.

9300-L ................ 117 VDC

9302-L ................ 24 VDC 9300-L : 117 VDC logic changer; interfaces to an
9302-LF .............. 24 VDC electronic vending machines through a 12 pin plug
This manual is intended for owners, route operators
and shop-level technicians as a primary source for
9302-L : 24 VDC logic changer; interfaces to an
information Taking the time to read this manual
electronic vending machines through a 12 pin plug
and become familiar with this information will help
you obtain the best performance from your Coinco
changer. 9302-LF : 24 VDC logic changer; interfaces to an
electronic vending machines through a 15 pin plug
A label indicating the coin changer model number
and serial number is affixed to the side of the coin
changer. Refer to the model and serial number when CAUTION: DO NOT CONNECT A 24 VDC UNIT
calling for information or service. The first four digits TO A MACHINE THAT IS WIRED FOR 117 VDC.
of the serial number contain the manufacturing date
code which indicates the beginning of the warranty

Example: Serial number 260107053. The first and FEATURES

second digits indicate the week of manufacture, and · For use in electronically controlled vending
the third and fourth digits indicate the year of machines only
· Select high or low quarter tube level by simply
flipping a switch
After unpacking the unit, inspect it for any possible · Dollar coins can be rejected or accepted by
shipping damage. If the unit is damaged, notify the flipping a switch
shipping company immediately. Only the co-signee · Heavy-duty D.C. payout solenoids provide fast,
(the person or company receiving the unit) can file a accurate payout
claim against the carrier for shipping damage. We
· Change capacity of $40.55
recommend that you retain the original carton and
packing materials to reuse if you need to transport or · Lightweight, rugged plastic construction provides
ship your changer in the future. dependable, maintenance-free service
If the coin changer is being stored or used as a spare, · Provides the fastest and most accurate coin
always keep it in its shipping carton when not in acceptance of any electronic unit available today
use. This will keep it clean and offer the best
· Pays out to the last coin in the changer tube to
protection for the unit.
provide the maximum usage of a bill validator

The 9300-L, 9302-L and 9302-LF logic changers
have a vend price range determined by the vendor

Page 3
Section 1: General Information


1. Remove power from the vendor.
Power Requirements
9300-L ................... 117 volts (full wave rectified) 2. Remove the acceptor from the changer by
95 to 130 volts at 1.0 amps max. releasing acceptor latches and pulling the top of
+5 volts DC +/-0.25, 0.5 amps continuous the acceptor forward, away from changer.
Unplug ribbon cable from changer. Free lower
9302-L / 9302-LF .... 24 volts (full wave rectified) acceptor studs from changer housing. With the
20 to 30 volts at 3.0 amps max. acceptor removed, set key holes in back of
+5volts DC +/-0.25, 0.5 amps continuous changer housing over mounting screw in the
vendor. Tighten snugly.
3. Set desired changer options (See Option Switch
Operating Temperature Settings).
0° to 160° Fahrenheit 4. Replace the acceptor by inserting bottom
-18° to 65° Celsius acceptor studs into changer housing guides. Plug
the acceptor ribbon cable into the changer. Press
Storage Temperature top of acceptor into changer housing until top
-22° to 160° Fahrenheit acceptor studs lock into changer's acceptor
-30° to 72° Celsius latches.
5. Plug changer into vendor socket.
Relative Humidity
20% to 98% Noncondensing 6. Load coin tubes making sure all coins lie flat.
7. Apply power to the vendor.
Physical Dimensions
8. Test changer with a variety of coins to ensure
Height: 14.81 inches
proper operation.
(base to top of coin return lever)
Width: 5.28 inches
(acceptor latch to acceptor latch) NOTE: SAVE THE COIN CHANGER CARTON.
Depth: 2.86 inches (gate closed) Always store coin changer in its shipping carton
when not in use. This will keep the unit clean and
Physical Weight in Shipping Carton protected.
4 pounds

Coin Tube Capacity

$.05 $.10 $.25 Tube

Tube Tube
LO $.25 LO $.25
Option Switch Option Switch
Set to OFF Set to ON
Position Position

Low Sensor Level 7 9 7 7

Full Sensor Level 78 113 77 22
Hand Load Level 86 125 95 22

Page 4
Section 2: Installation


See Figure 2
1. Hinge acceptor down by releasing acceptor
latches and pulling the top of the acceptor
forward, away from the changer.

2. Located in the upper portion of the changer,

behind the acceptor, is a single switch module
containing three rocker switches. When the top
of the rocker switch is pushed in, it is in the ON
position. The switches correspond as follows:

B=LO $.25 ON: Quarters are directed to cashbox
once change tube has
approximately 22 quarters
OFF: Quarters are directed to cashbox
once change tube is full
C=$ACPT ON: Dollar coins will be accepted
OFF: Dollar coins will be rejected

3. Set option switches to desired setting.

4. Return acceptor to operating position making Figure 2

sure acceptor latches secure acceptor.

5. Test with a variety of coins to insure proper


Page 5
Section 3: Operation


See Figure 3 See Figure 4
As a coin enters the changer through the acceptor If a coin is rejected for any reason, both the UPPER
funnel, its impact is absorbed by a white ceramic rail (coin tube) and the LOWER (cash box) gate will
which debounces the coin and allows it to continue remain closed. All rejected coins will drop into the
down the coin rail at a smooth and steady speed. As vendor return cup via the coin changer coin return
a coin rolls down the rail, it passes between two sets chute.
of LED sensors which measure the speed and size
of the coin. The coin also passes between two sets
of coils which measure the metallic content of the
coin. These measurements are used to determine if
the coin is valid and the value (denomination) of the

See Figure 3
After the coin's validity has been determined the coin
rolls off the end of the coin rail and enters the
separator section of the acceptor. The UPPER
(coin tube) gate and the LOWER (cash box) gate
are opened and closed by their respective solenoids.
These solenoids are energized and de-energized by
an electrical signal from the acceptor logic board
based on the following criteria:
• the validity of the coin.
• the denomination of the coin.
• the status (full or empty) of the appropriate coin
The positions of these two gates cause the coin to be
routed to one of three places: the appropriate
changer coin tube, the vendor cash box, or if the coin
is rejected, the vendor coin return cup.

Figure 3 Figure 4

Page 6
Section 3: Operation

ACCEPTED COIN the changer cash box chute. If the appropriate coin
See Figures 5 & 6 tube is not full (full sensor not covered by coins), the
coin tube gate will open directing the coin down a
An accepted coin will be routed to either the vendor ramp. Along the wall of the ramp are windows for
cash box or to one of the changer coin tubes. The entry into the coin tube. As the coin reaches a
(FULL) sensors in each coin tube determine which window of the appropriate size, it falls into the coin
route the coin will take. If the coin tube correspond- tube. All dollar coins are always directed to the
ing to the validated coin is full (full sensor covered cash box via the cash box chute.
by coins in change tube), the cash box gate will open,
allowing the coin to drop into the vendor cash box via

Figure 5 Figure 6

Page 7
Section 3: Operation


See Figure 7
There are two sensors, one in the separation section
of the acceptor and one in the cash box path of the
acceptor. As coins pass either one of these sensors,
the changer sends credit information to the vendor
electronic controller where the coin credit is

Vend is a function of the vendor electronic controller
board. The vendor controller board accumulates all
credit information received from the coin changer.
As credit is accumulated in the vendor controller
board, vend selections can be made when their
respective vend price settings are equalled.

See Figure 8
The low tube sensors in each coin tube continually Figure 7
report the (blocked / not blocked) coin level to the
microprocessor. This information is used to
determine the availability of change for change
payback, escrow and exact change condition.
The full tube sensors in each coin tube continually
report the (full / not full) status to the coin changer’s
logic board. The information is then used to
determine the placement of the next accepted coin.
This information controls the action of the acceptor
coin tube and cash box gates.
EXAMPLE: If the quarter coin tube is full (full
sensors blocked by coins) the acceptor coin tube
gate will remain closed and the cash box gate will
open each time a quarter is accepted, routing all
quarters to the vendor cash box via the changer coin
chute. After one or more quarters is paid out as
change, leaving the full sensor exposed (quarter tube
not full), the acceptor coin tube gate will open each
time a quarter is accepted, routing quarters to the
changer coin tube until it is full again.
NOTE: If the changer LO-$.25 option switch is set
to the on position, accepted quarters will be routed
to the cash box when the (middle $.25 tube sensor)
is blocked by coins.
Figure 8

Page 8
Section 3: Operation


The 9300-L, 9302-L and 9302-LF coin changers
9302-L / 9302-LF CHANGER AND
continually report the status of the low tube sensors CONTROLLER / VENDOR
to the vendor’s controller board. The logic control See Figures 9 & 10
for correct change is initiated by the vendor
controller board. The interface connection for the 9300-L /9302- L /
9302-LF changers are shown in Figure 9. Figure
10 shows the interface between the 9300-L / 9302-
COIN PAYOUT L / 9302-LF and a vendor using an electronic
controller board.
Coins are paid out from the coin changer when a
change payback is required or when either of the The changer transmits data to the external
vendor’s $.05 - $.10 - $.25 dispense switches are controller via its “interrupt” and “data” lines. The
manually operated. Coins are dispensed by DC controller responds to these messages via its
solenoid-operated slides located at the bottom of “send” line. These three lines from the serial data
each of the three coin tubes. These dispense link between changer and controller. The
solenoids are controlled by signals generated by the controller/vendor supplies power to operate the
vendor controller board. changer via its four power lines. In addition, the
When a solenoid energizes, the upward motion of its controller has five control lines that authorize coin
plunger compresses a spring and draws the solenoid payout, enable/inhibit coin acceptance and reset
lever, which in turn pushes a payout slide forward. the changer to its standby condition.
This loads the coin for payout. When the solenoid
de-energizes, the spring force returns the plunger to The following is the sequence of operations
its de-energized state, which returns the solenoid between the 9300-L / 9302-L / 9302-LF changer
lever and payout slide, dispensing a coin. Coin and the vendor controller:
payout rate is determined by the vendor electronic When a coin enters the changer, an “interrupt”
board. signal is sent on Pin #4 to inform the controller
that the changer is ready to send credit information.

• When the controller receives this “interrupt”
Escrow return is a function of the vendor electronic
signal, it signals the changer via a “send” signal
controller board. Coins are always accepted
on Pin #3. This indicated to the changer that
regardless of the coin tube levels. (Exception: For
the controller is ready to accept “data.”
dollar coins to be accepted, a minimum number of
coins are required (low tube sensors blocked) for
• When the changer receives this “send” signal, it
payback in the event of an escrow return request).
transmits a message on Pin #5 containing the
The value of each coin is accumulated in the vendor following data:
controller board. If a coin return is requested, a
signal is sent to the appropriate dispense solenoid (s) • Coin Value: 5¢, 10¢, 25¢ or $1.00
to pay back coins of the same denomination. If a • Coin Tube Status: low level sensors are
dollar coin has been accepted, change will be covered/not covered
returned in the least number of coins possible if an • Coin Direction: to the coin tube or cash box
escrow return is requested.

Page 9
Section 3: Operation

• If a coin is rejected, or there is a problem in the • Defective sensor in coin tubes.

changer, certain default messages are sent to • Power Up: indicated on coin changer was
the controller on the “data” line. They are as just reset or powered up.
• Slug: coin entered but was not accepted. When sufficient credit has been established in the
(Coin tube/cash box gate did not open). controller to enable a vend and a vend is made, the
• No strobe: coin was accepted but did not controller performs the change making logic and
actuate strobe. (Could indicate jam or sends control signal (s) to operate the appropriate 5¢,
defective strobe). 10¢ or 25¢ dispense solenoids in the changer for
• Dollar coin rejected due to insufficient change (if needed).
coins in the coin tubes.

Figure 9

Figure 10

Page 10
Section 4: Maintenance


Routine maintenance will improve performance and With payout solenoids disconnected from main logic
extend the working life of the 9300-L Series changer board, remove the four screws - two from each side-
and reduce the need for more involved repairs. at the bottom of the housing. Separate payout
Frequency of routine maintenance will depend on assembly from changer housing by releasing cash
environment and number of transactions. box chute locking tab on back of changer housing
and pulling downward on payout assembly.
The coin changer should be kept in its original
shipping carton when not in use. This will keep the
changer clean and provide the best protection for the CLEANING
See Figure 12
Your 9300-L Series changer is made of a high-
REMOVING/REPLACING quality industrial grade plastic which should only be
INDIVIDUAL MODULE cleaned with a warm water and mild detergent
Modular assembly replacement provides the basis of
all 9300-L Series changer repair. Instructions for CAUTION:
removing and replacing modules are provided below.
• Never submerge changer in water.
These modules should be removed in the following
• Do not use petroleum solvents, steel wool,
scouring pads, or a metal brush for
Acceptor • Do not spray any part of changer with any
To remove the acceptor, raise the two acceptor type of lubricant.
latches and pull the top of acceptor forward and
away from the changer housing. Unplug acceptor
ribbon cable from main logic board. Raise acceptor Since all coins share a common coin ramp, heavy
and pull outward until the acceptor clears the housing usage or a dirty environment can result in dirt build
slots. up. To clean the coin ramp, lift the acceptor gate
upward and diagonally to the right. Hold gate firmly
to prevent it from snapping back. Wipe the exposed
Coin Tube and Sensor Assembly
coin ramp and inner surface with a damp cloth. For
Remove the logic board cover by inserting a straight
excessively dirty units, use a damp cloth with a mild
tip screwdriver in the slot above the tube assembly.
detergent. NOTE: Do not submerge in water.
Twist the screwdriver to release the cover.
For detailed cleaning of the acceptor, remove the
Unplug tube sensor ribbon cable from logic board.
front cover by pulling out and down on the front
Spread the lower part of the housing slightly and
cover. Now remove the back cover by pushing in on
pullout on tube assembly. To separate the coin tube
two locking tabs on the side of the acceptor. To
assembly from the tube sensor board assembly, place
remove the coin sorting rail, snap the coin sense coils
the assembly face down. While freeing the four
from the sorting rail and the cash box exit, being
locking tabs, pull up on tube sensor board. Be
careful not to break coil wires. Free coil wires from
careful not to damage sensors on logic board.
the clip on the sorting rail. Now from the front of the
acceptor, in area exposed by removing the front
Main Logic Board Assembly cover, locate the three locking tabs which secure the
Unplug payout solenoids, and main harness assembly sorting rail. Using a small straight tip screwdriver,
from logic board. Lift logic board out of housing. free the three locking tabs and remove sorting rail.

Page 11
Section 4: Maintenance


See Figure 13
Remove the four Phillips head screws from the
bottom plate. Remove bottom plate and individual
slides. Clean parts with mild detergent and hot water
as desired.
Replace slides making sure part numbers face up
into changer. With the slides correctly seated on
plunger tabs, reinstall the bottom plate, securing with
bottom screws. Reinstall payout module into
changer, securing with side screws.


Should a coin jam occur in the cash box chute area,
use the following steps to help dislodge coins:
1. Remove changer from vendor.
2. Keeping changer in an upright position, insert a
narrow screwdriver into cash box chute or reject
chute from bottom of changer to relieve jam.



Figure 13

Page 12
Section 5: Troubleshooting

INTRODUCTION Please check the following before replacing any

The Troubleshooting Guide on the following pages is parts:
intended to help locate problems within the coin • Connectors are inserted correctly.
changer. If a changer cannot be repaired by • Connector pins are not bent or broken.
following the guide, return the changer to the nearest • All wires are properly secured.
Coinco Service Center for repair. If it is necessary • Inventory tubes are filled to their correct levels.
to return the changer to Coinco, please accompany NOTE: The following Troubleshooting Guide is
the changer with a brief description of the based on the fact that the tester or vendor, with
malfunction to help expedite the repair and return of which the defective changer is being tested,
the changer. functions properly when used with a known good
The vendor electronic controller board is in constant changer.
communication with the 9300-L / 9302-L / 9302-LF This guide is not intended to cover all failures, but to
coin changer. The electronic controller board not cover the most common failures.
only supplies operating voltage to the coin changer
but is largely responsible for the function of the coin
changer (Refer to Section 3, Figure 9).
Logic troubleshooting minimizes time spent in
removing and replacing modules that are not
defective. Some failures are caused by minor
problems such as loose or faulty connections.



No coin acceptance No power Make sure changer is Plug changer into vendor
plugged into vendor

Acceptor Check power/blocker LED Replace acceptor

behind acceptor. If LED in
ON, replace acceptor with
good acceptor and test. If
changer functions properly

If still no coin Replace changer main

acceptance logic board

If still no coin Replace changer main

acceptance power harness

If power/blocker LED is off, Plug acceptor cable and/or

check to see that acceptor changer power harness into
cable and changer power changer main logic board
harness are properly
connected to changer main
logic board.

Page 13
Section 5: Troubleshooting



If still no coin Replace changer main
acceptance logic board

If still no coin Replace changer main

acceptance power harness
No coin acceptance Coin return lever Make sure changer is Reposition changer and/
or rejects percentage mounted correctly and coin or vendor coin return
of good coins return lever is in proper lever
Acceptor is dirty or Check to see that acceptor Clean acceptor and
foreign matter in coin coin path is clean and free of remove any foreign matter
accept path foreign matter

If still rejects good Replace acceptor


If still rejects good Replace changer main

coins logic board

Accepts coins but Acceptor Replace acceptor with good Replace defective
gives no/or erratic acceptor and test. If changer acceptor
credit functions properly

If still no/erratic credit Replace changer main

logic board

If still no/erratic credit Replace changer main

power harness

Accepted coins Tube sensor board or Check the sensor board for Replace tube sensor
always go to cash acceptor loose or broken components. board
box Make sure tube sensor board is
properly secured to tube
assembly. Check cable from
sensor board for damage or
improper connection
If coin still goes to cash Replace acceptor
box, replace acceptor with
good acceptor and test. If
changer functions properly

If coin still goes to cash box Replace changer main

logic board

Page 14
Section 5: Troubleshooting


Accepted coins Coin tube gate in open Remove acceptor back Replace acceptor
always go to coin position cover, check solenoid for
tubes free operation

Tube sensor board Replace tube sensor board Replace tube sensor board
with good tube sensor board
and test. If changer
functions properly
If coins still go to coin Replace changer main
tubes logic board
Accepted quarters go Quarter coin tube has Check to see that quarter Fill quarter coin tube with
to quarter coin tube less than 22 quarters coin tube has a minimum of 22 quarters to cover Lo-
when Lo-$.25 switch 22 quarters $.25 sensor
is ON
Tube sensor board Replace tube sensor board Replace tube sensor board
with good tube sensor
board and test. If changer
functions properly

If coins still go to quarter Replace changer main

tube logic board
Credits coins but Coin return lever Make sure changer is Reposition changer and/or
does not escrow mounted correctly and vendor coin return lever
acceptor gate opens when
vendor coin return lever is

Acceptor Replace acceptor with good Replace defective acceptor

acceptor and test. If changer
functions properly

If still no escrow Replace changer main

logic board

No payout Payout solenoid Make sure solenoid wires are Plug solenoid wires into
properly connected to logic board
changer main logic board
If still no payout, replace Replace defective solenoid
solenoid with good solenoid
and test. If changer operates
If still no payout Replace changer main
logic board
If still no payout Replace changer main
power harness

Page 15
Section 5: Troubleshooting

9300-L / 9302-L Wiring Diagram

Figure 14

Page 16
Section 5: Troubleshooting

9302-LF Wiring Diagram

Figure 15

Page 17
Section 6: Exploded Views

Modular View 9300-L Series Changers

Item No. Part No. Description Qty. Note

1 406618 Harness 9300-L/9302-L 1
406618-1 Harness 9302-LF

2 406848-4 Logic Board 9300-L 1 Gray Connector

406848-3 Logic Board 9300-L Black Connector
406849-6 Logic Board 9302-L/LF Gray Connector
406849-5 Logic Board 9302-L/LF Black Connector

3 922331 Changer Housing 1

4 407978-3 Payout and Housing Assembly 1 Includes #3
117 volt (9300-L)
407978-4 Payout and Housing Assembly Includes #3
24 volt (9302-L/9302-LF)
5 406728-9 Inventory Tube Assembly 1
6 407755-4 Acceptor 1 Gray Connector
407755-1 Acceptor 1 Black Connector

7 408038-1 Logic Board Cover Assembly 1

Page 18
Section 6: Exploded Views

Changer Housing

Item No. Part No. Description Qty. Note

1 922331 Housing (only) 1
2 902011-1 Acceptor Latch, Right 1
3 902010-1 Acceptor Latch, Left 1
4 909729 Label, Identification 1

Page 19
Section 6: Exploded Views

9300-L Payout Assembly

9302-L Payout Assembly

Item No. Part No. Description Qty. Note

1 406607-1 Solenoid Assembly, 110VDC 3
406607-4 Solenoid Assembly, 24VDC
2 909113 Pivot Shaft 1
3 909141 Upper Payout Base 1
4 909630 Screw, 6-32 x 3/16 FH Undcut blk 6
5 909105 10¢ Payout Slide 1
6 909104 5¢ Payout Slide 1
7 909103 25¢ Payout Slide 1
8 909102-1 Lower Payout Base 1
9 345P4R7 Screw, 4 x 7/16 PH PHL PLAS, blk 8
10 909135 Coin Return Liner 1
11 909106 Solenoid Lever 3

Page 20
Section 6: Exploded Views

Logic Board Cover Inventory Tube

408038-1 Assembly Assembly

Item Part Item Part

No. No. Description Quantity No. No. Description Quantity
1 922332-3 Logic Board Cover 1 1 909115-2 Inventory Tube 1
2 910889-2 Label 1 Label
Switch Options 2 406728-9 Inventory Tube & 1
Board Assembly

Page 21
Section 6: Exploded Views

Acceptor Front View

407755-4 Assembly

Item Part Item Part

No. No. Description Quantity No. No. Description Quantity
1 406184-2 Gate & Coil Assy. 1 8 906618 Spring, Oper. Lev. 1
2 406567 Gate Bd. Assy. LED 1 9 400-8 Nut, 8-32 Lock 1
3 906596-1 Cover 1 10 406611 Mainplate & Coil Assy. 1
4 909095-2 Front Cover 1 11 345-4R5 Screw, 4x5/16 PH 2
5 906606-1 Operating Lever 1 12 906616 Coin Rail 1
6 906624 Screw, Gate Lever 1 13 923995 Acceptor Label 1
Pivot 14 923984 Gate Core Foam 1
7 751S21X Retaining Ring 1 15 921625 1/4” LED Labels 4

Page 22
Section 6: Exploded Views

Acceptor Back View

407755-4 Assembly

Item No. Part No. Description Qty.

1 406611 Mainplate and Coils 1
2 406167 Plunger and Yoke Assy. 2
3 906619-2 Spring, Copper-Plated 1
4 906619-1 Spring, Nickel-Plated 1
5 909096-1 Back Cover 1
6 407506-23 Board Assy/9300 Acceptor/Coinpro 1
7 406612-1 Rear Chute and Coil Assy. 1
8 909095-2 Front Cover 1
9 906596-1 Gate Cover 1
10 906622-2 Pin, Diverter Pivot 2
11 345S4R7 Screw, 4 x 7/16 PH 2
12 906600-1 Diverter Door, Upper 1
13 909092 Diverter Door, Lower 1
14 909853-1 Coin Rail 1
15 406857-3 Solenoid Assy. 2
16 922609 Mainplate Foam 1
17 406613-1 Coin Assembly, Sensing 2
18 908845-1 Plug, Spring Retention 1
19 921624 PVC Foam 1

Page 23
300 Hunter Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63124-2013 Coinco Publication No. 925306 Rev. 1
(314) 725-0100 or (800) 325-COIN 8/01 Printed in the U.S.A.

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