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P.U. (A) 128.

(Incorporating amendments up to 2015)



This is NOT A COPY of the Gazette printed by the Government Printer for the purposes of section 61 of the Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967
[Act 388] and does not constitute prima facie evidence of the contents of the Gazette by virtue of the section.

Authoritative printed copies of the Federal Government Gazette can be obtained from Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad.

P.U. (A) 128.

Revised up to … … … 2015

Gazette No. … P.U. (A) 173.

Date coming into operation … 31 July 2015

Regulations 1990 [P.U. (A) 128.] referred as Principal Regulations

P.U. (A) 128.



(REVISED 2015)




1. Citation and commencement.
2. Interpretation.


3. Meetings of the Board.

4. Notice of meetings.
5. Votes.
6. Proxies not admitted.
7. Minutes.
8. Committees.
9. Secretary.
10. Bank account.
11. Cheque.
12. Accounts.
13. Expenses of the Board.
14. Audit.
15. Financial year.


16. Forms of application.

17. Time limit for the Board to decide on application.
18. Fees for registration.
19. Forms of certificates of registration.
20. Renewal fee.
21. Fee for reinstatement.
22. Practical experience.


22A. Complaints against registered Person or Engineering consultancy practice made in writing.
22B. Investigation by the Investigating Committee.
22C. Hearing by the Disciplinary Committee or Board.

P.U. (A) 128.


23. Conduct of registered Person.
24. Responsibility to employer, client or profession.
25. Discharge of duties with fidelity.
26. Reputation etc. of a registered Person not to be injured.
27. Canvassing and advertising prohibited.
27A. Canvassing and advertising by an Engineering consultancy practice.
28. Repealed by Government Gazette P.U. (A) 173./2015
29. Restrictions on making payments or placing contracts.
30. Repealed by Government Gazette P.U. (A) 424./2003
31. A registered Engineer or an Engineering consultancy practice not to intervene or to take over the
work of another.
32. Restrictions on being a director, member or shareholder of contracting and manufacturing
company, etc.
33. Disclosure of interest.


34. Form of application.

34A. Paid up capital and equity.
34B. Composition of Board of Directors.
35. Certificate of registration for Engineering consultancy practice.
36. Renewal of certificate of registration and reinstatement fee.


37. Form of application to sit for Professional Assessment Examination.

38. Professional Assessment Examination.


38A. Professional Competency Examination.


39. Revocation.

SCHEDULE I Repealed by Government Gazette P.U. (A) 173./2015





P.U. (A) 128.



(REVISED 2015)

IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 26 of the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 [Act 138], the Board, with the
approval of the Minister, makes the following regulations:



1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Citation and
Regulations 2015. [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(2) These Regulations come into operation on 31 July 2015.

2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires - [P.U. (A) 424./2003]

"Board" means the Board of Engineers established by section 3(1) of the Act;

"President" means the President of the Board appointed under section 3(2) of the Act;

"Registrar" means the Registrar of Engineers appointed under section 6(1) of the Act;

"Secretary" means the Secretary appointed by the Board under regulation 9.



3. (1) The Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Board whenever requested to do so Meetings of the Board.
by the President or in writing by not less than five members of the Board.

(2) The Secretary shall consult the President on any business other than of a routine
nature requiring attention before each meeting of the Board.

Notice of meetings.
4. (1) Not less than fourteen day's notice in writing shall be given specifying the place,
date and time of a meeting and the business to be conducted in such meeting.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(1A) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), in any exceptional circumstances, the President
may request the Secretary to give not less than three days notice in writing to
convene a meeting.

(2) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting under this regulation to one or
more members of the Board or the non-receipt thereof shall not in any manner
affect the validity of or prejudice anything done or agreed to at such meeting.

P.U. (A) 128.

5. A resolution shall be proposed and seconded before being put to the vote. Voting shall be by
show of hands or by secret ballot as may be decided by the President or the member
presiding. A declaration by the President or the member presiding that a resolution has been
carried by a particular majority shall be conclusive, and an entry to that effect in the minutes
of the meeting shall be conclusive evidence thereof without proof of the number or
proportion of votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.

Proxies not admitted.

6. Votes shall only be given by members present and voting. [P.U. (A) 424./2003]

7. Minutes of every meeting shall be kept by the Secretary and such minutes if purporting to be
signed by the President or the member presiding of the next succeeding meeting shall be
conclusive evidence of the facts stated therein.

8. (1) The Board may from time to time appoint committees from amongst its members [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
or persons whom the Board considers suitable; and the Board may at any time
dissolve any committee so appointed.

(2) A committee appointed under sub-regulation (1) may invite any person to attend
its meeting and to take part in its deliberation but such person shall have no vote.

(3) The Registrar and the Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all committees.

9. (1) The Board may appoint a person to act as Secretary to the Board.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(1A) The appointment of the Secretary of the Board under subregulation (1) may be
made for a term of two years and may be renewed.

(2) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board and its
committees and shall send notices of meetings and perform such other functions as
may be determined by the Board.

(3) The Secretary shall receive and be responsible for all monies payable to the Board
and shall present —

(a) at each meeting of the Board a statement of account showing receipts and
expenditure as on the last day of the month preceding the month of the
meeting; and

(b) not later than 30th June in each year the audited accounts for the preceding
financial year.

Bank account.
10. All payments received shall be deposited to the credit of the account of the Board with a [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
bank approved by the Board, provided that the Secretary may keep as petty cash a sum not
exceeding five thousand ringgit.

11. All cheques on the bank account of the Board shall, unless and until otherwise from time to
time resolved by the Board, be signed by the President or in his absence by a member
appointed for that purpose by the Board and two other members of the Board.

P.U. (A) 128.

12. (1) The Board shall cause to be kept and maintained proper accounts and records
relating to -

(a) the assets and liabilities of the Board;

(b) the sums of money received and expended by or under the authority of the

(2) The books of accounts and records shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary or
at such place as the Board may determine.

Expenses of the Board.

13. (1) The President, the Registrar and the Secretary may be paid from the funds of the
Board such remuneration as the Board may determine from time to time.
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(2) There may be paid to members of the Board and members of committees such
allowances for attending meetings of the Board or the committee thereof, such
reasonable travelling expenses and subsistence allowances for being away from
their place of residence for performing the duties of the Board.

14. The accounts of the Board shall at least once every year be audited.

Financial year.
15. The financial year of the Board shall end on 31st December.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

16. (1) Every person desirous of being registered as a registered Person under the Act Forms of application.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
shall make an application to the Board in the form as specified on the Board’s
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(2) [Deleted]
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(3) [Deleted]

Time limit for the

17. Every application for registration shall be decided upon by the Board within 4 months from
Board to decide on
the date of receipt of such application. application.

Fees for registration.

18. (1) Every application for registration as a registered Person shall be accompanied with [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(a) processing fee as specified in Schedule II, which is not refundable; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) a registration fee as specified in Schedule II, which shall be refunded to the
applicant who is unsuccessful in his application,
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
and the fees must be in the form of money order, bank draft, cheque or any other
form as determined by the Board, made payable to the Board.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) [Deleted]

P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(2A) A Graduate Engineer shall submit an application for registration as a Professional
Engineer within one year –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(a) from the date he is informed by the Board that he has passed the
Professional Assessment Examination as mentioned in regulation 38; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) from the date he becomes a corporate member of the Institution of
Engineers (Malaysia).
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2B) Notwithstanding subregulation (2A), if an application period has lapsed, a
Graduate Engineer may, within a reasonable time, apply for an extension of time
to submit an application for registration as a Professional Engineer to the Board
and the Board may extent the time as it thinks fit.
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(3) [Deleted]
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(4) [Deleted]

Forms of certificates of
19. (1) A registered Person shall be issued with a certificate of registration in any form as
may be determined by the Board duly signed by the President and the Registrar [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
and sealed with the common seal of the Board.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) A certificate of registration issued to a registered Person shall be in the form as
specified on the Board’s website.
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(3) [Deleted]
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(4) [Deleted]

Renewal fee.
20. (1) A registered Person desirous of renewing his registration under section 13(2) of the [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
Act shall -
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(a) submit to the Board -
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(i) an application for renewal of registration in the form as specified on
the Board’s website on or before the date as specified in Schedule II;
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(ii) a renewal-fee as specified in Schedule II in the form of money order,
bank draft, cheque or any other form as determined by the Board,
made payable to the Board; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(b) satisfy such conditions as determined by the Board.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) Where the application for renewal of registration under sub-regulation (1) is
approved by the Board, the Registrar shall issue to the registered Person mentioned
in that sub-regulation a certificate of registration in the form as specified on the
Board’s website.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(3) The Board may refuse to renew the registration of a registered Person if he has
failed to satisfy any conditions as determined by the Board under subparagraph

P.U. (A) 128.

Fee for reinstatement.

21. Any registered Person, other than a Graduate Engineer whose name has been removed from [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
the Register pursuant to section 16(b) of the Act for failure to renew his registration shall,
when notifying the Registrar of his desire to be reinstated pursuant to section 17(2) of the
Act, pay a reinstatement fee as specified in Schedule II.

Practical experience.
22. (1) The practical experience that a Graduate Engineer is required to obtain under [P.U. (A) 173./2015]
section 10(1)(b) of the Act so as to be entitled to apply for registration as a
Professional Engineer shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Board, for a
period of at least three years, and shall include the following:
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(a) the Graduate Engineer must undergo -
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(i) at least two years of general training that will provide a sound basis
for professional development; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(ii) at least one year of professional career development and training
providing wide exposure to the various managerial and technical
expertise in engineering practice,
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
where at least one year of the training must be obtained in Malaysia under the
supervision of a Professional Engineer in the same branch of engineering as that
practised by the Graduate Engineer, although Professional Engineers in other
related branches of engineering may be accepted with the prior approval of the
Board; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(2) Notwithstanding sub-regulation (1), if the Board is satisfied for sufficient cause or
reason, the Board may in any particular case exempt, either wholly or partially, or
enhance the requirement as to the practical experience required to be obtained in
Malaysia or the requirement as to the supervision by a Professional Engineer in
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(3) A Graduate Engineer applying for registration as a Professional Engineer under
section 10(2) of the Act shall submit with his application proof in writing of his
practical experience. Such submission shall include details and description of the
practical experience and a statement by the supervisory Professional Engineer
under sub-regulation (1) in the case of experience obtained in Malaysia or by an
engineer acceptable to the Board in the case of experience obtained outside
Malaysia, that the Graduate Engineer has satisfactorily completed his practical

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

22A (1) Any person who seeks to make a complaint against a registered Person or an Complaints against
registered Person or
Engineering consultancy practice which renders the exercise of the powers of the
Board expedient, shall make the complaint in writing to the Registrar, who shall consultancy practice
then refer that complaint to the Board. made in writing.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

(2) Where the Board has received a complaint in pursuance of sub-regulation (1) and
it is satisfied that there may be sufficient grounds for the complaint, it shall appoint
an Investigating Committee to investigate the complaint.

P.U. (A) 128.

Investigation by the
22B (1) Prior to the commencement of investigations by the Investigating Committee, the
Registrar shall forward a notice by registered post to the registered Person or Committee.
Engineering consultancy practice at his or its last known address, which shall - [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) state the complaint against the registered Person or Engineering
consultancy practice;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) require the registered Person or Engineering consultancy practice to
provide a written explanation regarding the complaint within such period as
specified in the notice, but such period shall not be less than fourteen days
from the date of the notice; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) request the registered Person or Engineering consultancy practice to attend
and give evidence before the Investigating Committee, where required to
do so.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) The Investigating Committee shall, after the period as specified in paragraph
(1)(b), commence the investigation of the complaint and shall give the registered
Person or Engineering consultancy practice reasonable opportunity to be heard,
where due consideration shall be given to any explanation that may be given by the
registered Person or Engineering consultancy practice.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(3) The Investigating Committee shall upon completion of its investigation of the
complaint, submit to the Board for matters under subsection 7A(5) of the Act, or to
the Disciplinary Committee for matters under subsection 15(1) of the Act, for
consideration –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(a) a report of its investigation;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) its recommendations, if any; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) a draft of the charge containing the facts of the complaint alleged to have
been committed by the registered Person or Engineering consultancy
practice, if the Investigating Committee is satisfied that there are grounds
for the complaint against the registered Person or Engineering consultancy
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(4) Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Regulations, the Investigating
Committee may regulate its own procedures in such manner as it deems fit.

Hearing by the
22C (1) Upon receipt of a report from the Investigating Committee and its
recommendations, if any, the Disciplinary Committee or the Board, as the case Committee or Board.
may be, shall – [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) cause the charge to be forwarded by registered post to the registered Person
or Engineering consultancy practice at his or its last known address;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) request the registered Person or the Engineering consultancy practice to
attend a hearing to be convened by the Disciplinary Committee or the
Board in pursuance of section 15 or 7 of the Act; as the case may be; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) inform the Engineering consultancy practice or registered Person that in
compliance with subparagraph 7A(6)(a)(ii) or subsection 15(2) of the Act,
respectively, an opportunity to be heard shall be given to it or him, where -

- 10 -
P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(i) in the case of the Engineering consultancy practice, it may be heard
by a representative appointed in writing or by counsel;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(ii) in the case of the sole proprietor, or the partner, director, shareholder
or employee of the Engineering consultancy practice, he may be
heard either personally or by counsel; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(iii) in the case of the registered Person, he may be heard either
personally or by a person appointed by him.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) Where the registered Person or Engineering consultancy practice, without
reasonable excuse, fails to attend the hearing convened respectively by the
Disciplinary Committee or the Board, the Disciplinary Committee or the Board
may proceed to hear the case notwithstanding the absence of the registered Person
or Engineering consultancy practice, if the Disciplinary Committee or the Board is
satisfied that the provisions in sub-regulation (1) have been complied with.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

23. Every registered Person shall conduct himself honourably, responsibly, ethically and Conduct of registered
lawfully. [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

Responsibility to
24. A registered Person shall –
employer, client or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) discharge his professional duties with due skill, care, diligence and good faith;
[[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) at all times hold paramount the safety, health and interest of the public; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) take reasonable steps to reduce foreseeable adverse effects of professional
engineering services on the environment.

Discharge of duties
25. A registered Person shall discharged his duties to his employer or client, as the case may be,
with fidelity.
with complete fidelity. [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

Reputation etc. of a
26. A registered Person shall not maliciously injure or attempt to maliciously injure whether
registered Person not
directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of another registered to be injured.
Person. [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

Canvassing and
27. A registered Engineer shall not —
advertising prohibited.

(a) canvass or solicit professional employment;

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) offer any gift or other valuable consideration, or pay a commission or brokerage
fee in order to secure professional employment;
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(c) except as permitted by the Board, advertise in any manner or form in connection
with his profession; or

- 11 -
P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(d) provide professional engineering services to any person, unless the scope of such
services are clearly defined in a written agreement between both parties; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(e) offer, give, solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any contribution which
may be reasonably construed as having the effect of intent to influencing the award
of a contract.

Canvassing and
27A. An Engineering consultancy practice shall not —
advertising by an
consultancy practice.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) canvass or solicit to provide professional engineering services except as permitted
by the Board;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) offer any gift or other valuable consideration, or pay a commission or brokerage
fee in order to provide professional engineering services;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) except as permitted by the Board, advertise in any manner or form any
advertisement in connection with the engineering profession;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(d) provide professional engineering services to any client, unless the scope of the
services are clearly defined in a written agreement between both parties; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(e) offer, give, solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any contribution which
may be reasonably construed as having the effect of intent to influencing the award
of a contract.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

28. [Deleted]

Restrictions on making
29. A registered Person or an Engineering consultancy practice shall not be a medium of
payments or placing
payment made on his client's behalf unless he is so requested by his client nor shall he, in contracts.
connection with work on which he is employed, place contracts or orders except with the [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

authority of and on behalf of his client.

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

30. [Deleted]

A registered Engineer or
31. A registered Engineer or an Engineering consultancy practice shall not directly or indirectly
an Engineering
– consultancy practice in
not to intervene or to
take over the work of
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) supplant or attempt to supplant another registered Engineer or an Engineering
consultancy practice;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) intervene or attempt to intervene in or in connection with engineering work of any
kind which to his knowledge has already been entrusted to another registered
Engineer or an Engineering consultancy practice; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) take over any work of that other registered Engineer or an Engineering consultancy
practice acting for the same client unless he has -

- 12 -
P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(i) obtained the consent of that other registered Engineer or an Engineering
consultancy practice; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(ii) been formally notified by the client that the services of that other registered
Engineer or an Engineering consultancy practice have been terminated in
accordance with the provisions of any contract for professional engineering
services entered into between that other registered Engineer or an
Engineering consultancy practice and the client, provided always that in the
case of dispute over non-payment of fees or quantum of any outstanding
fees under the contract, the client may request the Board to be the

Restrictions on being a
32. (1) Except with the prior approval of the Board, a registered Engineer in an
director, member or
Engineering consultancy practice shall not be a director or executive of or shareholder of
substantial shareholder in or agent for any contracting or manufacturing company contracting and
or firm or business related to building or engineering. manufacturing
company, etc.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

(2) If such approval is given, such registered Engineer shall not undertake any contract
work wherein he is engaged to provide professional engineering services in such
project unless it is in respect of a "design and build" project.

Disclosure of interest.
33. Every registered Engineer while acting in his professional capacity shall disclose in writing
to his client of the fact if he is a director or member of or substantial shareholder in or agent
for any contracting or manufacturing company or firm or business or has any financial
interest in any such company or firm or business, with which he deals on behalf of his

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

34. (1) A sole proprietorship, partnership or body corporate desirous of being registered as Form of application.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
an Engineering consultancy practice under section 7A or 7B of the Act shall submit
an application to the Board in the form as specified on the Board’s website.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) Every application for registration as an Engineering consultancy practice shall be
accompanied with —
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(a) a processing fee as specified in Schedule II, which is not refundable; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(b) a registration fee as specified in Schedule II, which shall be refunded to the
applicant who is unsuccessful in its application,
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
and the fees must be in the form of money order, bank draft, cheque or any other
form as determined by the Board, made payable to the Board.

Paid up capital and

34A. (1) A body corporate registered as an Engineering consultancy practice under section
7A of the Act shall have – [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 438/2021]

(a) a minimum paid up capital of fifty thousand ringgit; and
[P.U. (A) 438/2021]
(b) [Deleted]

- 13 -
P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 438/2021]

(c) the share equity may be held by –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(i) any person; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(ii) any body corporate; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(iii) any person and body corporate.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) A body corporate registered under section 7B of the Act shall have –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(a) a minimum paid up capital of one hundred and fifty thousand ringgit;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) at least sixty percent of its share equity held by Professional Engineers with
Practicing Certificate with combination of service comprising Architects or
Professional Quantity Surveyors;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) minimum share of ten percent shall be held by the Professional Engineers
with Practicing Certificate; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(d) the remaining share equity may be held by –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(i) any person; or
[P.U. (A) 173/2015]
(ii) any body corporate; or
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(iii) any person and body corporate.

Composition of Board
34B. (1) A body corporate registered as an Engineering consultancy practice under section
of Directors.
7A of the Act shall have – [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(a) a Board of Directors where at least two third of its members are
Professional Engineers with Practicing Certificate;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) the remaining members of the Board of Directors may be any persons; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) one of the Board of Director shall be the person named under paragraph
7A(3)(iv) of the Act.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) A body corporate registered under section 7B of the Act shall have –
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(a) a Board of Directors where at least two third of its members are
Professional Engineers with Practicing Certificate with combination of
service comprising Architects or Professional Quantity Surveyors;
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(b) the remaining members of the Board of Directors may be any persons; and
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(c) one of the Board of Director shall be the person named under paragraph
7B(2)(d) of the Act.

Certificate of
35. When the application made under regulation 34 is approved by the Board, the Board shall
registration for
issue a certificate of registration to the applicant in the form as specified on the Board’s Engineering
website. consultancy practice.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

- 14 -
P.U. (A) 128.

Renewal of certificate
36. (1) An Engineering consultancy practice desirous of renewing its registration under
of registration and
section 13(2) of the Act shall — reinstatement fee.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

(a) submit to the Board —
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(i) an application for renewal of registration in the form as specified on
the Board’s website on or before the date as specified in Schedule II;
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(ii) a renewal fee as specified in Schedule II in the form of money order,
bank draft, cheque or any other form as determined by the Board,
made payable to the Board; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(b) satisfy such conditions as determined by the Board.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(2) Where the application for renewal of registration under sub-regulation (1) is
approved by the Board, the Board shall issue to the Engineering consultancy
practice a certificate of registration in the form as specified on the Board’s website.
[P.U. (A) 173./2015]
(3) Any Engineering consultancy practice whose name has been removed from the
Register pursuant to section 16(b) of the Act for failure to renew its registration
shall, when notifying the Registrar of its desire to be reinstated pursuant to section
17(2) of the Act, pay a reinstatement fee as specified in Schedule II.



37. Every Graduate Engineer having the practical experience as mentioned in regulation 22 and Form of application to
sit for Professional
desirous of sitting for the Professional Assessment Examination for the purpose of applying
to be registered as a Professional Engineer shall submit to the Board his application in the Examination.
form as specified on the Board’s website and accompanied by a fee for the Professional [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

Assessment Examination as specified in Schedule III.

38. The Professional Assessment Examination that a Graduate Engineer has to pass under
section 10(2)(i)(b) of the Act in order to be entitled to be registered as a Professional Examination.
Engineer shall consist of - [P.U. (A) 424./2003]

[P.U. (A) 424./2003]

(a) a professional interview conducted by not less than two examiners appointed by
the Board;
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(b) a written paper on any relevant subject related to the practical experience which he
has obtained;
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(c) a written paper on his understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct; and
[P.U. (A) 424./2003]
(d) any other examination, written or otherwise, to be determined by the Board.

- 15 -
P.U. (A) 128.

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

38A. (1) The Professional Engineer who intend to be registered as Professional Engineer Professional
with Practicing Certificate under section 10D of the Act, shall pass the Professional
Competency Examination. [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

[P.U. (A) 173./2015]

(2) Every Professional Engineer who intends to sit for the Professional Competency
Examination shall submit to the Board the application for as specified on the
Board’s website and accompanied with the fee for the Professional Competency
Examination as specified in Schedule III.



39. The Registration of Engineers Regulations 1972 [P.U.(A) 290/72] are revoked with effect Revocation.
[P.U. (A) 128./1990]
from the commencement of these Regulations.

SCHEDULE I [Deleted] [P.U. (A) 173./2015]

SCHEDULE II [P.U. (A) 173./2015]



(Regulations 18, 20, 21, 34 and 36)



Processing Registration Renewal Date of yearly Reinstatement Fee

Fee Fee Fee renewal of

Graduate Engineer RM50.00 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Engineering RM50.00 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Inspector of RM50.00 ** RM50.00 RM30.00 31 January of the RM180.00

Works third year following
the year of
expiration of

- 16 -
P.U. (A) 128.

Processing Registration Renewal Date of yearly Reinstatement Fee

Fee Fee Fee renewal of

Professional RM50.00 ** RM300.00 RM200.00 RM1,250.00

Engineer (Age below 60
years) 31 January of the
year following the
year of expiration of
RM100.00 registration RM1,150.00
(Age 60 years
and above)

Professional RM50.00 ** RM200.00 RM400.00 31 January of the RM1,450.00

Engineer with year following the
Practicing year of expiration of
Certificate registration

Accredited RM50.00 ** RM200.00 RM200.00 RM1,250.00

Checker (Age below 60
years) 31 January of the
year following the
year of expiration of
RM100.00 registration RM1,150.00
(Age 60 years
and above)

Engineering RM50.00 ** RM1,000.00 RM1,000.00 RM6,050.00


 Body
Corporate 31 January of the
year following the
year of expiration of
 Partnership RM50.00 ** RM500.00 RM500.00 registration RM5,550.00

 Sole RM50.00 ** RM250.00 RM250.00 RM5,300.00


** Half Registration Fee for applications approved between 1 July till 31 December.

- 17 -
P.U. (A) 128.

SCHEDULE III [P.U. (A) 173./2015]



(Regulation 37 and 38A)


Processing Fee Examination Fee

Professional Competency RM100.00 RM1,000.00


Professional Assessment RM100.00 RM500.00





Amending Regulations Short title In force from

P.U. (A) 424. Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Regulations 2003 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. Registration of Engineers (Amendment) Regulations 2015 31-07-2015


- 18 -
P.U. (A) 128.




Regulations Amending authority In force from

2 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

4 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

5 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

6 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

8 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

9 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

10 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

13 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

Heading of Part III P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

16 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

18 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

19 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

20 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

21 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

22 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

Heading of Part IIIA P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

22A P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

- 19 -
P.U. (A) 128.

Regulations Amending authority In force from

22B P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

22C P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

Heading of Part IV P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

23 P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

24 P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

25 P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

26 P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

27 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

27A P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

28 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

29 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

30 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

31 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

32 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

Heading of Part V P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

34 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

34A P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

P.U. (A) 438. 1.01.2022

34B P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

35 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

36 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

37 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

- 20 -
P.U. (A) 128.

Regulations Amending authority In force from

38 P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

Heading of Part VIA P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

38A P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

39 P.U. (A) 128. 01-07-1987

Schedule I P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

Schedule II P.U. (A) 424. 10-11-2003

P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015

Schedule III P.U. (A) 173. 31.07.2015


- 21 -

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