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Ways of

Citing in APA
Lesson 8.5
What is APA Format?
American Psychological Association or APA style is the
most common way to cite sources in field of social
sciences. In using this format, the author-date method
of in-text citation is followed, in which the author’s
surname and the year of publication for the source
should appear in the text, e.g., (Cahan, 2000). A
complete reference should appear in the bibliography
section of the research paper.
What is APA Format?
In some cases where the researcher only cites an idea
or opinion from another author’s work but do not
directly quote the material or making reference to an
entire book, article or other work, a reference to the
author and year of publication is made. There is no
need to include the page number in the in-text
Citing in APA

12 Guidelines
Citing in APA Style
1 A work by two authors.
Name both authors in the parentheses whenever their work is
cited. Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within
the text and use the ampersand (&) in the parentheses.

Research is. . . (Robinson & Levin, 1997)

Robinson and Levin (1997) discussed. . .
Citing in APA Style
2 A work by three to five authors.
Include the entire author’s surname in parentheses the first
time the source is cited. Use the word “and” between the
authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand (&) in
the parentheses.
Kim, Song, Chang, Kang, and Park (2013) posited. . .
Learning is. . . (Kim, Song, Chang, Kang, & Park, 2013)
Citing in APA Style
2 A work by three to five authors.
In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s surname
followed by the words “et al.” which means ‘and others’ in
Kim et al. (2013) stated. . .
In et al., et should not be followed by a period.
Citing in APA Style
3 Six or more authors.
Use the first author’s name followed by ”et al.” in
Choi et al. (2013) reported. . .
Citing in APA Style
3 Six or more authors.
However, if two sources have six or more authors but with
some identical surnames, cite the first author followed by as
many names to distinguish one source from the other.
Orleans, Nueva España, Palomar, Camacho, Avilla, Sotto
(2014) suggested. . .
Orleans, Nueva España, Palomar, Florentino, David,
Abulon (2014) claimed. . .
Citing in APA Style
3 Six or more authors.
In the subsequent citations, the following is observed:
Orleans, Nueva España, Palomar, Camacho et al. (2014)
argued. . .
Orleans, Nueva España, Palomar, Florentino et al. (2014)
maintained. . .
Citing in APA Style
4 Associations, corporations, government agencies, etc. as an author

If the name of an association is the source, it should be

cited as follows:
According to the Department of Education (2013) . . .
Citing in APA Style
4 Associations, corporations, government agencies, etc. as an author

However, if the association has a well-known abbreviation,

the abbreviation in brackets is included the first time it
appears and then only the abbreviation in later citations.
First citation: Commission on Higher Education [CHED]
(2012) . . .
Second citation: CHED (2012) . . .
Citing in APA Style
5 Citing indirect sources.
If a source was mentioned in another source, the citation is
as follows:
Smith argued that. . . (as cited in Johnson, 2005, p.92).
Citing in APA Style
6 Electronic sources.
Electronic documents are cited the same way as any other
document by using the author-date style.
Briones (2009) explained. . .
Citing in APA Style
7 Citing websites.
Websites are cited the same way as any other source, using
the author-date style if known. If there is no author, the
title and the date are cited as the in-text citation (for long
titles, the first few words are cited). For sources with no
date, “n.d.” (for no date) in place of the year is used.
Andrews, n.d.
Citing in APA Style
8 In-text citation for website with no author.
Bulacan has become a major link between large and
concentered consumer markets in the National Capital
Region (NCR) or Metro Manila and the resource-rich provinces
of North Luzon (Provincial Government of Bulacan, 2007).
Citing in APA Style
9 Reference entry for website with no author
Provincial Government of Bulacan. (2007). Retrieved from
Citing in APA Style
10 In-text citation for section of website with no author

In addition, bamboo bike cannot be split in two because of

having so much fiber (“Philippine Bamboo Bukes Hit”, 2012).
Citing in APA Style
11 Reference entry for section of a website with no author

Philippine Bamboo Bikes Hit Market. (2012). Manila Bulletin.

Retrieved from
How to Quote a
Direct quoting from a literature.
How to quote
A material may be quoted if the idea imparted is ideally stated or if it is
controversial and not quite long. It is written in a single-spaced format
with the wider margins
How to Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing)

Ellis, M. (2022, June 2). What Is Pathos? History, Definition, and Examples. Grammarly. Retrieved
November 13, 2022, from How to Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing) | Grammarly
A paraphrase (or paraphrasing) is a restatement of another piece of
writing with new words or phrases while keeping the same
meaning, usually to modify the language or simply avoid
For example, Shakespeare’s famous line, “To be or not to be,” could
be paraphrased as, “Is it better to exist or not exist at all?”
Paraphrasing is an important communication technique, especially
in research papers, to avoid copying an original source verbatim.
What is
Paraphrasing takes an original passage and uses
different words or phrases to express the same meaning.
Essentially, a paraphrase just rewrites the original text
in its own way.
A paraphrase always uses unique wording, something you
come up with that’s different from the original source.
Because they’re unique, paraphrases do not require
quotation marks as direct quotes do.
How to
4 Ways
01 Use synonyms
Replace the essential words of an original passage with other words that
mean the same thing. This is a common approach to paraphrasing, but
it’s not sufficient on its own. Combine this strategy with some of the
other strategies.
Original text:
Some plants release certain aromas to alert their plant neighbors that
they’re under attack.

Some vegetation emits special scents to warn other plants that there’s
danger nearby.
02 Change the parts of speech
Sometimes, you can rephrase a sentence by changing the parts of
speech, such as converting a gerund into the operative verb, or turning
an adjective into an adverb.

Original text:
Polar bears are almost undetectable by infrared cameras because of how
they conserve heat.

Polar bears cannot be detected easily by infrared cameras due to their
unique heat conservation.
03 Rearrange the structure
You can switch around the order of certain phrases and clauses—or mix
and match them from other sentences—to create brand new sentences.
Although it may be tempting to use the passive voice when
paraphrasing, try to avoid it unless there’s no other option.

Original text:
The observable universe consists of 50,000,000,000 galaxies.

Fifty billion galaxies comprise the known universe.
04 Add or remove pieces
If a part of a quote isn’t relevant to what you’re writing about, you can
remove it and paraphrase the remainder in your own words. Likewise, you
can add your own personal take to an existing quote to help
contextualize it or adapt it to your topic. In either case, make sure you
still reword whatever comes from the original source.
Original text:
Human eyes get used to darkness after an hour, but by then they’ll be 100,000
times more sensitive to light.

If you sit in a dark room, your eyes will eventually adjust and become 100,000
times more sensitive to light—but be careful when you turn on the light again!
Thank you!

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