Excavation Plan

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The purpose of this Procedure is to give the Project guidance for protection of site employees
working in and around excavations and trenches.
This Procedure applies to all Project excavation and trenching activities.
This procedure is for excavations from 1.2 meters to 6 meters deep. Follow this work
instruction for excavations that are less than 1.2 meters deep if the inspection by the
Competent Person reveals the need.
It is not the intention of this procedure to apply to excavations deeper than 6 meters. In the
event that an excavation deeper than 6 meters is required a specific risk assessment will be
completed prior to work commencing.
BS 8000-1 :1989 Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for excavation and filling
Petrofac's Excavations ft: Trenching Guide PEC-BMS-HS-GDE-X-0447 1
Petrofac's CMS for Installation of Underground Piping and Trenching Work PEC-BMS-CM
Petrofac's CMS for Site Preparation - Earthworks PEC-BMS-CM-WIN-X-0287
Excavation: Any man-made cavity or depression in the earth's surface formed by earth
removal which produces unsupported earth conditions by reason of the excavation work.
Trench: A narrow excavation below the surface Level of the ground, with its width at the
Lowest LeveL below ground surface not greater than 9 meters.
Competent Person: One who has had specific training in and is knowledgeabLe about soil
classification and the use of protective systems for excavations and trenches.
Documentation and data to establish this is required and must be on file at the project.
The competent person must also be capable of identifying existing and predictable
hazards in the surroundings or working conditions, which are hazardous, unsanitary or
dangerous to empLoyees, and must have the authority to take prompt corrective measures
to eliminate them.
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Benching: This is a method of protecting employees from cave-ins by shaping the sides of
an excavation to form one or a series of horizontal levels or steps, usually with near
vertical surfaces between levels.
Shoring: Use of timber or other structure material for the purpose of providing support for
an exposed face of an excavation.
PTW: permit to work
It shall be the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that the requirements are
adhered to.
The HSE Manager I Supervisors will monitor and provide feedback to ensure that the
requirements are adhered to.
Project management shall appoint a Competent Authorized Person with the follOwing
);> To implement the Procedures established for the type of Excavation.
);> To ensure that the route of cables, live lines, pipelines or other hazardous
infrastructure are identified and marked.
);> To confirm the location of underground and overhead infrastructure before
starting work.
);> To apply the specified Procedures for soil testing and classification.
);> To inspect Excavations and Shoring, including areas adjacent to the Excavation,
for signs of ground instability, before each shift and before resuming work after
adverse weather conditions.
);> To monitor compliance with the respective PTW.
);> To refer to the CONTRACTOR civil discipline head in case of unforeseen
conditions or problems with the planned work.
Should be considered:
First: Eliminating the need for Excavation by applying Trench less Technology
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Second: Applying Maximum Allowable Slopes or Benching.
Third: The Use of Shoring or Trench Shields.
Fourth: Controlling Excavations in line with CONTRACTOR or COMPANY Permit to Work,
depending on the WORK location, inclusive of the permit and controls for Confined Space
Work when working in a Confined Space.
Prior to commencing excavation or trenching, Client, Operator and utility companies shall
be advised of the proposed work to allow them to determine the location of all
underground installations (Le. sewer, telephone, water, fuel, electric and gas lines).
Overhead hazards are to be assessed and dealt with at this time also.
,.. Depending on the project contract, if Petrofac's PTW to be applied the
Petrofac's excavation certificate shall be followed. See appendix 1
Excavations, trenching and adjacent areas shall be inspected by a competent person,
after every rainfall, as soil conditions change and as needed throughout the shift.
If there is evidence of possible slides or cave-ins; indications of failure of protective
systems; hazardous atmospheres; or other hazardous conditions; necessary safety
precautions must be taken before any additional work in that section of the excavation
Employees shall not work in excavations where water is accumulating unless adequate
precautions have been taken to protect employees against the hazard posed by the water
,.. If water accumulation is controlled or prevented by water removal equipment,
the competent person must monitor the removal activities to ensure proper
If the stability of buildings or waLLs is endangered by an excavation or trench shoring,
bracing or underpinning must be provided.
Excavations and trenching that are adjacent to backfilled excavation or trenching, or
which are subject to vibrations from railroad traffic, highway traffic, or the operation of
machinery (e.g., shovels, derricks, cranes, trucks) will be secured by support system,
shield system or other protective systems; i.e., sheet piled shored, and braced.
Petrofac ( ~
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In trenching 1.2 meters (4 feet) or more in depth, ladders, steps, ramps or other safe
means of access and egress shall be provided and located at intervals of 7.5 meters (25
feet) or less lateral travel.
);> If a Ladder is used, the Ladder will extend 1 meter (3 feet) above the original
surface of the ground and must be secured.
Walkways, ramps or bridges with standard guardrails will be provided at all excavations
and trenching where empLoyees are required or permitted to cross over. The crossing will
be made of tightly secured uniformly sized planking.
EmpLoyees shall be protected from excavated or other materials or equipment that couLd
pose a hazard by falling or rolling into the excavation.
);> Protection shall be provided by placing and keeping such materials or
equipment at least 1 meter (3 feet) from the edge of the excavation,
);> Or by the use of retaining devices that are sufficient to prevent materials or
equipment from falling or rolling into excavations or by combination of both.
);> For excavations deeper than 1 meter the dimensions in [Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 31 apply:
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... :: Supported trench
Figure 1 distance of a soil plle edge from the edge of an excavation
. No less than d
Figure 2 distance between passing vehicle and trench edge
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Figure 3 distance between excavation edge and a stationary Lifting vehicle
When mobiLe equipment of any type is utilized or permitted to operate adjacent to
excavations or trenching, barricades or "stop" logs will be provided [Figure 2, Figure
ALL moving machinery invoLved in excavation or site preparation, i.e. bobcats,
grinders, excavators, etc. shall be fitted with reverse motion audibLe aLarms. For such
machinery movement during the WORK a flag persons shall be provided to controL
against personneL injury (no personneL aLLowed within 2.5 meters from the moving
parts of the machinery) or asset damage. The flag persons shall be trained and
periodically reminded of the dangers of moving machinery.
ALL weLLs, pits, shafts, trenches, or other similar ground faLL hazards will be barricaded
or covered. FLashing Lights wiLL be installed for warning in the hours of darkness.
Safety signs shall be posted to warn from the danger of falling, unstable grounds and
confined space conditions
No one will be allowed under Loads handLed by shovels, derricks, or hoists or near
vehicles being Loaded by such equipment. Employees exposed to vehicular traffic
operating in the area of excavation or trenching will be provided with and instructed
to wear warning vests or other personaL protective equipment marked with or made of
reflecting or highly visible material.
6.6. DUST
Dust conditions should be kept at minimum leveL by the use of water.
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Every trench or excavation with a depth of 1.2 meter (4 feet) or greater shall be tested
for toxic/flammabLe gas and atmosphere deficiency. in accordance with the requirements
of the Confined Space entry procedure. prior to employees entering the trench.
In locations where empLoyees may be subjected to hazardous dusts, gases, fumes, or an
atmosphere deficient in oxygen, employees will be provided with respiratory protection
and instructed in its use.
Rescue equipment air line +air mask or Self Contained Breathing Apparatus will be
immediateLy available in such circumstances for use by trained competent personnel.
Each employee in an excavation shaLL be protected from cave-ins by an adequate protective
Protective systems shall have the capacity to resist all loads that are intended for the
system, could reasonably be expected to be applied or transmitted to the system.
Sides, slopes and faces of all excavations will be scaled, benched, rock-bolted, wire
meshed, or secured by some other equaLLy effective means.
PortabLe trench boxes or sliding trench shields may be used instead of shoring or sLoping.
Such boxes or shields must have strength at least equivalent to the sheeting or shoring
that wouLd be required for the soil material from which the trench is made. The
requirements below for the appropriate option must be followed and properly
documented. Exceptions to these include:
~ Excavations that are made entirely in stable rock. (NaturaL soLid mineral matter
that can be excavated with vertical sides and remain intact while exposed as
confirmed by a competent person).
~ Excavations that are Less than 1.2 meter (4 feet) in depth where examination
of the ground by a competent person provides no indication of a potential
When using protective systems requiring soil classification each soil and rock deposit shaLL be
classified by a competent person as "Stable Rock, Type A, Type B or Type c." The
CLassification shaLL be made based on the resuLts of at least one (1) visual and at least one (1)
manual analysis. Such analysis shall be conducted by a competent person using acceptabLe
visuaL and manual test or other recognized methods of soil classification. The manual test
consists of soil plasticity dry strength, thumb penetration, pocket penetrometer or result
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from a hand operated shear vane. The test will be documented and signed and dated by the
competent person.
The slopes and configurations of sloping and benching systems for excavation 1.5 meter to 6
meters (5 feet to 20 feet) in depth shall be selected and constructed and shall be in
accordance with the specifications in Table 1.
A competent person must do soil analysis to determine the soil or rock type.
Table 1 Allowable slopes per Soil classification
Soil or Rock Type Vertical Allowable Slope I Horizontal Allowable Slope degrees
Stable Rock
Type A 250 mm (3/4 ft) 300 mm (1 ft) 53
Type B 300 mm (1 ft)
300 mm (1 ft) 45
Type C 450 mm (11/2 ft)
300 mm (1 ft) 34
Simple slope excavations in Type A soil, which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and
which are 3.6 meters (12 feet) or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 112
Horizontal: 1 Vertical (63 degrees).
Simple slope excavation in Type A soil, which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and which
are greater than 3.6 (12 feet) in depth shall be 3/4 Horizontal: 1Vertical (54 degrees).
For confined space cases refer to section 6.7, and to the project Emergency response plan,
for any other case involving injury or asset damage refer to the project's emergency response

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