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A. The following Outline provides the minimum information required in a Project Description for an
operating mine or mineral processing facility applying for a mineral processing permit or complying
with the requirements for a declaration of mining feasibility. New projects or old projects resuming
operations are advised to submit a full-blown study following MGB Form 5-3.

1.0 Background
1.1 Purpose of submission
2.0 Administrative Information
2.1 Project name and proponent with address, telephone, fax and e-mail
2.2 Project location (barangay, municipality, province) and accessibility
3.0 Mining Tenement Information
3.1 Tenement type, id code and coverage (in hectares)
3.2 Tenement holder with address, telephone, fax and e-mail
3.3 Tenement location in nominal terms and geographic coordinates
3.4 Tenement application/approval/renewal/expiry dates
3.5 Associated legal documents (deed of assignment, operating agreement, etc.)
3.6 Officers and Members of the Board of the tenement holder and operator – name,
address, percentage ownership and citizenship
4.0 Geology and Ore Resource
4.1 Physiography (elevation, topography, drainage and vegetation) Geologic Setting
For mining and quarrying projects only
4.2 Local geology (rock types, geologic structures, mineralization type and ore mineralogy)
- include a clear page size geologic map and vertical cross section
4.3 Ore Reserves (exploration report, grade-tonnage curves, cutoff grade) and life of mine
For mineral processing permit application only
4.2 Plant feed raw materials (type, specifications, sources and reserves)
5.0 Mining/Quarrying
5.1 Production rate, mine design, mining method and equipment (capacity and number)
5.2 Drilling, blasting, materials handling and mine transport, if applicable
6.0 Mineral Processing
6.1 Raw material inputs, source and product description (chemical/physical analysis)
6.2 Rated and actual production capacities and processing recovery
6.3 Process description, flowsheets and list of major equipment (capacities included)
7.0 Environmental Protection and Social Development Programs
7.1 Management, type and volume of mine waste, tailings and other effluents treated/
7.2 Mine safety, accident prevention and occupational health program
7.3 Capital investments for environmental protection and annual operating budget for
environmental protection and enhancement program (EPEP), social development
management program (SDMP) and mine decommissioning plan
7.4 Status of compliance with EPEP and SDMP program, if applicable
8.0 Market (mineral products, specification, markets, prices, sales contracts, marketing costs)
9.0 Financial Performance (5-year audited balance sheet, income and cashflow statements). In
addition to item 9, and depending on the operational track record of the company, the following
information may be required by the Committee:
9.1 Capital investments, sources of financing and incentives availed
9.2 Projected revenues and prices of mineral product
9.3 Projected cash operating costs (mining, milling, transport, taxes/fees, etc.)
9.4 Projected non-cash expenses (depreciation, depletion and amortization)
9.5 Projected income and cashflow statements over the life of the project
9.6 Profitability indicators over the life of project (Payback Period, Present Value of Net Cash
flows and Discounted Rate of Return on Total Investment/Equity Investment)
10.0 Other Information
10.1 Employment – number, position, gender, salaries, wages and fringe benefits
10.2 Sworn statement on the actual taxes/fees paid during its operating life broken down into
type of tax paid and taxable year
10.3 Administrative requirements not complied with during the term of the mining right (e.g.
production, sales and employment reports, integrated annual reports, etc.)

B. If available, an updated project feasibility study containing the above-listed information may also be
accepted in lieu of a Project Description.

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