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Sociology MCQs

1) Father of social behaviorurism: George Herbert Mead

2) CH Cooley: looking glass self-theory: “we have an image based on how we
perceive others see us”
3) Cultural lag termed by William Ogburn
4) Traits are relative to cultural settings: Horton and Hunt
5) Adolescent society by Coleman
6) Socialization is an art of culture
7) Adjustment of hostile: accommodation
8) Uniting different groups: assimilation
9) One culture adopts another: acculturation
10) Tyler Reads gave the classic definition of culture
11) Smallest unit of culture: trait
12) Two traits combine: pattern
13) Two or more patterns: cultural complex
14) Two or more themes: configuration
15) Categories of folkways: two
16) Basic social value reflect: fundamentals of behavior
17) Horticulture: simple hand tools to raise crops, inequality remained limited
18) Durkheim : society as objective reality
19) Gerhard Lenski termed: socio-cultural evolution
20) Mores are those values which members think are important: WG Summer
21) PV Young: symbolic interactionism
22) Davis Moore: more inequality in a society, more functional it is
23) Gilbert: Division of society into permanent groups
24) Social interaction: process by which individuals penetrate minds of others
25) Status set example: woman is wife, mother, lawyer
26) Master status: cuts across other status, a person holds
27) MacIver and Page: Social class is marked by rest due to social status
28) Marx: propertied class inherits consciousness
29) Social control studies various modes of regulation
30) Integration involves commonly accepted values
31) Closely woven integration is common in liberal democracies
32) Ceremonies strengthen social control
33) Durkheim gave the concept of anomie in 1897
34) Seeman: alienation because of powerlessness, isolation and
meaninglessness with social institutions and conditions
35) K Davis: change in any branch of culture including art, science and tech. etc.
as well as changes in the form of rules and regulations is called cultural change
36) Peter Berger: changes due to modernization
37) Urbanization theory by Simmel and Tonnies
38) Louis Wirth urbanism as a way of life
39) D. Bell coined the term postindustrial society
40) MN Srinivas: Urban fringe
41) Centric zone theory: E Burgess
42) D. Harris and Edward: multiple nuclei theory
43) Conurbation: cluster of towns and cities
44) Gane: compositional theory of urbanism
45) Burgees and Park theory of urban ecology: 1925
46) The size of market is conditioned by research
47) ‘The mother’ was written by Briffult
48) Patriarchal theory by Sir Henry Maine
49) Family individual gets married: procreation family
50) Family individual is born: orientation family
51) Religion does not strengthen civilization
52) Superstition has some background of event
53) Hersey theory by Francois Quesnay: Main is an individualistic being
54) Pre-Capitalist began with the appearance of middle man
55) Process of controlling reproduction in many cases is unconscious process
56) 52% population in Pakistan belongs to working age group
57) Density of population is related to climate
58) Gist and Clark: intelligent migrate in more numbers
59) Edwin Lement:
Primary and secondary deviance (acquiring a strong negative tag)
60) Unemployment: state of worklessness of fit and willing man by Mamoria
61) Child abuse has 6 types
62) ‘Theory of primitive promiscuism’ by JL Lubbocks, assisted by Bliss
63) Sociological imagination was coined by C. Wright Mills
64) Unintended function: latent functions, that create disorder: dysfunctions
65) ‘unrecognized consequences’ by RK Merton
66) Marx: 3 traditions: Hegelianism, socialism and political economy
67) Symbolic interactionism: individual interaction with groups
68) Highest Asabiya: camel breeders
69) Asabiya cycle: 3 stages (40 years each, total 120 years)
70) Hadara peaks in the form of Taraf
71) Ibn-e-Khaldun society: 3 classes
72) August Comte: 1798-1857
73) Comte was secretary to Saint Simon
74) Coined sociology in 1838, also coined altruism
75) Unit in metaphysical stage: State, Unit in theological stage: family
76) Emile Durkheim: 1858-1917, first academic sociologist
77) ‘Rule of sociological’ method in 1895, Suicide in 1897
78) Social Facts for Durkheim: ways of acting, thinking and behaving
79) Elements of natural world: Sacred by Durkheim
80) Durkheim: empirical research necessary for sociology to separate
81) Karl Marx: 1818-1883
82) Marx: 4 stages
83) Spencer: 1820-1903, England
84) Spencer: Evolution: indefinite and incoherent to definite and coherent
85) Process: evolution theory: Structural differentiation& Functional adaptation
86) Spencer: 2 types of ideal societies
87) Spencer: compound society to doubly compound society
88) Instrumental action: adopting techniques best to achieve goal
89) Calvinists: doctrine of predestination
90) Asceticism: abstain from worldly pleasures
91) Weber: increased rationality secularization
92) Rationality to achieve abstract goal: substantive rationality
93) Power: ability to achieve desired goal
94) Weber: 1964-1920
95) Talcott Parson: 1902-1979, American
96) Parson: values could provide a foundation for social order
97) Parson: state-role complex operates in social system
98) Snowball sampling: non-random sampling
99) Sampling in qualitative equal to purposive sampling in quantitative
100) Experimental: gives strongest evidence for causality
101) Debriefing: all aspects of study are revealed
102) Operational definitions: hypothesis that can be measured scientifically
103) Empirical: information verified by our senses

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