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OGL 355 Leading Organizational

Innovation and Change:

SWOT Analysis


1. Define SWOT Analysis.

2. Complete a SWOT Analysis Table.

3. Demonstrate understanding of each SWOT Element as it relates to your Case Study.

Complete the following and turn in as a team assignment. There is no need to create any other

document, just complete this one, save as, and post for your team. Everyone earns the same

grade unless consequences of non-participation are enacted (see Worksheet 1b, #2). Make sure to

support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other course materials per APA guidelines. 

1. What is a SWOT Analysis?

1. The SWOT analysis is an approach that provides so much information and aids in

configuring strategies based on analyzed data to help an organization be

successful strategically. “From this analysis, critical issues and strategic

alternatives are identified.” (Larson, 2021). The SWOT analysis provides negative

and positive information to both the internal and external environments. It also

allows for the decision makers of the organizations’ to see the strengths and
weaknesses as well as threats in the external areas and what strategies might be

best to utilize. Our book states, “The SWOT analysis points to strategic issues

organizational decision makers must address in their pursuit of sustainable

competitive advantage and high levels of performance.” (Coulter, 2010, pg 122). 

2. Complete the below SWOT Analysis Table

Strengths [Internal] Weaknesses [Internal]

 Is one of the largest banks in the US in terms of  Being primarily centered in

sales, market value, assets, and profits the United States 

 Has a strong brand name and customer service   Having consistent

 Has expertise in consumer banking, investment technological difficulties 

banking, commercial banking and asset   Lack of global

management organizational

 Excellent online services  management 

(MBA Akool Team p 5)  Limited services 

Opportunities [External Influence] Threats [External Influence]

 Expansion of services in other countries.  Financial crisis

 Diversifying portfolios for mass customers.  Government regulation and

 Investments in projects across the world to help changing policy

diversify their revenue.   Competitors

 Continue acquisitions.   Cyber security issues

3. Provide reasoning for two of your strength selections with sourcing for at least 1 to

earn excellent.

1. Brand Recognition & Customer Service: JP Morgan is a household name and it

has strong brand recognition. The company has been in business for 200 years and

has established their name and reputation and is a trusted bank. According to

Bank “Chase is one of the most consistent banks out there, its

customers also lodge fewer complaints with the Consumer Financial Protection

Bureau than they do for the other three largest banks” (Bank Director Research

Group p 13).  Since the banking industry deals with other people's money and

personal information, this makes people hesitant to transfer or open an account

with a new or unknown bank. People are more likely to trust their money and

information with an established and well known brand like JP Morgan. Bank goes on to talk about how JPMorgan, “has increased its brand

recognition with Chase Quick Pay, a person-to-person payments app, and has

reconfigured bank branches with self-service touches such as cardless ATMs that

look like an iPad” (Bank Director Research Group p 14).

2. Online Services: In today’s society people use technology for everything they do

from online school to ordering food and Online banking is no exception. People

want to associate with companies that make their daily lives easier. According to, “JPMorgan Chase invests $12 billion annually in technology,

including artificial intelligence, cloud and blockchain, all while expanding its

geographic footprint in metropolitan areas across the U.S” (McCormick p 3).

JPMorgan has continued to invest billions of dollars into their online service

because they understand that the younger generations operate online and what

convenience. goes on to talk about how “JPMorgan

consistently has one of the top mobile banking apps” (Bank Director Research

Group p 14).

4. Provide reasoning for two of your weakness selections with sourcing for at least 1 to

earn excellent.

1.  JP Morgan Chase is heavily focused on being the leading financial institution

within the United States. That has made them less of a global market threat. JP

Morgan Chase currently only operates in 60 countries (Our Business, n.d.). While

the leading global financial institution ICBC is currently operating in 145

countries (Overseas Branches-Home-ICBC China, n.d.). 

2. An example of JP Morgan Chase lacking strong organizational management

outside of the United States as well as releasing subpar technology was when their

UK based banking app crashed for an entire day locking users out (Flinders,

2022). However there have also been similar smaller scale issues in the United

States as well. In August 2021 Chase had to notify customers of a potential data

breach that occurred due to a technical issue allowing customers to see other

customers' private information on the website and in the mobile application

(Coble, 2021).
5. Provide reasoning why for two of your opportunities (external influence on the

organization, not something the organization would initiate) selections with sourcing

for at least 1 to earn excellent.

1. JP Morgan largely focuses their services within the United States. While this is

listed as one of their weaknesses, it is in turn one of their potentially greater

opportunities. While they do operate in 60 other countries, they can increase their

presence in those existing countries and also expand into other countries. Not only

offering their banking services, but also investing into these other countries. 

2. JP Morgan has been known for its mergers and acquisitions, with PNC financial

services for example (Shastri, 2022) . Since they are one of the larger banking

service companies, they have a better opportunity to expand by using this tactic to

make expansion more smooth. This doubles as eliminating potential future

competitors at the same time. They have a strong track record for choosing the

right companies to merge with and could benefit from focusing on continuing to

do so. 

6. Provide reasoning for two of your threat selections with sourcing for at least 1 to

earn excellent.

1. A financial crisis would completely derail the work of JP Morgan/Chase. This is

because Chase makes its money off the transactions of their customers. During

hard financial times people do not spend as much money. This ultimately means

less money running through the company. Because of this, a financial crisis would
greatly affect the company's income. This threat is also hard to predict and is out

of Chase’s control. This means the company needs to have a thorough assessment

of finances and separate provisions for difficult markets.

2. Another large threat to the company are their competitors. Because JP Morgan is

a huge company spread out into several different markets they have many large

competitors. In order for JP Morgan/Chase to stay the top banking choice they

must introduce new ideas and incentives for their customers. On JP Morgan's

website it states their approach to staying the top choice for banking, “We demand

financial rigor and risk discipline. We will always maintain a fortress balance

sheet.” This approach minimizes risk and ensures customer satisfaction. 


Bank Director Research Group. (2017, November 29). 2017 RankingBanking: The best of the Biggest:

Best Brand. Bank Director. 

Business Principles Operational Excellence. (n.d.). JPMorgan Chase & Co. Retrieved November 7,


Coble, S. (2021, August 19). JPMorgan Chase Notifies Customers of Data Breach. Infosecurity


Coulter, M. (2012). Strategic Management in Action (6th ed.). Pearson.

Flinders, K. (2022, October 6). JPMorgan’s UK digital bank app outage locks customers out.


Larson, E., & Gray, C. (2021). Project management: The managerial process. (8th ed.).  McGraw-Hill


MBA Akool Team. (2022, May 15). JP Morgan Chase SWOT Analysis, Competitors & USP. MBA



McCormick, Emily. (2021 December 13). 2022 Rankingbanking: The Best Banks: National Banks. Bank


Overseas Branches-Home-ICBC China. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2022, from


Our Business. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2022, from

Shastri, A. (2022, March 5). Extensive SWOT analysis of chase - 2022 | IIDE. Retrieved from 

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