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Sports Med 2007; 37 (4-5): 392-395


 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Altitude Training for the Marathon

Robert Chapman1 and Benjamin D. Levine2
1 Department of Kinesiology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2 Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA

Abstract For nearly 40 years, scientists and elite endurance athletes have been investi-
gating the use of altitude in an effort to enhance exercise performance. While the
results of many early studies on the use of altitude training for sea level perform-
ance enhancement have produced equivocal results, newer studies using the ‘live
high, train low’ altitude training model have demonstrated significant improve-
ments in red cell mass, maximal oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake at ventilatory
threshold, and 3000m and 5000m race time. For the marathoner looking to add
altitude training to their peak performance plans, residence at an altitude of
2000–2500m, a minimum of 20 hours per day, for 4 weeks, appears to hold the
greatest potential for performance enhancement.
Based on published mathematical models of marathon performance, a
marathoner with a typical or average running economy who performed ‘live high,
train low’ altitude training could experience an improvement of nearly 8.5
minutes (or ≈5%) over the 26.2-mile race distance.

Beginning with the lead-up to the 1968 Olympic While the results of many early altitude training
Games in Mexico City, scientists and elite endur- studies, which formed the knowledge base at the
ance athletes have become enamored with training time of the original Marathon Conference in 1976,
at altitude. The first altitude training studies were may be challenged as a result of a lack of proper
born out of necessity; a need to determine how best controls, small sample sizes and other technical
to acclimatise, so as to maximise racing perform- issues,[1-3] one result is clear: competitive perform-
ance in a hypoxic environment. Future studies de- ance in endurance events at altitude is improved
veloped out of the experience of some athletes that after acclimatisation to altitude. Recent data indi-
their individual sea level performance was aug- cates 3000m race performance at an altitude of
mented after altitude training sojourns. In the nearly 1800m improves on the order of 0.4–1.4% per week,
40 years that have followed, researchers have over a 3-week altitude camp (Levine BD and Stray-
worked to elucidate the mechanisms behind, and the Gundersen J, unpublished observations). However,
best practices for, improving performance in endur- since very few elite, competitive marathons take
ance events with altitude training. place at altitude, most marathoners are interested
Altitude Training for the Marathon 393

more in the physiology and potential of altitude higher altitudes. This augmented oxygen flux is
training for sea level performance enhancements. thought to help maintain the overall training stimu-
lus and thereby the structural machinery (‘sym-
For altitude training to enhance performance,
morphosis’) that comes from chronic endurance
there must be an altitude acclimatisation effect
training. Future iterations have shown that simply
which either: (i) improves oxygen delivery to work-
going to low altitude for high intensity interval
ing muscles (primarily through an increase in red
sessions, while staying at high altitude for ‘base’ or
blood cell mass); or (ii) improves oxygen utilisation
gentle training (‘high-high-low’) is just as effective
through training in a hypoxic environment.[4] While
in augmenting performance as ‘complete’ high-low
the increase in red cell mass with chronic, full time
altitude exposure has become widely accepted (as-
suming certain conditions, such as adequate iron In a series of studies by Levine and Stray-Gun-
stores, absence of concurrent illness, and sufficient derson[4], Levine[5] and Chapman et al.,[6] athletes
duration and intensity of altitude exposure), the ef- who lived at an altitude of 2500m for 4 weeks
fect of hypoxic training on maximal oxygen uptake demonstrated:
(V̇O2max) remains equivocal. In whole-body endur- • increased red cell mass (≈7–8%) over sea level
ance exercise activities, the reduction of oxygen flux baseline, as well as sea level controls;
from capillary to mitochondria during chronic hyp- • increased V̇O2max (≈6%) over sea level baseline,
oxic training may reduce the adaptive stimulus to as well as sea level controls.
improve oxygen extraction capabilities in skeletal However, of these athletes who ‘lived high’, only
muscle.[4,5] This reduction in oxygen flux during the athletes who trained at a lower altitude of 1250m
training in hypoxia may, in fact, cause a detraining (either for all daily training sessions or only interval
effect in the muscle. Perhaps for this reason, even training sessions) demonstrated:
the most controlled early studies examining altitude • a maintenance of oxygen flux during base train-
training either had mixed results or found no signifi- ing and interval training;
cant differences in performance upon return to sea • an increase in the oxygen uptake (V̇O2) at the
level.[1-3] ventilatory threshold (≈7%);
In the mid-1990s, a novel approach to altitude • an improvement in 3000m (≈1.5%) or 5000m run
training, the ‘live high, train low’ model was performance (≈3%).
researched in a series of studies with multiple itera- For the marathon event, the fact that ventilatory
tions and the most stringent set of controls to threshold improved in the high-low group, but not in
date.[4,5] The ‘high-low’ model proposed that, simi- the high-high group may be a key factor for mara-
lar to traditional altitude training, exposure to a high thon athletes looking to use altitude training to en-
enough altitude for an adequate amount of time hance their performance in the event. Although the
would induce erythropoiesis. However, the unique effect of altitude training on marathon performance
feature of the high-low model is the inclusion of has not been examined explicitly, mathematical
daily sojourns to lower altitudes for training. By modelling[7] indicates three physiological compo-
going ‘low’ for training, the athlete is better able to nents appear to have the largest effect on marathon
maintain training velocities near that achieved dur- performance: (i) V̇O2 at lactate (or ventilatory)
ing training at sea level. Perhaps more importantly, threshold; (ii) V̇O2max; and (iii) running economy.
the oxygen flux in skeletal muscle during training is In the work of Levine and Stray-Gundersen, both the
also increased at lower altitudes compared with high-high and high-low groups demonstrated simi-

 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2007; 37 (4-5)
394 Chapman & Levine

lar improvements in V̇O2max and no change in run- for more athletes, the use of nitrogen-based enclo-
ning economy after 4 weeks at altitude.[5] However, sures and intermittent hypoxic exposure has been
matching one published mathematical model[7] to attempted. With the ‘nitrogen house’ model, con-
the ventilatory threshold improvements demonstrat- centrated nitrogen is added to room air, in an effort
ed only by the high-low group, predicts that a to lower the inspired partial pressure of oxygen to
marathoner with a typical or average running econo- match what would be found in the lower atmospher-
my would experience an improvement of nearly ic pressure of altitude. In this case, the athlete is
8.5 minutes (or ≈5%) over the 26.2-mile race dis- ‘living high’ in the simulated hypoxic environment
tance. Just how strong, in competitive terms, is this of their house or altitude tent and is ‘training low’
potential improvement in performance? Consider simply by stepping outside the enclosure. While this
that in the 2000 and 2004 Olympic marathons, a approach may minimise logistical issues with hav-
total of 42 men and 23 women finished within 5% of ing to relocate to altitude, the potential erythropoiet-
the gold medalist’s time. The improvements seen ic response with this model is dependent on the daily
with the high-low model have the potential to dra- length of hypoxic exposure. Athletes who spend
matically affect the outcomes of championship mar- between 20 and 24 hours a day at 2500m have
athon and other endurance events. shown an average 8% improvement in red cell
For the marathoner looking to add altitude train- mass.[4,5] Using a nitrogen house model at an
ing to their peak performance plans, it is important equivalent altitude, 16 hours per day of hypoxic
to be aware of the strong inter-individual variation exposure over 3 weeks has produced mean increases
in response to training at altitude. Some athletes in red cell mass of ≈5%.[8] However, with just 8–10
demonstrate a strong erythropoietic response to alti- hours of daily sleeping in a nitrogen tent over 3
tude, while others see little or no gain in red cell weeks, no change was observed in red cell mass.[9]
mass with chronic exposure.[6] Similarly, many ath- So, while this artificial altitude model may provide
letes see significant impairment of training speed more convenience for the athlete, true residence at
and oxygen uptake at altitude, while others are able altitude appears to provide greater erythropoietic
to maintain training near what they would be able to benefit.
at sea level. These factors, and other individual
Other studies have attempted to use even shorter
acclimatisation responses to altitude, will ultimately
time frames of intermittent hypoxic exposure, by
determine how specific athletes will respond.
having athletes breathe hypoxic gas mixtures at rest
For the marathoner looking to train at altitude, for 1.5–5 hours per day over a course of 9–21 days.
often logistical concerns, not physiological ones, are With this lower time course of hypoxic exposure,
paramount in using the high-low training model. For researchers have increased the severity of the hyp-
many athletes, leaving their coach, spouse, family, oxic inspirate in an attempt to equate the ‘dose’ of
job and regular training environment can be prob- hypoxic exposure to that similar to traditional full
lematic. Additionally, the cost of travel and housing time altitude relocation. In one randomised, double-
at altitude impairs many athletes from completing an blind, placebo-controlled study in a group of swim-
altitude camp, despite the powerful potential im- mers and runners, intermittent hypoxic exposure has
provements in performance that high-low may pro- shown, despite an increase in erythropoietin release,
vide. (i) no increase in erythropoiesis; (ii) no change in
In an effort to minimise these logistical concerns haemoglobin levels; (iii) no change in maximal aer-
and perhaps make altitude access more convenient obic power or economy; and (iv) no changes in

 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2007; 37 (4-5)
Altitude Training for the Marathon 395

either running or swimming performance.[10] While

intermittent hypoxic exposure may be logistically
easier for the athlete than relocating to an altitude References
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Correspondence: Dr Benjamin D. Levine, Institute for Exer-

cise and Environmental Medicine, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 7232 Greenville
The authors have indicated that they have no affiliation or
financial interest in any organisation(s) that may have a direct Avenue, Suite 435, Dallas, TX 75231, USA.
interest in the subject matter of this article. E-mail: [email protected]

 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2007; 37 (4-5)

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