Cot English Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Norzagaray West
A. Payumo St., Norzagaray, Bulacan



I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
Identify the mass and count nouns.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Mass and Count Noun
B. Reference: Melc EN2G-lf-g-2
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, cutout pictures, Tarpapel
D. Values: Cooperation and Constant Communication

III. Procedure
A. Review
What is noun?

B. Drill
Draw a line to match the common noun to the proper noun.

1. pencil Mt. Apo

2. school Mongol

3. park Norzagaray Elementary School

4. mountain Rizal Park

5. flower Sunflower

C. Motivation
Identify if the things shown can be counted or not. Then Put it in a basket.


D. Lesson Proper
Count nouns refers to people, places and things that can be counted.
twenty students ten plates
eight rooms four socks
five birds

Mass nouns as nouns that cannot be counted.

rice water
sugar juice

E. Group Activity

Arrange the puzzle to answer the riddle then identify if it is count noun or mass noun.

Group 1:

Riddle: I cut it every month but it stays the same. What am I?

HAIR – mass noun

Group 2:

Riddle: I get shorter the more I’m used. But, I’m not a pencil. I made from wax. I can help you
see the dark. What am I?

CRAYONS – Count noun

IV. Generalization
What have you learned from our discussion today?
V. Application
Identify each noun if it is Mass noun or Count noun. Write MN if it is Mass noun and CN if it is
Count noun.

VI. Evaluation

Identify the count and mass noun. Write the nouns in their proper columns.

soft drinks apple shorts sand chair


VI. Assignment

Cut five (5) pictures of mass noun and count noun.

Prepared by:

Nessel Paulette G. Torres

Teacher I

Checked by:

Lani C. De Leon
Master Teacher II

Noted by:

Edwin S. Flores
Principal IV

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