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Received 29 April 1939
In mathematical theories the question of notation, while not of primary impor-
tance, is yet worthy of careful consideration, since a good notation can be of
great value in helping the development of a theory, by making it easy to write
down those quantities or combinations of quantities that are important, and
difficult or impossible to write down those that are unimportant. The summation
convention in tensor analysis is an example, illustrating how specially appropriate
a notation can be.
The notation in current use in quantum mechanics is fairly well suited to
its purposes, but has some drawbacks. One has to deal with vectors in Hilbert
space, representing the states of a dynamical system, and with linear operators,
representing dynamical variables, and one sometimes makes calculations using
the vectors and linear operators directly, treating them as abstract quantities
which can be combined together algebraically according to certain rules, while
at other times one works with coordinates (or representatives, as they are called)
of these quantities. For the two styles of calculation two distinct notations are
used, which do not fit together very naturally and which give rise to an awkward
jump in the flow of one's thoughts when one changes from one to the other. In
the present note a new notation is set up, which provides a neat and concise way
of writing, in a single scheme, both the abstract quantities themselves and their
coordinates, and thus leads to a unification of ideas.
A Hilbert-space vector, which was denoted in the old notation by the letter ifr,
will now be denoted by a special new symbol ). If we are concerned with a par-
ticular vector, specified by a label, a say, which would be used as a suffix to the i/r
in the old notation, we write it |o). It may be that the label is very complicated,
consisting of many letters, but we can always write down the vector conveniently
in the new notation, simply by enclosing the label between | on the left and > on
the right. We have also to deal with another kind of Hilbert-space vector, the
conjugate imaginary of the first kind. This was denoted in the old notation by
<fi or ^r, and will now be denoted by (. If one of them is specified by a label a,
we write it (a\.
A pair of vectors, one of each kind, have a symbolic product, which is a number.
In the old notation such a product was denoted by <j>ijr, <^^a, <j>aif, or 0 a ^6,
according as the vectors have labels or not. In the new notation these products
A new notation for quantum, mechanics 417
will be denoted by <>> (|a)> ( a l) a n ^ ( a l^) respectively. Note that in the last
of these it is not necessary to have the | occurring twice, as a simple juxtaposition
of (a\ and |6) would give. •
Let us now introduce a representation, say the one in which each of a certain
complete set of commuting observables q is diagonal. This gives us a set of basic
vectors in the Hilbert space, one for each set of eigenvalues q' for the q's. These
basic vectors, which were denoted in the old notation by ir(q'), will now be denoted
by \q'y, the q' being treated as an ordinary label. Similarly, the conjugate imagi-
nary basic vectors, which were denoted in the old notation by <p{q'), will now be
denoted by (q'\. To get the representative of any vector |a>, we must form its
product with the basic vector (q'\, which gives us (q'\a). This is similar to the
bracket expression (q'\a) for the representative of \jra in the old notation. But
while the bracket expression (q'\a) of the old notation has to be introduced as an
extraneous symbol, independent of what has gone before, the <<z'|a> of the new notation
appears naturally as a symbolic product.
This illustrates the main feature of the new notation. With the old notation
there are often two quite different ways of writing a quantity, one as a product
of abstract symbols and the other by means of the bracket notation—for example,
the above bracket expression (q'\a) could also be written as the product <j>(q') TJra—
but in the new notation there is always only one, and complete continuity is
preserved when one passes from expressions involving abstract symbols to
This feature is illustrated also by transformation functions. If we take
a second representation in which, say, each of the complete set of commuting
observables £ is diagonal, the transformation function would be written in the
old notation either as the bracket expression (q'\£,') or as the symbolic product
of two basic vectors <f>(q') i/r(E,')- In the new notation these two ways of writing
it coalesce into (g'lO-
The development of the new notation to include linear operators and observ-
ables can be effected without difficulty. Below is a list of the various types of
quantity involving a linear operator a, written on the left in the old notation and
on the right in the new.
aft a)
a\jra a\a)
<f>a. (a.
<f>aa <a|a
<j>aaxjr <o|a> or <a|a|>
4>a.fa <a|a> or <)a|a>
<j>aa\lrb <a|a|&>
<j>{q')af{q")ox{ql\ol.\q'1) <?'|a|}'>-
418 P. A. M. DIRAC
The last of these is the representative of a linear operator and provides a further
example of a quantity that can be written in two quite different ways with the
old notation, but only in one with the new. Where two forms are given for writing
an expression in the new notation, the former may be used for brevity when there
is no danger of a being mistaken for the label of a vector in Hilbert space, otherwise
the latter must be used.
Two general rules in connexion with the new notation may be noted, namely,
any quantity in brackets ()isa number, and any expression containing an unclosed
bracket symbol (or) is a vector in Hilbert space, of the nature ofafiori/r respectively.
As names for the new symbols < and > to be used in speech, I suggest the words
bra and ket respectively.


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