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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the

College of Criminology of the


Bogo City, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirments of the Degree

of Bachelor of Science in Criminology

S. Y. 2022-2023


Faith E. Muaña

Alex Mediana Jr.

Kenneth Muñez

Alejo Noynay

Before all else, we are grateful to almighty God for the good health and wellbeing that were

necessary to complete the research.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Faculty of the College Criminology, for

providing us with all the necessary for the research.

To the Dean ROSALYN A. GALLO of the College of Criminology for her undying support.

To everyone in the College of Criminology and the Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges for

sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and encourage extended to us.

To our parents for their undying support, encouragement, and attention.

To our friends who supported us throughout this venture.

We also place on record, our sense of gratitude to one and all, who directly or indirectly

have lent their hand in this venture.





Over the years, there have been several debates raised on the effectiveness of

police patrols in preventing crime. Society has placed a huge demand on the force of

police. This happens irrespectively of the fact that there is little police work that is directly

engaged with violent crimes. Yet, police work, the public, and the political elite work to be

centered on crime prevention. After the second world war, police force became a primary

responsibility of crime prevention. Mobile forces were invented to increase the number of

police forces to respond to emergency calls and crime scenes. Preventative police patrols

became the center of police activity, designed to deter criminal activities by having a visible

police presence and creating a sentiment of public safety.The presence of police in a

certain community acts to determine crime. The main reason for establishing police patrol

is to remind the criminals that the police are just one call away and it discourages them to

disobey the law that commits criminal acts.

Police patrol refers to what the officers do whether it is a spying scenario, cops

walking the beat, or on in-depth criminal investigation. The operation of police patrol also

include various activities, initially, the police will identify crime areas and provide a physical

police presence at that location. This presence includes officers on foot, as well as officers

in cars patrolling the location.

The time that police officers spend handling calls for service is also considered part of

patrol work. Officers on patrol respond to calls, take reports, quell disturbances, and forth.

The combination these two sets of activities patrolling and handling calls occupy most of

the personnel in the typical police department.

The term patrol is associated with the police today. New police officers are usually

assigned to patrol duties and are often called patrol officers. The largest until in most police

department is the patrol division. In small police department, everyone patrols. When we

call for police assistance, weather for an emergency, to report a crime, to quite a

disturbance, or to request some type of routine service, patrol officers are typically

dispatched. Catching criminals is still very important work, but today's criminals use many

kinds of different weapons and can speed away from the scene of their crimes very quickly.

The police have to try and keep up with modern inventions that can be use to fight crime.

They have powerful cars and motorbikes, fast motors launches and helicopter The

information the police collect is often stored in computers. Police scientists have modern

laboratories where they study all the clues brought in by detectives. Police in over a

hundred countries share information with each other. They use the organization called

"Interpol" which is based in Paris. Machines have not been the answer to all the police

problems. They use dog to task criminals and sniff out explosive and drugs. Horses are still

used for controlling large numbers of people. Most of the police officers all over the world

carry guns.
Theoretical Background

This study is achored in the Kopers Curve Theory of Cristopher S. Coper and

supported by Crime Prevention Theory of Ronald V. Clarke and Rational Choice Theory of

Adam Smith.

Kopers Curve Theory

Stated that this theory that crime is less likely to occur in the certain hotspot if there is a

noticeable police presence. Although the Koper Curve contribution to hot spots policing is

widely known, there is little discussed in relation to the frequency of visits to hot spots.

Surprisingly, the closest approximations of a test of the Koper Curve did not compare

different lengths of patrol visits; they simply required all visits to be 15 min in length (Telep

et al. 2012; Ariel and Sherman 2012; Ariel 2014; Ariel et al. 2016) For example, a

randomised, agency-directed field trial by the Sacramento Police Department identified 42

hot spots, matched them into 21 pairs and randomly assigned one member of each pair

treatment or control status for 90 days. In treatment hot spots, officers randomly rotated

between hot spots, spending about 15 min patrolling in each. The results in Sacramento

show statistically significant reductions in crime and disorder in the 15-min spots compared

to the no-minute spots. As well as the Telep et al. (2012) Sacramento study, there have

been other experiments conducted in the UK which have focused on the 15-min

recommendation from the Koper (1995) analysis of the Minneapolis (Sherman and

Weisburd 1995b) experiment. In 2011, London Underground platforms were subject to 1 h

of directed patrol each day, where the hour of directed patrol was split into 15-min patrols
conducted four times per shift (Ariel and Sherman 2012). The preliminary analysis of this

study indicated that there was a 25% reduction in crime on treatment platforms compared

to that on control platforms.

Crime Prevention Theory

States that this theory are the settings for criminal acts rather than on the characteristics of

offenders. It provides a practical approach to improving safety and challenges

criminological theories based on offenders’ propensities for mischief. According to

situational crime prevention, crime is the result of an interaction between disposition and

situation. Offenders choose to commit crime based on their perceptions of available

opportunities. Consequently, situational factors can stimulate crime and addressing these

factors can reduce crime. Situational crime prevention focuses on very specific categories

of crime or disorder, and takes particular note of crime concentrations. Understanding how

crimes are committed is critically important to situational crime prevention. It uses an action-

research model and demands considering numerous possible alternative solutions.

Situational crime prevention has been widely used across the globe and has been applied

to minor deviance (e.g., littering), standard crimes (e.g., burglary and robbery), and to

extremely serious crime (e.g., international terrorism and maritime piracy). The evidence for

situational crime prevention effectiveness is substantial. Research clearly demonstrates

that it does not inevitably displace crime. In fact, it often reduces crime near prevention


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of the Police Patrol for Public Safety as

perceieved by the community. The findings of the study will be the basis of action plan.

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender and

1.3 Civil Status

2. How do the effectiveness of the different patrol methods be described by the police

officers at Bogo City?

2.1 Foot Patrol

2.2 Motorcycle Patrol

2.3 Automobile Patrol

3. What is the level of effectiveness of the police patrol methods as perceived by the

community in terms of:

3.1. Providing security and protection to community.

3.2. Working relationship with the community

4 . What is the action plan to be proposed?

Significance of the Study

The results of this research study will benefit different groups of people:

Police Officers of Bogo City. The results of this research study shall build a good

relationship between the Police officers and the people. This study

primarily benefits the community to become more organized.

Citizens of Bogo City. To become more disciplined. They need to help the Police officers

towards crime prevention by applying the patrol methods. Together with the other major

public and private services, results of the study may help to improve the quality of life of the

community by launching prevention programs, that will reduce the fear of crime and

promote a true feeling of community safety.

Barangay Councils of selected Barangays of Bogo City. The results of this study will

help improve their jobs through the use of patrol methods. Working together with the PNP

officers, the community will be well protected from crimes that may occur in the locality.

Future Researchers. Students in criminology course who are interested on the same topic

will find this research study useful as future reference.

Research Methodology

The descriptive technique of researched was used in this study is an adaptive


Figure 1. Presents the flow of the study


Profile of the
Respondents Descriptive
Effectiveness of Using
Different Patrol Correlational
Data Proposed
Gathering Action Plan
Level of
Effectiveness of Treatment of
the Police Patrol Data

Research Environment

This study will conducted at Bogo City which has a total population of 88,867 as of

2020. This study focuses the Effectiveness of Police Patrol for Public Safety as Perceived

by the Community.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this will be the Police Officer, Citizens, and Barangay Officials of

Bogo City Cebu. The sampling technique that will be used in this study is purposive

sampling. Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents.

Research Instruments

The questionnare consist of three parts: part I, deals with profile of respondents .

Part II Effectiveness of the different patrol methods used for patrolling for public safety as

perceived by the community in Bogo City Cebu. Part III refers to the effectiveness of the

police patrol methods as perceived by the community.

Table 1

Descriptive Weight


Very Much Effective (4)

Much Effective (3)

Effective (2)

Not Effective (1)

The last part is the problems encountered in eacting police patrol for public safety.
Table 2 Distribution of Respondents

Respondents No. Respondents

Police Officer 10

Citizens 10

Barangay Officials 10


Research Procedure

To achieve the goals of the study, the researchers used the descriptive method. It

was used in the study because through the aid of questionnaire suplemented with formal

Gathering Data

The researchers will follow the protocol by asking an approval from the Chief of

Police, Barangay Captain and the citizens live in Bogo City. After the letter will be approved

the researcher will start to conduct the survey and will be sent to the respondents. The

instrument will be explained carefully and clearly to the participants and assuring them that

the response will be used for the study and will be treated confidentiality. After the

questionnaire was complied,the researchers will be proceed.

Treatment of Data

The following tool will be used in the study:

Frequency count and percent will be used to determine the number of respondents profile

in terms of Age, Gender and Status.


In this part, the researcher identified the different terms which will offer technicalities to the

reader and may result to some vague and ambiguous interpretation, however the

researcher makes it clear in this part.

Community - is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular

characteristics in common.
Level of Effectiveness- means the percentage of time in a month that a product is

functioning properly in accordance with its Specifications. And the specific position that a

distributor has achieved depending on the amount and distribution of its Group turnover.

Patrol - A person or group of person who perform such an act.

Police Patrol- A group of police authorities that go around an area or a building to see if

there is any trouble or danger. The whole town is patrolled by police because of the

possibility of riots.

Protection- the act of protecting or the state of being protected, preservation from injury or


Public Safety- the prevention of protection from events that could endanger the safety

and security of the public from significant danger, injury, or property damage.

Security- the state of being free from danger or threat.

Police Officers - Refers to people who are responsible for enforcing and manage the

patrolling regulations and controlling the crime rate, maintain the safety of the people in

public place, and prevent crimes in the


Dear Respondents,

The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine the Effectiveness of the Police

Patrol for Public Safety as perceieved by the Community.

You’re honest and reliable response to the questions below will be a great help for us


Part I. Personal information of the respondents:

Kindly put a check (√) mark of the following information which implies to you.

1.1 Age

18 -20 years’ old

21-23 years’ old

24-26 Years old

1.2 Gender



1.3 Civil Status

 Single

 Married


Part II. Effectiveness of the different patrol methods used for patrolling for public safety as

perceived by the community.

Direction: Evaluate the following indicators by putting a check (/). Please use the rating

scale below for selecting the correct response.

Numerical Rating Verbal Rating

4 Very Much Effective (VME)

3 Much Effective (ME)

2 Effective (E)

1 Not Effective (NE)

Indicatords VME ME E NE

(4) (3) (2) (1)

1. Automobile Partrol

1.1 Police officers have standby mobile

in responding accidents
1.2 Police officers use automobile when

conducting checkpoint

1.3 Police officers used automobile

when chasing criminals who run in an

open area

2. Foot Patrol

2.1 Police officers secure the community

during public ocassions by means of foot


2.2 Police patrol officers conduct patrol

in the place where crimes are possibly


3. Motorcycle Patrol

3.1 Police officer used the motorcycle

patrol to round or make inspection within

the city.

3.2 Police Officers visits every barangay

to monitor compliance on curfew hours.



Part II. The effectiveness of the police patrol methods as perceived by the community.

Direction: Evaluate the following indicators by putting a check (/). Please use the rating

scale below for selecting the correct response.

Numerical Rating Verbal Rating

4 Very Much Effective (VME)

3 Much Effective (ME)

2 Effective (E)

1 Not Effective (NE)

Indicatords VME ME E NE

(4) (3) (2) (1)

A. Providing security and Protection

to the Community

1. Police officers used mobile when

responding to accident.

2. Police officers used foot patrol or

automobile patrol when conducting

checkpoint or areas where criminals

could possibly hide or pass by.

3. Police officers used foot patrol to

secure the area especially when there

are public occassions.

4. Police patrol officers conduct patrol in

the places where crimes are possibly


5. Police officer used the motorcycle

patrol to monitor youth compliance on

curfew hours.

6. Police officers participate the different

community affairs.


(4) (3) (2) (1)

B. Making relationship with the


1. Police conducts seminars in school

and barangays.

2. Police officers and seen visible in the

3. Police officers asked the community

regarding their complaints and concerns.

4. Police-community relations programs

enhance good relationship among police

officers and community residents.

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