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Beginner Bansuri Course: Level - II

Note: 1st line is Aaroha (Ascending) and second line is Avaroha (Descending)

1 s r g m p d n su

su n d p m g r s
The Mystic Bamboo
2 ss rr gg mm pp dd nn susu

susu nn dd pp mm gg rr ss

3 sr rg gm mp pd dn nsu - -

sun nd dp pm mg gr rs - -

4 srg- rgm- gmp- mpd- pdn- dnsu-

sund- ndp- dpm- pmg- mgr- grs-

The Mystic Bamboo

5 srgm rgmp gmpd mpdn pdnsu

sundp ndpm dpmg pmgr mgrs

6 srgmp- rgmpd- gmpdn- mpdnsu-

sundpm- ndpmg- dpmgr- pmgrs-

7 sg rm gp md pn dsu

sud np dm pg mr gs

The Mystic Bamboo

8 sm rp gd mn psu

sup nm dg pr ms

The Mystic Bamboo - Study Material. Only For Personal Use

© Himanshu Nanda - 2018,

9 sgp- rmd- gpn- mdsu-

sudm- npg- dmr- pgs-

The Mystic Bamboo

10 srs rgr gmg mpm pdp dnd nsun surusu

sunsu ndn dpd pmp mgm grg rsr snls

11 sgrs rmgr gpmg mdpm pndp dsund nrusun sugurusu

sudnsu npdn dmpd pgmp mrgm gsrg rnlsr sdlnls

12 snldlpl rsnldl grsnl mgrs pmgr dpmg ndpm sundp rusund

gurusun mugurusu
The Mystic Bamboo
surugumu nsurugu dnsuru pdnsu mpdn gmpd rgmp srgm nlsrg

dlnlsr plldlnls

13 smgmrgsr rpmpgmrg gdpdmpgm mndnpdmp psunsudnpd

drusurunsudn ngurugusurunsu

supdpndsun nmpmdpnd dgmgpmdp prgrmgpm msrsgrmg

gnlsnlrsgr rdlnldlsnlrs

The Mystic Bamboo

The Mystic Bamboo - Study Material. Only For Personal Use

© Himanshu Nanda - 2018,

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