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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Brief Hydrogeological Studies of Watershed MR-03

(3/7) in Context of Groundwater Estimation, Washi,
Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India
Megha Shinde (Daga)1 , Chandrakant P. Bhoyar 2 , Ramesh C. Gudepu3
Assistant Geologist, GSDA, Osmanabad, Maharashtra,
Senior Geologist, GSDA, Survey Section, Pune, Maharashtra
Assistant Geophysicist, GSDA, Nagpur region, Maharashtra

Abstract:- The global population is increasing rapidly Because of variations in their basic characteristics;
and expected to touch the 9.5 billion mark by 2050 from physiography and variability in the rainfall, there are
the current 7.2 billion. The management of the limitations on the availability of groundwater. Though there
groundwater resources is a challenging task worldwide is unanimity about this, there is still considerable difference
against the backdrop of the growing water demand for of opinion among the scientists about the precise degree of
industrial, agricultural, and domestic uses and shrinking these limitations. In order to assess the availability of
resources. Moreover, this task has been hampered groundwater and to ensure maximum accuracy in
significantly due to declining/rising groundwater levels groundwater estimates, the Central Government and state
and associated contamination. A broad range of government has, from time to time, appointed committees
solutions could be considered to address the comprising groundwater experts and Geoscientist and has
aforementioned problems of groundwater management laid down guidelines for this purpose. The total demand for
strategy. This paper presents a comprehensive review on water from the groundwater domain is increasing day by
the Water level, Rainfall, Groundwater estimation and day. The main reason for this is the self reliance being
cropping pattern of the studied area which can be useful experienced by users of groundwater. But as this is leading
for applications of the management of groundwater to inexorable withdrawal, and as the status regarding total
resources and recharge techniques. availability of groundwater is of uncertain nature, it is
imperative to give more serious thought and a new direction
It would also be necessary to plan and control the to groundwater planning and management.
use of groundwater under the prevailing conditions.
Publication and distribution of annual reports and Groundwater is the most important natural resources. It
related programmes for creating awareness amongst the provides drinking water to rural as well as urban
community and for educating them will have to be community, supports irrigation & industry, sustains the flow
undertaken regularly. This will enable avoiding scarcity, of streams & rivers and maintains wetland ecosystem. There
as well as the hectic activity and excessive expenditure is significant freshwater deficit in many areas of the State.
that has become characteristic of summer months. The Human health, welfare and food security are at risk unless
present study discussed about the optimum planning of the groundwater resources are managed more effectively
GW recharge and need to control the irrigation draft and efficiently by the community. It is very much obvious
less than the recharge. Application of Regulatory that over extraction of ground water over years without any
measures for not drilling bore wells. Optimum use of compensatory replenishment is affecting large tracts of land
water saving practices. There should be annual GW adversely. The non-replenishment of the shallow aquifers
budgeting on regular basis, need to plan cropping as per and depletion of the deeper aquifers on account of
GW availability. unregulated sinking of deep borewells/tubewells, almost
amounting to “water-mining” unmindful of the adverse
I. INTRODUCTION ecological effects is one of the contributory causes for
recurring droughts. Concerted action, therefore, is needed to
Groundwater is a natural resource with both ecological reverse the present trend of periodic occurrence of droughts.
and economic value and is of vital importance for sustaining
life, health and integrity of ecosystems. This resource is II. BACKGROUND
increasingly threatened by over-extraction which has
insidious long-term effects. Scarcity and misuse of The watershed MR-07 (3/7) in Washi Taluka of
groundwater pose a serious threat to sustainable Osmanabad district is one of the study areas identified for to
development and livelihood. The availability of groundwater enhance the climate-resilience and profitability of
is extremely uneven, both in space, time and depth and so smallholder farming systems in project area in Nanaji
will be the case in future. The uneven distribution of Deshmukh Krushi Sanjeevani Prakalp, Mumbai and to
groundwater in the district can be mainly attributed to highly frame groundwater recharge plan for the study area.
heterogeneous lithology and regional variation of rainfall. Groundwater being the main source of irrigation in the area

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
for providing protective irrigation during dry spells of rainy the Study area 7453, No. of Households in the Study area is
season and for rabbi and perennial crops also, the study of 6654, No. of Land Holder in the Study area- 2732, Average
groundwater system, its behavior, recharge and withdrawal, land holding size per house hold of the Study area to 2 Ha,
and possibilities of groundwater recharge is undertaken in Total no. of Dug wells-269 Bore wells-393 Farm ponds-60
this study area. in study area. Total cattle population of the study area-
6939, Dairy, Goat farming, Poultry Agriculture allied
The watershed named MR-07 (3/7) consists of three business, No.of drinking water supply sources in all villages,
villages namely, Bavi, Sonarwadi and Mandva having Dug Well-04, Hand Pump-10, PWS-DW-02, PWS-BW- 02.
census number 561273,561275 and 561274 respectively. All of three villages are depended on Groundwater for
The study area is located in quadrant B-3 and B-1 of the drinking water supply. Total Domestic water requirement
Toposheet no. 47 N/14 and 47 N/15 with latitudes extending for Human ( 7453 × 365× 60 lpcd) as per GEC 2015 is
from N180 30’ 41.20” to N180 52’ 11.33” and longitudes 0.447/Day TCM, and 163.22/ Annum in TCM. On the
extending from 750 52’ 37.28” E to 750 89’ 46.67”E. The other hand, total Domestic water requirement for Cattle is
area is included in mini watershed no MR-07 (3/7). As per (6939 × 365 × 30 lpcd) is 0.208/day in TCM, and 75.98/
the Groundwater Resource Estimation (GWRE) 2016-17, Annum in TCM.Total Domestic water requirement for 3
the watershed is categorized as Safe with Stage of extraction villages are 0.655/ day in TCM and 239.2/ Annum in TCM.
69.16% resp. Bavi faced drinking water scarcity in the month of June -
2019 to Oct-2019, total Tankers was 504 and Sonarvadi in
There are 03 villages in the Study area, named the month May -2019 to Oct-2019,total Tankers was 271.
Bavi,Sonarwadi and Mandva, washi Taluka. Total area of all Total water supplied by Tankers is approx. 7.750 TCM.
included villages (in Ha) is 4605, Total Cultivable area of Groundwater draft for domestic purposes (year 2018-19)
the study area (in Ha) is 4145, Total population(Human) of excluding Tanker water is 231.45 TCM.

Fig.1 Location Map of the of Study area no MR-7_03, Osmanabad

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In order to study the areaBaseline data collected from different state government department. The detail hydrogeological
field survey has been carried out in the month of May-Sept 2019, ,Geophysical (Electrical Resistivity) Survey has been carried out
from experts of the organization. Collection and testing of water samples from pipe water supply scheme of studies area was done
in the district water testing laboratory of Osmanabad GSDA, Aquifer based Groundwater Estimation is done in the said paper.

Table.1 Statues of Existing Water Conservation Structures

Sr. Name of structure No. Total storage capacity No. of Total annual run off arrested
No. in TCM Fillings (annual storage) in TCM
1 Cement Nala Bandhara 8 32 2 64
2 Percolation Tank 2 40 1 40
3 Nala Deepening (7200 x 6 x 1 7.2 43 2 86
) cum Km
4 Storage Tank 1 350 1 350
5 Recharge Shaft 5 2.5 2 5.0
Total 17 467.5 545

There are total 60 farm ponds existed in the study area. Most of the farm ponds are reported to be constructed during the last
3-4 years. Out of these farm ponds 30 (50%) are located along the bank of streams flowing through the study area and remaining
30 (50%) farm ponds are located in inside land away from the streams (Fig.-02).

It is reported that farm ponds located along the stream bank (50%) are filled partially by pumping runoff water accumulated
or drained through the streams during the rainy season and partially by groundwater pumped either from dug well or bore well;
while the remaining 50% are filled by groundwater pumped either from dug well or bore well, as there is no scope of that much
run off to be generated and accumulated in the field. Thus the farm ponds are mainly filled by groundwater which may be pumped
either from dug well or bore well. Total storage capacity of these farm ponds is 142.5 TCM. These farm ponds are filled and
refilled as per the availability of water and irrigation timings of the crops. Groundwater pumped from dug well or bore well is
stored in farm pond and then supplied to the crop either by gravity flow or by pumping.

Fig.2 Location Map of farm ponds in the Study area no 525_MR-7_03, Osmanabad

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Hydrogeological Data Analysis: (Historical Data Analysis and Field Survey):
Name of nearest is rain gauge station is in Terkheda Circle of Washi,Taluka where Normal Rainfall is 764mm, Monsoon
RF for Taluka station in year(2018-19) is 463 mm, 75% dependable rainfall for Taluka station is 520 mm, Monsoon RF for
Circle station in (2018-19) is 458 mm ,Rainy days in (2018-19) for Circle station is 25.Long term monsoon rainfall over the area
is very much fluctuating and shows DPAP signatures although the normal annual rainfall is nearly 764 mm. Long term monsoon
rainfall shows falling trend (@2.827 mm/year) for the station (Fig.-03).

Fig.3 Long term monsoonrainfall of Washi rain gauge station

 Analyses of Daily Rainfall Data For Tarkheda Circle:



IJISRT23JAN1189 1347

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig.4 A,B,C- Dailyrainfall of Tarkheda circle rain gauge station

Fig.5 Monthly rainfall at Terkheda circle rain gauge station for last three year

Table.2 Yearwise Rainfall Analysis

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Run off for the study area is estimated by using run off coefficient obtained from Strange’s table. The area is covered by
black cotton soil( up to 0.30 to 0.50 mbgl) followed by highly weathered basalt up to 2 to 3 m bgl, with slope percent ranging
from 0.50 to 2 % (gentle), thus as per Strange’s categorization it comes under category of average catchment from run off point of
view. As the annual rainfall is very fluctuating 75% dependable rainfall (return period of 1.32 years) which is the most reliable
rainfall value, is considered for estimating the run off.

Normal rainfall for the area is 764 mm which has dependability of 30%, while 75 % dependable rainfall for the area is 520
mm. As per the Strange’s table run- off coefficient for average catchment with rainfall of 520 mm is 12% (0.12). Thus if WCS are
planned by using this value, the probability of filling of all the structures will be more. Estimated value of run-off is as;

Table.3 Run Off Estimation

If the annual rainfall is more than the considered value with uniform temporal distribution, as in the case of year 2016 and
2017 the runoff coefficient will be more i.e. 20 % for 780 to 800 mm. So the run off will naturally be more, but dependability of
such rainfall and hence the run off is very less.

 Long Term Groundwater Level Trend Analysis (Fig 6 A&B):

Nearby Observation well (OBW) to the area is Massa Kh, which is located due south-west of the area at a distance of 12
Kms. Long term pre monsoon (summer) groundwater level shows the falling trend (@ 7.97cm/year) in the area, whereas post
monsoon (winter) groundwater level shows the rising trend (@ 4.1 cm/year) in the area. This indicates that total groundwater
recharge occurred by all means during the rainy season is being extracted during the non-monsoon season for all purposes; the
main purpose is the irrigation.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig.6 Long term groundwater level trend of Massa Kh. OBW

Fig.7 Surface Hydrological Map

 Geological Traverses and Interpretation From Well Inventories:

The complete area is divided into the grid of 600 x 400 m. for observations of surface and sub-surface hydro geology and
groundwater level measurements (Fig-07). Each grid comprises the area of 24 Ha, thereby dividing the complete area of 4605 Ha
into the 152 grids. There are 393 dug wells and 269 bore wells in the study area as per revenue record. One well (DW/BW) from
each grid is surveyed and observed so as to cover the complete representation of the area. Accordingly 119 dug wells and 20 bore
wells were observed during the field survey.

Drainages were also traversed simultaneously for mapping of surface geology and water conservation structures.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Occurrence of Groundwater in the Area

Fig.8 SW-NE Hydrogeological section for Osmanabad Cluster No 525_MR-7_03

Based on the actual field work done in the area, the total no. Dug wells in three village are 393 and Bore wells are 269
which are used for irrigation purpose, Out of 393, 119 dugwell and 20 borewells are actual surveyed at the time of field course.
Average depth of the Dugwells are ranging in between 15to 20 m and for borewells are 100-150 m, Average static water level ( in
m bgl)in Winter is 3-7m, and in summer is 8-16m. Average annual Groundwater level fluctuation is about 6m (3-9m).

There are two aquifers are encountered in the area, one is shallow phreatic, depth ranging from 7-16m, which shows
Altitude range in between 705- 725 mbgl , thickness of aquifers observed in the area average 8 m, Saturated thickness of shallow
aquifer in winter 8-10m and in summer 1-2m. which shows three Basalt flows having average thickness of 13 to 15 m. The flows
are of simple nature as the boundaries are clearly differentiated at some depths and locations by means of Red bole. Each flow has
two sub units as, the vesicular amygdaloidal basalt (VAB) and the compact basalt (CB). Red bole layer or chilled margins separate
the flow from each other. (Fig 8&9). Weathered and sheet jointed vesicular amygdaloidal basalt (VAB) and compact basalt acts as
an aquifer in the area. Vertical and sub vertical joints are also observed in the VAB and CB sub units but are not prominent
enough to provide potential specific yield to the aquifer. Therefore average specific yield of the shallow aquifer in the study area
is around 1.3 % (0.013) as obtained by dry season specific yield method.

Fig.9 SE-NW Hydrogeological section for Osmanabad Cluster No 525_MR-7_03

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Below phreatic aquifer about 45-55m depth, there is another aquifer observed that is Semi confined aquifer which shows
Vesicular amygdoidal basalt (VAB) and Compact Basalt (CB)with sheet joints, which shows altitude range in between 645- 635
mbgl, Thickness of aquifers observed in the area average 5m, and areal extension of both aquifers observed are 4172 H.

Fig.10 Fluctuation of Water Level

Depth to groundwater level in post monsoon(winter 2018) varies from 3 to 13 m bgl. However the depth to GW level
between 3 to 7 m.bgl is more common. Depth to groundwater level map in Pre-monsoon (Summer 2019), varies from 6 to 18 m
bgl. However the depth to GW level between 8 to 12 m.bgl is more common. Annual GW level fluctuates between 3 to 11 m. But
major part of the area shows the GW fluctuations between 3 to 9 m. Thus average WTF for the study area is considered as 6 m.
WTF is very less in the Mandva village area, whereas it is greater in Sonarvadi and southern Bavi areas. Thus, indicating
heterogeneity in the aquifer behavior and hence in the groundwater recharge.


 Resistivity Method:
The main principle of resistivity method is based on the concept of resistivity. The electrical resistivity may be defined as the
resistance offered by a unit cube of material to direct current flowing through it in a direction perpendicular to two of its opposite
faces. The unit of resistivity is Ohm-meter.

Fig.11 Resistivity Method

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Field Procedure:
Electrical resistivity method has been used mainly in the search for water bearing formations. A method of tracing changes
of resistivity of formations with depth is known as vertical electrical sounding. The Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) are
carried out in the area to understand the subsurface geological formations and layer distribution. Three VES were carried in the
mini watershed area. Starting from a small current electrode separation (AB/2) and one fifth of current electrode separation that is
potential electrode separation (MN/2), the apparent resistivity is measured corresponding to successively increasing separations at
the same reference point.

 Schlumberger Configuration:
Schlumberger configuration was taken with a maximum half current electrode separation 150-200m (AB/2).A pre-
determined set of current electrode separations with calculated geometric factors has been used for collection of sounding data.
The geometric factor is given by K=∏AM AN
The apparent Resistivity (ρa) =˘K*R
Here K is geometric factor and R is resistance of the rock material.

 Instrumentation:
The Geophysical instrument Terrameter SAS 300C (Sweden) is used for the carrying the electrical resistivity survey. The
instrument directly gives the resistance value for each current electrode separation, which when multiplied with the geometric
factor, gives the apparent resistivity.

 Interpretation:
The apparent resistivity values are plotted against the current electrode separation AB/2 on the double log graph paper. AB/2
values on the y-axis and obtained values of resistivity on x-axis are plotted. The data were interpreted with the help of master
curves and IPI2win resistivity software. The interpreted results show the true resistivity and its thickness. The interpreted results
can be further utilized for preparing Iso resistivity section which gives the aquifer demarcation of subsurface geological formation.
The apparent resistivity values are divided into four zones with colors.

They are - Zone I : 5 to 50 ohm-m - Top soil

II : 50 to 80 ohm-m - weathered/fractured/jointed basalt
III : 80 to 100 ohm-m - vesicular/amygdaloidal basalt
IV : more than 100 ohm-m - Compact/Massive basalt

Vertical electrical Sounding (VES) data analysis of studied areas shows poor aquifer conditions, which confirm the sub
surface hydrogeological observations are same as mentioned in preliminary geological set up of the area. The A type curves are
identified in the area. This indicates poor groundwater potential in the area. Low resistivity value ranges gives low potential in the
given area.

Fig.12 Electrical Resistivity Graph_VES For Cluster

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 4.Groundwater Estimation of Study Area (2018-19)

Table 5. Groundwater Estimation

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
With this above estimation of the study area, it is V. CONCLUSION
observed that the category of the study area is Over
Exploited. It is also inferred that GW recharge percent w.r.t. Optimum planning of GW recharge and need to control
rainfall is almost 14 % (13.59%). This estimate gives a fair the irrigation draft less than the recharge. Application of
idea about the groundwater depletion in the area by 0.54 Regulatory measures for not drilling bore wells. Optimum
m/year. use of water saving practices. There should be annual GW
budgeting on regular basis, need to plan cropping as per GW
 Discussion availability. Need to discourage groundwater use for filling
In the study area, Rainfall pattern is very fluctuating farm ponds. There are water conservation and groundwater
and 2-3 dry spells in rainy season is very common. GW use recharge structures are proposed in the study area , like
exceeds the GW recharge thereby causing to deplete GW Recharge Shafts, Recharge Trenches with shaft , Gabbion,
level in the area. Well density in the area is 13 to 17 wells K.T. weirs repair, and simultaneously existing water
per square Km, which is much higher than the safe limit of 8 conservation structures should be repaired and maintained.
wells per With the falling GW level, depth of wells is
consistently increasing years after years. Yield of wells ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
reduced to 0.42 Ham (4.2 TCM) per well, thereby reduction
in area irrigated per well (0.6 to 0.8 Ha).GW is used for The authors express their sincere thanks to the
filling up of Farm ponds, thereby increasing GW loss by Hon.Commissioner, GSDA, Pune, Collector Osmanabad,
evaporation rather than to use it for irrigation. Dug Cum District agricultural department and Nanaji Deshmukh
bore well and bore wells are very common, but does not Krushi Sanjeevani Project, Mumbai Maharashtra, India for
have substantial yield. 30 to 40 % wells are dry in summer. providing valuable literature for this paper. The authors also
High well density and large no. of bore wells could be the show their gratitude to the editors and the anonymous
main reason of GW level depletion. Groundwater samples reviewers for their insightful review and useful comments
from PWS wells of all the three villages were analyzed for which have led to widespread improvement to the early
drinking and agriculture purpose. Groundwater is suitable versions of the paper.
for both the purposes.
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