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The Wright Brothers

Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who grew up in Ohio,

USA. They are famous for inventing and testing the first aeroplane.
This was an important step for world transport.
Their Early Years
Wilbur was born in 1867 and his brother was born a few years
later in 1871. The brothers loved to think of new ideas and invent
things when they were children. Their interest in flight began
because their father gave them a toy helicopter that flew with
the help of rubber bands.
Wilbur and Orville spent time watching how birds fly. This helped
them to understand how to make wings for their aircraft. As
they grew up, they found out how to make propellers. Propellers
use turning blades to help a plane to move forward. The Wright
brothers also learnt how to make an engine to power their plane.
They made sure that it was light so that their plane could take off.
The First Flight
Wilbur tried to fly the aeroplane first in December 1903. It did
not work so they spent three days fixing the plane and waiting for
good weather. Then, Orville flew the aeroplane. He flew 120 feet
through the air. This is as long as four and a half buses. The flight
only lasted for 12 seconds but the brothers did not give up.
Flyer II
Wilbur tried to fly a new aircraft in November
1904. It was called Flyer II and the flight lasted
for over five minutes.

Did You Know…?

Wilbur and Orville’s work gave other people new ideas. Aeroplanes
started to carry passengers. People used to travel by train and
boat but this could take months. Today, people can use planes to
quickly travel all over the world in just a few hours.

The Wright Brothers

1. What are Wilbur and Orville Wright famous for? Tick one.
Inventing and testing the first helicopter.
Inventing and testing the first aeroplane.
Inventing and testing the first hot-air balloon.

2. Fill in the missing word.

Their father gave them a toy .

3. Why did they make their engine light? Tick one.

So that their plane could take off.
To help their plane move forward.
So that the blades could turn.

4. How long did the flight in Flyer II last for?

5. What do propellers do?

6. How did people travel around the world before planes were invented?

The Wright Brothers

1. What are Wilbur and Orville Wright famous for? Tick one.
Inventing and testing the first helicopter.
Inventing and testing the first aeroplane.
Inventing and testing the first hot-air balloon.

2. Fill in the missing word.

Their father gave them a toy helicopter.

3. Why did they make their engine light? Tick one.

So that their plane could take off.
To help their plane move forward.
So that the blades could turn.

4. How long did the flight in Flyer II last for?
The flight lasted for over 5 minutes.

5. What do propellers do?
Propellers use turning blades to help a plane to move forward.

6. How did people travel around the world before planes were invented?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: People used to travel by train and boat
before planes were invented.


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