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Unlock the Secrets

of Copywriting
200+ ChatGPT prompts to take
your skills to the top 1%

Congratulations on your desire to become a copywriting master!

We have just the thing to help you take your skills to the top 1%.

Our new collection of 200+ ChatGPT prompts will unlock the secrets of
copywriting mastery and help you create powerful and effective copy.

Our prompts are designed to help you craft the perfect message for any
audience, from creative headlines to persuasive calls to action.

With our prompts, you'll be able to create copy that captures attention, conveys a
message, and drives action with ChatGPT.

Get ready to become a copywriting master!


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
Copywriting Techniques and Formulas .............................................................................. 4
Headlines and Language ..................................................................................................... 4
Copywriting for Different Media .......................................................................................... 5
Consumer Psychology and Emotion .................................................................................. 6
Copywriting Mistakes and Best Practices .......................................................................... 7
Copywriting for Specific Industry ....................................................................................... 8
Unconventional and Unexpected Techniques .................................................................... 9
Copywriting for Landing pages and CTAs.........................................................................10
Copywriting to create effective sales funnels ...................................................................11
Impactful Copywriting for Email Marketing .......................................................................12
Effective Copywriting for SEO ............................................................................................13

Copywriting Techniques and Formulas
This category includes prompts that ask about specific copywriting techniques such as AIDA,
PAS, storytelling, social proof, etc., and how they can be used to increase conversions.

1. How can storytelling be used to create emotional connection and increase conversions in
2. Can you explain how the power of specificity can make the copy more effective?
3. How can the power of association be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
4. How the problem-agitate-solve method can be used to persuade the audience in
5. What are some common copywriting formulas and how can they be applied to increase
6. How can using sensory language in copywriting create a stronger emotional connection
with the audience?
7. Can you give an example of a successful copywriting campaign that used the power of
8. How can the use of social proof in copywriting help to build trust with the audience?
9. Can you explain how the inverted pyramid method can be used to grab and maintain the
attention of the audience in copywriting?
10. How can the power of anticipation be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
11. How can the power of scarcity be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
12. How can the power of authority be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
13. How can the power of surprise be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
14. How can the power of nostalgia be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
15. How can the AIDA model be used to create persuasive copy?
16. Can you give an example of a successful copywriting campaign that used the power of
17. How can the PAS formula be used to create effective copy?
18. Can you explain the before-after-bridge method and how it can be used in copywriting?
19. How can the power of repetition can be used in copywriting to increase conversions?
20. How can the power of exclusivity be used in copywriting to increase conversions?

Headlines and Language

This category includes prompts that ask about writing headlines, using persuasive language,
power words, and sensory language in copywriting.

21. What are some best practices for writing headlines that grab attention and increase
22. How can persuasive language be used in copywriting to influence the audience's
23. What are some examples of power words that can be used in copywriting to increase
24. How can sensory language be used in copywriting to create an emotional connection with
the audience?
25. Can you provide examples of successful headlines that use storytelling to grab attention?
26. How can the use of questions in headlines be used to increase conversions?
27. How can the use of numbers in headlines be used to increase conversions?
28. How can the use of action words in headlines be used to increase conversions?
29. How can the use of emotional triggers in headlines be used to increase conversions?
30. How can the use of specificity in headlines be used to increase conversions?
31. How can the use of puns or play on words in headlines be used to increase conversions?
32. How can the use of metaphor in headlines be used to increase conversions?
33. How can the use of rhyme in headlines be used to increase conversions?
34. How can the use of alliteration in headlines be used to increase conversions?
35. How can the use of hyperbole in headlines be used to increase conversions?
36. How can the use of rhetorical questions in headlines be used to increase conversions?
37. How can the use of humor in headlines be used to increase conversions?
38. How can the use of the "how to" in headlines be used to increase conversions?
39. How can the use of the "why" in headlines be used to increase conversions?
40. How can the use of the "what" in headlines be used to increase conversions?

Copywriting for Different Media

This category includes prompts that ask about the differences between copywriting for web and
print, as well as best practices for each.

41. What are the main differences between copywriting for web and print and what are the
best practices for each?
42. How can copywriting for web be optimized for search engines?
43. How can the use of multimedia such as images, videos and infographics in web
copywriting be used to increase conversions?
44. How can the use of white space and typography in web copywriting be used to increase
readability and engagement?
45. How can the use of calls-to-action in web copywriting be used to increase conversions?
46. How can the use of interactive elements in web copywriting be used to increase
47. How can the use of social media in web copywriting be used to increase reach and
48. How can the use of personalization in web copywriting be used to increase conversions?
49. How can the use of storytelling in web copywriting be used to increase conversions?

50. How can the use of customer reviews and testimonials in web copywriting be used to
increase conversions?
51. How can the use of persuasive language in web copywriting be used to increase
52. How can the use of power words in web copywriting be used to increase conversions?
53. How can the use of urgency and scarcity in web copywriting be used to increase
54. How can the use of A/B testing in web copywriting be used to improve conversions?
55. How can the use of copywriting for mobile devices be optimized for a smaller screen?
56. How can the use of copywriting for email marketing be used to increase conversions?
57. How can the use of copywriting for SMS marketing be used to increase conversions?
58. How can the use of copywriting for chatbots be used to increase conversions?
59. How does the use of typography differ in print copywriting compared to digital copywriting
and what are the best practices for each?
60. How can copywriting for print media be made more interactive and engaging?

Consumer Psychology and Emotion

This category includes prompts that ask about how understanding consumer psychology can
improve copywriting and how to use emotional appeals to create a strong connection with the

61. How can understanding consumer psychology improve copywriting?

62. How can using emotional appeals in copywriting create a strong connection with the
63. What are the most effective emotional appeals to use in copywriting and when should they
be used?
64. How can using empathy in copywriting create a stronger connection with the audience?
65. How can use the principle of reciprocity in copywriting increase conversions?
66. How can use the principle of commitment and consistency in copywriting increase
67. How can use the principle of social proof in copywriting increase conversions?
68. How can use the principle of authority in copywriting increase conversions?
69. How can use the principle of liking in copywriting increase conversions?
70. How can use the principle of scarcity in copywriting increase conversions?
71. How can understanding the concept of loss aversion in consumer psychology improve
72. How can understanding the concept of cognitive dissonance in consumer psychology
improve copywriting?
73. How can understanding the concept of self-perception in consumer psychology improve

74. How can understanding the concept of the mere-exposure effect in consumer psychology
improve copywriting?
75. How can understanding the concept of the foot-in-the-door technique in consumer
psychology improve copywriting?
76. How can understanding the concept of the door-in-the-face technique in consumer
psychology improve copywriting?
77. How can understanding the concept of the scarcity principle in consumer psychology
improve copywriting?
78. How can understanding the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy in consumer psychology
improve copywriting?
79. How can understanding the concept of the halo effect in consumer psychology improve
80. How can understanding the concept of the bystander effect in consumer psychology
improve copywriting?

Copywriting Mistakes and Best Practices

This category includes prompts that ask about common copywriting mistakes and best practices
to improve copywriting skills.

81. What are the most common copywriting mistakes and how can they be avoided?
82. How can using active voice in copywriting improve conversions?
83. How can using simple and clear language in copywriting improve readability?
84. How can using short sentences and paragraphs in copywriting improve readability?
85. How can using the second-person point of view in copywriting improve conversions?
86. How can using the right tone in copywriting improve conversions?
87. How can using the right formatting in copywriting improve readability?
88. How can using the right layout in copywriting improve readability?
89. How can using the right images in copywriting improve conversions?
90. How can using the right headlines in copywriting improve conversions?
91. How can using the right calls-to-action in copywriting improve conversions?
92. How can testing and optimizing copywriting improve conversions?
93. How can the use of storytelling in copywriting improve conversions?
94. How can the use of emotional appeals in copywriting improve conversions?
95. How can the use of benefits in copywriting improve conversions?
96. How can the use of scarcity and urgency in copywriting improve conversions?
97. How can the use of social proof in copywriting improve conversions?
98. How can the use of power words in copywriting improve conversions?
99. How can the use of active voice in copywriting improve conversions?
100. How can the use of storytelling in copywriting improve conversions?

Copywriting for Specific Industry
This category includes prompts that ask about copywriting for B2C vs B2B, and copywriting for
specific industries.

101. How does copywriting for B2C differ from copywriting for B2B and what are the
best practices for each?
102. How can copywriting for e-commerce be optimized for conversions?
103. How can copywriting for the technology industry be made more engaging and
104. How can copywriting for the healthcare industry be made more trustworthy and
105. How can copywriting for the finance industry be made clearer and more
106. How can copywriting for the real estate industry be made more persuasive and
107. How can copywriting for the automotive industry be made more engaging and
108. How can copywriting for the beauty and fashion industry be made more
aspirational and persuasive?
109. How can copywriting for the food and beverage industry be made more appetizing
and persuasive?
110. How can copywriting for the education industry be made more informative and
111. How can copywriting for the travel and tourism industry be made more aspirational
and persuasive?
112. How can copywriting for the sports and fitness industry be made more motivational
and persuasive?
113. How can copywriting for the entertainment industry be made more engaging and
114. How can copywriting for the energy and utilities industry be made more informative
and persuasive?
115. How can copywriting for the retail industry be made more persuasive and
116. How can copywriting for the transportation and logistics industry be made more
persuasive and informative?
117. How can copywriting for the construction and engineering industry be made more
informative and persuasive?
118. How can copywriting for the professional services industry be made more
informative and persuasive?
119. How can copywriting for the non-profit sector be made more persuasive and

120. How can copywriting for the government sector be made more informative and

Unconventional and Unexpected

This category includes prompts that ask about unexpected or unconventional copywriting
techniques and examples of successful campaigns that employed them.

121. What are some unexpected or unconventional copywriting techniques that can be
used to increase conversions?
122. Can you provide examples of successful copywriting campaigns that employed an
unexpected or unconventional approach?
123. How can using a non-linear storytelling approach in copywriting be used to
increase conversions?
124. How can using an interactive approach in copywriting be used to increase
125. How can using a gamification approach in copywriting be used to increase
126. How can using a virtual or augmented reality approach in copywriting be used to
increase conversions?
127. How can using humor in an unexpected way in copywriting be used to increase
128. How can using a meta-approach in copywriting be used to increase conversions?
129. How can using a personalized approach in copywriting be used to increase
130. How can using a storytelling approach in copywriting be used to increase
131. How can using a cause-related approach in copywriting be used to increase
132. How can using a transparency approach in copywriting be used to increase
133. How can using a storytelling approach in copywriting be used to increase
134. How can using a virtual event in copywriting be used to increase conversions?
135. How can using a scavenger hunt or interactive elements in copywriting be used to
increase conversions?
136. How can using a live streaming approach in copywriting be used to increase
137. How can using a community-building approach in copywriting be used to increase

138. How can using a user-generated content approach in copywriting be used to
increase conversions?
139. How can using virtual reality or augmented reality approach in copywriting be used
to increase conversions?
140. How can using a chatbot or AI-powered approach in copywriting be used to
increase conversions?

Copywriting for Landing pages and CTAs

This category includes prompts that ask about how copywriting can be used to create effective
landing pages and calls-to-action (CTAs) to increase conversions. It covers topics such as
copywriting formulas, headlines, emotional appeals, social proof, power words, and other
techniques that can be used to create high-converting landing pages and CTAs.

141. How can using a clear headline and subheadings in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
142. How can using a clear and specific value proposition in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
143. How can using a clear and specific call-to-action in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
144. How can using social proof in landing page copywriting improve conversions?
145. How can using storytelling in landing page copywriting improve conversions?
146. How can using emotional appeals in landing page copywriting improve
147. How can using a clear and specific headline in landing page copywriting improve
148. How can using images and videos in landing page copywriting improve
149. How can using a clear and specific offer in landing page copywriting improve
150. How can using a clear and specific guarantee in landing page copywriting improve
151. How can using a clear and specific sense of urgency in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
152. How can using a clear and specific sense of scarcity in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
153. How can using a clear and specific sense of authority in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
154. How can using a clear and specific sense of exclusivity in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
155. How can using a clear and specific sense of association in landing page
copywriting improve conversions?
156. How can using a clear and specific sense of anticipation in landing page
copywriting improve conversions?

157. How can using a clear and specific sense of curiosity in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
158. How can using a clear and specific sense of surprise in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
159. How can using a clear and specific sense of repetition in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?
160. How can using a clear and specific sense of nostalgia in landing page copywriting
improve conversions?

Copywriting to create effective sales

This category includes prompts that ask about how copywriting can be used to create effective
sales funnels. It covers topics such as creating a sense of urgency, building trust and credibility,
storytelling, emotional appeals, social proof, scarcity and urgency, retargeting, using different
types of copywriting, using the right tone of voice, headlines, images, and layout at each stage
of the funnel to increase conversions.

161. How can copywriting be used to create an effective sales funnel?

162. What are the key elements of a successful sales funnel and how can copywriting
be used to enhance them?
163. How can copywriting be used to create a sense of urgency and lead prospects
through the funnel?
164. How can copywriting be used to create clear calls-to-action and guide prospects
through the funnel?
165. How can copywriting be used to build trust and credibility with prospects at each
stage of the funnel?
166. How can copywriting be used to create a personalized experience for prospects
throughout the funnel?
167. How can storytelling be used in copywriting to enhance the effectiveness of a
sales funnel?
168. How can using emotional appeals in copywriting improve conversions at each
stage of the funnel?
169. How can using social proof in copywriting improve conversions at each stage of
the funnel?
170. How can using scarcity and urgency in copywriting improve conversions at each
stage of the funnel?
171. How can using a consistent message throughout the funnel in copywriting
improve conversions?
172. How can using a clear value proposition in copywriting at each stage of the
funnel improve conversions?

173. How can using clear and specific benefits in copywriting at each stage of the
funnel improve conversions?
174. How can using clear and specific calls-to-action in copywriting at each stage of
the funnel improve conversions?
175. How can using retargeting copywriting at each stage of the funnel improve
176. How can using different types of copywriting at each stage of the funnel improve
177. How can using the right tone of voice in copywriting at each stage of the funnel
improve conversions?
178. How can using the right headlines in copywriting at each stage of the funnel
improve conversions?
179. How can using the right images in copywriting at each stage of the funnel
improve conversions?
180. How can using the right layout in copywriting at each stage of the funnel improve

Impactful Copywriting for Email

This category includes prompts that ask about how copywriting can be used to create effective
email campaigns to increase conversions. It covers topics such as subject lines, headlines,
personalization, storytelling, emotional appeals, social proof, scarcity and urgency, and other
techniques that can be used to create high-converting email campaigns.

181. How can copywriting be used to create effective email campaigns that increase
182. What are the best practices for writing effective subject lines in email marketing?
183. How can personalization be used in email marketing copywriting to increase
184. How can storytelling be used in email marketing copywriting to increase
185. How can emotional appeals be used in email marketing copywriting to increase
186. How can social proof be used in email marketing copywriting to increase
187. How can scarcity and urgency be used in email marketing copywriting to
increase conversions?
188. How can using a clear and specific call-to-action in email marketing copywriting
increase conversions?
189. How can using a sense of urgency in email marketing copywriting increase

190. How can using a personal touch in email marketing copywriting increase
191. How can using storytelling in email marketing copywriting increase conversions?
192. How can using emotional triggers in email marketing copywriting increase
193. How can using A/B testing in email marketing copywriting increase conversions?
194. How can using segmentation in email marketing copywriting increase
195. How can using automation in email marketing copywriting increase conversions?
196. How can using dynamic content in email marketing copywriting increase
197. How can using retargeting in email marketing copywriting increase conversions?
198. How can using different types of email campaigns in email marketing copywriting
increase conversions?
199. How can using the right tone of voice in email marketing copywriting increase
200. How can using the right images in email marketing copywriting increase

Effective Copywriting for SEO

This category includes prompts that ask about how copywriting can be used to improve search
engine rankings and drive organic traffic. It covers topics such as keyword research, meta tags,
headlines, meta descriptions, and other techniques that can be used to improve SEO and drive
organic traffic to a website.

201. How can copywriting be used to improve search engine rankings and drive
organic traffic?
202. What are the best practices for keyword research in SEO copywriting?
203. How can meta tags be used in SEO copywriting to improve search engine
204. How can headlines be optimized for search engines in SEO copywriting?
205. How can meta descriptions be used in SEO copywriting to improve search
engine rankings?
206. How can using long-tail keywords in SEO copywriting improve search engine
207. How can using internal linking in SEO copywriting improve search engine
208. How can using external linking in SEO copywriting improve search engine
209. How can using alt tags in images in SEO copywriting improve search engine

210. How can using structured data in SEO copywriting improve search engine
211. How can using schema markup in SEO copywriting improve search engine
212. How can using multimedia in SEO copywriting improve search engine rankings?
213. How can using social media in SEO copywriting improve search engine
214. How can using a clear and specific call-to-action in SEO copywriting improve
search engine rankings?
215. How can using a sense of urgency in SEO copywriting improve search engine
216. How can using a personal touch in SEO copywriting improve search engine
217. How can using storytelling in SEO copywriting improve search engine rankings?
218. How can using emotional triggers in SEO copywriting improve search engine
219. How can using A/B testing in SEO copywriting improve search engine rankings?
220. How can using segmentation in SEO copywriting improve search engine

Thank you for using this list of ChatGPT prompts to improve your copywriting skills. We hope
that these prompts have provided valuable insights and inspiration for your copywriting projects.

Remember that copywriting is a skill that takes time and practice to master. We recommend that
you take your time to work through the prompts and apply the techniques and formulas to your
own writing.

Please note that the prompts are intended as a guide and are not a substitute for professional
copywriting advice. It's important to do your own research and experimentation to find what
works best for your specific target audience and industry.

The examples provided in these prompts are not a guarantee of success always and results
may vary.

We also recommend that you test your copywriting and continue to monitor the results to see
what works best for your audience and continuously improve your craft. If you have any
questions or need further guidance, you can always seek out professional copywriting resources
and advice.

Thank you for using these prompts and we wish you the best of luck in your copywriting journey!


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