Auditing and Assurance Concept and Applicatiosn 1 - Syllabus

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Course Title: Auditing and Assurance: Concepts and Applications 1

Course Code: Pre 2

Number of Units: 3 units

Week Topic Learning Outcome

1-2 1.0 Audit Planning, Internal Control • Explain how audit planning
Considerations and Audit and performance of
Documentation: analytical procedures affect
1.1 Analytical procedures in Audit the audit process.
Planning • Differentiate test of
1.2 Internal Controls Considerations: controls and Substantive
Test of controls and Substantive test.
test • Discuss the importance of
1.3 Audit Documentation and its audit documentation and
types the different methods in
1.4 Overview of Revenue and documentation.
Receipts Cycle • Discuss an overview of
1.5 Overview of Expenditures and audit process for accounts
Disbursement Cycle and transactions cycle
1.6 Overview of Production Cycle related to cash, revenue
and receipts expenditure
and disbursement and
production cycle.
3 Prelim •
4–5 2.0 Audit Cash • Discuss audit objectives for
2.1 Audit of cash receipt cash receipts and
transactions disbursement transactions.
2.2 Audit of cash disbursement • Identify appropriate audit
transactions procedures in the
examinations of cash
account balances and
• Illustrate and apply audit of
6-8 3.0 Audit of Revenue and Receipt Cycle • Discuss audit objectives for
3.1 Audit if Sales and revenue sales and revenue
transactions transactions and audit of
3.2 Audit of receivables balances receivable balances.
• Identify appropriate audit
procedures in the
examinations of receivable
account balance and
revenue transactions.
• Illustrate and apply audit of
revenue and receipt cycle.
10 -14 4.0 Audit of expenditure of Disbursement • Discuss audit objectives for
Cycle expenditures and
4.1 Audit of acquisition cycle disbursement cycle
4.2 Audit of payroll transactions • Identify appropriate audit
4.4 Audit of trade payables balance procedures in the
4.5 Audit of prepaid expenses and examinations of inventory,
accrued liabilities other current assets and
other current liabilities,
account balances and
purchases, payroll and
expenses transactions
• Illustrate and apply audit of
expenditure and
disbursement cycle
15-17 5.0 Audit of production cycle • Discuss audit objectives for
5.1 Audit of conversion activities production cycle.
5.2 Audit of inventory balances: work-in • Identify appropriate audit
process and finished goods. procedures in the
5.3 Audit of cost of goods sold balance examinations of work-in
process, finished goods and
cost of goods sold, account
balances and production
• Illustrate and apply audit of
production cycle.
18 Final Examination


• Applied Auditing by Cabrera

• Auditing Theory by Salosagcol, Tiu abd Hermosilla
• Applied Auditing by Assuncion, Ngina and Escala

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