SCM 2650 Atteya - Fall 22 Haiti

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Livonia, Michigan

School of Business

Undergraduate Online Syllabus

Course Number and Title: SCM 2650 Operations and Supply Chain Management
Semester Hours: 3
Semester and Year: Fall 22
Meets: Online

Instructor Name: Nermine Atteya

Office: 1212 Admin Building
Madonna Telephone: 734-432-5366
Madonna Email Address: [email protected]
Office Hours: By appointment (Please email)

Course Description:
The foundations of the Supply Chain Management. Introduces the students to the major concepts of supply
chain management and their impact on efficient operations. Exploration of how to create value through an
efficient supply chain management and application in local and global organizations.
Prerequisites: MGT 2360

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the skills required to manage risk, innovation, and the dynamics of supply chains in the current
global economy
2. Explain the Supply Chain Management Concepts & the importance of the supply chain management
3. Examine how to create value through efficient operations and supply chain management
4. Evaluate the operations environment including processes, managing quality, capacity and layout choices.
5. Implement the techniques of creating the supply chain linkages
6. Use the planning and control techniques in operations & supply chain management including forecasting,
sales and operations planning and lean production and inventory management.
7. Compare and contrast the project management tools and techniques & relate them to the product and
Core Curriculum/Signature Goal:
Required Texts and Materials:
Kumar, S. Anil; Suresh, N.   Operations Management, New Age International Ltd  2009
ISBN:  ISBN number:9788122425871,  ISBN number:9788122428834

E book link: (requires MU Library

log in)
Course Requirements and Grading Scale
Madonna University uses a plus/minus grading scale which includes the following grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-,
C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F.

Grading Criteria
Approved School of Business Undergraduate Grading Scale-October 2014

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A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F

94-100 90-93.9 87-89.9 84-86.9 80-83.9 77-79.9 74-76.9 70-73.9 67-69.9 60.66.9 <60

Students receiving a grade below, C (2.0) in a required course or a required support or foundation course of a
major, minor, certificate, or professional program taken at Madonna University must repeat that course at
Madonna University. A comparable course taken at another institution will not be transferred in.

Attendance and Participation

Madonna University places high emphasis on attendance. Repeated absences may result in lowering of grade
or loss of credit.

Assignments ( late assignment submission penalty: 10% deduction for each day)
- 20% DB
- 30% Assignments & attendance
- 20% Research papers (using Library and website resources)
- 30% Presentations

Course Schedule
weeks Modules/Readings Items Due Due Dates

1 Chapter 1 DB 1 9/2
Chapter 1 Assignment
2 Chapter 2 DB 2 9/9
Chapter 2 Assignment
3 Chapter 3 DB 3 9/16
Chapter 3 Assignment

4 Chapter 4 DB 4 9/23
Chapter 4 Assignment
5 Chapter 5 DB 5 9/30
Chapter 5 Assignment
6 Chapter 6 DB 6 10/7
Chapter 6 Assignment
7 Chapter 7 DB 7 10/15
Chapter 7 Assignment
8 Chapter 8 DB 8 10/21
Chapter 8 Assignment
9 Chapter 9 DB 9 10/28
Chapter 9 Assignment
10 Chapter 10 DB 10 11/4
Chapter 10 Assignment
11 Presentation 1: The role of Supply Chain in E commerce 11/11
12 Presentation 2: Analyze and evaluate Amazon Supply 11/18
Chain and compare it with Ali Baba
13 Research paper 1: Supply Chain Problems and 11/27
Solutions (use excel sheet for Supply Chain analytics
including trends and graphs)
14 Presentation 3: Recent Trends in Supply Chain 12/2
15 Research paper 2: Technology and innovation in 12/9
Supply Chain
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16 Research paper 2: Technology and innovation in 12/12
Supply Chain

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Course expectations
-Reading and chapter review questions: You are expected to have read the chapters being covered PRIOR TO
class to be able to use the same terminology and concepts.

-Assignments: Assignments are expected to be submitted on due dates. Late submissions will receive a grade
reduction based on the length of time the assignment is late.

-Class attendance: Your attendance is necessary in this course. Please be proactive in situations where you
will be absent, if you experience an emergency, or anticipate a prolonged absence for any reason, let me know
in advance whenever possible.

-Class Behavior: Respect to professors and colleagues, participation, responsiveness and quality of work.

Madonna University Policies

Please do not edit or delete the items in this section.
Academic Honesty
All students must always submit work that represents his or her original work, words, or ideas done
exclusively for the course. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent origination from the
individual student, the student must cite all relevant sources.
The student should also document the extent to which such sources were used. The instructor will
inform students of the type of format for their citations e.g. APA. Words or ideas that require citation
include, but are not limited to, all hardcopy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all
verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication clearly originates from an
identifiable source.
All submissions fall within the scope of words and ideas that require citations if used by someone other
than the original author.
Behaviors that are contrary to academic honesty could involve:
 Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of your assignments or any other required course work
 Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to an assignment
 Copying work submitted by another student to a public class meeting
 Using information from online information services without proper citation
 Submitting the same assignment or work to more than one instructor or to the same instructor for
multiple assignments
Acceptable File Formats for Course Work Submission
The instructor will inform students of the acceptable submission format.
ADA Compliance
Madonna University is committed to ensuring that our web site, portal, and Blackboard courses are
accessible to everyone. In accordance with the university’s mission, as well as federal and applicable
state laws, the university is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with
documented disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Counseling & Disability
Resource Center to assist in documenting and defining those needs.
Assignment Submission
Written assignments should be submitted using the Assignment Tool (or the SafeAssign feature) in the
following formats: doc or docx only. No work is to be sent as an email attachment to the instructor
unless you are specifically requested to do so. Expect and plan for contingencies and technical
problems. College level spelling, grammar, and writing style is expected on all papers.
Emergency Continuation of Instruction
In the event of a city-wide or regional crisis or emergency that prevents students from traveling to
campus, course instruction will be continued on the class's Blackboard site. Students should continue
UG Online/HB Syllabus 4 Revised October 2019
doing their readings and assignments until they receive communication from the instructor or the
Grading Response Time
Students will have immediate feedback on Blackboard quiz grades. Any written work, such as essays,
reflection papers, projects, recorded video presentations, etc., should be graded and the grades should be
uploaded in Blackboard within a ten business day period that begins once the submission time has
expired. Exceptions to this will be university holidays and weekends. Please note other university work
commitments may delay the grading process.
Mission & History
The mission of Madonna University, a Catholic institution of higher learning, is to instill in its students
Christian humanistic values, intellectual inquiry, a respect for diversity, and a commitment to serving others
through a liberal arts education, integrated with career preparation and based on the truths and principles
recognized within a Felician Franciscan tradition.
Madonna’s mission receives its spirit from these Franciscan Values:
 Respect for the dignity of each person
 Peace and justice
 Reverence for creation
 Education for truth and service
The same rules apply online, as they do in person. Be respectful of other students. Please take a
moment and read the following link concerning "netiquette."
 (MyPortal - Student Help Tab -
Online Requirements
 Student must have access to the Blackboard system. Each student must verify that their login ID
and password are functional. It is the student’s responsibility to get technical assistance as required.
 Student must have access to a reliable computer with an Internet connection, as they can expect to
be online 3-4 times each week. This can be the computer in their home, office, or at the Madonna
computer labs. The student must have a backup plan for accessing a computer in case their primary
computer becomes nonfunctional during the semester.
 Student must have a thumb drive or external hard drive to be used as a backup device for
assignments submitted for the class.
 Each student is responsible for making certain that their Madonna University email account is
working and that their email address as it is listed in the Blackboard system is correct. If the student
chooses to forward their email from the Madonna email system, the student is responsible for
ensuring that class communications are received.
 In order to be successful, students have to be proficient with Blackboard Learning Management
system. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students complete the self-paced Blackboard
training class “How to Thrive in an Online Class.” It is offered to all Madonna University students at
no charge. Instructions for self-enrolling in the Blackboard workshop can be found at (MyPortal - Student Help Tab –
 Students will find it helpful to have both a Media player and also software that can read documents in
PDF format.
Plagiarism Detection
At the instructor's discretion, work submitted in this course is subject to verification of originality, using the
following service: SafeAssign (MU's official adopted plagiarism solution available via Blackboard).
Madonna University has provided you with a free account in Portfolium. The Portfolium portfolio is where
you may showcase your work and projects directly to professors, classmates and employers. Additionally,
UG Online/HB Syllabus 5 Revised October 2019
the University is using Portfolium in many courses to demonstrate the quality of our academic programs
and to improve teaching and learning. Your instructor will let you know how Portfolium is being used in this
Student Evaluation of Faculty Instruction (SEFI)
Students are invited to evaluate every course every semester, utilizing the University's online Student
Evaluation of Faculty Instruction (SEFI) system. This is accessed from your MyPortal account: Select
Students Tab – Student Resources - SEFI, or by clicking on this link:
portlet=SEFI_(Student_Evaluation_of_Faculty_Instruction). Your instructor will inform you when during
the semester the SEFI can be accessed.
Time Commitment Expected per Semester-Hour Credit
MU follows the Carnegie unit semester hour definition: Earning one semester hour of undergraduate credit
requires a minimum of 16 hours of classroom or direct instruction and a minimum of 32 hours of out-of-
class student work, or its equivalent, during the time designated on the course syllabus.
In other credit-bearing activities, such as laboratory experiences, service-learning, internships, practica,
clinicals, studio work, and other academic experiences, an equivalent amount of work (minimum of 48
hours, or its equivalent of combined direct instruction and outside-of-class student work) is used as the
measurement for a credit hour.

Madonna University Support

Please do not edit or delete the items in this section.
Student Resources
It is the policy and practice of Madonna University to promote inclusive learning environments. If you
identify the need for support services, a list is available for review through Blackboard by clicking the
Student Resources button or by selecting Resources on the Madonna home page.
Technical Support & Blackboard Support
If you experience any technical problems, please do not hesitate to contact the HELP DESK.
Email [email protected]
Call (734) 432-5800 to leave a voice mail.
IT Help Desk Hours – Room 1106
Monday-Thursday 8:00 10:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

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