Fronter Rebuttals

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Fronter Rebuttals

1. "I already have everything."

✓ Okay, yes you should already have dental, vision and hearing at absolutely no cost
to you. This is ADDITONAL, simply more money/value to your dental, vision and
hearing. They’ve increased the amounts on each of the benefits still at no
additional cost.

2. What is Get Health-E?

✓ We are a health insurance agency that specializes in helping Medicare
beneficiaries understand how Medicare works as well as extra benefits that people
may be entitled to that most do not know they even qualify for.

3. I’m not interested!

✓ I Understand Ma´am/Sir this call is actually in regards to your current coverage
with Medicare. We want to make sure you have everything you are entitled to
and deserve and more importantly you know exactly what you have and how to
use the extra benefits.
We find out that a lot of the people we talk to who aren’t interested at first
are glad we called because they really learned about what they have.

4. "I've been with (insert insurance name) since I got Medicare! I'm not going to switch!"
✓ I know change is hard but the benefits you are receiving now will not be changed.
It’s only an increase in value on the benefits you already receive at no additional

5. "This is a scam! Nothing is free!"

✓ You’re already paying the part b premium which comes out of your social security
check every month, all that money does is provide everyone with Medicare and
the opportunity to have a Medicare advantage plan, so you’re already qualified to
receive these benefits at no additional cost.
6. “I already have an agent”
✓ I understand, you have an agent already, but a lot of agents work with one or two
companies which really limits the opportunity you have for an increase in the
value of your benefits. Our licensed Medicare plan specialists represents major
Medicare plan carriers like Aetna, Cigna, United, Humana……. So, they will
compare all carriers for you to see where you would be receiving the most value in
terms of your current benefits.

7. “How did you get my number?”

✓ You may have been online looking into your Medicare benefits whether you
clicked on a link or filled a form out. I’m touching base regarding that inquiry.

8. Transfer me to a Supervisor now!

✓ I apologize Ma´am/Sir! All companies have added additional benefits to their
DIME (but if they want, we can put them on the DNC)

9. “I am so tired of getting these calls”

✓ This is the first time I’ve reached out to you and I’m sorry to hear that you have
been getting so many calls. After our call I’ll do what I can to get those calls to
stop. The reason I was reaching out to you is to make sure you have had the
opportunity to review all the new 2021 plans.

10. “Are you with Medicare?”

✓ "No, I am not Medicare, Medicare does not make phone calls out so if anyone ever
says that to you, more than likely they’re not telling the truth. We work with the
major Medicare plan carriers such as Humana, UHC, etc."

11. “I don’t qualify”

✓ You still have your Medicare parts A and B correct? Okay so you automatically
qualify for your additional benefit update.
12. “I don’t need that, I’m a veteran”
✓ Great! Thank you for your service! that is actually really good news. They have
developed plans specifically tailored to veterans to work with Tricare or VA and
Medicare without interrupting either.

13. ” I don’t have time, I’m at work, I’m busy right now.”
✓ Don’t worry, I’m not going to be taking to much of your time, I just need to verify
some basic information and get you to an agent that will go over your options.

(Don’t look for customer’s approval to move forward, just go. If you wait for the approval to
continue with the script you will not get it.)

14. Can you help me enroll into Medicare?

✓ Unfortunately, we are not able to help you enroll, however; you can go to or call 1800-Medicare and they can provide you with information
you need. Once you get Medicare parts A&B please call us back to go over health
insurance options.

15. Are you the licensed agent?

✓ I’m not the licensed agent, however I’m here to verify some basic information and
connect you to the correct licensed agent according to your area.

16. Do I qualify for this (______), Can you provide information about (______)?
✓ That’s a great question for our licensed sales agent, let me get some information
and get you over to them for a quote that’s no cost to you. (Proceed with script)

17. Why do you keep calling me if open enrollment ended:

✓ Actually ma’am/sir, that was Annual Enrollment that ended (AEP). Open
Enrollment is actually the time period Medicare allows someone to join or switch
to another Medicare Advantage plan, or even return to original Medicare.

18. Where are you located?

✓ We are physically located in Tampa Florida.
19. Why is it showing a local number (not Florida)?
✓ We wish it would show our area code but the way the phone system works, the
phone carriers give us multiple phone numbers to use, even ones in another state.

20. "I am so sorry; we do not have someone that speaks in Spanish”

You are not able to continue with the conversation in English
✓ " Say: "I am sorry for the inconvenience, have a great day”.

21. Can you send Information through the email?

✓ We can definitely do that, but it would require talking to a licensed agent for just 5
minutes so that the agent knows what they need to send over for you. Just some
basic information that the agent would need before being able to send an email
over that would give you the proper information.

22. I Already went through this process.

✓ I totally understand, most of the time the process you go through is for just a
couple of companies, and we are wanting to make sure you were given all the
exact information for your situation. We often find out that this call truly help
even more and chances are you will have more options that could help you
receiving extra benefits.

In case the customer wants a phone number

you can provide our toll free #

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