AC405 Assignment R185840R

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The University Of Zimbabwe

Name : Allan-wolf Shayanewako

Reg Number : R185840R
Program : HACCO ( 4.1)
Course : Tax Law and Practice (AC 405)
Lecturer : Dr Muzira

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Part a
Mr Moyo : Employment Income tax computation
Superstar Pvt Ltd
Cash salary (150 000×12 ¿ 1 800 000
Pension contributions paid by Superstar – 3rd Schedule -
Interest free loan 150 000×12 [ 2 %+5 % ] −sec 8 126 000
Loan portion no longer repayable (150 000
×12 ×0.50 ¿ of the loanamount sec 8 900 000
Motoring benefit 108 000
Passage benefit (USD$7 000
× 0.70× ZWL $ 82−interbank rate ¿ ¿ the extend amount expended for private use 401 800
Business seminar – exempt ( not taxable) -

Entertainment : Used to entertain business clients (20 000×12 ×0.40 ¿ -

Used for private purposes ( 20 000×12 ×0.60 ) 144 000
Medical aid contributions : Company contributions –exempt 3rd schedule -

Telco pvt Ltd

Motor vehicle acquisition benefit(250 000-150 000) since Moyo is below the 100 000
age of 55
Cash in lieu of Leave – sec 8 300 000
Gratuity – sec 8 500 000

ICAZ joining fee –capital in nature therefore not deductible (not gross income ) -
Annual subscription –sec 15 (35 000)
Own pension contributions 6%×1 800 000 - exceeds maximum allowable (54 000)
Taxable income 4 290 800
Tax on sliding scale
(4 290 800× 0.4−56 250 ¿ 1 660 070
Gross tax 1 660 070
Less : Tax credits
Medical expenses ( 230 000× 0.30 )×50 % (34 500)
1 625 570
Add: Aids Levy (3% ×1 625 570 ¿ 48 767
1 674 337
Less :PAYE 650 000
Tax payable 1 024 337

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Part b
The responsibilities of Superstar Pvt Limited in respect of employment income is as follows ,
 Superstar is required to register with ZIMRA if it has employees earning more than $5
000 per month
 Required to withhold PAYE from employees remuneration
 Remit the PAYE withheld to ZIMRA by the 10th of the month following deduction
 Superstar is responsible for any under deductions as well as payment of PAYE
 Provide payment summaries to employees and lodge an annual report with the ZIMRA
after the end of each income year.
 To keep records and to furnish returns

Note : November 2020 – Interbank rate [ 1USD equivalent to ZWL$82 ]

1. Income Tax Act Chapter 23:06
2. Finance Act

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