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NDT Procedure

T-59 Gas injection Wellhead


License TWK
NDT Procedure
Project Title T-59 Gas injection
Contractor Project No. TWK-FD-33163 Contractor Doc. No. IPC-33163-07

COMPANY Project No. N/A .COMPANY Doc. No KU-TWK-50-QA-PRO-2162

Contract No. TWK-FD-33163 DNO Rev. 0 Page 1 of 120

T-59 Gas injection Wellhead

DNO Originated Checked Approved
Date Description
Rev. by by by
A Issued for Review SI
22Oct22 AN DY
B 10Dec22 Issued for review AN AN SI
12Jan23 SI
0 Issued for USE AN AN

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without authorization from the COMPANY.

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CITADEL Engineering Company



Citadel Engineering Company

Inspection Management

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Chaitanya

Shahriyar Majlesein 3
00 1
Vasanthavada 2 28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016 28 January, 2016
Tulasiram Poppala 1 Jinagam Chakrapani 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017
Majid Faraji Shovay 1 Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
02 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019
03 Arun G. Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
10 January, 2022 12 January, 2022 17 January 2022

1 Industrial
Inspection Manager (AWS.CWS:1604001S) ISO 19011:2011 Lead Auditor
ASNT Level III (MT, PT, UT, RT, VT,ET) #174544
Chief Executive Director (CEO)- ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, , ISO 17025 Lead Assessor
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company


Prepared by & Approved by No. of

Rev. Affected Sections Description Date & Date pages
0 Nil First Issue 13

COMPANY Doc. No. Prev. Rev. This

CEC[EN]-NDT/PT/P/01-01 02 03

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company









Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company


The purpose of this document is to provide the minimum requirements for the Dye
Penetrant Inspection of components, which will be revised as and where necessary to meet
the specific contractual specifications and requirements of a project and thus become
a project specific procedure.


This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for visible solvent removable
technique. The method covered in this procedure can be effectively used when performing
specific tests on welds and components and detect discontinuities that are open to the
surface of nonporous metals and other materials. Type I Method C (solvent Removable
Fluorescent Penetrant) and Type II Method C (Solvent Removable Color Contrast
Penetrant) liquid penetrant methods shall be applicable to this procedure.
The procedure is applicable only for surface temperature between 50C to 520C.


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

1 ASME Section VIII Div. I

ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 (Process Piping)

2 ASME B31.3

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding - Steel

3 AWS D1.1

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Liquid Penetrant

5 ASTM-E 165/02 Standard Test method for Dye Penetrant Testing
Standard Test Method for Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant
6 ASTM-E 1219/05
Examination Using Solvent Removable Process
Standard Test method for Visible Penetrant Examination
7 ASTM E-1220/05
using solvent-removable process
ASNT SNT TC – 1A Recommended practice for NDT personnel Qualification
2020 & Certification.
Standard for Qualification and Certification of NDE
9 ASNT CP-189
Guide lines for Certification of CEC Personnel as per
10 CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01
ASNT / SNT / TC / 1A

11 CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01 CEC’s Safety Manual

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company


4.1 ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers

4.2 DPT Dye Penetrant Testing
4.3 HSE Health Safety and Environment
4.4 NDE Non-Destructive Examination
4.5 NDT Non-Destructive Testing
4.6 API American Petroleum Institute
4.7 AWS American Welding Society


5.1 Personnel Qualification

Personnel involved in performing, interpreting and evaluating Dye Penetrant

Testing to this procedure shall be qualified to DPI Level II minimum in
accordance with CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01 which is in compliance with the
requirements of Latest Editions of ASNT-SNT-TC-1A and CP 189. All personnel
performing DP inspection shall hold a currently valid certification as above.
The examiner has vision (with correction, if necessary) to enable him to read
Jaeger Type 2 standard chart at a distance of not less than 300mm and is
capable of distinguishing and differentiating contrast between colors used (red
and white).

5.2 Personnel Safety

All Personnel carrying out works to this procedure shall ensure that they follow
safe working practices in compliance with the requirements CEC’S Safety
Manual CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01. In addition to that the below minimum safety
requirements shall be followed:
 Penetrant materials are highly volatile, relatively toxic and may cause
skin irritation. Use adequate ventilation at all times and avoid prolonged
skin contact.
 Penetrant material aerosol cans should be kept out of direct sunlight or
areas in excess of 1300F
 Adequate and correct PPE to be used always, i.e. gloves, respirators
(face mask)
 Ensure MSDS is available and it is read and understood by all personnel
working to this procedure

5.3 Surface Preparation

Surface condition of the part under test prior to examination: The surface to be
examined shall be free from rust, scale, paint, slag, sand, greases, oily films or
other conditions which could interfere with the examination. It shall be ensured
that the surface of the part under examination is not subjected to shot sand or
grit blasted without the approval of the client.

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

Removal of Surface Contaminants: Pre-cleaning of the surface to be tested is

utmost essential so that no contaminants interfere with the penetrant process.
All surfaces to be examined shall be thoroughly cleaned by spraying the part
with the corresponding penetrant materials cleaning as per the method required.
Other cleaning processes like use of detergents, vapor degreasing etc. shall
also be permitted provided they are finally given a solvent soak and proper
drying is ensured prior to application of penetrant. Use of dry lint-free cloths for
removal of excess cleaner is permitted. When cleaner’s other than the penetrant
manufacturer's corresponding cleaner/remover, a final pre-cleaning step shall be
added whereby the manufacturer's corresponding cleaner shall be used.

5.4 Consumables & Accessories

Fluorescent penetrant examination should not be applied to test objects which

have been tested prior with visible penetrant method.

Penetrant materials used shall belong to the same manufacturer and family of
particular type of penetrant used.
The following family of penetrant materials shall be used:
Family of Penetrants
Method Manufacturer Penetrant Cleaner Developer
Type I
Magnaflux ZL-22A ZC-7 ZP-9E
Method C
Type II
Magnaflux SKL-SP SKC-S SKD-S2
Method C

Chemicals from different manufacturer might be used subjected to approval of

CEC Level III.
It shall be ensured that all penetrant materials used for liquid penetrant
examination shall be certified by the manufacturer to be in compliance with the
residual Sulphur and the halogen requirements which may prove detrimental to
certain materials like austenitic stainless steels, titanium, nickel-base or other
high-temperature alloys.

Batch certificates for penetrant materials shall be maintained for materials used
to test nickel based alloys, austenitic stainless steels and titanium.

For nickel based alloys, sulfur content shall be limited to 1% or less residue by
weight. For austenitic stainless steels and titanium, chlorine plus fluorine content
shall be limited to 1% or less".

5.5 Temperature

It shall be ensured that the temperature of penetrant materials and the surface
of the materials to be tested shall be between 400F (50C) and 1250F (520C) for
the fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
For the visible color contrast dye penetrant testing, the penetrant materials and
the surface of the part examined shall be from 400F (50C) t0 1250F (520C).
Where it is not practical to comply with these temperature limitations, the
procedure shall be qualified at the temperature of intended use as per Para 9.0.

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

In any case the manufacturer's recommendations while using these solvents

based penetrant materials shall be strictly complied with. Temperature of the
surface being tested shall be verified by a calibrated temperature gauge.
Qualification tests results for temperatures not in compliance with ranges in this
procedure shall be submitted to the client for review and approval.

5.6 Lighting

For visible solvent removable penetrant examination, adequate visible light shall
be available. It shall be a minimum of 100 foot candles (1000 lux). For
fluorescent penetrant examination, the testing shall be performed in a darkened
area with an ambient light intensity of 2 foot candles (20 lux) maximum. The
black light used shall be allowed to warm up for a minimum of 5 min. prior to use
or measurement of the intensity of the ultraviolet light emitted. The black light
intensity shall be measured with a black light meter prior to use, whenever the
light’s power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the
examination or series of examinations. A minimum of 1000 micro watt/cm2 on
the surface of the part being examined shall be required. The black light
intensity shall be measured once in 4 hr., whenever the workstation is changed,
or after change of filter or bulb. The readings shall be recorded on a log sheet
and kept with the black light unit always and monitored for intensity fading
before each usage. As specified by the client, required black light level may be
as much as 4000 micro Watt/cm2 for applications such as detection of hydrogen
induced cracking.
The examiner shall be in the darkened area for at least five minutes prior to
performing fluorescent penetrant examination to enable his eyes to adapt to
dark viewing. Glass or lenses worn by examiners shall not be photosensitive.
Reflectors and filters should be checked and cleaned prior to use. Cracked or
broken filters shall not be used.

5.7 Methods & Sequence of Examination

Detailed sequence of penetrant examination methods and types used by this

procedure are given in the following paragraphs.
 Paragraph 5.7.1 covers Type I Method C, Solvent-Removable
Fluorescent Penetrant Examination.
 Paragraph 5.7.2 covers Type II Method C, Solvent-Removable Color
Contrast (Visible Dye) Penetrant Examination.

5.7.1 Type I Method C Solvent Removable Fluorescent Penetrant


Penetrant Application: Pre-cleaning shall be as per Para 5.3 After ensuring

the part has been thoroughly dry after cleaning and is within the specified
temperature range the penetrant shall be applied to the surface being
examined so that the entire part or the area under examination is completely
covered with penetrant. Application of penetrant shall be effected by
spraying with aerosol cans or by brushing with cloth dipped in penetrant
depending on the geometry and area to be covered. Minimum wait time
between pre-cleaning and penetrant application shall be five (5) minutes to a
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company

maximum of one (1) hour. The area pre-cleaned shall include at least 1"
(25mm) past both (all) sides of the area of interest.
Inspection of all welds shall include a band of base metal at least one inch
wide on each side of the weld.

Dwell Time: After application, penetrant shall remain on the surface of the
part being tested for a dwell as specified below. Care shall be taken for the
part to remain wet throughout the penetration time. If the penetrant dries on
the surface of the part, it shall be subjected to complete reprocessing
beginning with initial pre-cleaning.

Dwell Times
Product Type
Penetrant Developer
Casting and welds 10 minutes 10 minutes
Wrought Materials
extrusions, forgings, plates
20 minutes 10 minutes

Penetrant Removal: The excess penetrant shall be removed after the

required penetration time by using clean dry cloth or other lint-free material.
The process shall be repeated until most traces of penetrant have been
removed. The adhering penetrant shall be removed with a clean cloth
moistened with penetrant remover. Flushing the surface with the cleaner
following the application of the penetrant prior to developing is
prohibited. Care shall be taken not to dampen the cloth during the solvent-
wipes. A black light shall be used to assure complete excess penetrant
Drying: The surface of the part being examined shall be dried before
application of developer through solvent-wipes. The part shall not be allowed
to remain dry for very long periods. The surface may be dried by normal
evaporation, blotting, wiping, or forced air.
Developer Application: Areas to be examined shall be sprayed with
applicable developer evenly so as to form a thin even film of developer layer.
The spraying cans shall be thoroughly agitated before spraying to thoroughly
mix the ingredients. The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after
penetrant removal. The time interval between penetrant removal and
developer application shall not exceed ten (10) minutes.
Developing Time: Developing time for final interpretations begins
immediately after developer coating is dry. Final interpretation shall be
performed between 10 to 30 minutes after the developer coating is dry. To
aid in interpretation of the test results, the surface of the part shall be
continuously observed from the point developer is applied. Final
interpretation shall be made not less than 10 minutes and not more than 60
minutes after drying of the developer.
Examination and Evaluation of indications: All indications shall be
considered as relevant until the origin is determined. Relevant indications
shall be evaluated on the size of the penetrant "bleed out" (stain) created by
the developer's absorption of the penetrant. Examination of the surface shall
be performed using a black light with a measured intensity of 1000 W/cm²
as measured at the surface of the part being tested. Testing shall be
performed in a darkened area where measured ambient light levels do not
exceed 2fc (20 lux).
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CITADEL Engineering Company

Allow the black light to warm up for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to its use
or measurement of the intensity of the ultraviolet light emitted.
Light meters, both visible and fluorescent (black) light meters, shall be
calibrated at least every six months or whenever the meter has been
The black light intensity shall be measured with a calibrated black light meter
prior to use, whenever the light’s power source is interrupted or changed,
and at the completion of the examination or series of examinations and
recorded on a log sheet and shall be kept with the black light unit at all times
and monitored for intensity fading before each usage.
As specified by the client, required black light level may be as much as
4000W/cm² for applications such as detection of hydrogen induced
The examiner shall be in the darkened area for at least five (5) minute prior
to performing the examination to enable his eyes to adapt to dark viewing.
Glass or lenses worn by examiners shall not be photosensitive.

5.7.2 Type II Method C Solvent Removable Color Contrast (Visible)

Penetrant Examination

Penetrant Application: Pre-cleaning shall be as per Para 5.3. After

ensuring the part has been thoroughly dry after cleaning and is within the
specified temperature range the penetrant shall be applied to the surface
being examined so that the entire part or the area under examination is
completely covered with penetrant. Application of penetrant shall be effected
by spraying with aerosol cans or by brushing with cloth dipped in penetrant
depending on the geometry and area to be covered. Minimum wait time
between pre-cleaning and penetrant application shall be five (5) minutes to a
maximum of one (1) hour.
Inspection of all welds shall include a band of base metal at least one inch
wide on each side of the weld.
Dwell Time: After application, penetrant shall remain on the surface of the
part being tested for a dwell as specified below. Care shall be taken for the
part to remain wet throughout the penetration time. If the penetrant dries on
the surface of the part, it shall be subjected to complete reprocessing
beginning with initial pre-cleaning.

Dwell Times
Product Type Penetrant Developer
Casting and welds 10 minutes 10 minutes
Wrought Materials
extrusions, forgings, plates
20 minutes 10 minutes

Penetrant Removal: The excess penetrant shall be removed after the

required penetration time by using clean dry cloth or other lint-free material.
The process shall be repeated until most traces of penetrant have been
removed. The adhering penetrant shall be removed with a clean cloth
moistened with penetrant remover. Flushing the surface with the cleaner

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

following the application of the penetrant prior to developing is prohibited.

Care shall be taken not to dampen the cloth during the solvent-wipes.

Drying: The surface of the part being examined shall be dried for at least 5
minutes before application of developer through solvent-wipes. The part
shall not be allowed to remain dry for very long periods as it may reduce the
sensitivity of operation. The surface may be dried by normal evaporation,
blotting, wiping, or forced air.

Developer Application: Areas to be examined shall be sprayed with

applicable developer evenly so as to form a thin even film of developer layer.
The spraying cans shall be thoroughly agitated before spraying to thoroughly
mix the ingredients. The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after
Penetrant removal. The time interval between penetrant removal and
developer application shall not exceed ten (10) minutes.

Developing Time: Developing time for final interpretations begins

immediately after developer coating is dry. Final interpretation shall be
performed between 10 to 30 minutes after the developer coating is dry. To
aid in interpretation of the test results, the surface of the part shall be
continuously observed from the point developer is applied.

Examination and Evaluation of indications: All indications shall be

considered as relevant until the origin is determined. Relevant indications
shall be evaluated on the size of the penetrant "bleed-out" (stain) created by
the developer’s absorption of the penetrant. The examination area shall be
observed under either natural or artificial white light. The light intensity at the
examination surface shall be a minimum of 100fc (1000 lux) measured by a
calibrated white light meter.

5.8 Post Cleaning

The penetrant materials shall be removed as soon as possible after evaluation
and documentation by flushing the part with the cleaner and wiping with clean

5.9 Procedure Qualification/Requalification

Qualification and/or Re-qualification shall be performed, as agreed upon by the
contracting parties, when a change or substitution is made in the type of
penetrant materials or in the processing technique. It shall be performed on
test pieces (liquid penetrant comparators) containing real or simulated
discontinuities encountered in production examinations.

5.10 Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria shall be based on Project specific requirements.

5.11 Records
The following information shall be recorded in a report format acceptable to the

 Procedure Identification & Revision

 Liquid Penetrant type (visible or fluorescent)

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

 Type (number of letter designation) of each penetrant, remover and

developer used
 Material and thickness
 Record of examination
 Examination personnel identity, qualification level
 Date and time examinations were performed.

Non-Reject able indications shall be recorded as specified by the referencing

Code section.
Reject able indications shall be recorded. As a minimum, the type of
indications (rounded or linear), location and extent (length or diameter or
aligned) shall be recorded.

6.1 Appendix – A Acceptance Criteria
6.2 Appendix – B Sample Report format

Appendix – A Acceptance Criteria


1. Evaluation of Indications

An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection. Only indications with major

dimensions greater than 1/16 in. shall be considered relevant.

1.1. A linear indication is one having a length greater than three times the width.

1.2. A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with the length equal to or
less than three times the width.

1.3. Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to determine whether

they are relevant or not.
2. Acceptance Standards

These acceptance standards shall apply unless other standards are specified for
specific applications within this Division. All surfaces to be examined shall free of:

2.1. relevant linear indications;

2.2. relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16 in. (4.8 mm);

2.3. four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch (1.6mm) or less
(edge to edge);

2.4. an indication of an imperfection may be larger than the imperfection that causes it;
however, the size of the indication is the basis for acceptance evaluation.


1. Evaluation of Indications
1.1. Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by the retention of the

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

examination medium. All indications are not necessarily defects, however certain
metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic permeability variations may produce similar
indications which are not relevant to the detection of unacceptable discontinuities.
1.2. Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant shall be reexamined to verify whether
or not actual defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the reexamination.
Nonrelevant indications which would mask indications of defects are unacceptable.
1.3. Relevant indications are those which result from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities.
Linear indications are those indications in which the length is more than three time the
width. Rounded indications are indications which are circular or elliptical with the length
less than three times the with.
1.4. An indication of a discontinuity may be larger than the discontinuity that causes it,
however, the size of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity is the basis of
acceptance or rejection.
2. Acceptance Standards
The following relevant indications are unacceptable.

2.1. Any cracks or linear indications.

2.2. Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3/16 in. (5.0 mm).

2.3. Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 in. (2.0 mm) or less edge to

2.4. Ten or more rounded indications in any 6 sq in. (3870 mm2) of surface with the major
dimension of this area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the most
unfavorable location relative to the indications being evaluated.


The Dye Penetrant Indication interpretation shall be as per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1.

4. Treatment of imperfections believed non-relevant

Any indication which is believed to be non-relevant shall be regarded as a imperfection

unless it is shown by re-examination by the same method or by the use of other
nondestructive methods and/or by surface conditioning that no unacceptable defect is

5. Examination of Areas from which defects have been removed

After a defect is thought to have been removed and prior to making weld repairs, the
area shall be examined by the same method to ensure the defect has been removed
using approved repair procedure.

6. Report

6.1. Identify all examination reports to permit positive correlation with the material or part

6.2. Identify the equipment and examination medium in sufficient detail to permit

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

duplication of the examination at a later date.

6.3. Provide a sketch, chart, or marked-up drawing to show coverage and orientation if
necessary for clarity and/or to permit duplication of the examination.

Appendix – B Sample Report format

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/P/PT01-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

Muhammad Ikram Chaitanya
Shahriyar Majlesein 3
00 Ullah 1 Vasanthavada 2 28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016 28 January, 2016
Tulasiram Poppala 1 Jinagam Chakrapani 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017
Majid Faraji Shovay 1 Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
02 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019
Arun G. Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
10 December, 2021 20 December 2021 03 January 2022

1 Industrial Inspection Manager (AWS.CWS:1604001S) ISO 19011:2011 Lead Auditor

2 ASNT Level III (MT, PT, UT, RT, VT,ET) #174544
3 Chief Executive Director (CEO)- ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, , ISO 17025 Lead Assessor

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company


Approved by No. of
Rev. Affected Sections Description Prepared by & Date & Date pages
0 Nil First Issue VASANTHAVADA 14
1 Appendix-A Added Second Issue Tulasiram Poppala 01 July, 2017 15

2 Appendix-B Added Third Issue Majid Faraji Shovay 07 November, 17

3 Tracking

COMPANY Doc. No. Prev. Rev. This Rev.

CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 02 03

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CITADEL Engineering Company









Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

The purpose of this document is to provide the minimum requirements for the Magnetic
Particle Examination of ferromagnetic welds/components, which will be revised as and where
necessary to meet the specific contractual specifications and requirements of a project and
thus become a project specific procedure.


This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for both dry and wet magneticparticle
examinations. The method covered in this procedure can be effectively used when performing
specific tests on welds and components and detect surface and subsurface discontinuities
on a variety of ferromagnetic materials.
Use of Electro Magnetic Yoke is limited to the detection of cracks at or near the surface
defects and seams, laps, cold shuts, laminations or lack of fusion in ferromagnetic materials.
Use of permanent magnets is prohibited by this procedure.


ASME V ARTICLE 7 (2020 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Magnetic Particle
Edition) Examination
2 ASME Section VIII Div. I ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
3 ASME B31.3 ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 (Process Piping)
4 AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding - Steel
ASNT SNT TC – 1A Recommended practice for NDT personnel Qualification
2020 & Certification.
Guidelines for Certification of CEC Personnel as per
6 CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/09-01
ASNT / SNT / TC / 1A

7 CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01 CEC’s Safety Manual

4.1 ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
4.2 MPT Magnetic Particle Testing
4.3 HSE Health Safety and Environment
4.4 NDE Non-Destructive Examination
4.5 NDT Non-Destructive Testing
4.6 NDI Non-Destructive Inspection
4.8 ASNT American Society for Non-Destructive Testing

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company


5.1 Personnel Qualification

Personnel involved in performing, interpreting and evaluating Magnetic Particle
Examination to this procedure shall be qualified to MT Level II minimum in
accordance with CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/09-01 which follows the requirements of
Latest Editions of ASNT-SNT-TC-1A and CP 189. All personnel performing
magnetic particle inspection shall hold current have valid certification.
5.2 Personnel Safety
All Personnel carrying out works to this procedure shall ensure that they follow
safe working practices in compliance with the requirements CEC’S Safety
5.3 Surface Preparation
Surface Condition:
Surface of the part to be tested shall be free of all dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding
flux and spatters, oil, grease or other extraneous matters that could interfere with
the examination. Remove all paint from inspection area and yoke leg contact area.
As-welded, as-rolled, as-cast or as-forged surfaces shall be subject to MT
provided they are clean and surface irregularities do not exist. Part surface
temperature shall not exceed a maximum of 600F for dry particle examination
as most powders available are heat-resistant unto temperatures as high as
600F. For wet particles, the part temperature shall not exceed 122F for particle
suspensions prepared in oil vehicles.
Surface Cleaning:
Cleaning may be accomplished using solvents, paint removers, sand or grit
blasting, wire-brushing etc. When testing a local area, such as a weld, the area
1" (25mm) adjacent to all side of the area of interest to be examined shall also
be cleaned to the extent necessary to permit detection of indications.
5.4 Equipment’s, Consumables & Accessories

Selection of a specific type of equipment shall depend on the intended application

and technique adopted. This procedure shall describe only the use of yoke
method. Yokes utilizing alternating currents for magnetization shall be employed.
AC Yokes used shall be checked at least every one year or whenever

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/MPT/P/03-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

the yokes has been damaged, for its magnetizing force. Yoke’s shall be checked
daily prior to use lifting a 10 lb. (4.5 kg) weight at the maximum pole spacing that
will be used. The lifting power of yokes will be verified and recorded prior to each

AC yoke is recommended if the surface is rough because AC gives the particles

more mobility than DC. A yoke has an electric coil in the unit creating a longitudinal
magnetic field that transfer through the legs to examined part The yoke technique
is easy to use with minimal training. It can be used indoors, outdoors, inside
vessels and tanks, and in all positions. Prior to use, the magnetizing power of
electromagnetic yoke shall have been checked within the past year.

Each weight shall be weighted with a scan from reputable manufacturer and
stenciled prior to first use. A weight need only be verified again if damaged in a
manner that could have caused potential loss of material.

Ultraviolet light, portable type shall be employed for wet fluorescent magnetic
particle examination.

Light meters, both visible and fluorescent(black) light meters, shall be calibrated
at least every six months or whenever the meter has been repaired. if meters have
been not used one year or more shall be done calibration being first use.

Consumables used shall belong to the same manufacturer and family or particular
type of magnetic particle used. The following family of magnetic particle materials
(or equivalent) shall be used.

The following brands of MPT consumables are approved for use in CEC.

Technique Manufacturer Contrast Paint Type Magnetic Ink Type

Visible wet Brent Ardrox 8390 Ardrox 800 – 3

Visible wet Magnaflux Magnaflux WCP – 2 Magnaflux 7 HF

Wet Fluorescent Magnaflux N/A Magnaglo 410 HF

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CITADEL Engineering Company

Contrast paint shall be white in color and MPI Ink shall be black in color to provide
color contrast due to flux leakage from Inter mixing of chemicals from different
families or manufacturers is not permitted.
INSPECTION MEDIUM: The magnetic particles used for either dry or wet
magnetic particle examination techniques shall be of finely divided ferromagnetic
material of high permeability and low retentivity, free from contaminants like rust,
grease, paint, dirt or other material which might interfere

with their proper functioning. They shall be of such shape, size and color as to
provide adequate sensitivity and contrast for the intended use.
The dry method particles used shall be gray or red color. The choice of color shall
be based on maximum contrast with the part being examined.
The wet method particles used shall be either black or red color, readily available
aerosol cans. The selection of particular color, shall be one that contrast most
with the test surface. As the wet magnetic particles are finer in nature than the
particles used for dry methods, they shall be employed in the detection of smaller
discontinuities. The wet particle inspection shall also utilize fluorescent particles
which are readily available in aerosol spray cans.
5.5 Surface Temperature
Before performing, it shall be verified that the temperature of the part shall not
exceed 600 degrees F for dry particle examination or 122 degrees F for wet
particle examinations.
5.6 Lighting
For dry particle and wet non-fluorescent particle examination, adequate visible
light shall be available. It shall be a minimum of 100-foot candles (1000 lux) and
measured by lux meter daily. For fluorescent particle examination, the testing
shall be performed in a darkened area with an ambient light intensity of 2-foot
candles (20 lux) maximum. The black light used shall be allowed to warm up fora
minimum of 5 min. prior to use or measurement of the intensity of the ultraviolet
light emitted. The black light intensity shall be measured with a black light meter
prior to use, whenever the light’s power source is interrupted or changed, and at
the completion of the examination or series of examinations. A minimum of 1000
micro wall/cm2 on the surface of the part being examined shall be required. The
black light intensity shall be measured once in 4 hr., whenever the workstation is
changed, or after change of filter or bulb. The readings shall be recorded on a log
sheet and kept with the black light unit at all times and monitored for intensity
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fading before each usage. A specified by the client, required black light level may
be as much as 4000 micro-Watt/cm2 for applications such as detection of
hydrogen induced cracking.
The examiner shall be in the darkened area for at least five minutes prior to
performing fluorescent magnetic particle examination to enable his eyes to adapt
to dark viewing. Glass or lenses worn by examiners shall not be photosensitive.
Reflectors and filters should be checked and cleaned prior to use. Cracked or
broken filters shall not be used.

5.7 Magnetizing current

This method shall be used to detect surface or near surface discontinuities using
alternating current & direct current.
5.8 Magnetizing technique
Continuous magnetization technique shall be adopted when employing this
method i.e., the magnetizing current shall be "on" throughout the process of
application of the magnetic particles on the test part.

5.9 Examination Medium

Either dry or wet magnetic particles shall be employed.

Dry particles when used with alternating current for magnetization, are superior
for detection of surface cracks that are not exceptionally tight or fine.

Wet particles used shall be either fluorescent or non-fluorescent black ink-type.

They are better than dry for detection of very fine surface discontinuities.

The contour yoke leg spacing shall suit the shape of the part being tested, being
neither too close nor too far off. Pie-Shaped Magnetic Field Indicator or artificial
flawed shims shall be used in the yoke technique to determine the field strength
and direction of magnetic field. A change of essential variable shall require
requalification of the written procedure by demonstration

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Figure of Pie Shaped Magnetic Particle Field Indicator

Non-Ferrous union/ brazed.

Copper Plate, about 0.010 thick.


Artificial Flawed Shims

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5.10 Direction of Magnetization

Two separate examinations shall be carried out on each area. The yoke shall be
placed so that the magnetic field generated during one examination is
approximately perpendicular to the field during the other. Discontinuities across
weld bead shall be detected by placing the contact surfaces of the yoke at an
angle of 30-45 degrees from the long axis of the weld. The field indicators may be
used to find the direction of the magnetic flux as well.

5.10.1 Dry Particle Examination

The yoke shall be positioned on the surface to be examined and the
magnetizing current turned on. The particles are then dusted lightly
over the surface. Indications shall then be noted. The current shall
then be turned off and the yoke repositioned for subsequent
examination (perpendicular to the first) of the area.
5.10.2 Wet Particle Examination
The yoke shall be positioned and the examination medium liberally
applied to all surfaces of the part. The instant the bath stream is
removed from the part, the magnetizing current shall be applied.
Indications are then to be noted either visibly for non-fluorescent
particles or with the help of a black light for fluorescent particles. The
current shall then be turned off and the yoke repositioned for
subsequent examination (perpendicular to the first) of the area.
When non-fluorescent wet black inks are used, in white contrast paint
shall be applied by spraying initially with a very thin coat of white
contrast paint and then with the black ink.

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5.10.3Examination Coverage

All examinations shall be conduct with sufficient field overlap to ensure

100% coverage. Yoke leg spacing shall be between a minimum of 3
inches and a maximum of 6 inches. The area

examined shall be limited to a maximum distance of one-fourth of the

pole spacing on either side of a centerline joining the two yoke poles.

5.10.4 Dry Particle Removal

Accumulation of excess dry particles shall be removed with a gentle
air stream from a bulb or syringe or other source of low pressure dry
air. The examination current shall be maintained while removing
excess particles. Care shall be taken not to disturb or blow away any
lightly held particle patterns. At least two separate examinations shall
be performed on each area during the second examination, the lines
of magnetic flux shall be approximately perpendicular to those used
during the first examination. A different technique for magnetization
may be used for the second examination.

5.11 Evaluation of Indications

All indications shall be evaluated in accordance with the specified
acceptance criteria or special examination instructions.
Indications believed to be non- relevant shall be reexamined for
verification. The non-relevant indications are quite common and
since they are true particle buildups, they are difficult to
distinguish from buildups that are caused by flaws. Hence a
careful evaluation toproperly interpret the test results shall be
adopted. Examples of certain non- relevant indications are as

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5.11.1 Magnetic Writing

Usually associated with parts displaying good residual characteristics
in the magnetized state. If such parts are in contact with the other steel
or magnets it gives rise to a leakage at points of contact and
consequently a magnetic particle indication. The indications appear
fuzzy or intermittent and broad caused by loosely held particles and
will be destroyed by demagnetization.

5.11.2 Effects of Over magnetization

The indications are broad and fuzzy and are caused by particles
adhering at leakage fields around sharp corners, ridges or other
surface irregularities subjected to over magnetization.
5.11.3 Changes in Magnetic Characteristics
Configurations that result in a restriction of the magnetic field are a
cause of non-relevant indications. Internal notches such as splines,

threads, grooves or keyways are typical of such restrictive

Abrupt changes in magnetic properties, such as those between weld
metal and base metal or between two dissimilar base metals, result in
non-relevant indications. Changes in permeability in certain areas
can create leakage flux resulting in the formation of non-relevant
indications. Indications due to change in permeability are isolated cold
work, hard or soft spots, boundaries of heat treated sections and
segregation of alloying elements in a weld deposit.

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5.11.4 Others
If other indications are believed to be non-relevant, at least 10% of
each type of indication shall be evaluated by removing the surface
roughness or other conditions believed to have caused the indication,
to determine if defects are present. If defects are absenting upon re-
inspection by magnetic particle examination after removal of surface
roughness, it indicates that the patterns formed were non-relevant in
nature with respect to true defects. However, if re-inspection reveals
any indications, these and all original indications shall be considered
relevant and shall be evaluated in accordance with the applicable
acceptance standards.

5.12 Demagnetization
Since the method employs the usage of alternating magnetizing current as a
magnetizing force, residual magnetism shall not be appreciable enough to subject
the part being tested for demagnetization.
When the presence of residual magnetism within the part could interfere with
subsequent processing or usage, the part shall be demagnetized.
In general demagnetization is accomplished by subjecting the part to a field
equal to or greater than that used to magnetize the part, then continuously
reversing the field direction while gradually reducing it to zero. Any of the
following methods may be adapted to parts requiring demagnetization:
Alternating-current yokes may be used for local demagnetization by placing the
poles on the surface, moving them around the area, and slowly withdrawing the
A/C yoke while it is still energized.

The effectiveness of demagnetizing operations shall be verified using a

calibrated magnetic field meter. If the deflection of the meter pointer exceeds
more than 2 scale divisions (±2 gauss), the part shall be demagnetized within
these limits.

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5.13 Post Cleaning

When the examination has been completed the welds and the adjacent wet
affected areas shall be cleaned by flushing with solvent. Other suitable cleaning
techniques may be used if they will not interfere with subsequent requirements.
All residual magnetic particle materials shall be removed from the part in
accordance with project specific requirements.

6.1 Appendix – A Acceptance Criteria
6.2 Appendix – B Magnetic Particle Testing report format



1.1. Evaluation of Indications
An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection. Only indications with major
dimensions greater than 1/16 in. shall be considered relevant.
• A linear indication is one having a length greater than three times the width.
• A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with a length
equal to orless than three times its width.
• Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to
determine whetherthey are relevant or not.
1.2. Acceptance Standards
These acceptance standards shall apply unless other standards are specified for
specific applications within this Division. All surfaces to be examined shall free of:
• relevant linear indications.
• relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16 in. (4.8 mm);
• four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch
(1.6mm) or less(edge to edge);
• an indication of an imperfection may be larger than the imperfection that causes it;
however, the size of the indication is the basis for acceptance evaluation.

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2.1. Evaluation of Indications
• Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by the retention of the
examination medium. All indications are not necessarily defects, however certain
metallurgical discontinuities and magnetic permeability variations may produce
similar indications which are not relevant to the detection of unacceptable
• Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant shall be reexamined to verify
whether actual defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede the
reexamination. Nonrelevant indications which would mask indications of defects are
• Relevant indications are those which result from unacceptable mechanical
discontinuities. Linear indications are those indications in which the length is more
than three time the width. Rounded indications are indications which are circular or
elliptical with the length less than three times the with.
• An indication of a discontinuity may be larger than the discontinuity that causes it,
however, the size of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity is the basis
of acceptance or rejection.
2.2. Acceptance Standards
The following relevant indications are unacceptable.
• Any cracks or linear indications.
• Rounded indications with dimensions greater than 3/16 in. (5.0 mm).
• Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 in. (2.0 mm) or less
edge to edge.
• Ten or more rounded indications in any 6 sq in. (3870 mm2) of surface with the
major dimension of this area not to exceed 6 in. (150 mm) with the area taken in the
most unfavorable location relative to the indications being evaluated.


The Magnetic Particle Indication interpretation shall be as per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1.

4. Treatment of imperfections believed non-relevant

Any indication which is believed to be nonrelevant shall be regarded as an imperfection
unless it is shown by reexamination by the same method or using other nondestructive
methods and/or by surface conditioning that no unacceptable defect is present.

5. Examination of Areas from which defects have been removed

After a defect is thought to have been removed and prior to making weld repairs, the area
shall be examined by the same methods to ensure the defect has been removed by used
of the approved repair procedure.

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Citadel Engineering Company

Inspection Management

Muhammad Ikram 3
Chaitanya Vasanthavada 2 Shahriyar Majlesein
00 Ullah 1
28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016
Tulasiram Poppala 1 Jinagam Chakrapani 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017
01 July, 2017
Majid Faraji Shovay 1 Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
02 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019
07 November, 2019

1 Industrial Inspection Manager (AWS.CWS:1604001S) ISO 19011:2011 Lead Auditor

ASNT Level III (MT, PT, UT, RT, VT,ET) #174544
Chief Executive Director (CEO)- ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, , ISO 17025 Lead Assessor
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/PAUT/P/07-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company


Prepared by & Approved by No. of

Rev. Affected Sections Description Date & Date pages
0 Nil First Issue 15

COMPANY Doc. No. Prev. Rev. This Rev.

CEC[EN]-NDT/PAUT/P/07-01 - 02

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14 27
Appendix-B 31

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/PAUT/P/07-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

The purpose of this document is to provide the minimum requirements for testing the
components with Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing, which will be revised as and where
necessary to meet the specific contractual specifications and requirements of a
project and thus become a project specific procedure.
This procedure establishes the phased array ultrasonic examination requirements
which shall be used to examine carbon steel, Low alloy steel or Alloy steel plate and
pipe base materials and weldments. This procedure is intended to cover the method
and acceptance standard of the Semi-Automated Phased Array Ultrasonic
Examination of welding joints for piping and pipeline having outside diameter
minimum 6 inch and above and having wall thickness range minimum 6mm and
above. The examination shall be conducted using automated or semi-automated
techniques utilizing computer based data acquisition.


Guide lines for Certification of CEC Personnel as per SNT

1 CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01
– TC- 1A, 2011 edition
2 CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01 CEC’s Safety Manual
3 ASME Section V Article 4 Ultrasonic Examination Methods for Welds
4 ASME Sec VIII, Division.1 Pressure vessels
5 API-1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
6 ASME B 31.3 Code for Process Piping
7 ASME B 31.1 Code for Power Piping
8 ASME Sec-IX Welding & Brazing Code


4.1 Personnel performing examination to this procedure shall be qualified as per CEC
written practice for personnel qualification CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/09-01.
4.2 Personals performing scanning and acquire data shall be trained in the use if the
equipment. They shall demonstrate their ability to acquire examination data.
4.3 Set-up and scanning of welds shall be performed by personnel certified as Level II or
III in Phased Array technique.
4.4 Interpretation and evaluation of data shall be performed by Level II or III personnel.

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5.1 All the personnel performing Ultrasonic examination shall take necessary personnel
protective measures in accordance with CEC Procedure for General Safety.

6.1 Calibration Block:
The material from which the block is fabricated shall be of the same product form and
material specification or equivalent P-Number 1, 3, 4, 5A through 5C, and 15A through
15F materials are considered as one of the materials being examined. The basic
calibration block configuration and reflectors shall be as shown in Figure 1. The basic
calibration block curvature shall be in accordance with thickness, T, shall be ±25% of
the nominal thickness of the component to be examined. For examinations in
materials where the examination surface diameter is equal to or less than 20 in. (500
mm), a curved block shall be used. Except where otherwise stated in this Article, a
single curved basic calibration block may be used for examinations in the range of
curvature from 0.9 to 1.5 times the basic calibration block diameter.

Figure 1: Basic Calibration Block for Piping

General Notes:
 The minimum calibration block length (L) shall be 8 in (200mm) or 8T,
whichever is Greater
 For OD 4 in. (100mm) or less, the minimum arc length shall be 270 deg. For
OD greater than 4 in. (100mm), the minimum arc length shall be 8 in (200mm)
or 3 T, whichever is greater
 Notch depths shall be from 8% T minimum to 11% T maximum. Notch widths
shall be ¼ in.(6mm) maximum. Notch lengths shall be 1 in. (25mm) minimum

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 Maximum notch width is not critical. Notches may be made with EDM or with
end mills up to ¼ in. (6mm) in diameter
 Notch lengths shall be sufficient to provide for calibration with a minimum 3 to
1 signal-to-noise ratio.
6.2 Scanner Block: - System confirmation scan
The scanner block shall be scanned with the reference sensitivity settings and
reference reflector indications recorded, prior to start and at the completion of each
examination or series of examinations, when examination personnel (except for
automated equipment) are changed and if the scan plan is required to be modified.
The examination shall have deemed to be voided if any point of the TCG decreases
by 20% or 2 dB of its amplitude, or any point on the sweep line has moved more than
10% of the sweep division reading. If the situation arises, carry out a new system
calibration and repeat voided examinations and reexamine all indications recorded
since the valid calibration verification. The change in values if any shall be entered on
the applicable forms.
Note: The Basic calibration blocks can be used as Scanner blocks.
6.3 Demonstration Block and Procedure Qualification
The demonstration block material, curvature, surface finish, and heat treatment
conditions shall meet the requirements. The procedure shall have been demonstrated
to perform acceptably on a demonstration blocks. The demonstration block shall be
prepared by welding.
 The demonstration block thickness shall be within 25% of the thickness to be
 The weld joint geometry of the block shall be representative of the production
joint’s details.
 The demonstration block shall contain a minimum of three actual planar flaws
or three EDM notches oriented to simulate flaws parallel to the production
weld’s axis and major groove faces. The flaws shall be located at or adjacent
to the block’s groove face as follows.
a. One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the OD surface.
b. One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the ID surface.
c. One subsurface flaw.
d. When the scan plan to be utilized subdivides a weld into multiple
examination zones, a minimum of one flaw per zone is required.

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 Flaw size of the demonstration block shall be based on the block thickness.
 The Procedure demonstration shall be acceptable if only when all the flaws
are detected by the system and;
a. Recorded responses or imaged lengths as applicable exceed the specified
evaluation criteria as given in this procedure.
b. The flaws are sized as being equal to or greater than their actual size (i.e.
both length and height)
 The following information shall be recorded for each demonstration block used
with this procedure. The procedure number and the details of the object for
which the procedure is qualified. The demonstration block thickness, joint
geometry and flaw data (i.e. position in block, size (length& height),
Separation from the nearest surface, category (surface or subsurface).
a. Scanning sensitivity and search unit travel speed.
b. Qualification scan data
c. Flaw sizing data.
 The qualification data for each demonstration block shall be saved per
procedure being qualified and shall be available to the Inspector and Owner
along with necessary software copy to view the data.
 PAUT shall be performed in accordance with this written procedure. This
written procedure is based on the essential and non-essential variables
mentioned in Table-3 and Table-3A.
 The change of a requirement in Table - 3 & Table - 3A, identified as an
essential variable from the specified value or range of values shall require re-
qualification of the written procedure.
 The change of a requirement in Table 3&3A, identified as non-essential
variable from the specified value or range of values do not require re-
qualification of the written procedures.
 All the changes of essential or non-essential variable from the value or range
of values specified by this written procedure shall require revision.

6.4 One side examination:

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CITADEL Engineering Company

When, due to obstruction, the weld examination can only be performed from one side
from the weld axis and the demonstration block shall contain two sets of flaws, one
set on each side of the weld axis.


7.1 General Equipment:
A mechanical guided scanner capable of maintaining a fixed and consistent search
unit position relative to the weld centerline shall be used.
The Phased Array instrument shall be calibrated an annually, Omni Scan® is a pulse
echo type and is equipped with a calibrated dB gain or attenuation control stepped in
increments of 2dB or less. The Omni Scan contains 16 independents pulser / receiver
channels. The system is capable of generating the images B-scan, C-scan, S-scan
(sectorial scan) along with display of A-scan. Examination personnel may use a real-
time sectorial scan image during scanning to ensure that proper data has been
collected. Sectorial-scan images contain signal amplitude and reflector depth
information projected for the refracted angle of the ultrasonic beam. The on-board
focal law generation software permits direct modification of the ultrasonic
characteristics for performing either electronic linear scan (E-scans) or sectorial
scan(S-scan). The data storing capabilities of the system requires the use of an
external storage device, flash card or USB memory stick. A remote portable PC shall
also be connected.
In addition to data storage, the PC will also be used by the data-analysis personnel
for analyzing data subsequent to the completion of data collection. Data-display
software compatible to that residing on the Omni Scan phased array system shall also
be used for data play back.
7.1.1 Transducers:
Ultrasonic transducer configurations are specified by the technique used for
the examination. 1D linear phased array probe used in this procedure may
include from 10 to128 elements. The probe frequency shall be between 2 MHz
and 10 MHz depending upon material type and thickness.
7.1.2 Wedges:
Phased array wedges should be of a design to accommodate the above-
mentioned phase array probes. Nominal refracted wedge angles shall be 45,
55, 60 or 70 degrees to ensure coverage of the weld and heat affected zone.
Wedges shall have provision of irrigation holes and carbides for couplant flow.

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7.1.3 Couplant:
Couplant shall be of a type acceptable to the client and shall be non-corrosive,
non-irritant, and easy to clean off the component and leave no residue. It may
be in the form of water with a small amount of wetting agent to enhance
consistent contact, applied by means of plastic tubing and irrigated probe
wedges, or a paste or gel applied by brush.
7.2 Phased Array system calibration:
Calibration shall be performed from the surface of the calibration block which
corresponds to the component surface to be examined. System calibrations shall
include the complete ultrasonic examination system.
Screen distance calibration shall be at least 2T + 10%T (True Depth mode) minimum.
The system calibration information shall be recorded on the ultrasonic data report
form used in Omni scan®. During scanning, only the gain may be adjusted from the
calibrated reference dB Adjustment of other controls requires recalibration.
7.2.1 Velocity calibration:
The Omni Scan shall be calibrated for the velocity with reference to the
selected material. The 100mm Radius of the V1 Block is used in the sound
path mode and multiple reflected signals are generated and by placing the
gate in the appropriate position in the two signals will automatically calibrate
the velocity and the Omni scan sets the velocity.

Figure2: Velocity Calibration for S-scans

7.2.2 Wedge delay calibration:
The wedge delay calibration shall be carried out for both linear scan as well
as sectorial scan. The wedge delay calibration shall be carried out in true
depth mode and done with a known reflector depth. Peak up this signal from
the calibration reflector and scan the phased array probe backwards through
all the different angles or focal laws. Scan forward over the calibration reflector
through all the refracted angles of focal laws. When the signal for all angles

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CITADEL Engineering Company

and focal laws lies within the threshold, the omni scan system shall adjust all
the focal laws/angles to display the reflector’s true depth.

Figure 3: wedge delay calibration

7.2.3 Sensitivity calibration:
The Omni scan® shall be calibrated for wedge delay and sensitivity. The
sensitivity calibration shall provide the required gain adjustments for each
refracted angle and sound path used. Select a calibration reflector, which is
approximately one-half the thickness of the component to be examined, or
within the zone of the material to be examined. Pickup this signal from the
calibration reflector and scan the phased array probe backwards through all
the different angles of focal laws. The Omni scan system shall calculate their
acquired gain needed at each focal law to adjust the amount of gain required
to obtain the sensitivity.

Figure 4: Sensitivity Calibration.

The Sensitivity response (amplitude response) from each focal law provides a
uniform amplitude response to the calibration reflector. As the operator moves
the probe back and forth over a calibration reference reflector, unit software

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CITADEL Engineering Company

automatically adjusts gain to the prescribed amplitude 80%with +/-5%

tolerance limit. The horizontal scale is the Virtual Probe Aperture (VPA) which
defines the group of elements i.e. focal law that is sequenced in the scan.
These focal laws are either linear or sectorial depending on whether E-scan
or S-scans is being calibrated.
7.2.4 Time corrected Gain (TCG) calibration:
Time corrected gain calibration shall be used to compensate for attenuation in
the material at the sound paths used during calibration and examination. To
obtain the TCG calibration peak the signal from the ID notch at half skip
distance and adjust the gain to obtain 80% of amplitude from the reflector.
Place the phased array probe perpendicular to the notch axis. Move the
phased array probe forward and backward to equal the amplitude for all the
focal laws and angles and plot the first point. Move the probe to the OD notch
and obtain the second point. Omni Scan users the gain compensation required
due to attenuation in the sound travel and adjust the gain for all focal
Once again, the phased array probe is moved to the ID notch and located at
a skip distance equal to 1.5 skip distance and repeat the same procedure as
carried out in obtaining the first and second point. Once all the points are
picked the TCG can be accepted. TCG calibration has to be carried out for all
scan plans in a multi group option while using phased array probe. TCG may
be plotted using IOW Blocks having 1.6 mm SDH at appropriate depth. The
examination system calibration shall be stored in the Omni Scan System with
electronic memory, on an external chip or data storage device. This calibration
may be used at a later date provided that data provided that the system
calibration is verified prior to the examination.
7.3 Encoder Calibration:
Encoder is used to record the Scan data which is hooked to the scanner (HSMT Flex)
(fig.5). Encoder calibration shall be carried out for step resolution for data acquisition.
The encoder shall be connected to the Omni Scan equipment and the calibration
wizard shall be used to calibrate the encoder. Through the menu wizard set up, all
the parameters are needed to enter and the encoder is made to scroll on a pre-
determined known length. After reaching from position A to B as shown below the
calibration shall be accepted by presetting the origin and the length of travel. This

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would result in number of steps/mm value for the attached encoder thus giving true
length of scan. A maximum resolution of 1mm shall be set for and be used between
A-scans collected for thickness under 75mm. A 2mm resolution shall be used for
thicknesses more than and equal to 75mm. Scanning speed will be limited by
mechanical ability to maintain acoustic coupling and by the system’s electronic ability
to ensure full wave forms are captured without missing data points. Missing of data
lines shall not exceed 5% of the total acquisition with adjacent data shall not be
missed. Omni Scan equipment has the capability of rewriting the data while observed
loss of data. The encoder is retrieved back to home position whenever data is missed.
Missing data is represented by dark black lines in the C-scan display.

Figure 5: Encoder Calibration

7.4 Calibration check
A calibration check shall be performed at interval not to exceed one month or prior to
first use thereafter, by moving the encoder minimum distance of 20 in (500mm). The
display distance shall be within 1% of the actual distance moved.
8.1 Contact surfaces
The finished contact surface should be free from weld spatter and any roughness that
could interfere with free movement of the scanning unit or the transmission of
ultrasonic vibrations.
8.2 Weld surfaces
The weld surface should be free of irregularities that could mask or cause reflections
from defect to go undetected and should merge smoothly in to the adjacent base
materials. Surface conditions, which do not meet these requirements, shall be
recorded as limitations on the ultrasonic examination data report form.
8.3 Examination:
a. The initial straight beam scan for reflectors that could interfere with the angle
beam examination shall be performed (a) manually, (b) as part of a previous

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manufacturing process, or (c) during the weld examination, provided detection

of these reflectors is included in the demonstration as required.
b. The examination area shall include the volume of the weld, plus the lesser of
25mm (1.0 in.) or t of adjacent base metal. Alternatively, the examination
volume may be reduced to include the actual heat affected zone (HAZ) plus
6mm (0.25 in.) of base material beyond the heat affected zone on each side
of the weld, provided the extent of the weld HAZ is measured and
c. Scanning may be performed at reference level provided the procedure
qualification was performed at reference level.
8.4 Straight Beam (Lamination Scan) Examination
The initial straight beam material examination (T-464.1.4 of Section V, Article 4) is to
be performed only in cases where the Client requests it due to the lamination scan
not being performed as part of the pipe manufacturing process. If a lamination scan
is specifically requested to be performed by the Client.
8.5 Parallel Scan Examination:
Scanning sensitivity shall be 6 dB above the reference level used to create the TCG
a. A mechanical scanner shall be used wherever possible to ensure the probe
travels in a straight line along the weld axis, ensuring the search unit index
offset distance does not change at any point throughout the scan
b. A dual probe configuration shall be used wherever possible, with the second
probe on the opposite side of the weld
c. An encoder must be used wherever possible to record all A-scan data from all
parallel scans
d. Place the search unit at the starting position of the scan, with the search unit
directing sound essentially perpendicular to the weld axis
e. The front of the search unit shall be set at the correct offset distance from the
weld centerline, as define in the Scan Plan. If a different offset distance is
used, it is to be noted on the Phased Array Examination Report
f. Move the search unit alongside the weld with the encoder active and
recording. The scan speed shall not exceed 50 mm/s
g. Scan the complete circumference of the weld, as well as an additional 25 mm
of overlap past the scan start position

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h. Scanning speed shall be such that data drop-out is less than 5% of the scan
length with no adjacent data line skips
i. Search unit contact must be maintained throughout the entire scan. If contact
is lost due to component geometry or obstructions, this must be noted on the
8.6 Reflectors transverse to the weld seam
As alternate to the line scanning, a manual angle beam examination may be
performed for reflectors transverse to the weld axis. MUT result shall be reported on
the PAUT report.
Array Data Report
Save the data file under an appropriate file name which is unique for that weld only
Perform the examination from both sides of the weld, where practical, or from one
side as a minimum. All examination volume limitations shall be documented on the
Phased Array Data Report
Calibration must be checked periodically as stated in the calibration requirements. If
any deviations from the last acceptable calibration are noted, all welds examined to
the last acceptable calibration shall be re-examined
Where access is restricted to a one-sided inspection for the mechanical scanner but
access allows for manual scanning of the opposite side manual scanning shall be
carried out so long as the offset requirements of the Examination Strategy are met
Where access is restricted to a one-sided inspection an additional first leg scan shall
be carried out for the detection of far side fusion defects allowable by weld geometry
for probe/beam positioning.

Figure6: Parallel Scan Configuration

8.7 Examination Coverage and Scanning Technique:

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The specifics of the examination volume, weld definition and location shall be
identified in the scan plan. As a minimum, each linear scan of the phased array
probes shall overlap a minimum of 10% length of the probe wedge along the direction
of the scan. Details of each weld joint configuration of equal or unequal wall thickness
shall be drawn in actual scale to show full beam coverage of weld inspection and
included in the scan plans.
The scan plan shall demonstrate by plotting or with using a computer simulation the
appropriate examination angles for the weld preparation bevel angles that will be used
during the examination. This scan plan shall be documented to show that the
examination volume was examined. This scan plan shall be a part of the final
examination report.
Omni Scan® system has the capability of using multiple-group settings to establish
sector scans and E-scans for the appropriate angles to ensure complete coverage of
the weld and heat affected zone. Scanning shall be performed using a Line scan
technique. Each line scan shall be parallel to the weld using a sectorial scan (S-scan)
and /or a linear scan as shown in fig. 7.
Appropriate refracted angle as accepted by ASME will define the positions of the
arrays and hence angles. These should be detailed in the ultrasonic scan plan. A
minimum of One/two (2) line scans shall be performed from the center of the weld
from both sides of the weld where practical to ensure coverage of the weld and heat
affected zone (HAZ) depends of the thickness.
Scans shall be parallel to the weld at 90º- and 270º scan axes and the multiple groups
scanning shall involve both the above directions for complete coverage of the weld.
The speed of scanning shall be decided in combination with no of groups created in
the set-up file coupled with encoder for automated data acquisition.
For manual PAUT without assisted by an encoder, the movement shall not exceed
150mm/sec. Manual ultrasonic weld testing shall be performed at a scanning
sensitivity of DAC/TCG reference sensitivity plus 6dB minimum. All indications that
exceed 50% of DAC/TCG screen height shall be evaluated.
Evaluation sensitivity for manual ultrasonic weld testing should be DAC/TCG
reference sensitivity plus 6dB with an evaluation level for all indications at 50% of
DAC/TCG screen height.

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Figure 7: Line scanning using PAUT

After the reference sensitivity, and evaluation sensitivity and levels have been
established, they shall be qualified, and then incorporated into the final procedure and
in the final qualification report.
8.8 Documentation:
PA results shall be presented in A, B, C,D or S form with the horizontal axis of the
image representing the distance along the weld axis and the vertical axis of the image
representing the through wall dimension. Once all datable indication data has been
collected, viewing and sizing shall be carried out using the applicable cursors on the
PA unit or saved and analyzed on remote PC using Tomoview software associated
with Omni scan equipment. Figure 8 shows the schematic representation of defect
for all the three scans.

Figure 8: Schematic Diagram showing.

Results of ultrasonic examination shall be reported on the Omni Scan Data Report
form used in the software. All Phased array examination data for each recordable
indication, A-, B-, C- and S-scans shall be saved as a report file.
The examiner shall record the results of the examination on the Omni Scan Data
Report Form. All recordable indications shall be documented on the examination

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report. . All the columns in the report format should be completed with appropriate
data or “NA”

Only Trained Level II - UT operators with hands on training Omni Scan shall calibrate
and carry out inspection. Only personnel certified Level II or III in Ultrasonic testing
along with knowledge of phased array and Omni Scan equipment shall evaluate the
results of ultrasonic examinations for acceptance.
Data shall be recorded in the unprocessed form with no thresholding.


10.1 Reflectors exceeding the limits below shall be investigated to determine
whether the indication originates from a flaw or is a geometric indication in
accordance with (10.2) below.
10.2 For amplitude based techniques, the location, amplitude, and extent of all
reflectors that produce a response greater than 20% of the reference level shall
be investigated.
10.3 For non-amplitude based techniques, the location and extent of all images that
have an indicated length greater than 4.0mm (0.16 in.) Shall be investigated.
10.4 Ultrasonic indications of geometric and/or metallurgical origin shall be
classified as specified in ASME Section V, Article 4 Paragraph T-481.
10.5 Alternatively, other techniques or NDE methods may be used to classify an
indication as geometric (e.g., alternative beam angles, radiography). The method
employed is for information only to classify the indication as geometric, and ASME
B31.3 requirements for examination techniques are only required to the extent
they are applicable.


11.1 The dimension of the flaw(s) shall be determined by the rectangle that fully
contains the area of the flaw(s). (Refer to Fig. 9).
 The length, ℓ, of the flaw shall be drawn parallel to the inside pressure
retaining surface of the component.
 The height, h, of the flaw shall be drawn normal to the inside pressure
retaining surface of the component.
 The flaw shall be characterized as a surface or subsurface flaw, as shown
in Figure 9.

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 A subsurface indication shall be considered as a surface flaw if the

separation (S in Figure 9)) of the indication from the nearest surface of the
component is equal to or less than half the through wall dimension (h in
Figure 1, sketch [b]) of the subsurface indication.
11.2 Multiple Flaws:
 Discontinuous flaws that are oriented primarily in parallel planes shall be
considered to lie in a single plane if the distance between the adjacent
planes is equal to or less than 13mm (0.50 in.) or 0.5t, whichever is less.
 If the space between two flaws aligned along the axis of weld is less than
the height of the flaw of greater height, the two flaws shall be considered
a single flaw.
 If the space between two flaws aligned in the through-thickness dimension
is less than the height of the flaw of greater height, the two flaws shall be
considered a single flaw.


Acceptance / Rejection of ultrasonic inspection of welds shall be as per ASME B31.3
code case 181-2. Imperfections which produce a response greater than 20% of the
reference level shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can determine the
shape, identity, and location of all such imperfections and evaluate them. In any case
flaw length shall not exceed 4t regardless of height for above 25mm thickness.
12.1 Flaw Acceptance for less than 25mm Thickness:
A linear-type discontinuity is unacceptable if the amplitude of the indication
exceeds the reference level and its length exceeds:
(a) 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) for t ≤ 19 mm (3⁄4 in.).
(b) t/3 for 19 mm < t ≤ 57 mm (2 1⁄4 in.).
(c) 19 mm for t > 57 mm.

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12.2 Flaw Acceptance for equal or greater than 25mm Thickness:

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Figure 9: Surface and Sub surface indications

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12.3 Classification of Indications (API-1104):

Indications produced by ultrasonic testing are not necessarily defects.
Changes in the weld geometry due to alignment offset of abutting pipe ends,
changes in weld reinforcement profile of I.D. root and O.D. capping passes,
internal chamfering, and ultrasonic wave mode conversion due to such
conditions may cause geometric indications that are similar to those caused
by weld imperfections but that are not relevant to acceptability.
Linear indications are defined as indications with their greatest dimension in
the weld length direction. Typical linear indications may be caused by, but are
not limited to, the following types of imperfections: inadequate penetration
without high-low (IP), inadequate penetration due to high-low (IPD),
inadequate cross penetration (ICP), incomplete fusion (IF), incomplete fusion
due to cold lap (IFD), elongated slag inclusion (ESI), cracks (C), undercutting
adjacent to the cover pass (EU) or root pass (IU), and hollow bead porosity
Transverse indications are defined as indications with their greatest
dimension across the weld. Typical transverse indications may be caused by,
but are not limited, to the following types of imperfections: cracks (C), isolated
slag inclusions (ISI), and incomplete fusion due to cold lap (IFD) at start/stops
in the weld passes.
Volumetric indications are defined as three-dimensional indications. Such
indications may be caused by single or multiple inclusions, voids, or pores.
Partially-filled voids, pores, or small inclusions at start/stops in weld passes
may cause larger indications in the transverse direction than in the weld length
direction. Typical volumetric indications may be caused by, but are not limited
to, the following types of imperfections: internal concavity (IC), burn-through
(BT), isolated slag inclusions (ISI), porosity (P), and cluster porosity (CP).
Relevant indications are those caused by imperfections. Relevant
indications shall be evaluated at the evaluation level 80% (parent material
scanning) to the acceptance standards given in 12.4. Note: When doubt exists
about the type of imperfection being disclosed by an indication, verification
may be obtained by using other non-destructive testing methods.

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12.4 Acceptance Standards:

12.4.1 Indications shall be considered defects should any of the following conditions
 Indications determined to be cracks (C).
 Individual indications with a vertical height (through-wall) dimension
determined to be greater than one quarter of the wall thickness.
 Multiple indications at the same circumferential location with a
summed vertical height (through-wall) dimension exceeding one half
the wall thickness.
12.4.2 Linear surface (LS) indications (other than cracks) interpreted to be open to
the I.D. or O.D. surface shall be considered defects should any of the
following conditions exist:
 The aggregate length of LS indications in any continuous 12 in. (300
mm) length of weld exceeds 1 in. (25 mm).
 The aggregate length of LS Indications exceeds 8% of the weld length.
12.4.3 Linear buried (LB) indications (other than cracks) interpreted to be
subsurface within the weld and not I.D. or O.D. surface-connected shall be
considered defects should any of the following conditions exist:
 The aggregate length of LB indications in any continuous 12 in. (300
mm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
 The aggregate length of LB indications exceeds 8% of the weld length.
12.4.4 Transverse (T) indications (other than cracks) shall be considered
volumetric and evaluated using the criteria for volumetric indications. The
letter T shall be used to designate all reported transverse indications.
12.4.5 Volumetric cluster (VC) indications shall be considered defects when the
maximum dimension of VC indications exceeds 1/2 in. (13 mm).
12.4.6 Volumetric individual (VI) indications shall be considered defects when
the maximum dimension of VI indications exceeds 1/8 in. (3 mm).
12.4.7 Volumetric root (VR) indications interpreted to be open to the I.D. surface
shall be considered defects should any of the following conditions exist:
 The maximum dimension of VR indications exceeds 1/4 in. (6 mm) or
the nominal wall thickness, whichever is less.
 The total length of VR indications exceeds 1/2 in. (13 mm) in any
continuous 12 in. (300 mm) length.

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CITADEL Engineering Company

12.4.8 Any accumulation of relevant indications (AR) shall be considered a defect

when any of the following conditions exist:
 The aggregate length of indications above evaluation level exceeds 2
in. (50 mm) in any 12 in. (300 mm) length of weld.
 The aggregate length of indications above evaluation level exceeds
8% of the weld length.

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CITADEL Engineering Company


Sr. Essential Non-Essential

No. Variable Variables

Weld Configuration to be examined, including thickness

1 X
dimensions and base material product form (pipe, plate etc)

2 The surface from which the examination shall be performed X

3 Instrument setting and scanning data X
Technique(s) (Straight beam, angle beam, contact, and / or
4 X
immersion )
5 Angle (s) and mode(s) of wave propagation in the material X
Search unit type (s), frequency (ies), and element size (s) / shape
6 X
7 Special unit search units, wedges, shoes or saddles, when used X
8 Ultrasonic instrument (s) X
9 Instrument Software X
10 Calibration (Calibration block (s) and technique (s) X
11 Direction, Selection and extent of scanning X
12 Scanning (manual vs. automatic) X
13 Scanning Speed X
14 Method for discriminating geometric from flaw indications X
15 Method for sizing indications (length & Height) X
16 Computer enhanced data acquisition, when used X
17 Scan overlap (decrease only) X
18 Personnel Qualification Requirements X
19 Surface Condition (Examination surface, Calibration block) X
20 Couplant: Brand name or type X
21 Automatic alarm and or recording equipment, when applicable X
Records, including minimum calibration data to be recorded (eg.
21 X
Instrument setting)
22 Personnel Performance requirements (when required) X
23 Search unit mechanical fixturing device(manufacturer and model) X
24 Scanner and adhering and guiding mechanism X

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 See Appendix-A for Scan Plan


For each ultrasonic examination, the following information shall be recorded:
 Procedure identification and revision
 Ultrasonic instrument identification (including manufacturer’s serial number)
 Search unit(s) identification (including manufacturer’s serial number, frequency,
and size); beam angle(s) used
 Couplant used, brand name or type
 Calibration block identification
 Instrument reference level gain and, if used, damping and reject setting(s)
 Calibration data [including reference reflector(s), indication amplitude(s), and
distance reading(s)]
 Identification and location of weld or volume scanned
 Surface(s) from which examination was conducted, including surface condition,
map or record of reject able indications detected or areas cleared
 Examination personnel identity and, when required by referencing code section,
qualification level
 Date of examination Disk number
 Procedure number and revision number.
 Personnel archiving data
 Inspection type
 Disk out date and personnel signature
 Disk returned date and personnel signature
 A CD/DVD containing all the raw data and calibration scans shall be furnished to
the proponent with final report.
 See attachment – I &II for scan plan & sample report.

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CITADEL Engineering Company


NDT Setup Builder Report

Report Date Report Version Setup File Name Inspection Date Inspection Version Save Mode
2015 / 04 / 08 NDT SetupBuilder 1.0R6 ITIS 30mm SCAN PLAN.wkb N/A NDT SetupBuilder 1.0R6 Setup
OmniScan Type OmniScan Serial # Module Type Module Serial # Calibration Due Data File Name


Probe Probe Model Wedge Model Reverse Skew Scan Offset Index Offset PCS Pulser Connection Receiver Connection
Probe1 5L64-A2 SA2-N55S 5L64 Forward 90.0° 0.0 mm -25.0 mm N/A 1 N/A
probe2 5L64-A2 SA2-N55S 5L64 Forward 270.0° 0.0 mm 25.0 mm N/A 65 N/A


Probe Characterization

Probe Model Probe Serial #

5L64-A2 N/A
Probe Frequency Peak Frequency Wedge Model Wedge Angle Probe Aperture
5.00 Mhz N/A SA2-N55S 5L64 36.0° 38.4 mm

Lower Frequency Higher Frequency Center Frequency Bandwidth (MHz) Bandwidth (%)

-6 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

-20 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Time Procedure Calibration Block Characterization Gain A%


A:41.00 Sk:090 L:001
Beam Delay Start (True Depth) Range (True Depth) PRF Type Averaging Factor
0.0 µs N/A N/A N/A PA Linear N/A
Scale Type Scale Factor Video Filter Pretrig. Rectification Band-Pass Filter
Voltage Gain Mode Wave Type Sound Velocity Pulse Width
N/A N/A PulseEcho SW 3240 m/s N/A

Scan Offset Index Offset Skew

0.0 mm -25.0 mm 90.0°

Gate Start Width Threshold Synchro

1 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Element Qty. Used First Element Last Element Resolution Wave Type Material Velocity

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16 1 N/A N/A SW 3240 m/s

Start Angle Stop Angle Angle Resolution Focal Depth Law Configuration
41.0° 68.0° 1.0° 50.0 mm Sectorial


Probe Characterization

Probe Model Probe Serial #

5L64-A2 N/A
Probe Frequency Peak Frequency Wedge Model Wedge Angle Probe Aperture
5.00 Mhz N/A SA2-N55S 5L64 36.0° 38.4 mm

Lower Frequency Higher Frequency Center Frequency Bandwidth (MHz) Bandwidth (%)

-6 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

-20 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Time Procedure Calibration Block Characterization Gain A%


A:56.00 Sk:090 L:001
Beam Delay Start (True Depth) Range (True Depth) PRF Type Averaging Factor
0.0 µs N/A N/A N/A PA Linear N/A
Scale Type Scale Factor Video Filter Pretrig. Rectification Band-Pass Filter
Voltage Gain Mode Wave Type Sound Velocity Pulse Width
N/A N/A PulseEcho SW 3240 m/s N/A

Scan Offset Index Offset Skew

0.0 mm -25.0 mm 90.0°

Gate Start Width Threshold Synchro

1 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Element Qty. Used First Element Last Element Resolution Wave Type Material Velocity
16 17 63 1 SW 3240 m/s
Start Angle Stop Angle Angle Resolution Focal Depth Law Configuration
56.0° N/A N/A 50.0 mm Linear


Probe Characterization

Probe Model Probe Serial #

5L64-A2 N/A
Probe Frequency Peak Frequency Wedge Model Wedge Angle Probe Aperture
5.00 Mhz N/A SA2-N55S 5L64 36.0° 38.4 mm

Lower Frequency Higher Frequency Center Frequency Bandwidth (MHz) Bandwidth (%)

-6 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

-20 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Time Procedure Calibration Block Characterization Gain A%


A:41.00 Sk:270 L:001
Beam Delay Start (True Depth) Range (True Depth) PRF Type Averaging Factor
0.0 µs N/A N/A N/A PA Linear N/A
Scale Type Scale Factor Video Filter Pretrig. Rectification Band-Pass Filter

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Voltage Gain Mode Wave Type Sound Velocity Pulse Width

N/A N/A PulseEcho SW 3240 m/s N/A

Scan Offset Index Offset Skew

0.0 mm 25.0 mm 270.0°

Gate Start Width Threshold Synchro

1 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Element Qty. Used First Element Last Element Resolution Wave Type Material Velocity
16 1 N/A N/A SW 3240 m/s
Start Angle Stop Angle Angle Resolution Focal Depth Law Configuration
41.0° 68.0° 1.0° 50.0 mm Sectorial


Probe Characterization

Probe Model Probe Serial #

5L64-A2 N/A
Probe Frequency Peak Frequency Wedge Model Wedge Angle Probe Aperture
5.00 Mhz N/A SA2-N55S 5L64 36.0° 38.4 mm

Lower Frequency Higher Frequency Center Frequency Bandwidth (MHz) Bandwidth (%)

-6 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

-20 dB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Time Procedure Calibration Block Characterization Gain A%


A:56.00 Sk:270 L:001
Beam Delay Start (True Depth) Range (True Depth) PRF Type Averaging Factor
0.0 µs N/A N/A N/A PA Linear N/A
Scale Type Scale Factor Video Filter Pretrig. Rectification Band-Pass Filter
Voltage Gain Mode Wave Type Sound Velocity Pulse Width
N/A N/A PulseEcho SW 3240 m/s N/A

Scan Offset Index Offset Skew

0.0 mm 25.0 mm 270.0°

Gate Start Width Threshold Synchro

1 N/A N/A N/A N/A




Element Qty. Used First Element Last Element Resolution Wave Type Material Velocity
16 17 63 1 SW 3240 m/s
Start Angle Stop Angle Angle Resolution Focal Depth Law Configuration
56.0° N/A N/A 50.0 mm Linear


Material Shape Thickness

STEEL, MILD Plate 30.0 mm


Root Height Root Angle Land Height Land Offset Hot Pass Bevel Hot Pass Height Hot Pass Angle Fill Height Fill Angle
2.0 mm 0.0° 4.0 mm 3.0 mm V 4.0 mm 30.0° 20.0 mm 30.0°

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Muhammad Ikram Chaitanya

Shahriyar Majlesein 3
00 Ullah 1 Vasanthavada 2 28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016 28 January, 2016
Tulasiram Poppala 1 Jinagam Chakrapani 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017
Majid Faraji Shovay 1 Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
02 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019
03 Arun G. Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 December, 2021 05 December 2021 08 December 2021

1 Industrial
Inspection Manager (AWS.CWS:1604001S) ISO 19011:2011 Lead Auditor
ASNT Level III (MT, PT, UT, RT, VT,ET) #174544
Chief Executive Director (CEO)- ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, , ISO 17025 Lead Assessor

Doc No : CEC[EN]-NDT/P/01-01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

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Amendment Record

Prepared by & Approved by No. of

Rev. Affected Sections Description Date & Date pages
0 Nil First Issue 35

COMPANY Doc. No. Prev. Rev. This Rev.

CEC[EN]-NDT/P/02-01 02 03

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Appendix-1 Radiographic testing Report format 17
Appendix-2 Technique Sheets 18

Appendix-3 Acceptance/Rejection Criteria

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CITADEL Engineering Company


The purpose of this document is to provide the minimum requirements for the
radiographic examination (X-Ray & Gamma – Ray) of welds, which will be revised as
and where necessary to meet the specific contractual specifications and requirements
of a project and thus become a project specific procedure.


This procedure establishes the uniform requirements for radiographic examination of

weldments. The materials intended are carbon steel, Alloy steel and stainless steel.
These requirements are intended to control the quality of the radiographic images and
are intended for controlling acceptability or quality of welds. This procedure not
applicable for forgings and castings.


ASME Section-V (2019 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Non-Destructive
Edition) Article 2 Examination

2 ASTM E-94 Standard guide for Radiographic Testing

Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiography

3 ASTM E-142
Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic
4 ASTM E-747
Testing using Wire type IQI
ASNT SNT TC – 1A Recommended practice for NDT personnel Qualification
2020 & Certification.
Standard for Qualification and Certification of NDE
6 ASNT CP-189
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
7 ASME Section VIII Div 1
8 ASME B31.3 (2020) Process Piping

9 CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01 Guide lines for Certification of CEC Personnel as per

ASNT / SNT / TC / 1A
10 CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01 CEC’s Safety Manual

11 CEC[EN]-NDT/P/02-02 CEC’s Radiation Safety Manual

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4.1 ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers

4.2 ASTM American Standard for Testing Materials

4.3 HSE Health Safety and Environment

4.4 NDE Non-Destructive Examination
4.5 NDT Non-Destructive Testing
4.6 IQI Image Quality Indicator
4.7 QCP Quality Control Procedure
4.8 RT Radiographic Testing
4.9 RFI Radiographic Film Interpretation



All personnel performing radiographic inspection shall hold a currently valid


Personnel involved in performing, interpreting and evaluating Radiographic

examination to this procedure shall be qualified to RT Level II minimum in
accordance with CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01 which is in compliance with the
requirements of Latest Editions of ASNT-SNT-TC-1A and CP 189.

Interpretation and evaluation of radiographs shall be qualified personnel RT level II

or RT-III only.


All Personnel carrying out Radiography works to this procedure shall ensure that
they follow safe working practices in compliance with the requirements of CEC’S
Safety Manual &CEC’s Radiation Safety Manual& PTW and authorization certificate.


The welds shall be prepared only to the extent necessary that the resulting
radiographic image due to any irregularities shall not mask or be confused with the
image of any discontinuity in the weld area. The finished surface of all butt-welded
joints may be flush with base material or may have reasonably uniform crowns. If
the weld is ground flush with the adjacent base material, arrows or letter "V's" shall
be placed ¼ inch away from the edge of weld opposite to the film location markers
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at the extremities of the film in the area of examination.

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Source: Selection of appropriate source is dependent upon variables regarding the

weld being examined (material composition and thickness). The suitability of the
source shall be demonstrated by attaining the required IQI sensitivity and complying
with all other requirements stipulated herein (film density and in area of interest,
density tolerances etc.) The source shall be either X-ray or Gamma Ray (Ir-192).

The X-ray Machine used shall have adequate voltage and radiation output. The focal
spot size shall not exceed 3 mm x 3 mm. For the verification of source size, the
manufacturer’s certificate documenting the actual physical source size shall be
Other Accessories:
 Standard Control Units with Guide tubes for Gamma projector
 Control Panel for X-ray Tubes
 Power Generator for X-ray tubes
 Collimator & Lead Sheets
 Survey Meter
 Dosimeter
 Radiation Warning Placards
 Cordoning Rope
 Lead Markers
 Indelible Markers
 Measuring Tape
 Elastic
 Image Quality Indicator (IQI) also called Penetrameter
 Dark Room Accessories & Consumables
All the Survey meters/Dosimeters/Monitoring Equipment’s shall be calibrated once in
a year and following any repair. Copy of Calibration certificate shall accompany the
equipment/survey meter at all times.


IQI shall be of wire type and shall be manufactured & identified in accordance with
the specific contractual specification requirement and appendices. Radiography

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shall be performed with a correct technique of sufficient sensitivity to display the

designated wire of the penetrameter.
IQI materials shall be selected from either the same alloy groups or grades as identified in
SE1025 or SE 747
ASTM/Deutsche Standard (DIN 54109 – Part1) Wire Type IQI shall be used to

Wire Diameters, in. (mm)

Set A Wir Set B Wire Set C Wir Set D Wire
e e
0.0032 1 0.010 6 0.032 11 0.100 16
(0.08) (0.25) (0.81) (2.5)
0.004 (0.1) 2 0.013 7 0.040 12 0.126 17
(0.33) (1.02) (3.2)
0.005 3 0.016 8 0.050 13 0.160 18
(0.13) (0.4) (1.27) (4.06)
0.0063 4 0.020 9 0.063 14 0.20 (5.1) 19
(0.16) (0.51) (1.6)
0.008 (0.2) 5 0.025 10 0.080 15 0.25 (6.4) 20
(0.64) (2.03)
0.010 6 0.032 11 0.100 16 0.32 (8) 21
(0.25) (0.81) (2.5)

Determine Radiographic Sensitivity.

ASTM wire type IQIs are available in four sets each containing 6 wires of various

Diameters. The details are given in the below table

DIN wire type are three sets, each containing 7 wires of various thickness. They are
as given below:
1 ISO 7
3.20 2.50 2.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 0.80

6 ISO 12
DIAMETER OF WIRE (mm) 1.00 0.80 0.63 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25

10 ISO 16
DIAMETER OF WIRE (mm) 0.40 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.125 0.1

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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I.Q.I. selection shall be based on the nominal wall thickness of the base material
plus the reinforcement. Internal protrusions of single level welds, backing rings or
strips shall be disregarded in the selection of the required IQI wire size.
Reinforcement shall be based on estimated measurement and not actual
measurement. In general, the following shall apply:

Panoramic, Single Wall – Single image and Double wall – Single image
techniques, the required wire sizes shall be based on the single wall thickness plus
one reinforcement where such reinforcement is not ground off;
Double Wall – Double Image (Elliptical technique) – The required wire size shall
be based on two wall thickness plus one reinforcement where such reinforcement is
not ground off.

Double wall – Double image (Superimposed Technique) – The required wire size
shall be based on two wall thickness plus two reinforcements where such
reinforcements are not ground off.

For welds without reinforcement, the required wire size shall be based on the
nominal single wall thickness or double wall thickness for double wall double viewing

Placement of IQI: The IQIs shall be placed on source side of the weld so that the
length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. In those cases where
the physical placement of IQI on the source side is not possible, the IQI shall be
placed on the film side. If the IQI is placed on the film side, it shall always
accompany a lead letter “F” at least as high as the IQI identification numbers. Only
that portion of the weld adjacent to the film when the IQI is placed on the film side of
the object being radiographed, shall be viewed for acceptance for the radiographic
technique. This includes 3 ½” and under piping. The identification numbers and,
when used, the lead letter “F” shall not be in the area of interest.

Number of IQI(s): One IQI shall represent an area within which radiographic
densities are not less than 15% from that measured through the body of the IQI. At
least one IQI shall be present on the radiograph except as noted below:

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a. When film density, in the area of interest varies by more than minus 15% or
plus 30% from the density adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI.
b. At least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph except for Double
wall Single image or Single wall single image techniques requiring multiple
exposures for complete inspection of weld, and where the length of the film
to be interpreted is greater than 10” two IQIs placed across the weld and
perpendicular to the weld length shall be used. One shall be within 1 inch of
the end of the film length and the other shall be at the centre of the film to be
interpreted. When the film length to be interpreted is 5inches or less, one IQI
shall be placed across the weld and perpendicular to the weld length at the
center to be interpreted.
c. If more than one IQI is used because of density requirements, one shall be
placed in the lightest area of interest and the other in the darkest area of
interest. The intervening densities on the radiograph shall be considered as
having acceptable density if the required wire is visible in each IQI.
d. For panoramic radiography involving a complete circumferential weld, four
equally spaced penetrometers at 90 intervals shall be placed.
e. When the source is placed in the axis of the circumference and a portion of
that circumference (four or more continuous locations) is radiographed
during a single exposure, at least 4 IQIs placed approximately equidistance
apart shall be used.
f. Where portions of longitudinal welds adjoining the circumferential weld are
being radiographed simultaneously with the circumferential weld, additional
IQIs shall be placed on the longitudinal welds at the ends of sections most
remote from the position of the source used to radiograph the circumferential
For Radiography performed in accordance with API 1104 and the techniques is
either DWSI or SWSI non-panoramic) at least two IQIs shall be used for each
exposure. One IQI shall be located approximately in the center of the film. The
other shall be located with the smallest wire approximately 1inch from either end of
the area of interest. Radiography of repairs shall include an IQI for each repair or
area of repair.

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The selection of IQIs shall be based on the below table:

Required DIN IQI wire Required ASTM IQI wire
Thickness (mm)
Source Side Film side Source Side Film side
up to 6.35,
14 15 5 4
over 6.35
13 14 6 5
through 9.52
over 9.52
12 13 7 6
through 12.7
over 12.7
11 12 8 7
through 19.05
over 19.05
10 11 9 8
through 25.4
over 25.4
9 10 10 9
through 38.1
over 38.1
8 9 11 10
through 50.8
over 50.8
7 8 12 11
through 63.5
over 63.5
6 7 13 12
through 101.6

The image Quality Indicator selection shall be based on:

IQI Selection IQI Selection

S.No: Wall Thickness
(DIN 54109-Part 1) ASTM
1 < 10 mm 10-16 Set A
1 10 to 17 mm inclusive 10 - 16 Set B
2 18mm to 45 mm inclusive 06 – 12 Set C
3 > 45 mm 01 – 07 Set D

5.6 FILM

Selection of films shall be determined by such factors such as the required quality
level, material type and thickness, radiation energy, source size, source to film
distance etc. The films selected shall be capable of demonstrating the required
image quality indicator (IQI) sensitivity. The films used shall conform to
ASTM/ASME specification E 94/SE94 Table 2 and be of high contrast or ultra-fine
grain, high contrast films which quality as Type I & II of ASTM E 1818-96.

The common commercial brand of films used shall be:

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Class I Film : Agfa D4, Kodak MX 125, Fuji IX-50

Class II Film : Agfa D7, Kodak AA 400, Fuji IX-100

Unexposed films shall be stored in such a manner that they are protected from the
effects of light, pressure, excessive heat, excessive humidity, damaging fumes,
vapors or penetrating radiation. Storage of films should be on a first in first out basis.


Intensifying screens of lead-foil type or cassette screen type shall be used. The
screens shall have a minimum thickness of 0.125 mm (0.005") both front & back.
They shall be of the same approximate dimensions as the film being used and shall
be in direct intimate contact with the film during exposure. The screens used shall
be handled carefully to avoid dents, scratches, grease or dirt. Screens rendering
non-relevant indications on radiographs shall be visually examined and discarded if
physical damage is observed. Exception is permitted when “Ready Pack or “Roll
Pack” with integral screens is used.

Under no circumstances shall screens which emit visible light be used.


Film shall be loaded in the dark room under proper safe light, Filter. Films shall be
cut carefully without any damages, scratches or finger marks. Sandwich the film
between pair of screens & loaded into light tight PVC cassettes or holders. The
maximum Residual Fog level for unexposed film shall not be more than 0.3. OR
integral screens are used with ready pack roll film.


A system of Radiographic identification acceptable to the client shall be used to

produce a permanent and traceable record of radiographs to individual welds. As a
general, the radiograph shall contain the plant or job number, line or equipment
number, weld number, the date on which the radiograph was shot and welder
No.,Material, thickness & size. Location makers, which are to appear as radiographic
images on the film, shall be placed on the part, not on the exposure holder or
cassette. Their locations shall be permanently marked by paint marker and
maintained on the surface of the part being radiographed period of the radiograph.
Location markers shall be in the form of metric numbering tapes.

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Subsequent radiographs made by reasons of a repaired area shall be identified with

a letter “R” and a number following the “R” indicating first, second, etc., sequence of
repair radiographs when the same weld is repaired more than once. Weld Re-
shoots due to grinding, cleaning etc. shall be marked with ”RS”.

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Retake of film due to scratch or other film marks shall be marked with “RT”. Welds
which are completely Cut Out and re-welded are to be identified with marks “RW”.


Direction of central beam of radiation shall be centered perpendicularly toward the

center of the effective area of the film or to a plane tangent to the center of the film,
to the maximum extent possible, except for the double-wall exposure _ double-wall
viewing elliptical technique.

Unless otherwise specified in the applicable job order or contract, the geometric
unsharpness shall not exceed the following limits:

Material, thickness (in.) Ug, maximum in.(mm)

Under 2 (50) 0.020 (0.51)

2 through 3 (50-75) 0.030 (0.76)
Over 3 through 4 (75-100) 0.040 (1.02)
Greater than 4 (100) 0.070 (1.78)

Geometric un-sharpness shall be determined in accordance with

Ug = Fd/D

Where, Ug = geometric un-sharpness

F = size of the radiation source
D = distance from source of radiation to weld or object being
d = distance from source side of weld or object being radiographed to
the film
Final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the ability to see the designated
IQI wire image. The un-sharpness may be of less consequence as t/d ratio


Exposure time shall be calculated with actual Activity, penetrated wall thickness,
S.F.D. and film speed using Exposure chart or Exposure calculator.

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To achieve better Radiography definition, it is required to check back scattering by

placing lead Letter “B” with minimum dimension of 13 mm (0.5inch) height and
1.6mm (1/16 inch) thick on the backside of film holder to ensure the back scattering
does not harm the film quality. If the image of “B” appears on the radiograph as a
lighter density than background, it is an indication that protection against back-
scattered radiation is insufficient. In such case, it is advised to place lead sheets on
the backside of holder. The appearance of a dark image of letter B shall be
disregarded and accepted, unless the dark image could mask or be confused with
reject able weld defects.


Single Wall Exposure technique shall be used for Radiography. An adequate

number of Exposure shall be made to demonstrate that the required coverage,
sensitivity, Density, Geometrical Unsharpness etc. has been obtained.
Single Wall Single Image
In this technique, the radiation passes through only one wall of the weld and Image
of single wall is recorded on Radiograph.
Double Wall Double Image
For welds in components 89mm or less in nominal outside diameter, the double wall
double image shall be used in which the radiation penetrates through two walls of
the Test Specimen and the weld in both walls is viewed for acceptance on the same
Double Wall Superimposed
Double Wall Superimposed image with a minimum of three exposures taken at
either 60 deg. or 120 deg. to each other shall be made for each joint whenever no
access to take elliptical. Source to film distance shall not be less than 400 mm
which being the practical limit considering the exposure time and quality
Double Wall Elliptical Exposures
In this technique, the radiation beam may be offset from the plane of the weld at an
angle sufficient to separate the images of the source side and film side portions of
the weld so that there is no overlap of the areas to be interpreted. Double wall
elliptical exposures shall be taken the dia meter less than or equal to 89mm with a
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minimum of two exposures 90 to each other. Source to film distance will not be less
than 400 mm which being the practical limit considering the exposure time and
quality requirement.
Double Wall Single Image:
For diameter greater than 3 inches, the double wall single image technique shall be
used with at least three exposures at 120 to each other. In this technique, the
radiation penetrates through both the walls of Test Object & single image of the part
closest to the film is recorded on the Radiograph.
Double wall techniques shall be used only when single wall technique is not
practicable. Adequate Number of exposures shall be made to demonstrate the
required coverage.


The films shall be unloaded in hangers/spools carefully to avoid any marks. Films
shall be processed by manual method in accordance with CEC’s document
If Automatic processing method is used for film processing manufacturers manual
shall be followed.


Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that will
not cause troublesome reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiograph. Equipment
used to view radiographs for interpretation shall provide a variable light source
sufficient for the designated wire to be visible for the specified density range. The
viewing conditions shall be such that light from around the outer edge of the
radiograph or coming through low-density portions of the radiograph does not
interfere with interpretation.
Personnel performing radiographic interpretation shall be in the darkened area for at
least 5 min. prior to performing the interpretation to enable his eyes to adapt for dark


All radiographs shall be free of mechanical, chemical, handling-related or other

blemishes which could mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity in

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the area of interest on the radiograph. If any doubt exists as to the true nature of an
indication exhibited by the film, the radiograph shall be rejected and reshot.
Film Density: The density is the quantity measurement of the degree of blackening
on the final radiograph and shall be assessed in the location of the weld.
D = log (Io / It)
D  Density
Io  Light intensity incident on film
It  Light intensity transmitted through the film
To measure the film density a calibrated Densitometer or calibrated Wedge Strip
shall be used. The Densitometer shall have a range to measure density from 0
to 4.
The Calibration of the densitometer shall be checked once in 90 days with
calibrated step wedge film or calibrated densitometer traceable to National
Densitometer shall be calibrated at the beginning of each shift, after 8 hr. of
continuous use, or after change of apertures, whichever comes first.

5.16.1 Density Limitation

The transmitted film density through the radiographic image adjacent to the
designated wire of the wire IQI and the area of interest shall be 1.8 to 4.0
radiographs made with an X-ray source and 2.0 to 3.8 for radiographs made
with a gamma-ray source.

5.16.2 Film Contrast

Contrast of the film shall be adequate to manifest on the Radiograph even the
smallest thickness differential. Better the contrast better the interpretation of

5.16.3 Sensitivity

Radiographic sensitivity achieved will be 2% or better wherever practical. This

shall be demonstrated on the procedure radiograph and accepted by Client prior
to commencement of Production work.

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Diameter of thinnest wire Visible on the Radiograph

% Sensitivity = ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
Penetrated thickness at the area of interest (diagnostic area)


The separate radiographs of welded joint shall be overlapped at least 25 mm

on the both ends of each radiograph to ensure that no portion of the joint remains

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Evaluation of all the films shall be based on specific project requirements.


Radiographic Records shall be reported in a format accepted by the client. As a

general the following information shall be maintained in the report.

 Weld identifications
 Weld Repair Documentation
 Acceptance Criteria used
 Source type used
 Strength of source
 Physical source size
 Film Used (manufacturer and type/designation)
 Film processing method
 IQI used and required wire size to be recorded on Radiographic Testing
 Base material type and thickness
 source-to-object distance
 distance from source side of object to film
 Film interpretation record shall contain as a minimum the following
 Disposition of each radiograph (acceptable or reject able)
 If reject able, cause for rejection (slag, crack, porosity, lack of fusion,
incomplete penetration, etc.)
 Surface indication verified by visual examination (grinding marks, weld
ripple, splatter, etc.)
 Name and Signature of the Film interpreter with date
 Name of Radiographers

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6.1 Appendix 1 - Radiographic Testing Report Format

6.2 Appendix 2 - Technique Sheets
6.3 Appendix 3 - Acceptance/Rejection Criteria


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1. Object Butt Welds 10 inches dia and above

2. Wall thickness range As per pipe schedule
3. Extent of examination 100 %
4. Material to be Radiographed Carbon Steel, DSS, SS & CRA

5. Make of Equipment
6. Source Strength
7. Effective dim. Source size
8. I.Q.I.Type
9. Sensitivity 2% or better
10. Technique as specified in SWSI
11. Radiation angle with respect to weld Perpendicular to the weld
and film
12. Source to film distance Center of the pipe diameter
13. Object to film distance Full contact as max. possible with weld
14. Geometric unsharpness 0.5 mm or less
15. Film type
16. Film dimensions & No of Exposures Full Circumference + 25 mm overlap on each film and one
single exposure
17. Overlap of film 25 mm
18. Diagnostic film length Depends on OD of the Pipe
19. Intensifying screens Lead
20. Screen thickness 0.125 mm Front and Back for bare Films, For Pre packed
Films as per Manufacturer
21. Maximum base fog level 0.3
22. Film density Between 2 to 3.5 in sound weld
23. Check on back scatter Yes with Letter B
24. Identification on film
25. Film processing Manual
26. Processing chemicals Kodak or Agfa
27. Acceptance Criteria
28. Reporting
29. Identification of repairs
30 Film archival life

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1. Object Butt Welds above 3 inches dia.

2. Wall thickness range As per pipe schedule
3. Extent of examination 100 %
4. Material to be Radiographed Carbon Steel, DSS, SS & CRA
5. Make of Equipment
6. Source Strength
7. Effective dim. Source size
8. I.Q.I.Type procedure
9. Sensitivity 2% or better
10. Technique as specified in DWSI
11. Radiation angle with respect to weld Perpendicular to the weld
12. Source to film distance OD of the Pipe
13. Object to film distance Full contact as max. possible with weld
14. Geometric unsharpness 0.5 mm or less
15. Film type As per clause 8.0 of this procedure
16. Film dimensions & No of Exposures Varies as per diameter of pipe and minimum 3
17. Overlap of film 25 mm
18. Diagnostic film length Maximum 40 cm
19. Intensifying screens Lead
20. Screen thickness 0.125 mm Front and Back for bare Films, For Pre-
packed Films as per Manufacturer
21. Maximum base fog level 0.3
22. Film density Between 2 to 3.5 in sound weld
23. Check on back scatter Yes, with Letter “B”
24. Identification on film
25. Film processing Manual / Auto
26. Processing chemicals Kodak or Agfa

27. Acceptance Criteria

28. Reporting
29. Identification of repairs
30 Film archival life 3 years

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1. Object Butt Welds 3 inches- dia and less

2. Wall thickness range As per pipe schedule
3. Extent of examination 100 %
4. Material to be Radiographed Carbon Steel, DSS, SS & CRA
5. Make of Equipment
6. Source Strength
7. Effective dim. Source size
8. I.Q.I. Type
9. Sensitivity 2% or better
10. Technique as specified in DWDI (Elliptical or Super imposed)
11. Radiation angle with respect to weld Perpendicular to the weld for super Impose and Off set
12. Source to film distance Minimum 500 mm
13. Object to film distance Full contact as max. possible with weld
14. Geometric unsharpness 0.5 mm or less
15. Film type
16. No of Exposures 2 exposures for elliptical exposure &
3 exposures for super imposed exposure

17. Overlap of film NA

18. Diagnostic film length Maximum 24 cm and Minimum 18.7 cm
19. Intensifying screens Lead
20. Screen thickness 0.125 mm Front and Back for bare Films, For Pre -packed
Films as per Manufacturer
21. Maximum base fog level 0.3
22. Film density Between 2 to 3.5 in sound weld
23. Check on back scatter Yes, with Letter “B”
24. Identification on film
25. Film processing Manual / Auto
26. Processing chemicals Kodak or Agfa

27. Acceptance Criteria

28. Reporting
29. Identification of repairs
30 Film archival life

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1. Elliptical Shot



2. Superimposed shot



Pipe Diameter Location No. of Films

Up to 3½ inches A, B or C 2 or 3
3½ inches to 4 inch 0- 12 / 24 – 0 3
6 inch 0-18 / 36 – 0 3
8 inch 0-23 / 46 – 0 3
10 inch 0-29 / 58-0 3
12 inch 0-34 / 68- 0 3
14 inch 0-28/84-0 4

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16 inch 0-32 / 96-0 4

18 inch 0-29 / 116-0 5
20 inch 0-32 /128-0 5
24 inch 0-32/160-0 6
30 inch 0-30/210-0 8
36 inch 0-32 / 256-0 9
42 inch 0-30 / 300 – 0 11
48 inch 0-32 / 352 - 0 12

Procedure Demonstration:

Demonstration of the density and image quality indicator (IQI) image requirements of the written
procedure on production or technique radiographs shall be considered satisfactory evidence of
compliance with that procedure.


ASME Section VIII Division I (latest edition)

For weld joints required to be 100% radiographed:
Linear Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and characterized as imperfections
are unacceptable under the following conditions.
1. Any indication characterized as a crack or zone of incomplete fusion or
2. Any other elongated indication on the radiograph which has length greater than:
a. ¼” (6mm) for ‘t’ up to ¾” (19mm)
b. ⅓” for ‘t’ from ¾” (19mm) to 2¼” (57mm)
c. ¾” (19mm) for ‘t’ over 2¼” (57mm)
t = the thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt
weld joining two members having different thicknesses at the weld, t is the thinner
of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the
thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in ‘t’.
3. Any group of aligned indication that have an aggregate length greater than ‘t’ in a
length of 12t, except when the distance between the successive imperfections
exceeds 6L where ‘L’ is the length of the longest imperfect in the group.
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Rounded indications:
Indications with a maximum length of three times the width or less on the radiograph are
defined as rounded indications. These indications may be circular, elliptical, conical, or
irregular in shape and may have tails. When evaluating the size of an indication, the tail

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shall be included. The indication may be from any imperfection in the weld, such as
porosity, slag, or tungsten.
Image Density: Density within the image of the indication may vary and is not a criterion for
acceptance or rejection.
Relevant indications: Only those rounded indications which exceed the following
dimensions shall be considered relevant.
1. 1/10t for ‘t’ less than 1/8” (3mm)
2. 1/64” for ‘t’ from 1/8” to ¼” (3mm to 6 mm), incl.
3. 1/32” (0.8mm) for ‘t’ greater than ¼” to 2” (6mm to 50mm)
Maximum size of Rounded Indication: The maximum permissible size of any indication
shall be 1/4t, or 5/32” (4mm), whichever is smaller; except that an isolated indication
separated from an adjacent indication by 1” (25mm) or more may be 1/3t, or ¼” (6mm),
whichever is less. For ‘t’ greater than 2” (50mm) the maximum permissible size of an
isolated indication shall be increased to 3/8” (10mm).
Aligned rounded indications: Aligned rounded indications are acceptable when the
summation of the diameters of the indications is less than ‘t’ in a length of 12t. The length
of groups of aligned rounded indications and the spacing between the groups shall meet the
requirements of figure given below.

Spacing: The distance between adjacent rounded indications is not a factor in determining
acceptance or rejection, except as required for isolated indications or groups of aligned
Rounded indication Charts: The rounded indications characterized as imperfections shall
not exceed that shown in the charts (attached). The charts in figs. 4-3 through 4-8 illustrate
various types of assorted, randomly dispersed and clustered rounded indications for
different weld thicknesses greater than 1/8” (3mm). These charts represent the maximum
acceptable concentration limits for rounded indications. The charts for each thickness
range represent full-scale 6” (150mm) radiographs, and shall not be enlarged or reduced.
The distributions shown are not necessarily the patterns that may appear on the radiograph,
but are typical of the concentration and size of indications permitted.
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Weld thickness t less than 1/8” (3mm): For ‘t’ less than 1/8” (3mm) the maximum number of
rounded indications shall not exceed 12 in a 6” (150mm) length of weld. A proportionally
fewer number of indications shall be permitted in welds less than 6” (150mm) in length.
Clustered indications: The illustrations for clustered indications show up to four times as
many indications in a local area, as than shown in the illustrations for random indications.
The length of an acceptable cluster shall not exceed the lesser of 1” (25mm) or 2t. Where
more than one cluster is present, the sum of the lengths of the clusters shall not exceed 1”
(25mm) in a 6” (150mm) length of weld.

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Note: All the figures from Figure 4.2 to Figure 4.8 are from ASME code Section VIII
Division 1, Appendix 4.
For weld joints to be spot radiographed.
The acceptability of welds examined by spot radiography shall be judged by the following
1. Welds in which indications are characterized as cracks or zones of incomplete
fusion or penetration shall be unacceptable.
2. Welds in which indications are characterized as slag inclusions or cavities shall be
unacceptable if the length of any such indication is greater than 2/3 t where t is the

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thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt weld joining
two members having different thickness at the weld, t is the thinner of these two
thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the thickness of the
throat of the fillet shall be included in t. If several indications within the above
limitations exist in line, the welds shall be judged acceptable if the sum of the
longest dimensions of all such indications is not more than t in a length of 6t (or
proportionately for radiographs shorter than 6t) and if the longest indications
considered are separated by at least 3L of acceptable weld metal where L is the
length of the longest indication. The maximum length of acceptable indications shall
be ¾” (19mm). Any such indication shorter than ¼” (6mm) shall be acceptable for
any plate thickness.
3. Rounded indications are not a factor in the acceptability of welds not required to be
fully radiographed.
ASME Section VIII Division II (addendum)
All the acceptance standards of ASME Code Section VIII Division I apply. In addition to that
Internal root weld conditions are not acceptable when the density or image brightness
change as indication in the radiograph is abrupt.
A rounded indication whose size is 1.5 mm (1/16”) shall be considered relevant for t greater
than 50 mm (2”).

ASME Section IX
Acceptance Standards:
Welder and welding operator performance test by radiography of welds in test assemblies
shall be judged unacceptable when the radiograph exhibits any imperfections in excess of
the limits specified below
a. Linear indication
1. Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration
2. Any elongated slag inclusion which has a length greater than
a) 1/8” (3mm) for t up to 3/8” (10mm), inclusive
b) 1/3t for t over 3/8” (10mm) to 2 ¼” (57mm)
c) ¾” (19mm) for t over 2 ¼” (57mm)
3. any group of slag inclusions in line that have an aggregate length greater than t
in a length of 12t, except when the distance between the successive
imperfections exceeds 6L where L is the length of the longest imperfection in the
b. Rounded Indications
a. The maximum permissible dimension for rounded indications shall be 20% of
‘t’ or 1/8” (3mm), whichever is smaller.

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b. For welds in material less than 1/8” (3mm) in thickness, the maximum
number of acceptable rounded indications shall not exceed 12 in a 6”
(150mm) length of weld. A proportionately fewer number of rounded
indications shall be permitted in welds less than 6” (150mm) in length.
c. For welds in material 1/8” (3mm) or greater in thickness, the charts attached
below represent the maximum acceptable types of rounded indications
illustrated in typically clustered, assorted, and randomly dispersed
configurations. Rounded indications less than 1/32” (0.8mm) in maximum
diameter shall not be considered in the radiographic acceptance tests of
welders and welding operators in these ranges of material thickness.

ASME Section I
All the Acceptance Standards of ASME Section VIII Division I Apply.
ASME B 31.1
The following indications are not acceptable.
1. Any type of crack, or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration:
2. Any elongated indication which has length greater than
a. 1/4 in. for ‘t’ up to 3/4 in.
b. 1/3 t for ‘t’ from 3/4 in. to 2 1/4 in.
c. 3/4 in. for ‘t’ over 2 1/4 in.
where t = the thickness of the weld

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3. Any group of indications in line that have an aggregate length greater than t in
a length of 12 t, except when the distance between the successive imperfections
exceeds 6L where L is the length of the longest imperfection in the group:
4. Porosity more than that specified by the acceptance standards given in Section I
of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.
5. Root concavity when there is an abrupt change in density as indicated in the
More Restrictive Standard:
The above acceptance standard applies unless other more restrictive standards are

ASME B 31.3
The following table gives the details for the acceptance criteria to be applied as per

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(B 31.3)

Citadel Engineering Company

Inspection Management


Muhammad Ikram 3
Chaitanya Vasanthavada 2 Shahriyar Majlesein
00 Ullah 1
28 January, 2016
28 January, 2016 28 January, 2016
Tulasiram Poppala 1 Jinagam Chakrapani 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
01 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017 01 July, 2017
Majid Faraji Shovay 1 Hamid Rabiei 2 Shahriyar Majlesein 3
02 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019 07 November, 2019
Arun G. Hamid Rabiei Shahriyar Majlesein
12 January, 2022 13 January, 2022 17 January, 2022

1 Industrial
Inspection Manager (AWS.CWS:1604001S) ISO 19011:2011 Lead Auditor
ASNT Level III (MT, PT, UT, RT, VT,ET) #174544
Chief Executive Director (CEO)- ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, , ISO 17025 Lead Assessor
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company


Prepared by & Approved by & No. of

Rev. Affected Sections Description Date Date pages
0 Nil First Issue 25

COMPANY Doc. No. Prev. Rev. This Rev.

CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 02 03

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Appendix-1 Ultrasonic testing Report format 24
Appendix-2 Acceptance Criteria 25

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CITADEL Engineering Company

This procedure defines the procedures and techniques of the ultrasonic test to detect cracks
and other discontinuities, in weldments when allowed within the provisions of ASME B31.3.
This procedure shall be used in conjunction with the applicable technical and construction
specifications, drawings, codes and standards. Citadel Engineering Company will apply this
NDE procedure in conjunction with corresponding project NDE specifications for the project
after obtaining client’s approval.

This document describes the operation procedure to be followed and applied for performing
Ultrasonic Examination of the parent and complete joint penetration groove weld and HAZ of
material between the thickness of 8 mm and 200 mm inclusive in accordance with ASME B31.3
This procedure is to be used for detecting, locating and evaluating indications within the welds
and heat affected zone of carbon steel and low alloy steel. Additional specific procedures for
ultrasonic examination of special configurations, materials or technique sheets shall be
developed if and when the needs arise.


ASME B31.3 (2020 latest

1 ASME Code for Process piping
ASME V ARTICLE 4 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Non-
2 (2020 Destructive testing -Ultrasonic Examination of
Edition) Welds
Standard Specification for Straight-Beam
3 ASTM SA 435 / SA 435M
Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates
Recommended practice for NDT personnel
4 ASNT SNT TC – 1A 2020
Qualification & Certification.
Standard for Qualification and Certification of NDE
5 ASNT CP-189
Guidelines for Certification of CEC Personnel as
6 CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/01-01
per ASNT / SNT / TC / 1A
7 CEC[EN]-NDT/SM/01-01 CEC’s Safety Manual


4.1 ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers

4.2 DAC Distance Amplitude Correction
4.3 HSE Health Safety and Environment
4.4 NDE Non-Destructive Examination
4.5 NDT Non-Destructive Testing
4.6 SDH Side Drilled Hole
4.7 UT Ultrasonic Testing
4.8 QCP Quality Control Procedure
4.9 UTT Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
5.0 FBH Flat Bottom Hole

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Personnel involved in performing, interpreting and evaluating Ultrasonic examination to this
procedure shall be qualified to UT Level II minimum in accordance with CEC[EN]-NDT/WP/09-
01 which follows the requirements of Latest Editions of ASNT-SNT-TC-1A and CP 189.
UT Level II Qualified personnel are approved to use longitudinal and shear wave ultrasonic
UTT Level I qualified personnel are approved to use only longitudinal wave ultrasonic

All personnel performing UT Examination inspection shall hold a currently valid certification


All Personnel carrying out works to this procedure shall ensure that they follow safeworking
practices in compliance with the requirements CEC’S Safety Manual.


The conditions of the surface in contact with the probe shall be such that a satisfactory
coupling between the probe and the scanning surface shall be achieved.
The surface condition of the weld and the adjacent parent metal on each surface shall be such
that it does not adversely influence the weld examination. Variations across the weld shall not
exceed 1.5 mm in 50 mm length. Depending upon the profile and weld face condition, dressing
may be necessary to avoid the formation of confusing surface echoes. Weld reinforcement
shall be removed, to have a flatsurface for critical examination, if necessary.
5.4.1 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Instrument

• The equipment shall be A-scan pulse echo type (digital or analogue) ultrasonic flaw

• The ultrasonic equipment shall be calibrated for linearity once in every 3 months for
analog instruments and every year for digital type instrumentsand prior to use,
calibration validity shall be ensured. In addition to this, the operator shall calibrate the
equipment prior to start of each day’s work and, as and when required on the job. In
case of continuous scanning, calibration shall be verified every 4 hrs. during the

• Ultrasonic flaw detectors shall have valid Calibration Certificate.

• The UT instrument shall provide linear vertical presentation with ± 5% of the FSH for
20% to 80% of the calibrated screen height.

• The UT equipment shall utilize an amplitude control over its useful range to + 20% of
the nominal amplitude ratio to allow the measurement of indications beyond the linear
range of the vertical display on the screen.
5.4.2 Search Units (Probes)
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A single or dual crystal normal beam longitudinal wave probes (00), and angle beam
shear wave probes shall be used for examination.
Refracted angle in steel for angle beam probes shall be 450, 600 and 700 with
frequency of 4 MHz
Search Unit Element size (For Welds in Piping):

a. Longitudinal Wave (Straight Beam) Probe

Frequency : 4.0 MHz
Beam Angle : 00.
Transducer Size : 10 mm, Single/ Twin Crystal

b. Shear Wave (Angle Beam) Probe

Frequency Range : 2.0 MHz (t> 40mm), 4 MHz (t < 40mm)
Beam Angle (t < 40mm) : 450,600,700
Beam Angle (t > 40mm) : 450,600
Transducer Size : 9 mm x 8 mm
For ultrasonic examination of plates, forging and welds, a minimum of 2.25MHz
frequency probes shall be used. However, other lower frequencies may also be used
for evaluation purpose if equal or better sensitivity can be demonstrated and recorded
or when the production material grain structure require the use of other frequencies
to assure adequate penetration and better resolution.

Dual transducer probes when used, their included angle between the beam paths
shall be such that the effective focal spot of the probe is centered in the area of
The probes with contoured contact wedges may be used for examination of such
surfaces, however in such cases; all calibration shall be performed withthe contoured
wedges to be used during the examination.
5.4.3 Calibration Blocks
• International Institute of Welding Ultrasonic Reference Block Type-I (IIW V1)
• Miniature Angle Beam Block (IIW V2)
• ASME basic calibration block (Refer to Figure 1)
• Calibration Block for Cladded Plates (Refer to Figure 2)
• Calibration Block for welds in ferritic pipes (Refer to Figure 3)
• Resolution Reference Block
• Distance and Sensitivity Block

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Figure 1 (Basic Calibration Block)

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Figure 2 (Calibration Block for Cladded Plates)

Figure 3 (Calibration Block for Pipe)

Notches shall be located not closer than T or 1 inch (25mm), whichever isgreater, to any block edge or to
other notches.

General Notes:

(a) The minimum calibration block length (L) shall be 8 inch (200mm) or 8T, whichever is greater.
(b) For OD 4" (100mm) or less, the minimum arc length shall be 270 o. For OD greater than 4 inch
(100mm), the minimum arc length shall be 8 inch (200mm) or3T whichever is greater.
(c) Notch depth shall be from 8% T min. to 11% T max. Notch widths shall be 1/4" (6mm)
maximum. Notch length shall be 1 inch (25mm) minimum.
(d) Maximum Notch width is not critical. Notches may be made with EDM or withend mills up
to 1/4" (6mm) in diameter.
(e) Notch length shall be sufficient to provide for calibration with a minimum 3 to 1 signal-to-noise
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5.4.4 Couplant

A suitable couplant having good wetting characteristics shall be used between

probe and examination surface. The couplant shall not be detrimental to the
material being examined.

Commercially available couplant e.g. ZG5, Ultra gel shall be used. However, the
same couplant must be used for calibrating and for examining.

Couplant for SS shall not have more than 50ppm of halides and couplant for
nickel alloys not more than 50ppm of Sulphur.

5.4.5 Accessories

Other accessories like cables, adaptors etc.


5.5.1 Unless otherwise mentioned the Calibration, procedure mentioned herewithis
applicable to all the examination procedures of this procedure.

5.5.2 Screen Height Linearity

• Position an angle beam transducer as shown in Figure A below such that

indications can be obtained from the 1/2 and 3/4 T holes in the basic calibration
block. Adjust the position of the search unit to give 2:1 ratio of amplitude
between the two indications.

• Set the larger of the two indications at 80% of Full Screen Height (FSH).

• Without moving the search unit, adjust the gain in steps of 2 dB to successively
set the larger of the indications from 100% to 20% of FSH. Record the amplitude
of both indications. Evaluate the results in terms of the following paragraph.

• The lower amplitude must be 50% of the higher amplitude within ± 5% of FSH.

• This Calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination.

Figure A

• This calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination.

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5.5.3 Amplitude Control Linearity

• Position an angle beam transducer as shown in Figure A above; suchthat the
indication obtained from the ½T hole in the basic calibration block is peaked
on the screen.
• Increase/decrease the dB as shown in Table 2 below.
• Record the amplitude of the indication. Evaluate the results in termsof the
following paragraph.
• The amplitude must fall within the limits specified in Table 2 below.

Table 2

Indication set at dB control Indication limits %

Sl. No
% of FSH change of FSH
1 80 -6 32 to 48
2 80 -12 16 to 24
3 40 6 64 to 96
4 20 12 64 to 96
This calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination

5.5.4 Range Calibration for Shear Wave Angle Probe

• Select the Calibration block based on Section 5.4.3.

• Set up the instrument for angle beam examination.
• Verify the beam exit point and beam angle using a V1 block. Mark thebeam
index on the probe if it has changed. Note down the actual refracted angle.

• Enter the refracted angle into the instrument.

• Position the search unit for the maximum first indication from the ¼ T side
drilled hole. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 2 on the screen (i.e. to
20% of sweep) with the delay control.

• Position the search unit for the maximum first indication from the ¾ T side
drilled hole. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 6 on the screen (i.e. to
60% of sweep) with the range control.

• Repeat the range and delay control adjustment until the ¼ T and ¾ T hole
reflections start at 2 and 6 (i.e.20% and 60%).

• Position the search unit for a maximum response from the square notch on the
opposite surface. The indication will appear on line 8 (i.e. 80%).

• Now using the instrument menu enter the thickness of the job.

• Now the instrument range is calibrated with 2 divisions on the sweep equal to ¼
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• This calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination and
verified at the end of examination

5.5.5 Range Calibration for Longitudinal wave normal probe

• Set up the instrument for straight beam examination.

• Position the search unit for the maximum first indication from the ¼ T side drilled
hole. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 2 on the screen (i.e. to 20% of
sweep) with the delay control.

• Position the search unit for the maximum first indication from the ¾ T side drilled
hole. Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 6 on the screen (i.e. to 60% of
sweep) with the range control.

• Repeat the range and delay control adjustment until the ¼ T and ¾ T hole
reflections start at 2 and 6 (i.e.20% and 60%).

• Position the search unit for a maximum response from the square notch on the
opposite surface. The indication will appear on line 8 (i.e. 80%)

• Now using the instrument menu enter the thickness of the job.

• Now the instrument range is calibrated with 2 divisions on the sweep equal to ¼
T. The digital depth readout is also activated.

• This calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination and

verified at the end of examination.

5.5.6 Distance Amplitude Correction for shear wave angle probe

• Select the Calibration block based on Section 5.4.3.

• Position the search unit for maximum response from the hole whichgives the
highest amplitude.

• Adjust the sensitivity control (gain) to provide 80% FSH (+ or - 5%FSH).

• Enter this point into the instrument as one DAC point.

• Position the search unit for the maximum indication from the otherholes and
enter those points also as DAC points.

• Position the search unit for maximum amplitude from ¾ T hole afterbouncing
from opposite face. Enter this point also into the instrument.

• Add a 1 1/2 v shear calibration for welds with single side access only. and 1 1/2
V for Full weld coverage.

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5.5.7 Calibration Correction:

• For planar reflectors perpendicular to examination surface at or near opposite
surface the following must be considered:

• Position the search unit for maximum response from the squarenotch on the
opposite side. This should appear at sweep line 8. Mark the peak indication on
the screen.

• This indication may be 2:1 above DAC for 45 degrees probe and ½ DAC for 60
degrees. This must be taken into account while evaluating reflectors located at
or near the opposite surface.

• This calibration shall be performed at the beginning of each examination and

verified at the end of examination.


5.6.1 Pre-Test Information

The operator shall be furnished with the following information, prior to

commencement of the examination
a. Type of ferrite steel & for (cast, rolled or forged)
b. The joint preparation details (i.e., type of bevel bevel angle anddihedral
angle etc.,)
c. The welding processes
d. Type of weld
e. Details of any repairs
f. Details of post weld heat treatment
g. Relevant contract specification identifying the acceptance standard &
h. Differing thickness
i. Mismatch & non-alignment.

5.6.2 Selection of Probes

In any case probe frequency is 4 MHz the probe refracted shear wave angles
shall be 45, 60 & 70 degrees or a combination. Probes frequency and refracted
angles shall be selected based on the contractual specification requirements.

5.6.3 Selection of Calibration Blocks:

For welds in pipes or Pressure Vessels above 20" in OD the ASME Basic
calibration block shall be used. The thickness of the Calibration Block/s and
reflector size shall be in accordance with Figure 1.

For welds in pipes, Calibration Block for pipe welds shall be used. For pipe
joints with Diameter less than 20" curved block shall be used. A single curved
block may be used for calibration on surfaces in the range of curvature from 0.9
to 1.5 times the calibration block diameter. The thickness of the Calibration Block
shall be in accordance with Figure1. The reflectors size of the calibration block
shall be in accordance with Figure 3.
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Where two or more base material thicknesses are involved the calibration Block
thickness shall be based on the average thickness of the weld.

The material for the Blocks shall be of the same product form and equivalent P
Number grouping as one of the materials being fabricated. P Numbers 1, 3, 4, 5
being considered equivalent.

Where the component material is cladding the Calibration, Block shall be cladded
by the same procedure as the production part.

The Calibration Block must have received the minimum Tempering Treatment
required by the material specification for the type and grade. If the calibration
block contains welds other than cladding, then the block shall receive a Post
Weld Heat Treatment of at least 2 hours.

The block shall be scanned by a Straight beam search unit and any area that
contain an indication exceeding the remaining back reflection shall be excluded
from the beam path is required to reach the various reflectors.

5.6.4 Reference Line

Mark a reference line, by using scriber, parallel to the weld and at some distance
away. Mark another reference line perpendicular to this reference line. Use these
reference lines to identify and locate discontinuities.

5.6.5 Examination Coverage and Scanning Speed

The volume shall be examined by moving the probe over the examinationsurface
to scan the entire examination volume. Each pass of the probe shall overlap a
minimum of 10% of the transducer dimension perpendicular to the direction of
the scan.

The rate of probe movement for examination shall not exceed 6 inches/sec

During scanning the Reject control of the equipment shall be kept at minimum
(zero) position.

5.6.6 Scanning with Straight Beam

Scan the adjacent base metal to detect reflectors that might interfere with
anglebeam reflectors. Record any such reflectors.

Scan the weld and adjoining base metal (one inch on either side) after
establishing DAC.

Scanning shall be done at two-time primary reference Level. Evaluation shall

bedone with reference to primary reference Level.

5.6.7 Sensitivity setting & Scanning with Angle Beam

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Weld Scanning as per ASME Sec VIII Div. I / B31.3 Pipe Weld Scan:
• The sensitivity of the equipment shall be set by establishing DAC as per
Section 5.5. In addition, appropriate correction factor above DAC based on the
contractor requirements shall be given while scanning.

• The angle beam shall be directed at the weld at approximately right angles. This
shall be done from two directions if possible; the search unit shall be manipulated
such that the required volume of weld metal is scanned. Scanning shall be
carried out at two-time primary reference level. Evaluation shall be with reference
to primary reference level. Incase of one side is accessible then, calibration
examination shall be done 1 ½ V calibration scan and 1 ½ V for Full Weld

• The angle beam shall be directed essentially parallel to the weld axis. The search
unit shall be manipulated such that the required volume of weld metal and
adjacent base metal is scanned. Scanning shall be carried out at two time’s
primary reference level. Evaluation shall be with reference to primary reference
level. The search unit shall be rotated by 180 degrees and the scanning

5.6.8 Recording
Recording shall be done manually. Record all indications 20% of DAC and
over as follows:

a. Position the search unit to give maximum amplitude from the reflector.
Readand record the maximum amplitude in percent of DAC.

b. Read and record the sweep reading (at the leading edge of the indication).

c. Read and record the position of the search unit with reference to the
reference line.

d. Read and record the discontinuity location echo amplitude along and
perpendicular to the weld.

e. Move the search unit towards and away from reflector until the
amplitudefalls to 20% DAC and record through thickness dimension of

The record of all indications shall be made in terms of the shape, location, depth
and identity of the reflector. The record shall include a sketch of the job showing
clearly the location of all recorded indications.

5.6.9 Confirmation of Calibration

• Verify range and sensitivity calibration at the end of examination.

• If a point on the sweep range has moved more than 10% of the sweep or more
than 5% of full sweep whichever is greater, correct the sweep range calibration
and note the correction in the examination record. All recorded indications since
the last valid calibration shall be reexamined with thecorrected calibration and
their values shall be changed in the data sheets.
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company

• If a point on the DAC has reduced by 20% or 2 dB of its amplitude, all data
sheets since the last calibration or calibration check shall be marked void. A
new calibration shall be made and recorded, and the area covered by the voided
data shall be re-examined.

• If a point on the DAC has increased more than 20% or 2 dB of its amplitude, all
recorded indications since the last valid calibration or calibration check shall be
reexamined with the corrected calibration and their values changed on the data

5.6.10 Discontinuity Evaluation

• Discontinuities shall be evaluated by a combination of beam boundary
and amplitude techniques. Sizes shall be given as length and height
(depth dimension) or amplitude, as applicable. Amplitude shall be related
to ‘Standard calibration’.

• Discontinuities shall be classified as either or planer versus spherical.

This can be accomplished by noting changes in amplitude as the
transducer is swung in an arc centered on the reflector.

• Each rejectable discontinuity shall be indicated on the weld by a mark

directly over the discontinuity for its entire length and depth from the
surface shall be noted on nearby base metal.

• The location of discontinuities within the weld cross-section, as well as

from an established reference point along the weld axis, shall be

• Refer to Annexure – 2 for acceptance/ rejection criteria.

• Alternately, discontinuity evaluation may be carried on the basis of its

Indication rating “d” which can be expressed as:

where, a = Indication level.
b = Reference level.
c = Attenuation factor.

• Refer Appendix – 2 for acceptance/ rejection criteria

• The results of the examination shall be reported in the format as applicable to
specific contractual specific requirements.

• As a minimum, the following are to be mentioned in the report.

a. Procedure identification and revision.

b. Ultrasonic instrument identification (including manufacturer’s serial number).
c. Search Unit identification (including manufacturer’s serial number,
frequencyand size).
d. Beam angles used.
Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019
CITADEL Engineering Company

e. Couplant used, brand name and type.

f. Probe cables used, type and length.
g. Calibration block’s identification.
h. Ultrasonic instrument reference level gain and if used, damping and reject
i. Calibration data (including reference reflectors, indication amplitudes, and
distance readings).
j. Identification and location of material scanned.
k. Record of reject able indications detected or areas cleared.
l. Areas of restricted access or inaccessible welds.
m. Examination personnel identify and qualification level.
n. Date of examination.

6. 1 Appendix 1 - Report of Ultrasonic Examination
6. 2 Appendix 2 - Acceptance Criteria

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

Appendix 1 - Report of Ultrasonic Examination

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

CITADEL Engineering Company

Appendix 2 - Acceptance Criteria

ASME B31.3

• As Per ASME B31.1 Paragraph 136.4.6, when required by this Chapter,

ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with Article 5 of
Section V of the ASME boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

• Acceptance Standards: Welds that are shown by ultrasonic examination

to have discontinuities which produce an indication greater than 20% of
the reference level shall be investigated to the extent that ultrasonic
examination personnel can determine their shape, identity, and location
so that they may evaluate each discontinuity for acceptance in
accordance with (1) and (2) below.

1. Discontinuity evaluated as being cracks, lack of fusion, or incomplete

penetration are unacceptable regardless of length.

2. Other discontinuities are unacceptable if the indication exceeds the

reference level and their length exceeds the following;

a. ¼ in. (6.0 mm) for t up to ¾ in. (19.0 mm);

b. 1/3t for t from ¾in. (19.0 mm) to 2¼ in. (57.0 mm)

c. ¾ in. (19.0 mm) for t over 2¼ in. (57.0 mm) where t is the
thickness of the weld being examined. If the weld joins two
members having different thicknesses at the weld, is the
thinner of these two thicknesses.

Doc No: CEC[EN]-NDT/UT/P/04-01 Revision No.: 02 Revision Date: 11/07/2019

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