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Question Bank
Part A
1. What is Intelligence?
2. Describe the four categories under which AI is classified with examples.
3. Define Artificial Intelligence.
4. List the fields that form the basis for AI.
5. Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples.
6. Define the logic behind – Uniform Cost Search, BFS and DFS.
7. Define Agent
8. What is Turing test ?
9. Define Cognitive Modeling approach.
10. Define Laws Of thought approach.
11. What is Rational Agent?
12. How the Agent Program will works?
13. What about autonomy , omini science in Rational Agent?
14. What are the different types of agents?
15. Give the structure of an agent in an environment.
16. List the criteria to measure the performance of search strategies.
17. Define problem solving agent.
18. Give example for real world end toy problems.
19. What is environment program?
20. What are the factors that a rational agent should depend on at any given time?

Part B

21. What are the four basic types of agent program in any intelligent system? Explain how
did you convert them into learning agents?. (16)
22. Explain the following uninformed search strategies with examples.
(a) Breadth First Search. (4)
(b) Uniform Cost Search (4)
(c) Depth First Search (4)
(d) Depth Limited Search (4)
23. What is PEAS? Explain different agent types with their PEAS descriptions. (16)
24. Explain in detail the properties of Task Environments. (16)
25. Define a problem and its components. Explain how a problem solving agent works?
26. Explain real-world problems with examples. (16)
27. Explain in detail with examples
(i) Iterative deepening search (8)
(ii) Bidirectional search (8)

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