Kinematics 1

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QUIZ - Kinematics 30 minutes: M.M,: 40 marks Name: Tie () There are 10 questions a (i) Allquestions are compulsory. Negative: Date: Tout 'NCG-one or more than one correct Type (+4, -i 0 = 3 ‘A bird fies with a speed of 10 kmph and a car moves with uniform speed of 8 kmph. Both start from B towards A (BA = 40 km), at the same instant. The bird having reached A, fles back immediately to meet the approaching car. As soon as it reaches the car it fies back to A. Thus the bird repeats til both the car and the bird reach A simultaneously. The total distance flown by the bird is (A) 80 km (8) 40 km (C) 50 km (0) cannot be determined ‘The displacement "x" of a particle moving along a straight line, at time t is given by SI (te) where a and b real and positive constants, (A) at t= 1/b the displacement of the particle is nearly 2a/3b (8) The velocity and acceleration of the particle at t = 0 are a and (~ab) respectively (C) The particle cannot reach a point at a distance x’ from its starting point if x’ > a/b, (0) The particle will return to its starting point as t -» =. HY Acar accelerates from rest at a constant rate a for some time, after which it decelerates at a constant rate f to come to rest. If the total time elapsed ist, the maximum velocity acquired by the car is given by (A) (aB\a + Bye (8)l(a.+ Bap (C)[(a" + pMapyt (0) (7 —B*Vlapynt “The distance covered by a freely falling body in its first, second, third, .......nth seconds of its motion (A) Forms an arithmetic progression (6) Form a series corresponding to the squares of the first n natural numbers. (C) Do not form any well defined series (D) Forms a series corresponding to the difference of the squares of the successive natural numbers. A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis as follows’ it starts from rest at t= 0 from the point x = 0 and ‘comes to rest at t = 1 at the point x = 1. No other information is available abut its motion at intermediate times (0 << 1). Ife denotes the instantaneous acceleSration of the particle, then. (A) « must remain positive for half the time {(B) lal cannot exceed 2 at any point in its path (C) Li must be 2 4 at some point or point in its path (0) @ must change sign during the motion, but no other assertion can be made with the information given. ZP The motion of a body is given by the equation dv(t)/dt = 6.0 — 3v(t) where v(t) is the speed in m/s and t is time in second, f the body was at rest att = 0, ne terminal speed is 2.0 rms. ‘magnitude ofthe inal acceleration is 6.0 mvs. | varies with time as v(t) = 2(1-e7*) mis. 4,0 mis when the acceleration is haif the initial value. Suvaprva Vir, New Deir 10016, Ph 26515999, 26500405, Scanned with CamScanner ‘A stone is dropped from the top of a tall cliff and ‘n’ seconds later another stone is thrown vertically ‘downwards with a velocity ‘u. Then the second stone overtakes the first, below the top of cif at @ distance given by wohteeal] (alte) en el © (@)p(eearel ‘A particle moves rectilinearly. Its displacement x at time t is given by x" sat?+b.its ” acceleration at time tis proportional to \ 44 1 1 As Oss 7 1 O-z (0) none ‘A person throws vertically up n balls per ‘second with the same velocity, He throws a ball whenever the previous one is at its highest point. The height to which the balls rise is (A) gin? (8) 290 (©) gant (0) 2gn* ‘A particle moves along X axis. is equation of mation is x= 2-2) where ° is in second. Therefore (A) the particle moves away from origin fort > 2s. (6) the particle momentarily comes to rest at t= 15; (C) the particle moves in S.H.M. (0) the given equation represents uniformly accelerated motion. Scanned with CamScanner 3 CLIP KINEMATICAL GRAPHS Figure shows two displacement —time graph for A particles A and . Ifthe velocities of particles A and 8 daptacament 8 ‘are vs and ve respectively. Then which ofthe folowing t we 's correct? vee > (v

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