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Python OOPs Assignment

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Assignment Questions

Q1. Write a Python program to demonstrate multiple inheritance.

1. Employee class has 3 data members EmployeeID, Gender (String), Salary and
PerformanceRating(Out of 5) of type int. It has a get() function to get these details from
the user.
2. JoiningDetail class has a data member DateOfJoining of type Date and a function
getDoJ to get the Date of joining of employees.
3. Information Class uses the marks from Employee class and the DateOfJoining date
from the JoiningDetail class to calculate the top 3 Employees based on their Ratings
and then Display, using readData, all the details on these employees in Ascending
order of their Date Of Joining.

Q.2 Write a Python program to demonstrate Polymorphism.

1. Class Vehicle with a parameterized function Fare, that takes input value as fare and
returns it to calling Objects.
2. Create five separate variables Bus, Car, Train, Truck and Ship that call the Fare
3. Use a third variable TotalFare to store the sum of fare for each Vehicle Type.
4. Print the TotalFare.

Q3. Consider an ongoing test cricket series. Following are the names of the players and their
scores in the test1 and 2.

Test Match 1 :

Dhoni : 56 , Balaji : 94

Test Match 2 :
Balaji : 80 , Dravid : 105
Calculate the highest number of runs scored by an individual cricketer in both of the matches.
Create a python function Max_Score (M) that reads a dictionary M that recognizes the player
with the highest total score. This function will return ( Top player , Total Score ) . You can
consider the Top player as String who is the highest scorer and Top score as Integer .

Input : Max_Score({‘test1’:{‘Dhoni’:56, ‘Balaji : 85}, ‘test2’:{‘Dhoni’ 87, ‘Balaji’’:200}})

Output : (‘Balaji ‘ , 200)

Q4. Create a simple Card game in which there are 8 cards which are randomly chosen from a
deck. The first card is shown face up. The game asks the player to predict whether the next card
in the selection will have a higher or lower value than the currently showing card.

For example, say the card that’s shown is a 3. The player chooses “higher,” and the next card is
shown. If that card has a higher value, the player is correct. In this example, if the player had
chosen “lower,” they would have been incorrect. If the player guesses correctly, they get 20
points. If they choose incorrectly, they lose 15 points. If the next card to be turned over has the
same value as the previous card, the player is incorrect.

Q5. Create an empty dictionary called Car_0 . Then fill the dictionary with Keys : color , speed
, X_position and Y_position.

car_0 = {'x_position': 10, 'y_position': 72, 'speed': 'medium'} .

a) If the speed is slow the coordinates of the X_pos get incremented by 2.

b) If the speed is Medium the coordinates of the X_pos gets incremented by 9

c) Now if the speed is Fast the coordinates of the X_pos gets incremented by 22.

Print the modified dictionary.

Q6. Show a basic implementation of abstraction in python using the abstract classes.
1. Create an abstract class in python.
2. Implement abstraction with the other classes and base class as abstract class.

Q7. Create a program in python to demonstrate Polymorphism.

1. Make use of private and protected members using python name mangling techniques.

Q8. Given a list of 50 natural numbers from 1-50. Create a function that will take every element
from the list and return the square of each element. Use the python map and filter methods to
implement the function on the given list.
Q9. Create a class, Triangle. Its init() method should take self, angle1, angle2, and angle3 as

Q10. Create a class variable named number_of_sides and set it equal to 3.

Q11. Create a method named check_angles. The sum of a triangle's three angles should return
True if the sum is equal to 180, and False otherwise. The method should print whether the
angles belong to a triangle or not.
11.1 Write methods to verify if the triangle is an acute triangle or obtuse triangle.

11.2 Create an instance of the triangle class and call all the defined methods.

11.3 Create three child classes of triangle class - isosceles_triangle, right_triangle and
11.4 Define methods which check for their properties.

Q12. Create a class isosceles_right_triangle which inherits from isosceles_triangle and

12.1 Define methods which check for their properties.

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