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Also available for Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Operations Manual
Please note that Microsoft Flight Simulator must be correctly installed on your PC
prior to the installation and use of this Hawk T1/A simulation.


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 8
Aircraft specifications............................................................................................ 10
Paint schemes....................................................................................................... 11

INSTALLATION, UPDATES AND SUPPORT............................................................ 12

FUEL SYSTEM........................................................................................................... 13
Fuel tanks.............................................................................................................. 13
Fuel transfer........................................................................................................... 13
Tank air pressurisation........................................................................................... 13
Fuel feed................................................................................................................ 14
Booster pump........................................................................................................ 14
Booster pump bypass valve.................................................................................. 14
Fuel flow level warning.......................................................................................... 14
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 15
Gas turbine air producer fuel supply.....................................................................15
Normal use............................................................................................................ 15
Failures.................................................................................................................. 15

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM............................................................................................. 17
DC system............................................................................................................. 17
AC system............................................................................................................. 18
Normal use............................................................................................................ 19
Failures.................................................................................................................. 20

3 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

CENTRAL WARNING SYSTEM................................................................................ 22
Central Warning Panel (CWP)................................................................................ 22
Testing the CWS.................................................................................................... 23
Normal use............................................................................................................ 23
Failures.................................................................................................................. 23

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM............................................................................................... 24
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 24
Reservoirs.............................................................................................................. 24
Accumulators......................................................................................................... 25
No. 2 system pump bypass valve.........................................................................25
Ram Air Turbine (RAT)............................................................................................ 25
Normal use............................................................................................................ 26
Failures.................................................................................................................. 26

FLIGHT CONTROLS.................................................................................................. 28
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 28
Powered Flying Control Units (PFCU)...................................................................29
Control surfaces – range of movement.................................................................29
Trimming................................................................................................................ 29
Rudder bar lock..................................................................................................... 30
Flaps...................................................................................................................... 30
Airbrake.................................................................................................................. 31

LANDING GEAR, WHEELBRAKES AND ANTI-SKID.............................................. 33

Landing gear.......................................................................................................... 33
Wheelbrakes and anti-skid.................................................................................... 34
Normal use............................................................................................................ 35
Failures.................................................................................................................. 36

AIR CONDITIONING AND PRESSURISATION........................................................ 37

Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 37
Pressure regulating and shut-off valve.................................................................. 37
Air conditioning system......................................................................................... 38
Cabin ventilation.................................................................................................... 38
Temperature control............................................................................................... 38
Pressurisation........................................................................................................ 39
Normal use............................................................................................................ 39
Failures.................................................................................................................. 40

4 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

OXYGEN SYSTEM..................................................................................................... 41
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 41
Supply selector...................................................................................................... 41
Supply contents gauge.......................................................................................... 41
Supply flow indicator............................................................................................. 41
Supply low pressure warning................................................................................ 42
Normal use............................................................................................................ 42
Failure.................................................................................................................... 42

FLIGHT INFORMATION DISPLAYS AND INSTRUMENTS ..................................... 43

Pitot-static system................................................................................................. 43
Main altimeter........................................................................................................ 43
Standby altimeter.................................................................................................. 44
Vertical speed indicator......................................................................................... 44
Combined speed indicator ................................................................................... 44
Standby flight instruments power switch..............................................................44
Main attitude indicator........................................................................................... 45
Turn-and-slip indicator.......................................................................................... 45
Standby attitude indicator..................................................................................... 45
Directional gyro indicator....................................................................................... 46
Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS).................................................46
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)....................................................................... 47
Accelerometer........................................................................................................ 49
Standby compass.................................................................................................. 49
Normal use............................................................................................................ 49
Failures.................................................................................................................. 50

GENERAL EQUIPMENT............................................................................................ 52
Cockpit entry and exit........................................................................................... 52
Canopy.................................................................................................................. 52
Aircraft lighting....................................................................................................... 52
Accident data recorder.......................................................................................... 54

COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.................................................................................... 55
Power supplies...................................................................................................... 55
Navigation mode selector...................................................................................... 55
Aerials.................................................................................................................... 56
Communications Control System (CCS)............................................................... 56
VHF communications............................................................................................ 57

5 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

UHF communications............................................................................................ 59
TACAN................................................................................................................... 60
Instrument Landing System (ILS).......................................................................... 63
IFF/SSR.................................................................................................................. 64

ENGINE SYSTEMS.................................................................................................... 70
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 70
Airflow.................................................................................................................... 71
Bleed valve............................................................................................................ 71
HP compressor bleeds ......................................................................................... 72
Turbine gas temperature (TGT) indicators............................................................. 72
Throttle levers........................................................................................................ 72
Engine fuel system................................................................................................ 72
Engine oil system................................................................................................... 74
Engine ignition system........................................................................................... 74
Engine starting system.......................................................................................... 74
Engine starting operation...................................................................................... 75
Fire protection systems......................................................................................... 77

ARMAMENT............................................................................................................... 78
Power supplies...................................................................................................... 78
Controls and indicators......................................................................................... 78
Weapon control and release.................................................................................. 84
Sighting system..................................................................................................... 85

PANEL GUIDE............................................................................................................ 86
Left console........................................................................................................... 86
Left instrument panel............................................................................................. 88
Leg panel............................................................................................................... 89
Centre and right panel........................................................................................... 90
Right console......................................................................................................... 91
Canopy.................................................................................................................. 92
Control stick.......................................................................................................... 92
GPS........................................................................................................................ 93
ISIS sight and control Unit.................................................................................... 93
Red Arrows smoke controls.................................................................................. 94

ELECTRONIC FLIGHT BAG (EFB)........................................................................... 95

Aircraft States........................................................................................................ 95

6 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Aircraft Options...................................................................................................... 96
Equipment.............................................................................................................. 96
Autopilot................................................................................................................ 97
Control Sticks........................................................................................................ 97
Doors..................................................................................................................... 97
Payload.................................................................................................................. 97
Rear Pilot............................................................................................................... 98
Configuration......................................................................................................... 98

FLYING THE HAWK T1.............................................................................................. 99

Getting started..................................................................................................... 101
Starting the engine.............................................................................................. 108
Taxi....................................................................................................................... 111
Take-off................................................................................................................ 111
Climb.................................................................................................................... 112
Cruise................................................................................................................... 113
Descent................................................................................................................ 117
Approach and landing......................................................................................... 119
Shutdown............................................................................................................. 120

NORMAL PROCEDURES........................................................................................ 122

Initial checks........................................................................................................ 122
Strapping-in checks............................................................................................ 122
Internal checks.................................................................................................... 123
Engine starting..................................................................................................... 124
After start checks................................................................................................ 125
Taxiing checks..................................................................................................... 126
Before take-off checks........................................................................................ 126
Runway checks................................................................................................... 126
After take-off checks........................................................................................... 126
Pre-descent checks............................................................................................. 127
Before landing checks......................................................................................... 127
After landing checks............................................................................................ 127
Shutdown checks................................................................................................ 128

PERFORMANCE DATA........................................................................................... 129

CREDITS.................................................................................................................. 133

COPYRIGHT............................................................................................................ 133

7 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The Hawk T1 is an all-metal, low-wing, tandem seat training and weapons training aircraft powered by an Adour
Mk 151 turbofan engine.

Aerodynamically, the aircraft is of conventional design with a moderately swept wing with a 2° dihedral and
trailing edge double-slotted flaps. A one-piece all-moving tailplane is swept back and has a 10° anhedral.
The fuselage is comprised of three main parts. The front fuselage accommodates two equipment bays and a
pressurised cabin containing two cockpits. The centre fuselage contains the engine, a fuselage fuel tank, a gas
turbine starting (GTS) system and a ram air turbine (RAT). The rear fuselage houses a jet pipe bay and has an
airbrake hinged to its under-surface.

A retractable step and an extending step on the left side of the fuselage give access to the cockpits, each of
which is equipped with a rocket-assisted ejection seat. A single, sideways-hinged canopy is fitted. A dividing
windscreen, integral with the canopy, protects the occupant of the rear seat.
A cabin pressurisation and air conditioning system uses air supplied from the engine HP compressor via heat
exchangers and a cold air unit. The pressurisation and air conditioning system is controlled from the front
The layout of each cockpit is similar. Full control of all systems is from the front cockpit but, for appropriate
systems, monitoring or over-ride facilities are provided in the rear cockpit. The aircraft is flown solo from the front
cockpit. Controls in each cockpit are grouped on consoles and panels as follows:
• Left console – throttle, engine starting, electrical and flying control systems
• Left main panel – weapon selection and radio

8 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

• Centre main panel – flight instruments and weapon sighting
• Right main panel – engine instruments
• Right console – avionics equipment

Electrical systems
An engine-driven 9kW DC generator supplies an Essential Services busbar via a generator busbar. Two batteries
provide power for engine starting and, following generator failure, for those services essential for the normal
operation of the aircraft; the batteries are individually switched to the Essential Services busbar.
Two static inverters, supplied from the generator busbar, provide the main AC power requirements. In addition,
some equipment is supplied from individual static inverters.

Central warning system

A Central Warning System (CWS) indicates system failures and events which require prompt action. The failures
or events are classified and appear as red or amber captions on a Central Warning Panel (CWP) in each cockpit.
A light in the head of an engine fire extinguisher push-button illuminates to given an additional warning of fire in
the engine bay.
Attention lights, located either side of the centre panel in each cockpit, flash in association with the illumination
of any CWP caption. The lights in both cockpits are cancelled when either attention light is pressed. All red
warnings are accompanied by an audio tone.

Fuel system
All fuel is carried internally in a flexible fuselage tank and an integral wing tank. Total fuel contents are indicated
on a single gauge in each cockpit. Fuel transfers automatically from the fuselage into the wing tank and then into
a collector section of the wing tank which houses a booster pump. The aircraft fuel system is pressurised from
an engine air bleed.
The booster pump, which has its own electrical inverter, supplies fuel to the engine fuel system and to the fuel
system of the GTS.

The Adour Mk. 151 is a turbofan engine which has a two-stage low pressure (LP) compressor driven by a single-
stage LP turbine and a five-stage high pressure (HP) compressor driven by a single-stage HP turbine. In ISA sea-
level conditions the engine develops 23.1 kN (5,200lb) static thrust.
The engine, installed in the aft end of the centre fuselage, has an air intake on each side of the fuselage. The
engine is started by the gas turbine starting (GTS) system which is operated from the aircraft batteries. The main
components of the GTS are a gas turbine air producer and a starter motor. The GTS can also be used to assist in
engine relighting.

Hydraulic systems
Two independent hydraulic systems (No. 1 and No. 2), each with an engine-driven pump, supply hydraulic power
to tandem actuators in powered flying control units (PFCU) and for general services. A ram air turbine (RAT)
extends into the airstream automatically and maintains pressure in the No. 2 system if the No. 2 system pump

9 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

One half of each tandem actuator is powered from the No. 1 hydraulic system and the other half from the No. 2
system. If either system fails, the airbrake must be selected in and airspeed must be reduced to ensure control of
the aircraft on the power supplied from the remaining system.
The No. 1 system also supplies power for the normal operation of the landing gear, wheelbrakes, flaps and
The No. 2 system pump is automatically offloaded to allow an adequate engine windmilling speed to be attained
when an airborne engine relight is attempted.

Landing gear
The landing gear consists of two mainwheel units and a nose-wheel unit. The mainwheel units retract inward into
wheel bays in the wing and the nose-wheel unit retracts forward into a wheel bay in the front fuselage. There
are landing gear selectors and position indicators in both cockpits, but the controlling selector depends on the
setting of a control transfer button in the rear cockpit.
The landing gear can be lowered by a nitrogen-operated standby system if the normal system fails.
The mainwheels have hydraulic brakes which are operated by toe pads on the rudder pedals with differential
braking action. An anti-skid facility is incorporated in the braking system.

Flying controls
The ailerons and the tailplane are fully power-operated by the two hydraulic systems. The rudder is manually
operated. Trimming is provided for all controls.
The flaps can be controlled from either cockpit. From the front cockpit the flaps can be set to Up, Mid or Fully
Down. The flaps can be lowered by a nitrogen-operated standby system if the normal system fails.
The airbrake is on the underside of the rear fuselage and can be controlled from either cockpit. To prevent the
airbrake from striking the ground when the aircraft is in the landing attitude, an interlock in the landing gear
system prevents extension of the airbrake when the landing gear is down. The airbrake is automatically retracted
when the landing gear is selected down.

Aircraft specifications

Length (including pitot tube) 11.9m (39ft 3in)
Wingspan 9.4m (30ft 10in)
Height (to top of fin) 4m (13ft 2 in)
Wing area 16.7m2 (179.6 ft2)

Type Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour Mk. 151 twin-shaft turbofan
Thrust rating 23.1 kN (5,200lb)
Starting air supply Aircraft-mounted gas turbine starter

10 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Empty weight 3,647kg
Maximum for take-off 5,700kg
Maximum for landing 5,000kg

Maximum level speed (at 11,000ft) 560kt (645 MPH)
Maximum rate of climb (sea level) 9,300ft/min (2,835m/min)
Service ceiling 48,000ft (14,630m)
Range 1310 NM (2,428km)

Paint schemes
The Hawk T1 is supplied in the following 14 paint schemes:

• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force early trainer livery, XX241

• Hawk T1 Empire Test Pilots School livery, XX341
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Valley, Central Flying Squadron, XX176
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force camouflage scheme, XX353
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force 4 FTS, Welsh Dragon livery, XX172
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force 92 Squadron, XX329
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2011 livery, XX260
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2014 livery, XX322
• Hawk T1 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 2021 livery, XX227
• Hawk T1A Royal Air Force 100 Squadron, black livery, XX331
• Hawk Mk. 51 Finnish Air Force, HW-346
• Hawk Mk. 53 Indonesian Air Force, LL-5320
• Hawk Mk. 63 Royal Saudi Air Force, 79034
• Hawk Mk. 63 Swiss Air Force, U-1252T1

11 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


You can install this Hawk T1/A software as often as you like on the same computer system:
1. Click on the ‘Account’ tab on the Just Flight website.
2. Log in to your account.
3. Select the ‘Your Orders’ button.
4. A list of your purchases will appear and you can then download the software you require.

Accessing the aircraft

To access the aircraft:
1. Click on ‘World Map’.
2. Open the aircraft selection menu by clicking on the aircraft thumbnail in the top left.
3. Use the search feature or scroll through the available aircraft to find the ‘Hawk T1’.
4. After selecting the aircraft, use the ‘Liveries’ menu to choose your livery.

To uninstall this product from your system, use one of the Windows App management features:
Control Panel > Programs and Features
Settings > Apps > Apps & features
Select the product you want to uninstall, choose the ‘Uninstall’ option and follow the on-screen instructions.
Uninstalling or deleting this product in any other way may cause problems when using this product in the future
or with your Windows set-up.

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12 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Fuel is contained in a fuselage bag tank and an integral wing tank, with the option of additional fuel tanks carried
on the inner wing pylons. The centre section of the wing tank forms a collector tank, the forward part of which is
a negative-G compartment containing a booster pump. The tanks are pressurised to assist the transfer of fuel to
the collector tank.

Fuel tanks
The fuselage tank is between and above the engine air intakes. The wing tank extends between the front and
rear spar, each side of the centreline. The optional external tanks are carried on the inner wing pylons and
automatically feed into the wing tanks. The table below shows the capacities of the tanks.

Tank KG (0.79 SG) KG (0.77 SG) Litres Gallons

Fuselage 645 629 818 180

Wing 627 612 795 175
External Tanks 717 699 908 200
TOTAL 1,989 1.940 2,521 555

Fuel transfer

Fuselage tank to wing tank

Fuel from the fuselage tank is transferred through separate lines to the outer sections of the wing tank. A flap-
type non-return valve in each transfer line prevents a reverse fuel flow during aircraft manoeuvres.

Wing tank to collector tank

Fuel transfers from the outer sections of the wing tank into the collector tank via a flap-type non-return valve on
each side of the collector tank.

Collector tank to negative-G compartment

Fuel from the collector tank transfers into the negative-G compartment via three flap-type valves, one in each bay
of a diaphragm which forms the rear wall of the compartment. The valves prevent an excess of fuel flowing to the
rear part of the collector tank when the aircraft attitude is nose high or during acceleration at low fuel states, and
thus ensures that fuel is available at the booster pump for delivery to the engine.

Tank air pressurisation

The fuel tanks are pressurised by air from the engine HP compressor. The air enters the system via a filter and a
pressure control valve. The pressure control valve incorporates a non-return valve, a reducing valve and a relief
valve. The non-return valve prevents reverse air flow to the engine during refuelling and prevents fuel entering

13 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

the air line, the reducing valve controls the air pressure to the fuselage tank, and the relief valve prevents over-
pressure damage and allows the fuel system to function satisfactorily if the reducing valve fails to fully open.
A defuelling air pressure supply connection is on the filter. Datum pressure for the system is taken, at ambient
pressure or slightly above, from an air inlet on the fuselage and fed to the pressure control valve, a differential
pressure switch and a non-return valve.
The reducing valve, within the pressure control valve, operates to ensure that compressor air pressure to the
fuselage tank is slightly above the datum air pressure. The differential pressure switch senses datum pressure on
one side and tank pressure on the other. If the tank pressure falls slightly below the datum pressure, the TRANS
caption illuminates. If fuel tank pressurisation is lost, the non-return valve allows air to enter the tanks from the
datum air source to offset the loss of pressure. The non-return valve also prevents air/vapour or fuel venting to
the atmosphere via the datum air source.

Fuel feed
Fuel is supplied to the engine from the negative-G compartment via the booster pump, a bypass valve and an LP
cock. A tapping downstream of the LP cock delivers fuel to the GTS.

Booster pump
The booster pump is an immersed, double-entry unit which ensures the engine fuel supply under negative-G
conditions. A differential pressure switch, downstream of the bypass valve, senses the pressure rise across the
pump. The switch is subjected to collector tank pressure on one side and to LP fuel line pressure on the other. If
the pressure rise is low then the switch closes and the FPR caption illuminates.
The booster pump is driven by an integral AC motor which is powered by its own static inverter. Normally the
inverter power supply is from the generator busbar and is controlled by a FUEL PUMP switch. Irrespective of the
setting of the fuel pump switch, with the ignition switch to NORMAL the inverter is supplied from the Essential
Services busbar while either start/relight button is pressed. The pump continues running from this source until
30 seconds after subsequent GTS shutdown during engine starting or relights. 30 seconds after GTS shutdown,
with the fuel pump switch set to ON, the inverter supply reverts to the generator busbar. With the fuel pump set
to OFF the inverter is then de-energised.

Booster pump bypass valve

If the booster pump fails, the bypass valve downstream of the pump opens to allow an engine-driven LP pump
to draw fuel directly from the bottom of the negative-G compartment. At the same time, the booster pump
delivery line is closed to prevent air being drawn into the engine through either of the pump inlets should they be

Fuel flow level warning

Warning of a low fuel state is indicated by the illumination of the FUEL caption and flashing of the attention
lights. The warning is triggered by a float switch in the negative-G compartment which closes when the usable
volume of fuel falls to 205 litres (160kg).
When the low level float switch closes, activation of the CWS is delayed 10 seconds by a time delay, thereby
minimising pilot distraction by intermittent warnings triggered during aerobatics. When the flaps and/or the
landing gear are down, a hold-on relay is energised and the FUEL caption, once triggered, remains on regardless
of any subsequent position of the float switch. The action of the hold-on relay prevents intermittent triggering of
the low fuel level warning during an approach and landing, and thus prevents possible pilot distraction. The hold-
on relay is de-energised when the flaps and the landing gear are raised, or when the batteries are switched off.

14 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Controls and indicators
The controls and indicators associated with the fuel system are listed in the table below:

Control/indicator Marking Location Function

LP fuel cock lever LP FUEL COCK Left wall, front cockpit Controls LP fuel cock
CONTROL – OFF (up) / connecting aircraft
ON (down) fuel system to engine
fuel system and to air
producer gas turbine
Booster pump switch FUEL PUMP Left console, front cockpit Controls power supply to
booster pump
Contents gauge FUEL kg x 100 Right panel, both cockpits Indicates usable fuel
Fuel low level caption FUEL CWP, both cockpits Indicates approx. 160kg
remaining in level flight
Fuel low pressure caption FPR CWP, both cockpits Indicates pressure rise
across booster pump or
pressure at engine LP
filter output is low
Tank air pressure failure TRANS CWP, both cockpits Indicates low air pressure
caption in tanks with possible loss
of fuel transfer

Gas turbine air producer fuel supply

Fuel for a gas turbine air producer, which is part of the gas turbine starting (GTS) system, is tapped from
downstream of the LP cock. It passes through a filter and an electrically operated shut-off valve to a dual fuel/oil
pump which delivers the fuel to the distribution block of the gas turbine air producer.

Normal use
Monitor the fuel contents at all stages of flight. The FUEL caption will illuminate when the indicated fuel contents
falls to approximately 160kg. When this occurs, check the fuel contents gauge and cross-check against the
anticipated time to the 160kg fuel state.


Tank air pressurisation failure

Failure of the tank air pressurisation system is indicated by the TRANS caption illuminating. Fuel continues to
flow to the collector tank by gravity flow. After the fuselage tank has emptied, the lack of pressurisation allows
the level of the fuel in the collector tank to fall with that in the outer sections of the wing tank. When the contents
of the collector tank falls to approximately 160kg, the FUEL caption is illuminated but the total fuel remaining is
more than 160kg, i.e. the fuel in the collector tank plus that in the outer sections of the wing tank. At altitude,
maximum power may be limited following the loss of tank pressurisation.

15 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Following the illumination of the TRANS caption, reduce height to below 25,000ft, avoid negative-G manoeuvres
and land as soon as practicable. The FUEL caption, if illuminated following tank pressurisation failure, may
subsequently go out, indicating an improved fuel transfer rate.

Fuel pressure failure

The FPR caption comes on when the pressure rise across the booster pump or the fuel pressure at the LP filter
outlet to the engine HP pump falls below datum. Failure of the booster pump does not seriously affect engine
performance in normal flight.
Following the illumination of the FPR caption, reduce power to the minimum practicable and descend as low
as practicable. Avoid negative-G manoeuvres and land as soon as possible. When the immediate action has
been initiated, check that the FUEL PUMP switch and the LP cock are on. Monitor the apparent rate of fuel
consumption throughout the remainder of the flight.

16 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Primary DC power is provided by an engine-driven 9kW DC generator which supplies 28 volts to a generator
busbar. AC power is provided by two static inverters which are connected in parallel to an AC busbar. The
inverters are powered from the generator busbar and each supplies 115 volts, 400Hz to the AC busbar. A third
115 volts, 400Hz static inverter powered from the generator busbar is connected to an Armament AC busbar.
Warnings of generator and inverter failure are given on the central warning panel (CWP).
Two 24-volt batteries provide power for an engine starting system and, following generator failure, for services
which are essential for the normal operation of the aircraft. The batteries are connected to individual battery
busbars, each of which is connected by a switch to an Essential Services busbar.

DC system

DC generator
The 9kW, 28-volt DC generator is below the forward end of the engine and is driven by the engine’s external
gearbox. Generator output is supplied to the generator busbar, which is connected to the Essential Services

Controls and indicators

Item Marking Location Function

Battery switches x2 BATT 1 / BATT 2 Left console Connect associated battery to

(front cockpit only) Essential Services busbar
DC voltmeter BATT VOLTS Lower left panel Indicates voltage at Essential
Services busbar
(front cockpit only)
Inverter reset button AC3 RESET Left console Brings No. 3 inverter on line
(front cockpit only)
Generator reset button DC RESET Left panel Brings generator on line
Inverter reset buttons x2 AC 1 RESET / Left panel Brings associated inverter on
AC 2 RESET line
Generator warning GEN CWP Indicates voltage at Essential
caption Services busbar is 25 volts or
Inverter off line caption AC 1/AC 2/AC 3 CWP Indicates associated inverter is
disconnected from AC busbar
/ Indicates No. 3 inverter
is disconnected from the
armament busbar

Battery supplies
The two 24-volts 18-ampere/hour batteries, No. 1 and No. 2, are in the main equipment bay. The batteries are
controlled from the front cockpit by the two-position switches BATT 1 and BATT 2.

17 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Setting a battery switch to ON (forward) connects its battery busbar to the Essential Services busbar. In
this condition the battery is charged by the generator, or if the generator is off line, the battery provides a
power supply to the Essential Services busbar. A supply from the battery busbars is also provided direct to
certain services, and in conjunction with the STBY INST and UHF-NORMAL/BATT switches, to standby flight
instruments, the radio and communications control system (CCS).
If the generator fails, the services supplied by the generator busbar are lost, but those services connected to the
Essential Services busbar continue to operate from the battery busbar supply, provided that the battery switches
are on. Fully charged batteries should support the Essential Services busbar for approximately 25 minutes.
Battery power may be conserved by selective load shedding.
Irrespective of the setting of the battery switches, the following emergency and standby services are powered
from the battery supply:
• Landing gear standby lowering
• Flap standby lowering
• Cockpit emergency lighting
• Fire extinguisher
• Crash relay operation
When the UHF-NORMAL/BATT switch is in the NORMAL position, the CCS and the radio are powered from the
Essential Services busbar. When the switch is in the BATT position, they are powered from the battery supply.
When the STBY INST-NORMAL/BATT switch is in the NORMAL position, the following instruments in the
associated cockpit are powered from the Essential Services busbar. When the switch is in the BATT position they
are powered from the battery supply:
• Turn-and-slip indicator
• Standby attitude indicator
• Directional gyro indicator

The DC voltmeter is connected via a fuse to the Essential Services busbar. The scale of the voltmeter ranges
from 21-29 volts and is graduated in two-volt increments.
Concentric with the graduated scale is a coloured scale which extends from 21-24 volts (orange) and from 24-29
volts (green). When the generator is off line with the battery switches set to ON, the battery voltage is indicated.
The voltage of each battery can be checked by selecting the switches off and then on in turn.

AC system

AC supplies
AC power is provided by two static inverters (No. 1 and No. 2) which are supplied with DC from the generator
busbar. The output of the inverters (115 volts, 400Hz) is supplied to the AC busbar. The DC input is provided by
the generator. Three step-down transformers are connected to the AC busbar, providing 26-volt, 400Hz supplies
to associated busbars. A third 115-volt, 400Hz inverter (No. 3) is supplied with DC from the generator busbar
with the output connected to an Armament AC busbar.

Inverters control
The inverter protection circuit trips an inverter off line when certain fault conditions are detected. The fault
conditions are grouped into two types: those associated with the input to an inverter and those associated with
the output of an inverter.

18 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

When an input fault condition has been cleared the inverter is automatically reset, but after an output fault has
cleared the inverter must be reset manually. The inverters can be reset manually using the AC1 RESET, AC2
RESET and AC3 RESET buttons.

Inverter failure warning

Warning that an inverter has failed or is off line is indicated by the illumination of an AC 1, AC 2 or AC 3 caption
on the CWS.

Normal use

Before flight
Before engine starting on internal batteries:
1. Set both battery switches to ON.
2. Check that the GEN, AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3 captions are illuminated.
3. Confirm that the voltmeter reads a minimum of 23 volts.
4. Check the voltage of the batteries by selecting the BATT 1 and BATT 2 switches OFF and ON in turn. The
voltmeter should read a minimum of 23 volts for each battery.

After engine starting on internal batteries:

1. Check that the GEN, AC 1, AC 2 and AC captions are not illuminated.
2. If the GEN caption remains illuminated, press the DC RESET button and check that the caption
extinguishes. If an AC caption remains illuminated, press the appropriate AC RESET button and check
that the caption extinguishes.
3. Confirm that the voltmeter indicates between 27 and 29 volts.

In flight
In flight the GEN, AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3 captions should remain extinguished and the voltmeter should indicate
between 27 and 29 volts.
If either engine start/relight button is pressed the generator is automatically taken off line and the GEN, AC 1, AC
2 and AC 3 captions are illuminated. Following engine relight, press the DC RESET button and check that the
GEN caption extinguishes. When the generator output voltage is sufficient to sustain the inverters on line, the AC
captions should go out.

After flight
During the shutdown checks, switch off all electrical services and then switch off the batteries.

19 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


DC generator failure
Generator failure is indicated by the GEN caption illuminating and by the voltmeter indicating 25 volts or less.
As the generator busbar voltage falls the inverters are tripped off line and the AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3 captions are
illuminated. Press the DC RESET button to bring the generator back on line.
If the fault was transient, the GEN caption should extinguish. Automatic resetting of the inverters should
extinguish the AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3 captions but if necessary the inverters can be reset manually. If the
generator cannot be reset, switch off all non-essential services and land as soon as possible.
Note: If the FPR caption remains illuminated following the resetting of the DC generator, switch the FUEL PUMP
switch OFF and then ON to extinguish the caption.
If the generator cannot be reset, the services which are connected to the generator busbar are lost:
• Fuel booster pump
• Main altimeter
• Main attitude indicator
• Horizontal situation indicator
• ILS localiser/glideslope receiver
• ISIS control unit
• Navigation mode selector
The services connected to the Essential Services busbar are supplied from the batteries, provided the battery
switches are ON.
Following the loss of the generator, voltage decreases immediately to that of the batteries (approximately 24
volts). Set the STBY INST switch and the UHF switch to BATT. The voltage subsequently decreases to 21 volts
and then falls rapidly. The battery switches should then be set to OFF. The voltmeter needle then deflects fully to
the left and subsequently no attempt should be made to determine battery voltage from the voltmeter.
After generator failure, the life of the batteries may be prolonged by shedding selectable loads on the Essential
Services busbar, as listed below. If it should be necessary to isolate the Essential Services busbar, switch off
both battery switches. All of the listed services will then be lost.
• Pitot tube heater
• Landing/taxi lamp
• Anti-collision lights
• Cockpit lighting
• Navigation lights
• Radio
• Cabin pressurisation
• Anti-skid control
• Landing gear control
• Airbrake control
• Flap control
• Engine start/relight
• Start master switch

20 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Under-voltage and Time Delay Unit failure
Failure of the fuse connecting the under-voltage and Time Delay Unit to the Essential Services busbar causes the
GEN caption to be illuminated. If the voltmeter indicates between 27 and 29 volts, failure of the fuse is confirmed
and the warning is spurious. The voltmeter must then be monitored at frequent intervals. If the generator
subsequently fails, the AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3 captions are illuminated and the voltmeter indicates battery voltage
(approximately 24 volts).

Battery failure
An unserviceable battery may cause the generator to be tripped off line and prevent it from being reset. If this
occurs, the unserviceable battery must be isolated. Set the battery switches OFF and then ON in turn. If the
voltmeter registers an increase when either switch is at OFF, that switch should be left OFF. A single fully charged
battery should supply the Essential Services busbar loads for approximately 12 minutes. If necessary, after an
unserviceable battery has been isolated, press the DC RESET button to bring the generator on line.

AC failure
Failure of the No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 static inverter is indicated by the AC 1, AC 2 or AC 3 caption being
illuminated. Failure of all three inverters may be caused by failure of the DC generator. If, after resetting the
generator, the inverters do not reset automatically, press the AC RESET buttons to bring them on line.
If a single inverter is tripped off line, the associated AC 1, AC 2 or AC 3 caption is illuminated. If the inverter
fails to reset automatically, press the associated reset button. If the initial attempt to reset the inverter fails, then
further attempts may be made.
Note: The output of either the No. 1 or No. 2 inverter is sufficient to power all of the loads on the AC busbar.
If both the No. 1 and No. 2 inverters trip off line, other than following a generator malfunction, attempt to reset
one inverter only, using the following procedure. If the attempt fails, the procedure should not be repeated
immediately but may be repeated at intervals during the remainder of the flight.
1. Press the AC 1 RESET button.
2. If No. 1 inverter resets, do not attempt to reset No. 2 inverter.
3. If No. 1 inverter fails to reset, press the AC 2 RESET button.
4. If No. 2 inverter resets, do not make a further attempt to reset No. 1 inverter.
If both inverters remain off line, the main attitude indicator, the horizontal situation indicator (HSI) and the AHRS
are unreliable. The standby flight instruments continue to operate.

21 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The central warning system (CWS) gives warnings of failures or events in the aircraft systems which require
prompt action to ensure the safety of the aircraft. The CWS is comprised of a central warning panel (CWP), two
attention lights in each cockpit and an audio warning unit.
Indication of an engine fire is given on each CWP and by an integral light in a fire extinguisher push-button on
each CWP. The failures and events are classified and appear as red or amber captions on the CWP. Only the red
captions are accompanied by audio warning and they indicate more hazardous conditions than those signified by
amber captions.
Each caption on the CWP is illuminated by a twin-filament lamp whenever the caption’s control circuit is
activated by the associated aircraft system exceeding a limitation or deviating from normal operating parameters.
When appropriate remedial action is taken the CWS resets itself. It is self-cancelling if activated by transient
failures or events. Power for the CWS is supplied from the Essential Services busbar.

Central Warning Panel (CWP)

The CWP is located on the right panel in each cockpit. The captions and their meanings are listed in the table

Caption Indicating Caption Indicating

FIRE Fire in engine bay T6NL TGT no NL above approx.

685°C or 108%
EOHT Engine LP cooling air START Fire in air producer bay
temperature exceeds
HYD Total hydraulic failure CPR Cabin altitude exceeds
OXY Low oxygen pressure in GEN Essential Services busbar
associated cockpit 25 volts or less
HYD 1 No. 1 hydraulic system HYD 2 No. 2 hydraulic system
pressure 41 bar or less pressure 113 bar or less
(remains on with RAT
FUEL 160kg fuel remaining FPR Low fuel pressure
AC 1 No. 1 inverter off line AC 2 No. 2 inverter off line
AC 3 No. 3 inverter off line JPOHT Jet pipe bay temperature
exceeds 150°C
TRANS Low air pressure in fuel OIL Engine oil differential
tanks, possible loss of pressure low
fuel transfer
ECA Failure of either or both SKID ANTI SKID switch off or
amplifier lanes anti-skid failure or failure
of power supply to anti-
skid control unit

22 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The layout of the captions on each CWP is similar and, with the exception of the OXY caption, identical captions
are lit simultaneously on both panels. The OXY captions operate independently in association with the respective
cockpit oxygen system. If the rear cockpit oxygen system is turned off for solo flight, the rear cockpit CWP OXY
caption is continuously lit.
A fire extinguisher push-button on each CWP is marked with black and yellow diagonal stripes. Each button
has an integral lamp which illuminates a white F on a red background in the head of the button. Pressing a
button activates the engine bay fire extinguisher which is energised by supplies from the No. 1 and No. 2 battery
A guarded two-position TEST/ON switch is located on each CWP. The switch is spring-loaded from TEST to ON.
When set to ON, DC from the Essential Services busbar is supplied to the CWS.

Attention lights
The two attention lights are integrally light spring-loaded red panels which incorporate a cancelling facility.
They are located at the top left and right corners of the centre instrument panel in each cockpit. When a CWS
control circuit is activated, both attention lights in each cockpit flash. Pressing any of the attention light panels
will cancel the attention lights in both cockpits but the caption associated with the fault remains lit. If, after the
attention lights have been manually cancelled, the CWS control circuits are activated by another fault condition,
the attention lights resume flashing.
The attention lights can be cancelled by using the ‘GPWS TOGGLE’ control assignment.

Audio warning
The audio warning is provided by a tone generator in the front cockpit, on the lower right side of the seat frame.
When a failure of event associated with a red CWP caption activates the CWS control circuits, the tone generator
is energised and a continuous ‘whooping’ audio warning sounds. Pressing an attention light panel cancels the
audio warning. If a fault condition associated with a red caption subsequently activates the CWS control circuits,
the audio tone is re-generated.

Testing the CWS

The CWS is tested when a TEST/ON switch is held at TEST. With the switch at TEST, the lights of all unlit
captions on both CWPs come on, the head of each fire extinguisher button is illuminated, the attention lights
flash in both cockpits and the warning tone is generated.
When the switch is released, all captions which were not lit before TEST was selected and the fire extinguisher
button lights will go out, and the attention lights and the warning tone are cancelled. If, while the switch is held at
TEST, an attention light panel is pressed, the attention lights and the audio warning are cancelled.

Normal use
Before starting the engine, when the batteries are switched on, check that the HYD, GEN, HYD 1, FPR, AC 1,
HYD 2, TRANS, SKID, AC 2, OIL and AC 3 captions illuminate. Check that when the test switch is held at TEST,
all unlit captions on both CWPs illuminate, the attention lights and audio warning tone are activated, and the fire
extinguisher button illuminates. When the test switch is released, check that all indications revert to their pre-test

An electrical fault within the CWS can cause the audio warning to sound continuously and in isolation. In this
condition the audio warning cannot be cancelled.

23 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Two independent hydraulic systems, designated No. 1 and No. 2, supply hydraulic power for the operation of the
powered flying controls. The No. 1 system also supplies power for the normal operation of general services, i.e.
landing gear, wheelbrakes, flaps and airbrake. A ram air turbine (RAT) extends into the airstream automatically to
supply power to the aileron and tailplane powered flying control units (PFCU) in the event of engine failure or the
failure of No. 2 system pressure. The RAT can be re-stowed by use of a push-button in either cockpit. A hand
pump in the No. 1 system can be used for pressurising the general services and a wheelbrakes accumulator on
the ground when the engine is not running.
Each system contains a reservoir, an engine-driven pump and a flying controls accumulator. A pressure gauge for
each system is located in both cockpits. The operating pressure of both systems is 207 bar. Pressure switches
initiate warning of pressure failure, which is indicated by the illumination of captions on the CWP. Relief valves in
the systems ensure that line pressures do not become excessive.
The No. 1 system powers one half of each PFCU and, when system pressure is 103 bar or more, provides power
for the general services. The No. 2 system provides powers for the other half of each PFCU. This arrangement
of the hydraulic power supplies ensures that the operation of the flying controls is not affected by the failure
of either system. A solenoid-operated bypass valve is associated with the No. 2 system pump. The valve is
automatically energised open to offload the pump during engine starting.
The valve is also energised during relighting when the engine RPM falls to 42% or below, provided that both
engine start master switches are at ON. The pump can be manually reset from either cockpit when engine RPM
are 45% or above.

Controls and indicators

The controls and indicators for the hydraulic systems are similar in both cockpits:

Control/indicator Marking Location Function

No. 2 hydraulic pump/ HYD 2 RESET Left console Resets No. 2 system pump after
RAT reset button engine start/relight. Initiates RAT
retraction, provided that No. 2
pump pressure is above approx.
130 bar
Pressure gauges (2) HYD 1 and HYD 2 Left console Indicates No. 1 system pressure
System low pressure HYD 1 (amber), HYD 2 CWP Indicates No. 1 system pump
captions (amber) and HYD (red) output pressure has fallen to 41
bar or below.
Indicates No. 2 system pump
output pressure has fallen to 113
bar or below (remains on with RAT
Indicates total hydraulic failure.

The reservoir in each system is charged with nitrogen at 3-5 bar. Hydraulic pressure in the systems dissipates
slowly after engine shutdown, but it can be dissipated more rapidly by movement of either control column.

24 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The two flying controls accumulators, nitrogen-charged to 76 bar, enable instantaneous demands from the flying
controls to be met. An additional accumulator in the No. 2 system, nitrogen-charged to 66 bar, provides power to
extend the RAT jack if the No. 2 system pressure falls below 103 bar and maintains pressure to the flying controls
whilst the RAT pump is running up. With the RAT extended, both accumulators in the No. 2 system operate to
smooth the delivery flow to the flying controls.
A wheelbrakes accumulator, nitrogen-charged to 86 bar, is supplied by the No. 1 hydraulic system pump.

No. 2 system pump bypass valve

The No. 2 system bypass valve solenoid is automatically energised to open the valve during engine starting.
With the valve open, the pump output is directed to its suction side and the pump if offloaded. The low output
pressure causes the HYD 2 caption to illuminate. When the engine RPM rises through 45%, the bypass valve
solenoid can be de-energised and the valve closed by pressing the HYD 2 RESET button.
Subsequently, as No. 2 system pump output pressure rises through approximately 137 bar, the HYD 2 caption
extinguishes. Irrespective of the increased pump output pressure following the valve closure, the HYD 2 caption
remains illuminated unless the HYD 2 RESET button is pressed. Whenever engine RPM falls through 42%,
with both engine start master switches ON, the bypass valve solenoid is automatically energised and the valve

Ram Air Turbine (RAT)

The RAT is an integral part of the No. 2 system and supplies hydraulic power to the flying controls if engine
failure occurs. The RAT and its jack are in a bay in the top of the fuselage, forward of the fin. The RAT is
maintained in the retracted position by hydraulic pressure on one side of the jack piston and by spring-loading
within the jack.
The RAT is automatically extended whenever No. 2 system pressure falls below 103 bar. At this pressure a
shuttle valve operates to allow RAT accumulator pressure to the reverse side of the RAT jack piston. Due to
the difference in effective areas of the piston head, this pressure extends the jack and raises the RAT into the
airstream. Simultaneously, the shuttle valve links the RAT accumulator and the RAT pump output to the No. 2
system flying controls supply line.
A RAT cut-out valve regulates RAT pump output between 169 and 203 bar. Indication that the RAT is functioning
is given by the HYD 2 pressure gauge cycling between 160 and 210 bar as control column demands are made.
When operating, the RAT pump recharges both its own and the No. 2 system flying controls accumulator.
If engine RPM falls to 42% during relighting, and both engine start master switches are ON, No. 2 system pump
bypass valve solenoid is automatically energised and the pump output passes to the suction side of the pump.
The reduction in system pressure allows the RAT to extend into the airstream. When RPM increases to 73%,
pressing the HYD 2 RESET button causes the solenoid of the bypass valve to be de-energised. At the same
time the solenoid of the shuttle valve is energised, allowing No. 2 system pump pressure to be supplied to the
shuttle valve and thereby restoring normal operation of the No. 2 system. The HYD 2 caption is subsequently
extinguished. With the shuttle reset, hydraulic pressure within the jack is directed to the reverse side of the piston
head and the RAT retracts.
The solenoid of the No. 2 system pump bypass valve can be de-energised by pressing the HYD 2 RESET button
when engine RPM has risen above 45%. However, the RAT shuttle valve cannot be reset at this RPM since the
No. 2 system pump output will be insufficient to assist shuttle valve movement and the output passes to return
via the shuttle valve. The RPM required to raise the pump output sufficiently to move the shuttle valve may be as
high as 76%.
The output of the RAT pump is dependent on airspeed. At sea level the pump develops maximum output at
speeds in excess of 130 knots. At 105 knots the output is reduced to 75% of maximum.
Extension of the RAT can be tested on the ground with the engine running. In flight, with the engine throttled
back, the RAT can be tested for functionality. For both tests the No. 2 system hydraulic pressure must be

25 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

reduced by continuous movement of the control column until the RAT extends. On the ground, with the RAT
extended, the HYD 2 pressure gauge shows RAT accumulator pressure. In flight the gauge reading cycles in
response to RAT pump cut-out valve action. In flight, depending on the engine RPM used during a test, the HYD
2 caption may extinguish after the RAT has extended and control column movement has ceased.
After a test has been completed and the HYD 2 caption has extinguished, the HYD 2 RESET button must be
pressed to retract the RAT.
During engine shutdown, the RAT extends when No. 2 system pressure falls to 103 bar. When pressure has
dissipated the RAT is retracted automatically by spring action and its bay doors close.

Normal use

Before flight
After engine start, check control response on HYD 1 system and then press the HYD 2 RESET button. Check
that the HYD, HYD 1 and HYD 2 captions are extinguished. Check that the HYD 1, HYD 2 and BRAKES SUPPLY
pressure gauges indicate approximately 200 bar.
Before taxiing, check the flying controls for full and free movement and that the HYD 1 and the HYD 2 pressures
recover fully after control column movement ceases.

In flight
Check that the pressure in both systems remains at approximately 207 bar. A transient drop in HYD 1 pressure
occurs during operation of the landing gear, flaps or airbrake, but pressure should restore when the operation of
a service is complete.
With the engine throttled back, RAT functioning can be checked by moving the control column continuously to
reduce No. 2 hydraulic system pressure until the HYD 2 caption illuminates and the RAT extends. Functioning of
the RAT is indicated by the HYD 2 pressure gauge reading cycling between approximately 160 and 210 bar as
the RAT pump cuts in and out. The HYD 2 caption may extinguish depending on the idle RPM used during the
test. To retract the RAT, increase engine RPM to above 75% and press the HYD 2 RESET button. Check that the
HYD 2 pressure gauge indicates approximately 200 bar.

After flight
During engine shutdown, the RAT extends when No. 2 system pressure falls to approximately 103 bar. It retracts
when the system pressure has dissipated.

In all cases of hydraulic system failure, land as soon as possible.
A non-return valve is in each of the No. 1 and the No. 2 hydraulic system pressure lines to the tailplane PFCU.
The valves act to cause a hydraulic lock and prevent a sudden nose-down tailplane runaway if hydraulic failure
occurs in extreme conditions of high tailplane loading, i.e. airbrake extended at high speeds.

26 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

No. 1 system
If No. 1 system pressure falls to approximately 103 bar, the system pressure is confined to the operation of the
PFCU only and:
• The landing gear must be lowered using the standby system
• Flap lowering is dependent on the standby system
• The airbrake, if extended, remains so until blown in by airloads after being selected in
• Wheelbrakes operation is dependent on brake accumulator pressure
If No. 1 system pump output pressure falls below approximately 41 bar, the HYD 1 caption illuminates and the
system fails.
The illumination of the HYD 1 caption when the landing gear is selected up may indicate a leak in the No. 1
hydraulic system. Selecting the landing gear down immediately may prevent the loss of fluid from the system. Do
not attempt to reselect the landing gear up.

No. 2 system
If No. 2 system pump output pressure falls to approximately 113 bar, the HYD 2 caption illuminates. If the
pressure continues to fall to approximately 103 bar, the RAT extends. The No. 2 system pressure then increases
and the pressure indication cycles between approximately 160 and 210 bar.
If the failure is transient, for example because of excessive control column movement at low engine RPM, the
HYD 2 caption should extinguish when control movement ceases or when the engine RPM is increased. Set a
minimum of 76% RPM and press the HYD 2 RESET button to retract the RAT.
If the failure is caused by loss of hydraulic fluid or of reservoir nitrogen pressure, the RAT is inoperative and there
will be no cycling of the HYD 2 pressure indication.

No. 1 and No. 2 systems

Failure of both engine-driven pumps is indicated by the illumination of the HYD 1 and the HYD 2 captions and
by pressure gauge readings. The RAT should extend when No. 2 system pressure falls to approximately 103 bar.
Functioning of the RAT is indicated by the HYD 2 pressure indication cycling between approximately 160 and
210 bar as control column demands are made. The lowering of the landing gear and flap are dependent on the
standby lowering systems and wheelbrake operation is dependent on brake accumulator pressure.

Total hydraulic failure

If failures of the hydraulic systems occur progressively, the HYD caption (red) illuminates and is accompanied
by audio warning when the third system failure occurs, i.e. total hydraulic failure, irrespective of the sequence
in which the systems fail. Following total hydraulic failure, the aircraft should be abandoned before the flying
controls accumulators are exhausted.

The complete loss of nitrogen from the No. 1 or No. 2 system accumulator results in the loss of damping of high-
pressure hydraulic pulses and is indicated by pressure fluctuations on the associated pressure gauge.

27 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The flight controls are comprised of ailerons, an all-moving tailplane, a rudder, flaps and an airbrake.
The ailerons and tailplane are fully power-operated with no reversion to manual control, and the rudder is
manually operated. Trimming facilities are provided for the ailerons, tailplane and rudder.
The flaps and airbrake are power-operated and a flaps standby lowering system is provided.
The dual control columns, which are interconnected, are linked by push-pull rods to hydraulically operated
powered flying control units (PFCU), one at each aileron and one at the tailplane. In each cockpit a pair of rudder
pedals is carried on a rudder bar. The rudder bars are interconnected and linked by push-pull rods to the rudder.
Hydraulic power for the operation of the aileron and tailplane PFCU is provided by the No. 1 and the No. 2
hydraulic systems. Hydraulic power for the flaps and the airbrake is from the No. 1 hydraulic system.

Controls and indicators

The controls and indicators for the ailerons, tailplane and rudder are listed below:

Control/indicator Marking Location Function

Aileron trim switches AILERON TRIM Left console Control aileron trim
Aileron trim indicator AILERON Left console Indicates aileron trim
Tailplane main trim Unmarked Top of control stick Control tailplane actuator
switches main motor
Tailplane standby trim LIFT FOR STANDBY, Left console Cover, when raised fully,
switch covers CLOSE FOR MAIN operates integral switch
to isolate trim actuator
main motor, and exposes
standby trim switches
Tailplane standby trim Unmarked Left console Control tailplane trim
switches actuator standby motor
Tailplane position indicator TAILPLANE Centre panel Indicates tailplane setting
Rudder trim switch RUDDER TRIM Left console Controls rudder trim tab
Rudder trim indicator RUDDER Left console Indicates rudder trim tab
Rudder bar lock handle Unmarked (red) Right side of leg panel Engages/disengages
(front cockpit only) rudder system lock

28 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Powered Flying Control Units (PFCU)
Each PFCU is comprised of an actuator, which has two cylinders and two pistons in tandem and which is
anchored at one end to the aircraft structure. The pistons are connected to a ram which is linked to a control
surface operating lever. Each half of the actuator has a control valve, operating simultaneously in the same
sense, to direct hydraulic fluid under pressure to one side or the other of the associated piston depending on
the direction of control column movement. One half of each actuator is supplied, via its control valve, from No. 1
hydraulic system. The other half is similarly supplied from No. 2 hydraulic system. If one hydraulic system fails,
the control valve in the associated half of the PFCU operates to allow fluid to be displaced freely as the piston
moves, thus preventing a hydraulic lock. The failure does not affect operation of the flying controls.
The pistons move relative to the actuator body and deflect the control surface via the ram and the operating
lever. The ram has a mechanical feedback linkage which centralises the control valve when the control surface
reaches the demanded position. When control column movement ceases, the control valves close to effect a
hydraulic lock which prevents further movement of the pistons and therefore the control surface.

Control surfaces – range of movement

Aileron – the range of aileron movement is approximately ±12°.
Tailplane – the range of tailplane movement is +6.6° (nose down) to -15° (nose up), relative to the fuselage
datum. Tailplane position is shown on the TAILPLANE position indicators by a pointer which moves against a
scale graduated at 1° intervals from +7° to -17°. The scale has major graduations at 5° intervals.
Rudder – the range of movement of the rudder is 20° left and right. The rudder trim tab has a range of
movement of 9° left and right, relative to the rudder.


Control column or rudder pedal forces are trimmed out using the aileron, tailplane or rudder trim switches which
control a power supply to the motors of associated trim actuators. The tailplane can be trimmed using either the
main or standby trim switches which control the main or the standby motor of the tailplane trim actuator. The
power supply for the trim actuator motor is from the Essential Services busbar via the trim switches.

Aileron trim
The aileron trim actuator operates to bias the aileron spring feel unit. Operation of the actuator is controlled by
the AILERON TRIM switches. The amount of trim applied is shown on the AILERON trim indicator by a pointer
which moves against an un-numbered arc from 270°, through 0° to 90°. The range of trim afforded by the aileron
trim actuator is governed by limit switches and by mechanical stops. The time required to trim from stop to stop
is approximately seven seconds.

Tailplane trim
The maintain motor of the tailplane trim actuator is controlled by two switches on the control column in each
cockpit. The standby motor of the actuator is controlled by two switches in the front cockpit and by a single
switch in the rear cockpit. The standby trim control switches are under the LIFT FOR STANDBY, CLOSE FOR
MAIN cover. When either cover is raised the main motor is isolated and tailplane trimming, using the exposed
switches, is then effected by the standby motor. In the front cockpit the two standby control switches must be
operated together to effect operation of the standby motor. The range of trim (+3° to -5°) afforded by the tailplane
trim actuator is governed by limit switches and by mechanical stops. The time required to trim from stop to stop
is approximately four seconds.

29 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Rudder trim
The rudder is trimmed by a rotary actuator which moves a trim tab on the rudder. The actuator is controlled by
the RUDDER TRIM switch. The degree of trim is shown on the RUDDER trim indicator by a pointer which moves
against an unnumbered arc from 315°, through 0° to 45°. The range of trim afforded by the rudder trim tab is
governed by limit switches only. The time required to trim over the full range is between 16 and 22 seconds.

Rudder bar lock

The rudder bar lock handle, located in the front cockpit only, enables the rudder pedals, the control linkage and
the rudder to be locked in the central position. The handle is moved to the locked position by it rearwards and
upwards to the horizontal where it obstructs the right rudder pedal.
The lock is disengaged by rotating the handle downwards and forwards until the handle is in its unlocked
position against the right side of the cockpit leg panel.


A double-slotted trailing edge flap is on each side of the wing. Each flap is supported by hinges which are offset
below the wing to give increased wing area when the flaps are lowered. The flaps are hydraulically operated by
a single centrally mounted jack, powered by No. 1 hydraulic system. A high pressure nitrogen standby system is
provided for lowering the flaps if No. 1 hydraulic system fails.

Controls and indicators

The flaps are controlled by a three-position UP/MID/DOWN selector on the left panel in the front cockpit and by
a similar UP/PUPIL/DOWN selector in the rear cockpit. Each cockpit has a FLAP x 10 (degrees) position indicator
above the flaps selector. A T-handle, marked F on the left panel in each cockpit, operates the flap standby
lowering system.

Operation of the flaps is via an electro-hydraulic selector valve which is electrically controlled by the cockpit
selectors. With the rear cockpit flap selector at PUPIL, flap selection is controlled from the front cockpit.

Standby lowering system

High pressure nitrogen for lowering the flaps by the standby system is stored in a bottle behind the rear cockpit
bulkhead. The bottle is charged to 207 bar. If the No. 1 hydraulic system fails, the flaps are lowered to fully
down when the T-handle is pulled out. When the handle is pulled, the flap selector valve is de-energised and a
cartridge is electrically detonated to release the nitrogen which is directed via a shuttle valve, to the down side of
the jack, causing the up-side fluid to be dumped overboard via a jettison valve. The flaps lower and subsequently
cannot be raised. The standby lowering system operates irrespective of flap setting and of which cockpit has flap

30 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Power supplies
The power supply for normal flap operation is from the Essential Services busbar. The power supply for operation
of the flaps using the standby system is from the battery supply. Normally a voltage of at least 14 volts is
required to activate the system.

The airbrake, located on the underside of the rear fuselage, is hydraulically operated by a jack which is powered
by No. 1 hydraulic system. The airbrake can be operated from either cockpit and is electrically controlled via an
electro-hydraulic selector valve. Full extension of the airbrake is approximately 60°.
There is sufficient ground clearance for full extension at the normal ground attitude of the aircraft. However, to
ensure that an extended airbrake cannot strike the ground when the aircraft is in the landing/take-off attitude, an
interconnect circuit automatically retracts the airbrake and isolates the airbrake selection switch when the landing
gear is selected down by normal selection. If the landing gear standby lowering system is used, the airbrake
automatic retraction facility does not operate.

Controls and indicators

An AIR BRAKE – IN/OUT switch, spring-loaded to the centre off position, is located on the top of each throttle
lever handle. An AIRBRAKE magnetic indicator is on the centre panel in both cockpits. The indicator is
de-energised to show black when the airbrake is fully retracted or when the electrical supply is not established.
The indicator is energised to show white when the airbrake is not fully retracted. A spring-loaded AIR BRAKE
TEST switch, located on the front cockpit right console, enables the airbrake operation to be tested on the
ground. The electrical supply for the airbrake system is from the Essential Services busbar.

31 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

In flight, operating an AIR BRAKE switch extends or retracts the airbrake, provided that the landing gear is up.
If the airbrake is in the extended position when the landing gear is lowered by a normal down selection, the
airbrake is automatically retracted.

On the ground, holding the AIR BRAKE TEST switch forward bypasses the landing gear interconnect circuit,
allowing the airbrake to be operated using the AIR BRAKE – IN/OUT switch. When OUT is selected the airbrake
moves to full extension. When IN is selected the airbrake retracts.

Normal use

Before flight
Release the rudder lock and confirm free movement.
After starting the engine, check the flying controls for full and free movement and that the hydraulic pressures
recover fully after control movement ceases. During the check of full and free tailplane movement, check that the
full range of +6.6° (nose down) to -15° is displayed on the tailplane position indicator in each cockpit.
Make the following checks:
Rudder trim – check that the rudder trim functions over its full range and check the indicator. Set the trim to
Aileron trim – check that the aileron trim functions over its full range and check the indicator. Set the trim to
Tailplane trim (main) – check that the tailplane trim functions over its full range using the main trim switches and
check the indicator.
Tailplane trim (standby) – lift the cover of the tailplane standby trim switches. Check that the standby trim
functions over its full range and check the indicator. Return the trim to neutral. Lower the switch cover and check
that the main trim is again functioning.
Flaps – for solo flight the rear cockpit flaps selector must be set to PUPIL. Check the operation of the flaps over
the full range and check the indicator. If appropriate, return flap control to the front cockpit by setting the front
cockpit selector to the same setting as the rear cockpit selector and then set the rear cockpit selector to PUPIL.
Airbrake – hold the AIR BRAKE TEST switch forward and check the operation of the airbrake and the magnetic
indicator independently from both cockpits. Check the rear cockpit over-ride facility by making simultaneous but
opposite selection in both cockpits. Check that the rear cockpit selection prevails.

In flight
Periodically check the hydraulic pressures. Although the airbrake is automatically retracted when the landing gear
is selected down normally, the airbrake should be selected in before the landing gear is selected down.

If a HYD 1 or HYD 2 caption illuminates, the airbrake is not to be extended. If, in the event of a HYD 1 or HYD 2
caption illuminating, the airbrake is extended it should be immediately selected in.

32 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The landing gear consists of left and right mainwheel units and a fully castering nose-wheel unit. Hydraulically
operated wheelbrakes are fitted to the mainwheels.
The landing gear is normally operated by hydraulic power from the No. 1 hydraulic system, but if this system fails
the landing gear can be lowered using a high-pressure nitrogen standby system. An emergency retraction facility
is provided.
The mainwheel units retract inward into wheelbays in the wing, forward of the spar. Fairing doors on each main
unit leg retract with the unit. Wheelbay doors are hydraulically sequenced to close after the legs retract. The
reverse sequence occurs on lowering and the wheelbay doors remain open with the landing gear down.
The nose-wheel unit retracts forward into a fuselage bay which is closed by three doors mechanically linked to
the unit leg. The doors remain open with the nose-wheel unit down. A cam, integral with the oleo leg of the nose-
wheel unit, self-centres the nose-wheel when the oleo extends during take-off.
Hydraulically operated three-plate wheelbrakes, incorporating a selectable electro-hydraulic cross-coupled anti-
skid system, are fitted to the mainwheels. The brakes are operated by toe pads on the rudder pedals. Differential
braking is provided.

Landing gear

Controls and indicators

The controls and indicators for the landing gear system are listed below:

Control/indicator Marking Location

Retraction selector button (with UP Left panel, both cockpits

emergency retraction facility)
Lowering selector button DOWN Left panel, both cockpits
Selection control transfer button Red Left panel, rear cockpit
Unit position indicator Unmarked Left panel, both cockpits
Standby lowering selector T-handle U/C Left panel, both cockpits

Position indicator
The electro-mechanical position indicator has three windows, one for each unit of the landing gear, through
which the following indications are given:
• Green – unit locked down
• Red – unit unlocked or no electrical supply to the indicator
• UP (in white on black background) – unit locked up

33 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Operation of the landing gear is controlled via an electro-hydraulic selector valve by the UP and DOWN selector
buttons. Each UP button has a solenoid-operated safety lock which prevents inadvertent up selection when
the aircraft is on the ground. The solenoids are energised from the Essential Services busbar via the contacts
of a ‘weight-on-wheels’ microswitch on the oleo of each mainwheel leg. As the oleos extend after take-off the
microswitches close. The solenoids are then energised and withdraw the button safety lock to allow an UP
selection to be made.

Selection control transfer button

The selection control transfer button is below the DOWN selector button in the rear cockpit. When the transfer
button is depressed, landing gear selection is controlled from the front cockpit and the rear cockpit UP and
DOWN buttons are automatically set to the out position.
When an UP or a DOWN selection is made in the rear cockpit, the transfer button is released and full control of
the landing gear, including the emergency retraction facility, is transferred to the rear cockpit. The front cockpit
selector buttons are then electrically isolated and remain in the last selected position.
Control of landing gear selection is returned to the front cockpit when the transfer button is again depressed.
However, a solenoid-operated safety lock in the transfer button ensures that this transfer can only be achieved
when the setting of the front cockpit UP and DOWN selector buttons corresponds with the setting of the rear
cockpit buttons. The transfer button must be depressed for solo flight.

Standby lowering system

High-pressure nitrogen from a storage bottle is used to lower and lock the landing gear if No. 1 hydraulic system
The standby system is operated by pulling a U/C T-handle outwards after pressing a locking button integral with
the handle. The system operates irrespective of the landing gear selector buttons. Pulling the U/C T-handle in
either cockpit de-energises the landing gear selector valve and electrically detonates a cartridge which operates
a release valve to allow nitrogen from the storage bottle to be directed, via shuttle valves, to the down side of the
landing gear jacks. After the landing gear has been lowered using the standby system it cannot subsequently be
The landing gear can be raised in an emergency by rotating either landing gear selector UP button clockwise and
then pressing the button. The facility is available from both cockpits when landing gear normal control is from the
front cockpit (rear cockpit transfer button depressed) or from the rear cockpit alone when normal control is from
that cockpit. The emergency retraction facility is inoperative if the landing gear has been lowered by the standby
system or the No. 1 hydraulic system has failed.

Wheelbrakes and anti-skid

Hydraulically operated wheelbrakes, incorporating a selectable electro-hydraulic cross-coupled anti-skid system,
are fitted to the mainwheels. The brakes are operated by toe pads on the rudder pedals and differential braking is
provided. A parking brake is in the front cockpit only.
Pressure on the toe pads generates hydraulic pressure in a brake master cylinder attached to the front of each
pedal. This pressure is then transmitted via a hydraulic line to a twin brake control valve. The hydraulic lines from
each master cylinder are independent of each other and of the No. 1 and No. 2 hydraulic systems. The brake
control valve regulates pressure from No. 1 hydraulic system (or the wheelbrake accumulator) to the brake unit.
The toe brakes can be operated independently for differential braking or together for uniform braking.

34 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

A pressure-sensitive bypass valve and a restrictor in each brake pressure line minimises brake response time
and improves the operation of the anti-skid system. When a pressure-sensitive valve is open, pressure can be
rapidly applied to the associated wheelbrake. When the applied pressure reaches a pre-set value the valve is
automatically closed. Pressure from the brake control valve can then only pass through the restrictor which
allows a gradual rate of application of pressure at the brake, and so provides for smooth operation of the anti-
skid system by reducing the possibility of rapid wheel deceleration.
A brakes SUPPLY pressure gauge, located on the left console in each cockpit, indicates the brakes accumulator
pressure. When the accumulator is fully charged the supply gauge indicates between 195 and 210 bar. If the No.
1 hydraulic pump fails, a fully charged accumulator provides a reserve of power which is sufficient to provide a
reserve of power which is sufficient to bring the aircraft to a braked stop, with anti-skid protection, after landing.
Two brake pressure gauges, PORT and STBD, adjacent to the SUPPLY pressure gauge, indicate the pressure
applied at the respective brake. The gauges are graduated from 0-140 bar in increments of 10 bar. With the
brakes fully applied, the highest pressure indicated is between 85 and 100 bar. When the brakes are released, a
residual pressure of up to 10 bar may be indicated on the gauges.

Parking brake
A PARKING BRAKE T-handle is aft of the right console in the front cockpit. The wheelbrakes can be applied and
locked on by pulling up the T-handle.
When the parking brake is on, an initial brake pressure of between 85 and 100 bar should be indicated for each
mainwheel, provided the wheelbrakes accumulator pressure is above this range.

The anti-skid system provides automatic protection against mainwheel skidding. The main components of the
anti-skid system are a control unit, two solenoid-operated electro-hydraulic control valves and a speed sensor in
each mainwheel.
The power supply for the system is from the Essential Services busbar, via a fuse, and is controlled by an ANTI
SKID switch on the left console in each cockpit. The system operates automatically, provided that the ANTI SKID
switch in each cockpit is selected ON. A SKID caption on the CWP is illuminated if either the ANTI SKID switch is
OFF or if the anti-skid system fails.

Normal use

Before flight
During the initial cockpit checks, in the front cockpit check that the landing gear selector DOWN button is in. In
the rear cockpit check that the control transfer button (red) is in and that the UP button and the DOWN button
are both out. In both cockpits check that the UP selector button has not been rotated to its emergency setting.
For solo flight, check that the ANTI SKID switch in the rear cockpit is ON and that the landing gear control
transfer button is in.
During the internal checks, apply the parking brake and check that brake pressure at each mainwheel is between
85 and 100 bar.
When the chocks have been removed after engine starting, release the parking brake and allow the aircraft to roll
forward gently, and then check the action of the brakes. While taxiing, check the differential action of the brakes.
Before take-off select ANTI SKID on and then check that the SKID caption is extinguished and that braking is

35 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

In flight
After take-off with the landing gear selected UP, check that the unit position indicators show UP.
After lowering the landing gear, check that the unit indicators show green and that the DOWN selector is fully in.
Check that the wheelbrakes accumulator pressure gauge registers 195 to 210 bar and the residual pressure is
below 10 bar.

Normal braking is unlikely to activate the anti-skid system.

After landing
After landing but before taxiing, select ANTI SKID off and then check that the brakes accumulator pressure is
approximately 200 bar and that braking is normal.


Landing gear
If the landing gear fails to lower when DOWN is selected, check that HYD 1 pressure is normal and check
the position of the selector in the rear cockpit. Below 200 knots with the flaps up make further landing gear
selections from both cockpits if possible. If the landing gear still fails to lower, select DOWN and then operate the
landing gear standby system by pressing the central knob and pulling the handle.
If the No. 1 hydraulic system fails, the normal landing gear lowering system is inoperative. Select DOWN and
lower the landing gear using the standby system.

If the No. 1 hydraulic system fails, the wheelbrakes are served by the brakes accumulator only. Do not test the
brakes during the downwind checks. After touchdown, set the throttle lever to HP OFF. When the mainwheels
and the nose-wheel are firmly on the ground, apply the brakes progressively. During the landing run, pulling the
control column fully aft increases load on the mainwheels. After the aircraft has been stopped, do not taxi.
When the brakes accumulator pressure drops below approximately 120 bar, the brakes function with decreasing
effectiveness. When the supply gauge indicates 100 bar it is unlikely that further braking will be possible.

Malfunctioning of the anti-skid system, including failure of the fuse in the control unit DC supply line, is normally
indicated by the SKID caption illuminating. Select the anti-skid system OFF. The caption remains illuminated and
braking without anti-skid protection is then available.

36 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The front and rear cockpits are contained in an air-conditioned pressure cabin. Air, tapped from the final stage
of the engine HP compressor, is ducted to a cabin pressurisation and air condition (ventilation and temperature)
system. Compressor air flows through the duct to the cabin via a pressure regulating and shut-off (PRSO) valve
and a cold air unit/heat exchanger unit. On the ground, and when air conditioning is switched off in flight, the
cabin is ventilated by ram air.

Controls and indicators

The controls and indicators associated with air conditioning and pressurisation are listed below:

Control/indicator Marking Location Function

Cabin conditioning control OFF/NORMAL/DEMIST/ Right console, front OFF – closes PRSO valve,
switch FLOOD – guarded at OFF. cockpit ram air valve open.
A catch to the right of the
NORMAL – selects
switch must be pushed
air conditioning on.
outboard before the
Ram air valve and an
switch can be set to OFF
inducer valve controlled
automatically via landing
gear microswitches.
DEMIST – increases flow
of conditioned air to
FLOOD – boosts
conditioned air mass
flow and increases its
Rotary temperature CABIN AIR TEMP – Right console, front MANUAL FIXED – for
control switch MANUAL FIXED/AUTO cockpit setting temperature
sectors control valve manually
AUTO sector extremities – AUTO – permits automatic
WARM/COOL operation of temperature
control valve
Cabin altimeter ALT Right panel, both cockpits Indicates cabin pressure
in terms of altitude
Cabin altitude caption CPR (red) CWP, both cockpits Indicates cabin altitude
exceeds 30,000ft

Pressure regulating and shut-off valve

The PRSO valve combines the functions of a pressure regulator and an ON/OFF valve. A valve-operating
solenoid is energised to close the valve when the cabin conditioning control switch is at OFF. At all other settings
of the switch the solenoid is de-energised and the valve is open and operates to keep the pressure of the ducted
engine HP compressor air within a set range.

37 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Air conditioning system
The air conditioning system receives and cools a proportion of the air tapped from the engine HP compressor.
The remainder bypasses the system. The air flowing to the air conditioning system is directed into a primary
heat exchanger where it is cooled. It then passes through the compressor of a cold air unit which delivers it to a
secondary heat exchanger. The cooled air then flows to drive the turbine of the cold air unit and in the process
its temperature is further lowered. The temperature of the air is then modified by the addition of engine HP
compressor air which has bypassed the cold air unit and heat exchangers. The conditioned air finally passes via
a water extractor to the cabin.
In flight, ram air is used in the heat exchangers to cool the air from the engine HP compressor. When the volume
of ram air passing through the intakes is low, i.e. during ground running or in flight at low speeds with the landing
gear down, air is drawn into the ram air intakes and through the heat exchangers under the influence of cooling
air inducers in the exhaust duct of each heat exchanger. Engine HP compressor air is injected into the exhaust
duct where the inducer creates a Venturi effect which causes a greater volume of cooling air to be drawn through
the heat exchanger.
A solenoid-operated shut-off valve controls the injection of air into the inducers. The valve is energised closed
when the cabin conditioning control switch is at OFF. At other settings of the switch the valve is automatically
controlled through the operation of the up-lock microswitch on the right mainwheel leg. When the landing gear is
lowered the microswitch opens, the shut-off valve solenoid is de-energised and the valve opens. The solenoid is
energised and closes the valve when the landing gear is locked up.

Cabin ventilation

Conditioning air
Conditioned air passes into the cabin and is distributed by body and canopy vents. Ventilation pipes on each
side of both cockpits distribute the air through fixed foot and head vents and body vent louvres. A vent/demist
change-over valve, controlled by the cabin conditioning control switch, regulates the proportion of conditioned
air supplied to the body and canopy vents. When the switch is at NORMAL, about 60% of the conditioned air
is directed to the body vents and the remainder goes to the canopy vents. When DEMIST or FLOOD is selected
the proportions are reversed. Selection of FLOOD also increases the mass flow by about 50% and raises its
temperature by adding HP compressor air to the conditioned air supply.

Ram air
When the aircraft is on the ground, or if the cabin conditioning system is switched off in flight, cabin ventilation
is by ram air from a duct in the nose of the aircraft. An inlet and an outlet valve are controlled by a solenoid-
operated ram air control valve which is in series with compression microswitches on the main landing gear oleos.
On the ground the solenoid is energised and closes the control valve. The inlet and outlet valves then open
to ventilate the cabin. In flight, when the compression switches open the control valve opens and engine HP
compressor air closes the inlet and outlet valves. Pressurisation of the cabin then takes place.

Temperature control
A temperature control valve regulates cabin temperature by scheduling the mixing of compressor air which has
bypassed the air conditioning unit with the cold air delivered from the air conditioning unit. The control valve is
operated either automatically or manually according to the setting of the temperature control switch.
In the automatic mode the switch setting, together with inputs from sensors, cabin temperature and conditioned
air delivery temperature, are fed into a control circuit to operate either a cool demand relay or a warm demand
relay. The contacts of the operated relay close and the valve is motored in the appropriate direction.

38 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The temperature control switch can be set to any position within the AUTO sector, the extremities of which are
marked COOL and WARM, to set a variable resistor. The temperature control valve is then adjusted automatically
to maintain the selected cabin temperature. In the MANUAL FIXED sector, rotating the switch towards either
COOL or WARM progressively closes or opens the valve. When the switch is released it returns to the 12 o’clock
position under the influence of a spring. The valve remains in its new position.

With the cabin sealed, the cabin is pressurised by controlling the rate of discharge of conditioned air. A pressure
controller receives inputs of cabin pressure and ambient pressure (from the pitot-static system) and controls the
discharge of conditioned air to maintain a cabin differential pressure at a value which is related to aircraft altitude.
A warning of excessive cabin altitude is given by a CPR caption on the CWP.
The pressure controller, on the front pressure bulkhead, automatically regulates cabin pressure by opening and
closing two discharge valves, one integral with the controller and one on the rear seat frame. The forward valve
discharges conditioned air into the forward equipment bay. The aft valve discharges air into the fuselage aft of
the cabin.
Pressurisation commences at about 5,000ft. As altitude is increased the controller regulates the discharge of
air until a differential pressure of 0.276 bar is reached at about 40,000ft, above which the differential pressure is
maintained constant.

Cabin pressure altimeter

The cabin pressure altimeter indicates cabin pressure in terms of altitude. Corresponding normal values of aircraft
and cabin altitude (when pressurised) are shown in the table below.

Aircraft altitude (feet) Cabin altitude (feet)

10,000 7,800
20,000 12,700
30,000 16,800
40,000 20,100

Cabin altitude warning

A pressure switch is in the rear cockpit, aft of the right console. If cabin altitude reaches 30,000ft, the switch
closes. The CPR caption on the CWP and the attention lights come on and the audio warning is activated.

Normal use

Before flight
Before starting the engine, check that the canopy is locked and that the cabin conditioning control switch is
at NORMAL. To minimise the possibility of ice forming in the cabin conditioning system as engine RPM are
increased for take-off, set the CABIN AIR TEMP switch to not colder than the six o’clock position in the AUTO
sector. On the ground at idle RPM the cabin conditioning system is not very effective. When stationary, increasing
RPM to between 60-70% provides effective cabin conditioning.

39 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

In flight
After take-off adjust the CABIN AIR TEMP switch as required for comfort. Prior to descending from medium and
high altitudes, set the cabin conditioning control switch to DEMIST.

If the cabin is under-pressurised above an aircraft altitude of 8,000ft, the failure can only be detected by
comparing aircraft and cabin altimeter readings. If a discrepancy is observed, check the setting of the cabin
conditioning switch.
If the cabin altitude exceeds 30,000ft the CPR caption comes on and the attention lights and audio warning are
activated. The validity of the warnings should be checked against the cabin altimeter. Descend to the lowest
possible altitude and land as soon as practicable.

40 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


A gaseous oxygen system provides both occupants with a common supply from two 1,400-litre cylinders behind
the rear cockpit bulkhead.
An outlet from the cylinders is routed through a combined pressure-reducing valve and relief valve before dividing
to provide a separate supply line to each cockpit. In each cockpit the main oxygen flow reaches the seat via a
shut-off valve, a flow indicator transmitter and a low-pressure switch. At the seat the supply is connected at a
pull-off bayonet connector and then flows via a coupled pressure demand regulator/PEC and the PEC tube to
the face mask.
The endurance of the supply is approximately seven hours.

Controls and indicators

The oxygen system controls and indicators, which are similar in each cockpit, are listed in the table below:

Control/indicator Marking Location

Supply selector (two-position rotary OXYGEN – ON/OFF Right console

Supply contents gauge OXY Right panel
Flow magnetic indicator OXY Right panel
Oxygen supply low pressure OXY CWP

Supply selector
The supply selector operates the shut-off valve which controls the oxygen supply to the associated seat. The
valve is open when the selector is pointing forward.

Supply contents gauge

The supply contents gauge is a direct reading gauge showing cylinder pressure in terms of contents. The gauge
scale is graduated in eighths from full (F) and has major markings at quarter intervals. Below 1/8 the scale is
coloured red. When the needle registers in the red sector the system is empty.

Supply flow indicator

The oxygen flow magnetic indicator in each cockpit functions in respect of the oxygen supply. The indicator in
each cockpit is electrically operated by a flow transmitter in the supply line to the associated seat. An indicator
is de-energised and shows black when no oxygen is flowing or there is no electrical supply. It is energised to
show a white vertical bar when oxygen flows. When the oxygen system is in operation the indicator should give
alternating black and white bar indications in time with the user’s breathing.

41 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Supply low pressure warning
The supply low pressure warning is controlled by the low pressure switch which closes to illuminate the OXY
caption when the system pressure to the associated seat is below 3 bar. The caption and attention lights
illuminate and the audio warning is activated.
The oxygen supply can be refilled via the EFB tablet.

Normal use

Before flight
Check that the OXY flow indicator shows a white bar when the supply selector is switched on.

In flight
The system is selected on before engine start and should remain on throughout the flight. Periodic checks should
be made of the oxygen contents and of the operation of the flow indicator.

After flight
Before leaving the aircraft, turn off the oxygen system in both cockpits.

Indication of oxygen system malfunction can be given by illumination of the OXY caption or by the flow indicator.
The flow indicator may continue to indicate normal flow when the system pressure is below the minimum
required by the user, therefore the illumination of the OXY caption must always be regarded as genuine unless,
by a process of cross-checking, it is proved to be spurious.
If a system malfunction is indicated, make sure the system is selected ON and the contents are sufficient.

42 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


A primary flight instrument display, on the centre panel in each cockpit, is comprised of a combined airspeed
indicator/machmeter (CSI), a main altimeter, a main attitude indicator, a turn-and-slip indicator, a vertical speed
indicator (VSI) and a horizontal situation indicator (HSI).
Each cockpit also has a standby attitude indicator and a directional gyro indicator (DGI) on the centre panel, a
standby altimeter on the right panel and a standby magnetic compass on the canopy centre line.
An attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) provides pitch and roll information to the main attitude
indicators and gyromagnetic compass heading or directional gyro (DG) heading to the HSI in each cockpit. ILS
glideslope and localiser information and TACAN (VOR) range and bearing information is presented on each HSI
by selection at a navigation mode selector in the front cockpit. Power for either system is from the AC busbar. If
this supply fails, a display of attitude and of direction is provided by the standby attitude indicator and the DGI
respectively. The CSI, HSI, main altimeter, main attitude indicator, VSI and DGI have integral lighting.

Pitot-static system
An aerodynamically-compensated pitot-static tube is on the nose of the aircraft. The tube is shaped in the
vicinity of the static holes so as to induce, locally, a static pressure equal and opposite to that caused by the
aircraft’s presence. An outer sheath on the tube has a heater element which is supplied with 28 volts DC from the
Essential Services busbar. The power supply is controlled by a two-position PITOT HT switch at the aft end of
the left console in the front cockpit.

The pitot-static system supplies the following cockpit instruments:

• Main altimeter (repeater in the rear cockpit)
• Standby altimeters

Main altimeter
A Mk 3B servo-type altimeter in the front cockpit gives indications of altitude on a counter and by a single
pointer. The altimeter, which uses inputs of static pressure, has a range of operation from -2,265 feet to 50,000
feet. The instrument is electrically driven and provides electrical outputs to a Mk 3C repeater-type altimeter in the
rear cockpit.
On both altimeters the pointer makes one full rotation for each thousand feet of altitude. Each altimeter has a
4-drum, 5-digit counter which indicates altitude in increments of 50 feet. Between zero and 9,950 feet, the tens
of thousands of feet digit is obscured by a black and white striped flag. Below zero feet, however, the digit is
obscured by a red and white flag. Altitude below zero feet is calculated by adding the indicated height to minus
10,000ft, e.g. a true pressure altitude of minus 150ft is indicated by the red and white flag obscuring the tens of
thousands of feet digit with the altimeter display reading 9,850ft (minus 10,000ft + 9,850ft).
Both the Mk 3B and the Mk 3C altimeters have a pressure datum setting control, at the lower right-hand corner,
for adjusting the millibar scale of a 4-digit pressure setting indicator in the face of the instrument. The controls of
the front and rear cockpit altimeters are not interconnected.
A two-position switch, spring-loaded to off, and marked ALTIMETER TEST, is at the forward end of the left
console in the front cockpit. A similar switch on the centre panel in the rear cockpit is similarly marked. The front
cockpit switch, which is collectively marked GROUND USE ONLY with the ignition switch enables the operation

43 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

of the electrical parts of both altimeters to be tested. The rear cockpit switch enables the Mk 3C altimeter servo
to be tested in isolation from the Mk 3B servo.
When the front cockpit switch is held on, with power applied to the altimeters, the altitude indication on both
altimeters should progressively increase by a fixed value, irrespective of the setting of the millibar scale. The
value increases with increasing instrument altitude above sea level. At sea level the value is 5,000ft and at 5,000ft
AMSL it is 5,400ft. When the switch is released the altimeters should progressively return to their previous
indication. When the rear cockpit switch is held on, the rear cockpit altimeter indication should progressively
increase until a value of 11,100ft is indicated. The front cockpit altimeter indication remains unaltered. While the
altimeters are running up to or down from the test values, the altitude counter is obscured by a red and black
striped bar. If the rear cockpit switch is held on while the front cockpit switch is at on, the rear cockpit indication
should then increase to 11,100ft. The altimeter test switches must not be operated in flight.
Both altimeters are supplied with AC from the No. 3, 26-volt AC busbar. If the power supply fails or if the servo
mechanism runs away, the altitude counter is obscured by the red and black striped bar. The front cockpit
altimeter has, at the centre of its face, a window in which a black flag is displayed when a 28-volt fuse-protected
supply from the generator busbar is present at the instrument. If the DC supply fails, the black flag is replaced
by a white flag with black letters ‘PE’. This has no effect on the serviceability of the front cockpit altimeter but
causes the red and black striped bar to obscure the altitude counter of the rear cockpit altimeter, rendering it

Standby altimeter
A Mk 19F altimeter is on the right panel in each cockpit and can be used as a standby if the Mk 3B or 3C
altimeters are unserviceable.
Height is indicated by two pointers and by a black and white disc which is viewed through a spiral slot and
replaces the third pointer of other altimeters. The longer pointer makes one rotation for each 1,000 feet and
the shorter pointer makes one rotation for each 10,000 feet. The leading edge of the white sector of the disc
indicates total height as it moves through the slot. The slot, which covers the height range zero to 60,000ft, is
marked with un-numbered increments representing 10,000ft to 50,000ft (in 10,000ft increments). The amount of
white visible is proportional to the tens of thousands of feet and the slot is completely filled at 60,000ft. A millibar
setting control is provided.

Vertical speed indicator

The VSI is calibrated in thousands of feet per minute and registers positive and negative vertical speed to a
maximum of 6,000ft per minute.

Combined speed indicator

The CSI gives indication of airspeed and Mach number derived from pitot and static pressure.
Airspeed is indicated by a pointer which moves against a scale graduated from 50 to 550 knots (VNE) in
10-knot increments. Mach number is shown on a scale which is displayed in a window and read against the
airspeed pointer. The scale is calibrated from 0.3 to 1.2 in increments of 0.02M. The Mach number scale moves
independently of the airspeed pointer and the scale window to maintain the correct relationship between
airspeed and Mach number.

Standby flight instruments power switch

A two-position switch, STBY INTL – NORMAL/BATT, is on the centre panel in each cockpit. When the switch
is set to NORMAL, a 28-volt DC supply from the Essential Services busbar provides power for the turn-and-
slip indicator, the standby attitude indicator and the DGI. When the switch is set to BATT, these instruments are
powered by supplies from No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars.

44 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Main attitude indicator
The main attitude indicator in each cockpit is of the moving ball type. It receives pitch and roll attitude signals
from the AHRS displacement gyroscope assembly. The attitude indicators and the vertical gyro unit form the
attitude indication system.
The moving ball has a grey top half with black pitch attitude marking representing the area above the horizon,
and a black bottom half with white pitch attitude markings representing the area below the horizon. A white line
between the two halves represents the horizon. Pitch attitude is indicated by division lines marked on both halves
of the ball parallel to the horizon line at 5° intervals, read against a fixed yellow aircraft symbol. The division lines
are numbered at 30° intervals from the horizon line to show 30°, 60° and 90° of climb or dive. The words CLIMB
and DIVE are marked at the 45° division lines on the grey and black halves respectively.
Roll attitude in each direction is measured by movement of an index against a fixed semi-circular scale which has
30° divisions up to 90° and 10° subdivisions to show bank angles up to 30°.
A spring-loaded button marked ERECT is on the AHRS control unit in the front cockpit. Momentary operation
of the button increases the rate at which the AHRS vertical gyro erects. To ensure that the vertical gyro has
attained a sufficiently high rotation speed before fast erection is initiated, the button must not be operated until
60 seconds have elapsed from the AHRS being switched on. Thereafter, the button should only be used in
unaccelerated flight conditions. A two-position switch, spring-loaded to off and marked ATT FAST ERECT, is on
the centre panel in the rear cockpit. The switch offers similar facilities and should be used in the same way as the
ERECT button.
The main attitude indicators and the AHRS are powered by a 115 volts, 400Hz supply from the AC busbar and
a 28 volts DC supply from the generator busbar. Failure of either supply to a main attitude indicator or failure of
a valid signal from the AHRS is indicated by the appearance of a red and black striped warning flag across the
bank scale on the lower right of the indicator.

Turn-and-slip indicator
Each turn-and-slip indicator has a pointer which indicates direction and rate of turn and a ball which indicates
slip or skid. The rate scale is graduated, left and right of a centre mark, with marks to indicate rate 1 and rate 2
turns. A warning flag appears in the presentation when the DC supply is interrupted or when the rotational speed
of the gyro drops to a level whereby accuracy is impaired.
A static inverter within each turn-and-slip indicator is powered from either the Essential Services busbar or from
supplies from No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars, depending on the setting of the STBY INST switch. After the
application of power, the gyro requires three minutes to spin up to its operating speed. Do not use the instrument
within this period.

Standby attitude indicator

The standby attitude indicator is smaller than the main attitude indicator but is similar in appearance and
presents similar information.
The erection system is pneumatic; the air pressure being generated by a radial compressor machined into the
gyro wheel itself. Control is by a gravity sensitive pendulum mechanism with roll and pitch acceleration cut out at
0.25G (14.5° bank). The normal erection rate is nominally 3° per minute.
To cage the instrument a caging knob at the lower right corner of the instrument face should be pressed until all
motion has ceased and the instrument has settled in the caged position. A red flag is displayed on the left side of
the bank scale, between the 30° and 60° divisions, while the caging knob is pressed in.
The standby attitude indicator has an integral static inverter which provides AC to drive the gyro. The inverter
is powered from either the Essential Services busbar or from supplies from No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars,
depending on the setting of the STBY INST switch. If the power supply to the indicator fails, a red and black
striped flag is displayed at the top of the instrument face. After the application of power, the gyro requires three
minutes to spin up to its operating speed.

45 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Directional gyro indicator
The DGI has a rotating compass card graduated at 5° intervals and with alpha-numeric markings at 30° intervals.
DG heading is indicated by a fixed white index above the top of the compass card. Pushing in and rotating a
control knob, marked PUSH ALIGN and PULL V, on the lower right-hand corner of the indicator face, aligns the
compass card to a desired heading.
When the knob is pulled out and rotated, a yellow set heading index is moved round the edge of the compass
card which remains in a fixed position. When the knob is released, the set heading index is locked to and
rotates with the card as the aircraft changes heading. The DGI is provided as a standby instrument for use if the
compass function of the HSI fails.
The DGI contains a static inverter which is powered from either the Essential Services busbar or from supplies
from No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars, depending on the setting of the STBY INST switch. If the static inverter
fails, a red and black striped warning flag is displayed on the lower left-hand part of the compass card.

Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS)

The AHRS supplies heading signals to the HSI and TACAN, and pitch and roll signals to the main attitude
indicators. The heading reference part of the system can be operated in either a slaved or a DG mode. The AHRS
consists of a displacement gyroscope assembly (DGA) and an electronics control amplifier in the main equipment
bay, a detector unit in the fin and an AHRS control unit on the leg panel in the front cockpit.
The DGA is an all attitude device. It contains a vertical gyro to provide pitch and roll information to the main
attitude indicators via the electronics control amplifier and a directional gyro (DG) to provide a stable heading
reference to the electronics control amplifier.
When the AHRS is switched on the vertigo gyro is automatically fast erected in pitch and roll so as to be within
0.25° of the local vertical within 1.5 minutes of power being applied. If power to the AHRS is subsequently
interrupted for longer than 40 seconds, the initial fast erection of the vertical gyro is automatically carried out
when power is re-applied. It is essential therefore that the aircraft is in straight and level unaccelerated flight
when power is re-applied and for 1.5 minutes afterwards to ensure that the vertical gyro is erected to the correct
datum, otherwise erroneous data is presented on the main attitude indicator. The normal erection rate of the
vertical gyro is 1° per minute but a manually initiated fast erection facility erects the gyro at 29° per minute.
In the DG mode, the DG operates as an earth rate corrected free gyro, heading compensated for transport
rate at a fixed ground speed of 350 knots. In the slaved mode the DG is slaved to magnetic heading signals
from the detector unit. The normal slaving rate is 1.5° per minute. Automatic fast synchronisation of the DG to
detector unit heading takes place when the AHRS is switched on following fast erection of the vertical gyro and
when the AHRS is switched from the DG mode to the slaved mode provided the aircraft is in straight and level
unaccelerated flight. In flight, slaving errors can be eliminated by manually initiating fast synchronisation at a
PUSH TO SYNC control on the AHRS control unit.
The control should only be operated when the aircraft is in straight and level unaccelerated flight. If the aircraft is
not in straight and level flight and manual fast synchronisation is initiated, the DG is synchronised to erroneous
magnetic heading signals from the detector unit. Heading signals from the AHRS to the HSI and the TACAN are
incorrect. Automatic and manually initiated fast synchronisation takes place at a rate of greater than 30° per
second. If power to the AHRS is interrupted (HSI power failure warning flag displayed) for less than 40 seconds,
the system enters a free gyro mode and, unless extreme manoeuvres have been carried out in this mode, will
remain erect. If the accuracy of the system is suspected, then straight and level unaccelerated flight should be
achieved and manual fast erection and fast synchronisation initiated.

The AHRS control unit has the following controls and indicators:
Heading mode selector
The heading mode selector is a three-position rotary switch marked OFF/DG/SLV. It selects either power off to
the system (OFF), the directional gyro (DG) or the slaved (SLV) mode of operation.

46 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Synchronisation indicator
The synchronisation indicator, marked SYN IND, has a centre zero movement with a pointer which is displaced
left (-) or right (+) of centre to indicate the direction in which the DG is desynchronised from magnetic heading
in the slaved mode. A three-quarters to full scale deflection indicates a synchronisation error of 5°. When the
pointer is displaced in the slaved mode it can be re-centralised, indicating that the DG is synchronised, by
pressing the PUSH TO SYNC control. In the DG mode the pointer is parked in the upright position.

Synchronisation and Set Heading control

The synchronisation and set heading control is a push-to-turn control marked PUSH TO SYNC.
In the slaved mode fast heading synchronisation at greater than 30° per second is initiated when the control is
pressed. Two arrowheads are above the control and are marked – and +. In the DG mode the heading outputs
are aligned to a desired heading when the control is pressed and turned. Rotation of the control in the anti-
clockwise (-) or the clockwise (+) direction results in a negative or a positive heading change respectively. The
rate of heading change depends on the amount the control is turned. In the slaved and DG modes the HSI
and the main attitude indicator power failure warning flags are displayed while the PUSH TO SYNC control is
pressed. The warning flags are also displayed in the slaved mode while fast synchronisation is taking place. A
synchronisation repeater marked COMPASS SYNC is on the right console in the rear cockpit.

Latitude control
The rotary latitude control, marked LAT, is preset to the latitude of operation to establish a correction for apparent
drift of the directional and vertical gyros due to earth’s rotation. The control also establishes a correction for
transport rate drift of the DG.
The latitude control is automatically set to the aircraft’s latitude when the flight is loaded. You will need to update
the latitude to reflect changes in the aircraft’s position.

Fast erection button

A button type switch, marked ERECT, causes the vertical gyro to be erected at 29° per minute when pressed.
When the AHRS is in the fast erection mode, the main attitude indicator and the HSI power failure warning flags
are displayed.

Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)

An HSI, located on the centre panel in each cockpit, combines the compass system and radio navigational
displays. The HSI displays the following information:

Heading is indicated by a rotating compass card read against a fixed ‘V’ lubber mark above the card. The card is
graduated at 5° intervals and is marked alpha-numerically at 30° intervals.

Heading index
A yellow heading index registers against the outside edge of, and rotates with, the compass card. The index can
be manually set relative to the compass card by a select heading knob, marked with a symbol representing the
heading index, at the lower left-hand corner of the HSI face.

Compass select flag

When the AHRS control unit mode selector is set to DG, a white flag with DG in black letters is displayed on the
lower right side of the compass card.

47 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Track index and counter
A track index which is on a centre display assembly registers against the inside edge of, and rotates with, the
compass card. The index can be manually set relative to the compass card by a selector knob at the lower right-
hand corner of the front cockpit HSI only. The rear cockpit selector knob is inoperative. The reciprocal of the
track set is indicated by a track index tail on the centre display assembly. A three-digit display of the selection is
given on a track (COURSE) counter at the top right of each HSI face. Operation of the front cockpit selector knob
positions the index and the counter of both the front and rear HSI. The selector knob is marked with a symbol
representing the track index.

Deviation bar
A deviation bar and a fixed scale of two dots on either side of a centre index are on the centre display assembly.
The bar moves left or right of the centre index to indicate deviation from the selected track when TACAN
information is selected at the navigation mode selector or from an ILS localiser when ILS information is selected
at the navigation mode selector. When operating in the ILS mode, the HSI track deviation display is more readily
interpreted if the track index is set to the QDM of the localiser.

TACAN bearing
The magnetic bearing to a TACAN (VOR) ground beacon is indicated by a green pointer head when read against
the compass card. The reciprocal is indicated by the tail of the pointer. The bearing is also displayed when ILS
information is selected at the navigation mode selector.

To/from indication
Two triangular indicator windows, ‘to’ and ‘from’, are on the centre display assembly. The ‘to’ window is adjacent
to the track index and the ‘from’ window is adjacent to the tail of the track index. With the navigation mode
selector set to TACAN, a TACAN radial set on the track index and the bearing pointer locked on to a TACAN
beacon, a white flag is displayed in the ‘to’ or the ‘from’ window. The ‘to’ flag is displayed whenever the bearing
from the TACAN is less than 90° from the selected radial. Conversely, the ‘from’ flag shows white whenever the
bearing from the TACAN beacon is 90° or more from the selected radial.

TACAN range
Range to a TACAN ground beacon, in nautical miles, is shown on a three-digit counter marked N MILES at the
upper left corner of the HSI face. A yellow bar obscures the counter when range information is invalid. The range
is also displayed when ILS information is selected at the navigation mode selector.

Glidepath deviation pointer

A pointer, to the left of the compass card, moves over a fixed vertical scale consisting of two dots above and
two dots below a circle (representing the aircraft). The pointer is driven by the ILS equipment and indicates the
vertical position of the ILS glidepath relative to the aircraft, e.g. if the pointer is above the circle on the scale, the
aircraft is below the glidepath. The pointer is only driven when ILS information is selected at the navigation mode

Glidepath warning
A red flag, with ‘GS’ in white letters, appears above the glidepath deviation scale when the glidepath information
is invalid.

ILS localiser or TACAN bearing warning

A red flag, with ‘NAV’ in white letters, appears bellows the COURSE counter when the ILS localiser or the TACAN
bearing information is invalid.

48 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Power failure warning
An orange flag, with black diagonal stripes, appears at the lower left-hand side of the compass card when the
power to the HSI has failed or when the AHRS generates an invalid signal.

An accelerometer calibrated from -5 G to +10 G is located on the centre panel in each cockpit. Each
accelerometer has three concentrically mounted pointers; one pointer indicates instantaneous G and the other
two indicate maximum positive and negative values experienced. On the front cockpit instrument the latter two
pointers can be reset by pressing a PUSH TO SET knob on the instrument face.

Standby compass
An E2C standby compass is on the canopy centre line in each cockpit, one just aft of the front windscreen and
the other just aft of the rear windscreen. The compass has integral lighting which is controlled by a COMPASS
switch on the right panel.

Normal use

Before flight
With the battery switches on, check that the warning flag clears. Set the compass heading on the DGI, checking
that the heading index moves with the compass card. Set the heading index as required by pulling out and
rotating the control knob. Check that the index moves independently and that the compass card does not rotate.

Turn-and-slip indicator
Three minutes after the batteries are switched on, check that the under-speed warning flag clears. Whilst taxiing,
check the instrument for correct indications.

In the front cockpit reset the accelerometer. In the rear cockpit check that the accelerometer has been reset.

Altimeter – main
Check that the warning bar clears from the altitude counter when power is applied to the instrument. Set QFE
on the millibar scale and check that the altimeter pointer indicates zero feet. Set the appropriate barometric

Altimeter – standby
Set QFE on the millibar scale and check that the altimeter indicates zero feet. Set the millibars scale as required.

With AC power on line check that the mode selector is set to SLV and that the correct latitude is set at the
control unit. Check the heading indicated by the HSI compass card against the E2C compass. If necessary,
synchronise the DG by pressing the PUSH TO SYNC control.

49 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Attitude indicators – main
With DC and AC power on line and the AHRS mode selector set to SLV, check that the warning flag clears. If
necessary, operate the fast erect system but not until 60 seconds have elapsed from switch-on.

Attitude indicators – standby

With the battery switches on, check that the warning flag clears. If fast erection is required, press the caging
knob. Check that the red warning flag is displayed whilst the knob is pressed.

With AC power on line and the AHRS control unit mode selector set to SLV, check that the power failure flag
clears. Using the select heading knob, check that the select heading index moves freely relative to the compass
card and then set as required. Using the select track knob on the front cockpit HSI, check that the track index
moves freely relative to the compass card on both the front and rear cockpit HSIs and that the track (COURSE)
counters indicate correctly, and then set as required.

In flight
Periodically check that the AHRS remains synchronised. Achieve straight and level unaccelerated flight before
selecting the slaved mode from the DG mode. If power to the AHRS is interrupted and then re-applied, and
manual synchronisation becomes necessary, establish the aircraft in straight and level unaccelerated flight, cross-
check the attitude indicator, natural horizon and the turn-and-slip indicator, and then with the slip ball trimmed to
the centre, press the PUSH TO SYNC control.


Standby instruments
If the power failure warning flag on either the standby attitude indicator or the DGI is displayed, set the STBY
INST switch to BATT. If a warning flag then remains displayed, the associated instrument is unserviceable and the
switch should be returned to NORMAL. If the warning flag on both instruments appears a power supply failure is
indicated. Select the alternative power source by setting the switch to BATT.
If the warning flag is displayed on the turn-and-slip indicator, the turn indications are unreliable and must not be
used. The slip ball indications are unaffected. If the warning flag is displayed in association with the warning flag
on the standby attitude indicator and on the DGI, select the alternative power source by setting the STBY INST
switch to BATT.

Main altimeters
If the DC supply to the front cockpit main altimeter fails, the PE warning flag is displayed on the front cockpit
altimeter and the altitude counter on the rear cockpit altimeter is obscured by the red and black striped bar. The
front cockpit altimeter remains serviceable but in the rear cockpit the standby altimeter must be used.

If the main attitude indicator information is unreliable when cross-checked against the standby attitude indicator
and the main attitude indicator power failure flag is not displayed, achieve straight and level unaccelerated flight
and then press and hold pressed the ERECT button until the main attitude indicator display is erected. When the
display is erected, release the ERECT button and monitor the performance of the main attitude indicator against
the standby attitude indicator.

50 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

If, when operating in the SLV or DG mode, the main attitude indicator or the HSI power failure flag is displayed,
check the HSI or the attitude indicator respectively for a display of its power failure flag. If the check shows that
both the attitude indicator flag and the HSI power failure flag are displayed, then consider the AHRS as unreliable
and use the standby attitude indicator and E2C compass/DGI. If only the attitude indicator or the HSI power
failure flag is displayed, then consider the indicator which displays the failure flag as having a power failure and
do not use it. Use the appropriate standby instrument(s).
If, when operating in the SLV mode with the HSI power failure not displayed, the HSI heading is incorrect when
compared with the E2C compass and the AHRS cannot be synchronised, select the DG mode and align the HSI
heading with the E2C heading. If unsatisfactory heading performance is obtained in the DG mode, use the E2C
as the heading reference.

51 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Cockpit entry and exit

Entry to, or exit from, the front and rear cockpit is by either:
• An extending footstep, a toe-in step and a retractable step which are integral with the left side of the
• An access ladder

The sideways-opening canopy operates about four hinges on its right side. The canopy is manually operated and
its weight is counterbalanced by a torque tube arrangement on its right edge.
A combined pneumatic damper and locking strut controls the rate at which the canopy can be opened or closed
and enables the canopy to be locked in the open position. The damper/locking strut, which can secure the
canopy in any desired position, is controlled by canopy operating levers via Teleflex cable. The strut is on the
front cockpit right wall and is secured to the cockpit floor by a quick release pin. If a fault occurs in the strut or
the controlling cable which prevents the canopy from being opened normally, the quick release pin should be
removed to free the strut.
Two interconnected levers on the canopy frame, one at the left side of each cockpit, operate four interlocked
canopy locking pins. The levers are spring-loaded to the forward position. The canopy is locked when the levers
are fully forward and unlocked when the levers are moved aft. A thumb-operated spring-loaded safety catch in
the front cockpit prevents inadvertent movement of the levers from the canopy locked position. The safety catch
is linked to a thumb-operated catch in the rear cockpit and to a push-button integral with an external lock/unlock
When either the front or the rear cockpit catch is pressed outboard, both levers are free to move. An UNLOCKED
label in each cockpit is positioned such that when the canopy is locked, each safety catch totally obscures
the word UNLOCKED. If any part of the word is visible the canopy is not locked. When either safety catch is
pressed the canopy seal is deflated. An arrowhead is marked on the left side of the front windscreen arch. A
second arrowhead on the canopy forward edge is marked with CANOPY LOCKED ARROWS MUST BE IN LINE.
When either lever is fully held aft, the canopy swings partially open and the locking strut allows the canopy to be
manually positioned. When the level is released the locking strut holds the canopy in the selected position. In the
front cockpit, a grab handle on the canopy frame forward of the lever may be used to position the canopy.
The MDC firing handle (on the right side of the canopy) or grab handle (on the left side of the canopy) can be
clicked to open or close the canopy once the canopy handle has been unlocked. Alternatively, the canopy can be
controlled via the EFB tablet.

Aircraft lighting

Internal lighting
The aircraft’s internal lighting comprises general cockpit lighting and the lighting of control units and indicators by
integral lights and pillar lights.
Cockpit lighting is provided by six white lighting strips in the front cockpit and five white lighting strips in the rear
cockpit. In the front cockpit each wall has two strips which illuminate the adjacent consoles, and the left and right
glareshields each have one strip on the underside which illuminates the respective left and right panels. In the rear
cockpit the strips are positioned similarly except that the right wall has only one strip. Each strip has a centre light
and two outer lights; the outer lights are for normal (main) lighting and the centre light is for emergency lighting.
There are two map reading lights in each cockpit, on the underside of the left and right glareshields respectively.

52 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

In each cockpit the main lights are powered from the Essential Services busbar via a main lights master switch,
labelled PANEL, on the right panel. The emergency lights are powered from the common supplies from No. 1 and
No. 2 battery busbars via an emergency lights switch, labelled EMERGY, on the right panel. The toggle of each
emergency lights switch has a self-powered light source for easy identification in the dark. The power supply to
the map reading lights is via the main lights master switch, but it is controlled at each light by an integral push/
pull off/on switch.
Each main lights master switch, in addition to controlling the main strip lights and the map reading lights, also
controls the integral lighting of indicators as shown in the table below.
When the front cockpit master switch is on, the intensity of the CWP caption lights in both cockpits and of the
navigation mode selector lighting is automatically reduced; in the T Mk 1A the intensity of the MCP caption lights
is also automatically reduced.
Three rotary dimmer controls – PORT, CENTRE, STBD – are on the right panel in each cockpit under the
collective label PANEL LIGHTS. The PORT and STBD dimmer controls are supplied with DC via the main lights
master switch. The CENTRE dimmer control is supplied from the AC busbar when the main lights master switch
is on. The dimmers control the intensity of the cockpit lighting and of the control unit and indicator integral
lighting as shown in the table below.

Control – Marking Function

Main lights master switch – PANEL Controls DC supply from Essential Services busbar to:
• PORT and STBD dimmer controls
• Map reading lights
• Flap position indicator pillar lights
• Indicator integral lights for:
• Landing gear, airbrake, air producer start, engine
rotation and WCP busbars on
• Pylon selected
• WCP role indicator (T1/A)
• ADR status
• WMP busbar on
• Navigation mode selector repeater
• Controls AC supply to CENTRE dimmer control
Rotary dimmer – PORT Controls the intensity of left panel main strip lights. In front
cockpit controls the intensity of UHF transceiver integral
Rotary dimmer – STBD Controls the intensity of right console and right panel main
strip lights and the intensity of integral lighting of the CCS
station box. In front cockpit only, controls the intensity of the
integral lighting in the VHF transceiver, IFF control unit, ILS
control unit and the TACAN control unit.
Rotary dimmer – CENTRE Controls integral lighting on centre panel in:
• Main altimeter
• Main attitude indicator
• ISIS control unit
Emergency lights switch – EMERGY Controls common supply from No. 1 and No. 2 battery
busbars to centre light in cockpit lighting strips
Standby compass light switch – COMPASS Controls common supply from No. 1 and No. 2 battery
busbars to standby compass integral light

53 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

External lighting
The external lighting consists of a landing/taxi lamp, navigation lights, anti-collision lights and a landing gear
indicator light. All external lights are powered from the Essential Services busbar and, with the exception of
the landing gear indicator light, are controlled by a two-position LAND-TAXI switch on the centre panel, a two-
position NAV switch and two three-position ANTI-COLLISION switches on the right panel in the front cockpit.
The landing/taxi lamp, which has a 500-watt filament, is in the nose cone. The lamp is controlled by the LAND-
TAXI switch.
The navigation lights comprise a light in the leading edge of the left and right wingtips and a light on the aft end
of the tailcone. The lights are controlled by the NAV switch.
Two anti-collision high-intensity strobe light units, one on top of the fuselage aft of the rear cockpit and the other
on the underside of the fuselage forward of the airbrake, can each be manually selected from OFF to show either
a red or a white flashing light. The ANTI-COLLISION light switches are marked LOWER and UPPER. Each switch
can be set from its centre (OFF) position to up (WHITE) or down (RED) to select its associated strobe light to
white or red respectively.
When the aircraft is airborne, a light on the nose-wheel unit leg provides an external indication that the landing
gear is locked down. The light cannot be seen from either of the cockpits. The light is powered from the
Essential Services busbar via the contacts of a de-energised weight-on-wheels relay when all three landing gear
down microswitches are closed; it is automatically switched off on landing when the weight-on-wheels relay is
energised via left and/or right main wheel unit leg compression microswitches.

Accident data recorder

An accident data recorder system has an Accident Data Recorder (ADR) in the upper fuselage below the RAT.
Power from the Essential Services busbar is supplied to the ADR.
An ADR status indicator shows FAIL if the ADR is not powered.

54 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The communication system provides multi-channel VHF communications. Associated with it are a TACAN
installation, Instrument Landing System (ILS) equipment and an IFF/SSR installation.
Although a UHF radio is fitted to the aircraft, Microsoft Flight Simulator does not support UHF radios so the radio
operates as a second VHF radio (COM 2).
TACAN operates as NAV 1 and ILS operates as NAV 2.
A Communications Control System (CCS) provides overall control of the elements of the communications
system. The CCS integrates the VHF transmit facilities and the audio signals from this equipment and from the
ILS and TACAN receivers. It also integrates the audio tone of the tone generator in the Central Warning System.

Power supplies
Power for the communications system and associated equipment is provided as follows:

Essential Services busbar

• VHF (COM 1) / UHF (COM 2)
• ILS marker light test

Generator busbar

AC busbar

When the communications power switch marked UHF – NORMAL/BATT is at BATT, power for the CCS and the
main UHF (VHF) is from the supplies from No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars.

Navigation mode selector

With the ILS or TACAN switched on, a navigation mode selector on the centre panel in the front cockpit is used
to select a HSI display of either ILS-derived glidepath and localiser information or TACAN-derived range, bearing
and steering information.
The selector is a spring-loaded oblong button which is marked with an upper and lower caption, ILS and TACAN
respectively. At any one time either the upper or the lower caption is lit by integral lights to indicate the mode
acquired and display. If the desired mode is not displayed, pressing the button selects the alternative display and
its associated caption is illuminated. A flag-type mode-selected indicator on the centre panel in the rear cockpit
repeats the indication given on the mode selector. The mode selector is powered from the generator busbar.
When the generator busbar is live an indication is given on the selector and the repeater irrespective of whether
or not the ILS and/or TACAN is switched on.

55 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

A VHF aerial is on top of the aircraft fin. A UHF aerial is on the underside of the front fuselage; an additional
UHF aerial is on top of the fuselage aft of the rear cockpit. Either the upper or the lower aerial can be manually
connected to the UHF transceiver using an aerial selector switch in the front cockpit. UHF aerial selection may
also be made from the rear cockpit.
In this simulation the UHF aerial switch controls the NAV/GPS command.

Communications Control System (CCS)

The CCS is comprised of two similar station boxes, one in each cockpit, and a communications junction box (JB)
in the front cockpit. Control of the communications system is effected by selector switches, the majority of which
are on the station boxes.
A station box on the right panel in each cockpit provides for selection and control of the UHF (main and standby)
and VHF receiver audio outputs, and the associated facilities comprising TACAN identification audio and ILS
audio. Each station box contains switching circuits incorporating a normal and a standby microphone amplifier.
Amplifier selection is by a NORM/FAIL switch on the station box.
Each station box has the following controls and switches:

Function selector
A two-position rotary selector, marked VHF/UHF, selects which radio unit is currently in operation. The VHF
setting will select the modern VHF (COM 1) unit on the right console and the UHF setting will select the UHF
(COM 2) unit on the left side of the instrument panel.

Receiver audio switches

Four two-position switches (up for on), marked VHF, UHF, ILS and TACAN, each select the audio output from its
associated receiver. The output of one or more receivers can be selected.

Receiver volume control

A rotary control, marked RX, controls the level of the receiver (NAV) audio signals.

Press-to-transmit selector
A two-position selector, marked PTT- ALT/NORM selects either a normal or an alternative transmit switch for use
with the selected transmitter.

Intercom volume control

A rotary control, marked I/C, controls the level of the intercom (COM) audio signals.

Amplifier selector
A two-position selector, marked NORM/FAIL, selects either a normal or a standby microphone amplifier. If FAIL is
selected, the receiver and intercom volume controls are inoperative.
A two-position receiver mute switch, marked MUTE/NORMAL, is located on the left console inboard of the
throttle quadrant. The switch is spring-loaded to the NORMAL position. When the switch is operated, audio
signals from the VHF, TACAN and ILS receivers are muted.

56 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

VHF communications
The VHF radio controls the COM 1 frequencies. The UHF portion of the radio is inoperative. The VHF radio can
store up to 20 frequencies which can later be reloaded. The 20 preset frequencies are shown in the left column of
the frequency cards and these are updated in real time to reflect any newly stored frequencies.

Control – Marking Function

LCD Displays active frequency (upper), standby frequency (lower),

frequency mode, squelch selection and TX if transmitting
Brightness rocker switch Two-position rocker switch adjusts LCD brightness
Enter push-button Stores the currently tuned frequency if the frequency preset
store mode is enabled; otherwise swaps the standby and
active frequencies
Menu push-button Toggles frequency preset store mode
Navigation rocker switch Scrolls through the frequency preset channels
Frequency selectors Select the (COM 1) standby frequency
Frequency mode selector • PRST – allows selection of preset channels
• MAN – allows manual selection of frequency
• ECCM – inoperative in this installation
• MAR – inoperative in this installation
• 121.5 – transceiver is tuned to the 121.5 (guard
• 243 – inoperative in this installation
Operational mode selector • OFF – power off
• TR+G – main receiver, transmitter and guard
receiver are powered on
• TR – main receiver and transmitter are powered on
• ARF – inoperative in this installation
• TEST – inoperative in this installation
• ZERO – inoperative in this installation
Volume rocker switch Two-position rocker switch to adjust audio output level
Squelch push-button Switches squelch on or off. Display of SQL in LCD indicates
that squelch is off.

Manual mode
MANUAL will be displayed on the LCD when manual mode is selected.
The currently tuned COM 1 active frequency is displayed in the upper portion of the display and the standby
frequency (ALT) is displayed in the lower portion.
The frequency selectors can be used to select the standby frequency and the ENTER push-button will then swap
the selected frequency into the active position.

57 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The active COM 1 frequency can be stored as one of 20 preset channels. Press the MENU push-button to enable
or disable store mode, as indicated by STORE on the LCD. The navigation rocker switch is used to select the
desired preset channel (1-20) and the ENTER push-button is used to store the frequency.

Preset mode
PRESET will be displayed on the LCD when preset mode is selected.
The navigation rocker switch is used to select the desired preset channel (1-20) to be reloaded.
The selected preset channel is displayed in the lower portion of the display and the associated frequency is
displayed in the upper portion. The frequency is automatically tuned as COM 1 standby, ready to be swapped to
active using the ENTER button with manual mode selected.

58 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Guard mode
GUARD will be displayed on the LCD when guard mode is selected.
The COM 1 active frequency will be tuned to 121.500.

UHF communications
The UHF radio controls the COM 2 frequencies. The UHF radio can store up to 20 frequencies which can later be
reloaded. The 20 preset frequencies are shown in the right column of the frequency cards and these are updated
in real time to reflect any newly stored frequencies.

Control – Marking Function

Function switch • OFF – power off

• MAIN – transmitter and main receiver operational
• BOTH – transmitter and both main and guard
receivers operational
• ADF – inoperative in this installation
Mode switch • MANUAL – gives tuning authority to manual
frequency selectors
• PRESET – gives tuning authority to preset channel
• GUARD – selects transmitter and main receiver to
guard frequency
Preset channel selector Selects preset channel
Frequency selector knobs and digit indicators Used to change frequency manually
Receiver audio control Adjusts audio output level
Squelch switch Enables and disables the squelch circuit of the main
Tone push-button Inoperative in this installation

59 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Manual mode
The currently tuned COM 2 active frequency is displayed by the digit indicators. The frequency selectors can be
used to select a new frequency.
The active COM 1 frequency can be stored as one of 20 preset channels. The preset channel selector is used to
select the desired preset channel (1-20) and the preset channel store clickspot is used to store the frequency.

Preset mode
The preset channel selector is used to select the desired preset channel (1-20) to be reloaded. The associated
frequency will be tuned as the COM 2 active frequency.

Guard mode
The COM 2 active frequency will be tuned to 121.500.

Like traditional VOR/DME navigation, TACAN navigation is used to obtain range and bearing information from a
ground beacon, with the relevant information then displayed on the HSI. It differs in its use of 126 channels and
two operating modes (X and Y) instead of the traditional five-digit frequencies used by VOR/DMEs.
TACAN ground stations are not supported by Microsoft Flight Simulator, therefore the TACAN equipment in the
Hawk allows you to select NAV 1 frequencies which can then be used as the input source for the HSI.
The table below shows which NAV 1 frequency each channel (1 to 126) and mode (X or Y) combination
correspond to. Placing your cursor over any of the TACAN channel selectors will display a tooltip showing the
currently selected NAV 1 frequency.

TACAN X Mode Y Mode TACAN X Mode Y Mode

Channel Channel

1 134.40 15 135.80
2 134.50 16 135.90
3 134.60 17 108.00 108.05
4 134.70 18 108.10 108.15
5 134.80 19 108.20 108.25
6 134.90 20 108.30 108.35
7 135.00 21 108.40 108.45
8 135.10 22 108.50 108.55
9 135.20 23 108.60 108.65
10 135.30 24 108.70 108.75
11 135.40 25 108.80 108.85
12 135.50 26 108.90 108.95
13 135.60 27 109.00 109.05
14 135.70 28 109.10 109.15

60 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

TACAN X Mode Y Mode TACAN X Mode Y Mode
Channel Channel

29 109.20 109.25 67 134.00

30 109.30 109.35 68 134.10
31 109.40 109.45 69 134.20
32 109.50 109.55 70 112.30 112.35
33 109.60 109.65 71 112.40 112.45
34 109.70 109.75 72 112.50 112.55
35 109.80 109.85 73 112.60 112.65
36 109.90 109.95 74 112.70 112.75
37 110.00 110.05 75 112.80 112.85
38 110.10 110.15 76 112.90 112.95
39 110.20 110.25 77 113.00 113.05
40 110.30 110.35 78 113.10 113.15
41 110.40 110.45 79 113.20 113.25
42 110.50 110.55 80 113.30 113.35
43 110.60 110.65 81 113.40 113.45
44 110.70 110.75 82 113.50 113.55
45 110.80 110.85 83 113.60 113.65
46 110.90 110.95 84 113.70 113.75
47 111.00 111.05 85 113.80 113.85
48 111.10 111.15 86 113.90 113.95
49 111.20 111.25 87 114.00 114.05
50 111.30 111.35 88 114.10 114.15
51 111.40 111.45 89 114.20 114.25
52 111.50 111.55 90 114.30 114.35
53 111.60 111.65 91 114.40 114.45
54 111.70 111.75 92 114.50 114.55
55 111.80 111.85 93 114.60 114.65
56 111.90 111.95 94 114.70 114.75
57 112.00 112.05 95 114.80 114.85
58 112.10 112.15 96 114.90 114.95
59 112.20 112.25 97 115.00 115.05
60 133.30 98 115.10 115.15
61 133.40 99 115.20 115.25
62 133.50 100 115.30 115.35
63 133.60 101 115.40 115.45
64 133.70 102 115.50 115.55
65 133.80 103 115.60 115.65
66 133.90 104 115.70 115.75

61 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

TACAN X Mode Y Mode TACAN X Mode Y Mode
Channel Channel

105 115.80 115.85 116 116.90 116.95

106 115.90 115.95 117 117.00 117.05
107 116.00 116.05 118 117.10 117.15
108 116.10 116.15 119 117.20 117.25
109 116.20 116.25 120 117.30 117.35
110 116.30 116.35 121 117.40 117.45
111 116.40 116.45 122 117.50 117.55
112 116.50 116.55 123 117.60 117.65
113 116.60 116.65 124 117.70 117.75
114 116.70 116.75 125 117.80 117.85
115 116.80 116.85 126 117.90 117.95

Controls and units

The control unit has the following controls:

Function selector
The function selector is a three-position rotary switch which provides the following facilities:
• OFF – the AC supply is disconnected. With TACAN selected at the navigation mode selector, the NAV flag
alarm is displayed on the HSI and the range counter is obscured.
• R/X – the system receiver is operative but its transmitter is inoperative. Ground beacon identification
signals are fed into the CCS to permit positive identification of the beacon. The HSI NAV flag arm is
removed and the magnetic bearing of the beacon is displayed on the HSI. The range counter remains
• TX/RX – the system receiver and transmitter are operative, interrogating pulses are transmitted and
response pulses from the interrogated ground beacon are received. Range and magnetic bearing of the
beacon are displayed on the HSI and the beacon’s identification signals are fed into the CCS. The HSI
course deviation bar shows deviation from the selected TACAN radial and either the ‘to’ or ‘from’ flag is

Channel selector
Two rotary controls and a digital read-out are used to select the required channel. The left-hand control selects
the tens position of the digital read-out and the right-hand control selects the units position. The controls select
the frequency of both transmitter and receiver.

Built-in test switch

A push-button, marked TEST, makes a built-in test when held pressed.

Mode selector
The two-position switch, marked X/Y, selects the mode of operation.
The range unit contains the transmitter-receiver. Range information is processed within the unit and passed to
the range converter unit. Beacon identification signals are fed into the CSS.

62 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The range converter unit converts information from the rage unit into a form suitable for the HSI.
The bearing unit processes the bearing information and provides the following indications on the HSI:
• A heading-referenced indication of bearing of the selected beacon
• A flag alarm indication which is fed to the HSI NAV flag
• A left/right deviation indication from the selected radial
• A to/from indication to indicate whether the aircraft is approaching or leaving a selected TACAN beacon
on the TACAN radial selected

Built-in test
The serviceability of the system can be checked as follows:
• Check that AC and DC power are on line.
• Rotate the TACAN control unit function selector to TX/RX.
• Set the HSI track index to 000 degrees.
• Set the navigation mode selector to TACAN.
• Allow 45 seconds, then press and hold the TEST button. An audio tone should then be heard.
• NAV flag alarm should be displayed on the HSI for three seconds. As the flag appears the HSI range
counter shows 000 and is obscured by the yellow bar. As the NAV flag alarm disappears from view, the
range counter is no longer obscured. The HSI bearing pointer rotates to between 178 and 182 degrees.
Check that the ‘from’ flag is displayed and the deviation bar is central.
• Set the track index to 180 degrees. Check that the ‘to’ flag is displayed and the deviation bar is central.
• Move the track index through 090 and 270 degrees and check that the ‘to/from’ flag is reversed.
• Release the TEST button. Check that the range counter is obscured by the yellow bar and the bearing
pointer rotates smoothly anti-clockwise.

Instrument Landing System (ILS)

The ILS installation is comprised of a localiser and glideslope receiver and a marker receiver. The ILS radio
controls the NAV 2 frequencies
The localiser and glideslope receiver is on the right console in the front cockpit. ILS frequencies in the range
108.00 to 119.95 can be selected.
When the navigation mode selector is set to ILS, deviation from the localiser centre line and from the glideslope
of the selected ILS ground installation is shown on the HSI. Marker audio signals are fed into the CCS. If the
glideslope signal is weak or inaccurate the GS warning flag is displayed on the HSI. If the localiser signal is weak
or inaccurate the NAV flag is displayed on the HSI. Sensible localiser and glideslope indications may be obtained
out to 25 NM and 10 NM respectively at 2,000ft AGL.

63 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Controls and indicators
The ILS system has the controls and indicators listed in the table below:

Controls/marking Function

Three-position rotary mode selector OFF – power off

ILS – connects the power supply to the system
VOR – inoperative in this installation
Four rotary frequency selector thumb-wheels and MHz – from left to right, the knobs are used to
digital indicators manually change localiser receiver frequency in steps
of 10, 1, 0.1 and 0.05 MHz. The selected frequency is
shown on four digital indicators. A fixed digit ‘1’ to the
left of the tens digit indicates one hundred.
Marker indicator light ILS MARKER – located on the centre panel in each
cockpit. When the marker receiver generates a marker
signal, the light comes on momentarily. The filament of
each light can be tested by pressing the light. Power
for the test is from the Essential Services busbar.

The aircraft is fitted with an IFF/SSR (Identification Friend or Foe/Secondary Surveillance Radar) system which
provides identification facilities and IFF, and civil SSR including ‘Mode S’. The system provides facilities for an IFF
or SSR ground radar station to interrogate the aircraft and for the aircraft to rapidly and automatically transmit
an identifying reply. The system replies to Mode 1, 2, 3/A, 4, C and S interrogations, including civil and military
emergency interrogations.
The IFF/SSR control display unit (CDU) is used to control the operation of the IFF/SSR transponders. The CDU is
located on the right console.

64 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Controls and indicators

1. Mode 4 select switch

The Mode 4 switch is a five-position rotary switch which functions as follows:
• HOLD – when set to the HOLD position, the IFF/SSR transponder is able to perform a Mode 4 code hold
sequence. This sequence holds the code values when primary power is removed. With HOLD selected,
and while the aircraft is on the ground, the CDU alphanumeric display shows ‘HOLD’. The HOLD function
is inoperable when airborne and is spring-loaded to return to the PULL OUT position.
• PULL OUT – when set to the PULL OUT position, the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to
Mode 4 interrogations.
• 4A – when set to the 4A position, the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 4/Code A
• 4B – when set to the 4B position, the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 4/Code B
• PULL ERASE – when set to the PULL ERASE position, the IFF/SSR transponder Mode 4 and ACC codes
are erased (zeroed).

2. Identification switch
When pressed, the IDENT push-button allows the IFF/SSR transponder to transmit a special identification pattern
to a ground station. The push-button should only be pressed when a ground controller requests ‘Squawk Ident’.

3. Mode select switches

The six toggle switches are used to allow the selected IFF/SSR transponder to reply to the switched mode
interrogations. When a change in a mode toggle switch state is detected, the alphanumeric display on the CDU
shows the state of the applicable switch, for example ‘MC ON’ or ‘MC OUT’.
The mode select switches function as follows:

65 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

• M1 – a three-position toggle switch labelled M1, AUTO and OUT:
o M1 – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 1 interrogations
o AUTO – Automatic Code Change (ACC) is enabled
o OUT – the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to Mode 1 interrogations
• M2 – a two-position toggle switch labelled M2 and OUT:
o M2 – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 2 interrogations
o OUT – the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to Mode 2 interrogations
• M3 – a three-position toggle switch labelled M3/A, AUTO and OUT:
o M3/A – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 3/A interrogations using the
manually set Mode 3/A code
o AUTO – Automatic Code Change (ACC) is enabled
o OUT – the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to Mode 3/A interrogations
Note: If the Mode S switch (MS) is set to MS, replies are enabled using the Mode 3 manual code, regardless of
the position of the M3/A switch.
• MC (Mode C) – a three-position toggle switch labelled MC, MCS and OUT:
o MC – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode C interrogations, using the IFF/SSR
transponder altitude data
o MCS – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode 3/A interrogations, using framing
pulses only with no altitude data. When Mode MCS (Mode C Suppress) is selected, altitude
reporting in Mode C and S is inhibited.
o OUT – the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to Mode C interrogations
• MS (Mode S) – a two-position toggle switch labelled MS and OUT:
o MS – the IFF/SSR transponder is enabled to reply to Mode S interrogations
o OUT – the IFF/SSR transponder is disabled from replying to Mode S interrogations
Note: When Mode S is selected, Modes 3/A and C are also enabled regardless of the individual selection of these
• M5 – this mode is not used

4. Left/right code edit switch

The L< >R toggle switch provides a data entry and editing function for the left or right bank of four characters
displayed on the alphanumeric display. Data is entered or edited using the four up/down code select switches.
If held in either the L< or >R position when the MASTER switch is moved from PULL OFF to STBY, the CDU
enters into the Elapsed Time Display (ETD) function.

5. Test switch
Pressing the TEST button initiates a BIT procedure. The alphanumeric display on the CDU shows ‘SELF TEST’
and all annunciators are illuminated during the BIT procedure. On successful completion of the BIT, ‘TEST PASS’
is displayed.
Pressing the TEST button when the MODE 4 switch is set to 4A or 4B, and with the MASTER switch set to
NORM, initiates a dedicated built-in Mode 4 test. During the test procedure ‘MODE 4 RAD’ is displayed on the
alphanumeric display of the CDU.

6. Master switch
A six-position rotary switch which functions as follows:
• PULL OFF – when set to the PULL OFF position, all IFF/SSR transponder circuits are de-energised, with
the exception of the panel lighting circuit. The Mode 4 crypto codes are erased unless conditions for
code HOLD are met prior to selecting PULL OFF.

66 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

• STBY – when moved to the STBY position from the PULL OFF position, all circuits are powered and
the IFF/SSR transponder is ready for operation. The CDU alphanumeric display shows ‘STBY’ for two
seconds when the rotary switch is moved from the NORM to the STBY position. Switching from PULL
OFF to STBY initiates the power-up built-in test (PBIT). On completion of the PBIT, either ‘TEST PASS’ is
displayed on the CDU for five seconds, or ‘FAIL’ is displayed.
• NORM – when set to the NORM position, the IFF/SSR transponder operates normally according to the
set switch position. When set to NORM, the CDU alphanumeric display shows ‘NORM’ for two seconds.
• TA (traffic advisory) – this mode is non-functional in this simulation. When set to TA, the CDU
alphanumeric display shows ‘TA’ for two seconds.
• TA/RA (traffic advisory/resolution advisory) – this mode is non-functional in this simulation. When set
to TA/RA, the CDU alphanumeric display shows ‘TA/RA’ for two seconds.
• PULL EMER – when set to the PULL EMER position, ALL modes are enabled and the equipment
transmits emergency replies. This mode is non-functional in this simulation. When set to PULL EMER, the
CDU alphanumeric display shows ‘EMER EMER’ for two seconds.
When TA or TA/RA is selected from the NORM position, ‘TCAS UNAV’ is displayed on the alphanumeric display
of the CDU for a period of up to 10 seconds whilst the link between the IFF/SSR system and the TCAS system is

7. Code entry switches

The four up/down, spring-loaded code entry switches are used to enter the required code. In the arrow-down
position, the display character corresponding to the switch pressed is decremented. In the arrow-up position the
display character corresponding to the switch pressed is incremented.
When the selected digit is incremented or decremented beyond the range of its value, it will roll over (i.e. 0
to 7, or 7 to 0). If any switch is held up or down for more than one second the corresponding character will
automatically cycle through the digits.

8. Menu function select switch

The FUNC switch is a three-position switch, spring-loaded to the centre position, which is used to navigate
through the function menu. When set to the down position, the next function display page is displayed. When set
to the up position, the previous function display page is displayed.

9. IFF display
The key annotated ‘FUNC’ on the CDU is used to navigate through the CDU alphanumeric display menu
functions. The menu functions are displayed in the following order:
1. Modes 1 and 3/A code display – displays the Mode 1 and 3/A manual codes as stored in the transponder.
This display is energised during normal operation and during the initial power on state, for example ‘1234
7654’ with annunciators M1 MAN and M3/A MAN illuminated.
Mode 1 code edit display:
a. Pressing L< starts the Mode 1 code edit display, with characters 1-4 blinking. The Mode 1 code is
changed by the code select switches which cycle through 0-7.
b. Pressing L< again sends the changed Mode 1 code to the transponder. On receipt, the display
returns to normal operation with the updated code.
c. Pressing >R changes the display to Mode 3/A code edit display, and the changed Mode 1 code
setting is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder.
Mode 3/A code edit display:
a. Pressing >R starts the Mode 3/A code edit display, with characters 5-8 blinking. The Mode 3/A
code is changed by the code select switches which cycle through 0-7.
b. Pressing >R again sends the changed Mode 3/A code to the transponder. On receipt, the display
returns to normal operation with the updated code.
c. Pressing L< changes the display to Mode 1 code edit display, and the changed Mode 3/A code
setting is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder.

67 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

2. Date time display – current ACC date/time (UTC) as maintained in the IFF/SSR transponder is shown, for
example ‘0108 2330’ (day/month/time). If the transponder is unable to provide current date and time from
the ACC function, the display shows eight dashes. This function is display only and cannot be edited.
3. Remaining ACC time display – time remaining (hours/minutes) until expiry of the ACC codes, for example
‘ACC 0530’. If there are expired codes, or if there are no ACC codes present, four dashes are displayed
(‘ACC ----’). This function is for display only and cannot be edited.
4. Mode S FLIGHT ID display – the Mode S Flight ID is a user-defined code identifying a particular flight.
The Flight ID is stored in the IFF/SSR transponder memory. The Flight ID consists of eight alphanumeric
characters, where a space is a valid character. If Flight ID is not available, the display is replaced by
dashes. These are replaced by valid characters when the Flight ID is edited.
FLIGHT ID characters 1-4 edit:
a. Pressing L< causes characters 1-4 to blink. These characters can be changed by their
corresponding code select switches, which cycle through A-Z, space and 0-9. If any code select
switch is held for more than one second, the characters automatically cycle at 2.5 per second and
the characters stop flashing.
b. On pressing L< again, the updated Mode S Flight ID (1-4) is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder. On
receipt of the correct Flight ID, the display returns to the FLIGHT ID display with the updated ID.
c. If >R is pressed, the display goes to the FLIGHT ID characters 5-8 edit display, and the changed
Flight ID is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder
FLIGHT ID characters 5-8 edit:
a. Pressing >R causes characters 5-8 to blink. These characters can be changed by their
corresponding code select switches, which cycle through A-Z, space and 0-9. If any code select
switch is held for more than one second, the characters automatically cycle at 2.5 per second and
the characters stop flashing.
b. On pressing >R again, the updated Mode S Flight ID (5-8) is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder. On
receipt of the correct Flight ID, the display returns to the FLIGHT ID display with the updated ID.
c. If L< is pressed, the display goes to the FLIGHT ID characters 1-4 edit display, and the changed
Flight ID is sent to the IFF/SSR transponder.
5. Mode S address display – displays the aircraft’s Mode S address. When airborne this display is bypassed
when either the FUNC arrow-up or arrow-down switch is used.
6. IDENT type display – the type of IDENT selected, as defined by the wire strapping on the IFF/SSR
transponder, is shown, for example ‘I/P MIC’.
7. Mode 2 code – the Mode 2 code is shown, for example ‘M2 1234’.
8. Mode 4 indication display – the Mode 4 indication control setting is shown. The default on power up is
‘M4 ALL’. Alternative options are:
a. M4 NONE – caution indicator, reply indicator and audio are OFF.
b. M4 CAUT – caution indicator is ON, reply indicator and audio are OFF.
c. M4 LGHT – caution indicator and reply indicator are ON, audio is OFF.
d. M4 ALL – caution indicator, reply indicator and audio are ON.
9. Elapsed time display – when activated by the operation of the L< >R switches during power up, the CDU
displays ‘ETI ?’ (elapsed time indication) to show that an entry is required in the elapsed time indication
display function. Operation of the FUNC switch cycles the alphanumeric display between displayed
elapsed hours as recorded by the CDU and elapsed hours recorded by the transponder. The elapsed time
has a digital representation of 0000 to 9999 hours and may not be reset to zero.

68 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

CDU annunciators
Ten CDU annunciators located in the upper two rows of the CDU display panel provide indication of the selected
IFF/SSR transponder functions and modes. The annunciators function as follows:
• M1 MAN – illuminated green if both of the following conditions apply:
o The CDU function display is set to show the Mode 1 and 3/A codes
o The M1 switch is enabled (set to M1)
• M1 AUTO – inoperative
• MS – illuminated amber if both of the following conditions apply:
o Mode S data is not available from the IFF/SSR transponder
o The Mode S (MS) switch is enabled but the IFF/SSR transponder is not operating in Mode S
• MODE 4 – illuminated amber if the IFF/SSR transponder fails to reply to a Mode 4 interrogation. The
cause of failure may be due to any of the following:
o The MASTER switch is set to STBY
o The MODE 4 switch is set to OUT
o BIT has detected a failure during Mode 4 operation
o Mode 4A, Mode 4B mismatch
• REPLY – illuminated green if the IFF/SSR transponder replies to Mode 4 interrogations at a rate of 10
per second or more, when the menu function is set to display ‘M4 CAUT’, ‘M4 LIGHT’ or ‘M4 ALL’. The
annunciator remains on for 3 to 100 seconds after completion of the last detected reply. When the Mode
4 indication control is set to M4 CAUT or M4 NONE, the REPLY annunciator is not illuminated.
• FLIGHT ID – illuminated green if the menu function is set to display the FLIGHT ID
• ACC – the IFF/SSR transponder ACC is not available
• M3/A MAN – illuminated green if both of the following conditions apply:
o The CDU function display is set to show the Mode 1 and 3/A codes
o The M3/A switch is enabled (set to M3/A)
• M3/A AUTO – illuminated green if both of the following conditions apply:
o The CDU function display is set to show the Mode 1 and 3/A codes
o The M3/A switch is enabled (set to AUTO)

69 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The Adour Mk. 151 is a turbofan engine which has a two-stage low pressure (LP) compressor driven by a single-
stage LP turbine and a five-stage high pressure (HP) compressor driven by a single-stage HP turbine. The LP and
HP shafts are concentric but mechanically independent. In ISA sea level conditions the engine developers 23.1
kN (5,200lb) static thrust.
An external gearbox, driven from the HP shaft, is located at the forward end of the engine below the compressor
section. The gearbox provides drives for:
• LP fuel pump
• HP fuel pump
• Engine oil pumps
• HP shaft tacho-generator
• DC generator
• Hydraulic pumps (x2)
The Adour engine is started by a gas turbine starting (GTS) system in which air from a gas turbine air producer
powers a starter motor which drives the HP shaft through the engine external gearbox. Following flame-out, the
engine may be relit with or without the use of the GTS system.
Fire detection and warning systems are provided for the engine bay and air producer bay. An overheat detection
and warning system is provided for the jet pipe bay. A fire extinguishing facility is provided in the engine bay only.

Controls and indicators

Control/indictor Marking Location Function

Ignition switch (front IGNITION – NORMAL/ Left console Controls power supply to the engine
cockpit only) ISOLATE ignition units
LP fuel cock lever LP FUEL COCK Left wall Controls LP fuel cock connecting
(front cockpit only) CONTROL – OFF/ON aircraft fuel system to engine fuel
system and to air producer gas turbine
Start master switch ENG START – OFF/ Left console Controls power supply to the GTS
ON/START system and provides an emergency
shutdown facility for the GTS system
HP cock/throttle lever Idle position indicated Left console Controls HP fuel shut-off valve and
by mark on quadrant throttle valve/engine speed
Idle stop lever Unmarked Throttle lever Withdraws retractable idle stop to
permit movement of HP cock from idle
to HP off
LP shaft rotation ROTATION Right panel Black – indicates LP shaft speed
indicator (black/green) below 100 RPM or rotating in wrong
direction, or starting sequence
completed or cancelled
Green – indicates LP shaft speed
greater than 100 RPM and in correct
direction of rotation. It also shows
green whilst start/relight button is

70 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Air producer start GTS Right panel Black – indicates air producer
indicator (black/green) shutdown or speed below datum
Green – indicates air producer speed
at or above datum
Start/relight button RELIGHT Throttle lever When pressed with start master switch
at ON, ignition switch at NORMAL and
the throttle level in the range HP off to
1. Initiates start sequence
2. Energises igniter plugs
3. Offloads DC generator in flight
4. At any throttle position, transfers
booster pump to Essential Services
busbar for duration of GTS system
operation and for 30 seconds after
shutdown of GTS
TGT indicator °C x 100 TGT Right panel Indicates turbine exhaust gas
RPM indicator PERCENT RPM Right panel Indicates HP shaft speed as a
percentage (when shaft speed
exceeds approximately 11%)
TGT/NL over-limit T6NL CWP Indicates if TGT reaches 685°C or LP
caption shaft speed (NL) exceeds 108%
LP cooling air overheat EOHT CWP Indicates if LP cooling air temperature
caption exceeds approximately 400°C
Oil low pressure OIL CWP Indicates if differential pressure is low
Fuel low pressure FPR CWP Indicates pressure rise across booster
caption pump or pressure at engine filter outlet
is low
Engine control ECA CWP Indicates failure of either or both
amplifier lane failure amplifier lanes or of a fault in amplifier
caption controlling circuits
Jet pipe bay overhead JPOHT CWP Indicates if jet pipe bay temperature
caption exceeds 150°C

Two intakes, one on each side of the fuselage, pass air directly to the LP compressor. Beyond the compressor
the air divides into two approximately equal streams. One flows through an annular bypass duct, while the other
passes through the HP compressor, an annular combustion chamber and the HP and LP turbines. The two
streams meet in an exhaust mixer section and flow through a jet pipe to discharge through a fixed propelling
nozzle. Tappings at the HP compressor outlet supply air for engine and aircraft systems.

Bleed valve
A bleed valve at the final stage of the HP compressor prevents compressor stall during engine starting by
bleeding off HP air into the bypass duct. The valve operates automatically in response to signals from a fuel
differential pressure switch.

71 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Before the engine is started the bleed valve is open. It remains open during engine starting and closes when the
HP shaft speed reaches 61%. Thereafter the valve normally remains closed under all conditions at or above idle,
re-opening only when the RPM falls to approximately 45%. However, it may reopen during the shutdown checks
when the fuel pump switch is selected off before the throttle is selected to HP OFF. Closing of the bleed valve is
indicated by an increase in idle RPM of approximately 3% and a decrease in TGT of approximately 50°C.

HP compressor bleeds
Air is tapped from the compressor section for cooling bearing housings and turbine discs, and for pressurising
oil and air seals. Some of the air enters the LP shaft and passes forward to provide continuous anti-icing of the
LP compressor nose fairing. Surplus air from inside the shaft is dumped overboard through an outlet containing a
temperature switch. If the air temperature reaches approximately 400°C, the switch closes and the EOHT caption
Two tappings at the final stage of the HP compressor bleed air for aircraft services. One tapping supplies
the cabin air conditioning system, the anti-G system and the cockpit canopy seal. The other supplies air to
pressurise the aircraft fuel system.

Turbine gas temperature (TGT) indicators

Thermocouples, downstream of the LP turbine, sense exhaust gas temperature and provide an input to the
turbine gas temperature (TGT) indicators and to an engine control amplifier (ECA).

Throttle levers
The throttle levers in the front and rear cockpits control a HP shut-off valve and a throttle valve. The levers are
quadrant-mounted and interconnected. The range of throttle movement is from HP OFF (fully aft) through an idle
position, which is indicated by a mark in each quadrant, to maximum (fully forward).
A retractable idle stop in the front cockpit quadrant allows free forward movement of the throttle levers but
prevents inadvertent rearward movement past idle. The idle stop is withdrawn to permit rearward movement of
the throttle to HP OFF, by lifting a spring-loaded idle stop lever on either throttle. Left-click on the stop lever to
move it between the IDLE and HP OFF positions or use the ‘TOGGLE ENGINE 1 FUEL VALVE’ and ‘SET ENGINE
1 FUEL VALVE’ control assignments.

Engine fuel system

Fuel from the aircraft fuel system is supplied via an LP pump and filter to an HP pump, both pumps being engine-
driven. During normal running the HP pump supplies fuel to spray nozzles in the combustion chamber via a
throttle valve and the HP shut-off valve in a fuel control unit (FCU) and a fuel-cooled oil cooler (heat exchanger).
An additional flow from the HP pump bypasses the throttle valve. It passes to the spray nozzles via an idle bypass
and a sub-idling fuel control unit (SIFCU) which provide the control of fuel flow during engine starting and idling.
Automatic limitation of fuel flow is effected by an LP shaft speed (NL) limiter and a TGT limiter which operate
through the ECA to regulate a fuel trim valve. Limitation of RPM is provided by a hydro-mechanical governor
integral with the HP fuel pump. At certain low altitude/high speed conditions, when air intake pressure exceeds a
specific value, the engine is fuel-flow-limited by a flow control unit.

LP fuel supply
The LP pump maintains fuel pressure at the HP pump inlet to prevent cavitation within that pump. A pressure
switch in the supply line downstream of the LP filter closes to illuminate the FPR caption if the pressure falls
below 2.4 bar.

72 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

HP fuel supply
The multi-plunger, variable-stroke HP pump supplies fuel at high pressure to the FCU and SIFCU. Pump stroke
is controlled by servo pressure derived from the pump itself. The servo pressure is modulated to increase or
decrease pump output by changing the pump stroke in response to signals from the flow control unit and the
hydro-mechanical governor.
The hydro-mechanical governor functions to reduce pump output if RPM rises to the permitted maximum
(104%). Thus, for a particular throttle valve setting the pump servo pressure modifies HP pump output to give
a corresponding fuel flow (and hence RPM). The pump output is further modified to take account of changes in
airspeed and altitude.

Fuel control unit

The throttle valve consists of a sleeve which moves to control a fuel flow orifice in response to throttle lever
movement. A dashpot assembly incorporated in the throttle acts as an acceleration control to prevent over-
fuelling as the throttle is opened. It has no effect on engine deceleration.
The flow control unit modifies HP pump output in response to throttle valve position, fuel trim valve position,
airspeed and altitude.
The fuel trim valve functions to maintain NL and TGT within limits. The valve reacts to inputs from the ECA and,
through the fuel control unit, effects a reduction in pump output.
The HP valve is a shut-off valve controlling the fuel supply to the spray nozzles. The valve is interconnected with,
and controlled by, the throttle lever. With the lever set to HP OFF, the valve is closed and fuel circulates to the LP
side of the fuel system. Fuel remaining in the spray nozzles then drains to atmosphere through an outlet beneath
the fuselage. When the lever is set to idle the valve is fully open.

Sub-idling fuel control unit

The SIFCU automatically controls the fuel flow required during engine starting and acceleration to idle. A
diaphragm within the unit is subjected on one side to hydro-mechanical governor pressure and on the other side
to LP fuel pressure. The difference between these pressures is proportional to RPM. Movement of the diaphragm,
in response to pressure changes, actuates a fuel metering mechanism.

Engine control amplifier

The ECA receives signals of NL and TGT and provides:
• Maximum TGT control
• Maximum NL control
• Excessive TGT or NL warning signal
• Warning of ECA failure
• LP shaft correct rotation signal
Reference values of the normal permitted TGT and NL are stored in the ECA. When either a TGT of 660°C or an
NL of 104% is approached, the ECA energises the solenoid of the fuel trim valve. The amplifier then maintains
the fuel trim valve in the position required to hold TGT or NL at the limiting value. Only one of the reference
parameters can be in control at any one time.
If the ECA fails to control TGT or NL at the normal permitted reference values and they reach 685°C or 108%
respectively, the T6NL caption comes on.
Control of TGT and NL is effected by one of two circuits in the ECA, lane 1 or lane 2. The lanes are similar but
one is dominant and initially effects control. The lanes are monitored within the amplifier and, if a malfunction
occurs in the controlling lane, automatic change-over to the other lane takes place. Failure of either lane or of the
amplifier is indicated by the ECA caption illuminating.

73 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

LP shaft speed sensing probes supply signals to the ECA. When, during engine starting, the LP shaft speed
reaches 100 RPM in the correct direction, a relay in the ECA closes to connect a DC supply to the ignition units
and to energise the rotation indicators which change from black to green. The indicators remain green until the
starting cycle is completed or cancelled, when they revert to black. The indicators also show green whenever a
start/relight button is pressed.

Engine oil system

An oil tank is located beneath the aft end of the bypass duct. The tank has pressure and gravity replenishing
A pressure pump draws oil from the tank and delivers it, through a fuel-cooled oil cooler and a filter, to the engine
and to the external gearbox. A pressure relief valve protects the system and a cooler bypass valve ensures the
circulation of an adequate supply of oil at low temperatures or if the cooler is blocked. Three scavenge pumps
return the oil through associated filters to the tank.
A differential pressure switch monitors the pressure difference between feed oil pressure and the scavenge oil
pressure at an internal gearbox. If the differential falls below 0.7 bar the switch closes to light the OIL caption. To
eliminate transient low pressure warnings caused by manoeuvres involving negative G, activation of the caption
is delayed for a nominal 10 seconds.

Engine ignition system

The engine ignition system has two igniter plugs in the combustion chamber. Each plug is energised by an
associated ignition unit. The ignition units are supplied with DC during starting and relighting provided that the
ignition switch is set to NORMAL. With the throttle lever at HP OFF, the ISOLATE position of the switch allows the
engine to be turned without the ignition units being energised. The ignition units are inhibited when the throttle
is opened beyond the idle position. Therefore, to achieve light up, it is essential that during and relighting the
throttle is held in the idle position (against the idle stop).

Engine starting system

The GTS system is used for engine starting on the ground and can be used for relighting in flight. The system
is comprised of a gas turbine air producer and a free turbine starter motor. The air producer is at the top of the
fuselage, forward of the ram air turbine. It supplies air via a solenoid-operated start valve, when a dump valve
is closed, to the starter motor which is fitted to the engine external gearbox and drives the HP shaft through
the gearbox. Until the dump valve is closed the air is exhausted overboard. To prevent shock loading the starter
motor clutch, a speed switch inhibits operation of the start valve to prevent engagement of the starter when
engine RPM are above 20%.
The air producer uses fuel from the aircraft fuel system but has its own ignition system, fuel pumping and control
system. The air producer and the starter motor each have independent lubrication systems.

Air producer
The air producer is comprised of a centrifugal compressor driven by a two-stage turbine. It is rotated to self-
sustaining speed by a DC motor. Air is drawn into the compressor through a grille on the top of the fuselage.
A DC-powered dual fuel/oil pump draws fuel from the aircraft tanks and supplies it to nozzles in a combustion
chamber containing two igniter plugs. Power for the DC motor and igniter plugs is from aircraft batteries via the
Essential Services busbar.
When the air producer is at or above its under-speed datum the GTS indicators shown green. The GTS system
is automatically shut down when engine RPM reach 45% during starting or relighting. When this occurs the GTS
indicators show black.
Protection circuits within the starting system automatically shut down the GTS in the event of certain failures
after a start/relight button has been pressed.

74 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Starter motor
The starter motor is a centripetal free turbine driven by air ducted from the air producer. The motor drives the
engine HP shaft via the external gearbox and provides assistance until approximately 45% RPM have been
achieved, when the starting system is automatically shut down.

Engine starting operation

With the battery switches set to ON, the LP cock lever at ON, the throttle lever at HP OFF, both start master
switches at ON and the ignition switch at NORMAL, the air producer is started by pressing momentarily a start/
relight button. The rotation indicators show green and the engine ignition units are energised for the duration
of the press. The air producer accelerates to idle and, as the under-speed datum is passed, the GTS indicator
shows green. This should occur within 20 seconds of the start/relight button being pressed.
For ease of use, the start/relight button can be assigned to the ‘APU STARTER’ command in the MSFS ‘Controls
Options’ menu.
When the GTS indicator shows green, momentarily setting a start master switch to START opens the start valve
and air flows from the air producer to the starter motor. The dump valve closes and the air producer accelerates
to full power. The starter motor rotates and drives the engine HP shaft which induces an airflow through the
engine to rotate the LP shaft. When the LP shaft speed reaches 100 RPM in the correct direction of rotation, a
relay in the ECA closes to energise the rotation indicators (which show green) and the engine ignition units.
When the rotation indicator shows green and 15-20% RPM are indicated, setting the throttle lever to the idle
position fully opens the HP shut-off valve and fuel, scheduled by the SIFCU, is fed to the spray nozzles in the
combustion chamber. Engine light up should normally occur within 10 seconds of idle being selected. The engine
should accelerate to reach starter cut-out speed, approximately 45% RPM within 22 seconds of selecting idle.
At starter cut-out speed the fuel to the air producer is cut off and it shuts down. Simultaneously, the GTS and
rotation indicators change to black and the ignition units are de-energised. The engine continues to accelerate
and should stabilise at approximately 52% RPM within 30 seconds of selecting idle.
After the RPM have stabilised, the throttle should be opened slowly to accelerate the engine through
approximately 65% to close the bleed valve, after which the throttle should be returned to idle. With the bleed
valve closed, the engine idle RPM should be approximately 3% higher and the TGT approximately 50°C lower
than when idling with the bleed valve open. T the idle speed may vary, however, depending on engine loading,
air bleeds and ambient conditions. As the engine warms up, the idle RPM increases and should be 55% before
During engine starting the start cycle can be discontinued by setting the throttle lever to HP OFF. The GTS
continues running and, following a wet start, may be used to carry out a dry crank. However, if it is intended to
terminate the GTS starting cycle, the start master switch must be set to OFF. Subsequently the three-minute
interval must be observed before a further start is attempted.
If ‘AUTO START ENGINE’ ([Ctrl]+[E]) is used, the cockpit will automatically be configured for engine start. The
GTS will be started, followed by the engine.

Dry cranking
The engine may be dry cranked by following a procedure similar to that for a normal start except that when
the GTS indicator shows green, the ignition switch must be set to ISOLATE before the start master switch
is set momentarily to START. The throttle lever should be retained at HP OFF throughout. The air producer
automatically reverts to idle after 45 seconds. If a dry crank is initiated from an air producer idling condition the
start master switch must not be selected to START until engine RPM are below 20%.

75 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

General information
The engine relighting system allows a flamed-out engine to be relit using an immediate relight, a cold relight
(assisted) or a cold relight (unassisted) procedure.
In the immediate relight and the cold (unassisted) relight procedures the GTS is activated and may run up to
idle but it is not used. In the cold relight (assisted) procedure the GTS is activated and used when the aircraft
is below 20,000ft, but the windmilling RPM must be below 20% before making the relight because starter
engagement is inhibited above that RPM.
For all relight procedures the throttle must be set to HP OFF. Except in the case of an immediate relight, the
bleed valve should be open (45% RPM or below) before relighting is initiated. As the engine runs down following
flame-out, No. 2 hydraulic pump is automatically offloaded as RPM falls through 42%, provided that both start
master switches are at ON. The RAT automatically extends and provides pressure to the No. 2 hydraulic system
after offloading has occurred.
When a start/relight button is pressed, the engine igniter plugs are energised (provided the throttle is at idle), the
DC generator is offloaded and the booster pump is powered from the Essential Services busbar. At stabilised
idle RPM following a successful relight, the throttle should be opened slowly to maximum and a check made that
the bleed valve closes by 61% RPM. As the throttle is opened, cross-check RPM and TGT for surge-free engine
If the GTS system has been activated, it will normally be running at idle (GTS indicator green) after a successful
immediate or cold relight (unassisted) procedure. Regardless of the GTS indication, shut the system down by
setting either of the start master switches to OFF for a minimum of five seconds and then resetting it to ON.

Immediate relight
An immediate relight may be attempted at any airspeed and altitude, provided the engine RPM are not too low
(below 30%).
With the start master switch at ON and the throttle at HP OFF, an immediate relight is carried out by pressing a
start/relight button and simultaneously advancing the throttle to idle. If a relight is not obtained within 30 seconds
of selecting idle, the throttle must be returned to HP OFF to prevent over-fuelling. A further 30 seconds should be
allowed to elapse to drain the engine and cool the GTS system starter motor before initiating a cold relight. After
a successful relight, shut down the GTS system.

Cold relight – assisted

The aircraft should be below 20,000ft at an IAS between 165 and 250 knots, with the throttle at HP OFF, both
start master switches at ON and the ignition switch at NORMAL.
The relight is initiated by pressing the start/relight button to start the air producer which runs up to idle. The
rotation indicator shows green and the engine igniter plugs are energised. When the GTS indicator shows green,
and with the RPM less than 20%, momentarily setting a start master switch to START causes the GTS to run up
to full speed to accelerate the engine, at which point the throttle should be moved to idle.
When the engine has accelerated to 45% RPM, the GTS system shuts down, the engine igniter plugs are
de-energised and, after a 30-second delay, the booster pump is restored to the generator busbar. To prevent
over-fuelling, the throttle must be returned to HP OFF if a relight is not achieved within 45 seconds of selecting

Cold relight – unassisted

An unassisted relight is carried out below 25,000ft at a minimum of 250 knots with both start master switches at
ON and the throttle lever at HP OFF. When the RPM falls below 45%, a start/relight button is pressed to energise
the engine igniter plugs (the rotation indicator shows green) whilst the throttle is simultaneously advanced to the
idle position. The button should be released when the engine lights up.
Approximately 30 seconds after 45% RPM have been exceeded, the booster pump is restored to the generator
busbar. After a successful relight, shut down the GTS system.

76 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Fire protection systems
The fire protection systems detect and give warning of fire or overheating in the engine bay and the air producer
bay, and of overheating in the jet pipe bay. An extinguishing facility is provided in the engine bay only.
The controls and indicators associated with the fire protection systems are on the CWP and are listed below.

Control/indicator Marking

Fire warning caption FIRE

Fire extinguisher push-button and light F
Air producer bay fire warning caption START

Fire detection and warning

The fire detection system consists of two sets of fire-wire elements of the automatic resetting type. Each set of
elements forms a continuous loop which is connected to a control unit. One set of fire-wire elements encircles
the engine and the other encircles the air producer. The system is powered from the Essential Services busbar.
The fire-wire elements are temperature-sensitive and the current flow in them increases as temperature rises. If
the engine fire-wire reaches a critical temperature, current flow increases sufficiently to close a relay in the control
unit which supplies DC to illuminate the head of the fire extinguisher push-buttons and the FIRE captions. If the
air producer fire-wire is activated, a relay in the control unit closes and DC is supplied to illuminate the START
captions. If the temperature in the affected bay falls below the critical value, the warning lights go out and the
detection system is automatically reset. Resetting may take up to 45 seconds.
The jet pipe bay has temperature sensors which activate the JPOHT caption when the bay temperature exceeds

Fire extinguishing
An extinguisher bottle in the fuselage is discharged through a spray ring into the engine bay when an extinguisher
push-button is pressed. The system is supplied with DC from the No. 1 and No. 2 battery busbars and is
operable irrespective of the setting of the battery switches.

Test facility
The fire detection and warning system is tested when a switch on the CWP is held at TEST. A serviceable system
is indicated by the FIRE, START and JPOHT captions, together with all other unlit captions on the CWP in both
cockpits and the lamp in the fire extinguisher push-buttons, illuminating.
The fire detection and warning system should not be tested in flight. The system should be tested before engine
start-up and again after flight (during engine shutdown).

77 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Microsoft Flight Simulator is designed for the operation of civilian rather than armed military aircraft. We have
included visual representations of the weapons that the Hawk T1 carried in service, with the associated cockpit
controls, indicators and jettison functionality, but the weapons cannot be fired or dropped from the aircraft (they
simply disappear from the model). This allows for the recreation of the important weapons training role, but not
the actual combat role.
This simulation is based on the Royal Air Force T1 and T1/A variants of the Hawk T1. The armament/weapon
controls and functions are based on their T1/A weapons trainer configuration, which enables the aircraft to carry
Sidewinder missiles, carrier bomb light stores (CBLS) with practice bombs, MATRA/SNEB rocket pods and a
30mm Aden gun. These are fitted to an inner pylon on each wing, but foreign export variants could also carry
outer pylons and those are included in this simulation.
Each pylon of the T Mk 1A is additionally equipped to carry a Sidewinder missile launcher (LAU-7A); an adaptor
is fitted to the launcher to enable it to interface with the pylon. With the exception of the Sidewinder launcher, the
pylon-carried stores can be jettisoned.
Aiming facilities for the available attack modes are provided by an Integrated Strike and Interception System
The main armament controls are on a weapon control panel (WCP) and missile control panel (MCP) in the front
cockpit and a weapon monitor panel (WMP) in the rear cockpit. Electrical supplies for the armament circuits are
controlled by a lockable master armament safety switch (MASS) in the front cockpit.
You can toggle between T1 trainer (without any armament/weapon controls) and T1/A weapons trainer cockpit
configurations using the EFB tablet.

Power supplies
The aircraft has two armament busbars, No. 1 and No. 2, which are supplied from the No. 1 battery busbar and
the Essential Services busbar respectively whenever the MASS is at UNLOCK LIVE. Both armament busbars
provide a DC supply for store jettisoning (except Sidewinder AAM); if one busbar supply fails, store jettisoning
can still be carried out.
When the nose-wheel leg uplock microswitch is closed, a combined supply from No. 1 and No. 2 armament
busbars is extended to No. 3 armament busbar, which provides a DC supply for weapon selection, release and
firing, and for Sidewinder jettisoning.
The Sidewinder installation also requires a 115V 400 Hz single-phase AC supply in addition to DC supplies from
the Essential Services busbar and No. 3 armament busbar. The AC supply is made available from the No. 3
inverter whenever the generator and the Essential Services busbars are live.
The gun installation also requires a 115V 400 Hz single-phase supply from the AC busbar; this supply is available
when, with No. 3 armament busbar live, the gun pod ventilation door open relay is energised and a gun firing
trigger is pressed.

Controls and indicators

Master Armament Safety Switch (MASS)

DC power to the armament installation is controlled by the MASS in the front cockpit. The MASS is on the centre
instrument panel and has two positions, marked LOCK SAFE and UNLOCK LIVE. When the knob is in the LOCK
SAFE or UNLOCK LIVE position, the word LIVE or SAFE respectively is obscured by the knob.

78 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Bomb release button
A bomb release button is used for the release of pylon-carried weapons (practice bombs, rockets and
Sidewinders). The button, on the aft face of the control column handgrip in each cockpit, is protected by a safety
flap which operates a safety switch in the bomb circuit.

Weapon control panel (WCP)

The WCP allows for the selection of any pylon-loaded store, except Sidewinder missiles, for release or the gun
for firing. The WCP also allows pylon-loaded stores, except Sidewinders and their launchers, to be jettisoned.
When the front cockpit main lights master switch is on, the WCP is lit by the strip light below the glareshield; the
power, role and pylon-selected MIs are then integrally lit.

79 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Control/Indicator Function

Power indicators Two MI, marked BUSBAR 1 and 2, individually show

black when the associated No. 1 and No. 2 armament
busbar is live. The WCP controls and indicators are
effective when either armament busbar is live. The MI
show OFF in black on a white background when the
power supply to the respective busbar is off.
Jettison button A guarded JETTISON button, on a yellow and black
diagonally striped panel, is used to jettison all pylon-
loaded stores except Sidewinder AAM and their
launchers. With the MASS set to UNLOCK LIVE and
either No. 1 battery busbar or the Essential Services
busbar live, pressing the JETTISON button connects
DC supplies to jettison relays in each of the pylons; all
other weapon control circuits are bypassed.
Role indicator MI, marked ROLE, shows either OPS or TRG in black
on a white background when a two-position role
selector on the weapon control JB is set to OPS or
TRG respectively. The selector is set before flight
to OPS (which is now an unused setting) or to TRG
when CBLS are carried. The setting of the selector is
immaterial when Sidewinders are carried.
Weapon type selector A four-position WEAPON SELECT – OFF/RP/PB/B
switch has settings for rockets, practice bombs or
Pylon select switches Two 2-position PYLON SELECT switches – PORT and
STBD – are collectively marked OFF/ON. The switches
are used to select the required pylon(s) for weapon
release. There is no requirement to make a pylon
selection before selecting or firing a Sidewinder.
Pylon selected indicators An MI is above each pylon select switch. Each MI
shows OFF in white on a black background or green,
depending on the setting of the associated pylon
select switch.
Bomb fuzing switch A three-position bomb FUZING switch marked
T/N+T/N enables either tail, nose and tail or nose
fuzing to be selected. The selected pylon arming
unit(s) is/are energised when the bomb safety flap is
Gun select switch A two-position GUN select switch marked OFF/ON
is used to select the gun for firing. The gun can be
selected and fired at the same time as any of the
pylon-loaded stores are selected or released.

80 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Weapon monitor panel (WMP)

When the rear cockpit main lights master switch is on, the WMP is lit by the strip light below the glareshield; the
power MI are then integrally lit.
The WMP has the following controls and indicators:

Control/Indicator Function

Power indicators Two MI, marked BUSBAR 1 and 2, individually show

black when the associated No. 1 and No. 2 armament
busbar is live. The WMP controls and indicators are
effective when either armament busbar is live. The MI
show OFF in black on a white background when the
power supply to the respective busbar is off.
Jettison button A guarded JETTISON button, on a yellow and black
diagonally striped panel, can be used to jettison all
pylon-loaded stores except Sidewinder AAM and their
launchers. With the MASS in the front cockpit set to
UNLOCK LIVE and either No. 1 battery busbar or the
Essential Services busbar live, pressing the JETTISON
button connects DC to jettison relays in each pylon.
Weapon type selected indicators One of three green indicator lights, marked RP SEL,
PB SEL and BOMB SEL, is lit to indicate the setting of
the WCP weapon type selector. A green indicator light,
marked GUN SELECT, is lit when the WCP gun select
switch is set to ON.

81 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Pylon selected indicators One of two green indicator lights, marked PYLON –
PORT and STBD, is lit when the associated pylon is
selected at the WCP.
Safety flap indicator A green indicator light marked SAFETY FLAP is lit
when the bomb release button safety flap in either
cockpit is raised.
Gun trigger safety catch indicator A green SAFETY indicator light is lit when, with the
WCP gun select switch set to ON, the gun trigger
safety catch in either cockpit is moved up.
Override switch A two-position NORMAL/OVERRIDE WEAPONS
switch, when set to OVERRIDE WEAPONS, interrupts
DC supplies to prevent the release and firing of all
weapons, except Sidewinders, from the front cockpit.
Selection of override also prevents the gun firing
once it has been initiated. Selection of override does
not prevent release or firing from the rear cockpit or
jettisoning from either cockpit.

Missile control panel (MCP)

Sidewinder AAM can be carried on a launcher installed on each of the pylons. The MCP enables either of the
missiles to be selected for firing and both missiles to be jettisoned by launching as a pair in an inert state.
The MCP has the following controls and indicators:

82 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Control/Indicator Function

AAM switch The AAM switch is a spring-loaded button which is

marked with an upper and a lower caption, AAM (amber)
and SELECT (green) respectively. When No. 3 armament
busbar is live, the AAM caption is illuminated by an integral
light. When the button is pressed, the SELECT caption is
illuminated by an integral light to indicate that the Sidewinder
control circuits are live; a coolant valve solenoid in each
launcher is also energised. The release or firing of other
pylon-loaded stores is inhibited while the SELECT caption is
illuminated. The Sidewinder control circuits are deactivated
when the AAM switch is pressed again; the SELECT caption
is extinguished.
Missile selected indicators The missile selected indicators are two spring-loaded
buttons which are marked PORT and STBD respectively.
When the AAM switch is pressed, either the PORT or the
STBD button is illuminated by an integral light to indicate
which missile is selected for firing. Each indicator has
a push-to-test facility which is active provided that the
Essential Services busbar is live.
Coolant/test switch The coolant/test switch is a three-position switch marked
COOLANT ON / OFF / TEST ON. The switch has to be lifted
from the OFF position before TEST ON can be selected.
When the switch is set to COOLANT ON, the coolant valve
solenoid in each launcher is energised from the Essential
Services busbar independently of the AAM switch setting.
When the switch is set to TEST ON, a red spring-loaded test
indicator is illuminated from the Essential Services busbar;
this electrical supply enables testing of all the Sidewinder
control circuits, except the firing control circuits, to be
carried out independently of the No. 3 armament busbar
supply. With the Essential Services busbar live, the test
indicator should be illuminated when pressed.
Mode switch The mode switch is a two-position switch marked SCAN
– B/S. The setting of the switch is immaterial as the target
seeker heads of the missiles are caged to their boresight.
Aural tone volume control A variable control enables the volume of the selected
Sidewinder’s target location tone to be adjusted. The control
can be varied between a LO and a HI setting. The target
location tone increases in intensity as the selected missile’s
boresight is aligned with the target.
Reject button A round spring-loaded REJECT button enables the selected
missile to be rejected and the unselected missile to be
selected. The button has an integral light which is inoperative
in this simulation.
Jettison button The jettison button is guarded by a yellow and black
diagonally striped spring-loaded cover to prevent accidental
operation. When the button is pressed, all missiles are
simultaneously jettisoned by launching, provided the nose-
wheel leg is locked up and the MASS is set to UNLOCK

83 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Weapon control and release

The MASS has to be set to UNLOCK LIVE to connect DC to No. 1 and No. 2 armament busbars and the nose-
wheel leg uplock microswitch has to be closed to connect the busbar supplies to No. 3 armament busbar before
any weapon can be selected for release or firing.
Pylon-loaded stores, except Sidewinders, can be jettisoned when the MASS is set to UNLOCK LIVE. With the
MASS at UNLOCK LIVE, check that the BUSBAR 1 and 2 MI show black; if both MI show OFF, no armament
facilities are available.

Practice bomb release

With the MASS at UNLOCK LIVE and the nose-wheel leg locked up, check that the WCP ROLE MI shows TRG
and then set the weapon type selector to PB; the WMP PB SEL light comes on.
Select the PORT and/or STBD PYLON SELECT switch(es) to ON as required and check that the associated pylon
MI show green; the equivalent pylon indicator(s) on the WMP are on.
Raise the bomb safety flap to expose the release button; the SAFETY FLAP light on the WMP comes on. When
the bomb button is pressed, a signal is passed to the CBLS, on the pylon or pylons selected, to release a
practice bomb.
When the bomb button is released, the system is reset. Bombs are released from the CBLS in the order of left
then right when viewed from the rear.

Gun firing
With the MASS at UNLOCK LIVE and the nose-wheel leg locked up, set the WCP GUN switch to ON; the WMP
GUN SELECT light comes on.
Push up the gun firing safety catch; the WMP SAFETY light comes on and the gun pod ventilation door opens.
Pressing the gun firing trigger connects AC power to the gun firing pin to fire the gun.
After firing, when the gun firing safety catch on both control columns is pushed down, the gun pod ventilation
door closes and the WMP SAFETY light goes out.

Sidewinder firing
With the MASS at UNLOCK LIVE and the nose-wheel leg locked up, check that the MCP AAM caption is
illuminated and then press the AAM switch; the SELECT caption is then illuminated.
Check that either the PORT or STBD missile selected indicator is illuminated. Set the aural tone volume control as
required. Raise the bomb safety flap to expose the release button; the SAFETY FLAP light on the WMP comes on.
When the bomb button is pressed, a firing signal is passed to the missile launcher.
When the bomb button is released, the illuminated missile selected indicator is extinguished and the previously
unlit indicator is illuminated. The second missile can then be fired.

Override switch
To terminate or prevent the release of weapons by use of the switches in the front cockpit, set the NORMAL/
OVERRIDE WEAPONS switch on the WMP to OVERRIDE WEAPONS. The firing of Sidewinders is not prevented
with override selected nor is the release of weapons by using the rear cockpit controls. Jettison circuits are not
affected when override is selected.

84 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Pylon-loaded stores except Sidewinders:
With the MASS at UNLOCK LIVE, all pylon-loaded stores except Sidewinders (CBLS plus practice bombs) are
simultaneously jettisoned when the WCP or WMP JETTISON button is pressed.

With the MASS at UNLOCK LIVE and the nose-wheel leg locked up, both Sidewinders are fired when the MCP
jettison button is pressed; the guidance system of each missile is inoperative. Immediately after jettisoning action
is taken, initiate a breakaway manoeuvre to avoid possible fragmentation damage if the missiles collide.

Sighting system
The Integrated Strike and Interception System (ISIS) sight is used for weapon aiming. The ISIS comprises a sight
control unit and a sight head. The sight requires 28V DC from the generator busbar and 115V 400 Hz from the
AC busbar. The sighting system is switched on when a mode selector on the control unit is moved from OFF to
any of the operating mode positions.
The sight control unit is below the centre instrument panel in both cockpits.
The rotary DRIFT control is used to offset the reticule in azimuth to cater for crosswind components.
The rotary DEPRESSION control is used to manually set the required depression in elevation for depressed
sightline attacks.
A sight head is fitted in both cockpits. A lamp dimmer control, on the left side of the sight head, gives control of
the reticule light intensity.

85 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Note: Due to the similarities between the front and rear cockpits, only the front cockpit is depicted in this section.
Any differences between the cockpits is shown.

Left console

1. Engine start master switch 13. Alternative receiver mute switch

2. No. 1 battery switch 14. Standby UHF switch
3. No. 2 battery switch 15. No. 1 and No. 2 hydraulic system pressure
4. Fuel booster pump switch
16. Brakes supply pressure gauge
5. Pitot static tube heater switch
17. Left and right brake pressure gauges
6. Cover for tailplane trim standby switch
18. No. 2 hydraulic pump/ram air turbine (RAT) reset
7. Aileron and rudder trim indicators
8. Aileron and rudder trim switches
19. Engine ignition switch
9. Throttle damper friction control
20. Altimeter ground test switch
10. Throttle lever
21. AC 3 reset button
11. Anti-skid switch
12. Alternative transmit switch

86 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

22. DC voltmeter
23. Generator, No. 1 inverter and No. 2 inverter reset
24. Landing gear standby lowering system selector
25. Flap standby lowering system selector
26. Landing gear retraction/lowering selector buttons
27. Flap position selector
28. Flap position indicator
29. Landing gear unit position indicator

30. LP fuel cock control lever

A red landing gear selection control transfer button is fitted to the rear
cockpit only.

87 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Left instrument panel

1. Missile (AIM-9) control panel (only visible when T1/A configuration selected)
2. Left frequency card and stopwatch
3. Weapon control panel (only visible when T1/A configuration selected) or display smoke control (only visible
when Red Arrows configuration selected)
4. UHF transceiver control panel
5. CWS attention light
6. Accelerometer
7. Airbrake indicator
8. Turn-and-slip indicator
9. Tailplane position indicator
10. Combined speed indicator (CSI)
11. Directional gyro indicator (DGI)

88 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


A stopwatch is fitted to the left frequency card in both cockpits.

The centre knob is pushed to control the stop/start function and is rotated to wind up the stopwatch (winding it
up 100% provides approximately 90 minutes of use). The right button controls the reset function. The stopwatch
can be raised and lowered by clicking on the stopwatch itself or on the nearby glareshield light (mounted
beneath the glareshield to the left of the frequency preset card).
The stopwatch can be started, stopped and reset using the ‘TRIGGER HORN’ control assignment.

Leg panel

1. AHRS control unit

2. ISIS control unit (only visible when T1/A configuration selected)
3. Rudder bar locking handle

89 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Centre and right panel

1. Attitude indicator 13. Standby altimeter

2. Horizontal situation indicator (HSI) 14. Engine LP shaft rotation indicator
3. Master armament safety switch (MASS) 15. RPM indicator
4. Flight instruments power switch 16. Central warning panel
5. Standby attitude indicator 17. TGT indicator
6. Main altimeter 18. Air producer start indicator
7. Vertical speed indicator (VSI) 19. Right frequency card
8. Navigation mode selector 20. Oxygen flow indicator
9. ILS marker indicator light 21. Cabin altimeter
10. Landing/taxi lamp switch 22. Oxygen supply contents gauge
11. Communications power switch 23. Fuel contents gauge
12. CWS attention light 24. Lighting switches

90 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Right console

1. CCS station box

2. VHF transceiver control panel
3. UHF aerial selector switch (controls NAV/GPS toggle)
4. IFF/SSR control unit
5. External intercom switch (controls EFB tablet toggle)
6. ADR status indicator
7. TACAN control unit
8. Oxygen supply selector
9. ILS control unit
10. Seat pan height adjustment switch
11. Airbrake test switch
12. Cabin conditioning control switch
and temperature control switch
13. Parking brake T-handle

91 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


1. Canopy operating lever

2. Canopy MDC open/close clickspot
3. Rear view mirrors
4. Standby magentic compass
5. Canopy grab handle open/close clickspot

Control stick
1. Tailplane trim switches
2. Camera button
3. Bomb/RP release button safety flap
4. Bomb/RP release button

For better visibility, the top portion of the control stick can
be hidden by clicking on the base of the stick or via the EFB

92 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


1. Brightness control
2. Function buttons
3. Power button

To use the GPS, turn the unit on with the power button. Tooltips indicate the purpose of each function button.

ISIS sight and control unit

1. Lamp dimmer control
2. Fixed cross-occulting switch

93 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

1. Drift control
2. Mode selector
3. Depression control

Red Arrows smoke controls

With the Red Arrows configuration selected, the aircraft will be equipped with the centreline fairing for carrying
display smoke diesel fuel and dye, and associated cockpit controls.
A smoke control switch is located on the front cockpit left instrument panel, where the Weapon Control Panel
(WCP) would normally be located. This controls power to the smoke system from the essential services busbar
and must be set to ON before you trigger the display smoke.
Two panels on the left and right glareshields each have three lights (from outboard to inboard – blue, white and
red) which come on to show that the smoke valve is open and the colour of the smoke which is selected. These
lights can also be clicked to quickly select a smoke colour.
Just like in the real Red Arrows aircraft, the smoke can also be selected via buttons on the control sticks or the
corresponding control assignments:
• Blue smoke – receiver mute button (TOGGLE/SET CABIN LIGHTS)
• White smoke – camera button (TOGGLE/SET TAXI LIGHTS)
• Red smoke – bomb/RP button (TOGGLE/SET PEDESTAL LIGHTS)

94 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and for checking aircraft and
flight information.
The tablet can be switched on/off using the physical ‘Home’ button on its right bezel.
The screen brightness can be adjusted with the plus and minus controls in the top right corner. The tablet battery
status is also shown; this will drain over time if the aircraft electrical power is switched off and will recharge once
it is powered on again.
A speaker icon can be clicked to toggle the EFB sounds on/off.
The outside air temperature is shown on the top bar of the EFB in Fahrenheit or Celsius, depending on the
selected MSFS unit of measurement.
The tablet can be moved between two positions, the ejection seat or above the right console, using a clickspot
on the outer edge (bezel) of the EFB tablet.

Aircraft States
Three aircraft states can be selected:
• Ready For Takeoff – engine and electrical power on, flaps MID, lights on and parking brake on.
• Ready For Start – electrical power on and ready for engine start, flaps up, lights on and parking brake on.
• Cold & Dark – engine and electrical power off, flaps up, lights off and parking brake on.
The aircraft will automatically be configured in the ‘Ready For Takeoff’ state when a flight is started.

95 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Aircraft Options

Selects one of three aircraft configurations:
• T1 – original RAF fast jet trainer without weapons capability.
• T1/A – T1 modified for tactical weapons training, with wing pylon-mounted ordnance and a centreline
30mm Aden gun. The cockpit is equipped with weapons controls and gunsight.
• Red Arrows – T1/A with wing pylons and weapons capability removed, and 30mm Aden gun replaced
with a fairing for carrying display smoke diesel fuel and dye.
This option allows for the quick selection of aircraft configuration but it is also possible to use the other EFB
options to futher configure the aircraft to your exact requirements.

Selects one of three GPS/SIGHT configurations:
• OFF – GPS and gunsight removed
• GPS – SkyMap GPS fitted
• SIGHT – gunsight fitted
• GPS + Gunsight – SkyMap GPS and gunsight fitted

State Saving
Enables or disables aircraft state saving.
The aircraft state can be saved and reloaded automatically between flights, allowing you to always return to your
cockpit in the same state that you last left it.

The Hawk T1 can be flown from the front or rear cockpit, with real-world solo flights conducted only from the
front cockpit. The Control button allows you to quickly configure each cockpit for flight from the chosen cockpit.
The Control button has two settings:
• Front – selected when flying from the front cockpit. Front cockpit gunsight controls are enabled. Flap and
gear selectors are configured for use from the front cockpit. EFB is moved to the front cockpit. Rear pilot
is shown if enabled.
• Rear – selected when flying from the rear cockpit. Rear cockpit gunsight controls are enabled. Flap and
gear selectors are configured for use from the rear cockpit. EFB is moved to the rear cockpit.
The Control button can also be triggered using the ‘TOGGLE TAIL HOOK HANDLE’ and ‘SET TAIL HOOK
HANDLE’ control assignments.

Enables or disables exterior aircraft equipment:
• Wheel chocks
• Covers and flags
• Cockpit steps
There is also an option for refilling the cockpit oxygen system when the aircraft is on the ground.

96 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The Hawk T1 is not equipped with an autopilot, but for convenience and when moving between the two cockpits,
we have included buttons that allow you to control some basic autopilot modes:
• Autopilot master on/off
• Altitude hold mode on/off
• Heading hold mode on/off
• Navigation hold mode on/off
• Approach hold mode on/off
There is a read-out which indicates the selected altitude.

Control Sticks
Hide or show the front and rear control sticks for better visibility and access to the instrument panel controls.

Open or close the canopy or nose hatch.


Allows you to configure the aircraft payload by clicking on the relevant numbered payload station (1-5) for the
desired payload:
• PYLONS – pylon (for carrying practice bombs, rocket pods or external tanks), launch rail (for carrying
Sidewinders) or none
• AIM-9M – live AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles
• CATM-9 – captive Air Training Missile (inert practice Sidewinder)
• CBLS / BDU-33 – practice bomb launcher and bombs
• MATRA LRF4 – rocket pods
• GUN POD – 30mm Aden gun
• DISPLAY TANK – Red Arrows smoke tank
• EXTERNAL TANK – 100 imperial gallon (454 litres) fuel drop tank

97 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

An UNLOAD ALL button removes all payload.
Selecting an aircraft configuration (T1, T1/A or Red Arrows) will automatically select an appropriate payload for
that configuration.
Due to simulator limitations, any payload changes made via the EFB won’t be reflected on the MSFS fuel
window, therefore the total payload and aircraft weights are also shown on the EFB and update in real time as
configuration changes are made.

Rear Pilot
This option enables or disables the rear cockpit pilot, allowing you to simulate solo or dual training flights. When
enabled, the co-pilot will be visible in the exterior views and their weight will be automatically added to the
aircraft payload.

Clicking on the settings ‘cog’ icon enables or disables the Configuration
menu. This menu has the following options:
• Sync Altimeters – with the front cockpit selected using the
Control button, the front standby, and rear main and standby,
altimeter barometric settings will be automatically sync’d to the
pressure you select on the front main altimeter. With the rear
cockpit selected using the Control button, the rear standby, and
front main and standby, altimeter barometric settings will be
automatically sync’d to the pressure you select on the rear main
• Cockpit Pilots – enables/disables the pilot models that are visible
with the cockpit (internal) camera selected
• Vortex Effects – enables/disables the wing vortex effects
• Pilot G Breathing – enables/disables the G-force-induced pilot
breathing sound, allowing you to use the default MSFS sound if

98 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


In this tutorial flight we will be departing from RAF Valley, home to No. 4 Flying Training School, which flew the
Hawk T1 in the flying training role from 1976 to 2016, when the T1 was replaced by the T2 variant. RAF Valley is
situated on the island of Anglesey in North Wales.
We will be departing to the north-east, flying north of the city of Liverpool and south of Warton Aerodrome, where
the Hawk T1 underwent testing, before approaching RAF Leeming from the south-west. RAF Leeming is home to
some of the last serving Hawk T1s, with 100 Squadron in the ‘aggressor’ role.
Covering a distance of approximately 130 nautical miles, this short flight is the ideal length for learning about the
essential systems on board the Hawk T1.

Here are the details for today’s flight:

EGOV – WAL (114.10) – POL (112.10) – EGXE

Estimated time en route: 40 minutes

Route distance: 136 nautical miles
Departure time: 10:00 (local time)
Weather: Clear

99 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Now that we are prepared for the flight, we can proceed to the cockpit to begin our pre-flight checks. To load up
the Hawk T1 tutorial flight, follow these steps:
1. Start Microsoft Flight Simulator.
2. Select the World Map menu.
3. Choose Load/Save and then Load.
4. Browse to the Documents folder within the Hawk T1 aircraft folder (located in the Packages/
Community/ folder) and select the Just Flight Hawk T1 Tutorial Flight file.
5. Click on Fly.

You should now find yourself sitting in the cockpit at RAF Valley. The aircraft should be in a ‘cold and dark’ state,
with all the cockpit systems switched off, as you would find the aircraft prior to the first flight of the day. The EFB
can also be used to configure the aircraft in a ‘cold and dark’ state if required. By beginning in this configuration
we will need to spend some additional time setting up the cockpit, but doing so will allow you to learn a
considerable amount about the features and functions on board the Hawk.

This tutorial will cover the necessary steps for you to get from point A to point B, but it will not explore each
system in depth. Please refer to the rest of this manual for details of each system.
This simulation supports the MSFS checklist system, allowing you to work through each checklist with guidance
on the location of controls and the option of a co-pilot who will automatically carry out each checklist item.
We will be using TACAN (VOR/DME) navigation for this flight, but you can also follow the GPS flight plan which
can be viewed on the MSFS VFR map pop-up or on the Hawk’s SkyMap GPS.
We will be flying solo in the front seat, in the special RAF 4 FTS Squadron dragon paint scheme, with a Hawk T1
trainer configuration.

100 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Getting started
With the ‘cold and dark’ state selected, the canopy is already open and the cockpit steps are pushed up to the
aircraft, so climb into the rear cockpit so we can work through the initial checks. With the rear cockpit correctly
configured we will be able to fly the aircraft solo from the front cockpit, only returning to the rear cockpit for the
shutdown checks on the ground at RAF Leeming.
If the MWS attention getters on the instrument panel flash during the pre-start checks, cancel them by pressing
either attention getter.
We will start on the left console. Set the engine start switch to ON.
Confirm that the tailplane standby trim cover is DOWN.
Set the anti-skid switch to ON.
Confirm that the UP and DOWN gear selector buttons are OUT and then push the red transfer button IN to make
sure the gear control has been transferred to the front cockpit.
Confirm that the flap selector is set to PUPIL (middle position).

101 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Confirm that the lighting switches are OFF.
Rotate the oxygen selector to ON.

That completes the rear cockpit checks. The controls are now configured to match selections we will be making
in the front cockpit, and the flaps and gear controls have been transferred to the front cockpit.

102 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Move into the front cockpit so we can carry out the rest of the initial checks.
Confirm that the landing gear selector is set to DOWN. Note that the position indicators will still show red as they
are not yet receiving electrical power.
Confirm that both battery switches are set to OFF.
Finally, rotate the oxygen selector to ON.

We can now work through the strapping-in checks.

Set the rudder lock, located in front of the control stick, to OFF.
We will now check the voltage of each battery in turn. Set the Batt 1 switch to ON and use the voltmeter to
check for at least 23 volts. Switch battery 1 OFF and then repeat the test with battery 2. Then set both switches
to ON.

103 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Switch ON the navigation lights to alert any ground crew to our presence in the aircraft.
Confirm that the CCS amplifier is set to NORM.

Finally, confirm that the parking brake handle is pulled to ON. The handle is located at the aft end of the right
We can now work through the internal checks, starting with the left console.
At the aft end of the left console, rotate the LP fuel cock lever down to ON.
Confirm that the engine start switch is set to OFF.
Set the fuel pump switch to ON and confirm that the pitot heater switch is set to OFF.
Confirm that the tailplane standby trim cover is DOWN, the ignition switch is set to NORMAL, the throttle is set
to HP OFF (fully aft), the anti-skid switch is OFF and the standby UHF switch is set to MAIN.
Confirm that the port and starboard brake accumulators are pressurised.

104 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Moving up to the left instrument panel, confirm that neither the U/C (undercarriage – gear) or flap standby
handles have been pulled out.
Confirm that three greens are showing on the landing gear position indicator.
Confirm that the flap selector is set to UP.
Set the UHF function switch to BOTH and confirm that the mode switch is set to MANUAL. Set the volume as

Moving across to the centre and lower instrument panels, confirm that the DGI flag is retracted and the turn-and-
slip indicator window is black.
Push IN the accelerometer knob to reset the minimum and maximum G needles.
Confirm that the main attitude indicator and altimeter and the HSI flags are showing.
Set the AHRS heading mode selector to SLV and confirm that the latitude control matches the aircraft’s current
Push the ILS marker light IN to test it.
Confirm that the UHF power switch is set to NORMAL.
Confirm that the standby instrument power switch is set to NORMAL and the standby attitude indicator is erect
with no flags shown.

105 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Moving across to the right instrument panel,
confirm that the OXY CWP caption is off, the
oxygen contents are over 1/2 full and the flow
indicator shows oxygen flow.
Confirm that we have sufficient fuel for the flight
and that both the Rotation and GTS indicators
show black.
Test the CWP by raising the test switch cover and
holding the switch in the TEST (up) position and
then confirm that HYD, GEN, HYD1, FPR, AC1,
HYD2, TRANS, SKID, AC2, OIL and AC3 remain
on after releasing the test switch.
Set the panel light dimmers as required.
Remember to switch ON the panel lights switch if
you want panel lighting.

106 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Moving over to the right console, confirm that the CCS function selector is set to VHF so we can transmit using
the VHF (COM 1) radio, and that both the RX and I/C volume knobs are set to maximum (fully clockwise).
Rotate the VHF operational mode selector to TR+G to power up the VHF radio and confirm that the frequency
mode selector is set to MAN (manual). We will not be using the ATC system in this tutorial but you are welcome
to do so.
Rotate the IFF/SSR master knob to STBY (standby) to power it up. Confirm that the TEST PASS message is
shown on the display.
Rotate the TACAN function selector to TX/RX to power up the receiver. Tune the first TACAN (VOR/DME) on our
flight plan, Wallasey (WAL) – 114.10 – by selecting 088 and rotating the mode selector to X. The tooltip on the
channel selectors will indicate that 114.10 is tuned.
Confirm that the navigation mode selector, located to the right of the HSI, is set to TACAN. The HSI will now
show distance and bearing information to the Wallasey (WAL) TACAN (VOR/DME) when in range of the aircraft.

Rotate the ILS mode selector to ILS and select a frequency of 110.30 for ILS runway 16 at RAF Leeming.
Confirm that the ADR status FAIL flag is visible.
Finally, rotate the cabin air temperature selector to the AUTO (six o’clock) position and set the cabin conditioning
control switch to NORMAL.

107 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

We are now ready to start the engine, so close the canopy either by clicking on the yellow and black MDC handle
on the right portion of the canopy, the canopy grab handle on the left portion of the canopy, or by clicking on the
EFB tablet button. Move the canopy operating lever forward to lock the canopy.

Starting the engine

Using the tablet EFB, remove the chocks, covers and flags, and steps. Close the nose hatch if it is open.
On the left console, set the engine start switch to ON. On the right instrument panel, set the two anti-collision
switches to Red.
The engine start sequence begins with starting the gas turbine starting (GTS) system, which supplies air for the
rotation of the engine during the start, acting somewhat like a traditional APU. Press the start/relight button on
the front of the throttle lever or use the ‘APU STARTER’ control assignment.
The GTS air producer accelerates to idle, taking approximately 20 seconds, and the GTS indicator on the right
instrument panel shows green once it has stabilised at idle.

Set the engine start switch to START and release. The engine will begin to spool up and, once the rotation
indicator shows green and the RPM has reached approximately 15-20%, click on the throttle idle stop lever to
advance the lever to the IDLE position.
Monitor the TGT indicator and abort the engine start by moving the throttle lever back to the HP OFF position if
the TGT is going to exceed 570°C.

108 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

As the RPM rises through 45%, confirm that the GTS and rotation indicators show black, indicating that the start
sequence is complete and the GTS has automatically shut down. The RPM should stabilise at approximately

Check that the FIRE, OIL, FPR and TRANS CWP captions are off.
Check for full and free movement of the flight controls using the No. 1 hydraulic system (note the small transient
drop in Hyd 1 system pressure as you move the control stick) and then press IN the Hyd 2 Reset button to reset
the No. 2 system pump. Monitor the Hyd 2 system pressure as it rises and confirm that the HYD 2 CWP caption

Confirm that the GEN caption and the three AC CWP captions are off. If any remain illuminated, press the
associated reset button on the left instrument panel.
Finally, confirm that only the SKID CWP caption remains illuminated.
Congratulations, you have successfully started the Hawk T1! We can now work through the after start checks.
Confirm that the trims are set to neutral; the tailplane indicator is on the left instrument panel and the aileron and
rudder indicators are on the left console.
Test the airbrake by first moving the Air Brake Test switch on the right console to the test (up) position and then
pushing the airbrake switch on the top of the throttle aft to the Out position before releasing it. Confirm that the
Airbrake indicator on the left instrument panel shows white, indicating that the airbrake is extended.

109 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Push the airbrake switch forward to the IN position before releasing it. Confirm that the Airbrake indicator on the
left instrument panel shows black, indicating that the airbrake is retracted.
The airbrake switch can also be operated using the standard spoiler control assignments, e.g. forward slash (/).
Return the Air Brake Test switch to the off (aft) position.
Set the pitot heater switch to ON.
Set the flap selector to MID and confirm that the position indicator matches the selection.

Check that you still have full and free movement of the flight controls.
Confirm that the hydraulic system pressures are within limits.
Check the oxygen contents and confirm oxygen regulator flow.
Moving back to the instrument panel, set the QFE on the main and standby altimeters and confirm the correct
altitude is indicated.
Check that no instrument flags are still visible and that both attitude indicators are erect.
On the AHRS control panel, press the PUSH TO SYNC button and confirm that the mode selector is set to SLV.
On the right console, set the IFF transponder code if required and confirm that the ADR status indicator shows
That completes the after start checks.

110 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

We can now taxi to the runway. Check that the area around the aircraft is clear of obstacles, switch ON the
landing/taxi light and then release the parking brake.
Apply power slowly to get the aircraft rolling and then start your taxi to the threshold of runway 13. Steer the
aircraft with a combination of rudder pedal and differential brake inputs. Check the operation of instruments
during turns.
Stop at the holding point just short of runway 13 and set the parking brake. We can carry out the before take-off
checks here.
Set the anti-skid switch to ON and confirm that the SKID CWP caption has extinguished.
Confirm that the fuel quantity remains sufficient for the flight and the trims are still neutral.
Set both anti-collision switches to White.

Rotate the IFF/SSR master knob to NORM and the mode 4 knob to 4A.

Release the parking brake and taxi onto the runway. Line up with the runway centre line and then come to a
stop, holding the brakes. Smoothly apply full power and check that the RPM doesn’t exceed 104% and the TGT
doesn’t exceed 665°C. Confirm that the CWP remains clear of any captions and then release the brakes.
As the aircraft starts to gather speed, keep it running down the centre line with differential braking and then
rudder inputs as the rudder becomes effective.
As you approach 90 knots, move the control stick aft in order to raise the nose-wheel just off the runway.
Maintain the nose-wheel-off attitude until 120 knots is reached, then fly off by easing the control stick further aft
to rotate to the take-off attitude.
The aircraft will begin to climb away from the runway. Once you are safely airborne, retract the landing gear and
flaps. Both should be selected up before reaching 200 knots. Confirm that the landing gear and flap indicators
match the selected position.
Hold the runway heading (134 degrees) and make pitch inputs as required to maintain the climb whilst
accelerating to approximately 300 knots, which will be our climb speed until we reach M0.73. You can climb with
full throttle for best performance.

111 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

To complete the after take-off checks, confirm that the CWP is clear.

Using the SkyMap GPS or VFR Map pop-up window, begin a left turn to intercept the course to the Wallasey
(WAL) TACAN (VOR/DME). The HSI can also be used by tracking towards the green pointer bearing or centring
the CDI to identify the direct-to course.

112 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

We will climb to a cruise altitude of 28,000ft today. Demonstrating what a superb training aircraft this is, the
workload to operate the aircraft during the climb, cruise and descent phases for a simple flight like this is very
low, providing you with the ideal opportunity to explore the aircraft.
You can further reduce the workload by using the autopilot controls on the EFB tablet, which can only be
controlled by using the default autopilot control assignments.
Pressing the Toggle Master button will engage the autopilot. Its default mode is pitch and bank hold until
another mode is selected.
The UHF selector switch on the right console can be used to select the GPS as the source for the navigation
hold mode. Pressing the Toggle Nav Hold button will then engage navigation hold mode and the autopilot will
hold the GPS course.

Once you have reached 28,000ft, you can also press the Toggle Alt Hold button to engage altitude hold mode.
The ‘Alt Hold’ read-out will show that 28,000ft is being held.

Make throttle adjustments as necessary to maintain a cruise speed of approximately M0.73.

If you are navigating using TACAN (VOR/DME) rather than GPS, remember to switch to the POL (112.10) VOR/
DME after passing overhead WAL (114.10) – by selecting 058 and rotating the mode selector to X.
At this cruise speed we will soon cover the distance to RAF Leeming, but we do have time to explore some of
the features of the Hawk T1 cockpit.
The front cockpit is equipped with a VHF (COM 1) and UHF (COM 2) radio, located on the right console and left
instrument panel respectively. The VHF radio is a modern unit but both have similar functionality, including the
ability to save and reload frequency presets.

113 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Moving over to the VHF radio, rotate the frequency mode selector to the PRST position to select preset mode.
‘PRESET’ will be shown in the top right corner of the display.
The selected channel preset (1-20) is shown in the lower portion of the display and the associated preset
frequency is shown in the upper portion.

The preset frequencies are shown on the frequency cards found on the left and right coaming of both cockpits.
The left column shows the VHF preset frequencies and the right column shows the UHF preset frequencies, with
‘G’ showing the guard frequency of 121.50.

If you return to the manual mode by rotating the frequency mode selector to the MAN position, you will see that
the preset frequency has now been tuned as COM 1 standby, shown in the lower portion of the display. To make
the frequency active, press the ENTER button.
We will now save a new frequency into preset channel 2. Tune a new COM 1 standby frequency, for example
Manchester Centre 118.775, with the VHF frequency selectors and press the ENTER button to swap it to active.

114 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Now press the MENU button to enable store mode. Using the navigation rocker switch, select channel 2 (CH: 2)
and then press the ENTER button to save the COM 1 active frequency into preset channel 2.

The display will revert to manual mode and the new frequency preset will be shown on the frequency cards in
channel 2.

The IFF/SSR unit is located just aft of the VHF radio and performs the role of a transponder, among other things.
The master switch was initially set to STBY, which powers up the unit to standby mode. Prior to take-off we
selected NORM mode which enabled the transponder, and with the M3/A (mode 3A) switch already set to AUTO,
selected the transponder to the equivalent of ALT (Mode C) mode in a civilian aircraft.
Setting the M3/A switch to OUT would return the transponder to the equivalent of ON (Mode A).
The Mode S switch is set to MS which enables Mode S capability.

115 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

The IFF/SSR has several function display pages which can be selected with the FUNC switch. By default, the
Mode 1 and Mode 3/A code display page is shown. This page shows the selected Mode 1 transponder code on
the left and the Mode 3/A code on the right.

MSFS has limited transponder capability and only civilian modes are supported, so only the Mode 3/A (right)
code serves a purpose, although you can edit both to simulate real-world operations. We will now edit the Mode
3/A code.
Move the left/right selector switch to the R (right) position and then release it. The Mode 3/A (right) code will
begin to flash to indicate that it is being edited. Use the four code select switches to select a new code and then
move the left/right selector switch to the R (right) position again to save the edit and set the code live. The code
will stop flashing. Now select the date/time display page by moving the FUNC switch down. This page displays
the current day/month and UTC time.

Move the FUNC switch down twice more to select the Mode S flight ID display page. Here you can set an
alphanumeric flight ID for use with Mode S, using the same method as for editing the transponder codes.

Refer to the IFF/SSR section of the manual for information on the other display pages that are available.

116 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

We will now take a quick look at the lighting system before preparing for our arrival into RAF Leeming.
The external lighting controls are located here in the front cockpit. The aircraft is equipped with standard
navigation lights on the wings and tail, and a landing/taxi light in the nose. It is also equipped with separate
upper and lower fuselage anti-collision lights, which can be selected to either white (strobe) or red (beacon). We
set those to red for the engine start and taxi, and to white for take-off, just as you would on a civilian aircraft with
separate beacon and strobe lighting.
Each cockpit has its own interior lighting controls. The panel lighting switch controls power to the integral panel
lighting, dimmer controls and map lights. The emergency lighting switch also does likewise but the power comes
directly from the battery busbars. The compass lighting switch controls power to the standby compass.
There are three dimmer controls which provide control of the port and starboard console and the instrument
panel floodlighting.
Each cockpit has two map lights, one above each side console, which can be pulled down to switch on and
pushed up to switch off.

That completes this brief overview of the cockpit. Let’s return to the flight!

We will now carry out the pre-descent checks.
Confirm that we have plenty of fuel remaining for the descent and approach.
Confirm that the instruments remain erect and synchronised. Push the PUSH TO SYNC knob on the AHRS
control panel.
Confirm that the altimeters are set to 1013mb (QFE and QNH are identical due to the clear weather).
Confirm that the ILS frequency is set to 110.30 and set the ILS course of 157 degrees on the HSI. Set the
navigation mode selector to ILS.

117 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Make sure that you set the UHF selector switch on the right console back to NAV (aft) if you used the autopilot to
hold the GPS flight plan earlier.

We are now ready to descend. Rather than flying a gentle airliner-type descent, let’s enjoy the excellent handling
characteristics and performance of this iconic jet by carrying out a rapid tactical descent!
Once you are within approximately 10 NM of RAF Leeming, disengage the autopilot if it is in use and slowly bring
the throttle back to IDLE.
Select the airbrake OUT and confirm that the indicator on the left instrument panel shows white. Pitch down to
maintain M0.73 and 350 knots as we transition to lower altitudes.
We have great visibility today so maintain visual contact with RAF Leeming ahead, using the SkyMap GPS as

118 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Approach and landing
We will be landing on runway 16, which is the longest runway and runs from left to right as we look ahead at RAF
Leeming. We need to slow to approximately 230 knots at 2,100ft on a downwind leg for runway 16. This isn’t a
procedural/IFR approach so position yourself visually without worrying too much about accuracy.
Select the airbrake IN as you begin to level out at 2,100ft and increase the throttle as required to achieve 230
knots, with a downwind leg heading of 337 degrees.
When the HSI N MILES read-out shows that we’re approximately 5 NM from the threshold, begin a right turn
onto a base leg. Extend the landing gear and set the flaps to MID as you reduce your airspeed to 160 knots.
Begin a further right turn to establish on the final leg. You can use the HSI glideslope indications to assist you.
The glideslope deviation indicator is on the left of the HSI and the course deviation indicator is in the centre of
the HSI.

Set the flaps to DOWN and reduce airspeed to 150 knots.

Confirm three greens on the landing gear indicator and a normal brake supply pressure.

119 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Reduce airspeed further to 130 knots as you approach 300ft AGL.
As you approach the touchdown point, slowly bring the throttle back to IDLE and reduce the rate of descent to
fly the aircraft smoothly onto the runway. Lower the nose-wheel onto the runway and apply braking, using rudder
and differential brake inputs to keep the aircraft straight.

Slow the aircraft to a fast walking pace and then take the first available taxiway to the left. Once clear of the
runway, set the parking brake so we can run through the after landing checks.
Set the pitot heat and anti-skid switches to OFF.
Confirm that the hydraulic pressures are normal and then raise the flaps.
Set the upper and lower anti-collision lights to Red.
Set the IFF/SSR master switch to PULL OFF, the TACAN function selector to OFF and the ILS mode selector to

Begin your taxi to the nearest available parking spot.
Once you have come to a stop at your chosen parking spot, engage the parking brake so we can run through the
shutdown checks.
Set the engine start and fuel pump switches to OFF.
Confirm that the throttle is set to IDLE and then click on the idle stop lever to bring it back to the HP OFF
position. The engine will begin to spool down and various instrument flags will appear as the engine-driven DC
generator and AC busbars power off.
Raise the LP cock lever to OFF.
Set the cabin conditioning control switch and oxygen selector to OFF.
Pull back the canopy operating lever and then click on the MDC handle or grab handle to open the canopy, or
use the EFB tablet option.

120 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Switch OFF the VHF and UHF radios.
Switch OFF all exterior and interior lights.
Using the EFB tablet, enable the chocks, covers and flags, and steps.
In the rear cockpit, set the engine start and anti-skid switch, and the oxygen selector, to OFF.
Returning to the front cockpit, complete the checks by setting both battery switches to OFF.
Congratulations! You have completed the Hawk T1 tutorial flight.

121 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


This simulation includes fully interactive checklists for each stage of the flight, using the built-in MSFS checklist
system. These can be carried out manually or by using the automated co-pilot option.
Checks marked with (*) are applicable only to weapons-equipped T1/A aircraft.

Initial checks
Before entering the cockpit, check the following:

Front cockpit
Landing gear selector DOWN
Battery switches OFF
MCP coolant (*) OFF
ISIS sight (*) OFF
Stick top (*) SAFE
Oxygen selector ON, CONTENTS CHECKED

Rear cockpit
Engine start switch ON
Tailplane standby trim COVER DOWN
Anti-skid switch ON
Standby UHF switch MAIN
Landing gear selector RED BUTTON IN, UP/DOWN BUTTONS OUT
Flap selector PUPIL
WMP override switch (*) NORMAL
Stick top (*) SAFE
Lighting switches OFF
Oxygen selector ON, CONTENTS CHECKED

Strapping-in checks
After entering the cockpit:
Rudder pedals LOCK OFF
External lights AS REQUIRED

122 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

CCS amplifier NORM
Parking brake ON

Internal checks

Front cockpit

Left console
LP cock ON
Engine start switch OFF
Fuel pump switch ON
Pitot heater switch OFF
Tailplane standby trim COVER DOWN
Ignition switch NORMAL
Anti-skid switch OFF
Standby UHF switch MAIN

Left instrument panel

U/C standby handle NOT PULLED
Flap standby handle NOT PULLED
Landing gear indicator THREE GREENS
Voltmeter 23-24 VOLTS
Weapon select switch (*) OFF
Pylon select switches (*) OFF
WCP busbar indicators (*) OFF
WCP role indicator (*) WHITE
Bomb fuzing switch (*) AS REQUIRED
Gun select switch (*) OFF

Centre and lower instrument panels

Turn and slip indicator WINDOW BLACK
Accelerometer RESET
Main attitude indicator FLAG SHOWING
AHRS control unit SLV, latitude set

123 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

ISIS control unit (*) OFF
ILS marker light TEST
UHF power switch NORMAL
Main altimeter FLAG SHOWING
Standby attitude indicator ERECT, FLAG RETRACTED
Standby instruments switch NORMAL

Right instrument panel

Rotation indicator CONFIRM BLACK
AC3 remain on
Lighting switches AS REQUIRED

Right console
Cabin conditioning NORMAL
Cabin air temperature switch AUTO
ADR status indicator FAIL

Engine starting
WARNING! Do not move throttle to IDLE before the rotation indicator shows green.

Engine start switch (both cockpits) ON
Anti-collision lights AS REQUIRED

Relight button PRESS AND RELEASE

124 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

When GTS indicator shows green:
Engine start switch START AND RELEASE

When rotation indicator shows green and RPM is 15-20%:

Throttle IDLE

During start

At 45% RPM:
GTS and rotation indicators BLACK

When RPM stabilised:

Fire warnings OUT
OIL, FPR and TRANS captions OUT

After start checks

Airbrake TEST
Pitot heat ON
Instruments (flight):
Altimeters TEST, SET QFE
Warning flags ALL CLEAR
Attitude indicators ERECT
Compass SYNC

125 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Instruments (navigation):

Taxiing checks
Brakes CHECK
Instruments CHECK

Before take-off checks

Pitot heat ON
Anti-skid switch ON, SKID CAPTION OUT
Flaps MID
External lights AS REQUIRED
Take-off brief COMPLETE

Runway checks
Altimeters AS REQUIRED
WCP busbar indicators (*) BLACK
WCP role indicator (*) AS REQUIRED
RPM 104% MAX.
TGT 665°C MAX.
Wheelbrakes HOLDING

After take-off checks

Landing gear UP BELOW 200 KNOTS

126 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Pre-descent checks
Instruments ERECT, SYNCED

Before landing checks

Airbrake IN, MI BLACK
Landing gear DOWN
Landing gear THREE GREENS

Short final

After landing checks

Pitot heat OFF
Anti-skid switch OFF
Stick top (*) SAFE
Gun select switch (*) OFF
Weapon select switch (*) OFF
Pylon switches (*) OFF
WCP/WMP busbar indicators (*) OFF
MCP coolant (*) OFF
Landing light AS REQUIRED
Anti-collision lights AS REQUIRED
Cabin air temperature switch MINIMUM

127 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Rear cockpit (if required)

Override weapons switch (*) NORMAL
Stick top (*) SAFE

Shutdown checks

Front cockpit
Parking brake ON
Engine start switch OFF
Fuel pump switch OFF
Throttle HP OFF
Cabin conditioning OFF
Canopy OPEN
LP fuel cock OFF
Radios OFF
External lights OFF
Cockpit lighting OFF
Battery switches OFF
Oxygen selector OFF

Rear cockpit
Engine start switch OFF
Anti-skid switch OFF
Cockpit lighting OFF
Oxygen selector OFF

128 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Landing gear Flaps Airspeed (knots) RPM (%)

Downwind UP UP 230 80
Base leg DOWN MID 160/150 85-87
Glidepath DOWN DOWN 160/150* 85-87

* Reducing steadily to 140/130 at 200-300 feet AGL

Approach data – instrument approach settings

Circuit speeds (knots)

Circuit Final turn Approach Threshold

Powered approach 190 reducing to 160/150 reducing to 140/130* 110**

160/150* 140/130*
PFL 180 (gear down / Gear down / flap up 150 (min.)
flap up 170/175*) 170/175* 170 (max.)
with down flap
Mid-flap approach 190 reducing to 170/160* reducing 160/150* 120**
170/160* to 160/150*
Flapless approach 190 reducing to 170/160* reducing 160/150* 135**
170/160* to 160/150*

* Use the higher speed if all-up mass (AUM) is more than 5,000kg.
** Add 1 knot per 100kg of fuel for all configurations.

Planning data


Normal climb – 1,200 kg Light climb – 500 kg

FL Distance Time Fuel Distance Time Fuel

100 11 2:06 52 10 1:48 45

200 31 5:18 115 26 4:24 97
250 43 7:06 144 36 5:54 121
300 59 9:36 178 48 7:54 147
350 85 13:42 222 66 10:48 178
400 180 29:00 354 104 16:48 231

129 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Medium level cruise – (0.70M, 5,000 kg)

FL kg/min kg/NM
100 17.1 2.47
200 11.4 1.71
250 9.4 1.44
300 8.3 1.30
350 7.6 1.22
400 7.6 1.22

Low level cruise

300 kts 13.3 kg/min

360 kts 18.1 kg/min
420 kts 24.5 kg/min
480 kts 34.0 kg/min


Instrument Range

FL Distance Time Fuel Distance Time Fuel

400 31 5:00 25 54 8:30 22
350 25 4:12 22 44 7:06 19
300 21 3:30 20 36 6:00 17
250 18 3:00 18 30 5:06 15
200 14 2:30 15 24 4:12 12
100 7 1:18 8 11 2:00 6

Tactical Nav

400 15 2:06 5 36 4:54 14

350 12 1:42 4 29 4:00 12
300 9 1:18 4 24 3:24 10
250 7 1:06 3 20 2:54 9
200 6 0:54 3 18 2:24 7
100 3 0:30 1 7 1:12 4

130 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

Sea level 13.7 minutes / 100 kg at 700 kg remaining
20,000 ft 15.8 minutes / 100 kg at 700 kg remaining
30,000 to 35,000 ft 15.8 minutes / 100 kg at 700 kg remaining

From low level with less than 600 kg do not climb above 10,000 feet.


Landing gear and flaps

Landing gear
(locked down or cycling) 200 knots maximum
(extended or cycling) 200 knots maximum

Normal acceleration with airbrake extended

Above 0.9M +1·0G nominal
Below 0.9M +7·2G

Normal acceleration with flaps extended

Up to 200 knots Zero to +2·5G

Maximum for take-off 5,700 kg
Maximum normal for landing 5,000 kg

Take-off and landing 30 knots
Take-off and landing with
asymmetric stores on
downwind wing 15 knots

131 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Power condition RPM (%) TGT (°C) Time limit

During starting (maximum) – 570 Unrestricted

During relighting – 585 Unrestricted
Idle (nominal) (bleed valve 55.0 at ISA 450 Unrestricted
Maximum continuous 99.3 615 Unrestricted
Maximum power 104.0 665 30 minutes per flight
Transient – 685 20 seconds per transient

Stalling speeds

132 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual


Aircraft systems and cockpit programming Martyn Northall

Aircraft modelling and design Mark Griffiths
Liveries David Sweetman
Flight dynamics Paul Frimston
Sounds SimAcoustics
Manual Martyn Northall
Installer Martin Wright
Design Fink Creative

Special thanks to all our testers.


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Limited, St. George’s House, George Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3GH, UK. All trademarks and brand names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners and their use herein does not imply any
association or endorsement by any third party.

133 Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer – Operations Manual

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