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Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

Ink has many uses such as calligraphy, writing, printing, and drawing, and because of its
wide range of uses, people usually do not notice when they are running out of ink until it
happens. In these cases, pen users must leave their homes and go to the local store or the
nearest bookstore to purchase a new pen (Datu,2021). Most marker inks are typically made
from synthetic materials such as petroleum and chemical solvents. (Alguzar et al.2016). Ink is
one of the most important and essential items that everyone should have. Inks are used in a
variety of products, including ball pens, marker pens, and printers. Everyone requires ink for
writing and coloring. But we're spending a lot of money just to get it and use it. (Dacut,2022).
Even the earliest humans used dyes to add color to their worlds, and they even used unusual
sources of color. Since then, dyes have dominated a variety of industries. (Buenvenida,2014)
According to (Anti Essay,2018) In this modern technological world, the price of a particular
product becomes a challenge to every consumer and even to the producers, due to the scarcity
of resources in order to satisfy the needs and desires of all people. One of the major issues
nowadays is meeting the demand for ink, which is used in ball pens, marker pens, printers, and
other devices. Everyone requires ink for writing and coloring. But we're spending a lot of money
just to get it and use it.According to (More,2017) This product will be used to start a good and
environmentally friendly ink production in the Philippines.
There is a lot of scientific evidence that shows malunggay benefits in terms of nutritional
content and medical properties. Universities all over the world have studied the malunggay's
abilities. Extraction of malunggay leaves may also be used to make ink pens. (Caimangente,
Alugbati is also referred to as Malabar Spinach, Ceylon Spinach, or the red vine. The stem is
purple (red) and succulent, with heart-shaped leaves. Green to dark green red fruits are
produced. The plant is also well-known for its medicinal properties. Alugbati fruits are also high
in colored molecules (Alguzar et al.2016). Writing ink can be made from a variety of natural
sources, including the alugbai plant's fruit juice. Alugbati, also known as Malabar spinach in the
United States, is widely grown for its soft, spinach-like leaves and shoots. Alubati is native to
Africa and East Asia(N/A,2012).
As a result, having malunggay and alugbati as alternative inks comes in handy when people
are in desperate need of ballpens. If they create the alternative ink, they will have a plethora of
inks to choose from. It is also important for students to consider the benefits of technology. It
enables them to complete their reports and present them even when power is out. Many people
were unaware that markers had limitations because they were used in an infinite number of

ways. Typically, students, artists, and calligraphers struggle to find ink for the markers they use.
(Alguzar et al.2016). Natural inks could be the answer to reducing these negative effects.
Natural inks may mitigate the effects of global warming and ozone layer depletion, two
conditions that may worsen the world's situation in the future. (Cañete,2016).

Ink is one of the most important material in the world that we need in our daily life.The
researchers will conduct an experiment on making an alternative through the process of
formulation using malunggay leaves extract and alubati seed extracts so it would be more
cheaper and recyclable than buying a ballpen container again.This is very helpful not to waste
another ballpen container,we just need to refill it with the ink the researchers made.

1.2 Research Objectives

 The researchers aim to product an ink out from Malunggay leaves extracts and Alugbati
seeds extracts.
 The researchers study the advantages and disadvantages of the produced ink
 The researchers examine what would be the effects of using the plant as source of
ballpen ink to the community,environment,and mankind.
 The researchers aim to know the significance of color,odor,drying time and absorption of
the combined solution of malunggay leaves and alugbati fruit extract.
1.3 Scope and Delimination
The study examines its effectiveness in terms of absorption, odor, color and drying time.
The main outcome of this research is "ink," because alugbati seeds and malunggay leaves
extract can be used to make ink. Because Alugbati seeds and malungay leaves are violet and
green, respectively, when combined, the result is a dark violet. There were no other plants used,
only alugbati and malungay leaves, and the color will be darker because we combined them.
This study is limited to the production of dark violet to dark ink.
1.4 Significance of the Study
USER - This study helps the user to prevent buying expensive ballpens to be cheaper and thrift
some money. It can also help other people not just researchers. When a pen runs out of ink,
most people simply discard it and purchase a new one. Most people do it because it is a cheap
and convenient way to replenish you supply of writing utensils.
ENVIRONMENT - It is very easy to make because there are a lot malunggay in the
surroundings. However, rather than generating plastic ways from discarded pens, you can refill
the ink cartridges instead of discarding your empty pens. Using common household items, you
can make your own environmentally friendly ink at home.

Chapter 2

Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) plant is abundant through the Philippines. This plant is
growing anywhere in the country. There are a lot of scientific evidence shows malunggay
malunggay benefits both on nutritional contents and medicinal properties. Malunggay is well
known as very good source of natural energy booster and nutrition. Universities around the
world have studied the malunggay abilities. A powder seed can be substitute for water
purification. Malunggay can help on balancing and keeping all important body hormones that
contributes for relaxation. This leaf is said to be the most nutritious part, it may be taken cooked,
raw and even powdered. Extraction of Malunggay leaves has also the feasibility to make ink
pens. (Mangente, M.,2014)

Nature can provide for everyday needs such as writing ink, Traditional ink sources
include flower petals and tree bark, and though fruit sources are less traditional, they also make
for useful ink. (Study Moose, 2016)

Ink have always been an essential part of the lives of human. These are primary use for
communication and data recording. Officers, workstations and even academic institutions have
been using ink especially for their paper works and some other related activities. However, with
the advent of highly commercialized items and supplies, people have difficulty in purchasing
some basic things that are necessary to their works. Commercial inks are made using different
compound such as resins and lubricants that bring harmful effects to the health of the users.
Inks are also made up of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, thus, a great risk of ink
poisoning if leakages and breakages occur. Due to the pollution that is observable in the world
now, being environmental-friendly through basic everyday things that are used is vital. An
alternative ingredient for making ink that has been found to possess such benefits that would
help lessen pollution were the Moringa Oleifera (known as Maluggay) and Rice stock. Moringa
Oleifera has many uses most especially its parts. (Study Moose, 2016)

Alugbati (Basella rubra Linn, Basella alba Linn) is a fast growing perennial vine which
belongs to the family of Basellaceae (Rathee et al., 2010). It is commonly known as Malabar
spinach. Indian Spinach, Ceylon spinach and vine spinach (Roy et al., 2010). And is of African
and East Asian origin. It often grows on tropical areas such as Philippines and Malaysia due to it
being an extreme heat tolerant. The alugbati plant is commonly known for its sift, spinach-like
leaves and shoots. The stem is purplish (shade of red) with heart shape leaves.

The fruits of the alugbati plant were extracted and a red pigment was found, according to
previous researchers. Because of that, the alugbati fruits had a great potential in producing
products such as natural food colorant and also for cosmetics since it was nontoxic and had
good stability in pH nature

Furthermore, its fruits were reported to have high anthocyanin content, which is one of
the main reasons why the alugbati fruit extract has potential in being an alternative marker ink.
Anthocyanin is a water-soluble, reddish or blue pigment in flowers, plants, and some insects.
Anthocyanin is a crucial factor due to the fact that it is a pigment which is a major component of

Natural inks require preservatives and additives to create an efficient product and make
it last longer since it is only made of organic materials which need proper preservation and
storage. Recommended preservatives were white vinegar to enhance the odor, salt to absorb
excess water and prevents bacteria from proliferating, while rubbing alcohol hastens after dying.
Meanwhile, the researchers are going to use pulverized charcoal as an additive for the natural
according to recent investigations, commercial ink offers health hazards in addition to
being costly and inefficient (Barrameda,2022).
Ink is a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to
generate an image, text, or design. This basic tool has served a tremendous role in preserving
records and knowledge for four generations. (

Chapter 3

This chapter describes the methodology of this research with specific emphasis on the
research design or design of the experiment, materials used, sampling method, sources of
information, and statistical procedures used to analyze and interpret data.
2.1 List of Materials

Malunggay leaves Bowl

Alugbati fruit Stove
Salt and Vinegar Clean cloth
Empty ballpen Mortar and Pestle
Syringe Filter paper

2.2 Research Design

The research design is quantitative because the researchers will carry out an experiment
on how to make an ink with malunggay and alugbati extract and the researchers will test the
amount of ink. This study utilized the use of descriptive experiment research design since this
was the most appropriate research design for measuring the effectiveness of alternative pen
ink. The survey was to gather new knowledge in having Malunggay leaves and Alugbati fruit
Extract as an alternative pen ink.

2.3 Procedures/Methods
Upon the production of alternative ink using Malunggay leaves and Alugbati fruit extract,
the researchers went to follow these steps:
The researchers will gather all the ingredients and ready it for the process. To make the
extract, the researchers need to gather all the data. Extract is made by beating the malunggay
leaves with mortar and pestle, mixing it until the extract comes out. Same goes with the
alugbati, the researchers must smash the fruit until the extract emerges.
Bring the malunggay extract into boil, stir it well. Then bring the alugbati fruit and mix it
with vinegar. Stir it perfectly while boiling, stir the liquid while adding a teaspoon of salt and a
tablespoon of vinegar to the mixture. Boil it for 5-10 minutes. This procedure helps kill small
microbes and viruses in the extract.
Strain the mixture through a clean cloth to prevent other bring lumps that comes from the
malunggay leaves and Alugbati fruit extract.
Straining is a very simple filtration method. This method involves passing a liquid mixture
through a piece of cloth, which removes some of the suspended slit and solids while killing
Let the liquid mixture sit of the extract for about half an hour to settle the liquid with
higher density to the bottom, it is called decantation. Decantation is a physical process that
separates a dense solid or liquid from a lower density solid or liquid that occupies the upper part
of a heterogenous mixture.
Let it sit for about an hour and after that pour the liquid mixture on the filtration paper.
Wait for the liquid mixture to separate the water from the substance and then let it harden.
Lastly grind the powder into fine pieces. The consistency will be the researcher's choice
for the best ink that can be perfectly written on a piece of paper.

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