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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1

School Edenton Mission College, Inc. Grade Level 1

Teachers Saramae B. Lumapanet
Teaching Date Learning Area Mathematics
Time Quarter 1

I. Objectives
Content Standards:
The Learners demonstrates understanding of ordinal numbers up to 10th.
Performance Standards:
The Learners is able to recognize and represent ordinal numbers up to 10th, in various
forms and contexts.
Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of pupils are expected to:
a. Understand the ordinal numbers.
b. Identify the ordinal numbers from 1th to 10th.
c. Read and write ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th. M1NS-Ii-17.1
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Ordinal numbers
1. Key Concept
 Learn the ordinal numbers on how to read and write in form of context.
 Solved simple mathematical problems involving time.
2. Value Focus
-To understand the concept of ordinal numbers in real-life situation
B. Reference
LM: Mathematics 1 SLM Quarter 1 Week 9
CG: MELC Math 1 page 11
C. Materials:
Visual Aid, Pictures, Flash Card
D. Value Focus: Reading and Writing
III. Learning Procedures
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
 The Teacher will request everybody to The pupil stand up for the opening prayer
please stand and to lead the prayer.
“ In the name of the heavenly father, Thank
you for the day that you given to us, as well
as our life, give us today knowledge and
wisdom to understand our lesson, guide us
today especially our teacher who feed us
knowledge of what we want. This is our
prayer in the name of heavenly Father,
 The teacher will greet the pupil
“Good morning Class!”
“Good morning Teacher!”

 The teacher will check the attendance
“Who’s absent for today?”
“None Teacher!”

“Very good class”

 The teacher will ask questions about the
previous lesson
“Class, who can still remember our
topic yesterday?”
(Pupils will raise their hand)
“Yes Pablo?”
Pablo: Our previous topic is counting
number from 1 to 100
“Very good!”
I. Motivation:
 The teacher will show a pictures about
ordinal numbers.

" I have pictures here in the board, will

you write now how many objects do we
have in each picture? (The pupils will write the numbers in each
"Very Good Children"

II. Preliminary Activity

Now children, I will call 10 of you and (The teacher will call 10 pupils to stand in
you will stand here in front of the the front of the class and let them form a
class.You will be line by your height. line according to their height.)

How many children do we have in (The pupils will count start from Keil)
From Kiel, let us count them.
Teacher Kiel is in number 1 line.
Who is number 1 in the line?
(Pupil's will answer)
What about number 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 , 9,
10 in line?
Teacher, Kiel position is in the firstline.
If Kiel is in number 1 line, what is his

Very Good! Ethan. The position of Kiel

is First and it can also written as this
First as 1st, Second - 2nd, Third - 3rd
to Tenth 1Oth. These words and
numbers such asfirst, second, third up
to tenth are called now Teacher, Ordinal numbers

Who can guess now the exact word?

Yes, Ava?

Very good!
 The teacher will ask the student about
the activity done earlier.

“What do you observe about the activity “There is a numbers teacher"

we do?”

“Very good! What else?” “There is numbers in a word form”

“Very good!

A3. Abstraction
 The teacher will discuss the proper
“Our topic for today is all about Ordinal
numbers. Do you know what is ordinal
numbers?” “No teacher!”

Okay! Ordinal numbers tell the position

"Yes teacher"
of an object. Understand?

- Now were going to have group activity.
will group you into three groups. Each
group will be given an activity
envelope .
You only have to follow what is ask
inside the activity envelope. Choose a
leader and a reporter in your group.
After 5 minutes you will report your

Group I
Directions: Read the word. Write the 1. 6th
correct symbol. 2. 4th
3. 7th
1. sixth ________________ 4. 1st
2. fourth _______________ 5. 10th
3. seventh _____________
4. first _________________
5. tenth ________________

Group II
Directions : Write the ordinal number
1. 2nd
indicated by the colored object.
2. 4th
3. 7th
4. 1st
5. 9th
6. 3rd
7. 5th

Group III
Directions : Answer the question

"Yes, teacher!"
Are you finish class?

Very good, children!


• Based on your activity how doyou work

as a group ?
•How you were able answered all the
We worked quietly.
- If you were on this group activity what
All the members cooperated in the group.
will you do to maintain organized and
We followed the instructions.
attain the goal of this?
We listened with our leaders.

Directions: Write the ordinal numbers.

1. Ann is in the _________ place.

2. Sandy is in the _______ place.
3. Cathy is in the _______ place.
4. Mike is in the ________ place.
5. Helen is in the _______ place.
6. John is in the ________ place.
7. Julie is in the ________ place.
8. David is in the _______ place.
9. Sam is in the_________ place.
10. Kate is in the ________ place.


Directions: Write the ordinal number of

ocean animal.

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