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Ministry of Finance

Customs Headquarters

Assessment Notice

Customs office: 301 - Custom House, Chattogram

Declaration reference
Model Customs reference Declarant reference Assessment reference Packages
IM 4 09/11/2022 C 1841671 2022 BM311 09/11/2022 A 1834292 1,980.00

Declarant Consignee
301790997 000276697-0304
G SHIPPING LINES LTD. Unique Cement Fibre Industries Ltd.
WORLD TRADE CENTER (5TH FLOOR) Plot # 003, 004, Meghna Industrial

Global taxes

Tax code Tax description Tax code

FP Fines/Penalties 0.00
ITC Income Tax on C & F Commission 2,586.10
CV VAT on C&F Commission 3,879.15
DF Document Processing Fee 30.00
CSF Container Scanning Fee 637.03
SCV VAT on Scanning Fee 95.55
Total Global taxes 7,227.83

Item taxes

Tax code Tax description Tax value

CD Customs Duty 342,219.92
RD Regulatory Duty 0.00
SD Supplementary Duty 0.00
VAT Value Added Tax 1,077,992.76
AIT Advanced Income Tax 102,665.98
AT Advance Tax 215,598.55
ATV Advance Trade VAT 0.00
Total Item taxes 1,738,477.21
Total assessed amount for the declaration 1,745,705.04
Total amount to be paid: 1,745,705.04

Office stamp Signature

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