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Republic of the Philippines


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“A Leap Honing the Holistic Skills of New Student Leaders in the Virtual

Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate Solution


Borras, Francia Mae P., Bicol University

del Mundo, Jhon Rei U., Ateneo de Naga University
Eboña, Jonah Mae R., Ateneo de Naga University
Lee, Cyrus Christian B., Bicol University
Mendones, December Ann L., Bicol University
San Pablo, Thiara Marie, Bicol University

Team 1
I. Project Title

“Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate Solution”

II. Goals and Objectives of the Project

The Pedal sa Pag-adal Project aims to contribute to the United Nations Foundation
Sustainable Development Goals on (1) Quality Education; (2) Responsible Consumption
and Production; (3) Industry Innovation and Infrastructures; (4) Climate Action and; (5)
Partnerships for the Goals. Specifically, the project strives to achieve the following:

a. Provide accessible Learning Support Materials (LSMs) and equitable access to

basic literacy and numeracy education through the mobile library;
b. Educate the participants about the following:
i. Proper sanitary and hygiene practices
ii. Recycling techniques
c. Contribute to the reduction of annual plastic wastes while utilizing it as material
for a long-term project; and,
d. Create a sustainable community project that could help support a Community
Library as a long-term project

III. Rationale and Description of the Project

The onset of the pandemic brought dramatic changes among different sectors in our
community, such as the economic and educational sectors. Moreover, the prevailing
climate crisis presents an imminent danger to our overall wellness and lives.

On Education

During this pandemic, the Philippines is facing an educational crisis. With the country
ranking last among the 79 countries in PISA 2018, the quality of education and reading
comprehension are also endangered. Students do not have the privilege of using the
library to improve reading and any academic activities that promote learning.

The sudden switch of set-up from traditional knowledge to online and modular learning
has given students the burden or difficulty to adjust to the new norm that education has
adopted. This is a call for action to educators and policymakers across the globe,
especially this pandemic.

On Sanitation

With the CoVid-19 outbreak and the looming threat of the new variants, the issue of
sanitation is one of the issues that must be addressed. As the virus is transmissible
through physical contact, proper handwashing and facemasks are some of the factors that
can prevent its spread.

On Climate Solution

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, we produce 300 million tons
of plastic waste annually. Plastics are hazardous to the environment because they release
toxins when burned. It also harms animals, marine and terrestrial, because they end up in
their digestive systems or destroy their habitats. Additionally, plastic-generated wastes
take up our landfills for many years because their particles do not decompose quickly.

The Philippines, a third-world country, is known to be one of the consumers of plastic.

Because of our sachet economy, it is hard to get rid of plastic materials in our everyday
life. From commercial products to store-bought materials, owners and consumers use
plastic products.

Background and Demographics

The first target location of the kick-off project, “Pedal sa Pag-adal” is Tabaco City.
Located in the eastern coast of Albay, it is home to the well-known padyak as a mode of
transportation and job opportunities for drivers. According to the 2015 Census, Tabaco
City has forty-seven (47) barangays and 45,134 children aged fourteen (14) and below.

Project Description

With the given problems identified, the “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for
Education, Sanitation, and Climate Solution” aims to contribute to the United Nations
Foundation Sustainable Development Goals on a.) Responsible Consumption and
Production; b.) Quality Education; c.) Industry Innovation and Infrastructures; d.)
Climate Action and, e.) Partnerships for the Goals.

The highlights of the advocacy are as follows:

(1) Mobile Library and Incentives: A Mobile Library will visit barangays to
offer a short tutorial program for the basic essential subject areas (3Rs: Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic), distribution of LSMs, a tutorial for proper handwashing and
sanitation, and feeding program, in exchange for 2 plastic bottles filled with
plastic trimmings.
(2) Conversion of Collected Materials for Income Generating Project: The
plastic trimmings will then be recycled to be stuffings for toys and plushies.
Afterward, this can be sold to LGUs or NGOs to serve as a source of funds for the
project. This will help keep the project self-supporting and sustainable..
(3) Conversion of Collected Materials for Community Library: The plastic
bottles collected that are filled with plastic trimmings will be converted into new
products. First, the plastic bottles will be made into construction materials that can
minimize the cost of the long-term project, which is the ‘Community Library.’
The proponents plan to tap into Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs), and Universities to buy the needed resources and materials. The
project spans for the entire year with five (5) phases.

IV. Project Implementation Plan

V. Timeframe of the Project: July 2022 - December 2023


1st week of March 2022 Settlement of Proposal and official

communication letters

Last week of March 2022 Strategic planning for the execution of the

First week April Sending of communication letters to the

school admins
Second week of April to second week of Sending of letters to the target book
May donors from various schools/universities

Third week of May Sending of communication letter to the

LGU of Tabaco City

Last week of May Sending of official letters and MOA to the

partner schools/universities for request of
volunteer students

First-Second week of June Final briefing/orientation of organizers

and other involved stakeholders

Securing of all the logistical requirements


Third week of June Pre-activity simulation

First week of July 2022 - July 2023 Project mobilization, accomplishing the
(Saturdays) goals and objectives of the project

Mobilize Income Generating Projects for

project sustainability (selling of recycled

Release of evaluation form to every

visited barangay

August 2023 - December 2023 Proceeding to accomplish the Ang Harong

kan Dunong (the library)

Overall Accomplishment report of the


VI. Resource Allocations

Specification Source of Funding/Manpower

1. Padyak This resource is to be solicited from the

Local Government Unit of the City of

2. Books This resource will come from donations of

volunteers, partner organizations, and
other social groups of individuals tapped
by the proponents.

3. Learning Support Materials This resource will come from the

solicitations to the Local Government
Unit, Partner Organizations and other
Non- Government Organizations.

4. Plastic Bottles (Polyethylene This will come from the children who will
Terephthalate) be taught by the volunteers in return for
the service they will receive from the
students. Every child will be required to
have two bottles of 1.25L, 1.5L and 1.75L

5. Plastic Wastes This will come from the children who will
be taught by the volunteers in return for
the service they will receive from the
students. These are shredded into tiny
pieces and placed inside the Plastic
Bottles that children are required to bring.

6. Foods for Feeding Program This will come from the Local
Government Unit of every barangay
where the project will take place; the 47
Barangays of Tabaco City.

7. School Supplies and Art Materials This resource will be sourced out from the
solicitations to the Local Government
Unit, Partner Organizations and other
Non- Government Organizations.

VII. Budget Proposal and Allocations

Specifics Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Padyak 3 N/A N/A

Books N/A N/A N/A

Learning Support N/A N/A N/A


Foods for Feeding N/A N/A N/A

Art Materials and N/A N/A N/A

Land 28 x 14m Php. 500,000. Php. 500,000.00

Building (with 1 Php. 4,500,000.00 Php. 4,500,000.00


Total Cost: Php. 5,000,000.00

*Not Applicable legend for cost means that this will be sourced out from external organizations
such as Non-Government Organizations and other Organizations.

VIII. Persons Involved

The involved persons for this project include:

a. The proponents as the primary implementers and the delegators of tasks, as well
as the persons assigned to communicate with the partner organization.
b. The Local Government Unit and constituents of Tabaco City as the first
resource of funds where the budget for Padyak is to be sourced out from and, the
main beneficiary of the project proposed, respectively.;
c. National Service Training Program: Civic Welfare Training Service
Directors and Students as one of the Partner Organizations and outside sources
of manpower as volunteers in the realization of the goal.
d. College of Education from Bicol University and Ateneo de Naga University as
one of the Partner Organizations and outside sources of manpower as volunteers
in the realization of the goal, specifically, in creating LSMs for target students.
e. Other External Organizations. Organizations such as TAYO Incorporated,
Association of Southeast Asian Nation Youth Leaders, Kusog Kabataan, AYALA
Young Leaders, Philippine Junior Jaycees, and Junior Chamber International are
also to be tapped to become part of the project.

IX. Committees

Committee Task Description Persons Assigned

Executive ● Oversee the timetable ● Committee Head:

and schedule of the Francia Mae Borras
project ● Main heads for each
● Assigned for task partner organizations
delegation and
implementation of the

Secretariat ● Assigned for drafting ● Committee Head:

and finalization of all Jonah Mae Ebona
black and whites of ● Members:
the Project. Volunteers from
Rotaract Club of

Logistics ● Assigned in assuring ● Members:

the availability of the Volunteers from
venue of the activity. Samahan ng
Tagapagtaguyod ng
Edukasyong Pilipino
(STEP) of Ateneo de
Naga University
Volunteers from
Ateneo College of
Engineering and
Sciences Student

Communications ● Assigned in ● Committee Head:

communicating with Jhon Rei del Mundo
external and civil ● Members: Volunteers
affairs including from American
partner organizations Concrete Institute-
and possible Philippines Ateneo de
partnerships. Naga University
Student Chapter

Finance ● Prepare a tentative ● Members:

financial plan for the Volunteers from
program; Institute of Nationalist
● Keep the financial Studies
resources of the
program safe and
secured and oversee
its disbursement for
projects and activities.
● The finance
committee will collect
the cash/ materials
and will keep the
financial resources of
the program safe and
secured. They will
also oversee its
disbursement for
projects and activities

Documentation ● Compile the photos or ● Volunteers from

videos for report and Students of National
publicity purposes. Service Training
● Evaluate the strengths Program Classes.
and weaknesses of the

Creatives and Publication ● Assigned in all ● Committee Head:

publication materials Thiara Maria San
and design creation Pablo
● Members: Volunteers
from the Student
Council of Bicol

Project Implementation ● Implements the ● Proponents of the

projects and oversees Projects
that the objectives and ● Volunteers from
goals are achieved. Students of National
Service Training
Program Classes
● Volunteers from
Partner Organizations.

Prepared by:



Secretary General, Bicol University


December 7, 2021


Mayor, City of Tabaco
Head. Local Government Unit of Tabaco

Dear Mayor Luistro:

It is with great honor that we inform you that students from Ateneo de Naga University and
Bicol University is collaboratively initiating a project that aims to help the City of Tabaco by
teaching children through Learning Support Materials while producing a long-term project of
constructing a city library for the children through the help of other partner organizations. This
project is called “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate

In light of this, the proponents would want to request in your good office for assistance and
financial support for the Padyak vehicles to be used in delivering the books for teaching. The
City is dubbed as “The Padyak Capital of Albay,” that is why the organizers opted to choose
your beloved City as the main beneficiary of this project.

Attached herewith is a detailed copy of the Project Proposal and other necessary documents
related to this project. For queries and concerns, feel free to contact us via 09471842639 or
[email protected].

May this request merit your most sought consideration and preferential approval. Thank you so
much and more power.



Project Proponent
December 7, 2021

Local Government Unit of Barangay _____

Tabaco City

To whom it may concern:

It is with great honor that we inform you that students from Ateneo de Naga University and
Bicol University is collaboratively initiating a project that aims to help the City of Tobaco by
teaching children through Learning Support Materials while producing a long-term project of
constructing a city library for the children through the help of other partner organizations. This
project is called “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate

In light of this, the proponents would want to request in your good office for assistance and
financial support for the feeding program of children during the teaching session of the
volunteers. The City is dubbed as “The Padyak Capital of Albay,” that is why the organizers
opted to choose the beloved City as the main beneficiary of this project.

Attached herewith is a detailed copy of the Project Proposal and other necessary documents
related to this project. For queries and concerns, feel free to contact us via 09471842639 or
[email protected].

May this request merit your most sought consideration and preferential approval. Thank you so
much and more power.



Project Proponent
December 7, 2021


To whom it may concern:

It is with great honor that we inform you that students from Ateneo de Naga University and
Bicol University is collaboratively initiating a project that aims to help the City of Tobaco by
teaching children through Learning Support Materials while producing a long-term project of
constructing a city library for the children through the help of other partner organizations. This
project is called “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate

In light of this, the proponents would want to request in your good office for assistance and
financial support for the building of the library and the realization of the long-term project. The
City is dubbed as “The Padyak Capital of Albay,” that is why the organizers opted to choose the
beloved City as the main beneficiary of this project.

Attached herewith is a detailed copy of the Project Proposal and other necessary documents
related to this project. For queries and concerns, feel free to contact us via 09471842639 or
[email protected].

May this request merit your most sought consideration and preferential approval. Thank you so
much and more power.



Project Proponent
December 7, 2021


To whom it may concern:

It is with great honor that we inform you that students from Ateneo de Naga University and
Bicol University is collaboratively initiating a project that aims to help the City of Tobaco by
teaching children through Learning Support Materials while producing a long-term project of
constructing a city library for the children through the help of other partner organizations. This
project is called “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate

In light of this, the proponents would want to request in your good office for assistance and
manpower support for the conduct of teaching sessions, specifically, we are humbly seeking
Student Volunteers who can teach children in the areas identified in the attachment below. The
City is dubbed as “The Padyak Capital of Albay,” that is why the organizers opted to choose the
beloved City as the main beneficiary of this project.

Attached herewith is a detailed copy of the Project Proposal and other necessary documents
related to this project. For queries and concerns, feel free to contact us via 09471842639 or
[email protected].

May this request merit your most sought consideration and preferential approval. Thank you so
much and more power.



Project Proponent
December 7, 2021


Director, Pilar Reading Center
Pilar, Sorsogon

Mr. Solayao:

It is with great honor that we inform you that students from Ateneo de Naga University and
Bicol University is collaboratively initiating a project that aims to help the City of Tabaco by
teaching children through Learning Support Materials while producing a long-term project of
constructing a city library for the children through the help of other partner organizations. This
project is called “Pedal sa Pag-adal: Mobile Library for Education, Sanitation, and Climate
Solution.” It has come to our attention that Pilar Reading Center, a non-profit organization has
the same goal which is to establish good literacy for the Children.

In light of this, the proponents would want to request in your good office for assistance and
manpower support for the conduct of teaching sessions, specifically, we are humbly seeking
donations for books that will cater Elementary Students and improve their Literacy. The City is
dubbed as “The Padyak Capital of Albay,” that is why the organizers opted to choose the beloved
City as the main beneficiary of this project.

Attached herewith is a detailed copy of the Project Proposal and other necessary documents
related to this project. For queries and concerns, feel free to contact us via 09471842639 or
[email protected].

May this request merit your most sought consideration and preferential approval. Thank you so
much and more power.



Project Proponent
Evaluation Form

Lagyan ng tsek (/) ang patlang sa ibaba ng bawat numero base sa natutuhan. 1 bilang
pinakamababa at 5 naman bilang pinakamataas.

Tanong 1 2 3 4 5

1. Ang proyekto ay angkop at napapanahon.

2. Ang mga nagtuturo ay may angking kakayahang magturo at

nararapat para sa gawaing kanilang ginawa.

3. Natuto ako mula sa mga nagturo sa akin.

4. Nais ko pang magkaroon ng ganitong mga aktibidad sa mga

darating pang araw.

5. Binigyang diin ng mga bolunter ang aspeto na hindi ako


6. Mabisa ang napiling pamamaraan ng pagtuturo sa mga bata.

7. Nakatutulong ang mga instrumentong ibinahagi ng mga


8. Maayos at kronolohikal and pamamaraan ng pagsasalita,

pagtuturo at pagbibigay-kaalaman ng mga bolunter.

9. May natutunan akong mga importanteng konsepto na

makakatulong sa aking pagkatuto.

10. May mga bagong kaalaman na ibinahagi ang mga nagturo na

magagamit ko sa loob at labas ng silid-aralan.

Ano pa ang iyong mga suhestiyon at komento ukol sa isinagawang mga aktibidad?

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