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Unit : 05

Interacting with database

1) The following classes belong to which package: Connection management, Database

Access, Data Types, Database Metadata, Exceptions Warnings:
a) javax.sql
b) java.sql
c) javax.swing
d) None of the above

2) Which of the following classes/interface allows you to establish a connection to database:

a) java.sql.Driver
b) java.sql.DriverManager
c) java.sql.connection
d) All of the above

3) Which of the following classes/interface allows you to send SQL statement to database for
execution and read the result:
a) java.sql.Statement
b) java.sql.PreparedStatement
c) java.sql.ResultSet
d) All of the above

4) What is the description of java.sql.DriverManager?

a) This class provides the functionality necessary for managing one or more
database drivers.
b) This is an interface that abstracts the vendor specific connection protoco
c) This class is used to discover properties required to obtain the connection
d) This interface abstracts most of the interaction with the database.

5) What is the description of java.sql.Driver?

a)This class provides the functionality necessary for managing one or more database
b)This is an interface that abstracts the vendor specific connection protocol
c)This class is used to discover properties required to obtain the connection
d)This interface abstracts most of the interaction with the database

6) What is the description of java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo?

a) This class provides the functionality necessary for managing one or more database
b) This is an interface that abstracts the vendor specific connection protocol
c) This class is used to discover properties required to obtain the connection
d)This interface abstracts most of the interaction with the database.

7) What is the description of java.sql.Connection?

a) This class provides the functionality necessary for managing one or more database
b) This is an interface that abstracts the vendor specific connection protocol
c) This class is used to discover properties required to obtain the connection
d) This interface abstracts most of the interaction with the database.

8) Which interface lets you execute SQL statements over the underlying connection and
access the results?
a) java.sql.Statement
b) java.sql.PreparedStatement
c) java.sql.ResultSet

9) This interface lets you execute stored procedures.

a) java.sql.Statement
b) java.sql.PreparedStatement
c) java.sql.ResultSet
d) java.sql.CallableStatement

10) The java.sql package provides several Java _______ class that correspond to some of the
SQL types.
a)Connection Management
b)Database Access
c)Data Types
d)Both (a) and (b)

11) Which interface is included in Data Types

a) java.sql.Types
b) java.sql.Date
c) java.sql.Blob
d) All of the above

12) Which interface comes under DatabaseMetadata?

a) java.sql.DatabaseMetadata
b) java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
c) Java.sql.ParameterMetadata
d) All of the above

13) Which of the following comes under SQL Exception and Warnings?
a) java.sql.SQLexception
b) java.sql.SQLWarning
c) java.sql.DataTruncation
d) Both (b) and (c)

14) Which of the following is/are charecteristics of JDBC

(1) Supports a wide level of portability.
(2) Provides Java Interfaces that are compatible with Java Applications . These providers
are also responsible for providing the driver services.
(3) Provides higher level APIs for application programmers. The JDBC API
specification is used as an interface for the applications and DBMS.
(4)The JDBC call to a Java application is made by the SQL Statements. These statements
are resposible for entire communication with the database.

a)All of the above

b) None of the above
c) Only 2,3 and 4
d) Only 1,2 and 3

15) Following is/are the packages for JDBC

a) java.sql
b) javax.sql

c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

16) Which of the following is not a function of JDBC

a) Allows Java programs to execute SQL Statements
b) Allows Java programs to retrive the results of the SQL Statements

c) Allows Java programs to manipulate the design of the application

d) Allows Java programs to send user defined requests to the database
17) JDBC-ODBC Bridge can be availed by importing __________ package.
a) java.sql

b) sun.jdbc.odbc
c) java.jdbcodbc
d) None of the above

18) Which of the following is JDBC version was released with Java EE 6
a) JDBC 2.0
b) JDBC 3.0
c) JDBC 4.0

d) JDBC 4.1

19) JDBC API provides __________ and ___________ to handle database specific call from
a) methods, functions
b) classes, interfaces
c) packages, classes
d) interfaces, packages

20) _____________ has an important role in JDBC Architechtrue

a) Driver
b) SqlData

c) DriverManager
d) ResultSet
21) _____________ refers to the bridge driver (JDBC-ODBC Bridge)

a. Type-1 Driver
b. Type-2 Driver
c. Type-3 Driver
d. Type-4 Driver

22) _____________ refers to a partly java and partly native code driver
a. Type-1 Driver
b. Type-2 Driver

c. Type-3 Driver
d. Type-4 Driver

23) _____________ refers to pure Java Driver that uses a middleware driver to connect to a
a. Type-1 Driver
b. Type-2 Driver

c. Type-3 Driver
d. Type-4 Driver

24) _____________ refers to pure Java Driver which is directly connected to a database
a. Type-1 Driver
b. Type-2 Driver
c. Type-3 Driver

d. Type-4 Driver

25) OCI stands for _____________

a. Order Command Interface

b. Oracle Call Interface

c. Operation Command Interface
d. Open Command Interface

26) Which of the following is not the component of 3-tier architecture of JDBC

a. DataSource Object
b. Java Application
c. Java API
d. Database

27) The javax.sql provides ................................ implementations which are used in building
server-side applications.
a. JNDI-based lookup to access databases via logical names
b. Connection Pooling
c. Distributed transaction
d. The RowSet

e. all of the above

28) The javax.sql package is used to develop the client/server sided applications and provide
server sided extension facilities. State the statement is true or false.

a. True
b. False

29) Using which classes and interfaces of javax.sql package we can establish and manage
connection with the data source?
a. Only DataSource
b. DataSource and DataManager

c. DataSource and DriverManager

d. Only DriverManager
30) The ............... package provides a transparent meaning of connection pooling.
a. javax.swing
b. javax.servlet

c. javax.sql

31) ............................. implementation are provided by the driver vendor.

a. DataSource
b. DataManager
c. DriverManager.
d. None

32) The ............................. Naming service is used to provide a logical name for the
DataSource to make a connection.
a. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

b. Java Naming anfd Directory Interface (JNDI)

c. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
d. Domain Name Server

33) DataSource object can be impeemnted to work with..............

a. three tier infrastructure
b. two tier infrastructure

c. middle tier infrastructure

d. none

34) State true or false

“ Connection Pooling means that the connection is reused rather than created each
time when it is requested.”

a True
b. false

35) ............................... Sub class of statement interface.

a. Statement Interface

b. PreparedStatement Interface
c. CallableStatement Interface
d. PreparedStatement Class

36) Which method is invoked on the statement object by p-assing the SQL statements as
a. getXXX()
b. setXXX()

c. executeXXX()
d. All of the Above

37) ......................... can be used to represent a precompiled query , which can be executed
multiple times.
a. Statement Interface

b. PreparedStatement Interface
c. CallableStatement Interface
d. PreparedStatement Class

38) The excute method ....................... while using the PreparedStatement objects.
a. takes nth number of parameters.
b. takes only one parameters.

c. do no takes any parametrs.

d. none of the above.
39) Which method is of the connection object is used to get the object of the
PreparedStatement interface?
a. executeStatement()
b. updateStatement()

c. preparedStatement()
d. getStatement()

40) Which method is of the PreparedStatement object are used to set the parametrs of the
SQL statements.
a. getXXX()
b. setParameter()

d. setXXX()

41) We can execute the precompiled SQL statements by using

a. execute()
b. executeUpdate()
c. executeQuery()

d. all of the above

42) javax.sql package is also called as ______.

a.JDBC extension API
b. API
c.JDBC extension
d. none of the above

43) The javax.sql.DataSource interface represents _____________ related to java application

a. data sources
b. data packets
c. socket
d. all of the above
44) The javax.sql.CommonDataSource provides the methods that are common between
______________ interfaces

a) DataSource,XADataSource,ConnectionPoolDataSource
b) Data.XAData,ConnectionPoolData
c) Source.XASource,ConnectionPoolSource
d) source.xadatasource,connectionpoll

45) Connections made by using __________ objects are implemented on the middle-tier
connection pool.

a) DataSource
b) datasopurce
c) datasorce
d )none of the above

46) _________ provides a factory for PooledConnection objects.

a) javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
b) java.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
c) javax.sqlConnectionPoolDataSource
d) javax.sql,ConnectionPoolDataSource

47) __________ provides an object to manage connection pools.

a) javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource

b) javax.sql.PooledConnectionInterface
c) javax.sqlConnectionPoolDataSource
d) javax.sql,ConnectionPoolDataSource

48) DriverManager is a …….. class in JDBC API.

a) Abstract

b) Non-Abstract

c) main

d) none of the above

49) How many constructor are in the DriverManager Class?

a) One

b) two

c) three

d) four

50) What is the Driver Interface used for?

a) To create Database Object that provide and entry point for database connectivity

b) to contains the results of executing an SQL query.

c) To create Connection Object that provide an entry point for database


d) none

51) What is connection interface?

a) It is a standard type that defines an abstraction to access the session

established with database server.

b) It is used to create Connection Object that provides an entry point for database

c) both a and b

d) none of the above

52) The Connection interface provides methods to handle

a) ResultSet Object
b) Connection Object

c) PreparedStatement Object

d) none of the above.

53) What does the Statement interface return?

a) ResultSet Object

b) Connection Object

c) PreparedStatement Object

d) None of the above

54) How many times the query is compiled when used PreparedStatement?

a) once

b) twice

c) thrice

d) quadriple

55) How to create an object and execute a query in PreparedStatement?

a)PreparedStatement stmt=new PreparedStatement("insert into Emp values(a,b)");

b) PreparedStatement stmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into Emp


c)PreparedStatement stmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into Emp values(a,b)");

d)none of the above

56) Syntax for ResultSet:

a) ResultSet rs=new ResultSet(“Query-to-be-executed");

b)resultset rs=stmt.executequery(“Query-to-be-executed");

c)ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(“Query-to-be-executed");
d) None of the above

57) What is "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonoo","root","root"

a)path to the database

b)driver location

c)both a and b

d)None of the above

58) Steps for jdbc:

(i) Closing the connection

(ii) Executing SQL statements

(iii) Obtaining a connection

(iv) Creating a JDBC Statement object

a) i, ii, iii, iv

b) ii, iii,iv,i

c) iii, iv , ii , i

d) iii, ii, iv, i

59) Path for Data Sources(ODBC):

a)start->control panel -> system and security -> data sources

b)start ->control panel->system and security->administrative tools->data sources

c)start->control panel->data sources

d)start->accessories->data sources

60) Which driver is required for ODBC connectivity

b) MicrosoftODBCforOracle

c) MicrosoftOdbcForOracle

d) MicrosoftOdbcforOracle

61) A Java program cannot directly communicate with an ODBC driver because .......

a) ODBC written in C language

b) ODBC written in C# language
c) ODBC written in C++ language
d) ODBC written in Basic language

62) The JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver translates the JDBC API to the ODBC API and used
with ________

a) JDBC drivers
b) ODBC drivers
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

63) The ............................. package contains classes that help in connecting to a database,
sending SQL statements to the database, and processing the query results.

a) connection.sql
b) db.sql
c) pkg.sql
d) java.sql

64) The ................................ method executes a simple query and returns a singleResult Set
a) executeUpdate()

b) executeQuery()
c) execute()
d) noexecute()
65) The ......................... method executes an SQL statement that may return multiple results.
a) executeUpdate()
b) executeQuery()
c) execute()
d) noexecute()

66) The ........................ object allows you to execute parametrized queries.

a) ResultSet
b) Parametrized
c) PreparedStatement
d) Condition

67) The .................. object provides you with methods to access data from the table.
a) ResultSet
b) Parametrized
c) TableStatement
d) Condition

68) The parameters of the PreparedStatement object are ...................... when the user clicks
on the Query button.
a) initialized
b) started
c) paused
d) stopped

69) The ...................... method sets the query parameters of the PreparedStatement Object.
a) putString()
b) insertString()
c) setString()
d) setToString()

70) Connection object can be initialized using the ............................ method of the Driver
Manager class.
a) putConnection()
b) setConnection()
c) Connection()
d) getConnetion()
71) Which of the following statements is false as different type of statements is concern in

a)Regular Statement

b)Prepared Statement

c)Callable Statement

d)Interim Statement

72) JDBC-ODBC bridge supports multiple concurrent open statements per connection?



73) Which driver is efficient and always preferable for using JDBC application:

a)Type – 4
b)Type – 1
c)Type – 3
d)Type – 2

74) A Java program cannot directly communicate with an ODBC driver because
a) Statement is wrong
b) ODBC written in C language
c) ODBC written in high level language
d) None of above

75) Abbreviate the term DSN

a) Data Source Name
b) Data Server name
c) Database Server Name
d) Data String Name

76) API stands for

a)Applet Program Interface
b)Application Program Interface
c)Application procedure Interface
d) None of above

77) API which controls access to the row result of a given Statement and holds data retrieved
from a database after you execute an SQL query using Statement objects.




78) Application Server used in ____________________.

a) Three-Tier Mode
b) Two-Tier Mode
c) Milti-Tier Mode
d) Single-Tier Mode

79) Backbone of JDBC Architecture is ________________

a) Driver Manager
b) Database Manager
c) Statement Interface
d) Resultset Interface

80) Which method is used to modify stored data


81) How many transaction isolation levels are defined in sql.connection interface?


82) Which of the following is false as type 4 driver is concern

a)Type 4 driver is “native protocol, pure java” driver

b)Type 4 drivers are 100% Java compatible
c)Type 4 drivers uses Socket class to connect to the database
d)Type 4 drivers can not be used with Netscape
83) All raw data types should be read and uploaded to the database as an array of :


84) Which method is used to perform DML statements in JDBC




d)None of above

85) JDBC stands for:

a)Java Database Connectivity

b)Java Database Components

c)Java Database Control

d)None of the above is correct.

86) The ................................ method executes a simple query and returns a single Result Set



c) execute()

d) noexecute()

87) The ........................ object allows you to execute parametarized queries.




88) Three methods are central to the life cycle of a servlet ___________, __________ and
________ .

a)init(), main(), run()

b)init(), service(), destroy()

c)init(), run(), stop()

d)init(), start(), stop()

89) What is data in following program.

import java.sql.*;
public class Selectdbase
public static void main(String args[])
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:data");
Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp");
catch(SQLException e)
catch(Exception e)

a)Driver name
b)database name
c)table name
d)data source name
90) What is output of following program.

import java.sql.*;
public class jdbc1
public static void main(String args[])
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:data");
Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from student");
catch(SQLException e)
catch(Exception e)

a) "id:"+rs.getInt("id"
c) both a and b
d)values of id and name will be displayed from table.

91) Which is the correct method ********for updating table rows from given option.

import java.sql.*;
public class Updatedbase
public static void main(String args[])
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:data");
Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp");

St.********("Update emp set name1='jack' where id=2");

System.out.println("\n\nafter change");
rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp");
catch(SQLException e){}
catch(Exception e)


92) Find out error from following code.

import java.sql.*;
public class Updatedbase
public static void main(String args[])
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:data2");
Statement st=con.createStatement();
resultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from college");

catch(SQLException e)
catch(Exception e)

a)Error in resultSet statement.

b)Error in while loop
c)both a and b
d)Error in catch()
93) Find out error in following program.

import java.sql.*;
public class Selectdbase
public static void main(string args[])
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:data");
Statement st=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp");
catch(SQLException e)
catch(Exception e)

a)Error in main()
b)Error in try block
c)both a and b
d)Error in catch block

94) Find the error in following code:

import java.sql.*;

class MysqlCon

public static void main(String args[])


Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection (

//here sonoo is database name, root is username and password

Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");


System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));

catch(Exception e)


a.missing semicolon

b.Connection is not terminated.(con.close())

c.missing brackets

d. both a and c

e. all of the above

95) Find the error in following code:

import java.sql.*;
class MysqlCon{
public static void main(String args[]){
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(
//here sonoo is database name, root is username and password
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=executeQuery("select * from emp");
System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));
con.close(); }
catch(Exception e){

a)missing semicolon
b)incorrect syntax of Statement
c)incorrect syntax of ResultSet
d)both a and c
e)all of the above

96) Find the error in following code:

import java.sql.*;

class MysqlCon{

public static void main(String args[]){



Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(

//here sonoo is database name, root is username and password

Statement stmt=createStatement();

ResultSet rs=executeQuery("select * from emp");


System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));

con.close(); }

catch(Exception e){


a.missing semicolon

b.incorrect syntax of Statement

c.incorrect syntax of ResultSet

d. both a and c

e. all of the above

97) Find the error in following code:

import java.awt.*;

class JdbcDemo {

public static void main(String a[]) {

try {


System.out.println("Driver Loaded");

String url="jdbc:odbc:StudInfo";

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(url);

System.out.println(" Connection to DataBase created");

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

String query = "select * from StudTable";

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);


System.out.println(" ID : "+ rs.getInt(1));

System.out.println(" Name : "+ rs.getString(2));

System.out.println(" Marks : "+ rs.getInt(3));


catch(ClassNotFoundException e)


catch(SQLException e)



a)missing semicolon

b)missing bracket

c)incorrect syntax of resultset

d) None of the above

98) What will be the output of the code considering the database is created:

import java.sql.*;

class JdbcDemo {

public static void main(String a[]) {

try {


System.out.println("Driver Loaded");

String url="jdbc:odbc:StudInfo";

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(url);
System.out.println(" Connection to DataBase created");

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

String query = "select * from StudTable";

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);


System.out.println(" ID : "+ rs.getInt(1));

System.out.println(" Name : "+ rs.getString(2));

System.out.println(" Marks : "+ rs.getInt(3));



catch(ClassNotFoundException e)


catch(SQLException e)


a. contains error

c.none of the above

99) Find the error in following code:

import java.awt.*;

class JdbcDemo {

public static void main(String a[]) {

try {


System.out.println("Driver Loaded");

String url="jdbc:odbc:StudInfo";

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(url);

System.out.println(" Connection to DataBase created");

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

String query = "select * from StudTable";

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);


System.out.println(" ID : "+ rs.getInt(1));

System.out.println(" Name : "+ rs.getString(2));

System.out.println(" Marks : "+ rs.getInt(3));



catch(ClassNotFoundException e)


catch(SQLException e)


a.missing semicolon

b.missing bracket

c.driver is not suitable

d. None of the above

100) boolean isLast() method defines _______

a) Determines whether the ResultSet cursor points to the second last row
b) Determines whether the ResultSet cursor points to the last statement
c) Determines whether the ResultSet cursor points to the last Column
d) Determines whether the ResultSet cursor points to the last row

101) Callable statement object in JDBC is used to execute a call to

a) stored procedure
b) Statement
c) Prepared Statement
d) Procedure

102) CallableStatement is used to execute_________________

a) stored procedure
b) Statement
c) Prepared Statement
d) Procedure

103) Class.forName("_________________________")
a) sun.jdbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
b) jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
c) sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
d) sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc

104) class.forName() method throws

a) NotFoundException
b) ClassNotFoundException
c) SQLException
d) Cant Throws any exception

105) Connection object can be initialized using the _______ method of the DriverManager
a) getConnection()
b) getManager()
c) getconnection()
d) Getmanager()

106) createStatement() method without any parameter is used to create a statement with

forward only and read only ResultSet Database meta data are retrieved through

a) PreparedStatement object

b) Statement object

c) Connection object
d) CollableStatement object

107) DELETE statement of an SQL is executed by ______________.

a) executeUpdate()

b) executeQuery()

c) Execute()

d) executeStatement()

108) DriverManager.getConnection(_______ , ______ , ______) What are the two

parameters that are included ?

a) User ID,URL or machine name where server runs, Password

b) URL or machine name where server runs, Password, User ID,

c) URL or machine name where server runs, User ID, Password

d) Database name, User ID, Password

109) Every driver must provide a class that should implement the __________________

a) Driver interface

b) Connection Interface

c) Statement Interface

d) Database Interface

110) Following is return type of executeUpdate( ):

a) String

b) Array

c) byte

d) Int
111) execution of delete SQL query in JDBC, ............. method must be used.

a) execute()

b) executeQuery()

c) executeUpdate()

d) executeStatement()

112) For execution of INSERT SQL query in JDBC, ............. method must be used.

a) executeUpdate()

b) executeStatement()

c) executeQuery()

d) Execute()

113) For execution of SELECT SQL query in JDBC, ___________________ method must
be used.

a) executeQuery()

b) Execute()

c) executeUpdate()

d) executeAll()

114) forName is a_______________________type method

a) Static

b) Dynamic

115) getConnection() method of which class

a) DriverManager

b) Statement
c) Connection

d) None of above

116) How many JDBC driver types are available by sun Microsystem?

a) 6

b) 4

c) 5

d) 3

117) If a PreparedStatement is a SQL SELECT statement, you execute the statement using


a) PreparedStatement.execute();

b) Statement.executeQuery();

c) PreparedStatement.executeQuery();

d) PreparedStatement.executeUpdate();

118) If you need to use a stored procedure with output parameters, which of the following

statement type should be used to call the procedure?

a) CallableStatement

b) PreparedStatement

c) Statement

d) ProcedureStatement

119) In 2-tier architecture , the first tier is generally_________________________

a) GUI

b) Server

c) Client
d) database

120) In the following JDBC drivers which is known as partly java driver?

a) Pure-Java Driver

b) JDBC-net Pure Java

c) JDBC driver

d) Native-API driver

121) In the three tier model the middle tier of the services acts as a mediator between

________________________ and _________________.

a) Java application and databases

b) Client and Server

c) Java application and client

d) Java application and server

122) JDBC is a --------------------- interface, which means that it is used to invoke SQL
commands directly.

a) high level

b) low level

c) middle level

d) top level

123) JDBC Stands for

a) Java Database Connection

b) Java Database Connectivity

124) JDBC-ODBC bridge product provide _________ access via ____________.

a) JDBC driver, JDBC drivers

b) ODBC drivers, JDBC driver

c) JDBC driver, ODBC drivers

d) None

125) Methods of ResultSet() throws ____________

a) IOException

b) Exception

c) DatabaseException

d) SQLException

126) Name the type number of driver belongs to JDBC ODBC Bridge driver?

a) Type 1

b) Type 2

c) Type 3

d) Type 4

127) Native API converts ___________into the __________ used by DBMS.

a) Native API calls,JDBC API

b) JDBC API, Native API calls

c) JDBC API, pure API calls

d) JDBC API, pure Java

128) Native – protocol pure Java converts ……….. in to the ………… used by DBMSs

a) JDBC calls, network protocol

b) Native API calls,JDBC API

c) JDBC API, pure API call

d) JDBC API, Native API calls

129) ODBC Drivers are platform _______________

a) Dependent

b) Independent

c) Both a and b

d) None

130) ODBC requires configuring _______ which represents the target database.

a) Data String Name

b) Data Source Name

c) Domain Name

d) Database name

131) The PreparedStatement__________symbol is placeholder that is replaced by the input

parameter at seen time.

a) ?

b) *

c) &

d) #

132) The ResultSet __________________provides methods for retrieving and manipulating

the results of executed queries.

a) Statement

b) Package

c) Class
d) Interface

133) The Type 3 architecture is _______________________

a) JDBC-Net pure Java

b) JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

134) The_____________________ is the language for interacting with Database.

a) Structured Query Language

b) Data Manipulation Language

c) Data Definition Language

d) Stored Query Language

135) Type 1 driver is also known as

a) Native API partly Java driver

b) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

c) JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

d) JDBC-Net pure Java

136) Type 3 driver is also known as_________________

a) JDBC-net Pure Java

b) JDBC-Net pure Java

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

137) Type II JDBC driver is also known as __________________

a) JDBC-net Pure Java

b) JDBC-Net pure Java

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

138) Type IV JDBC driver is also known as __________________

a) DBC-net Pure Java

b) JDBC-Net pure Java

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

139) Type4 driver is also known as:

a) 100% Pure Java

b) DBC-net Pure Java

c) JDBC-Net pure Java

d) Native API partly Java driver

140) Where the object of ResultSet maintains a cursor?

a) Second Row

b) First Row

c) Last Row

d) Middle Row

141) Which class is used to connect java application to JDBC driver

a) DriverManager

b) Connection
c) Statement

d) ResultSet

142) Which driver is called as a thin driver in JDBC?

a) Type-2 Driver

b) Type-3 Driver

c) Type-1 Driver

d) Type-4 Driver

143) Which interface provides methods to execute queries with the database?

a) Statement interface

b) Connection

c) Resultset

d) DriverManager

144) Which Interface is used to execute dynamic SQL statements?

a) PreparedStatement

b) Statement

c) CallableStatement

d) Procedurestatement

145) Which is default ResultSet type




146) Which JDBC driver Type (s) can be used in either applet or servelt code?

a) Type 2

b) Type 3

c) Type 4

d) Both Type 3 and Type 4

147) Which JDBC driver Type(s) can you use in a three-tier architecture and if the Web
server and the DBMS are running on the same machine?

a) Type 3

b) Type 2

c) Type 4

d) Both Type 3 and 4

148) Which JDBC driver Types are used for over communications networks?

a) Type 2

b) Type 3

c) Type 4

d) Both Type 3 and Type 4

149) Which method is used to obtain count of total rows of ResultSet

a) getRow()

b) getrow()

c) GetRow()

d) Row()

150) Which method is used to perform DML statements in JDBC?

a) executeQuery()
b) execute()

c) executeUpdate()

d) executeAll()

151) Which method of class is used to register & dynamically load the driver class?

a) forName()

b) DeviceManager

c) Statement

d) Resultset

152) which of the following function is used to find the column count of the particular
ResultSet ?

a) getColumnCount()

b) getRow

c) getcolumnCount()

d) getcolumncount()

153) Which of the following invokes functions in sql ?

a) Callable statements

b) Prepared Statement

c) Procedure Statement

d) Statement

154) Which type of driver converts JDBC calls into the network protocol used by the
database management system directely

a) Type 4

b) Type 3

c) Type 2
d) Type 1

155) Which type of driver is unqiue in JDBC?

a) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

b) JDBC-Native API

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

156) _______ calls get converted into native C or C++ API calls.

a) Native Protocol Pure-Java Driver

b) JDBC-Native API

c) Native API partly Java driver

d) JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

157) ___________ interface allows storing results of query?

a) ResultSet

b) Connection

c) Statement

d) DriverManager

158) All raw data types including binary documents or images should be read and uploaded
to the database as an array of ….

a) Byte

b) Int
c) String

d) Array

159) Analyse the following code and fill the appropriate statement in the blanks

import java.sql.*;

class DB

public static void main(String args[])throws Exception


Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn");

Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=stmt.________________("select * from empwhere id=101");





Ans: executeQuery()

160) Choose missing statements in following code from given options.

import java.sql.*;

Class DemoFetch

public static void main(String args[])

Connection con;

Statement stmt;

ResultSet rs; String qry, url;

try {





qry="select * from stud"; rs=_______________;

System.out.println("Roll No\tName\tPercentage");


int rno=rs.getInt("roll");

String nm=rs.getString("sname");

double per=rs.getDouble("per");



catch(Exception e){}

Answer: stmt.executeQuery(qry)

161) Choose missing statements in following code from given options.

import java.sql.*;

Class DemoFetch1

public static void main(String args[])

Connection con;

PreparedStatement pstmt;

ResultSet rs;

String qry,url;





qry="select * from stud";



System.out.println("Roll No\tName\tPercentage");


int rno=rs.getInt("roll");

String nm=rs.getString("sname");
double per=rs.getDouble("per");



catch(Exception e)


Answer: pstmt.executeQuery(qry)


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:wombat", "login", "password");

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT a, b, c FROM Table1");

while (

Integer x = rs.getInt("c");

String s = rs.getString("a");

Float f = rs.getFloat("b");

What is WRONG with the code above?

Answer: Retrieval of the fields is in the wrong order.

163) Connection object can be initialized using the ............................ method of the Driver
Manager class.

a) getConnection()

b) Getconnection()

c) getStatement()

d) Getstatement()

164) Consider following code and state missing code ?

import java.sql.*;

class exp2

public static void main(String args[])throws Exception



Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:demo1dsn");

Statement st=con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from Table1");

System.out.println("After insertion of new record");





st.executeUpdate("insert into Table1 values('jasmine',10,'banglore')");

ResultSet rs1=st.executeQuery("select * from Table1 ");





catch(Exception e) {}

Answer: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

165) Consider the following program. What should be the correction done in the program to
get correct output?

import java.sql.*;

public class dbAccess

public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception


Connection conn =DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:ab", "", "");

Statement s = conn.createStatement();
String s1="update Table1 set name1='akash' where rollno='1'";

s.executeQuery(s1); s.close();


Answer: s.executeUpdate(s1)

166) Consider the following program. What should be the method used in following program
to get correct output?

import java.sql.*;

class Ddemo1

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception


Connection c=DriverManager.get***********("jdbc:odbc:ODSN"," "," ");

Statement s=c.createStatement();

ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery("select *from StudTable");

System.out.println("Name" + " \t " + "Roll_No" + " \t " + "Avg");


System.out.println(rs.getString(1)+" \t "+rs.getInt(2)+" \t \t"+rs.getDouble(3));




Answer: Connection()

167) Consider the following program. Select the statement that should be added to get correct


import java.sql.*;

class DBEx

public static void main(String args[])



Connection c =DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn","","");

ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from StudTable");


System.out.println("Roll No.: "+rs.getInt(1));

System.out.println("Name : "+rs.getString(2));

System.out.println("Branch :"+rs.getString("Branch")+"\n");



catch(Exception e)

System.out.println("Caught: "+e);

Answer: Statement s = c.createStatement();

168) Consider the following program. Which two exceptions are thrown?

Package javaapplication21;

import java.sql.*;

public class db15 { public static void main(String args[])

throws _____________________, __________________


Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MyDSN","","");
System.out.println("Connection Established");

Answer: ClassNotFoundException, SQLException

169) Invoking Class.forName(mydriver) throws ___________.

a) ClassNotFoundException

b) IOException

c) SQLException

d) Both a and c

170) Permission class is part of_________package



c) java.permission

d) None of above

171) PreparedStatement updateemp = con.prepareStatement("insert into emp values(?,?,?)");

How many values are need to insert for prepareStatement paprameter?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 2

d) 1

172) Set XXX() method binds values to the parameters. Where XXX represents

a) Data Type

b) Method

c) Interface

d) Class

173) The JDBC-ODBC bridge is:

a)Three tiered
c)Best for any platform
d)All of the above

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