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Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.

407 Filed 01/18/23 Page 1 of 32



VENTURE LLC, a Michigan limited
liability company,
Case No. 2:22-cv-12734


municipal corporation,


Michael A. Cox (P43039) Paul A. Bernier, City Atty. (P39119)

Attorney for Plaintiff Michael E. Fisher (P37037)
17430 Laurel Park Dr. N., Ste 120E Eric S. Goldstein, Asst. City Atty. (P45842)
Livonia, Michigan 48152 Attorneys for Defendant
(734-591-4002 33000 Civic Center Drive
[email protected] Livonia, Michigan 48154
Phone: (734) 466-2520
[email protected]


NOW COMES Defendant, by and through its attorneys, Paul A. Bernier, City

Attorney, Michael E. Fisher, Chief Assistant City Attorney, and Eric S. Goldstein,

Assistant City Attorney, and in answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint, state as follows:


Plaintiff’s narrative portion does not conform to the requirements of Fed R Civ

P 10(b). Per general review, the narrative seems to comport to the balance of the
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.408 Filed 01/18/23 Page 2 of 32

Complaint drawn in conformity with Fed R Civ P 10(b). Accordingly, Defendant

will reserve its substantive response to those number paragraphs as required. To the

extent Plaintiff relies on an assertion in this narrative that is not fulfilled in the

conforming paragraphs, Defendant objects to and denies those assertions.


1. Reserving the issues of ripeness, viability of Plaintiff’s claims, and the

relevance of treaties to the instant case, Defendant generally admits to jurisdiction.

2. Reserving all legal issues and in particular, the issue of the viability of

Plaintiff’s claims, Defendant generally admits.

3. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 3 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

4. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 4.

5. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 5.


6. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 6, and

leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

7. Defendant generally admits the allegation in Paragraph 7, but denies

any officials committed any wrongdoing while performing their functions related to

the issues raised in the Complaint.

8. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 8 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.409 Filed 01/18/23 Page 3 of 32


9. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 9, and

leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

10. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 10,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

11. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 11,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

12. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 12,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

13. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 13,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

14. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 14,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

15. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 15,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

16. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 16,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

17. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 17,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

18. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 18,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.410 Filed 01/18/23 Page 4 of 32

19. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 19,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

20. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 20,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

21. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 21,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

22. Defendant generally admits the allegations in Paragraph 22 and objects

to Plaintiff purportedly quoting from a document without citing where the language

is drawn from within that document and without referencing its context.

23. Defendant generally admits the allegations in Paragraph 23 but denies

that the berm has been there for decades for the reason that it is untrue.

24. Defendant denies the asserted zoning designation set forth in Paragraph

24 relative to the described land for the reason it is untrue. The balance of the

allegations are admitted upon information and belief.

25. Defendant denies the asserted zoning designation set forth in Paragraph

25 relative to the described land for the reason it is untrue and incomplete in the form

and fashion stated. Further, upon information and belief there are more than two

“used car lots”. The balance of the allegations are admitted upon information and


26. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 26 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.411 Filed 01/18/23 Page 5 of 32

27. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 27 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

28. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 28,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

29. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 29.

30. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 30.

31. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 31.

32. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 32.

33. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 33 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

34. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 34.

35. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 35.

36. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 36.

37. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 37.

38. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 38 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

39. Defendant admits that one member of the Master Plan Steering

Committee was current Mayor Maureen Miller-Brosnan. The balance of the

allegations are too imprecise and so Defendant neither admits nor denies the

allegations and Plaintiff is left to its proofs.

40. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 40.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.412 Filed 01/18/23 Page 6 of 32

41. Defendant objects to Paragraph 41 as it is not drawn in conformity with

Fed R Civ P 10(b), mixing numerous factual assertions with a multi-faceted

narrative, cherry picking items to present conclusions inconsistent with their context.

Accordingly, without waiving the objection, and reserving the right to provide a

detailed answer should the Complaint be amended to conform with the rules,

Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 41 for the reason they are untrue in

the form and fashion stated.

42. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 42 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

43. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 43 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, what Plaintiff describes

in Paragraph 43 is understood to be a Mixed Development Center.

44. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 44 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, what Plaintiff describes

in Paragraph 44 are understood to be Special Planning Areas.

45. Defendants admits the allegations in Paragraph 45.

46. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 46 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

47. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 47.

48. Defendant admits the allegations with the exception of the parenthetical

“(i.e., Wonderland Flats)” as Wonderland Flats is not classified as a Planned General

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.413 Filed 01/18/23 Page 7 of 32

Development. That aspect is denied for the reason it is untrue in the form and fashion


49. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 49.

50. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 50.

51. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 51.

52. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 52.

53. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 53 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

54. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 54.

55. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 55 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

56. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 56 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

57. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 57 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

58. Again, Defendant does not deny the language of the cited material.

Defendant denies the parenthetical of “(such as the proposed Wonderland Flats)” as

the Wonderland Flats petitions were not submitted under the Form-Based

Development Option of Article V.

59. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 59 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.414 Filed 01/18/23 Page 8 of 32

60. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 60.

61. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 61.

62. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 62

63. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 63,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

64. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 64 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

65. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 65 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

66. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 66,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

67. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 67.

68. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 68 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

69. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 69 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

70. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 70.

71. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 71.

72. The City does not deny that a public hearing was held by the Planning

Commission, but as to the procedural details and the substance of public comment

topics, the City neither admits nor denies the same, leaving Plaintiff to its proofs.
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.415 Filed 01/18/23 Page 9 of 32

73. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 73,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

74. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 74,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

75. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 75,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

76. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 76,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

77. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 77,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

78. Defendant agrees that revised plans were received on June 25, 2021.

The contents relative to prior submissions evolved in various ways including

increasing overall density and boosting the number of units from 192 to 201. As

such Defendant neither admits nor denies the incomplete allegations, leaving

Plaintiff to its proofs.

79. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 79,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

80. Defendant denies the implied allegation that there were no violated

density limits as the density proposed by Plaintiff exceeded Ordinance #543 and

further that such information was presented to the Planning Commission. As to the

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.416 Filed 01/18/23 Page 10 of 32

balance of the allegations in Paragraph 80, they are neither admitted nor denied and

Plaintiff is left to its proofs.

81. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 81 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

82. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 82,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

83. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 83 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

84. To the extent Plaintiff is alleging a right to develop multi-family

housing as a permitted use in the City’s commercial zoning district, the allegation is

denied as untrue in the form and fashion stated.

85. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 85,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

86. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 86,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

87. To the extent Plaintiff is alleging it had a right to develop multi-family

housing as a permitted use within that zoning district, the allegations are denied for

the reason they are untrue. The balance of the allegations are neither admitted nor

denied and Plaintiff is left to its proofs.

88. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 88 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.417 Filed 01/18/23 Page 11 of 32

89. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 89 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

90. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 90 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

91. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 91,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

92. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 92,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

93. Defendant neither admits nor denies the assertion that building

footprints and site layout were “deliberately patterned” after those of the other

designated apartments, but to the extent such is intended to imply the architectural

details, including exterior building materials, finishes, balcony designs, hallway

widths, garage/carports and “bump outs” were similar, such is denied for the reason

that it is untrue in the form and fashion stated.

94. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 94 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

95. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 95,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

96. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 96.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.418 Filed 01/18/23 Page 12 of 32

97. Defendant denies that it is “impermissible” for the Planning

Commission to raise aesthetics during the review process for the reason that such is


98. Defendant denies the foundation of the allegations as the Wonderland

Village footprint is not codified as a special area for mixed development use in

Section 5.01(1)(B).

99. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 99 for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated.

100. Defendant references and re-asserts its objection to Plaintiff’s failure to

comply with Fed R Civ P 10(b). Without waiving the objection, Defendant neither

admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 100, leaving Plaintiff to its proofs,

and reserving the right to respond to component parts of Paragraph 100 if properly

set forth in compliance with Fed R Civ P 10(b).

101. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 101,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs. In additional response, Defendant denies the

implication that the Planning Commission was obligated to “challenge” Mr.

Ponton’s “experience or expertise” or find those concerns waived.

102. The allegations in Paragraph 102 are denied for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated. To illustrate, the alleged assertions regarding

compliance with C-2, NM2, and/or the ordinance were not issues under

consideration at the Planning Commission meeting of October 19, 2021. Rather the
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.419 Filed 01/18/23 Page 13 of 32

issue was whether NM2 District was appropriate for the site. This did not include

consideration of whether the Application complied.

103. The allegations in Paragraph 103 are denied for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated. Proposed resolutions approving and denying

resolutions are prepared by staff prior to the meetings.

104. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 104.

105. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 105,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

106. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 106,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

107. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 107,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

108. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 108,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs. In additional response, concerns were affirmatively

raised regarding Plaintiff’s presentation. Defendant rejects the implication that City

Council was required to “challenge” the “experience and design expertise” of the

presenters or find those concerns waived.

109. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 109,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

110. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 110,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.420 Filed 01/18/23 Page 14 of 32

111. The allegations in Paragraph 111 are denied for the reason they are

untrue in the form and fashion stated. The “vote” was not adjourned for the reason

that this was a public hearing as opposed to a Regular Meeting. Resolutions put

forth at a public hearing are considered at the next Regular Meeting, which in this

case was March 23, 2022.

112. Defendant references and re-asserts its objection to Plaintiff’s failure to

comply with Fed R Civ P 10(b). Without waiving the objection, Defendant admits,

denies and neither admits nor denies components of the allegations in Paragraph 112.

Defendant denies that any bike paths were added to the plan for the reason it is

untrue. Defendant further points out that many additional pedestrian paths were

projected to be installed in the future by those other than the Plaintiff.

113. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 113,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

114. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 114 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, the City considered

the 15 page submission to be “New Data”, not a “Fourth Wonderland Flats


115. Defendant denies this was a “Fourth Application” for the reason it is

untrue in the form and fashion stated. The balance of the allegations in Paragraph

115 are admitted.

116. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 116.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.421 Filed 01/18/23 Page 15 of 32

117. Defendant denies this was an adjourned vote. See Answer Paragraph

111. Defendant admits that the matter was referred to the Law Department to

prepare an Ordinance which if passed would amend the Ordinance. The balance of

the allegations are neither admitted nor denied.

118. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 118 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

119. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 119 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

120. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 120.

121. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 121.

122. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 122 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, the Planning Director

shared the reports from various departments. The Planning Director did not offer a

summary or commentary regarding the contents of those departmental reports.

123. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 123,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

124. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 124,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

125. With regard to the allegation that the referenced traffic expert relied on

guidelines and methodologies published by the City of Livonia, such allegations are

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.422 Filed 01/18/23 Page 16 of 32

denied for the reason they are untrue in the form and fashion stated. The balance of

the allegations are neither admitted nor denied and Plaintiff is left to its proofs.

126. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 126,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

127. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 127 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

128. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 128,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

129. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 129,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

130. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 130,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

131. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 131,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

132. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 132.

133. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 133.

134. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 134,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

135. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 135. In further response,

the record of the public hearing will reflect that Mr. Gold did not state the sewer’s

“could handle any use” as alleged, but rather stated: “That sewer in the southeast
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.423 Filed 01/18/23 Page 17 of 32

corner is a 10-inch pipe and we’re pretty confident that it is sized for this

development. Again, like the stormwater, it will be vetted through engineering

practices to confirm that it can handle the future uses.” Mr. Gold’s statement

demonstrates that engineering had not yet happened.

136. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 136,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

137. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 137,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

138. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 138,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

139. Defendant denies the implied allegation that the City Council could

have voted on the issue at the Public Hearing for the reason it is untrue in the form

and fashion stated. The balance of the allegations in para 139 are admitted.

140. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 140.

141. Defendant denies the allegations to the extent they imply an irregularity

to the customary procedures for the reasons they are untrue. The balance of the

allegations are admitted.

142. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 142 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.424 Filed 01/18/23 Page 18 of 32

143. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 143 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, there was no exclusion

of comments by the Petitioner MPV.

144. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 144 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

145. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 145, but denies the

allegations in footnote 19 for the reason they are untrue in the form and fashion


146. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 146 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

147. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 147 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

148. Defendant admits the allegations in Paragraph 148.

149. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 149 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

150. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 150,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

151. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 151 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

152. Defendant does not deny that there was a vote after all audience

members who got up to speak had spoken.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.425 Filed 01/18/23 Page 19 of 32

153. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 153 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

154. Defendant denies that the alleged instructions are necessary or even

customarily given and further denies the implication that such is a procedural

irregularity for the reason that it is untrue in the form and fashion stated.

155. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 155 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

156. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 156 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

157. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 157 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

158. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 158 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

159. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 159 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

160. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 160 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

161. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 161 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

162. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 162 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.426 Filed 01/18/23 Page 20 of 32

163. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 163 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

164. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 164,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

165. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 165 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

166. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 166 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

167. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 167 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

168. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 168 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

169. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 169 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

170. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 170,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

171. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 171,

and leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

172. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 172 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated. In further response, that a vote for or

against a proposal is not evidence that comments from a participant were ignored.
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.427 Filed 01/18/23 Page 21 of 32

Moreover, there are numerous distinctions of significance between the Plaintiff’s

project and the one discussed in Paragraph 172.

173. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 173 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

174. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 174 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

175. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 175 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

176. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 176 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

177. Defendant denies the allegation in Paragraph 177 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.


178. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 177 as though fully set forth herein.

179. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 179 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

180. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 180 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

181. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 181 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.428 Filed 01/18/23 Page 22 of 32

182. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 182 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

183. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 183 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

184. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 184 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

185. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 185 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

186. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 186 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.



187. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 186 as though fully set forth herein.

188. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 188 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

189. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 189 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.429 Filed 01/18/23 Page 23 of 32

190. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 190 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

191. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 191 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

192. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 192 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

193. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 193 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

194. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 194 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.



195. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 194 as though fully set forth herein.

196. Defendant neither admits nor denies the allegations in Paragraph 196

but leaves Plaintiff to its proofs.

197. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 197 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.430 Filed 01/18/23 Page 24 of 32

198. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 198 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

199. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 199 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

200. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 200 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

201. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 201 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

202. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 202 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

203. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 203 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

204. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 204 of the Complaint

on the ground that there is no paragraph 204 in the Complaint.

205. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 205 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

206. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 206 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.431 Filed 01/18/23 Page 25 of 32


207. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 206 as though fully set forth herein.

208. Plaintiff sets forth a proposition of law in Paragraph 208. It presents

no factual allegations and thus no response is required. To the extent the allegations

are construed to suggest Defendant has violated the law, such is denied for the

reason it is untrue.

209. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 209 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

210. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 210 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

211. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 211 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

212. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 212 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

213. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 213 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

214. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 214 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

215. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 215 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.432 Filed 01/18/23 Page 26 of 32

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.


216. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 215 as though fully set forth herein.

217. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 217 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

218. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 218 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

219. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 219 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

220. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 220 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.


221. Defendant incorporates by reference its answer to Paragraphs 1

through 220 as though fully set forth herein.

222. Plaintiff sets forth a proposition of law in Paragraph 222. It presents

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.433 Filed 01/18/23 Page 27 of 32

no factual allegations and thus no response is required. To the extent the allegations

are construed to suggest Defendant has violated the law, such is denied for the

reason it is untrue.

223. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 223 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

224. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 224 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

225. Defendant denies the allegations in Paragraph 225 for the reason they

are untrue in the form and fashion stated.

226. Plaintiff sets forth a proposition of law in Paragraph 226. It presents

no factual allegations and thus no response is required. To the extent the allegations

are construed to suggest Defendant has violated the law, such is denied for the

reason it is untrue.

WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Honorable Court

dismiss Plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety and award Defendant reasonable costs

and attorney fees associated with the defense of this frivolous litigation.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Eric S. Goldstein
City of Livonia
Attorney for Defendant
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, MI 48154
(734) 466-2520
[email protected]
Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.434 Filed 01/18/23 Page 28 of 32


Dated: January 18, 2023


NOW COMES Defendant, by and through its attorneys, Paul A.

Bernier, City Attorney, Michael E. Fisher, Chief Assistant City Attorney, and Eric

S. Goldstein, Assistant City Attorney, and states that it relies upon the Jury Demand

advanced by Plaintiff.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Eric S. Goldstein
City of Livonia
Attorney for Defendant
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, MI 48154
(734) 466-2520
[email protected]

Dated: January 18, 2023


NOW COMES Defendant, by and through its attorneys, Paul A. Bernier, City

Attorney, Michael E. Fisher, Chief Assistant City Attorney, and Eric S. Goldstein,

Assistant City Attorney, and for its Affirmative Defenses to Plaintiff’s Complaint,

shows onto this Honorable Court as follows:

1. Plaintiff lacks standing to sue the City of Livonia.

2. There is no case or controversy.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.435 Filed 01/18/23 Page 29 of 32

3. The City ordinance at issue was properly enacted and is constitutional.

4. Defendant City of Livonia has the authority to adopt ordinances to

promote the health, safety and welfare of its citizens.

5. Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

6. Plaintiff has not exhausted its administrative remedies.

7. Under the Michigan Constitution, the City’s power and authority to

adopt zoning ordinances is to be construed liberally.

8. Based upon information and belief, Plaintiff’s claims are barred in total,

or at least in part, by virtue of the equitable doctrines of consent, waiver and estoppel.

9. Plaintiff’s demands for relief are unreasonable, unwarranted and based

upon an unreasonable and incorrect interpretation of the law.

10. The ordinances at issue in this case and their application are presumed

to be constitutional.

11. There is no issue as to any material fact and Defendant is entitled to

judgment as a matter of law and equity.

12. The Court may not substitute its judgment for that of local officials

making local zoning decisions.

13. The decision in this case is a legitimate product of the democratic


14. The City acted pursuant to its legitimate police powers.

15. This case is not ripe for adjudication.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.436 Filed 01/18/23 Page 30 of 32

16. Plaintiff lacks a constitutionally protected property interest with respect

to this discretionary decision.

17. Allegations of competitive disadvantage are insufficient to establish

standing to challenge the validity of a zoning ordinance.

18. The mere pursuit of gain or financial enhancement does not provide a

sufficient basis upon which to predicate relief in these premises.

19. There remains a reasonable use of the property without waiver use

approval being granted for an apartment complex. The Livonia Zoning Ordinance

need only allow a reasonable use, and need not sanction the highest and best use.

The mere allegations that Plaintiff’s use of property has been restricted does not in

itself constitute confiscation of the property or provide a sufficient basis upon which

to grant relief.

20. The actions taken by the Defendant pursuant to a good faith reliance on

the duly adopted City Charter of the City of Livonia cannot be used as the basis for

a claimed violation of constitutional rights. The law presumes that public officials,

acting as such, act in good faith and in performance of their duty.

21. Defendant is entitled to governmental immunity pursuant to statute and

Plaintiff has failed to plead affirmatively in avoidance of that immunity. MCLA

691.1407, et seq.

22. Plaintiff lacks a constitutionally protected property interest with respect

to this discretionary decision.

Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.437 Filed 01/18/23 Page 31 of 32

23. Plaintiff has failed to state a claim for the violation of substantive due

process in that the action complained of was based upon and rationally related to

valid zoning and planning issues.

24. Plaintiff has failed to state a claim for a violation of equal protection in

that Plaintiff is not a member of a suspect class.

25. The Michigan Constitution provides no greater guarantees than that of

the United States Constitution with respect to the causes of action asserted by


26. Plaintiff is placed on notice that Defendant reserves the right to bring a

motion for judgment on the pleadings to the extent that Plaintiff has failed to present

an actionable claim, either in whole or in part.

27. Plaintiff is placed on notice that Defendant reserves the right to bring a

motion per Fed R Civ P 56 to the extent that Plaintiff cannot provide a factual basis

to support any or all of the stated claims.

28. Defendant City of Livonia reserves the right to amend, alter, or

supplement these affirmative defenses up to the time of trial as discovery and/or

other events warrant.

29. Defendant demands an answer to each and every Affirmative Defense


Case 2:22-cv-12734-LJM-EAS ECF No. 9, PageID.438 Filed 01/18/23 Page 32 of 32

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Eric S. Goldstein
City of Livonia
Attorney for Defendant
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, MI 48154
(734) 466-2520
[email protected]

Dated: January 18, 2023


I hereby certify that on January 18, 2023, I electronically filed and served
Answer to Complaint, Reliance upon Jury Demand and Affirmative Defenses, with
the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF System, and a copy was electronically
served upon Counsel for Plaintiff, Michael A. Cox via email at
[email protected], using the CM/ECF System.

/s/Brenda K. Smyser
Program Supervisor
City of Livonia, Department of Law
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, MI 48154
[email protected]
[email protected]

Dated: January 18, 2023


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