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Invisible Escalation

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Alright, so I am very excited. I am sitting down, I'm interviewing the man, the myth, the legend, 60 Years
of Challenge, and a big reason we wanted to do this interview is because you really came up with some
ideas in sexual escalation that not only had I never heard before and blew my mind when I was reading
them, they actually really helped me really smoothen out my game. Not only with girls I was meeting
out at bars and nightclubs, but also girls in my social circle, girls I was caught in the friend zone with. You
have some ideas on sexual escalation I think that are so valuable, is why Bobby and I really wanted to
bring you on this program.

Great, glad to be here. And yeah, I think sexual escalation is something we can all relate to. Even if you
are good at picking up girls, sometimes when you have that one special girl that you do like, all of a
sudden you can't make that move and can't escalate. And I almost call it the dirty little secret of guys
that are good with women, and that may be you as well, that when that special girl comes a long, all of a
sudden you just freeze up and you don't know what you're doing.

So, before we get into the specific tactics of sexual escalation, what I realized my main problem was was
probably something you wouldn't think. I really realized the girls I really liked, those special girls that we
want so bad, maybe a girl you work with or at school, and it sounds funny to say, but my number one
problem even before making a move was I didn't want to fuck her.

Now, that sounds crazy. You might be sitting at home saying, "What do you mean? I wanna fuck this
girl." Yes you do want to fuck her, but more important that fucking her to you is hanging out with her,
talking with her, getting some affection, maybe talking on the phone, maybe going to the mall with her,
and those are all great things that you would do with a girlfriend, but the problem is is you're doing
them upfront and you're taking all this affection and things you would get from a girlfriend, but you left
one important part out: you haven't fucked her. And if I was honest with myself when I really looked at
this, I realized I was more into hanging out with her than fucking her. Fucking her was second. Hanging
out with her and getting all that affection was first and that was the main problem that was going on.

Yeah. You actually have a saying, right? Affection before attraction, or affection before escalation?

Yeah, I basically talk about that we have two needs obviously as men. We wanna fuck chicks, that's
obvious that we have a drive to try to get laid, but also we have that drive to try to get affection from
women because that's what we really want. Sex, what's that gonna be, a half hour? You get affection
throughout the day when you're with your girlfriend and we really want that in our lives. We can get sex
anywhere. There's porn, some guys go to prostitutes, not you [crosstalk 00:03:01] but so there's many
outlets for sex, but to get that affection, to get this really special girl, that's very important to guys, but
you have to realize that to get that affection, to really solidify it, you have to fuck her.

So it's fun getting all these things, but never lose sight of that goal. And I think what happens is you do
lose sight of that goal because you're getting everything you want already. You're like, "I'll get around to
fucking her later," but the problem is girls only hang out with guys who they're fucking, so if she ends up
fucking somebody else, guess what? You're gone, and she's not gonna be talking with you and she's not
gonna be able to hang out with you as much. And I know it's happened to all of us at one point.

Definitely, and I just wanna go back to something you said earlier about the idea of not wanting to fuck
it up. And again, I think this is a big thing. Before we get into the tactics and the specifics of how to
escalate with a woman, getting over that idea that, "Oh, I'm gonna fuck this up. Oh, if I make a move, it's
gonna ruin this great interaction we have." Another thing we hear a lot from guys is, "Oh, she's in my
social circle and I don't wanna make a move because I don't wanna seem creepy. If she rejects me I
don't want everyone to know about it." So what advice would you give to a guy how to change his
mindset on getting over the idea that, "Oh I'm gonna fuck this up if I try to fuck her."

Yeah. Well again, we've all been through it, especially when it's the special girl you don't wanna fuck this
up. When it's a girl at a bar, you're gonna take more chances. You'll take more risks.


But it is a mindset, like you said, and I call it the magic mindset. And the magic mindset is basically a girl
isn't going to really, really like you until you fuck her. You're trying to make her like you so you can fuck
her. You see, it doesn't work like that, because a girl's never really, really, really, gonna be into you, and
you know this.


[crosstalk 00:04:44] out there sleeping with a girl, then she really likes you. So you're really playing it
safe. You really want her to like you and feel comfortable with you, and then you're thinking, "Yeah and
eventually, I'll bang her," but it doesn't work that way. You need to have sex with her and then all those
things she likes about you become solidified and then she really, really likes you, so always keep that in

That's a really great point. I think you had written somewhere that escalation creates attraction, and the
idea that by just making a move, even if she doesn't necessarily feel comfortable kissing you or holding
your hand or whatever you're trying to do, just the fact that you're making that bold move is actually
what creates attraction in women.

And like you said, most guys have it the other way around. They wanna create attraction first and then
try to escalate, and I think it really you have to look at it like the biggest risk you're taking when you're
not escalating ... You think, "Oh, I'm taking a risk by escalating." You're taking a bigger risk by not
escalating because ultimately that window of opportunity is gonna close and you're not gonna have your
chance to make a move.

Yeah, that's absolutely true. So we're scared to make a move, right? Because we're thinking we want it
to work, but the thing is just by making that move you're gonna be seen as more attractive, so it almost
takes the pressure off. It's like, "I'm gonna make this move, whether it works or not. She's gonna look at
me differently."

She's gonna say, "Wow, this guy is bold." And that's all we're trying to do, especially with the friend zone
guys. We really want her just to look at us differently. Right now, she looks at us as a friend. When we're
around, she feels like we're a friend. So when we make a move, when we escalate whether it works or
not, remember that's not our goal. Hey, it's great if it does. When we make that move she looks at us
differently, she thinks about us in a different light, in a more attractive light, because we've made this
bold move.

Yeah, absolutely. This goes back to what Bobby and I explain about the rules. You're playing by a certain
set of rules by not escalating. She expects that of you. If you're in the friend zone, if you have a girl in
your social circle, if you have some kind of established relationship with a girl that you're not having sex
with, ultimately she is not expecting you to make a move on her because it's not in the rule book.

The rule book isn't, "Oh, we make moves on each other or we hook up," it's that we have a platonic
relationship. So like 60's saying, when you actually make that move it's essentially breaking a very, very
important rule of the relationship so you can re-establish a better dynamic and a better sexual

Yeah, you're absolutely right. And again, but then we've gotta get into why are guys not making this
move? Because the pressure is on that it has to work. What we're saying to guys is just make that move.
I don't care if it doesn't work. Like you said, we're looking to break the rules, redefine the relationship,
redefine the frame. That is what happens when you make a move. Not it worked or it didn't work, let's
save that for a little bit later. Let's break the rule, redefine the relationship, and then work on making
those moves work. Just doing it is more attractive.

That's a great point and that's a great way to Segway right into our first question or the first tactic that I
wanted to ask you. Say a guy is interacting with a girl, say she's in the social circle, it's a friend zone
situation, and he's got her in a one-on-one situation. Not necessarily on a date or anything like that, or
maybe it is a date, but let's just say theoretically it's any kind of situation where him and the girl are
talking one-on-one. They're face to face but they're in a situation where he cannot have sex with her. It's
just simply they start getting the wheels in motion, so to speak. What would you recommend this guy
does first in regards to physical escalation?

Okay, so before you do anything in life with girls or anything, you need to have a goal. So what's our
goal? Like we said, this is getting out of the friend zone, but really specifically we want to change the
rules, change the frame. So how do we do that? We wanna change the vibe. So basically up to this point,
you've been interacting with this girl, your friend at work or school, and it's been more of a friendly type
of vibe. So what we need to do is change that to a more sexually charged interaction, so that's what we
wanna do.

One of the main mistakes guys make is they think, "Alright, I gotta get out of the friend zone." They think
it's gonna be some big move they make and then they're out or, "I confessed my feelings and now I'm
out." It's not really about big moves. It's really about slowly taking your time and changing that dynamic.
It's not gonna happen with one big lunge in for a kiss. So we wanna change that frame, we wanna
change the vibe.

So now we have to get into specific tactics. How are we gonna change this vibe with a girl? Like you said,
when you're one-on-one, date or not, this is a great opportunity for you to change the way that you
interact. So let's get into the first tactic. Before I do, I just wanted to say that all these tactics are perfect
because we all know when it's your special girl, it can be scary to make a move so I've developed all
these tactics. I call it invisible escalation. So everything you're doing, she really can't be sure that you're
doing it, so it really gives you unlimited chances to turn her on and change the vibe.

Yeah, I love that and it's so true. Any guy that's been in that situation knows, or any guy that's gotten
out of the friend zone especially, knows that it's not the big move that changes the dynamic, and so
much of this course is based around changing psychologically, mentally the way she's looking at you, the
way she's interacting with you, and now it's time to change the way that she physically interacts with
you as well.

Absolutely. So all these tactics, like we said, are invisible so you don't have to worry about being
rejected. Because like we said, at the bar you maybe have confidence. You could just lunge at a girl for a
kiss, you don't care. This is your special girl, so this is a little bit different.

So tactic number one I call seductive listening. Now, a lot of guys don't think listening would be a way to
attract a woman, but it's actually a really good way to get her turned on. Now here's the good news. As
her friend, you've probably been listening to her for probably the last weeks or months or even a year,
whether her problems or what's going on in her life, so you have been listening and that's why she likes
you, but the problem is you've been listening the wrong way and that's why she likes you as a friend.

So you wanna change up the way you listen and I call it seductive listening, and this is a tactic that's
going to change the vibe between you and her. So what is seductive listening? Now, how does a guy
usually listen to a girl talk? We can do an example, like if you wanna pretend you're a girl and I'll be the
guy. Just talk about your day.

Okay, so this morning I woke up.

Oh my God.

I had a cup of coffee.

That's so crazy.

It was pretty delicious.

Oh, nice. That's so funny.

I called you up so we could schedule this interview.

That's great.

Set up this little studio with-
You're hilarious.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

So you know how a guy, if you've ever watched a guy from a distance interact with a girl, he looks like
he's just fawning over her, kissing her ass, agreeing with everything she says.

Yeah, the bobble head doll. The "Oh, oh, oh!"

The bobble head. "Oh yeah, oh my God, so funny."

Yeah, yeah.

So we all do it and we don't even realize we're doing it.


The thing is, it's very social. Like we said, we want to set this specific vibe, this seductive situation. So all
you have to do is make a little change to the way you listen. So basically it's pretty easy. You just limit
the amount of, like we said, the bobble head moves and the throwaway statements like, "Oh, that's so
funny," and you just listen to her in more of a seductive, just staring kind of way and kind of take her in.

And that makes the mood a little more serious, adds a little tension to the conversation, and makes her
a little uncomfortable. Now if you're thinking at home, "Why would I wanna make her uncomfortable?
She's my friend." Well, that's the thing. With friends, you're my friend. We wanna make the friendship
comfortable. I come over here, you wanna make me feel comfortable. "Do you want a beer, Do you
want a drink?"

"Get you a cup of coffee?" Yeah.

With a girl, it's different, guys. You want her to feel a little uncertainty, a little bit of tension, especially
sexual tension. You want her to be unsure about what's going on, so this is why we do this.
Definitely, and that goes back to a lot of stuff we've been talking about in this course is that, like you're
saying, her feeling comfortable is exactly why you're in the situation you're in in the first place. So to get
out of it, like you said, getting her to feel uncomfortable, getting her to feel tension is very, very good.
The guys who excite her and the guys who turn her on are not the guys who are fawning over her,
bobble head dolling everything she's saying. They're the guys that you're saying, who even ...

What I really like about what you're saying is that even when you're listening to her in that way and
you're just looking at her and you're not giving her any kind of feedback, it kind of spins the wheels in
her head. She's like, "Wait a minute, is he judging me? Is he angry? Is he upset? Is he jealous? Is he
turned ..."

You're not basically tipping your hand, but when you're just going, "Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, ha ha, oh yeah
yeah," it's like you're tipping your hand. You're showing her that like, "Oh, I totally agree with everything
you're saying. I'm giving you all my validation," whereas when you're doing what you're saying, you're
scaling it back a little bit. Now it introduces that element of mystique, that intrigue that's really going to
put her on edge but in a very, very good way.

Exactly. Well that's the beauty of seductive listening. You're not doing anything mean. See, a lot of the
tactics guys use to get girls, whether teasing them, and whether that works or not, the thing is she can
pretend that she's upset or that you offended her or the friendship. When you listen, girls love when
guys listen to them. The thing was, you were just doing it the wrong way.

So it's really a double bonus. You're turning her on and you're listening to her, which girls love. Because
if you're gonna go the other way and try to talk to her and convince her to like you, you know that's
never gonna work.


You already blew your chance for that. It's time to do something that's under the radar and pretty much
invisible, and still turns her on.

Awesome, I love it.

So let me be a little bit more specific about that, just how to do it. Because I know guys will be thinking,
"Well alright, listen. Alright, you told me to not bobble my head a lot. What do you do?" Heres an easy
way to think about how to do it. It's 50% looking at her like I wanna bang you, so you give her your best I
wanna bang you look, and it's 50% I'm screening you. So it is a mix, and this is super duper important
because the guys who look at girls like I wanna bang you are a dime a dozen. You know the player type.


Like, "Oh, I'm gonna fuck you."

"What up girl? What up girl?"

"What up, girl on the street." Now why doesn't that work? Because there's no challenge. There's no
element of I'm qualifying you. Are you good enough for me? So when you put those two things together,
I wanna fuck the shit out of you but I'm not sure about you yet. When you put those two facial
expressions together it's very powerful and you'll start to turn her on.

Alright, so now a guy has been listening to woman. She's talking to him. He's using a little bit of the
seductive listening on her, and what does he do next?

Alright, so that's step one is seductive listening. So you're thinking, "What should I be doing?" I'm gonna
first tell you, start listening but do it the right way like we talked about. So now things are already
starting to change and the wheels are in motion. So the next thing a guy, we're always worried about is,
like we were talking about before, "How can I change the feeling? I want her feelings for me to change."
That's what we've been talking about this whole course. The funny thing is, it's actually the opposite of
what you would think. You have to change the feeling inside yourself first and then her feelings start to
change. So it's really a mind trip for guys but you have to get more in the sexual mode yourself and then
that's gonna transfer to her.

Now think about this. When you're hanging out with your friends, it's always a different interaction. It's
50/50. You may have a friend that's more adventurous. When you meet up with that friend, you do wild
stuff that you normally wouldn't do. Why? Because he has more of an adventurous vibe. So not that
you're fake, but you change yourself a little to hang out wit him. And you'll have another friend that's
more quiet and likes to read. Now, when you hang out with that guy you change a little bit because the
vibe is 50/50 when two people hang out.

You're not holding up your end of the bargain, because her end of the bargain might be, "Well, we're
just friends," but what are you doing on your end? You need to be more sexual. You need to feel more
sexual. So like we said at the beginning, if you can get yourself into the head space where you wanna
bang her, that's the first step.
Yeah, yeah I like that.

To feel more excited, more aroused by her. So that's gonna be the first thing, and it's harder than you
think so you need to get that down. What we talked about was the magic mindset. So number two is
you want to feel more sexual, so how would you do that? How would you influence her mood? How
would you influence her emotions? Well, basically you wanna use visualization.

So here you are, you're listening to her talk about her day, talk about the guy that she likes, not you, and
in your mind you wanna be thinking, there's so many different things you could use, but you could
imagine kissing her. You can imagine what she may look like naked, all the things you're not doing
because you're just happy to be there kind of thing.

You should get yourself more turned on and what starts to happen is since a vibe can be transferred
from one person to another, if you've ever been around someone who's depressed for some reason you
start feeling depressed, when you start feeling more sexual, start visualizing more sexual things, she
starts to feel it. But she won't know why and the best part is, she's gonna think it was her idea. "Why all
of a sudden am I feeling so sexual around this guy when usually he just feels like a friend?" So now
you're combining two powerful things, the seductive listening with the look, that kind of sexually
charged vibe but she doesn't know why, and now the tide is starting to turn a little bit in your favor.

I love that and I've definitely used that tactic on many dates because like you said, and I think it does
actually go back to science where there are these mirror neurons where if someone feels a certain
emotion, it's almost like you give off this ... I don't know, I guess for lack of a better term, radiation that
the other person picks up on and it influences their neurons, because you know so much of as a human
species that the way we interact with each other is dictated by the person we're interacting with. So like
you said, if you hold up your end of the bargain and then you start projecting that sexual vibe, she's
gonna pick it up as well so it really does change things in a way, almost like a Jedi mind trick without
ever having to come out and do anything overtly bold.

Right, and the best part is, like we said, she's gonna think she thought of it. She's gonna think, "Why am I
all of a sudden feeling so sexual?" So again, this is the second step of invisible escalation. You're not
doing anything, you're not saying anything, but at the same time you're influencing her emotions, which
really gets you on the right path.

Okay, so you've given two really great invisible escalation strategies, things that guys can do, just throw
it in totally under the radar without her noticing, but now let's get into some actual physical escalation.
Now how can they transition that vibe from it being a non-physical escalation strategy into the physical
Right, well Rob, the first thing we've gotta think about is why, again, are we escalating? You need a goal.
So the first two invisible escalation tactics were to get those emotions going, to get her feeling sexually
turned on. The real goal of escalation, which people really don't think about, is to make that feeling you
created official when it's there. So once you create it, you wanna capitalize on it. Now if you just met up
with a girl and she didn't like you and she went to kiss her, what would happen? Nothing. She doesn't
feel anything for you. And if you tried to kiss her at a moment where she still thought of you as a friend,
what would happen?


You get rejected.


Now the beautiful part is we've created these emotions. She's starting to get turned on. She's looking at
us differently. This is the time we can make that move and get her. So really it's not about, like we talked
about, if it gets accepted or not or this happens. We've created the feeling, now we wanna make it
official. So how do you make attraction official and real, like have a real mutual connection?

Well, one of the best moves that you can do, and first before we get into it, I just wanna say a little side
thing. We both know you're not gonna try to kiss her right off the bat. It's gonna be too scary. Even I
have been scared with girls I really like to kiss her. It's scary to lunge in. It's scary to go for a girl's lips. So
what's easier? Go for her hands.

Now the hands are a very special place on the body where a lot of connection is made between two
people. You see it in movies all the time. How do these couples hook up for the first time? Their hands
kind of wander and they kind of brush against each other and they start caressing each other's hands
and holding hands, so instead of thinking, "Oh, I've gotta make the big move. I gotta go for the kiss,"
think about going for her hands instead to try to test if there's any chemistry there and make it official if
it is.

Now another great thing is, are you gonna get more chances to go for a kiss or more chances to go for
grabbing her hand?

Yeah. No, obviously the hand wins 100 times to one to the kiss.
Exactly. If you go for the kiss and it doesn't work, you're gonna be deflated. It's this big thing. She might
even have the talk with you after, 'I don't feel that way about you." But if you go for the hand, especially
use some of the stealth techniques that we use, you're gonna be in a better position.

Yeah, it's like Teflon.


She can't really pin anything to it because it's very under the radar. It's very innocuous. It's very not a big
deal. It's just, you know ...

It's just her hand.


So let's think about different tactics we can use to go for this. So one of the first things you wanna do is
actually when you're interacting with her get a little closer than you normally would. That's only gonna
amplify the vibe that's already there. Now, if there's a sexual vibe and we're this far away, it's gonna be
strong but it's not as gonna be strong as if you're leaning in and a little closer to her. Everything's gonna
feel better. The best part is, she's feeling tension. Now when you're feeling tension, we talked about
being comfortable and feeling tension before, when you're feeling tension what do you need at the end
of the day?

Oh, a release.

A release of that tension. So you wanna use your move, your going to grab her hand, as the means to
release some of that tension she feels. It's like, "What's going on? I'm feeling turned on. I usually don't
feel this way toward him. It's kind of mysterious. I don't know. It's uncertain," and then the hand comes
out and the girl just wants to grab it and put it at ease, and feel that you like her and she likes you when
you have that connection.


Now, we admit, it's still gonna be a little bit scary, so there's different things you can use. So one of the
things that I recommend for the first time you try it, when you're leaving, so this is great. So if it doesn't
work, at least you're leaving and it doesn't have to be awkward. So when you say goodbye to someone,
you usually say, "Alright, I'm outta here, Jennifer," or whoever it is. What you wanna do when you touch
hands with her, don't pull your hand away, okay? See if she pulls her hand away, because if she wants to
keep holding your hand because she's feeling this towards you, she's not gonna pull away. So we're not
saying hold on tight for dear life. We're just saying don't pull away first.

Yeah, it's almost like the game of chicken.


It's like [inaudible 00:23:27] students all the time, it's when they introduce themselves, it's like they do
the business handshake and it's like, "Okay, nice meeting you," you know. And you can see it, the girl
wanted that caress to go on longer because, like you said, it's a release. A woman is never gonna come
out and say, "Oh, I like you," or very rarely does that happen when a woman would just come out and
professes her feelings. It's much more subtle. It's much more under the radar. It's much more spoken in
a language that most guys don't speak, and what you're essentially teaching with the handshake or the
hand caress and everything you've been talking about is you're translating to these guys how they could
speak that language of sexual communication.

Bingo, Rob just hit on it. It's not about you escalating on her. It's about making her feel comfortable
enough to enjoy a moment with you. We're making her feel comfortable. Lunge for the kiss? Not feeling
comfortable. This is weird. We're friends. Go for the hands. She can feel more comfortable engaging
with that with you and that's really what escalation in this sense is about, making her feel more

Now from a pickup scenario like you talked about, the introduction handshake is great. We both know
you're not gonna do it in this scenario. The reason we do it when we're leaving, instead the intro I
almost call it the outro because you wanna do it and if it doesn't work, it's not gonna be a big rejection.
You're not even gonna know because nothing is said. It's not really a big deal like a kiss. You're gonna go
for it. You're not gonna pull your hand away. If it works, great, it's on. If it doesn't, she kind of pulls her
hand away. You know what? We're just gonna try again next time going for those hands.

We're never gonna confess our feelings and we're never gonna go for the kiss until she holds onto our
hand and then we'll know with 100% certainty that we can kiss her. Because if you're holding someone's
hand, it's like you're a team. You're working together. You're not gonna reject a guy when you're already
holding his hand, caressing his hand. That's when you go for the kiss and that's when you really solidify
everything that you've been building over time with your tension.
I love it, yeah. No, no that's spot on.

I just wanna say one thing that's really important in all of this is that, like we said, these tactics are
invisible and something like I call the Groundhog's Day effect. I don't know if you've seen the movie
Groundhog's Day.

Oh, yeah.

It's like the same day over and over. The guy's trying to get it right.


This is what this is like. You don't wanna be officially rejected, so every day you just keep trying again
and again to get her turned on, and you're not being officially rejected because you're not saying
anything and you're not doing anything. And eventually, you will get this girl into bed and make her your

No, I agree. I agree that it's all about whereas I think when you're going out to a bar or a nightclub to
pick a girl up or in the daytime, you wanna stand out. You wanna be very bold, you wanna make that
bold move, make a statement, make her remember you, and stand out from all the other guys that
might approach her. But in this situation, in this scenario, it requires way more finesse. It's way more of
a sort of a chess game where you have to be more cognizant of what you're doing. But like you said, it's
smaller moves. It's less risk, less overt, less boldness, and because it's less boldness, it allows you to
really, really perfect what you're doing.

Absolutely, and you get so many chances, which is great, so you can really work on this girl and over
time it will make her feel like it was her idea that she was attracted to you and it really works well.

Alright, so what's next?

Alright, so up to this point it's great. You're probably pretty happy, especially if she's reciprocated that
attraction towards you. So things are looking rally good now. You should definitely be excited, but now
is a tricky part. So although up to this point, what have you been doing? I've given you some invisible
escalation moves, but if we wrap it all up what you've been doing, you've been sending out the vibe, "I
wanna fuck you," and the reason that you got into the friend zone is because you were putting out the
vibe, "I don't wanna fuck you. I wanna be friends with you."

So you've been doing things to set out this vibe to her, signals, "I wanna fuck you. I wanna fuck you. I
wanna fuck you," and that's great. It puts you in a different light. It puts you in a different box. It's where
you always wanna be with women. It's where you usually are with women until you fucked up with this
girl and you didn't do that, and it's what you usually do.

So now we're back on track. We've sent out the vibe, "I wanna fuck you." The thing is, that's not good
enough. You need to verbalize that your interest in her is sexual. You really wanna make no doubt about
it, "I wanna fuck you," so you're really gonna have to verbalize that. And I don't mean say crass stuff like,
"Listen, I'm gonna take you in the back and fuck." It doesn't have to be that.


You just need to let her know, because even though you're vibing it you still need to let her know 100%
certain, "I want to have sex with you," and it can be something as simple as saying, "Hey, let's go back to
my place right now." I don't want you to think this is some grandiose thing you have to do. You just have
to reveal that your interest is sexual. And kind of like we talked about before, it really doesn't matter if it
works or not. She might say, "No, I have to go to my friend's house," or, "No, I can't." But what have you
done? What have you opened up at this point, you know?

Yeah, yeah. No, that's so true is that by articulating it, again and you're not being overt about it. You're
not saying, "Hey I wanna get you back to my place and fuck you." Kind of like what me and Bobby spoke
about in earlier modules. Even saying something as simple as, "Let's go back to ..." What I usually like to
say is, "Oh, let's go to Club Rob, awesome after hours bar up the block. I'll have some margaritas. I know
everyone there. DJ plays all my favorite songs. I pass out there." And again what I'm saying essentially is
we're going back to my place but you're doing it in kind of a fun way and the reason that we add the
flirtiness, that funness to the invitation back to your place is because it allows her to get comfortable
with the idea.

At this point she probably wants to act on it. She probably does wanna go back to your place with you
but she doesn't wanna feel slutty. She doesn't wanna feel judged. She wants you to take that
responsibility of making it acceptable for her to come back to your place. So exactly what you're saying,
if you came right out and said, "Hey, let's go back to my place. I got some condoms ready," she can't say
yes. No matter how much she wants to say yes to that, because you created a situation where she's
gonna feel like she's being judged. She's feeling slutty. She doesn't feel comfortable allowing herself to
let go and just enjoy that moment.

Whereas if you're saying something as subtle as, "Hey, let's just whatever, go back to my place," for
whatever reason. And usually adding a reason, whether it's funny, not funny, whatever reason you
wanna add, just by giving her a little bit to just latch onto to say, "Okay, I could feel comfortable about
doing this." That's really all you need.

Right. Absolutely, and those things are totally great. And like we said, it's a bonus if it works. Goal one,
get it out there that your interest in her is sexual. Leave no doubt. Remember, we're trying to get out of
the friend zone here. So just by doing this, we win. She knows now. "Oh yeah, it's great that he was
sending out the vibe he wants to fuck me. No, it's for real now. He wants to fuck me," and whether she
agrees to it the first time, again remember no big moves, we're taking our time, we're not rushing into
rejection. We're gonna make it work. Just by getting it out there that you wanna fuck her, you win.

So don't be nervous like, "Alright, here it goes!" Because a lot of times we get nervous. Alright, the thing
about rejection is even after a girl likes you, you could still be scared of rejection. It's like, "Okay, we're
kissing. We're holding hands," Does that mean rejection, you're not scared any more?


No, you're still scared because every step on the chart you're gonna be nervous again, so you need to
take that pressure off and just realize get that out there that you do wanna fuck her and then don't
worry about what happens, because that's just our first goal.

Yeah. Yeah, that's a great point.

Now the second part is is more a mindset for yourself. And this took me a while to learn, it's more of an
advanced concept, but you have to realize that her interest in you is sexual. Now you've revealed that
your interest in her is sexual, but sometimes as guys we don't realize that when girls like us, that means
they wanna fuck us. Do you understand? It's like you're like, "Oh, she likes me. She thinks I'm cool. She
likes to hang out with me."

No, she wants to fuck you. She wants to get naked and fuck you. Just understanding that in your mind
really helps you because then you're like, "This is going down. This is gonna happen." So it's more an
inner game thing, but getting that through your head that her interest in you is sexual and letting her
know that your interest in her is sexual is really the next step in getting you to the bedroom.

Okay, so everything you've said so far makes a lot of sense, and in an ideal world any guy is just gonna
listen to this section of the course, go out and apply what you said, and it's gonna work. And in a lot of
cases it probably will work. But now there are definitely gonna be cases where a guy follows the steps to
a T, does everything correctly, and the girl is still not responding the way he wants her to. What would
you say to that guy?

Well, yeah. I think one word would sum it up when you get to that point, and that is persistence, okay?
And we all know being persistent ... We're not born persistent people. It's something we're kind of
uncomfortable with. We don't like being pushy. At least me, I'm more of a laid back guy. But when it
comes to getting women and getting them into bed, you're gonna have to learn to be a little bit

So if you wanna start small, always start with asking twice. So let's say you went to a store and you said,
"Hey, can I use the bathroom?" And they said, "No, sorry buddy. Bathroom's closed." A normal guy
would say, "Oh, okay," tail between his legs, walk off. You wanna get comfortable doing stuff like,
"Come on, man. Can I just use the bathroom?" "Alright, you can use it." So as you see, when you asked
the second time it actually worked.

Now you can use the same thing on women. You don't wanna give up after one try, and I have a theory
called the persistence reward ratio. The further you get into the interaction, the more persistent you
wanna be because the reward is higher. Now when you approach a woman and she tells you to go fuck
off, how persistent are you gonna be? Because what's the reward if she talks to you? Oh wow, I'm
talking to a girl. It's not a big reward. Asking a girl for her phone number you might do once or twice,
even if you get it, you got the phone number. But now we're asking her or trying to get her back to our
place, what's the reward for that?

Yeah, it's massive. Massive.

Fucking awesome. It's maximum.


So you wanna use the most persistence as you get near the end, not as much persistence at the
beginning. So people have it all messed up. They're very persistent in the beginning, "I wanna get this
girl to talk to me, talk to me, talk to me." There's no reward for that. But there's a big ass reward for
getting her alone because you're gonna get her naked and she's gonna end up being your girlfriend. So
that's the persistence reward ratio, so that's one thing to keep in mind.

Yeah, that's awesome. I never even thought of it that way, but that's really an interesting way to spin on
it because you are so right. And Bobby and I talk about this in some of the other modules, but I can't
remember any time where I've said to a girl first time, I said, "Hey let's go back to my place," or
whatever, I invited her back and she said immediately, "Oh, okay, sure. Yeah, let's go."

It's always, "Oh no, I can't. I have to be up tomorrow," blah blah blah. And it's like I almost expect to
hear the no when I ask. When I ask the first five times, I expect to hear the no. A lot of times it takes
between 10 to 15 times of asking and again, not asking in a pushy way. You're not like, "Oh, come on.
Come on, let's go back." You just drop it, talk about something else, and then you ask again a couple
minutes later. It's just not a big deal, and getting into that mindset where persistence is okay and it's
actually attractive is something I just think a lot of guys never make that intuitive leap.

Right, just like we talked about escalation is attractive, persistence is also attractive as long as you don't
react to it in a pouty way. Which means she says no, and you start to sulk. Then it becomes unattractive,
then persistence goes into being needy. You never wanna try to convince somebody. Say we had a
disagreement about politics or something, okay? And I wanted to try to get you on my side, my point of
view. If I try to convince you and try to change your mind, what are you gonna do? You're gonna harden
your position against me.

So if a girl says, "You know, no. My friends are here. I don't feel like going home," you're not gonna say,
"Come on, your friends aren't gonna care. You're gonna come home with me." That's being a little bit
needy, a little bit pushy. If you just say, "Okay, cool," wait a few minutes and then ask again. So you can
be as persistent as you wanna be as long as you're not needy about it, as long as you don't try to
convince her or trick her or do any of those things. Just say, "Hey, cool." Like you said, it might take five,
it might take 10 times, but eventually she's gonna come around to your way of thinking.

Oh, absolutely, and this translates. The more you get this mindset the better you're gonna do with
women because I have a friend Zach, and I remember there was a night out where he tried to kiss a girl,
he counted, 32 times before she even kissed him. But he just kept trying. Really the rule is as long as
she's in front of you and she's not outwardly telling you to stop, she's enjoying it. And a lot of guys don't
get that. They think, "Oh, no. She's saying no. She's not enjoying it." They're not speaking that sexual
communication language, but when you speak that language where you understand that yeah,
outwardly she might be saying no.

On the surface there's a no, but underneath there's that sexual communication where she's like, "I like
this. This is a game." This is what's fun to her. It's a chase, it's like the [inaudible 00:36:34] pursuer
relationship and the more that you learn to enjoy that and get comfortable hearing the ... I wouldn't
even consider them no's, hearing the not yet. That's really what she's saying when she's saying, "Oh no, I
can't. Oh, I have to be up early tomorrow for work. Oh, I have to go meet Jenny." Whatever it is, it's
really she's not saying no. She's just saying not yet.
I think what everyone needs to realize is getting the girl alone back to your place is the hardest step. You
need to be persistent about this. It's really hard. You can't be laid back, and it's hard maybe for guys like
us because at the beginning, girls are attracted to us because we're kind of laid back and we're kind of
cool and we take it slow, and girls become attracted to you when you're like that. They're like, "Oh this
guy isn't chasing me. This guy isn't all over me. I like him," but then you get to this phase when you have
to get her home, you've gotta become a different guy. You've gotta be persistent.

You might not be comfortable with that either, but you have to be that guy. And I like to think of it is like
this, you're temporarily sacrificing a lot of the value that you've built. So she might look at you like, "Oh,
this guy's awesome. I really like him. But then he's asking me a lot to go home, go home." Your value
might dip a little bit, but once you get her home and you guys have sex, the value goes right back up so
you have to not be scared to temporarily sacrifice a little bit of that value you built.

And at least I know with me, for a while I couldn't do that. It was like I always wanted her to see me as
this coolest guy that could do no wrong, who never got a no. I get from point A to point B in a pickup
without hearing no once, so I never get rejected at all, but we know that's impossible. So have to get
that rejection.

In fact, one thing I often tell guys, and just the way I think about it, is if you ever go from that point A to
point B without any kind of rejection, without any kind of friction, with nothing, probably you waited too
long to get to point B. If the first time you go to kiss a girl and she just immediately kisses you, it's not
good game. It's actually bad game because probably you waited so long to kiss her that she's so
attracted that she's like, "When is he finally gonna kiss me?" Whereas if you had started way earlier, you
could have kissed her way earlier in the interaction but you just might have had to hit a couple speed
bumps first.

Along the way, yeah.

Yeah, exactly. The idea with Unlock Her Legs is when you start going through the different sequence of
things that Bobby and I are having these guys do, essentially there is a window of opportunity that
opens up and you wanna maximize that window of opportunity, so you wanna get her home alone and
have sex with her as soon as possible. You don't wanna be putzing around wondering, "Oh, is this okay?
Is she gonna reject me? Am I gonna hear a no?" Who gives a fuck.

You have to just man up and go for it. Yeah, you might hear, "No, not yet," a couple times but like you
said, that is really where the game is at, that's where the sexual communication is, and that's really
what's gonna get these guys home with her as quickly as possible. Whether the image in their head of
them being this big player, laid back, pimp guy is in tact or not really doesn't matter. What matters is
you're home with her naked, having sex with her.

Exactly, it's such a contradiction because like we said at the beginning, the laid back guy is the attractive
guy. That's what attracts women. You're cool, you're not needy, you're laid back. But as it gets towards
the end, it's the persistent guy that's attractive because you might be looked at if you're like, "Yeah,
blasé blah, I'll get her home, maybe I won't." Guess what? She's gonna look at your differently. "This guy
can't make it happen. This guy's not a sexual threat. This guy can't get me into bed." That's where the
persistent guy comes into play, so you really have to change up your strategy a little bit and become
more that guy who makes it happen, who gets her into bed, because she's not gonna just walk right into
your bedroom. You have to make it happen, and you can.

Alright, so now theoretically we have the girl home. She's back at our place. But we both know that that
doesn't necessarily mean sex is definitely gonna happen. There's a very high probability it's gonna
happen, but it's like being at the 10 yard line or being in the red zone in the football game. It's not
guaranteed yet. So now what advice would you give to a guy to absolutely solidify that, to make sure
that he runs it in for those last 10 yards, he doesn't fumble at the one yard line, that he scores the girl?

Yeah, those last 10 yards can be really hard because here we are. We are so close to having sex with this
girl. Not just a girl, the girl we really like, the girl we really, really want. And we know, like we said
before, you wanna make her your girlfriend, you have to fuck her, so we can't back out now. We're here.
We've gotten to this point. We've got to get her. But like we said before, at every phase of a pickup or
seduction, you're still afraid of rejection.

So it's not like you get this girl back to your house and you're like, "Oh, I'm not afraid any more." No,
because you can still feel like you're being rejected. Maybe you're gonna make a move on her and she's
gonna tell you to stop, things like that. So you're still a little bit afraid so you need a foolproof plan to
make sure you sleep with that girl. So the good news is the things that we've been doing leading up to
the point to get this girl home are actually gonna help us once we walk in the door with her. What have
we been doing? We're building sexual tension. We're building that chemistry.

It starts to build and build and build and she's getting excited. Now remember, we haven't even kissed
her yet most times, so she's still dying for that first kiss. We haven't even done anything that overt yet so
she's really pent up and wants to go at it. Now why is this so great? Because, and I'm sure you've
realized this with girls you've brought home, the best option when you get alone with a girl is for both of
you to be going at it ...

Oh, yeah.

... right off the bat where you're escalating on each other. She's ripping at your shirt and you're taking
off your jacket, pants are down, you don't even know what happened. You wake up 20 minutes later
and you're just like, "We just had sex. What the hell just happened?" That is the perfect scenario and
that's why we build tension. I'm sure you have experience with that.

Oh, absolutely. No, no, and I know exactly what you're talking about when you just have that, especially
with girls when there's so much tension built up. And it's funny, as you were telling that story, I
immediately thought back to an ex-girlfriend of mine the first time we had sex and it was funny because
the reason we ended up in that situation where we were tearing each other's clothes off and just going
at each other was because I was so persistent with her. I remember for two hours I was trying to get her
back to my place and we were going back and forth and we had this sexual dynamic, and finally it was
just so much tension had built up that the only way to release it was to go back to my place and just
have shirt tearing sex.


It's just the logical conclusion to everything that you've talked about leading up to this point.

So that's what we wanna do. We wanna build tension. We've given you some tactics for that, and
another one we could throw in there is try to hold off on kissing her until you get her alone. See, what
we've noticed is the first time, and I'm sure you have too, that you kiss a girl there's so much electricity
and so much power that you just start, like you said, tearing at each other and going at it. But what's the
problem if you do that at a bar? What happens? You have to stop.


You're going at it crazy like, "Oh, we're in public. Can't do anymore." Now when you do that a few times
at the bar, you're really losing all that power that you wanna save for when you're alone. Because if you
can kiss her for the first time and all that passion and excitement and tension and the clothes start flying
off, now you've taken her past what I call the arousal point of no return where she is just so turned on
that she is gonna have sex with you.

And if you wanna think of it from a male point of view, it's like if you've ever looked at pornography,
there's a certain point where you're looking at images of girls where you're like, "Well I'm doing it
because I'm so turned on." Someone could walk in and you're like, "Alright, you gotta leave. This is
happening." That's the girl equivalent. She's so turned on. She wants you so bad. It's happening, and
that puts all the resistance to rest.
And one thing I just wanted to point out too is in terms of having different styles of seduction, see my
style is to kiss the girl maybe in the bar situation or in a situation where, like you said, sex isn't
necessarily possible, and while maybe my style is different, I agree with what you're saying. Because
when I kiss a girl in a bar or I kiss her for the first time, in a situation where maybe we're not back at my
place, but if we kiss for that first time, I'm not gonna sit there and start making out with her and have
this long drawn out kiss. I'm gonna kiss her maybe for like two or three seconds and then break it,
because even though stylistically I'm doing something a little bit different than what you're suggesting,
it's the same principle.

Because even though you might kiss her a little bit in the bar, it's not deflating all that attention so that
when we do go back to my place, the end of the night comes and we are alone and there is that
opportunity to have sex, there's still enough tension boiling. And I agree with you that if you don't kiss
her at all, you'll probably have the most tension, but I just [inaudible 00:45:02] throw that kiss out there
because I just feel like sometimes when you kiss a girl for the first time, it allows her to invest even a
little bit more into you.

Just like kind of like when you get a girl's phone number in a pickup, a lot of times I'll ask for a girl's
phone number very early on because when a girl gives her phone number, even thought it's a small
thing, it's just a little bit more of an investment in you. She's acts a little bit more invested. You're not
just a guy talking to her, now you're a guy who's talking to her who has her phone number. So it's like
with a girl that maybe you're trying to hook up with, now you're not just guy that she's hanging out with.
You're a guy she's hanging out with who she's already kissed. So again, and one of the things I like
talking to you, why I like doing these interviews with you, is because me and you do have different styles
but everything that you're saying I absolutely agree with.

Yeah, I don't want people to think it's a hard rule. I hate hard rules, first of all. You can't kiss her at the
bar. I think it's just more understanding the concept of you wanna keep that tension high so when you
walk in the door, you go at it, it's mutual escalation. Whether that be hold off on the kissing, breaking a
little early, not doing as much, just realize that's one tool that you can use to get that. And we'll also be
building sexual tension other ways, in the way we're looking at her, the dirty thoughts running through
our minds, so all that stuff plays in. I don't want guys to think, "Oh, this is the rule and you can't break
it," but just always keep that in mind. The more sexual tension you have when you walk in that door, the
easier it's gonna be to get her clothes off.

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

So what happens if we go in and we don't have that mutual tension going at it? What's that next
scenario that we have? I call it the guy on the couch. We've all been there. The guy who you're laying
down watching a movie and you're trying to turn her on, maybe I'm gonna give her a little massage, and
she's trying to stop you. We've all been there. It's the worst, right? It's not as good as just going at it.

So what happens in that situation? You kind of get like, "Oh man, this isn't working," and now the
wheels start spinning. You're like, "I'm being rejected. She doesn't like me." So you need a backup plan if
that's not working, because what you're trying to do, you're trying to turn her on and it's not working. So
should you give up at this point or should you try a different scenario?

So what I like to tell guys is if that's not working, you trying to turn her on, there's a possibility that
maybe she would rather just pleasure you. She doesn't want to do anything tonight, because sometimes
girls aren't in the mood to do stuff. That doesn't mean you should just give up. There's an opportunity
for her to maybe work on you because remember, this is a crucial situation.

We want something to happen tonight. We're getting out of the friend zone. We've created a traction,
we wanna solidify it. So you also wanna try and see if maybe she'll do something with you. If you wanna
be specific, maybe she does wanna give you a blow job. Maybe she does wanna please you in some way.
You can't rule out that opportunity, so you have to make it comfortable. Kind of like we said with
grabbing her hand and giving her the comfort to touch you, you wanna give her the opportunity to
pleasure you.

Yeah, that's a great point. One thing I'm very cognizant of whenever I bring a girl back to my place is
where her comfort level is at. And like you said, the ideal situation is that we get back and she's very
comfortable with just going at it, but a lot of the times, especially with a girl that you don't know very
well, which again isn't really the case so much in this situation, but we'll just say this is a girl that she
doesn't feel totally comfortable when you get back to your place, so she still is a little uneasy about it. A
lot of times, I'll just like to relax.

Again, we have this concept in the course called garbage time, which the guys listening obviously know
what it is, where it's essentially like the first like 20 to 30 minutes of a date or face-to-face interaction,
it's just kind of garbage time. You just kind of throw it away because people are just getting comfortable.
They're so concerned with the way they're coming off, they're not really paying attention to what you're
doing. So a lot of what you're gonna do in that first 20 minutes is kind of just garbage anyway, so there's
no reason to put a lot of pressure on yourself to hug her or be all aggressive.

And I feel like that garbage time is also applies when you get a girl back for the first time. She's not
necessarily immediately comfortable getting sexual with you, you can look at that first like 10, 15
minutes of her being back at your place, just let her get comfortable. Let her get comfortable in the
environment. It's very daunting for someone to walk into someone's apartment for the first time, even if
she's been friends with you for a while. She's walking into your apartment or your house or your
bedroom or your dorm room, wherever it is, under a completely different pretext now.

Before, she was there as your buddy. Now, she feels that sexual tension and she's walking in as a girl
who potentially is gonna get naked in this environment, someone that's gonna have sex very shortly. So
let her get comfortable with that idea. And so many guys try to rush her into it and escalate too fast. If
she's not reciprocating, you really have to scale yourself back a little bit and be just be like, "Okay, let me
let her get comfortable first and then escalate," because if you just try to almost force her into it, first of
all that borders on rape and secondly it's just not an effective way to seduce women and have any kind
of meaningful sex or relationship afterwards.

Yeah, absolutely. It feels great having options. Like you said, the preferred option is the mutual going at
it. Great, nothing to worry about. The second option, hey, I'm gonna try to turn this girl on. When we get
comfortable, I'm gonna try to massage her a little bit, get her in the mood. If that's not working, what I
just wanna get across to guys is don't give up. There's a possibility that maybe she doesn't want you to
do that to her tonight but maybe she wants to pleasure you, which is just as good.

That really solidifies your relationship as well. Something big has happened between you and that's
great. That's really gonna kick you right out of the friend zone because now you're on a different level.
You're on the sexual level. And you all know, again, you want this girl to be your girlfriend, you have to
fuck her or something sexual really has to happen to take it to that next level because dating is fucking.


Let's just be honest. When a magazine says this guy and this girl are dating, what goes off in my head?
These guys are fucking. So that's what it is and that's what you're looking to do.

Absolutely. And just one final point, or one clarification, I just wanted to make was that if you don't
necessarily have sex with her that night, if for whatever reason she comes back to your place and she
just wants to make out, kind of like what you're saying before, that that is a major turning point.

It's big.

Yeah, it's huge. Because that's the thing, just the act of her going back with you and having any kind of
sexual contact and it's something that-

We get too caught up in we have to bang her.

Yes, exactly.

Which is great, but sexual contact is awesome.

Because yeah, exactly. Sometimes girls, it has nothing to do with you. It's just her comfort levels, her
comfort in her sexuality, how she feels about having sex with a guy that she's just started this sexual
relationship with. So I just wanted to point that out because I absolutely agree with you that the end
goal is to have sex with her, so you definitely shouldn't pussy out of trying to have sex with her, but if
she's not ready, you don't have to be like, "Oh, now I'm back at square one. I'm back in the friend zone."

No, no, no, no. We're really moving it along. Like we said, it's always not always about did it work or not.
It's the fact that you tried it. All the way from the beginning what we talked about, making the move, it
doesn't matter if it works or not. Revealing your sexual interest, doesn't matter if it works or not. It's out
there. Getting her back to your place, doesn't matter if it works or not. These are major, major
milestones and eventually it's gonna happen so don't rush into it. Don't get nervous. It's gonna happen
and she'll end up being your girlfriend.

That's a great way to end it right there. So Chris, 60.

Thanks so much guys.

Than you so much. I really appreciate you coming on here. I think you shared some invaluable
information with these guys on just how to finally take those last final steps to make sure that they get
out of the friend zone, they get that girl in the social circle, they get that girl they really want.

Absolutely. Thanks guys.

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