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Table of Contents

Chapter I. General Principles ......................307 Chapter VIII. Concurrence and Preference of

I. Types of Credit Transactions ............307 Credits........................................................... 338
II. Security .............................................307 I. General Provisions............................ 338
III. Bailment ............................................307 II. Classification of Credits .................... 338
III. Preference of Credits ........................ 338
Chapter II. Loan (Arts. 1933-1961, CC).......309
I. Definition ...........................................309
II. Characteristics of a Loan ..................309
III. Kinds of Loan: In General .................309
IV. Commodatum....................................309
V. Obligations of the Bailee in
Commodatum ............................................310
VI. Obligations of the Bailor in
Commodatum ............................................311
VII. Mutuum or Simple Loan................311
VIII. Interests ........................................312
IX. The Usury Law ..................................312

Chapter III. Deposit ......................................314

I. Definition ...........................................314 306
II. Kinds of Deposit ................................314

III. Characteristics of Deposit .................314
IV. Deposit Distinguished From Mutuum
and Commodatum .....................................314
V. Obligations of the Depositary............314
VI. Obligations of the Depositor..............317
VII. Extinguishment of Deposit (Art. 1995)
VIII. Necessary Deposit........................317
IX. Judicial Deposit .................................318

Chapter IV. Guaranty ...................................319

I. Definition ...........................................319
II. Characteristics ..................................319
III. Classification .....................................319
IV. Rules Governing Guaranty ...............319
V. Guaranty Distinguished from Others.322
VI. The Guarantor (Arts. 2056-2057)......322
VII. Effects of Guaranty .......................322
VIII. Extinguishment of Guaranty .........325

Chapter V. Legal and Judicial Bonds.........326

Chapter VI. Suretyship.................................327

Chapter VII. Pledge, Mortgage, Antichresis

I. Essential Requisites Common to Pledge
and Mortgage (Art. 2085)...........................328
II. Pledge ...............................................329
III. Mortgage ...........................................332
IV. Foreclosure of Mortgage (Art. 2085).334
V. Antichresis.........................................336
VI. Chattel Mortgage...............................336

Chapter I. General Principles


Faculty Editor
Katrina Elena Guerrero III. BAILMENT
Lead Writer
Diana Gervacio CREDIT TRANSACTIONS - include all
Patricia Andrea Hernandez transactions involving the purchase or loan of
Mark Luciano
Ixara Maroto
goods, services or money in the present with a
Writers promise to pay or deliver in the future (contract
of security)
Kristine Bongcaron I. Types of Credit Transactions
Patricia Tobias
Subject Editors
Secured transactions or contracts of real
ACADEMICS COMMITTEE security – Those supported by collateral or an
Kristine Bongcaron encumbrance of property
Michelle Dy
Patrich Leccio Unsecured transactions or contracts of
Editors-in-Chief personal security – Those the fulfillment of
PRINTING & DISTRIBUTION which by the principal debtor is secured or
supported only by a promise to pay or the
Kae Guerrero personal commitment of another such as a
DESIGN & LAYOUT guarantor or surety
Pat Hernandez

Viktor Fontanilla
Rusell Aragones II. Security
Romualdo Menzon Jr.
Rania Joya SECURITY - something given, deposited or
LECTURES COMMITTEE serving as a means to ensure the fulfillment or
enforcement of an obligation or of protecting
Michelle Arias some interest in property.
Camille Maranan
Angela Sandalo
1. Personal Security – as when an individual
Katz Manzano Mary Rose Beley
Sam Nuñez Krizel Malabanan becomes a surety or a guarantor
Arianne Cerezo Marcrese Banaag 2. Real Security - as when a mortgage,
Volunteers pledge, antichresis, charge or lien or other
device used to have property held, out of
MOCK BAR COMMITTEE which the person to be made secure can be
Lilibeth Perez compensated for loss. Thus, a secured
creditor is one who holds a security from his
BAR CANDIDATES WELFARE debtor for payment of the latter’s debts.
Dahlia Salamat

III. Bailment
Charisse Mendoza

SECRETARIAT COMMITTEE BAILMENT - the delivery of property of one

person to another in trust for a specific purpose,
Jill Hernandez with a contract, express or implied, that the trust
shall be faithfully executed and the property
Loraine Mendoza Faye Celso returned or duly accounted for when the special
Mary Mendoza Joie Bajo purpose is accomplished or kept until the bailor
reclaims it.

[NOTE: The word “bailment” comes from the

French word “bailer,” meaning “to deliver”]

1. Bailor – the giver, the party who delivers
possession/custody of the thing bailed
2. Bailee – the recipient, the party who
receives the possession/custody of the thing


(With Reference to Compensation)
1. Those for the sole benefit of the bailor,
e.g. gratuitous deposit (Art.1965) and
mandatum, i.e., where the mandatory or
person to whom the property is delivered
undertakes to do some act with respect to
the same
2. Those for the sole benefit of the bailee,
e.g. commodatum and gratuitous simple
loan or mutuum (Art.1933)
3. Those for the benefit of both parties, e.g.
deposit for a compensation, involuntary
deposit, pledge and bailments for hire
a. Hire of things – for the temporary use
of the hirer (i.e. lease, Arts.1642-1643)
b. Hire of service – for work or labor upon 308
the goods delivered (i.e. contract for

piece of work, Art.1713)
c. Hire for carriage of goods – for goods
delivered to be carried from place to
place by a common carrier (Art.1732) or
private person
d. Hire of custody – for storage of goods
delivered (Arts.1507-1520, Warehouse
Receipts Law)

Contract where one of the parties (Seller)

obligates himself to:
 Transfer ownership of and
 to deliver a determinate thing;
and the other (Buyer) to pay a price certain in
money or its equivalent.

Borrower must return Borrower need only

Chapter II. Loan (Arts. 1933-1961, CC) the same thing loaned pay the same amount
(Art.1933) of the same kind and
II. CHARACTERISTICS OF A LOAN May involve real or Refers only to personal
III. KINDS OF LOAN: IN GENERAL personal property property
V. OBLIGATIONS OF THE BAILEE IN Loan for use or Loan for consumption
COMMODATUM temporary possession
COMMODATUM Bailor may demand the Lender may not
VII. MUTUUM OR SIMPLE LOAN return of the thing demand its return
VIII. INTERESTS loaned before the before the lapse of the
IX. THE USURY LAW expiration of the term term agreed upon
in case of urgent need
Bailor suffers the loss Borrower suffers the
I. Definition of the subject matter loss even if caused
since he is the owner exclusively by a
LOAN - a contract by which one of the parties (Art.1942; Art.1174) fortuitous event and he
delivers to another, either something not is not, therefore,
consumable so that the latter may use the same discharged from his
duty to pay
for a certain time and return it, in which case the
Not purely personal in Purely personal in
contract is called commodatum; or money or
character character
other consumable thing, upon the condition that
the same amount of the same kind and quality A thing is consumable when it is used in a
shall be paid, in which case the contract is 309
manner appropriate to its purpose or nature.
simply called a loan or mutuum. (Art.1933)

(Art 418)

GENERAL RULE: If the subject of the contract

II. Characteristics of a Loan is a consumable thing, such as money, the
contract would be a mutuum.
Real contract
1. delivery is essential for perfection of the EXCEPTION: Consumable goods may be the
contract of loan. subject of commodatum if the purpose of the
2. An accepted promise to loan, is contract is not the consumption of the object, as
nevertheless binding on the parties, it being when it is merely for exhibition. (Art.1936)
a consensual contract. [Producer’s v. CA, 397 SCRA 651]

Unilateral contract
1. creates obligations on only one party, i.e., IV. Commodatum
the borrower
2. In a contract of loan, the cause is, as to the 2 KINDS OF COMMODATUM
borrower, the acquisition of the thing, and as 1. Ordinary commodatum - See Art.1933
to the lender, the right to demand its return 2. Precarium – one whereby the bailor may
or its equivalent. (Monte de Piedad v. Javier)
demand the thing loaned at will; exists in
cases where:
III. Kinds of Loan: In General a. neither the duration of the contract nor
the use to which the thing loaned should
Commodatum Mutuum be devoted has been stipulated
Ordinarily involves Involves money or b. if the use of the thing is merely tolerated
something not other consumable thing by the owner (Art 1947)
(Art.1936) GENERAL RULE: In a commodatum, the right
to use is limited to the thing loaned, and not to
Ownership of the thing Ownership is
its fruits
loaned is retained by transferred to the
lender (Art.1933) borrower
Essentially gratuitous Maybe gratuitous or it EXCEPTION: When there is stipulation to the
(Art.1933) maybe onerous, i.e. contrary (Art.1940). In cases where there is
with stipulated interest such a stipulation, enjoyment of the fruits must

be incidental to the use of the thing itself. 6. Solidary obligation where there are 2 or
Otherwise, if the use of the fruits is the main more bailees to whom a thing was loaned in
cause, the contract may be one of usufruct. the same contract (Art.1945)
(Art.562) _______

What is the effect of an accepted promise to GENERAL RULE: Bailee is not liable for loss or
deliver by way of commodatum or mutuum? damage due to a fortuitous event (Art.1174),
It is binding upon the parties, but the since the bailor retains ownership of the thing
contract of loan shall not be perfected until
delivery of the contract. (Art.1934) EXCEPTION: Bailee is liable even for loss due
to a fortuitous event when: (Art 1942)
Who may be bailor in commodatum? 1. He devotes the thing to any purpose
1. Anyone. The bailor in commodatum need different from that for which it was loaned
not be the owner of the thing loaned. 2. He keeps it longer than the period
(Art.1938) stipulated, or after the accomplishment of
2. But the bailee himself may not lend nor the use for which the commodatum has
lease the thing loaned to him to a third been constituted
person (Art 1939(2)) 3. The thing loaned has been delivered with
_______ appraisal of its value, unless there is
stipulation exempting the bailee from
GENERAL RULE: Commodatum is purely responsibility in case of a fortuitous event
personal in character (Art.1939) such that: 4. He lends or leases the thing to a third
1. Death of either party extinguishes the person who is a not a member of his
contract household
2. Bailee can neither lend nor lease the thing 5. Being able to save either the thing borrowed 310
lent to him to a third person or his own thing, he chose to save the latter.

EXCEPTION: Members of the bailee’s
household may make use of the thing loaned GENERAL RULE: Bailee is liable for
deterioration of thing loaned.

EXCEPTION TO EXCEPTION: Bailee’s EXCEPTION: The deterioration of the thing is

household may NOT use it when: due only to the use thereof and without his fault
1. There is stipulation to the contrary, or (Art.1943)
2. The nature of the thing forbids such use _______

GENERAL RULE: Bailee has no right of

V. Obligations of the Bailee in retention of the thing loaned, on the ground that
Commodatum the bailor owes him something.

EXCEPTION: Bailee has a right of retention for

OBLIGATIONS OF THE BAILEE damages for known hidden flaws mentioned in
1. Obligation to pay for the ordinary expenses Art 1951. (Art.1944)
for the use and preservation of the thing
2. Obligation to take good care of the thing with ART.1951
the diligence of a good father of a family 1. There is a flaw or defect in the thing loaned
(Art.1163) 2. The flaw or defect is hidden
3. Liability for loss, even if loss through 3. The bailor is aware thereof
fortuitous event, in certain circumstances 4. He does not advise the bailee of the same
(Art.1942) 5. The bailee suffers damages by reason of
4. Liability for deterioration of thing loaned, said flaw or defect
except under certain circumstances
5. Obligation to return the thing upon expiration
of term or upon demand in case of urgent

VI. Obligations of the Bailor in VII. Mutuum or Simple Loan

A mutuum or simple loan is a contract by
1. To allow the bailee the use of the thing which a person (creditor) delivers to another
loaned for the duration of period stipulated (debtor) money or other consumable thing with
or until the accomplishment of the purpose the understanding that the same amount of the
for which commodatum was constituted. same kind and quality shall be paid. (Art.1953)


a. Urgent need during which time the
commodatum is suspended (Art.1946) MUTUUM LEASE
b. Precarium (Art.1947) Object is money or any Object may be any
 If duration of the contract has not consumable (fungible) thing, whether movable
been stipulated thing or immovable, fungible
 If use or purpose of the thing has
or non-fungible
Thing loaned becomes Owner does not lose
not been stipulated
 If use of thing is merely tolerated by
property of debtor his right of ownership
Relationship created is Relationship created is
the bailor that of creditor and that of landlord and
c. Bailee commits an act of ingratitude debtor tenant or lessor and
specified in Art. 765 (Art.1948):
 Commission of offenses against the
lessee (Tolentino v.
Gonzales, 50 Phil 558)
person, the honor, or the property of
the bailor, or of his wife or children MUTUUM AND COMMODATUM
under his parental authority DISTINGUISHED FROM BARTER
 Imputing to the bailor any criminal 1. In mutuum, subject matter is money or any 311
offense, or any act involving moral other fungible things; in barter, non-fungible

turpitude, even though he should (non-consumable) things.
prove it, unless the crime or the act 2. In commodatum, the bailee is bound to
has been committed against the return the identical thing borrowed when the
bailee himself, his wife, or children time has expired or the purpose has been
under his authority served. In barter, the equivalent thing is
 Undue refusal to give the bailor given in return for what has been received.
support when the bailee is legally or 3. Mutuum may be gratuitous and
morally bound to commodatum is always gratuitous. Barter
on the other hand is an onerous contract. It
[NOTE: Article 765 is applicable, because is really a mutual sale.
like donation, commodatum is essentially
gratuitous. (Art.1933, par.2)] [NOTE: BARTER – contract where by one of the
parties binds himself to give one thing in
2. To refund extraordinary expenses for the consideration of the other’s promise to give
preservation of the thing loaned provided another thing. (Art.1968)]
bailor is notified before the expenses were
incurred. (Art.1949) CONSUMABLE AND FUNGIBLE
 EXCEPTION: Urgent need hence no DISTINGUISHED
notice is necessary.  Whether a thing is consumable or not
depends on its nature and whether it is
3. To refund 50% of the extraordinary fungible or not depends on the intention of
the parties.
 Example: Wine is consumable by nature, but
expenses arising from actual use of bailee of
the thing loaned (Art.1949)
 EXCEPTION: Contrary stipulation it may be non-fungible if the intention is
merely for display or exhibition.
4. To pay damages to bailee for known hidden
flaws in the thing loaned. [NOTE: Fixed, savings, and current deposits of
money in banks and similar institutions shall be
[NOTE: Bailor has no right of abandonment; governed by the provisions concerning simple
he cannot exempt himself from payment of loan. (Art.1980)]
expenses to bailee by abandoning the thing to
the latter. (art. 1952)]

VIII. Interests from the time it is judicially demanded. In

the absence of stipulation, the rate of
interest shall be 12% per annum to be
INTEREST – is the compensation allowed by
computed from default, i.e., from judicial or
law or fixed by the parties for the loan or
extrajudicial demand under and subject to
forbearance of money, goods or credits
the provisions of Art.1169.
2. When an obligation, not constituting a
1. Simple interest – Paid for the principal at a
loan or forbearance of money, is
certain rate fixed or stipulated by the parties.
breached, an interest on the amount of
2. Compound Interest – that which is
damages awarded may be imposed at the
imposed upon interest due and unpaid.
discretion of the court at the rate of 6% per
3. Legal Interest – that which the law directs
annum. No interest, however, shall be
to be charged in the absence of any
adjudged on unliquidated claims or
agreement as to the rate between the
damages except when or until the demand
can be established with reasonable
4. Lawful Interest – that which the laws allow
certainty. Accordingly, where the demand is
or do not prohibit
established with reasonable certainty, the
5. Unlawful or Usurious Interest – paid or
interest shall begin to run from the time the
stipulated to be paid beyond the maximum
claim is made judicially or extrajudicially (Art.
fixed by law. However, by virtue of CB
1169) but when such certainty cannot be so
Circular 905, usury has become “legally
reasonably established at the time the
demand is made, the interest shall begin to
run only from the date the judgment of the
When is compound interest allowed?
1. When there is an express written stipulation
court is made (at which time the 312
quantification of damages may be deemed
to that effect (Art.1959)

to have been reasonably ascertained). The
2. Upon judicial demand. HOWEVER, debtor
actual base for the computation of legal
is not liable to pay compound interest even
interest shall, in any case, be on the amount
after judicial demand when there is no
finally adjudged.
stipulation for payment of interest. (Art.2212)
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a
sum of money becomes final and executory,
the rate of legal interest, whether the case
1. Must be expressly stipulated
falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2,
2. Agreement must be in writing (Art.1956)
above, shall be 12% per annum from such
3. Must be lawful
finality until its satisfaction, this interim
period being deemed to be by then an
equivalent to a forbearance of credit.
1. The debtor in delay is liable to pay legal
interest (6% or 12%) as indemnity for IX. The Usury Law
damages (Art.2209)
2. Interest accruing from unpaid interest – THE USURY LAW (Act No.2566) is an act fixing
Interest demanded shall earn interest from rates of interests upon loans and declaring the
the time it is judicially demanded (Art.2212) effect of receiving or taking usurious rates and
or where there is an express stipulation for other purposes. (Arevalo v. Dimayuga 49
(Art.1959) Phil 894)

RULES FOR AWARD OF INTEREST IN THE CB Circular No. 905 – abolished interest rate
CONCEPT OF ACTUAL & COMPENSATORY ceilings. Conversely, with the promulgation of
DAMAGES (Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA, 234 such circular, usury has become “legally
SCRA 78) inexistent” as the parties can now legally agree
1. When obligation is breached consists in on any interest that may be charged on the loan.
the payment of a sum of money, i.e., a
loan or forbearance of money, the interest ELEMENTS OF USURY
due should be that which may have been 1. A loan or forbearance of money
stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the 2. An understanding between parties that the
interest due shall itself earn legal interest loan shall and may be returned

3. An unlawful intent to take more than the

legal rate for the use of money or its
4. The taking or agreeing to take for the use of
the loan of something in excess of what is
allowed by law
MACALINAO v BPI (Sept 2009):
Regarding the credit card interest rate, “We
are of the opinion that the interest rate and
penalty charge of 3 percent per month
should be equitably reduced to 2 percent
per month or 24 percent per annum… we
had affirmed in a plethora of cases that
stipulated interest rates of 3 percent per
month and higher are excessive, iniquitous,
unconscionable and exorbitant. Such
stipulations are void for being contrary to
morals, if not against the law. While the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas C.B. Circular
No. 905-82 dated Jan. 1, 1983 effectively
removed the ceiling on interest rates for both
secured and unsecured loans, regardless of
maturity, nothing in the said circular could
possibly be read as granting carte blanche
authority to lenders to raise interest rates to 313
levels which would either enslave their

borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their

[NOTE: The case of Chua vs. Timan involving

promissory notes NOT credit cards transactions,
which stated that the said 3% interest per month
is unconscionable, was cited in this case.]

Contract of deposit is generally gratuitous.

Chapter III. Deposit (Art.1965), subject to the following exceptions:
1. There is a contrary stipulation
I. DEFINITION 2. Depository is in the business of storing
3. Property saved from destruction during
AND COMMODATUM calamity without owner’s knowledge; just
V. OBLIGATIONS OF THE DEPOSITARY compensation should be given the
VI. OBLIGATIONS OF THE DEPOSITOR depository. (Art.1996[2] and Art.1997, par.2)
VIII. NECESSARY DEPOSIT Only movable things may be the object of a
IX. JUDICIAL DEPOSIT deposit (Art.1966) if the deposit is either
voluntary (Art.1968) or necessary (Art.1995).
I. Definition HOWEVER, a judicial deposit may cover
movable as well as immovable property, its
purpose being to protect the rights of parties to
DEPOSIT is constituted from the moment a
the suit.
person receives a thing belonging to another,
with the obligation of safely keeping it and of
returning the same. If the safekeeping of the IV. Deposit Distinguished From Mutuum
thing delivered is not the principal purpose of the and Commodatum
contract, there is no deposit but some other

II. Kinds of Deposit DEPOSIT MUTUUM

Principal purpose is Principal purpose is
safekeeping consumption of the

Judicial – takes place when an attachment or subject matter
seizure of property in litigation is ordered Depositor can demand Lender must wait until
(Arts.2005-2008) return of subject matter expiration of the period
at will granted to the debtor
Extrajudicial (Art. 1967) Both movable and Only money or any
1. Voluntary- delivery is made by the will of immovable may be the other fungible thing
the depositor or by two or more persons object may be the object
each of whom believes himself entitled to
the thing deposited; DEPOSIT AND COMMODATUM
2. Necessary- made in compliance with a legal DISTINGUISHED
obligation, or on the occasion of any
calamity, or by travelers in hotels and inns DEPOSIT COMMODATUM
(Arts.1996-2004) or by travelers with Principal purpose is Principal purpose is
common carriers (Arts.1734-1735) safekeeping transfer of use
May be gratuitous Always and essentially
III. Characteristics of Deposit In extrajudicial deposit, Both movable and
only movable immovable may be the
Characteristics— (corporeal) things may object.
1. Real Contract because it is perfected by the be the object. But for
judicial deposits, object
delivery of the subject matter. may be movable or
2. Principal purpose of the contract of deposit immovable.
is the safekeeping of the thing delivered.
3. If gratuitous, it is unilateral because only the
depository has an obligation. If onerous, it is V. Obligations of the Depositary
The principal purpose is safekeeping of the 1. Depositary is obliged to keep the thing
thing delivered, so that if it is only an accessory safely and to return it when required, even
or secondary obligation, deposit is not though a specified term may have been
constituted but some other contract. stipulated in the contract. (Art.1972)

2. Depositary is liable if the loss occurs

through his fault or negligence. (Art.1972

in rel. to Art.1163) Loss of thing while in the EFFECT OF COMMINGLING:

depositary’s possession raises a a. The various depositors of the mingled
presumption of fault. (Art.1265) Required goods shall own the entire mass in
degree of care is greater if the deposit is for common
compensation than when it is gratuitous. b. Each depositor shall be entitled to such
portion of the entire as the amount
3. Depositary is not allowed to deposit the deposited by him bears the whole.
thing with a third person. (Art.1973)
7. Depositary is under obligation not to
EXCEPTION: There is a contrary stipulation make use of the thing deposited;
otherwise he shall be liable for damages.
NOTE: Depositary is liable for the loss of the (Art.1977)
thing deposited if:
a. He transfers the deposit with a third EXCEPTIONS:
person without authority although there a. Express permission of the depositor
is no negligence on his part and the third b. Preservation of the thing deposited
person; required its use
b. He deposits the thing with a third person
who is manifestly careless or unfit 8. Depositary is liable for loss of the thing
although authorized, even in the through a fortuitous event:
absence of negligence; or a. If it is so stipulated;
c. The thing is lost through the negligence b. If he uses the thing without the
of his employees whether the latter are depositor’s permission;
manifestly careless or not. c. If he delays its return;
d. If he allows others to use it, even though 315
EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY: Depositary he himself may have been authorized to

is not responsible for loss of thing without use the same (Art.1979)
negligence of the third person with whom he
was allowed to deposit the thing if such third 9. Where thing deposited is delivered
person is not “manifestly careless or unfit.” closed and sealed, depositary has
obligation to:
4. Depositary is obliged not to change way a. Return the thing deposited when
of deposit. He may change the way or delivered closed and sealed
manner of deposit only if there are b. Pay for damages should seal or lock be
circumstances indicating that the depositor broken through his fault, which is
would consent to the change and notice is presumed unless proven otherwise
given to depositor. HOWEVER, notice is not c. Keep secret of the deposit when the
required if delay will cause danger. seal or lock is broken, with or without his
(Art.1974) fault (Art.1982)

5. If thing deposited should earn interest, the 10. Depositary is obliged to return the
depositary is under obligation (1) to collect products, accessories and accessions of
the interest as it becomes due and (2) to the thing deposited. (Art.1983)
take such steps as may be necessary to
preserve its value and the rights 11. Depositary is obliged to pay interest on
corresponding to it. The depositary is bound sums converted to personal use.
to collect not only the interest but also the (Art.1983)
capital itself when due. (Art.1975)
12. Depositary who receives the thing in
6. Depositary has the obligation not to deposit cannot require that the depositor
commingle things deposited if so prove his ownership over the thing (Art.
stipulated, even if they are of the same kind 1984)
and quality. (Article 1976)
13. Where the thing appears to be stolen and
GENERAL RULE: The depositary is the depositary knows the true owner, he
permitted to commingle grain or other must advise the true owner about the
articles of the same kind and quality. deposit. If the owner, in spite of such
EXCEPTION: When there is a stipulation to information, does not claim it within the
the contrary period of one month, the depositary is

relieved from liability. (Art.1984, pars.2 and there was no malice on the part of the
3) If the depositary has reasonable grounds depositary
to believe that the thing has not been
lawfully acquired by the depositor, he may TIME OF RETURN (Art.1988)
return the same. (Art.1984, par.4) 1. GENERAL RULE: The thing deposited must
be returned to the depositor upon demand,
RIGHT OF TWO OR MORE DEPOSITORS even though a specified period or time for
(Art.1985) such return may have been fixed.
1. Where the thing is divisible and depositors 2. EXCEPTIONS:
not solidary – each one of the depositors a. When the thing is judicially attached
can demand only his share proportionate while in the depositary’s possession
thereto. b. When notified of the opposition of a third
2. Where the thing is not divisible or the person to the return or the removal of
obligation is solidary – rules on active the thing deposited
solidarity must apply
a. Each one of the depositors may do RIGHT OF THE DEPOSITARY TO RETURN
whatever may be useful to the others THE THING (Art.1989)
but not anything which may be 1. GENERAL RULE: The depositary may
prejudicial to the latter. (Art.1212) return the thing deposited notwithstanding
b. The depositary may return the thing to that a period has been fixed for the deposit
any one of the solidary depositors if:
UNLESS a demand for its return has a. The deposit is gratuitous;
been made by one of them in which b. The reason is justifiable.
case delivery should be made to him.
(Art. 1214) [NOTE: If the depositor refuses to receive 316
3. Where there is a stipulation of return to one the thing, the depositary may deposit the

of the depositors, the depositary is bound to thing at the disposal of the judicial authority.]
return it only to the person designated
although he has not made any demand for 2. EXCEPTION: When the deposit is for a
its return. valuable consideration, the depositary has
no right to return the thing before the
PERSONS TO WHOM RETURN MUST BE expiration of the time designated even if he
MADE should suffer inconvenience as a
1. The depositary is obliged to return the thing consequence.
deposited, when required, to:
a. The depositor; Is the depositary liable for loss by force
b. To his heirs or successors; or majeure or government order?
c. To the person who may have been  The depositary is not liable in cases of loss
designated in the contract. (Art.1972) by force majeure or by government order.
2. If the depositor was incapacitated at the time HOWEVER, he has the duty to deliver to the
of making the deposit, the property must be depositor money or another thing he
returned to: receives in place of the thing. (Art.1990)
a. His guardian or administrator;
b. To the person who made the deposit; ALIENATION IN GOOD FAITH BY
c. To the depositor himself should he DEPOSITARY’S HEIR
acquire capacity. (Art.1970) When alienation is done in GOOD FAITH, the
3. Even if the depositor had capacity at the heir is obliged to:
time of making the deposit but he 1. Return the value of the thing deposited
subsequently loses his capacity during the 2. Assign the right to collect from the buyer.
deposit, the thing must be returned to his
legal representative. (Art.1986) NOTE: The heir does not need to pay the
actual price of the thing deposited.
1. At the place agreed upon by the parties When alienation is done in BAD FAITH, the heir
2. In the absence of stipulation, at the place must:
where the thing deposited might be even if it 1. Be liable for damages;
should not be the same place where the 2. Pay the actual price of the thing deposited.
original deposit was made, provided that

DEPOSITARY’S RIGHT OF RETENTION deficiency, the rules on voluntary deposit

 The depositary may retain the thing in e.g. Arts. 538, 586 and 2104
pledge until the full payment of what may be 2. It takes place on the occasion of any
due him by reason of the deposit. (Art.1994) calamity, such as fire, storm, flood, pillage,
 NOTE: This is an example of a pledge shipwreck, or other similar events. There
created by operation of law. (Art.2121) must be a causal relation between the
calamity and the constitution of the deposit.
VI. Obligations of the Depositor In this case the deposit is governed by the
rules on voluntary deposit and Art. 2168
3. Made by passengers with common carriers.
1. Depositor is obliged to reimburse the
depositary for expenses incurred for
4. Made by travelers in hotels or inns. (Art.
preservation – if deposit is gratuitous.
2. Depositor is obliged to pay losses
incurred due to character of thing
deposited. (Art. 1993)
Before keepers of hotels or inns may be held
responsible as depositaries with regard to the
GENERAL RULE: The depositary must be
effects of their guests, the following must concur:
reimbursed for loss suffered by him because of
1. They have been previously informed about
the character of the thing deposited.
the effects brought by the guests; and
2. The latter have taken the precautions
prescribed regarding their safekeeping.
1. Depositor was not aware of the danger;
2. Depositor was not expected to know the
dangerous character of the thing;
1. Liability in hotel rooms which come under
3. Depositor notified the depositary of such

the term “baggage” or articles such as
dangerous character;
clothing as are ordinarily used by travelers
4. Depositary was aware of the danger without
2. Include those lost or damages in hotel
advice from the depositor.
annexes such as vehicles in the hotel’s
VII. Extinguishment of Deposit (Art. 1995) 2. In the following cases, the hotel- keeper is
A deposit is extinguished:
1. Upon the loss or deterioration of the thing WHEN HOTEL-KEEPER LIABLE
deposited; Regardless of the amount of care exercised -
2. Upon the death of the depositary, ONLY in 1. The loss or injury to personal property is
gratuitous deposits; caused by his servants or employees as well
3. By other modes provided in the Civil Code, as by strangers (Art. 2000).
e.g. novation, merger, etc. (See Art.1231) 2. The loss is caused by the act of a thief or
robber done without the use of arms and
EFFECT OF DEATH OF DEPOSITOR OR irresistible force. (Art. 2001)
DEPOSITARY (Art. 1995)
1. Where deposit gratuitous – death of either of WHEN HOTEL-KEEPER NOT LIABLE
the depositor or depositary extinguishes the 1. The loss or injury is cause by force majeure,
deposit (personal in nature). By the word like flood, fire, (Art.2000) theft or robbery by
“extinguished,” the law really means that the a stranger - not the hotel-keeper’s servant or
depositary is not obliged to continue with the employee with the use of firearms or
contract of deposit. irresistible force (Art.2001)
2. (2) Where deposit for compensation – not
extinguished by the death of either party. EXCEPTION: Hotel- keeper is guilty of fault
or negligence in failing to provide against the
VIII. Necessary Deposit loss or injury from his cause. (Arts.1170 and
KINDS OF NECESSARY DEPOSITS 2. The loss is due to the acts of the guests, his
1. It is made in compliance with a legal family, servants, visitors (Art.2002)
obligation, in which case it is governed by 3. The loss arises from the character of the
the law establishing it, and in case of things brought into the hotel (Ibid.)

[NOTE: The hotel-keeper cannot free himself DEPOSITARY OF SEQUESTERED

from responsibility by posting notices to the PROPERTY
effect that he is not liable for the articles brought A person appointed by the court (Art. 2007) with
by the guest. Such kind of stipulation shall be the obligations:
VOID. (Art. 2003)] 1. To take care of the property with the
diligence of a good father of the family. (Art.
MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY: 2. To continue in his responsibility until the
 Regarding the legal deposit of a vehicle that litigation is ended or the court so orders.
was stolen while parked with Saisaki (Art. 2007)
restaurant, “the depositary may not exempt
itself from responsibility or loss or damage of APPLICABLE LAW
the thing deposited with it, by exclusionary  The law on judicial deposit is remedial or
stipulation. Such stipulations are void for procedural in nature. Hence, the
being contrary to law.”  Rules of Court are applicable. (Art. 2009)


 The hotel-keeper has a right to retain the
things brought into the hotel by the guest, as
a security for credits on account of (a)
lodging, and (b) supplies usually furnished to
hotel guests.
 NOTE: The right of retention recognized in
this article is in the nature of a pledge 318
created by operation of law.

IX. Judicial Deposit

JUDICIAL DEPOSIT - Judicial deposit takes

place when an attachment or seizure of property
in litigation is ordered by a court. (Art. 2005)


 It is auxiliary to a case pending in court. The
purpose is to maintain the status quo during
pendency of the litigation or to insure the
right of the parties to the property in case of
a favorable judgment.



(Voluntary) deposit made Constituted by virtue of a
by free will of the court order

Object must be movable Object may be either

property movable or immovable
Purpose is safekeeping Purpose is to secure or
of the thing deposited protect the owner’s right;
to maintain status quo
during pendency of case
Generally gratuitous Always onerous
Depositary is obliged to Thing shall be delivered
return the thing deposited only upon order of the
upon demand made by court
the depositor

of law
Chapter IV. Guaranty c. Judicial – required by a court to
guarantee the eventual right of one of
I. DEFINITION the parties in a case.
II. CHARACTERISTICS 3. As to consideration:
a. Gratuitous – guarantor does not receive
V. GUARANTY DISTIGUISHED FROM OTHERS any price or remuneration for acting as
VI. THE GUARANTOR such (2048)
VII. EFFECTS OF GUARANTY b. Onerous – one where the guarantor
VIII. EXTINGUISHMENT OF GUARANTY receives valuable consideration for his
I. Definition 4. As to person guaranteed:
a. Single – constituted solely to guarantee
or secure performance by the debtor of
GUARANTY is a contract whereby a person, the principal obligation;
called the guarantor, binds himself to the creditor b. Double or sub-guaranty – constituted to
to fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in secure the fulfillment by the guarantor of
case the latter should fail to do so. (Art. 2047) a prior guaranty
5. As to its scope and extent:
While a surety undertakes to pay if the principal a. Definite – where the guaranty is limited
does not pay, the guarantor only binds himself to the principal obligation only, or to a
to pay if the principal cannot pay (See benefit of specific portion thereof;
excussion, 2058). b. Indefinite or simple – where the
guaranty included all the accessory
II. Characteristics obligations of the principal, e.g. costs, 319
1. Accessory – dependent for its existence including judicial costs.

upon the principal obligation guaranteed by
it; IV. Rules Governing Guaranty
2. Subsidiary and conditional – takes effect
only when the principal debtor fails in his 1. A guaranty is generally gratuitous (2048)
obligation a. General Rule: Guaranty is gratuitous
3. Unilateral – b. Exception: When there is a stipulation to
a. It gives rise only to a duty on the part of the contrary
the guarantor in relation to the creditor 2. On the cause of a guaranty contract
and not vice versa
b. It may be entered into even without the
SEVERINO v SEVERINO: “A guarantor or
intervention of the principal debtor.
surety is bound by the same consideration that
4. Guarantor must be a person distinct from
makes the contract effective between the
the debtor – a person cannot be the
principal parties thereto.”
personal guarantor of himself

a. Presence of cause which supports

III. Classification
principal obligation: Cause of the
contract is the same cause which
CLASSIFICATION OF GUARANTY supports the obligation as to the
1. Guaranty in the broad sense: principal debtor. The consideration
a. Personal – guaranty is the credit given which supports the obligation as to the
by the person who guarantees the principal debtor is a sufficient
fulfillment of the principal obligation; or consideration to support the obligation of
b. Real – guaranty is property, movable, or a guarantor or surety.
 Real mortgage (2124) or antichresis
b. Absence of direct consideration or
benefit to guarantor: Guaranty or surety
(2132) – guaranty is immovable
 Chattel mortgage (2140) or pledge
agreement is regarded valid despite the
absence of any direct consideration
(2093) – guaranty is movable received by the guarantor or surety,
2. As to its origin: such consideration need not pass
a. Conventional – constituted by directly to the guarantor or surety; a
agreement of the parties (2051[1]) consideration moving to the principal will
b. Legal – imposed by virtue of a provision suffice.a

proceed against the guarantor although

3. A married woman who is a guarantor he has no right of action against the
binds only her separate property, principal debtor for the reason that the
generally (2049) latter’s obligation is not civilly
enforceable. When the debtor himself
Exceptions: offers a guaranty for his natural
a. With her husband’s consent, bind the obligation, he impliedly recognizes his
community or conjugal partnership liability, thereby transforming the
property obligation from a natural into a civil one.
b. Without husband’s consent, in cases
provided by law, such as when the 7. A guaranty may secure a future debt
guaranty has redounded to the benefit of (2053)
the family.
Continuing Guaranty or Suretyship:
4. A guaranty need not be undertaken with
the knowledge of the debtor (2050) DIÑO v. CA: “Under the Civil Code, a guaranty
a. Guaranty is unilateral – exists for the may be given to secure even future debts, the
benefit of the creditor and not for the amount of which may not known at the time the
benefit of the principal debtor guaranty is executed. This is the basis for
b. Creditor has every right to take all contracts denominated as continuing guaranty or
possible measures to secure payment of suretyship.”
his credit – guaranty can be constituted
even against the will of the principal
Future debts, even if the amount is not yet
known, may be guaranteed but there can be
no claim against the guarantor until the 320
However, as regards payment made by a
amount of the debt is ascertained or fixed

third person:
and demandable
a. Payment without the knowledge or
against the will of the debtor:
 Guarantor can recover only insofar
Rationale: A contract of guaranty is
as the payment has been beneficial
to the debtor
 Guarantor cannot compel the
a. To secure the payment of a loan at
maturity – surety binds himself to
creditor to subrogate him in his
guarantee the punctual payment of a
loan at maturity and all other obligations
b. Payment with knowledge or consent of
of indebtedness which may become due
the debtor: Subrogated to all the rights or owing to the principal by the
which the creditor had against the borrower.
b. To secure payment of any debt to be
subsequently incurred – a guaranty shall
5. The guaranty must be founded on a valid
be construed as continuing when by the
principal obligation (2052[1])
 Guaranty is an accessory contract: It is
terms thereof it is evident that the object
is to give a standing credit to the
an indispensable condition for its
principal debtor to be used from time to
existence that there must be a principal
time either indefinitely or until a certain
obligation. Hence, if the principal
period, especially if the right to recall the
obligation is void, it is also void.
guaranty is expressly reserved.
c. To secure existing unliquidated debts –
6. A guaranty may secure the performance
refers to debts existing at the time of the
of a voidable, unenforceable, and natural
constitution of the guaranty but the
obligation (2052[2])
amount thereof is unknown and not to
A guaranty may secure the performance of
debts not yet incurred and existing at
that time.
a. Voidable contract – such contract is d. The surety agreement itself is valid and
binding, unless it is annulled by a proper binding even before the principal
court action
obligation intended to be secured
b. Unenforceable contract – because such
thereby is born, any more than there
contract is not void
would be in saying that obligations
c. Natural obligation – the creditor may
which are subject to a condition

precedent are valid and binding before more than the total amount stipulated in
the occurrence of the condition the bond.
Interest runs from:
A continuing guaranty is one which is not limited to a  Filing of the complaint (upon judicial
single transaction, but which contemplates a future demand); or
course of dealing, covering a series of transactions,  The time demand was made upon
generally for an indefinite time or until revoked. It is the surety until the principal
prospective in its operation and is generally intended obligation is fully paid (upon extra-
to provide security with respect to future transactions
judicial demand)
within certain limits, and contemplates a succession of
liabilities, for which, as they accrue, the guarantor
becomes liable. Rationale: Surety is made to pay, not by
reason of the contract, but by reason of
A continuing guaranty is one which covers all his failure to pay when demanded and for
transactions, including those arising in the future, having compelled the creditor to resort to
which are within the description or contemplation of the courts to obtain payment.
the contract, of guaranty, until the expiration or
termination thereof. A guaranty shall be construed as b. Penalty may be provided – a surety may
continuing when by the terms thereof it is evident that
be held liable for the penalty provided
the object is to give a standing credit to the principal
debtor to be used from time to time either indefinitely for in a bond for violation of the condition
or until a certain period, especially if the right to recall therein.
the guaranty is expressly reserved.
Principal’s liability may exceed
Where the contract of guaranty states that the same is guarantor’s obligations
to secure advances to be made "from time to time" 321
the guaranty will be construed to be a continuing one.” The amount specified in a surety bond

as the surety’s obligation does not limit
8. A guaranty may secure the performance the extent of the damages that may be
of a conditional obligation (2053) recovered from the principal, the latter’s
a. Principal obligation subject to a liability being governed by theobligations
suspensive condition – the guarantor is he assumed under his contract
liable only after the fulfillment of the
condition. 10. The existence of a guaranty is not
b. Principal obligation subject to a presumed (2055)
resolutory condition – the happening of
the condition extinguishes both the Guaranty requires the expression of consent
principal obligation and the guaranty on the part of the guarantor to be bound. It
cannot be presumed because of the
9. A guarantor’s liability cannot exceed the existence of a contract or principal
principal obligation (2054) obligation.

General Rule: Guaranty is a subsidiary and Rationale:

accessory contract – guarantor cannot bind a. There be assurance that the guarantor
himself for more than the principal debtor had the true intention to bind himself;
and even if he does, his liability shall be b. To make certain that on making it, the
reduced to the limits of that of the debtor. guarantor proceeded with
But the guarantor may bind himself for less consciousness of what he was doing.
than that of the principal.
11. Contract of guaranty is covered by the
Exceptions: Statute of Frauds (See Art. 1403(2(a))
a. Interest, judicial costs, and attorney’s  Guaranty must not only be expressed
fees as part of damages may be but must so be reduced into writing.
recovered – creditors suing on a Hence, it shall be unenforceable by
suretyship bond may recover from the action, unless the same or some note or
surety as part of their damages, interest memorandum thereof be in writing, and
at the legal rate, judicial costs, and subscribed by the party charged, or by
attorney’s fees when appropriate, even his agent; evidence, therefore, of the
without stipulation and even if the surety agreement cannot be received without
would thereby become liable to pay the writing, or a secondary evidence of

its contents. However, It need not The subsequent loss of integrity or property or
appear in a public document supervening incapacity of the guarantor would
not operate to exonerate the guarantor of the
V. Guaranty Distinguished from Others eventual liability he has contracted, and the
contract of guaranty continues. The creditor can
merely demand another guarantor with the
proper qualifications except that the creditor may
waive such remedy if he chooses and hold the
guarantor to his bargain.
Guaranty Warranty
Guaranty is a contract Warranty is an
Selection of Guarantor:
by which a person is undertaking that the title,
bound to another for the quality, or quantity of the 1. Specified person stipulated as guarantor:
fulfillment of a promise subject matter of a Substitution of guarantor may not be
or engagement of a third contract is what is has demanded
party been represented to be,
and relates to some Reason: The selection of the guarantor is:
agreement made a. Term of the agreement;
ordinarily by the party b. As a party, the creditor is, therefore,
who makes the warranty bound thereby.
GUARANTY DISTINGUISHED FROM 2. Guarantor selected by the principal debtor:
SURETYSHIP Debtor answers for the integrity, capacity,
and solvency of the guarantor.
Guaranty Suretyship
Guarantor’s liability Surety assumes liability
depends upon an as a regular party to the
3. Guarantor personally designated by the 322
creditor: Responsibility of the selection
independent agreement undertaking

to pay the obligation should fall upon the creditor because he
Guarantor’s engagement Surety is an original considered the guarantor to have the
is a collateral promissor qualifications for the purpose.
Guarantor is subsidiarily Surety is primarily liable
liable i.e. only obliged to i.e. bound to pay if the VII. Effects of Guaranty
pay if the principal principal does not pay
cannot pay
Guarantor not bound to Surety ordinarily held to
take notice of default of know every default of his GUARANTOR AND THE CREDITOR
his principal principal 1. The guarantor has the right to benefit
from excussion/ exhaustion (2058)
Guarantor often Surety not discharged
discharged by the mere either by the mere
indulgence of the indulgence of the Exceptions to the benefit of excussion
creditor and is usually creditor or by want of (2059)
a. As provided in Art. 2059:
 If the guarantor has expressly
not liable unless notified notice of default of the
of the principal’s default principal
renounced it; waiver is valid but it
must be made in express terms.
VI. The Guarantor (Arts. 2056-2057)  If he has bound himself solidarily
with the debtor, the liability assumed
is that of a surety. The guarantor
becomes primarily liable as a
1. He possesses integrity;
solidary co- debtor. In effect, he
2. He has capacity to bind himself;
renounces in the contract itself the
3. He has sufficient property to answer for the
benefit of exhaustion.
 In case of insolvency of the debtor –
obligation which he guarantees.
guarantor guarantees the solvency
Exception: The creditor waives the
of the debtor. If the debtor becomes
insolvent, the liability of the
guarantor as the debtor cannot fulfill
The qualifications above need only be present at
his obligation
 When he (debtor) has absconded,
the time of the perfection of the contract.

or cannot be sued within the the debt

Philippines – the creditor is not c. If he is a judicial bondsman and sub-
required to go after a debtor who is surety (2084)
hiding or cannot be sued in our d. Where a pledge or mortgage has been
courts, and to incur the delays and given by him as a special security
expenses incident thereto. The e. If he fails to interpose it as a defense
exception is when the debtor has before judgment is rendered against
left a manager or representative; him.
 If it may be presumed that an
execution on the property of the 2. The creditor has the right to secure a
principal debtor would not result in judgment against the guarantor prior to
the satisfaction of the obligation – if the excussion
such judicial action including
execution b would not satisfy the General rule: An ordinary personal
obligation, the guarantor can no guarantor (NOT a pledgor or mortgagor),
longer require the creditor to resort may demand exhaustion of all the property
to all such remedies against the of the debtor before he can be compelled to
debtor as the same would be but a pay.
useless formality. It is not necessary
that the debtor be judicially declared Exception: The creditor may, prior thereto,
insolvent. secure a judgment against the guarantor,
who shall be entitled, however, to a
SOUTHERN MOTORS, INC. v BARBOSA: “The deferment of the execution of said judgment
right of guarantors…to demand exhaustion of against him, until after the properties of the
the property of the principal debtor, exists only principal debtor shall have been exhausted, 323
when a pledge or a mortgage has not been to satisfy the latter’s obligation.

given as special security for the payment of the
principal obligation.” 3. The creditor has the duty to make prior
demand for payment from the guarantor
LUZON STEEL CORP. v SIA: “The surety in the a. The demand is to be made only after
present case bound itself "jointly and severally" judgment on the debt
(in solidum) with the defendant; and excussion b. Joining the guarantor in the suit against
(previous exhaustion of the property of the the principal debtor is not the demand
debtor) shall not take place "if he (the guarantor) intended by law. Actual demand has to
has bound himself solidarily with the debtor".” be made.

b. If he does not comply with Art. 2060: In 4. The guarantor has the duty to set up the
order that the guarantor may make use benefit of excussion (2060)
of the benefit of excussion, he must:  As soon as he is required to pay,
 Set it up against the creditor upon guarantor must also point out to the
the latter’s demand for payment creditor available property (not in
from him;
 Point out to the creditor:
litigation or encumbered) of the debtor
within the Philippines.
o Available property of the debtor
– the guarantor should facilitate 5. The creditor has the duty to resort to all
the realization of the excussion legal remedies (2061)
since he is the most interested a. After the guarantor has fulfilled the
in its benefit. conditions required for making use of
o Within the Philippine territory – the benefit of exhaustion, it becomes the
excussion of property located duty of the creditor to:
abroad would be a lengthy and b. Exhaust all the property of the debtor
extremely difficult proceeding pointed out by the guarantor;
and would not conform with the c. If he fails to do so, he shall suffer the
purpose of the guaranty to loss but only to the extent of the value of
provide the creditor with the the said property, for the insolvency of
means of obtaining the the debtor
fulfillment of the obligation.
o Sufficient to cover the amount of

6. The creditor has the duty to notify the the subrogation clause of Article 2067. The
guarantor in the action against the debtor assumption, however, is that the guarantor
(2062) who is subrogated to the rights of the
creditor, has the right to be reimbursed for
Under this article, notice to the guarantor is his answering for the obligation of the
mandatory in the action against the principal debtor. Absent this right of reimbursement,
debtor. The guarantor, however, is not duty subrogation will not be proper.
bound to appear in the case, and his non-
appearance shall not constitute default, w/ 2. The guarantor has the duty to notify the
its consequential effect. debtor before paying the creditor (2068).

Rationale: The purpose of notification is to Should payment be made without notifying

give the guarantor the opportunity to allege the debtor, and supposing the debtor has
and substantiate whatever defenses he may already made a prior payment, the debtor
have against the principal obligation, and would be justified in putting up the defense
chances to set up such defenses as are that the obligation has already been
afforded him by law if he so desires extinguished by the time the guarantor made
the payment.
7. A compromise shall not prejudice the
person not party to it (2063) In this case, the guarantor will lose the right
a. A compromise between creditor and of reimbursement and consequently the right
principal debtor benefits the guarantor of subrogation as well.
but does not prejudice him.
b. A compromise between guarantor and 3. The guarantor cannot make payment
the creditor benefits but does not before the obligation has become due 324
prejudice the principal debtor. (2069).

8. Co-guarantors are entitled to the benefit General rule: Since a contract of guaranty is
of division (2065) only subsidiary, the guarantor cannot be
 The benefit of division applies only when liable for the obligation before the period on
there are several guarantors and one which the debtor’s liability will accrue. Any
debtor for a single debt. Except when payment made by the guarantor before the
solidarity has been stipulated among the obligation is due cannot be indemnified by
co-guarantors, a co- guarantor is liable the debtor.
only to the extent of his share in the
obligation as divided among all the co- Exception: Prior consent or subsequent
guarantors. ratification by the debtor

EFFECTS OF GUARANTY BETWEEN THE 4. The guarantor may proceed against the
DEBTOR AND THE GUARANTOR debtor even before payment has been made
1. The guarantor has the right to be
subrogated to the rights of the creditor General rule: Guarantor has no cause of
(2067) action against the debtor until after the
A guarantor who pays the debt is entitled to former has paid the obligation.
every remedy which the creditor has against
the principal debtor, to enforce every Exceptions:
security and all means of payments; to stand a. When he is sued for the payment;
in the place of the creditor not only through b. In case of insolvency of the principal
the medium of the contract, but even by debtor;
means of the securities entered into w/out c. When the debtor has bound himself to
the knowledge of the surety; having the right relieve him from the guaranty within a
to have those securities transferred to him specified period, and this period has
though there was no stipulation for it, and to expired;
avail himself of all securities against the d. When the debt has become
debtor demandable, by reason of the expiration
of the period for payment;
The need to enforce the provisions on e. After the lapse of 10 years, when the
indemnity in Article 2066 forms the basis for principal obligation has no fixed period

for its maturity, unless it be of such released (2078).

nature that it cannot be extinguished 4. A guarantor is also released if the creditor,
except within a period longer than 10 without the guarantor’s consent, extends the
years; time within which the debtor may perform his
f. If there are reasonable grounds to fear obligation (2079). This is to protect the
that the principal debtor intends to interest of the guarantor should the debtor
abscond; be insolvent during the period of extension
g. If the principal debtor is in imminent and deprive the guarantor of his right to
danger of becoming insolvent. reimbursement.
5. If through the fault of the creditor the
Rationale: To enable the guarantor to take guarantors are precluded from being
measures for the protection of his interest in subrogated to the former’s rights, the latter
view of the probability that he would be are released from the obligation. (2080)
called upon to pay the debt. As such, he
may, in the alternative, obtain release from
the guaranty; or demand security that shall
protect him from any proceedings by the
creditor; and against the insolvency of the


Requisites for the applicability of Art. 2073:
1. Payment has already been made by one
guarantor; 325
2. The payment was made because

a. Of the insolvency of the debtor, or
b. By judicial demand
3. The paying guarantor seeks to be
indemnified only to the extent of his
proportionate share in the total obligation.
For purposes of proportionate
reimbursement, the other guarantors may
interpose such defenses against the paying
guarantor as are available to the debtor
against the creditor, except those that are
personal to the debtor.

VIII. Extinguishment of Guaranty

1. Once the obligation of the debtor is

extinguished in any manner provided in the
Civil Code, the obligation of the guarantor is
also extinguished (2076). However, there
may be instances when, after the
extinguishment of the guarantor’s obligation
(as in the case of a release from the
guaranty), the obligation of the debtor still
2. Although the guarantor generally has to
make payment in money, any other thing of
value, if accepted by the creditor, is valid
payment and therefore releases the
guarantor (2077).
3. If one guarantor is released, the release
would benefit the co-guarantors to the extent
of the proportionate share of the guarantor

Chapter V. Legal and Judicial Bonds

Bond – an undertaking that is sufficiently

secured, and not cash or currency.
Bondsman – a surety offered in virtue of a
provision of law or a judicial order.

Qualifications of personal bondsman (2082 in

relation to Art. 2056):
1. He possesses integrity;
2. He has capacity to bind himself;
3. He has sufficient property to answer for
the obligation which he guarantees.


 Guaranty or suretyship is a personal
 Pledge or mortgage is a property or real
security. If the person required to give a
legal or judicial bond should not be able to
do so, a pledge or mortgage sufficient to
cover the obligation shall be admitted in lieu
thereof. 326


A judicial bondsman and the sub-surety are not

entitled to the benefit of excussion.

Reason: They are not mere guarantors, but

sureties whose liability is primary and

Effect of negligence of creditor: Mere

negligence on the part of the creditor in
collecting from the debtor will not relieve the
surety from liability.

NOTE: Surety is not entitled to notice of

Chapter VI. Suretyship principal’s default

SURETYSHIP is a relation which exists where 5. Prior demand by the creditor upon
one person (principal) has undertaken an principal not required. Surety is not
obligation and another person (surety) is also exonerated by neglect of creditor to sue
under a direct and primary obligation or other principal.
duty to the obligee, who is entitled to but one
performance, and as between the two who are STRICTISSIMI JURIS RULE APPLICABLE
bound, the second, rather than the first should ONLY TO ACCOMMODATION SURETY
 Reason: An accommodation surety acts
If a person binds himself solidarily with the without motive of pecuniary gain and hence,
principal debtor, the contract is called suretyship should be protected against unjust
and the guarantor is called a surety. pecuniary impoverishment by imposing on
the principal, duties akin to those of a
fiduciary. This rule will apply only after it has
NATURE OF SURETY’S UNDERTAKING been definitely ascertained that the contract
1. Liability is contractual and accessory but is one of suretyship or guaranty.
2. Liability is limited by terms of contract
3. Liability arises only if principal debtor is STRICTISSIMI JURIS RULE NOT
a. In the absence of collusion, the surety is Reasons:
bound by a judgment against the 1. Compensated corporate sureties are 327
principal event though he was not a business association organized for the

party to the proceedings; purpose of assuming classified risks in large
b. The creditor may sue, separately or numbers, for profit and on an impersonal
together, the principal debtor and the basis.
surety; 2. They are secured from all possible loss by
c. A demand or notice of default is not adequate counter-bonds or indemnity
required to fix the surety’s liability agreements.
d. Exception: Where required by the 3. Such corporations are in fact insurers and in
provisions of the contract of suretyship determining their rights and liabilities, the
e. A surety bond is void where there is not rules peculiar to suretyship do not apply.
principal debtor because such an
undertaking presupposes that the
obligation is to be enforceable against
someone else besides the surety, and
the latter can always claim that it was
never his intention to be the sole person
obligated thereby.

NOTE: Surety is not entitled to exhaustion

4. Undertaking is to creditor, not to debtor

The surety makes no covenant or

agreement with the principal that it will fulfill
the obligation guaranteed for the benefit of
the principal. The surety’s undertaking is
that the principal shall fulfill his obligation
and that the surety shall be relieved of
liability when the obligation secured is

Exception: Unless otherwise expressly


Chapter VII. Pledge, Mortgage,
character is of the essence of pledge and
I. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES COMMON TO mortgage. As stated in Art 2085 CC, an
essential requisite of these contracts is that they
III. MORTGAGE be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
IV. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE principal obligation
VI. CHATTEL MORTGAGE 2. Creditor cannot appropriate to himself the
thing nor can he dispose of the same as
I. Essential Requisites Common to owner.
Pledge and Mortgage (Art. 2085)
1. Stipulation is null and void: Stipulation where
thing or mortgaged shall automatically
1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
become the property of the creditor in the
principal obligation.
event of nonpayment of the debt within the
2. Pledgor or mortgagor must be the absolute
term fixed.
owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged.
2. Requisites of pactum commissorium:
3. The persons constituting the pledge or
a. Pledge or mortgage.
mortgage have the free disposal of their
b. A stipulation for an automatic
property, and in the absence thereof, that
appropriation by the creditor of the
they be legally authorized for the purpose.
property in the event of nonpayment. 328
4. Cannot exist without a valid obligation.
3. Effect on security contract: Nullity of the

5. Debtor retains the ownership of the thing
stipulation does not affect validity and
given as a security.
efficacy of the principal contract.
6. When the principal obligation becomes due,
the thing pledged or mortgaged may be
alienated for the payment to the creditor.
1. Debtor-owner bears the risk of loss of the
2. Pledge or mortgage is indivisible (2089,
1. Future property cannot be pledged or
2. Pledge or mortgage executed by one who is
a. Where each of several things
not the owner of the property pledged or
guarantees a determinate portion of the
mortgaged is without legal existence and
registration cannot validate it.
b. Where only a portion of loan was
3. Mortgage of a conjugal property by one of
the spouses is valid only as to ½ of the
c. Where there was failure of
entire property.
4. In case of property covered by Torrens title,
a mortgagee has the right to rely upon what
3. Rule that real property, consisting of several
appears in the certificate of title and does
lots should be sold separately, applies to
not have to inquire further.
sales in execution, and not to foreclosure of
5. Pledgor or mortgagor has free disposal of
4. The mere embodiment of a real estate
6. Thing pledged or mortgaged may be
mortgage and a chattel mortgage in one
document does not have the effect of fusing
7. Creditor not required to sue to enforce his
both securities into an indivisible whole.
8. Pledgor or mortgagor may be a third person.
UY TONG v CA: The 2 elements for pactum
RIGHT OF CREDITOR WHERE DEBTOR commissorium to exist:
FAILS TO COMPLY WITH HIS OBLIGATION (1) that there should be a pledge or mortgage
1. Creditor is merely entitled to move for the wherein a property is pledged or mortgaged by
sale of the thing pledged or mortgaged with way of security for the payment of the principal
the formalities required by law in order to obligation; (2) that there should be a stipulation

for an automatic appropriation by the creditor of mortgage becomes unenforceable to the extent
the thing pledged or mortgaged in the event of of such failure. Where the indebtedness actually
non-payment of the principal obligation within owing to the holder of the mortgage is less than
the stipulated period. the sum named in the mortgage, the mortgage
cannot be enforced for more than the actual sum
5. Pledge or mortgage may secure all kinds of due.
obligation, be they pure or subject to
suspensive or resolutory conditions (2091). The rule of indivisibility of the mortgage as
6. A promise to constitute pledge or mortgage outlined by Article 2089 above-quoted
creates no real right, only a personal right presupposes several heirs of the debtor or
binding upon the parties, only right of action creditor which does not obtain in this case.
to compel the fulfillment of the promise but Hence, the rule of indivisibility of a mortgage
there is no pledge or mortgage yet (2092). cannot apply.
7. Under the RPC, estafa is committed by a
person who, pretending to be the owner of BELO vs. PNB: From Art. 2089 is excepted the
any real property, shall convey, sell, case in w/c, there being several things given in
encumber or mortgage the same knowing mortgage or pledge, each one of them
that the real property is encumbered and guarantees only a determinate portion of the
shall dispose of the same as credit. The debtor, in this case, shall have a right
unencumbered. It is essential that fraud or to the extinguishment of the pledge or mortgage
deceit be practiced upon the vendee at the as the portion of the debt for w/c each thing is
time of the sale. specially answerable is satisfied. From the
wordings of the law, indivisibility arises only
II. Pledge when there is a debt, that is, there is a debtor-
creditor relationship. 329
PLEDGE is a contract by virtue of which the

debtor delivers to the creditor or to a third person CHARACTERISTICS
a movable or document evidencing incorporeal 1. Real – Perfected by delivery.
rights for the purpose of securing the fulfillment 2. Accessory – Has no independent existence
of a principal obligation with the understanding of its own.
that when the obligation is fulfilled, the thing 3. Unilateral – Creates obligation solely on the
delivered shall be returned with all its fruits and part of the creditor to return the thing subject
accessions. (Art.2085 in rel to 2093) upon the fulfillment of the principal
KINDS 4. Subsidiary – Obligation incurred does not
1. Voluntary or conventional – Created by arise until the fulfillment of the principal
agreement of parties. obligation.
2. Legal – Created by operation of law.
CENTRAL BANK vs. CA: The consideration of 1. Principal obligation – In so far as the pledgor
the accessory contract of real estate mortgage is is concerned.
the same as that of the principal contract. For 2. Compensation stipulated for the pledge or
the debtor, the consideration of his obligation to mere liberality of the pledgor – If pledgor is
pay is the existence of a debt. Thus, in the not the debtor.
accessory contract of real estate mortgage, the
consideration of the debtor in furnishing the PROVISIONS APPLICABLE ONLY TO
mortgage is the existence of a valid, voidable, or PLEDGE
unenforceable debt (Art. 2086, in relation to Art. 1. Transfer of possession to the creditor or to
2052, of the Civil Code). third person by common agreement is
essential in pledge (2093).
It is not necessary that any consideration should a. Actual delivery is important.
pass at the time of the execution of the contract b. Constructive or symbolic delivery of the
of real mortgage. It may either be a prior or key to the warehouse is sufficient to
subsequent matter. But when the consideration show that the depositary appointed by
is subsequent to the mortgage, the mortgage common consent of the parties was
can take effect only when the debt secured by it legally placed in possession.
is created as a binding contract to pay. And, 2. All movables within the commerce of man
when there is partial failure of consideration, the may be pledged as long as they are

susceptible of possession (2094). (2100).

3. Incorporeal rights may be pledged. The 3. Has no right to use the thing or to
instruments representing the pledged rights appropriate its fruits without authority from
shall be delivered to the creditor; if they be the owner (2104)
negotiable instruments, they must be 4. May cause the public sale of the thing
indorsed (2095). pledged if, without fault on his part, there is
4. Pledge shall take effect against 3rd persons danger of destruction, impairment or
only if the following appear in a public dimunition in value of the thing. The
instrument: proceeds of the auction shall be a security
a. Description of the thing pledged. for the principal obligation (2108).
b. Date of the pledge (2096).
5. The thing pledged may be alienated by the RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PLEDGOR
pledgor or owner only with the consent of 1. Takes responsibility for the flaws of the thing
the pledgee. Ownership of the thing pledged pledged (2101 in relation to Art. 1951).
is transmitted to the vendee or transferee as 2. Cannot ask for the return of the thing against
soon as the pledgee consents to the the will of the creditor, unless and until he
alienation, but the latter shall continue to has paid the debt and its interest, with
have possession (2097). expenses in proper cases (2105).
6. Pledge gives the creditor the right to retain
the thing in his possession or in that of a YULIONGSIU vs. PNB: There is authority
third person to whom it has been delivered, supporting the proposition that the pledgee can
until the debt is paid (2098). temporarily entrust the physical possession of
7. Special Laws apply to pawnshops and the chattels pledged to the pledgor without
establishments engaged in making loans invalidating the pledge. In such a case, the
secured by pledges. Provisions of the Civil pledgor is regarded as holding the pledged 330
Code shall apply subsidiarily to them. property merely as trustee for the pledgee. The

type of delivery will depend upon the nature and
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CREDITOR IN A the peculiar circumstances of each case.
1. Shall take care of the thing pledged with the
diligence of a good father of a family (2099). PNB vs. ATENDIDO: according to law, a
2. Has right to reimbursement of the expenses pledgee cannot become the owner of, nor
made for preserving the thing. Shall be liable appropriate to himself, the thing given in pledge.
for loss or deterioration of the thing by If by the contract of pledge the pledgor continues
reason of fraud, negligence, delay or to be the owner of the thing pledged during the
violation of the terms of the contract, but not pendency of the obligation, it stands to reason
for fortuitous events (2099). that in case of loss of the property, the loss
3. May bring actions pertaining to the owner of should be borne by the pledgor.
the thing in order to recover it from, or
defend it against, a 3rd person (2103). 3. Subject to the right of the pledge under article
4. Cannot use the thing without the authority of 2108, pledgor is allowed to substitute the
the owner. If he uses the thing without thing which is in danger of destruction or
authority, or if he misuses the thing when he impairment without any fault on the part of
was authorized to use it, the owner may ask the pledgee with another thing of the same
that it be judicially or extrajudicially kind and quality (2107).
deposited (2104). 4. May require that the thing be deposited with
5. May use the thing if necessary for its a 3rd person, if through the negligence or
preservation (2104). willful act of the pledgee the thing is in danger
6. May either claim another thing in pledge or of being lost or impaired (2106).
demand immediate payment of the principal
obligation if he is deceived on the substance EXTINGUISHMENT OF A PLEDGE
or quality of the thing (2109). 1. Ways to extinguish a pledge:
a. Payment of the debt.
THE PLEDGEE b. Sale of the thing pledged at public
1. Cannot deposit the thing pledged with a 3rd auction.
person, unless there is a contrary stipulation c. Thing pledged is returned by the
(2100). pledgee to the pledgor or owner (2110).
2. Is responsible for the acts of his agents or d. Written statement by the pledgee that he
employees with respect to the thing pledged renounces or abandons the pledge.For

this purpose, neither the acceptance by  Useful expenses shall be refunded only to
the pledgor or owner nor the return of the possessor in good faith with the
the thing pledged is necessary, and the same right of retention, the person who
pledgee becomes a depositary (2111). has defeated him in the possession
2. Presumptions: having the option of refunding the
a. If, subsequent to the perfection of the amount of the expenses or of paying the
pledge, the thing is found in the increase in value which the thing may
possession of the pledgor or owner, have acquired and by reason thereof
there is prima facie presumption that the (Art. 546)
thing has been returned by the pledge 2. He who has executed work upon a movable
(2110). has a right to retain it by way of pledge until
b. If the thing is in the possession of a 3rd he is paid. This is called the mechanic’s
person who received it from the pledgor lien. (Art. 1731)
or owner after the constitution of the 3. 3) The agent may retain the things which are
pledge, there is prima facie presumption the objects of agency until the principal
that the thing has been returned by the effects the reimbursement and pays the
pledge (2110). indemnity. This is called the agent’s lien.
(Art. 1914)
REQUIREMENTS IN SALE OF THE THING 4. 4) The laborer’s wages shall be a lien on the
PLEDGED BY A CREDITOR, IF CREDIT IS goods manufactured or the work done.
NOT PAID ON TIME (Art 2112) 5. (Art. 1707)
1. Debt is due and unpaid.
2. Sale must be at a public auction. NOTE:
3. Notice to the pledgor and owner, stating the 1. In legal pledges, the remainder of the price
amount due. of the sale shall be delivered to the obligor. 331
4. Sale must be made with the intervention of a 2. Public auction of legal pledges may only be

notary public. executed after demand of the amount for
5. If at the first auction the thing is not sold, a which the thing is retained. It shall take
second one with the same formalities shall place within one month after the demand,
be held. otherwise the pledgor may demand the
6. If at the second auction, there is no sale return of the thing pledged, provided s/he is
either, the creditor may appropriate the thing able to show that the creditor did not cause
pledged but he shall give an acquittance the public sale without justifiable grounds.
(release) for his entire claim. (Article 2122)


PLEDGED (Art 2115) SEC 9: Loans granted by pawnshops shall not
1. Extinguishes the principal obligation, be less than 30% of the value of the security
whether the price of the sale is more or less offered, UNLESS the pawner manifests in
than the amount due. writing the desire to borrow a lesser amount.
2. if the price is more than amount due, the
debtor is not entitled to the excess unless SEC 10:
the contrary is provided. a. Interests not to exceed usury law
3. If the price of the sale is less, neither is the b. Pawn broker prohibited from dividing the
creditor entitled to recover the deficiency. A pawn offered to collect greater interest
contrary stipulation is void. c. Pawn broker prohibited from requiring
additional charge for safekeeping /
In case of doubt as to whether a transaction is a d. Maximum service charge: Php5 to not
pledge or a dation in payment, the presumption more than 1% of the principal loan
is in favor of pledge, the latter being the lesser
transmission of rights and interests (as earlier SEC 13: Pawner who fails to pay his obligation
established in Lopez v. Court of Appeals) on the date it falls due may WITHIN 90 DAYS
from the date of the maturity of the obligation,
LEGAL PLEDGES (Article 2121) REDEEM the pawn by payment of the principal
debt and interest
1. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to
every possessor, but only a possessor in
good faith may retain the thing until he has
been reimbursed.

SEC 15: Requisites of public auction of pawned as a security for a debt.

articles a. lien created through equitable mortgage
a. Public auction must be held at the place ought not to be defeated by requiring
of business of the pawn shop, or within compliance with formalities necessary
the municipality or city where it is to the validity of a voluntary real estate
located mortgage. Ex.: Pacto de retro
b. Must be under the control and direction b. ovisions governing equitable mortgage:
of a licensed auctioneer Arts. 1365, 1450, 1454, 1602, 1603,
c. Prior publication one week before the 1604 and 1607.
(ART. 2089 TO 2090)
MORTGAGE is a contract whereby the debtor
secures to the creditor the fulfillment of a DAYRIT v CA: A mortgage directly and
principal obligation, immediately making immediately subjects the property upon which it
immovable property or real rights over is imposed. It is indivisible even though the debt
immovable property answerable to the principal may be divided, and such indivisibility is likewise
obligation in case it is not complied with at the unaffected by the fact that 'the debtors are not
time stipulated. solidarity liable.

OBJECTS OF REAL MORTGAGE (Art. 2124) Central Bank v CA: Where only a portion of the
1. Immovables loan is released, the mortgage becomes
2. Alienable real rights over immovables. enforceable only as to the proportionate value of
the loan
Future property cannot be object of mortgage;

however, a stipulation subjecting to the Indivisibility applies only as to
mortgage improvements which the mortgagor pledgors/mortgagors who are themselves
may subsequently acquire, install or use in debtors in the principal obligation, and not to
connection with real property already mortgaged accommodation pledgors / mortgagors
belonging to the mortgagor is valid.
"When several things are pledged or mortgaged,
KINDS each thing for a determinate portion of the debt,
1. Voluntary – constituted by the will of the the pledges or mortgage, are considered
owner of the property on which it is created separate from each other. But when the several
2. Legal – required by law to be executed in things are given to secure the same debt in its
favor of certain persons: entirety, all of them are liable for the debt, and
a. Persons in whose favor the law the creditor does not have to divide his action by
establishes a mortgage have no other distributing the debt among the various things
right than to demand the execution and pledged or mortgaged. Even when only a part of
recording of the document in which the the debt remains unpaid, all the things are still
mortgage is formalized (Article 2125) liable for such balance." (Tolentino)
b. The bondsman who is to be offered in
virtue of a provision of law or of a judicial ESSENTIAL REQUISITES
order shall have the qualifications 1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
prescribed in Art 2056 (integrity, principal obligation.
capacity to bind himself, and sufficient 2. Mortgagor must be the absolute owner of
property to answer the obligation), an in the thing mortgaged.
other laws (Article 2082) 3. The persons constituting the mortgage have
c. If the person bound to give a bond free disposal of the property; in the absence
should not be able to do so, a pledge or thereof, they should be legally authorized for
mortgage considered sufficient to the purpose. (Article 2085)
recover his obligation shall be admitted 4. Cannot exist without a valid obligation. (Art.
in lieu thereof (Article 2083) 2086 cf 2052)
5. When the principal obligation becomes due,
3. Equitable – One which, although lacking the the thing in which the mortgage consists
proper formalities of a mortgage, shows the may be alienated for payment to the
intention of the parties to make the property creditor. (Art. 2087)

6. Must appear in a public document duly when the obligation becomes DUE,
recorded in the Registry of Property, to be including indemnity from insurance, and / or
validly constituted. (Art. 2125) amount received from expropriation for
 In a legal mortgage, the persons in whose public use (Art. 2127)
favor the law establishes a mortgage a. Applies only when the accessions and
have the right to demand the execution accessories subsequently introduced
and recording of a document formalizing belongs to the mortgagor.
the mortgage. (Art. 2125, par. 2) b. To exclude them, there must be an
express stipulation, or the fruits must be
EFFECTS collected before the obligation becomes
1. Creates real rights, a lien inseparable from due.
the property mortgaged, enforceable against c. Third persons who introduce
the whole world. improvements upon the mortgaged
2. Creates merely an encumbrance. property may remove them at any time

LAWS GOVERNING MORTGAGE Registration – ministerial act by which deed,

1. New Civil Code. contract or instrument is sought to be inscribed
2. PD 1952. in the office of the Register of Deeds and
3. Revised Administrative Code. annotated at the back of the certificate of title
4. RA 4882, regarding aliens becoming covering the land subject of the deed, title, or
mortgagees contract
5. Act 3135, as amended
6. Property Registration Decree SAMANILLA v CAJUCOM: A mortgage,
7. General Banking Act of 2000 whether registered or not, is binding between the
parties, registration being necessary only to 333
EFFECTS OF A MORTGAGE make the same valid against third persons (Art.

1. It creates a real right, a lien inseparable from 2125, CC).
the property mortgaged
2. If a person is the first mortgagee over a Registration only operates as a notice of the
property sold in an auction sale by the mortgage to others, but neither adds to its
second mortgagee, the only right left to him validity nor convert an invalid mortgage into a
is to collect his mortgage credit from the valid one between the parties. In Gurbax Singh
proceeds of the sale (by virtue of merger of Pabla vs. Reyes, SC ruled that "if the purpose of
rights, Art 1275). registration is merely to give notice, the
3. The first mortgagee has superior rights over questions regarding the effect or invalidity of
junior mortgagees / attaching creditors instruments are expected to be decided after,
not before, registration. It must follow as a
IMPORTANT POINTS necessary consequence that registration must
1. As a general rule, the mortgagor retains first be allowed and validity or effect litigated
possession of the property. He may deliver afterwards".
said property to the mortgagee without
altering the nature of the contract of INCIDENTS OF REGISTRATION OF
mortgage. MORTGAGE
2. It is not an essential requisite that the
1. Mortgagee is entitled to registration of
principal of the credit bears interest, or that
mortgage as a matter of right.
the interest as compensation for the use of
2. Proceedings for registration do not
the principal and the enjoyment of its fruits
determine validity of the mortgage or its
be in the form of a certain percentage effect
thereof. 3. Registration is without prejudice to better
3. Mortgage creates an encumbrance over the
rights of third parties.
property, but ownership of the property is
4. Mortgage deed, once duly registered, forms
not parted with. It merely restricts the
part of the records for the registration of the
mortgagor’s jus disponendi over the
mortgaged property.
property. The mortgagor may still sell the 5. Mortgage by a surviving spouse of his/her
property, and any stipulation to the contrary undivided share in the conjugal property can
is void (Art. 2130)
be registered.
4. Mortgage extends to the natural accessions,
to the improvements of growing fruits and
the rents or income NOT YET RECEIVED

EFFECT OF INVALIDITY OF MORTGAGE case of chattel mortgage) property involved

ON THE PRINCIPAL OBLIGATION or a portion thereof is situated.
1. Principal obligation remains valid.  If the court finds the complaint to be well-
2. Mortgage deed remains evidence of a founded, it shall order the mortgagor to pay
personal obligation. the amount due with interest and other
charges within a period of not less than 90
MOJICA v CA: Mortgages given to secure future days nor more than 120 days from the entry
advancements are valid and legal contracts; that of judgment. If the mortgagor fails to pay at
the amounts named as consideration in said the time directed, the court, upon motion,
contract do not limit the amount for which the shall order the property to be sold to the
highest bidder at a public auction.

mortgage may stand as security if from the four
corners of the instrument the intent to secure Upon confirmation of the sale by the court,
future and other indebtedness can be gathered. also upon motion, it shall operate to divest
A mortgage given to secure advancements is a the rights of all parties to the action and to
continuing security and is not discharged by vest their rights to the purchaser subject to
repayment of the amount named in the such rights of redemption as may be allowed
by law.

mortgage, until the full amount of the
advancements are paid (as established earlier in Before the confirmation, the court retains
control of the proceedings

Lim Julian v. Lutero).
Execution of judgment subject to APPEAL
but not annulment
IV. Foreclosure of Mortgage (Art. 2085)  The foreclosure of the property is completed
only when the sheriff’s certificate is
FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE executed, acknowledged and recorded
It is the remedy available to the mortgagee by 334
which he subjects the mortgaged property to the The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to

satisfaction of the obligation secured by the the payment of the:
mortgage. a. Costs of the sale;
b. Amount due the mortgagee;
 In General: An action for foreclosure of a c. Claims of junior encumbrancers or
mortgage is limited to the amount mentioned persons holding subsequent mortgages
in the mortgage, EXCEPT when the in the order of their priority; and
mortgage contract intends to secure future d. Balance, if any shall be paid to the
loans or advancements mortgagor.
 BLANKET mortgage / DRAGNET–
mortgage that subsumes all debts of past or NATURE OF JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE
future origin PROCEEDINGS:
 Mortgage may be used as a “continuing 1. Quasi in rem action. Hence, jurisdiction may
security” which secures future be acquired through publication.
advancements and is not discharged by the 2. Foreclosure is only the result or incident of
repayment of the amount in the mortgage the failure to pay debt.
 Alienation or assignment of mortgage credit 3. Survives death of mortgagor.
is valid even if it is not registered
ACCELERATION CLAUSE, or the stipulation 3135)
stating that on the occasion of the mortgagor’s 1. Applies to mortgages where the authority to
default, the whole sum remaining unpaid foreclose is granted to the mortgagee.
automatically becomes due and demandable, is 2. Authority is not extinguished by death of
ALLOWED mortgagor or mortgagee. This is an agency
coupled with interest.
KINDS OF FORECLOSURE 3. Public sale should be made after proper
1. Judicial Foreclosure notice to the public, otherwise it is a
2. Extrajudicial Foreclosure jurisdictional defect which could render the
sale voidable.
JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE 4. There is no need to notify the mortgagor.
Rule 68, ROC: Proper notice consists of:
 May be availed of by bringing an action in a. posting notice in three public places
the proper court which has jurisdiction over and / or
the area wherein the real or personal (in b. publication in newspaper of general

circulation it is referred to as deficiency judgment.

c. purpose of notice is to obtain the best 3. Action for recovery of deficiency may be
bid for the foreclosed property filed even during redemption period.
5. Surplus proceeds of foreclosure sale belong 4. Action to recover prescribes after 10 years
to the mortgagor. from the time the right of action accrues.
6. Debtor (who must be a NATURAL
PERSON) has the right to redeem the EFFECT OF INADEQUACY OF PRICE IN
property sold within 1 year from and after FORECLOSURE SALE
the date of sale. 1. Where there is right to redeem, inadequacy
a. If the mortgagee is a bank and the of price is immaterial because the judgment
debtor is a juridical person, then there debtor may redeem the property.
is no right of redemption. However, it
may redeem the property BEFORE the Exception: Where the price is so inadequate
registration of the TCT to the buyer, as to shock the conscience of the court,
which is similar to the equity of taking into consideration the peculiar
redemption. The TCT must be circumstances.
registered within THREE MONTHS
after the foreclosure. 2. Property may be sold for less than its fair
b. The mortgagor can only legally transfer market value, upon the theory that the lesser
the right to redeem and the use of the the price the easier it is for the owner to
property during the period of redeem.
redemption. 3. The value of the mortgaged property has no
7. Remedy of party aggrieved by foreclosure is bearing on the bid price at the public
a petition to set aside sale and cancellation auction, provided that the public auction was
of writ of possession. However, if the regularly and honestly conducted. 335
mortgagee is a bank, the mortgagor is

required to post a bond equal to the value of WAIVER OF SECURITY BY CREDITOR
the mortgagee’s claim. 1. Mortgagee may waive right to foreclose his
8. Republication is of the notice of sale mortgage and maintain a personal action for
necessary for validity of postponed recovery of the indebtedness.
extrajudicial sale 2. Mortgagee cannot have both remedies.
9. In foreclosure of real estate mortgage under
Act 3135, the buyer at auction may petition REDEMPTION
the land registration court for a writ of 1. It is a transaction by which the mortgagor
possession pending the one-year period of reacquires the property which may have
redemption of the foreclosedproperty. passed under the mortgage or divests the
property of the lien which the mortgage may
Nature of power of foreclosure by have created
extrajudicial sale: 2. Kinds:
1. Conferred for mortgagee’s protection. a. Equity of redemption: in judicial
2. An ancillary stipulation. foreclosure of real estate mortgage
3. A prerogative of the mortgagee. under the ROC, it is the right of the
mortgagor to redeem the mortgaged
Note: property by paying the secured debt
a. Both should be distinguished from within the 120 day period from entry of
execution sale governed by Rule 39, judgment or after the foreclosure sale,
ROC. but before the sale of the mortgaged
b. Foreclosure retroacts to the date of property or confirmation of sale
registration of mortgage.  formal offer to redeem preserves the
c. A stipulation of upset price, or the right of redemption, e.g., by filing an
minimum price at which the property action to enforce the right to redeem
shall be sold to become operative in the
event of a foreclosure sale at public b. Right of redemption: in extrajudicial
auction, is null and void. foreclosure of real estate mortgage, the
right of the mortgagor to redeem the
RIGHT OF MORTGAGEE TO RECOVER property within a certain period after it
DEFICIENCY was sold for the satisfaction of the debt.
1. Mortgagee is entitled to recover deficiency.  For natural persons – one year from
2. If the deficiency is embodied in a judgment, the registration of the TCT

 For juridical persons – three months OBLIGATIONS OF ANTICHRETIC CREDITOR

from the foreclosure 1. to pay taxes and charges on the estate,
 Formal offer to redeem must be with including necessary expenses. Creditor may
tender of redemption price to avoid said obligation by:
preserve right of redemption a. compelling debtor to reacquire
enjoyment of the property
NOTE: There is no right of redemption in b. by stipulation to the contrary
pledge and chattel mortgage. 2. to apply all the fruits, after receiving them, to
the payment of interest, if owing, and
MEDIDA v CA: The rule up to now is that thereafter to the principal
the right of a purchaser at a foreclosure sale 3. to render an account of the fruits to the
is merely inchoate until after the period of debtor
redemption has expired without the right 4. to bear the expenses necessary for its
being exercised. The title to land sold under preservation and repair
mortgage foreclosure remains, in the
mortgagor or his grantee until the expiration REMEDIES OF CREDITOR IN CASE OF NON-
of the redemption period and conveyance by PAYMENT OF DEBT
the master's deed 1. action for specific performance
2. Petition for the sale of the real property as in
a foreclosure of mortgages under Rule 68 of
the Rules of Court
V. Antichresis a. The parties, however, may agree on an
extrajudicial foreclosure in the same
ANTICHRESIS is a contract whereby the manner as they are allowed in contracts
creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of of mortgage and pledge (Tavera v. El 336
an immovable of the debtor, with the obligation Hogar Filipino, Inc. 68 Phil 712)

to apply then to the payment of the interest, if b. A stipulation authorizing the antichretic
owing, and thereafter to the principal of the creditor to appropriate the property upon
credit (Art 2132) the non-payment of the debt within the
agreed period is void (Art. 2088)
1. Accessory contract – it secures the VI. Chattel Mortgage
performance of a principal obligation
2. formal contract – it must be in a specified
CHATTEL MORTGAGE is a contract by virtue
form to be valid (Art. 2134)
of which a personal property is recorded in the
SPECIAL REQUISITES: Chattel Mortgage Register as security for the
performance of an obligation.
1. it can cover only the fruits of an immovable
If the movable, instead of being recorded, is
2. delivery of the immovable is necessary for
delivered to the creditor, it is pledge and not
the creditor to receive the fruits and not that
chattel mortgage.
the contract shall be binding
3. amount of principal and interest must be
specified in writing
4. express agreement that debtor will give 1. Chattel Mortgage Law (Act.1508, as
possession of the property to creditor and amended).
2. New Civil Code.
that the latter will apply the fruits to the
3. Revised Administrative Code.
interest, if any, then to the principal of his
4. Revised Penal Code.
5. Ship Mortgage Decree of 1978 (PD 1521)
5. NOTE: The obligation to pay interest is not
of the essence of the contract of antichresis; governs mortgage of vessels of domestic
there being nothing in the Code to show that ownership.
antichresis is only applicable to securing the
 An oath in a contract of chattel mortgage
payment of interest-bearing loans. On the
contrary, antichresis is susceptible of
guaranteeing all kinds of obligations, pure or wherein the parties "severally swear that the
conditional mortgage is made for the purpose of
securing the obligation specified in the
conditions thereof and for no other purposes

and that the same is a just and valid RIGHT OF MORTGAGEE TO RECOVER
obligation and one not entered into for the DEFICIENCY
purpose of fraud. 1. Where mortgage foreclosed: Creditor may
maintain action for deficiency although the
EFFECT OF REGISTRATION Chattel Mortgage Law is silent on this point,
1. Creates real rights. because a chattel mortgage is given only as
2. Adds nothing to mortgage. a security and not as payment of the debt.
2. Where mortgage constituted as security for
Note: Registration of assignment of mortgage is purchase of personal property payable in
not required. installments: No deficiency judgment can be
asked and any contrary agreement shall be
1. When the condition of a chattel mortgage is 3. Where mortgaged property subsequently
broken, the following may exercise attached and sold: Mortgagee is entitled to
redemption: deficiency judgment in an action for specific
a. Mortgagor. performance.
b. Person holding a subsequent mortgage.
c. Subsequent attaching creditor. APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF SALE
2. An attaching creditor who so redeems shall 1. Costs and expenses of keeping and sale.
be subrogated to the rights of the mortgagee 2. Payment of the obligation.
and entitled to foreclose the mortgage in the 3. Claims of persons holding subsequent
same manner as a mortgagee. mortgages in their order.
3. Redemption is made by paying or delivering 4. Balance, if any, shall be paid to the
to the mortgagee the amount due on such mortgagor, or person holding rights under
mortgage and the costs and expenses him. 337
incurred by such breach of condition before

the sale.


1. Public sale.
2. Private sale – There is nothing illegal,
immoral or against public order in an
agreement for the private sale of the
personal properties covered by chattel

1. After 30 days from the time of the condition
is broken.
2. The 30-day period is the minimum period
after violation of the mortgage condition for
the creditor to cause the sale at public
auction with at least 10 days notice to the
mortgagor and posting of public notice of
time, place, and purpose of such sale, and is
a period of grace for the mortgagor, to
discharge the obligation.
3. After the sale at public auction, the right of
redemption is no longer available to the


1. Independent action to recover debt is not
2. However, mortgage lien is deemed
abandoned by obtaining a personal

5. Property held by the insolvent debtor as a

Chapter VIII. Concurrence and trustee of an express or implied trust, shall
Preference of Credits be excluded from the insolvency
II. Classification of Credits
1. Special preferred credits. (Art. 2241 and
2242, CC)
CONCURRENCE OF CREDIT implies a. Considered as mortgages or pledges of
possession by two or more creditors of equal real or personal property or liens within
right or privileges over the same property or all the purview of legal provisions
of the property of a debtor. governing insolvency.
b. Taxes due to the State shall first be
PREFERENCE OF CREDIT is the right held by satisfied.
a creditor to be preferred in the payment of his 2. Ordinary preferred credits (Art. 2244) –
claim above other out of the debtor’s assets. Preferred in the order given by law.
3. Common credits (Art. 2245) – Credits of any
other kind or class, or by any other right or
I. General Provisions
title not comprised in Arts. 2241- 2244 shall
1. The debtor is liable with all his property, enjoy no preference.
present and future, for the fulfillment of his
obligations, subjects to exemptions provided
III. Preference of Credits
by law.
1. Credits which enjoy preference with respect
Exempted property: to specific movables exclude all others to 338
a. Present property:
 Family home. (Arts. 152, 153 and
the extent of the value of the personal

property to which the preference refers.
155, CC)
 Right to receive support, as well as
2. If there are 2 or more credits with respect to
the same specific movable property, they
money or property obtained by such shall be satisfied pro rata, after the payment
support, shall not be levied upon on of duties, taxes and fees due the State or
attachment or execution. (Art. 205, any subdivision thereof
 Sec. 13, Rule 39, ROC.
3. Those credits which enjoy preference in

 Sec 118, Public Land Act. (CA 141,

relation to specific real property or real rights
exclude all others to the extent of the value
as amended) of the immovable or real right to which the
b. Future property: A debtor who obtains a preference refers.
discharge from his debts on account of 4. If there are 2 or more credits with respect to
insolvency, is not liable for the the same specific real property or real rights,
unsatisfied claims of his creditors with they shall be satisfied pro rata, after the
said property. (Sec. 68 and 69, payment of the taxes and assessment of the
Insolvency Law, Act 1956) taxes and assessments upon the immovable
c. Property in custodia legis and of public property or real right.
dominion. 5. The excess, if any, after the payment of the
2. Insolvency shall be governed by the credits which enjoy preference with respect
Insolvency Law. (Act 1956, as amended) to specific property, real or personal, shall
3. Exemption of conjugal property or absolute be added to the free property which the
community or property, provided that: debtor may have, for the payment of other
a. Partnership or community subsists. credits.
b. Obligations of the insolvent spouse have 6. Those credits which do not enjoy any
not redounded to the benefit of the preference with respect to specific property,
family. and those which enjoy preference, as to the
4. If there is co-ownership, and one of the co- amount not paid, shall be satisfied according
owners is the insolvent debtor, his undivided to the following rules:
share or interest in the property shall be a. Order established by Art 2244
possessed by the assignee in insolvency b. Common credits referred to in Art 2245
proceedings because it is part of his assets. shall be paid pro rata regardless of
-end of Credit Transactions -

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