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Assessment item 4 - Final Report, Presentation & Blog Progress Report

This assessment comprises of three tasks and requires you to communicate about your project
in both written and oral formats:
1. Task 1: Final Report 25%
In this task, you are required to present your final report that will discuss the results, findings,
conclusion and lessons learnt from the project undertaken. You will present your report as a
journal article, using the template provided by your lecturer. The Report must begin with an
Abstract section worth 5% and is a single paragraph (≤200 words) that summarizes the
significant aspects of the project. Typically the report will follow the headings and sections
using IEEE format that follows the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and
Discussion). This is a common structure to follow for a journal article of original research.
IMRAD refers to the use of the section headings as highlighted in bold below, but you can
ADD other section headings if required :
(Try to limit the title length to 10-12 words)
(The Abstract summarises the Introduction, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion. This
is worth 5% of the Task 1 mark of 25% and is a single paragraph (≤200 words)
(The Introduction section explains the background, a clear gap analysis and relevant research
(Methodology section usually explains the techniques used, in particular to the data collection
and data analysis to be carried out).
RESULTS (Results reveal relevant figures and facts. The results are supported by proper
textual explanations).
(Discussion of the results is designed logically to answer the research questions with a critical
(Conclusion reveals the flow of information from the discussion and it is coherent ending of
the findings and can signpost further research).
Acknowledgements (Optional)
(References are APA compliant. All references are cited in the text and the bibliographical
data is mentioned correctly. In-text citation is placed with the right format and in the right
2. Task 2: Seminar Presentation 20%
In this task, students are required to present their research as an oral, live to class or
prerecorded presentation as advised by your lecturer. Presenting a seminar also helps to
demonstrate that you have understood the project work that has been carried out. The
intended audience could be your peers as well as invited guests and academics.
The time has been deliberately limited to 10 minutes to force you into selecting the most
appropriate subset of information to present for this situation and you will be heavily
penalised if you take more than 15 minutes. According to your study mode, the seminar can
be done either of two ways:
1. pre-recorded video presentation - if studying online mode then technical production of the
audio and video is considered in lieu of question time.
2. live to a class of peers - if studying on campus, post Covid-19 restrictions, then question
time is not part of the presentation time.
NOTE: If doing a pre-recorded video presentation you can use either of the following
formats: MP4 file: Panopto (CSU Replay), ZOOM, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. OR Voice-over-
PowerPoint) and can store on a cloud site with a link shared with your lectures (preferably
embedded in the assessment task 1) for marking.
1. The seminar should be accompanied by appropriate audio/visual tools such as a set of
presentation slides or examples of hardware/software/systems that are necessary for the
audience to understand and follow your presentation.
2. On campus, students will be advised of the date and time of the presentation by their
3. TASK 3 Blog Progress Report - 5%
Your blog entries will be reviewed by the marker for regular postings and marks will be
awarded accordingly.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to apply project management and information and communication technologies
(ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone
• be able to demonstrate advanced communication skills in transmitting their capstone
experiences and ideas.
• be able to justify to an audience of peers any conclusions and professional decisions made
that contribute to creating new knowledge.
The Seminar Presentation may be marked using the following criteria which are all
weighted equally, using a scale of 0 to 5 where the values indicate that the particular criterion
was assessed as:
0 = totally unsatisfactory
1 = not met very well
2 = could be improved
3 = satisfactorily addressed
4 = met quite well
5 = excellent
It is expected that in most cases a satisfactory mark will be awarded. Higher marks will need
to be earned by producing genuinely better than satisfactory performance in that criterion.
The expected satisfactory standard is described below.

Presentation Seminar Checklist

The Presentation Seminar will achieve a satisfactory rating if using this as another
How well the key points were made:

✔ highlight the most important aspects of your presentation or leave the audience with a clear
impression of any message that you are trying to convey

Ability to communicate:

✔ talk in a clear and easily understood manner, use language that is appropriate for the
audience and vary the intonation and pace to emphasise particular aspects
Selection of appropriate aspects from the Capstone Report for the audience:

✔ choose the aspects of your investigations that are most relevant for this audience - choose a
depth of treatment that is appropriate for this audience
Keeping to the point of the presentation:

✔ stick to the point of the presentation and not introduce digressions that you may think of
during the presentation
Use of the available time:

✔ conclude your presentation close to the allocated 10 minutes and try not cram too much
into the presentation so that it is too rushed or runs too far over time - also alter the pace or
planned depth of treatment of some parts to remain on schedule
How well resources were used to support the presentation:

✔ use resources such as PowerPoint slides, handouts etc. to effectively support your
presentation and manage the resources so that the audience is not distracted by them from the
points you are trying to make
Organization of the presentation:

✔ arrange the components of your presentation in a logical sequence present information in

an appropriate way
Degree to which the speaker appeared to be expert in that topic:

✔ demonstrate a degree of confidence in the subject matter to convince the audience that you
know what you are talking about.
Audience engagement:
✔ look at the whole audience not just a small section, make eye contact with different parts
of the audience and recognize when your audience is not understanding what you are trying
to say and do something about it.
How well the video was made or the questions were handled in the live seminar:

✔ understand the question and if necessary engage in a dialogue to clarify the question -
provide an answer that satisfies the questioner.
Other Presentation Seminar Requirements

✔ Use references not older than three years.

✔ Only list references that you have cited within your report.

✔ Be sure to cite (in the text) any references that you have used.

✔ Use APA referencing style.

✔ Full marks will be awarded for high accuracy and excellent descriptions.

✔ Satisfactory answers will score up to 75% of the allocated marks.

✔ Deductions will be made for major omissions, errors and over use of quotes.

✔ Poor referencing will result in deductions to the total mark.

Either live in class for on-campus classes being offered in ITC571 or as pre-recorded video
presentation (MP4 file, YouTube, Vimeo, Panopto, ZOOM, Voice-over-PowerPoint etc.) for
online students of ITC571
1. Ensure that the Project Report is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and
complies with the University's requirements for academic integrity.
2. References must be cited in the text within brackets in numerical order, starting with [1]
and in APA7 style later in the References section.
3. NOTE: the content of the IEEE formatted Report can also be a the source for developing
the script or outline for the presentation seminar in Task 2.
Laptop/Desktop computer and stable internet connection.
Turnitin can be a helpful tool in checking your work before submission to ensure compliance
with university academic integrity policy. After you submit your draft to Turnitin for
selfchecking, you should look carefully at the originality report so that you can improve on
your use of sources. Your essay will be on the left side of the screen, and the matching color-
coded sources will be listed on the right. Then you can make the necessary changes to your
essay before you submit the final draft for marking.
You need to register with Turnitin to create a Student Account under the CSU Turnitin
Licence at (
Further information on how to use Turnitin can be found through the following link:
Assessment tasks that are NOT completed through the Subject site need to be submitted
electronically via Turnitin site by the due date. Turnitin class details for this subject will be
given by your lecturer.
Unless advised otherwise, all Turnitin submissions are due by midnight (AEST) of the date
specified. Please note that the time and the date of your Turnitin submission will be used to
determine your official submission time.
All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by
Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment requires the insertion of image-based
evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that
deliberately attempt to insert the content of assessments in a format that is not readable by
Turnitin may be subject to Academic misconduct investigations.
Additional Submission Information:
It is recommended that your name, student ID and page number are included in the header
or footer of every page of any assignment. You are also required to rename your assignment
file before you submit via Turnitin as per below protocol:
Example – ITC571 SI Adam 11554466 A4 202230.doc

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