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Clinical Anatomy 00:00–00 (2016)


Skeletal Manifestations of Tuberculosis

in Modern Human Remains
School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Parktown 2193, South Africa
Department of Anatomy, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X323, Arcadia 0007, South Africa

Paleopathologists study the presence of diseases in the past and as such have
a vast knowledge of skeletal changes associated with different conditions.
Tuberculosis is one of the most studied diseases and still remains a major
health problem today. Its manifestations in past populations have been
extensively described, but less is known about its bony involvement in the
post-antibiotic era. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and man-
ifestations of skeletal lesions in the post-antibiotic era in a South African sam-
ple and compare it to that found before the introduction of antibiotics.
Skeletons of 205 individuals from modern skeletal collections and who are
known to have died from TB were assessed. It was found that 39.2% of all
individuals dying in the post-antibiotic era showed skeletal changes that could
be associated with TB, while another 27.5% showed nonspecific changes. The
highest incidences were found in individuals who died after 1985, when co-
infection with HIV and drug resistance became common. While, as expected,
vertebral and rib changes were the most common, the number of individuals
who showed changes to the skull, and specifically intracranially, was surprising.
These could most probably be associated with TB meningitis, although this spe-
cific cause of death was noted in only a few individuals. It seems that individu-
als may be living longer as a result of long-term antibiotic use, leaving more
time for lesions to develop. Clin. Anat. 00:000–000, 2016. VC 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: tuberculosis; paleopathology; post-antibiotic; evolution of disease

INTRODUCTION tory, and general epidemiology have been extensively

Palaeopathologists aim, among other things, to elu- TB remains a massive problem world-wide, and in
cidate past incidences of disease and to study the South Africa, it is the leading cause of natural deaths
influence of disease on the history of populations and (Kanabus, 2011; Pillay et al., 2013). It has shown
mankind in general (Angel, 1981; Ortner, 2003). By considerable increases in the past few decades, not
studying old documents, human skeletal remains and least because of frequent co-infection with Human
other tissues from past populations, much can be Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). An estimated 14 mil-
learned about the natural progression of disease lion people world-wide were co-infected with HIV and
before the intervention of modern medicine, and in TB by 2012 (Pawlowski et al., 2012), making HIV the
the case of infectious diseases, antibiotics in particu-
lar. Although the study of diseases in antiquity has
obvious limitations such as difficulties in making an *Correspondence to: M. Steyn, School of Anatomical Sciences,
University of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Parktown 2193,
exact diagnosis, it has added much to our understand-
South Africa. E-mail: [email protected]
ing of human health and disease and the fragile bal-
ance between micro-organisms, their hosts and the Received 21 December 2015; Accepted 9 January 2016
environment. This is also true for tuberculosis (TB), a Published online in Wiley Online Library (
disease of which the origin, influence throughout his- DOI: 10.1002/ca.22688

V 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2 Steyn and Buskes

single most important risk factor for contracting TB. are now living longer with their TB as a result of
HIV is also frequently the cause of progression of dor- receiving antibiotic treatment, thus allowing more
mant disease into full-blown TB and causes rapid pro- time for skeletal lesions to develop. Similar to what
gression of the disease. HIV-related TB is the most was found in another study by Holloway et al. (2011),
common in sub-Saharan countries, making up 79% of it was also found that rib lesions are becoming more
such cases known world-wide (Naidoo et al., 2010). common, while spinal lesions seem to be decreasing.
TB is now also the most common cause of HIV-related The Holloway et al. (2011) study, however, was a
deaths, and occurs in at least one-third of HIV- meta-analysis of cases reported in the literature and
positive people in sub-Saharan Africa (Kanabus, did not include any remains from post-antibiotic con-
2011; Pillay et al., 2013). texts. It should be kept in mind that there are many
Knowledge of the past incidences and signs of TB factors that may play a role in the expression of this
as well its spread can help us to better understand disease. As is the case with many other diseases and
this condition. Some recent studies seem to point to micro-organisms, Mycobacterium tuberculosis under-
Africa as the original source of this disease (Daniel, goes continuous evolution (Barnes, 2005) and the co-
2006; Wirth et al., 2008; Bos et al., 2014), but in evolution of the disease and it host has most probably
South Africa there is currently no clear skeletal evi- also changed the expression of TB in the skeleton.
dence of its existence before contact with western TB in skeletal remains is most commonly character-
societies, and its emergence and spread seems to be ized by involvement of the vertebral bodies, with
mostly associated with the mining history of the coun- destructive lesions most often occurring in the ver-
try. Of course, the absence of evidence does not nec- tebral bodies of the thoracic and lumbar regions
essarily indicate evidence of absence (Roberts and (Resnick and Niwayama, 1988). The neural arches are
Buikstra, 2003). A possible but unconfirmed case of mainly unaffected (although they may play a role in
precontact TB in South Africa was found in the North- the healing of TB lesions; Holloway et al., 2013), and
West province and dates back to the late 1700s (Pis- the subsequent collapse of the vertebral bodies often
torius et al., 1998). Of the five archaeological cases leads to kyphosis of the spine commonly referred to
identified with possible TB in the Campbell and Acker- as Pott’s disease (Ortner, 2003; Roberts and Buikstra,
mann (2010) study, three were from post-contact 2003). Virtually any part of the skeleton can be af-
contexts, one was the male mentioned above from fected, but the most commonly affected regions
the North-West Province, while the other one was only include the ribs, sacro-iliac, femoral and knee joints,
indicated to be of rural context. or any other joint. However, as is commonly the prob-
TB and its manifestations in the human skeleton lem in paleopathology, lesions are often nonspecific,
have been studied extensively in past populations, but and it is difficult to find lesions that are truly patho-
much less is known about its expression in the skele- gnomonic of TB, or for that matter, any infectious dis-
ton in the post-antibiotic era and if, in fact, the intro- ease in skeletal remains (Wilbur et al., 2009). In the
duction of antibiotics changed its expression in any study by Steyn et al. (2013), it was found that nearly
way. A notable exception here is the study by Hollo- a quarter of individuals showed nonspecific lesions
way et al. (2013), that showed that bony tuberculous which could not directly be associated with TB, sug-
lesions can heal (especially following antibiotic treat- gesting that widespread skeletal involvement may
ment), and that this may complicate the diagnosis of occur but only later develop in lesions that could spe-
TB in skeletons as, usually, TB is not associated with cifically be associated with TB, or that coexistence
new bone formation but rather bony destruction. with other conditions is common.
Recently, Steyn et al. (2013) reported on trends in The Steyn et al. (2013) study was done on a rela-
bony involvement of skeletons from patients who are tively small sample (n5147) and only included individ-
known to have died from TB. In this study, skeletons uals from the Gauteng (northern) region of South
(n 5 147) from the northern region of South Africa Africa. The purpose of this article is twofold: first to
were studied and comparisons were drawn with report on the findings from an expanded sample
regard to the skeletal manifestations of TB between which also includes specimens from the southern part
individuals who died before the introduction of antibi- (Western Cape) of the country. These skeletons come
otics (estimated to be around 1950), and those who from a different context—although it is a somewhat
died thereafter. A group of individuals dying after sweeping assumption, the skeletons from the north-
1985, broadly judged as the time when co-infection ern region that end up in collections can most prob-
with HIV became common and drug resistance devel- ably often be associated with miners from the
oped, was also included. Gauteng region (thus slightly higher SES); the skele-
In the study by Steyn et al. (2013), it was found tons from the Cape are most probably of people of
that about one third of all skeletons showed signs that very low SES and there are no extensive mining activ-
could be associated with TB—this is much higher than ities in this region. Unfortunately, little is known about
the 2–4% that is generally reported in the literature the background of the individuals in these collections,
(Vigorita, 2008; Holloway et al., 2011), but it should and assumptions on life style can only be made in a
of course be kept in mind that these are people who broad context. It is not sure if this, in itself will make
have died from TB and do not represent the patient a difference, but the Western Cape remains may to
cohort at large. Skeletal involvement increased from some extent reflect the skeletal expression of people
the pre-antibiotic period (around 21.1% of individu- of extremely low SES, possibly plagued by malnutri-
als), to 38.2% and 41.0% in the pre- and post-1985 tion and often with high levels of alcohol consumption
skeletons, respectively. It was proposed that people (Schneider et al., 2007). The second aim of the article
Skeletal Manifestations of TB in Modern Human Remains 3

TABLE 1. Western Cape and Gauteng Combined Sample: Frequency Distribution of Individuals Showing
No Signs of TB (No Skeletal Involvement), Nonspecific Signs of Infectious Disease and Signs of TB

Total N N (Unaffected) N (Nonspecific) N (TB)

Pre-1950 52 29 (55.8%) 12 (23.1%) 11 (21.1%)
1950–1985 63 27 (42.9%) 18 (28.6%) 18 (28.6%)
Post-1985 90 24 (26.7%) 24 (26.7%) 42 (46.7%)
Total 205 80 (39.0%) 54 (26.3%) 71 (34.6%)

is to reflect on some of the skeletal changes observed antibiotic treatment, those who died between 1950
in the skeletons from the post-antibiotic era and and 1985 assumed to have been treated with antibiot-
assess whether these are generally the same as those ics, and those who died after 1985 when co-infection
observed in pre-antibiotic specimens. with HIV and drug-resistant TB emerged. The date
1950 is used as post-antibiotic as Streptomycin was
introduced in the late 1940s and 1985 is used (some-
MATERIALS AND METHODS what arbitrarily) because the first cases of drug-
resistant TB and co-infection with HIV in South Africa
The study included skeletons from collections at were reported around that time (Steyn et al., 2013).
the University of Pretoria (The Pretoria Bone Collec- Unfortunately, all of the Western Cape skeletons dated
tion; L’Abbe et al., 2005), University of the Witwaters-
from the antibiotic period. Results from the various
rand (Raymond A Dart Collection; Dayal et al., 2009), time periods were then compared by means of a Chi-
University of Stellenbosch (Kirsten Collection), and squared analysis. Assessments were also made with
the University of Cape Town. These collections are regard to where lesions occurred, and if the same pat-
cadaver based, and mostly include individuals who are terns of skeletal involvement occurred in the different
unclaimed and are, therefore, donated to the univer- groups.
sities by various hospitals. They are all known individ-
uals, with known age, sex, and cause of death.
Skeletons of individuals reported to have died from RESULTS
TB were analyzed. The sample from Gauteng included
147 individuals (134 males and 13 females) (Steyn As is often the case with paleopathological investi-
et al., 2013), whereas the Western Cape sample gations, it is very difficult to assign a lesion to a spe-
included 58 individuals and comprised 43 males and cific disease. In this study all cases were donated
15 females. All available individuals were used regard- from hospitals and had firm diagnoses of TB, but
less of their age, sex, and ancestry but were not nevertheless all lesions could not directly be ascribed
included if the remains were very incomplete or frag- to TB as one should keep in mind that these individu-
mentary. As these collections are of modern individu- als may have been malnourished (contributing to sub-
als and cadaver-based, preservation was in most periosteal bone deposition) or may also have suffered
cases excellent. from other diseases including treponemal disease and
The skeletons were systematically analyzed and HIV (with nothing known about the skeletal signs of
signs that could be associated with infectious disease HIV, other than assuming that HIV in itself will prob-
were documented. No bone samples were taken and ably not lead to specific bony changes, but rather that
no destructive analyses were performed. Skeletal ele- any changes may be due to the opportunistic infec-
ments were scored as present or absent. Similar to tions associated with this condition). Unfortunately all
the methodology followed by Steyn et al. (2013), all Western Cape individuals in the collection (n 5 58)
observed lesions were judged as to whether they died after 1950, but were equally distributed between
could be due to TB. As pointed out before, it is very pre- and post-1985 specimens.
difficult to diagnose any specific disease and thus it In the combined sample, with all cases from both
was also difficult to determine whether a lesion is due regions, it can be seen that individuals with skeletal
to TB or not and many lesions could only be classified signs of TB increased from 21.1% in the pre-antibiotic
as nonspecific. These mostly comprised periostitis, period to 28.6% (individuals dying 1950–1985) to
often observed on the long bones. New bone forma- 46.7% (individuals dying after 1985) (Table 1). The
tion/plaques on the visceral surfaces of ribs or rib overall increase seen in skeletal lesions associated with
expansion (Pfeiffer, 1991), lytic lesions of the verte- TB is mostly statistically significant (pre-1950 and
brae and clear joint destruction or other lytic lesions 1950–1985: v2 value 5 0.831, P 5 0.362; pre-1950 and
were classified as lesions being due to TB. TB mostly post-1985: v2 value 5 9.170, P 5 0.0025; 1950–1985
causes destructive lesions, with limited new bone for- and post-1985: v2 value 5 5.091, P 5 0.0241). In addi-
mation (Ortner, 2003), although attempts at healing tion to these, about one quarter of all other individuals
especially in the post-antibiotic era can complicate the had other signs of skeletal involvement, mostly com-
assessment (Holloway et al., 2013). prising nonspecific periostitis on long bones.
The sample was divided into three groups based on This increase in bony involvement is especially
their date of death—those who died before 1950 obvious in the Western Cape group (Table 2), where
(1925–1949) and who probably did not receive any only 17.2% of individuals dying from 1950 to 1985
4 Steyn and Buskes

TABLE 2. Frequency Distribution of Individuals Who Showed no Skeletal Signs of Disease, Those With
Nonspecific Signs of Disease and Those With Skeletal Signs of TB in the Specific Eras in the Western
Cape Sample Only

Total N N (Unaffected) N (Nonspecific) N (TB)

1950–1985 29 (50%) 14 (48.3%) 10 (34.5%) 5 (17.2%)
Post-1985 29 (50%) 3 (10.3%) 9 (31.0%) 17 (58.6%)
Total 58 17 (29.3%) 19 (32.8%) 22 (%)

showed signs of skeletal TB, increasing to 58.6% in cranial vault, of which some may possibly have been
those dying after 1985 (v2 value 5 10.068, P 5 0.0015 the result of other diseases (e.g., lesions resembling a
between Affected vs. Unaffected individuals; v2 5 gummatous lesion possibly resulting from treponemal
13.646; P 5 0.0002 between TB specific lesions vs. disease). A case with extensive periostitis on the out-
unaffected individuals.) In this group, about one third side of the skull on one side and a destructive lytic
of other individuals showed non-specific signs of infec- lesion on the other side is shown in Figure 1. One
tious disease. Overall, taking all individuals with TB in case of intra-cranial involvement appeared to have
the post-1950 era into account, no statistically signifi- originated from a possible otitis media as the destruc-
cant differences were found between the Western tive lesion is situated in the petrous bone (Fig. 2).
Cape and Gauteng groups for TB-specific individuals Quite frequently, though, and observed in 9 cases,
(v2 value 5 0.875; P 5 0.3496). were extensive destruction of the cranial base (Figs. 3
In the Steyn et al. (2013) study, it was proposed and 4; see also Fig. 4 in Steyn et al. 2013). In only
that there may be an increase in rib lesions (occurring one of these cases was the posterior cranial fossa
in 23.8% of all individuals; in 20% of post antibiotic involved, whereas in the others the middle and ante-
individuals but becoming more frequent if only individ- rior cranial fossae were affected. The severe and
uals with skeletal changes are taken into account) and destructive nature of these lesions is clear from these
a decrease in vertebral lesions (occurring in 8.8% of two images.
all individuals; in 4.2% of post-antibiotic individuals) Surprisingly, a high frequency (n 5 6; 11.5% out of
with time. This trend was not so clear in the Cape skel- the 52 with mandibles) of mandibular condyle des-
etons where overall 27.6% of individuals had rib truction was observed in one or both sides. In some
involvement and 13.8% had spinal involvement. of these cases, the individual was edentulous which
These individuals were all post-antibiotic and this may have contributed to the destruction of the man-
observation needs to be followed up with larger dibular condyle, and it also seems unlikely that TB of
samples. the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) would occur on
An unexpected observation was the frequent both sides. In the case shown in Figure 5 (a 33-year-
involvement of the skull, with overall 10 individuals old male with teeth), however, it seems likely that the
(7.0%; 142 individuals with skulls) from Gauteng and changes are due to TB. This individual has complete
6 individuals (10.0%; 50 individuals with skulls) from destruction of the right mandibular condyle, with sur-
the Western Cape with some sort of cranial lesion (for rounding periostitis. Few sources reported on the
this calculation it should be kept in mind that some involvement of the TMJ and TB in paleopathology
skulls were absent). Of these lesions, six were on the while in contrast, some cases have been reported in
the clinical literature. It is rare that the TMJ is affected

Fig. 1. Destructive, lytic lesion in the cranial vault of Fig. 2. Intracranial lesion possibly originating from
individual A175 (50-year-old male). [Color figure can be otitis media (40-year-old male; case number AN 881).
viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonline [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is] available at]
Skeletal Manifestations of TB in Modern Human Remains 5

Fig. 5. Destruction of the mandibular condyle in a

Fig. 3. Destruction of the anterior and middle cranial 33-year-old male (case AN 429); date of death 1976.
fossae in a 37-year-old male (Case 03-88; date of death Note the complete destruction of the condyle, with perios-
1988). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, teal reaction surrounding it. [Color figure can be viewed
which is available at] in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.

by TB due to the absence of abundant cancellous

bone in the mandible (Karjodkar et al., 2012). The In general, destruction of joints was rarely seen in
clinical literature, however, describes it as erosion or our sample, but if present could involve any of the
destruction of the condyle which can be visualized large joints with no clear pattern seen. An example of
with CT scans and the presence of TB was then con- severe destruction of the femoral/hip joint is shown in
firmed with histology (Prasad et al., 2007; Patel et al., Figure 6. Tuberculous lesions are uncommon on the
2012). The diagnosis depends on the physician and shafts of long bones, but Figure 7 shows a very inter-
some consider it to be tuberculous osteomyelitis (Kar- esting case of a lytic lesion in the shaft of the ulna. A
jodkar et al., 2012; Sheikh et al., 2012), while others sequestrum (dead piece of bone) can clearly be seen
consider it to be extra-pulmonary TB (Prasad et al., in the centre of this lesion, with surrounding bone
2007; Helbling et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2012). showing attempts at repair and periosteal reaction.

Fig. 4. Destruction of the middle cranial fossa in a Fig. 6. Destruction in a hip joint (38 year old male; AN
46-year-old male (Case 55-08; date of death 2008). 881; date of death 1988). [Color figure can be viewed in
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.
available at] com.]
6 Steyn and Buskes

rare site of skeletal involvement, mostly occurring in

young adults and mostly on the cranial vault (Aufder-
heide and Rodriguez-Martin, 1998; Ortner, 2003). It
was also interesting to note that in only two of the
cases with intracranial involvement from Gauteng,
was TB meningitis recorded as the cause of death,
whereas it was not reported as cause of death in any
of the Western Cape cases. These lesions in the post-
antibiotic group was relatively more common in the
Western Cape group, where it is known that there are
high reported incidences of TBM (at least in children)
and also much drug resistance.
Most knowledge of the pathogenesis of TB meningi-
tis stems from the work of Rich and McCordock
(1993), where they used rabbits and guinea pigs to
Fig. 7. Lesion in shaft of distal ulna. The arrow indi- show that simple hematogenous spread of TB bacilli
cates a sequestrum, surrounded by new bone formation did not lead to TBM but direct inoculation into the cen-
(32-year-old female, AN 276). [Color figure can be viewed tral nervous system was needed. It was discovered
in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary. that a meningeal focus was able to grant the bacilli
com.] access to the subarachnoid space and thereby induce
meningitis. This focus became known as the “Rich
focus”, which is a caseating vascular lesion located in
DISCUSSION the cortex of the brain or the meninges (Rock et al.,
2008). It is thus thought that Rich foci follow a vascu-
Severe destructive lesions of bone, resulting from
lar pattern and therefore bacteremia—the presence of
TB, are commonly associated with historic or prehis-
viable bacilli in the circulating blood (Rippey, 1994)—
toric specimens, but it is seldom that one considers
leads to dissemination of the TB bacilli. Highly oxygen-
the extent and implications of these in modern indi- ated areas of the body are frequently involved includ-
viduals. From this study, it is clear that skeletal lesions ing the brain and the development of a Rich focus in
frequently occur in modern cases of TB, despite the the brain, spine or meninges marks the beginning of
antibiotic treatment. This is contrary to our expecta- TBM (Rock et al., 2008; Shankaragouda et al., 2013).
tions that antibiotic treatment should reduce this The rupture of a Rich focus leads to the clinical mani-
extensive spread of the disease. In fact, it seems that festations of TBM. It has also been found that tumour
skeletal involvement may be becoming more fre- necrosis factor (TNF-a), which plays a role in granula-
quent, as the figures reported here show a rise in the tion formation of TB, alters the blood-brain-barrier
involvement of the skeleton, and are also higher than permeability and along with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
that reported in the literature on historic cases (Hollo- leukocytosis, may enhance the progression of TBM
way et al., 2011). It is well known that there is a high (Rippey, 1994; Rock et al., 2008). TB bacilli may repli-
incidence of noncompliance regarding the completion cate inside macrophages once ingested and within the
of antibiotic treatment, and this may in fact lead to an CNS, microglial cells are the resident macrophages
increase in skeletal lesions with partial healing taking and thus immunosuppressive effects may be induced.
place in some individuals. One should also possibly Thus, it has been postulated that bacilli may traverse
consider the effectiveness of current antibiotic treat- across the endothelial barrier or may enter the subar-
ments, and the fact that they may not penetrate bone achnoid space via passage of infected macrophages
sufficiently. If patients do not complete their medica- (Rock et al., 2008).
tion, the possibility should be considered that bony Once bacilli gain access to the subarachnoid space,
lesions may not have cleared up completely and that gelatinous exudates form and are most frequently
the disease may reactivate from there. It should be found in the interpeduncular fossa, the anterior supra-
noted that in this study no attempt was made to dis- sellar region and it may extend throughout the pre-
tinguish between healed, healing and active lesions. pontine cistern and surround the spinal cord (Rock
Other reasons for the high incidence of TB associ- et al., 2008). These exudates may also be found in
ated lesions in this study may include changes in the basilar areas due to the normal flow of CSF—thus
strain lineages, as well as the co-infection with HIV. possibly explaining the involvement of the cranial
As mentioned in Steyn et al. (2013), it is possible that base seen in this study. TBM is also frequently associ-
mixed infections (as experienced in HIV) may change ated with miliary TB which may indicate a pathoge-
the host resistance and thus lead to different clinical netic relationship. The presence of miliary TB in TBM
presentations of the disease. What is clear, though, is was concluded to increase the probability that a Rich
that many of the lesions seen are quite extensive and focus will develop and rupture (van den Bos et al.,
destructive, and would contribute considerably to the 2004).
suffering of the patient. In summary, it has been postulated that TBM is due
The high incidence of cranial lesions, and specifi- to the hematogenous spread of bacilli from a primary
cally of the anterior and middle cranial fossae, is inter- complex, which then forms a Rich focus and subse-
esting and can most probably be associated with TB quently proceeds to caseate and release its contents
meningitis (TBM). The skull is usually reported as a into the subarachnoid space; alternatively a Rich focus
Skeletal Manifestations of TB in Modern Human Remains 7

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